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MUNDO OBRERO Dos lados de la crisis 12

Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite!

April 23, 2009 Vol. 51, No. 16 50¢

Supreme Court denies review

struggle intensifies
to free MuMia
By Betsey piette

Reaction to the Supreme Court’s denial

peNtAgoN tArgetS AfriCA .

Why Somalis seize ships

on April 6 of a new trial for Mumia Abu-
Jamal based on charges of racism in his
1982 court proceedings was swift and
Members of International Concerned
By Abayomi Azikiwe the Danish-owned 17,000-ton Maersk
Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
editor, pan-African News Wire Alabama about 450 kilometers off the
and their supporters quickly took to the
If you read Batson and you read my case coast, told the French Press Agency (AFP)
internet and airwaves to get out word
it’s almost as if you’re in two different uni- After the execution of three Somalis and on April 13 from the eastern coastal town
about the impact of this decision and call
verses, and in fact you are.” the wounding and capturing of another in of Eyl, “The American liars have killed our
for meetings to organize the next stage in
Abu-Jamal continued, “There have the Indian Ocean on April 12, a leader of friends after they agreed to free the hos-
the struggle to win justice for this world-
always been different rules for Black peo- the so-called pirates vowed to avenge the tage without ransom. But I tell you that
renowned political prisoner still sitting on
ple. If you read Batson, what will surprise deaths of these youth who held the U.S. this matter will lead to retaliation, and we
Pennsylvania’s death row.
people who have never done so, is it has captain of a cargo vessel known as the will hunt down particularly American citi-
Regular programming at WBAI New
nothing to do with the accused, the defen- Maersk Alabama for five days. Captain zens travelling our waters.”
York was preempted on April 9 for a spe-
dant, the personal trial. Batson, in its own Richard Phillips was released while the Garad went on to say, “We will intensify
cial broadcast featuring Pam Africa, coor-
terms, says it protects the rights of those U.S. military and the corporate media our attacks even reaching very far away
dinator of ICFFMAJ; Linn Washington
people who are allegedly American citi- hailed the killings of the Somalis, saying from Somalia waters and next time we get
Jr., Philadelphia Tribune columnist and
zens who are denied the right to serve as the actions were justified. American citizens ... they [should] expect
Temple University professor of journal-
jurors. The Maersk Alabama was never taken no mercy from us.” Garad claimed that
ism; and Vincent Southerland, assistant
“That’s what it says. But how does it do over by the Somalis, even though the cap- after dropping the ransom demand, the
counsel at the NAACP Legal Defense
that when it allows people to be removed tain remained in the custody of the pirates Somalis had asked that Captain Phillips be
after Batson became law for spurious rea- for five days. The captain was not harmed moved to a Greek ship held by the group.
Hosted by Suzanne Ross of the N.Y.
sons? Batson can be bested and beaten by during the five-day standoff, and the ship Jamac Habeb, a 30-year-old Somali
Free Mumia Coalition, the program also
exactly the way the D.A. said it could–by was later docked at the port of Mombasa from the town of Eyl, stated in Inside
aired a live interview with Abu-Jamal
lying–and getting up and saying, ‘No, we in the East African nation of Kenya. Somalia on April 13, “From now on, if we
by Noelle Hanrahan of the Prison Radio
didn’t have any racist reason.’ Listen to the Abdi Garad, a spokesperson for the capture foreign ships and their respec-
Project. (
D.A. training video tape by Jack McMann group of Somalis that attempted to seize Continued to page 11
Asked about the Supreme Court’s deni-
al of his appeal, Abu-Jamal stated, “If it [1986] and if that doesn’t tell you all you
is the Batson issue, then it shows that need to know you’re either deaf, dumb or
precedent means nothing; that the law
is politics by other means; and that the
Constitution means nothing; that a fair The ‘Mumia exception’ BOLIVIA’S -
jury means nothing. Vincent Southerland explained what the
“It’s been three decades. When I was
at the pre-trial hearing before Judge
Supreme Court’s decision was about—that
Abu-Jamal was challenging the discrimi- WORKERS eCoNoMiC -
Sabo and he denied the motion, I knew
then that he wasn’t working with the
natory selection of jurors during his 1982
trial and that he was basing that challenge
Evo Morales leads CollaPse -
Constitution. It did surprise me. It really on a number of facts that happened dur- hunger strike 9 With more to come 5
shocked me because I’d read the cases, ing the course of that trial.
and I knew what the law was. Southerland said, “Before a trial begins,

May Day Rally

“I knew what the law books said the both the defense and prosecutor have an
law was. I learned then that they’re not opportunity to choose jurors they feel
going by that kind of law and apparently would be fair and impartial. Both have

FriDAY May 1st 2009

they’re not going by that kind of law now. Continued to page 6

struGGle Birds, HaBitat Union SqUaRe

Vs. raCisM iMPeriled Assemble 12 Noon
U.S. gov't boycotts 14th St. & Broadway, Manhattan
How capitalism kills 8
Geneva conference 7 Music and Performances 4 pm
March to 26 Fed'l Pl. 5:30 pm

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NYPD brutality 3
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Page 2 April 23, 2009

Gary Schaefer
a worker who fought racism, imperialism H In the U.S.
Struggle intensifies TO FREE MUMIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

By Sharon Eolis and Sue Davis Gary Schaefer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Labor resolution: ‘Free the SF8!’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Gary Schaefer came to Youth Against War & Fascism, New School occupiers met with NYPD brutality. . . . . . . . 3
the youth group of Workers World Party, in 1968, a tumul-
Elderly Black man victim of killer cops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
tuous time when the Black liberation and anti-imperialist
struggles were on the rise. The Vietnamese led by Ho Chi Crisis for women in poverty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Minh were in the process of driving out the U.S. invad- Clinic Access Bill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
ers, while the Black Panther Party and the Young Lords On the picket line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
were organizing in the oppressed communities. Many
Figures show crisis is global and worsening. . . . . . . . . . 5
were attracted to YAWF’s anti-war militancy, but
what was unusual about Gary, during this period, Protesters say no to utility shutoffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
was that he was an anti-racist worker. Mumia: If not now, when?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
“Gary was born into a union family, and he African-American Historian John Hope Franklin. . . . . . . . 7
stayed true to unionism and to his class his entire
What can stop birds' decline? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
life. Gary was always a guy you could depend
upon,” Bill Kaessinger told Workers World. H Around the world
Kaessinger worked with Gary in Teamsters Local
Why Somalis seize ships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
10 at RCA Communications, where Gary was a
shop steward. He remembered the valuable role Union wins contract with Wal-Mart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Gary played in strikes in 1966 and 1976. He was Gary Schaefer and Consuela Lee, 2000.
WW photo: Monica Moorehead
Int’l Conference Against Racism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
“always available and always agreeable to do Cuba news roundup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
whatever was asked of him,” whether serving as a picket One of the key issues that Gary always raised at inter-
Evo Morales ends hunger strike with victory. . . . . . . . . . 9
captain or running the strike headquarters. nal meetings was the need for comrades to be sensitive
Gary may have inherited unionism from his father, to one other. Maybe that was because he was so aware Conversations at an int’l seminar in Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . 9
Raymond Schaefer, who was Secretary/Treasurer of Local of the need for sensitivity on the job or because he him- Koreans tour U.S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
10, but he learned about the importance of fighting rac- self was sensitive. Although he was born with a disability Iraqis to U.S. after six years: ‘Get out’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
ism and the need for political activism from his mother, due to cerebral palsy, his parents always treated him as
U.S. behind fraudulent election in Haiti. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Veronica Schaefer. He talked about attending anti-racist though he were able-bodied. Gary’s fiercely independent
activities and anti-nuclear SANE marches in the 1950s spirit helped him weather heart disease and diabetes. H Editorials’”
with her. Gary died of a heart attack on March 28 in Jersey City,
Socialism or capitalism? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
In the early 1970s YAWF Women set up a Saturday N.J., about a month before his 65th birthday.
child care program to enable women to participate in A devoted people watcher, Gary was a raconteur. He H Noticias En Español
political activity. Gary was proud to be one of the regular loved kids, he loved the Knicks and the New York Giants,
Dos lados de la crisis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
childcare providers. When the party set up a committee he loved to dance, and he loved jazz. He was a devoted
to do local organizing, Gary was the only shift worker on supporter of Snow Hill Institute for the Performing Arts,
it, and he was able to bring a worker’s consciousness to located in Alabama’s Black Belt. The institute was run for
the discussions. In fact, Sam Marcy, founding chair of almost 25 years by jazz pianist and composer, Consuela
Workers World
the party, noted that Gary came to the party as an anti- Lee, who encouraged Black children to appreciate their
55 West 17 Street
racist worker, but after being in the party he became anti- cultural heritage by teaching them to play jazz.
New York, N.Y. 10011
imperialist. “Some who leave our movement retain in greater or
Phone: (212) 627-2994
Gary put that into practice during two trips to Cuba, less degree what they felt and learned,” Milt Neidenberg,
Fax: (212) 675-7869
where he defied the U.S. blockade. During the second trip long-time union leader and founding member of WWP,
in 2001, he marched in the May Day parade and celebrat- told Workers World. “Others, like Gary, leave for a time,
ed his birthday on May 2 by attending the national meet- all the while holding close their communist beliefs and
their love for and identification with all those who suffer Vol. 51, No. 16 • April 23, 2009
ing of the Cuban Federation of Workers. Gary was keenly
Closing date: April 14, 2009
aware of the many advances in health care and education under capitalism. Gary was welcomed back by all who
instituted by the Cuban revolution. That only heightened remembered what a steadfast, hard-working comrade Editor: Deirdre Griswold
his desire to overturn U.S. imperialism through a social- and friend he was. Between then and now Gary vali- Technical Editor: Lal Roohk
ist revolution. dated the memories of those of us who knew him in the
Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, LeiLani Dowell,
Due to personal issues, WW didn’t see much of him for past and won the respect and comradely affection of the
Leslie Feinberg, Monica Moorehead, Gary Wilson
about a decade between the early 1980s and early 1990s. newer comrades.”
But after Gary became sober, of which he was rightly Gary Schaefer, presente! West Coast Editor: John Parker
proud, he rejoined the party. Contributing Editors: Abayomi Azikiwe,
Greg Butterfield, Jaimeson Champion, G. Dunkel,
Labor resolution:. Fred Goldstein, Teresa Gutierrez, Larry Hales,
Workers World Party Kris Hamel, David Hoskins, Berta Joubert-Ceci,

