SMS Gateway - Database User, MySQL

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SMS Gateway - Database user, MySQL

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SQL to SMS Gateway configuration - MySQL overview

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Standard user SMPP user Database user MSSQL MySQL

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How to send and receive SMS from MySQL

In this chapter you can learn how to configure the SMS gateway to be able to send and receive SMS messages using a MySQL database server. You will be provided with the installation steps, the configuration details such as the database connection string, database connection type, and with the recommended database table layout. To be able to send and receive SMS from a MySQL database you will need to install the MyODBC driver to your computer. This driver can be downloaded from the MySQL website. We recommended to use MyODBC v5.1, because it supports unicode characters. After the MyODBC driver has been installed on the computer, you need to configure a database user in the SMS Gateway. During the configuration the database connection type, you should choose is:

MyODBC v5 Database layout MyODBC driver installation

Oracle Sybase SQL Anyw here PostgreSQL Pervasive SQL Date Format Strings Scheduled SMS SQL templates Informix Access Video Connection string builder Keyw ords Batch processing SQL statements Polling technology Dynamic Keyw ords Dynamic SMPP parameters AutoreplyDatabase user Autoreply user AutoReplyEasy user File user E-mail user HTTP Client user Colour SMS user Appstarter user SMS Voting Outlook Mobile Service FTP user PDF user WCF Client User Forw arder user


The database connection string you should use is:

Drive r={MySQ L O DBC 5.1 Drive r};Se rve r=;Database =oze k ism s;Use r=oze k i;Password=abc123;O ption=4;

Please note that the database connection string should be modified to match your database. You should replace the "" ip address to the hostname or ip address of your database server. Replace "ozekisms" to the name of you database. Replace "ozeki" and "abc123" to the username and password that can be used to connect to your database server. The connection string and the connection type should be entered on the Database user configuration form.


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If you wish to get further information, do not hesitate to contact us! E-mail: If you have a technical question, please submit a support request on-line. Figure 1 - Specifying the connection string for the MySQL database After the database user has been configure in the SQL SMS gatway, the only thing left to do is to create the database tables ozekimessageout and ozekimessagin in your MySQL database. We recommend you to use the following table layout: MySQL create table script:

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SMS Gateway - Database user, MySQL

CREATE TABLE ozekimessagein ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, sender varchar(30) default NULL, receiver varchar(30) default NULL, msg text default NULL, senttime varchar(100) default NULL, receivedtime varchar(100) default NULL, operator varchar(100) default NULL, msgtype varchar(160) default NULL, reference varchar(100) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) charset=utf8; ALTER TABLE ozekimessagein ADD INDEX (id) ; CREATE TABLE ozekimessageout ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, sender varchar(30) default NULL, receiver varchar(30) default NULL, msg text default NULL, senttime varchar(100) default NULL, receivedtime varchar(100) default NULL, reference varchar(100) default NULL, status varchar(20) default NULL, msgtype varchar(160) default NULL, operator varchar(100) default NULL, errormsg varchar(250) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) charset=utf8; ALTER TABLE ozekimessageout ADD INDEX (id);

It is strongly recommended to maintain an index in the database for the 'id' field of the outgoing SMS table to support faster SQL updates.

If you wish you can add additional columns or you can modify these database tables. If you do please review the SQL templates used by the SMS gateway to make sure they will be compatible with the customized database table layout. Dig deeper! People who read this also read... Database User MyODBC v5 Database layout MyODBC drivers installation FAQ

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