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Ron Paul position on five key issues: Views on Immigration and Border Control Ron Paul greatly discourages

immigration through crossing borders illegally. In order to prevent illegal immigration, Ron Paul encourages a six-point plan which physically secures the United States borders, creates stronger Visa rules, calls for no amnesty, prevents illegal aliens from obtaining welfare, ends birthright citizenship, and passes more effective immigration reformation. Furthermore, he greatly disapproves of a national ID card system. He believes the entire nation should be dedicated to protecting the rights and benefits of its people, and in order to achieve this, he proposes that the United States should protect its middle class. The main issue is that illegal immigrants tend to take jobs from the middle class because they are hired more frequently for their lower wages and poorer job conditions. This creates a situation where revenues of money are taken from the middle class to immigrants, who are not even American citizens. Ron Paul greatly believes in battling this injustice and protecting the rights and liberty of the middle-class.

Economy With the current economic crisis, many American are struggling to survive while issues like unemployment and inflation run rampant. In order to solve the nations financial struggle, Ron Paul proposes converting the nations current currency into gold currency. By changing to gold currency, inflation can be prevented by limiting the Federal Reserves power to create flat money, money which can easily create inflation or depression. The Federal Reserve continues to create more and more money to accommodate and support itself. In the process, it develops a nation where the poor continues to become poorer and the rich become much richer. Therefore, with gold currency, American currency will have sustenance, which will be able to support the United States and prevent it from sinking further into depression. Likewise, Ron Paul proposes the end of income taxes and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). He believes that income taxes are unconstitutional and allows Congress to have too much power than what the constitution allows them to. Since the United States of America had prospered without income tax and developed into a great nation without income tax, Ron Paul believes that the United States will still prosper without this source of revenue. Also, he believes that income taxes create a situation where the federal government becomes too powerful and invades the private lives of the American citizens. In order to battle the income tax, Ron Paul advocates the repealing of the 16th Amendment, allowing prosperity and liberty through his Liberty Amendment.

Views on the War on Iraq and Terrorism Ron Paul proposes his America First program, which features a slightly more isolationist policy for America. In this program, the hunt for the 9/11 terrorists will still continue, in order to protect Americans from further devastations. Also, he promises to the pull the remaining troops in Iraq and all around the world. Greatly discouraging war, Ron Paul opposes the war in Iraq and in other Middle Eastern nation. Under this program, American will not intervene with other nations, allowing Americas rocky relationship with other nations to recover and prosper. With such domestic issues dominated American society, America should take its priority to recover and prosper rather than intervening unnecessarily and falling into further debt.

Base of support and sources of opposition: Ron Paul gets most of his support from college and university students. Despite their youthful age, his supporters are very dedicated and organized, passionately following Ron Paul and his conservative ideologies. However, most of his source of opposition comes from surprisingly the Republican Party. Most liberals and Republicans despise his very conservative and by-theconstitution rationale. His conservative ideals are so extreme, that many Republicans feel threatened by his proposals.

Recent quotation about the candidate from opposing commenter Considering the shape the United States, we need a competitive person, a highly competent person" Donald Trump Recent Quotation from the candidate from a speech or an interview

The purpose of all political activity from my view point is to promote liberty. Liberty is the most important element, liberty comes from our creator, it doesnt come from our government. If we have a free society, we can go about our business and do our very best work toward virtuous

things and work toward excellence. When government takes over the role of making us virtuous and making us excellent and redistributing the wealth, they only do it at the expense of liberty, and thats why were in such terrible shape today, its because weve allowed the government to be so much involved. Ron Paul - Full Speech At CPAC 2011 - The Brushfires Of Freedom Are Burning

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Link to site: NY Times and other articles: partner=rss&emc=rss Three Questions to Ask Ron Paul 1. Without income tax, where will the government revenue come from? 2. What is your top priority? What is the first thing you will accomplish if you become the next president? 3. How long do you suppose that the United States will get over the depression, if you were to become the next president? Polling information Ron Paul won the presidential straws polls, pulling in about 30% of support through a total of 963,719 votes.

Analysis on the Potential Election of Ron Paul Many political observers, such as Trey Grayson, director of the Institution of Politics in Harvard Kennedy School, believe that Ron Paul does not have an extremely high chance of winning the elections; however, they predict that the great popularity and funding of his campaigns will allow him to be catch the attention of the American public with his controversial ideas and goals. Most political observers agree that the main reason Ron Paul has a low chance of nomination is because of the extreme methods proposed to tackle major national issues such as the economy, the war in the Middle East, and governmental spending.

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