expands in the South ‘Free the SF8!’ Cheryl LaBash, Milt Neidenberg, Bryan G. Pfeifer,
Betsey Piette, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Gloria Rubac
Technical Staff: Sue Davis, Shelley Ettinger,
The National Committee of Workers World Party is The following resolution was adopted by the
Bob McCubbin, Maggie Vascassenno
very happy to announce the formation of the Durham, San Francisco Labor Council at the regular delegates’
N.C., branch of Workers World Party. Besides Durham, meeting on Feb. 9. Mundo Obrero: Carl Glenn, Teresa Gutierrez,
Party members will be initiating and supporting Whereas, Herman Bell, Ray Boudreaux, Richard Brown, Berta Joubert-Ceci, Donna Lazarus, Michael Martínez,
anti-racist and pro-worker struggles in Raleigh, Henry (Hank) Jones, Jalil Muntaqim (Anthony Bottom), Carlos Vargas
Chapel Hill and other parts of North Carolina. Email: Harold Taylor and Francisco Torres, seven men col- Supporter Program: Sue Davis, coordinator for more information. n Continued on page 3 Copyright © 2009 Workers World. Verbatim copying
and distribution of articles is permitted in any medium
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New School occupiers met with NYPD brutality

By Dustin langley Kerrey gave the signal to the NYPD to Those arrested were charged with bur-
New York attack the occupiers, releasing a statement glary, riot and criminal mischief, and have
saying that his administration “no longer been suspended from the New School
On April 10, approxi- considers [the protesters] students.” pending an administrative review.
mately 60 students occupied the New At about 8 a.m., students appeared on When some of the students attempted That same evening, hundreds of sup-
School ’s Albert List Academic Building the roof of the occupied building wav- to leave the occupied building via a door porters, including many New School stu-
in New York. They demanded the resig- ing red and black flags, and read their on 14th Street, cops sprayed pepper spray dents, assembled in Union Square for a
nation of both President Bob Kerrey and demands. The statement read in part: at them and then slammed the doors shut. rally and news conference to denounce
Executive Vice-President James Murtha “The ongoing and growing crisis of This incident was caught on videotape and the NYPD brutality. Following the rally,
and an end to tuition hikes. This is the capitalism is upending and putting lie to can be viewed at some began to march toward Bob Kerrey’s
same building protesting students occu- the alleged advantages of the ‘free mar- or on the NY Times City Blog. home, chanting, “Occupy everything!”
pied last Dec. 17-19 demanding Kerrey’s ket.’ That job that was waiting for you has By 11 a.m., hundreds of police were and “Anticapitalista!” They had almost
resignation. gone overseas or disappeared entirely. assembled in the area, heavily armed and reached Kerrey’s posh residence when
Kerrey has come under fire since his The scheme to draft us into perpetual wearing riot gear. They began to throw they were blocked by police who arrested
2001 appointment as president of the New debt peonage through seemingly infinite tear gas into the building and to randomly at least two of the protesters.
School because of his role in the February credit has only piled further contradic- assault people supporting the occupi- While the occupation of the Albert List
1969 Thanh Phong massacre in Vietnam. tions onto a conflict-laden system. The ers. Cops grabbed one young woman and Academic Building was short-lived and
Eyewitnesses have reported that Kerrey house of cards is falling, revealing a lie we shoved her down to the cement as two offi- focused primarily on campus-related
participated in the cold-blooded murder were well aware of all along. Capitalism cers sprayed pepper spray directly into her demands, it must be seen in the context of
of civilians, including women, children, has shown once again its inability to rea- eyes. growing opposition and resistance look-
and the elderly, while leading a SEAL sonably provide for humanity and within One supporter chanting “shame on ing toward more confrontational tactics.
team mission. less than two decades following its procla- you!” in response to the NYPD brutality One of the statements released from
The New School occupation began mation of a so-called ‘end to history.’ Our was attacked by at least six police officers, the occupying students said: “There’s
at approximately 5 a.m. when students fight at the New School is one of myriad who held him down, dousing him with good news: all over the world, people are
began to lock doors and barricade them- battles taking place around the planet and pepper spray while repeatedly kicking and occupying. Universities. Offices. Factories.
selves inside. They unfurled banners off the stakes are higher than they have ever punching him. A videotape of this assault New York, Chicago, Puerto Rico, England,
the roof onto the building’s face that read, been. Within our solidarity lies the foun- can be found on the NY Times blog at The Scotland, Greece, Japan. We are taking
among other things, “New School Is Now dation of a future as malleable and fantas- reporter who filmed this beating was also what’s ours, because we’ve had that power
Occupied.” tic as the human potential itself. We have tackled and assaulted by cops. all along, and it’s now clearer than ever
Police response to the non-violent occu- nothing to lose but the radical chains that At around 11:30 a.m., police used bolt that it will never be given to us. This is an
pation began when supporters started a weigh us down. Let’s unite together in cutters to cut the chains the occupiers had act of solidarity with everyone in New York
picket line in front of the building at 6:30 our own struggle at the New School as a used to lock the doors and entered the City, and every effort anywhere to reclaim
a.m. The NYPD then moved to shut down part of the greatest historical struggle—to building. They arrested the remaining 19 space in the name of liberatory change
the picket. make the world itself anew!” students who were occupying the building. instead of private interests.” n

elderly Black man victim of killer cops

By larry Hales Young people of color in general are no warrants and had committed no crime. up a handgun that Bernard Monroe had
made to fear walking outside or driv- Witnesses say that Bernard Monroe, on the porch sitting in a chair and while
According to a Louisiana American ing a car because they might be stopped, Shawn’s father, had a bottle of sports water ordering everyone to stand back, placed
Civil Liberties Union complaint, Russell searched, berated, attacked or possibly in his hand as he walked toward his front the gun beside Mr. Monroe’s body.
Mills, the white police chief of Homer, killed by police. door. He was shot at through the screen Marcus Frazier further said of the
La., a small town of 3,800 people 50 Mills’ statement comes in the wake of door by Tim Cox, the other cop who was unnamed cop: “I saw him pick up the gun
miles northeast of Shreveport, said to the anger from the latest police killing of a still inside the house. off the porch. I said, ‘What are you doing?’
Chicago Tribune: “If I see three or four Black person—this time a 73-year-old While the police are saying Bernard The cop told me, ‘Shut the hell up, you
young black men walking down the street, Black male, Bernard Monroe, who before Monroe had a weapon in his hand, the wit- don’t know what you’re talking about.’”
I have to stop them and check their names. his death was unable to speak after losing nesses at the scene tell a different story. (Hartford Courant)
I want them to be afraid every time they his larynx to cancer. Marcus Frazier, a neighbor, said: “Mr. Terry Willis, head of the Homer NAACP,
see the police that they might get arrested. On Feb. 20, Monroe was hosting a Ben didn’t have a gun. I saw that other said in response to Mills’ remark: “People
We’re not out there trying to abuse and small reunion of family members at his officer pick up the gun from out of a chair here are afraid of the police. They harass
harass people—we’re trying to protect the home in Homer. There were more than a on the porch and put it by him.” (Chicago black people, they stop people for no rea-
law-abiding citizens locked behind their dozen people, many of whom congregated Tribune) son and rough them up without charging
doors in fear.” outside for a barbecue. Denise Nicholson, a family friend who them with anything.” (Hartford Courant)
This type of openly racist remark is obvi- According to reports, two white police was standing near Bernard Monroe, said: The killing of Bernard Monroe, a retired
ously debased, but the police chief’s can- drove up. Shawn Monroe, who had been in “He just shot him through the screen door. electrical utility worker, has rightfully
dor uncovers what many in cities across a vehicle talking to his sister-in-law, then After [Monroe] was on the ground, we kept drawn the ire of the Homer Black commu-
the U.S. understand to be the modus drove into the driveway and went into the asking the officer to call an ambulance, nity, which is used to police harassment
operandi of police—that groups of Black house. The two cops followed behind him, but all he did was get on his radio and say, and economically depressed conditions.
men, Latinos and Indigenous youths draw chased him out and tasered him in the ‘Officer in distress.’ “(Hartford Courant) The Rev. Al Sharpton recently marched
immediate suspicion of the police, are front yard. Shawn Monroe was not arrest- Witnesses say that the other, yet to be with the angry residents and demanded
profiled and treated as criminals. ed and was released at the scene, as he had named, cop put on blue latex gloves, picked justice for the family of Bernard Monroe.

lABor reSolutioN:. tion of the COINTELPRO attack on the

Black liberation movement; and

‘free the Sf8!’

Whereas, this case was reopened based
on questionable claims of “new” evidence;
Continued from page 2 Whereas, the San Francisco District
lectively known as the San Francisco 8 Attorney’s office declined to renew the
defendants [charges having been dropped prosecution of these community activ-
against Richard O’Neal], are a group of ists, but the California Attorney General
community activists who have devoted imposed the current prosecution of this
their lives to serving their communities case, and the jail and court costs of poten-
and making a difference, and are fathers, April 6, 2007 San Francisco protest. WW phOtO: Judy GrEENspaN tially millions of tax dollars to be incurred
grandfathers; and by the City of San Francisco;
Whereas, all of these men were mem- Francisco police detectives at intervals dictions (including charges for the 1971 Therefore be it Resolved, that in the
bers or associates of the Black Panther between the torture, which lasted sev- killing of a San Francisco police officer); name of fairness, justice and human
Party for Self-Defense (BPP), a prima- eral days, during which the three men all of these charges were dismissed when rights—and to express our outrage that
ry target of the FBI’s unconstitutional were separated from each other, stripped the judges learned that these ‘confessions’ this prosecution based on coercion and
COINTELPRO program in the late 1960s naked, covered with wool blankets soaked had been coerced under torture; and tortured ‘confessions’ in this 36-year-old
and early ‘70s, a program designed to dis- in boiling water, beaten with slapjacks, Whereas, in 2007, after 36 years, the case would be allowed to proceed—that
rupt and destroy a number of progressive suffocated with plastic bags tied over their prosecution refiled the charges against the San Francisco Labor Council calls
organizations in many United States cit- heads, sleep deprived, kicked, beaten, the San Francisco 8 based on the same on California Attorney General Jerry
ies; and shocked with electric cattle prods on their tortured ‘confessions’ illegally obtained in Brown to drop all charges against the San
Whereas, in 1973, three Black activists— genitals, anus and under the neck; and 1973. By September 2007, 6 of the 8 who Francisco 8 defendants;
including one of the defendants—were Whereas, statements resulting from the were eligible for bail were released thanks And be it further Resolved that this
arrested in New Orleans and tortured by New Orleans torture were used to bring to the support of their families and sup- resolution be forwarded to affiliates for
local police, and interrogated by two San charges in the mid-1970s in several juris- porters, who saw the case as a continua- concurrence and action. n
Page 4 April 23, 2009

Crisis for women in poverty:

On the Picket Line
‘We must fight back!’
by Sue Davis

AT&T workers vote to strike

Since 1996 mothers on public assistance have streets when they can no longer pay rent. Children go Eighty-eight percent of about 100,000 AT&T workers in five
been subject to a five-year limit on benefits. In hungry when the only resource is food stamps. Some locals of the Communications Workers union from coast to coast
Ohio the state limit is only three years, during mothers see giving their children away to relatives, voted in late March to go on strike if AT&T doesn’t offer a decent
which time recipients must work 30 hours per friends and even strangers as their last recourse. contract. The old contract expired April 4. AT&T still demands
week for a below-minimum wage. Prisscilla More than 22,000 children are with caregivers in the workers pay more for health care and receive less toward
Cooper, CEO and President of Family Connection Cuyahoga County. The war is not on poverty. The their pensions—not to mention offering an insulting token raise
Center, is leading a fight for a moratorium on United States is waging a war on poor women and in wages. Even though AT&T made $12.9 billion in profits in
time limits. Below are excerpts from her March their babies. 2008—almost a billion dollars more than in 2007—and its CEO
25 talk, given at a Cleveland public meeting which Where are all those jobs that mothers were prom- Randall Stephenson received more than $15 million in compen-
also featured Fred Goldstein, author of “Low- ised? Where are all those elusive jobs that excep- sation, its fig-leaf reason for cutbacks is that if AT&T doesn’t stay
Wage Capitalism: Colossus with Feet of Clay.” tional training would produce? Oh, that’s right; they competitive, it will go the way of the auto industry. But the work-
While it’s so important for our legislators to bail were talking about community service placements ers aren’t fooled. “AT&T wants to increase profits by taking mon-
out the banks with billions of dollars, fund unpopu- as requirements—[which is really] Slave Labor. ey out of the pockets of its work force and even its retirees,” reads
lar wars and help their billion-dollar corporations These women are not volunteering to work for pen- an April 6 Communications Workers news release. “We’ve shown
give huge, multimillion-dollar compensation pack- nies a month; they are forced to. The fathers are the company how to save money without massive cost-shifting;
ages to their executives, they sit idly by and watch also required to pay the state back for the same ben- yet their only objective is to make workers pay more. Clearly
millions of extremely poor families disintegrate efits the mother is working for. Child support goes AT&T is looking for scapegoats, not solutions.” Noting that this
because of welfare reform time limits. to the state, and the mother’s labor is used for free. is a critical time for the Communications Workers and all work-
In 1996 then-President Clinton signed the Per­sonal Welcome to the Real World of the Plantation of the ers, the union asks that progressive people show their support by
Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation United States of America. signing a petition to AT&T at
Act. This changed the welfare program to Temporary We must hold our legislators responsible for what attcwa/. The contract for another AT&T local in the Southeast
Assistance for Needy Families. It limited assistance happens to the extremely poor in our communi- with 25,000 workers doesn’t expire until August.
to five years during a person’s lifetime. Even if people ties. We are our brothers’ keepers. With the mas-
work for years and are laid-off or become ill, they will sive job losses, the economic crisis is affecting the National Labor Coordinating Committee
no longer qualify if they have used up their time. The
children can receive child-only benefits if the mother
middle class as well. If we cannot work together to
get the policies changed—putting a moratorium on
is no longer in the home. The child can be placed in time limits—they too will suffer the breakup of fami- Leaders of the AFL-CIO, Change to Win and the National
another person’s home or foster care and continue lies and the devastation of poverty. We Must Fight Education Association met April 6-7 and announced the creation
to receive benefits. This procedure guarantees that Back! Decent Pay for a Day’s Work. No Pay, Then of the National Labor Coordinating Committee “to act nationally
families are torn apart, disregarded and abandoned. No Work. No Work, Then a Safety Net! Fight for a on the critical issues facing working Americans.” The committee,
Mothers and their children are thrown into the Moratorium on Time Limits! n which includes leaders of the three national labor organizations,
presidents of six AFL-CIO affiliates and five CTW affiliates, is also

Clinic Access Bill

negotiating terms for a reunited labor federation. Such topics as
organizing, politics and legislative matters are on the table. The
three groups represent more than 16 million workers in more

A gain for reproductive rights

than 60 unions.

Actors reach deal about commercials

The Screen Actors Guild and the Federation of Television
By Kathy Durkin physically obstruct anyone from entering a clinic; and Radio Artists reached a three-year deal with the advertising
New York following or harassing anyone within 15 feet of a industry effective April 1.The contracts increase actors’ compen-
facility; or placing anyone in fear of physical harm. sation by 5.5 percent and contributions to health and retirement
Imagine that you’re on your way to a medical
It protects providers, clinic workers and clients. funds by $21 million. The contracts also set aside money to study
appointment or your job, and you face a gauntlet of
( a pay structure favored by advertisers, under which actors would
screaming, angry people who are threatening you
The ultra-right has mobilized for many years to be paid based on a commercial’s rating rather than the number
and trying to stop you from entering the building.
try to stop women nationally from exercising their of times shown. The contracts also set a precedent by providing
That is what women nationwide have faced for
reproductive rights. Harassment, verbal abuse and a payment structure for work made for the Internet and other
36 years—since abortion was legalized—as virulent
threats routinely occur outside of clinics. Attacks new media. Because the final contract offered by the Alliance of
right wingers have used hostile tactics to try to stop
have escalated to physical assaults on clients and Motion Picture and Television Producers first in June 2008 and
them from exercising their fundamental rights to
staff, destruction of facilities, even bombings, caus- again in February does not include such a new media provision,
reproductive choice and health services.
ing severe injury and death. SAG has no current contract with the AMPTP. (
A step forward in giving legal protection to wom-
Eyewitnesses have reported anti-choice forces in
en accessing essential reproductive health services
at New York City clinics and to their staff occurred
New York blocking clinic doors, “grabbing patients
on their way in,” or “knocking staff down on their
Two unions to jointly organize
on April 2 when the City Council overwhelmingly
passed the Clinic Access Bill.
way to work.” ( hospital workers
“Protesters have targeted clinics throughout The Service Employees union and the California Nurses
This legislation was the result of pressure and
NYC. They are organized, aggressive and tenacious Association ended a bitter, year-long dispute March 18 by agree-
struggle by women’s rights organizations in response
about intimidating women in need of services,” ing to work together to unionize hospital workers and push for
to clinic appeals. It was sponsored by civil liberties
NOW explained in its pro-legislation testimony. universal health coverage. The two unions, which butted heads
and reproductive rights groups, including NARAL
“Going to a clinic … for family planning services over organizing 8,300 hospital workers in Ohio, agreed that in
Pro-Choice NY, National Organization for Women,
should not [jeopardize] one’s safety or life.” NOW the spirit of the Employee Free Choice Act and the need for uni-
Planned Parenthood, the Reproductive Rights
affirmed the right of women in all neighborhoods versal health care they could gain more by fighting together than
Project of New York Civil Liberties Union and the
and of every economic status to access reproductive fighting each other.
Center for Reproductive Rights.
care. (
This law criminalizes acts that prevent access to
or damage a reproductive health care facility or that
Women’s health clinics are essential. They pro-
vide counseling, contraceptive services, abortions
AFL-CIO says nix Prop 8
and, often, general health care. As the recession Following the lead of the AFL-CIO’s California affiliate and

Union wins contract deepens and women lose health insurance, more are
turning to family planning clinics for primary health
Pride At Work, on March 5 the National Executive Council passed
a resolution unanimously calling on the California Supreme Court

with Wal-Mart care, where it’s often low-cost or free.

But the vociferous right wing isn’t easing up.
to invalidate Proposition 8, which overturned same-sex marriage
in the state. “I applaud the AFL-CIO on their continuing support
Wal-Mart finally ran out of delays and stalls. Eleanor Bader, author of “Targets of Hatred: for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender workers within, and
Following provincial labor law, a mediator awarded Anti-Abortion Terrorism,” reports that since 2009 outside, the Federation,” said Nancy Wohlforth, Pride At Work
workers a first union contract April 10 in St. Hyacinthe, began, there has been an “uptick” of vulgar taunts, co-president and AFL-CIO Executive Council member. “Denying
Quebec, east of Montreal. The store workers are harassment, menace and violence at women’s clinics LGBT couples the right to marry has tremendous impact on the
organized by the Food and Commercial Workers. nationwide. A Feminist Majority Fund study found ability of LGBT workers to access full parity in the work place. ...
This is the first time any Wal-Mart employees in that 20 percent of these facilities reported blockades, Invalidating Proposition 8 is the only way to bring LGBT work-
North America have gotten a union contract. invasions and stalking in 2008. ( ers in California full equality in the work place and beyond.” In
According to the union, the contract gives the The New York law gives crucial legal protec- addition, more than 50 unions in California signed an amicus brief
workers “a legally binding grievance process, a wage tion to clinics, their patients and staff. However, calling on the court to invalidate Prop 8. For more information, see
structure ‘free from favoritism’ and seniority rights.” just like Roe v. Wade, the landmark U.S. Supreme
The National Union of Public and General
Employees, the Canadian union cooperating with
Court decision establishing abortion rights, it must
be backed up by continuing vigilance and struggle Support Parsons’ fine arts faculty
the Food and Commercial Workers to organize Wal- against the ultra-right. Auto Workers Local 7902, the union of part-time faculty at New
Mart, announced last year that Wal-Mart employees It is really the decades-long courage, determina- York University and the New School, is sponsoring a rally April 23
in Gatineau, Quebec, have also petitioned for union tion and hard work of pro-choice activists that is to protest the mass dismissals of arts faculty at Parsons the New
recognition. Gatineau is across the Ottawa River the front-line defender of reproductive rights for all School for Design. A picket line will be held at 66 West 12th Street
from Canada’s capital. –By G. Dunkel women. n in Manhattan from 12 to 1 pm. n April 23, 2009 Page 5

Figures show crisis is global & worsening

By Fred Goldstein The volume of world trade, now vs then er industries central to U.S. capitalism.
World trade is falling faster now than in 1929-30. At best, the capitalist economists may
World industrial output, now vs then
A debate is heating up in the ruling class This is alarming given the prominence attached find some daylight of profitability for the
The decline in industrial production in historical literature to trade destruction
over whether or not an economic recov- in the last nine months has been as a factor compounding bosses and bankers, but none can find a
ery is coming. Workers should be aware at least as severe as in the 9 months the Great Depression. way out of mass unemployment, even
of two important points: first, the global following the 1929 peak. with a recovery.
picture of the capitalist crisis points in Uchitelle showed that overproduction
very drastic directions; and second, what- lingered until the end of the Depression
ever recovery the bosses are talking about Figure 2 years, citing Robert Gordon, an econo-
is a recovery for the profit makers and not mist at Northwestern University. “The
the workers. Roose­­velt economy also languished well
Those grasping at hope are basing try. Tent cities are springing up from below full capacity, Mr. Gordon said,
themselves on Wells Fargo’s new profit Olympia, Wash., to Sacramento and until the summer of 1940 when France
reports, U.S. trade figures, housing sales, Figure 1 Fresno, Calif., to Nashville, Tenn., to fell to Hitler’s armies. From then until the
industrial production and other indica- St. Petersburg, Fla. The rate of home attack on Pearl Harbor, 18 months later,
tors that have mildly improved over the foreclosures is increasing. Millions of a galvanized administration more than
past several weeks. workers are lining up at job fairs to doubled federal outlays—soon accounting
However, a new study entitled “A Tale profits, on which the entire system runs. learn how to fill out resumes and take for $1 of every $4 spent in the country—
of Two Depressions” undermines the vari- Exporting by the big imperialist coun- interviews, but there are no jobs. and the United States entered the war
ous optimistic scenarios put forward and tries—like the U.S., Germany, Japan and In short, while some investors may be with its economy operating at almost full
points in the opposite direction. It com- France—is an attempt on the part of each profiting, there has been no recovery for capacity.”
pares the current decline in industrial country to overcome its own internal cri- the masses, and none is in sight. In other words, U.S. capitalism, after
production, the fall in world trade and the sis of overproduction. When world trade In a sign of the deep decline of U.S. 10 years of depression, could only restore
collapse of the stock markets with what falls, it is a sign that overproduction has capita­lism, the Treasury Department is production and employment by preparing
occurred during the Great Depression. become global. demanding that General Motors and Chry­ for and eventually going to war. The prof-
The comparison is on a global basis, The authors hold out hope that all the sler shrink their industrial base. GM has it system had hit a wall. It was dragging
not just for the United States. While the money the government is pouring into been told to go from 17 assembly plants society and the workers and the oppressed
Depression of the 1930s was also a global the economy and the banks will keep the down to 12 or even fewer—a decline of 33 down to an existence of permanent mass
crisis, the world capitalist economy has crisis from reaching Great Depression lev- percent. It means more lost jobs, but not unemployment and poverty.
become much larger and far more inter- els. They do not, however, chart the fall in only at GM. It means shrinkage and unem- This is what present-day capitalism has
dependent in the age of globalization. employment or discuss the conditions of ployment in steel, rubber, glass, plastic, to offer the working class as the current
The study was prepared by Barry Eichen­ the working class. computer chips, fabric, small businesses global crisis deepens. Waiting for the sys-
green, professor of economics and politi- Louis Uchitelle, writing in the April 7 that survive on orders from the assembly tem to recover and put an end to the suf-
cal science at the University of California, New York Times, cites figures from the plants, closing of dealerships and so forth. fering of the people is a pipedream.
Berkeley, and Kevin H. O’Rourke, profes- Bureau of Labor Statistics to show that This kind of contraction is also going on The only way out of this crisis is through
sor of economics at Trinity College, Dublin. “More than 24 million men and women, in the housing industry, where millions of creating broad unity of the workers and
Both work with the Center for Economic or 15.6 percent of the labor force, are units sit unsold, and in the retail industry, the communities that are being ham-
and Policy Research, and the study was either hunting for work or working fewer where chain stores are closing. Layoffs are mered by the bosses and bankers in order
written in answer to New York Times col- hours than they would like to work, or are continuing in the high-tech sector and oth- to mobilize a class-wide fightback. n

Protesters say
umnist Paul Krugman, who is character- too discouraged to seek work.”
izing the present crisis as a recession. Actually, because the Clinton admin-

‘No to utility shutoffs’

istration ruled that any worker “discour-
1930s and today aged” from looking for work for more than
The study tracks the measures of world a year should no longer be counted, this
industrial output, world trade and global figure is really closer to 30 million.
stock markets for nine months beginning While it is hard to compare today’s
in June 1929. It takes June 1929 as the statistics with those from the Great
starting point because that is when world Depression era, Uchitelle showed that
capitalist production reached its peak and the number of unemployed or underem-
started to decline. ployed workers has grown by 10 million in
The study then tracks the same three the past year. In 1930, official unemploy-
indicators for nine months in the pres- ment was 8.9 percent. It rose sharply to 25
ent period, beginning in April 2008 when percent by 1933.
world industrial production also peaked. This is clearly the result of capitalist
It shows that industrial production is overproduction. Manufacturers are using
declining at least as rapidly as it did dur- only 68 percent of U.S. industrial capac-
ing the earlier depression, world trade ity, the lowest level since records were
is falling even more rapidly, and global first kept in 1948. So far, according to
stock markets are showing the same rate Uchitelle, there is a shortfall of $1 trillion
of decline. in sales that would be required to get pro-
The stock markets are much less reli- duction back to capacity.
able indicators because they can fluctu- To do that would take years, “even if
ate over the short term based on specu- the nation’s employers stopped shedding
lation. But the fundamentals of capitalist more than 600,000 jobs a month, as they
production and world trade are the basis have done since December, and began Renee Washington, Joe Bullock and John Cheatham bring a strong protest message
of the capitalist global economy and the hiring robustly,” writes Uchitelle. Instead, against Baltimore Gas & Electric’s CEO.
profit system. all projections are for unemployment to Power 4 the People, a committee of the The Bail Out the People Movement is
continue rising in the future. Bail Out the People Movement—which demanding an immediate moratorium on
Production is the key marched April 3-4 against the big banks all shut-offs; a people’s investigation of the
A decline in industrial production Layoffs continue
on Wall Street—along with the Coalition to impact of utility shut-offs on the health
means a decline in capitalist exploita- Meanwhile, states are cutting bud- Re-regulate BGE and the Network to Stop and safety of the community; cancellation
tion of the workers and the production of gets for vital services across the coun- Foreclosures & Evictions marched on the of back bills for unemployed workers, dis-
lavish Baltimore home of Constellation/ abled people, seniors and retired people
BGE (Baltimore Gas & Electric) CEO living on fixed incomes, low-income fami-
“With the capitalist system demonstrably unfair, irrational, and
Mayo Shattuck on April 6. lies and children and those with health
prone to intermittent crises, it is useful, indeed refreshing, to see Protesters were responding to the conditions requiring utilities; and a roll-
a Marxist analysis of globalization and its effects on working people. announcement that BGE was scheduled back in rates for all individual users and
Fred Goldstein’s Low-Wage Capitalism does exactly that.” – Howard Zinn to shut off utilities for 84,000 households small businesses.
in Maryland. This number is nearly three Steven Ceci, a spokesperson for the

Low-Wage Capitalism
times larger than it was in 2008. group, stated, “Heat and light are a right!
Police vehicles lined the driveway of The people of the state of Maryland are
Shattuck’s estate, but their presence did facing a crisis as bad as any hurricane
A timely new book by Fred Goldstein describes in sweeping detail the
not deter demonstrators who took over the or tornado. Under state statutes and the
drastic effect on the working class of new technology and the restruc­
streets and then lit candles to symbolize Baltimore City Charter, both the Governor
turing of global capitalism in the post-Soviet era. It uses Karl Marx’s
those families who will be without light. and the Mayor can intervene to protect
law of wages and other findings to show that these developments are
Tragically, Betty Godfrey, a 61-year-old the people from disaster. They can declare
not only continuing to drive down wages but are creating the material
woman whose utilities had been cut off a moratorium. Our project, Power 4 the
basis for future social upheaval, the end of working-class compromise
in East Baltimore, died the same day as a People, will be organizing a statewide
and retreat and must end up in a profound revival of the struggle
result of injuries from a house fire started fight to win justice.”
against capital.
Order online at by candles. —Report and photo by Sharon Black
Page 6 April 23, 2009

Supreme Court denies review

Struggle intensifies TO FREE MUMIA
Continued from page 1 MOVE member that
the opportunity to question and strike Mumia was found dead
jurors based on whether or not they feel in his cell. I called the
the jurors would be suitable. prison asking to hear from
“You cannot select jurors based on Mumia, and people all over
race,” Southerland stressed. “There can- the world called Governor
not be any racial indication in the jury Rendell’s office demand-
selection process. If there is, there’s a ing that he be allowed to
remedy to challenge that process. A case call his family. In 45 min-
called Batson v. Kentucky [U.S. Supreme utes we received a call from
Court] essentially gave attorneys the abil- him. This shows the power
ity to question whether or not other attor- of the people.
neys were using their strikes for racist “District attorneys,
reasons.” judges, lawyers and even
In Abu-Jamal’s case, the prosecutor police have been intimi-
used 11 of his 15 strikes to remove Black dated in this case–anyone
jurors from the jury. In the end, Abu- WW photo: Joe Yuskaitis who stands up against the
Jamal’s case was tried before a jury of On two days’ notice, standing-room-only crowd attends N.Y. emergency meeting for Mumia. FOP,” she continued. “We
ten whites and two Blacks. On top of the are dealing with a situa-
strikes made by prosecutors, there was whelming taint of race throughout the Court said it was illegal for a prosecutor tion of governmental terrorism, enforced
also a well-documented culture of dis- trial, the Supreme Court decided not to to tell the jury, ‘Don’t worry about your by organized crime–the Fraternal Order
crimination by the Philadelphia District even look at it.” verdict because the inmate will have of Police. We must end terrorism at
Attorney’s office. Abu-Jamal’s attorney, Robert R. Bryan, appeal after appeal.’ This ruling occurred home before we dare think about terror-
Throughout the early 1980s and late is going to seek a rehearing in the Supreme in a case tried by the same prosecu- ism abroad. There should be a civil rights
1990s a disproportionate number of Court on the Batson issue. “The chances tor who tried Abu-Jamal and before the investigation into this case immediately.”
African Americans were struck from capi- of the court granting rehearing are not same judge who presided over his case,” On Saturday, April 11, organizing
tal case juries. A training tape by head D.A. great at all, but it is certainly a viable ave- Washington noted. “But when Mumia’s meetings were held in New York City
Jack McMann, released in 1986, explained nue to bring to the court’s attention that case came up before this same court in and Philadelphia to galvanize supporters
how to be discriminatory in jury selection, discrimination occurred during the jury 1989, they changed their ruling, and then around the case. Nearly 60 people braved
how to strike Black jurors and how to hide selection,” said Southerland. in 1991 they changed it back in another rainy weather to gather at a meeting at the
that fact from the judge. Linn Washington Jr. stated that in case. Abiding Truth Ministries Church in West
“While the tape was not produced at the past the U.S. Supreme Court has not “The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Philadelphia sponsored by ICFFMAJ.
the time of Mr. Abu-Jamal’s trial, we felt acted fairly in Mumia’s case, just as the made a ruling denying an appeal in Later that day in New York, a standing-
it was indicative of the long-standing his- Pennsylvania Supreme Court has not Mumia’s case in March 1989 regarding his room crowd of about 150, overwhelming-
tory of discrimination by the Philadelphia and definitely the lower courts have not. First Amendment right of association and ly Black people, attended an emergency
District Attorney’s office in jury selection Washington noted, “In this particular his right to make a statement before the meeting at the Solidarity Center called by
at that time,” Southerland noted. case, with the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals jury. In February 1989 they had made a the N.Y. Free Mumia Coalition.
“Despite all the evidence that attorneys essentially creating new standards for ruling in a case saying that particular right Both events took up a new petition cam-
for Mr. Abu-Jamal brought to the court’s what must be proven before you can pro- was of such ancient origin that, when vio- paign at and
attention, the Supreme Court decided that ceed with a jury discrimination claim, this lated, a new trial was automatic. But 28 addressed to Attor­
they did not want to hear his challenge to ruling conflicts with previous rulings of days later they totally changed it around ney General Eric H. Holder Jr. asking for
jury selection in this case. So that avenue the U.S. Supreme Court in other circuits; saying that right doesn’t apply in capital action in the 28-year-old case. The Justice
of legal attack has been foreclosed by the it was a case very ripe for appeal. However, murder cases.” Department just overturned the 2008 con-
Supreme Court’s decision not to even this case has been impacted with race and Pam Africa pointed out, “‘These judges viction of former Alaska Senator Stevens
review the case.” politics all along, so I think the court made do not have the right to do wrong,’ quot- because of prosecutorial misconduct in his
Southerland also spoke about the tre- a political decision and didn’t proceed for- ing MOVE leader John Africa. Why do case. The petition for Mumia notes that
mendous effect this ruling will have for ward with it.” we have to respect what these judges are the prosecution in his case also withheld
those convicted of crimes throughout Washington gave other examples of the doing when they break their own laws? information critical to the defense argu-
the state of Pennsylvania and across the contradictory treatment Abu-Jamal has The whole world is watching, and a lot of ments for acquittal. The petition notes that
country. “What the court did by declining received relative to other court rulings. people are in shock about what is happen- while Abu-Jamal is not a U.S. senator of
to review his case was give an indication He referred to these examples when the ing here. great wealth and power, he is a Black man
as to what level of evidence you need to courts either ignore or alter their previous “Mumia is alive today because of revered around the world for his courage,
prove discrimination. In this case, despite law as the “Mumia exception.” the power of the people,” Africa stated. clarity and commitment and deserves no
overwhelming evidence, despite the over- “In 1986, the Pennsylvania Supreme “Yesterday, a guard told an imprisoned less than Senator Stevens. n

If not now, when?

By U-Savior The Free Mumia Five Point Plan: 4. One Hour Pledge: If every justice-lov- Let’s not forget that Mumia Abu-Jamal
ing, peace-seeking, freedom-fighting, has done more work from death row than
1. Tell Your Mama AND Obama: To all
Instead of bailing out mega-corpora- consciousness-bringing individual many “in-activists,” movement folk and
the supporters of the Obama admin-
tions that have sucked the life blood from pledges and dedicates at least one hour “webolutionaries” to bringing attention
istration: make this a central issue.
the community, endorsed slavery, raided every day to fight, speak, write, divest, and clarity to our struggle than those
If he’s unwilling, FORCE him to use
pensions, decimated savings, created the protest, ignite, bite, spit and curse, outside of prison. Mumia was an activist,
every ounce of his reach and influence
perfect environment for scams and put throw stares and misbehave, we can photographer and writer dedicated to real
from presidential pardons to civil and
homeowners, renters and their families shake up this world and shake Mumia justice before being arrested and charged
human rights investigations to demand
out on the street—FREE MUMIA! free from those cold white walls, steel with the murder of a Philadelphia police-
justice. Challenge his position and pre-
The Supreme Court, the highest court in doors and shackles. man. Mumia Abu-Jamal like so many
pare to expose to the world where the
the land, handed George W. Bush the elec- 5. Promise to never say, “I’ve done other political prisoners deserves our
real power is.
tion despite the democratic popular vote enough”: It’s not enough that in every commitment. If we don’t take care of the
to the contrary and as a direct result of that 2. Shame Weak Leadership: Those in best of us right here and right now it will
Ghetto Chronicles episode that I direct
court’s decision we witnessed the erosion “leadership” in the Black community— send the wrong signal to activists all over
that I place a promo about the Mumia
of civil liberties, scandals, torture and ille- who do not step up to fight, speak, the world. The fight for Mumia’s Justice
gal wars that have killed hundreds of thou- write, divest, protest, ignite, bite, spit and Freedom is a fight for our very own
It’s not enough that every year I put his
sands. The world suffered greatly. Today and curse, throw stares and misbehave and a Fight we must win. IF NOT NOW,
name on my birthday cake because we
this same court will not hear the case of on behalf of our brother—should be WHEN?
share the same birthday.
Mumia Abu-Jamal, an innocent shown the door. Forever! Revolution, then peace! On The Move!
It’s not enough that after every film I
man who has served over 25 years Guest 3. The Symbol: To my place a FREE MUMIA TAG!
in prison on death row, in effect
letting his conviction stand. This commentary friends and family con-
nected to street tribes:
It’s not enough that I wrote this article.
It’s not enough to say I wrote, visited or
U-Savior is with Black Waxx
Multimedia, Inc. and is the director
is not surprising. But this IS out- Let Mumia be your flag listen to Mumia on Prison Radio. of the documentary, “Disappearing
rageous! This is disrespectful not only to and symbol for a real political, social Never say we’ve done enough or we’ve Voices: The Decline of Black Radio.” Go
justice everywhere but to the Black com- and positive movement that turns done all we could until our true symbol of to He is
munity in particular. What are we going to necessary attention back to Mumia’s hope, change and justice is where we want also a founding member of Artists and
do about it? Um ... here’s a thought: plight. him to be. Home, with us! Activists United for Peace. April 23, 2009 Page 7

Int’l Conference Against Racism

Behind the U.S. gov’t boycott

By Monica Moorehead & Sara Flounders several corporations that were direct ben-
eficiaries of the slave trade as well as the
The decision by the Obama admin- 2002 Millions for Reparations rally in
istration to boycott the Durban Review Washington, D.C.
Conference Against Racism has raised The international conference gave a
a torrent of petitions, protests and major boost to the BDS movement to boy-
criticism. cott, divest and sanction Israel in solidar-
In September 2001 the U.S. delegation ity with Palestine. The inclusion, along
and the Israeli delegation walked out of the with African people, of Indigenous peo-
historic World Conference against Racism, ples, immigrant workers, Roma people
Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and and other national, ethnic, religious and
Related Intolerance organized by the linguistic minorities along with all those
United Nations in Durban, South Africa. affected by gender oppression, was a con-
Both the U.S. and Israel labeled crete step in building international soli-
all efforts to express solidarity with darity among the oppressed.
Palestinians as victims of racism and The U.S. ruling class along with its
colonialism as anti-Semitism. The U.S. media understood the enormous threat
delegation also opposed the call for repa- to their power, image and dominance on Durban, 2001.
rations and concrete action measures for a global scale that this united gathering
the crime against humanity of the trans- inherently represented. Why is there only limited space and time unacceptable–from debt relief to transfer
Atlantic slave trade and the heritage of From April 20 to 24, the United Nations for a few sidebar meetings? Why was the of technology, immigrant rights and end-
centuries of racist discrimination on an will host the Durban Review Conference in allocated funding for the many thousands ing human trafficking.
international level. Geneva, Switzerland, as a follow-up to the of delegates, especially from Africa and The Durban call for respect and the
The 2001 Durban World Conference 2001 World Conference against Racism. the African Diaspora who were anxious to increased role of international organi-
against Racism was attended by more The Human Rights Council of the United attend, not dispersed? African NGOs peti- zations in protecting labor rights and
than 10,000 people from all regions of the Nations (UNHRC) is responsible for orga- tioned the Preparatory Committee months women’s rights—especially of the most
world. It consisted of three parallel gath- nizing and convening the event “towards ago for information, funding and access. oppressed women—is a threat to the very
erings—an official diplomatic gathering the effective and comprehensive imple- Only NGOs accredited with ECOSOC process of corporate globalization.
of nations, a youth forum and a massive, mentation” of the conclusions and recom- (the U.N. Department of Economic and The only right that U.S. institutions
vibrant NGO (non-governmental organi- mendations of WCAR, and to continue the Social Affairs), NGOs previously accred- advance, in the name of freedom, is the
zation) Forum. “global drive for the total elimination of ited, and those that knew how to apply for right of privately-owned corporations to
Many thousands of South Africans, racism.” specific accreditation are able to partici- freely loot the globe.
recently liberated from decades of racist It is easy and fairly inexpensive, espe- pate in Geneva. Just as for decades Israel has been the
apartheid rule, enthusiastically partici- cially for delegates from Europe and the In the eight years since the Durban main defender of U.S. policy in the Middle
pated in the meetings and rallies of the United States, to travel to Geneva. And Conference, there has been an unrelenting East—always willing to do the dirty work
NGO Forum. U.S. and European delegates to a confer- campaign to malign, discredit and distort of military enforcement—the Zionist
The NGO Forum was an important ence there face no visa requirements at all. the World Conference Against Racism, to forces have once more stepped forward
catalyst for many groups from around However, it is not only prohibitively expen- gut every provision that called for con- to play the attack role. In fact most of the
the globe to come together, network and sive for delegates from African, Asian, crete action, to drop the collective docu- last eight years of political attacks on the
build support for work against racism and Caribbean and Latin American countries, ment that was so enthusiastically passed, Durban Conference have been carried out
discrimination. but Swiss visa restrictions make it much and especially to limit the participation of by Zionist organizations.
The international conference adopted more difficult for them to attend. who can attend the follow-up conference. The 47-page Durban document has
by consensus the Durban Declaration Many anti-racist organizations have All of this has gone on behind the scenes, now been censored and edited down to
and Program of Action. Many consider petitioned and campaigned to express based on intense U.S. pressure, in collu- less then a third of its original size. As a
this document, especially the Program of their concern over the failure of the U.N. sion with that of the European powers condition of participation Washington
Action, as an important framework for the Conference Secretariat to provide more that also benefited from centuries of rac- has demanded that the Durban Program
struggle against racism and racial discrim- accessible information and invitations to ism and colonialism. of Action be totally dropped, that any
ination. It was a collective product ham- NGOs to participate in the meetings of the Almost every page of the Program mention of reparations be deleted, along
mered out by hundreds of organizations of Preparatory Committee and in the Review of Action approved overwhelmingly in with the one mention of Israel and its
people of color from around the world. Conference itself. Durban is a threat and a challenge to U.S. apartheid practices.
The first international acknowledge- Internationally many groups have policy and its corporate institutions. The After imposing a now-toothless docu-
ment of slavery and the slave trades as a demanded to know: Why is there no NGO Program of Action is hardly a revolution- ment on the conference, the U.S. govern-
crime against humanity sparked a move- Forum accompanying this conference? ary document, but the U.S. is in violation ment is still dragging its feet on participa-
ment for reparations in the U.S. that Where are the arrangements for mass of almost every provision, and would find tion. These conscious acts of sabotage have
included class action lawsuits against meeting spaces and housing facilities? the proposed remedies to racism totally Continued on page 8

African-American Historian John Hope Franklin

After teaching at various reputation was tarnished by ments in the South for the institution of
By Abayomi Azikiwe
Black institutions including the corporate press and its slavery fell far short of bringing about
Editor, Pan-African News Wire
Fisk, St. Augustine’s College surrogates. However, Franklin racial reconciliation in the United States.
and North Carolina College, refused to go along with the When asked his opinion about the apol-
African-American historian John Hope
he landed a faculty position witch hunt and spoke out ogy issued by the North Carolina Assembly,
Franklin died March 25 in Durham, N.C.,
at Howard University in 1947 against the false accusations Franklin responded: “It’s going to become
at age 94. Franklin published several
and remained there until made against his mentor. epidemic now. People are running around
books and numerous articles aimed at the
1956. In 1947, he published In his later years, Franklin apologizing for slavery. What about that
reconstruction of African-American his-
his most well-known book, was appointed by President awful period since slavery—Reconstruc-
tory and its relationship to the develop-
“From Slavery to Freedom,” Bill Clinton to chair a com- tion, Jim Crow and all the rest? And what
ment of the United States.
which chronicled African- mission to examine the state about the enormous wealth that was built
Franklin was born in Rentiesville,
American history from of race relations in the up by black labor? If I was sitting on a bil-
Okla., on Jan. 2, 1915. The grandson of
slaves, Franklin witnessed first-hand the
the 17th century to the An appreciation United States. It was dur- lion dollars that someone had made when
post-slavery period. ing this period in the sec- I sat on them, I probably would not be
impact of institutional discrimination in
Perhaps the most significant act of defi- ond Clinton administration that the 1921 slow to apologize, if that’s all it takes. I
Oklahoma during the 1920s.
ance on the part of Professor Franklin was Tulsa racial disturbances became a focus think that’s little to pay for the gazillions
Franklin’s father became an attor-
his defense of W.E.B. DuBois during the of a commission study, which concluded that black people built up—the wealth of
ney and worked on behalf of African
Cold War, anti-communist hysteria of the that the survivors were due reparations this country—with their labor, and now
Americans affected by racism during the
early 1950s. for their pain and suffering. Nonetheless, you’re going to say I’m sorry I beat the
early part of the 20th century. His father
DuBois, who had been openly criticized there was never any agreement about what hell out of you for all these years? That’s
was a survivor of the so-called Tulsa Riot
by the ruling class for his involvement in form reparations would take. Franklin not enough. They ought to develop some
of 1921 when white racist mobs, organized
the peace and anti-colonial struggles of the rejected the notion that a mere apology for kind of modus operandi that they can do
by law-enforcement officials and busi-
period, was indicted by the federal govern- these racist attacks would be sufficient. something else—something to absolve
nessmen, attacked the African-American
ment in the early 1950s for ostensibly being Franklin gave an interview with the themselves of three centuries of guilt from
community, killing 300 people and
a proponent of subversive beliefs. Although Independent Weekly in Durham that was which they are the direct beneficiaries.”
destroying 191 Black-owned businesses,
DuBois was acquitted of the charges amid published on April 18, 2007, in which he Read the entire obituary at
known at the time as “Black Wall Street.”
a national campaign in his defense, his said the apologies issued by state govern-
Page 8 April 23, 2009

Free the Cuban 5

Cuba news round-up
The irreconcilable hostility of the U.S.
Congressional Black Caucus capitalist class to an economy based

says: ‘Talk to Cuba’ on human needs has not changed. The

Washington Post shelved its liberal news
“We are the isolated country,” conclud- media veneer to show U.S. ruling-class Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, Ramón Labañino Salazar, Rene González Sehwerert,
ed U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver on April 7, reaction, with an April 9 editorial slam- Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez y Fernando González Llort.
upon returning to Missouri from a six-day ming the CBC delegation for “Coddling
Congressional Black Caucus delegation to revolutionary leader Fidel Castro—a first rorism and hide the fact that he hired the
Cuba.” The Post even conjured a fantasy
Cuba. Every other country in the Western for anyone from the U.S. since his illness Salvadoran assassins to go to Cuba to kill
civil rights movement, misappropriating
Hemisphere has diplomatic relations with and retirement. Fabio di Celmo. ... They have to indict
Rosa Parks’ name, and criticized the dele-
Cuba. ( Posada Carriles for the murder of Fabio
gation for not meeting with a sparse U.S.-
The delegation, led by CBC chairperson sponsored and -funded “pro-democracy Hotel bombings finally di Celmo. They have to either extradite
him to Venezuela or prosecute him in the
Barbara Lee from California, met with
Cuban President Raúl Castro; Ricardo
The editorial ignores the major issue
tied to Posada United States for 73 counts of first-degree
Alarcón, president of Cuba’s National The treatment of self-proclaimed hotel murder in relation to the downing of the
addressed by the delegation: the nearly
Assembly of Peoples’ Power; Pedro Sáez and airplane bomber Luis Posada Carriles plane. These are concrete steps that have
50 years of diplomatic, economic and
Montejo, first secretary of the Havana by the U.S. courts and government real- to be taken. ...
military aggression against socialist Cuba
Provincial Committee of the Party; Foreign ly fits the Merriam-Webster definition “April 17 [when Posada must answer
by the U.S. government and counterrevo-
Minister Bruno Rodríguez; Deputy of “coddling”: to pamper. Certainly the the indictment] is not simply the anni-
lutionary paramilitaries allowed to base in
Foreign Minister Dagoberto Rodríguez; immigrant women and children awaiting versary of the Bay of Pigs but is the first
Florida. Even under these conditions, an
and Jorge Bolaños, head of the Cuban deportation in the Hutto prison in Texas day of the Summit of the Americas. ... The
April 7 New York Times article points out
Interests Section in Washington, D.C. The would view it that way. Obama administration has been thinking
that, per capita, fewer babies die in Cuba
message the CBC brought back was, “It’s In 2007 Federal Judge Cardone released ahead of how it’s going to present itself to
during their first year of life than in the
time to talk to Cuba. The moment is now.” Posada on bond from charges of immigra- the world, and to Latin America on April
U.S.—only one of many human advanc-
(Reuters, April 7) tion fraud. Posada now lives comfortably 17 with relation to ... the so-called war on
es achieved since the 1959 revolution.
Just before the trip, legislation block- in Miami although Venezuela has repeat- terror. The United States is sheltering an
The Post disregards that internationally
ing U.S. presidents from interfering in the edly demanded that the U.S. extradite him international terrorist. So we welcome
acclaimed journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal
right to travel to Cuba was introduced in to stand trial there for his role in the 1976 this as a first step, but Venezuela insists
remains on Pennsylvania’s death row and
both congressional houses. midair bombing of Cubana Flight 455, [Posada] must be extradited and he must
the U.S. is condemned as the prison house
The CBC report to congressional leaders killing all 73 civilians on board. The family be prosecuted for murder and not simply
of the world, with more than two million
and President Barack Obama comes on of Fabio di Celmo, an Italian tourist killed for perjury.” (
men and women incarcerated, dispropor-
the eve of the Summit of the Americas in in a 1997 Havana hotel bombing linked to
Trinidad and Tobago, April 17-19. The U.S.
tionately African-American and Latina/o,
and virtually every one of them poor. Posada, still seeks justice. Smash the U.S. blockade
has used its imperialist muscle to force the Among those imprisoned are the Cuban In a new development on April 8, a This year, 2009, celebrates many
exclusion of Cuba from hemispheric orga- Five, whose sole mission in the U.S. was grand jury in El Paso, Texas, indicted anniversaries: the 50th of the socialist
nizations since the early 1960s, but now to warn Cuba of impending terror attacks Posada on perjury and other charges, revolution in Cuba, and of active solidar-
faces stiff opposition. The entire member- organized from Florida. stating that he lied about his involve- ity in the U.S. with Cuba; the 40th of the
ship of the United Nations—except for Along with Lee and Cleaver, the delega- ment in Havana bombings during immi- Venceremos Brigade; and the 20th of
the U.S., Israel and Palau—has called on tion included Marcia Fudge from Ohio, gration proceedings. Although these Friendshipment Caravans by Pastors for
the U.S. to end the blockade of Cuba. At former Black Panther leader Bobby Rush charges are only related to immigration, Peace. The VB and Caravans have repeat-
the previous summit, held in 2005 at Mar from Illinois and California representa- José Pertierra, attorney for the Bolivarian edly challenged the illegal, immoral block-
del Plata, Argentina, the U.S. “free trade” tives Melvin Watt, Laura Richardson and Republic of Venezuela, stated: “You don’t ade of Cuba by traveling without govern-
agenda to further dominate the economies Mike Honda. Lee, Rush and Richardson simply say that he lied and hide the fact ment authorization.
of developing countries was rejected. also met with former Cuban president and that he was involved in international ter- The act of defending rights by exercis-
ing them has made travel ban enforce-

Gov't report raises ment impossible. This summer is your

chance to exercise your freedom to travel

What can stop birds’ decline?

and help end the blockade of Cuba. For
more information, go to venceremosbri- or or e-mail
—Cheryl LaBash
By Kris Hamel species in the U.S. over a 40-year period: more than four decades of a U.S. block-

The U.S. Department of the Interior

“Since 1967 the average population of the
common birds in steepest decline has
ade, has made strides in protecting birds Int’l Conference Against Racism
and their habitat, as well as other environ-

Behind the U.S.

released a sobering report on March 19 fallen by 68 percent. … All 20 birds … lost mental measures unheard of in capitalist
entitled, “The State of the Birds 2009.” at least half their populations in just four countries.
The report is the first extensive study and decades.” ( Cuba accounts for half the land mass

gov’t boycott
analysis undertaken by the federal gov- The 2009 report indicated that things in the Caribbean and has rich and diverse
ernment on this crucial indicator of envi- can be turned around with planning, ecosystems and animal species. The island
ronmental health. advocacy and protective legislation: “The has 355 kinds of birds, including 23 endem-
A stunning one-third of the more than upward trend for wetland birds in the U.S. ic species found nowhere else in the world Continued from page 7
800 bird species in the U.S. are endan- is a testament to the amazing resilience of and 165 species that stop in Cuba during encouraged other countries to also with-
gered, threatened or in decline, due pri- bird populations where the health of their migration. ( draw. Canada has dutifully announced
marily to climate change and habitat loss, habitat is sustained or restored.” The A 25-year study resulted in the 2006 that it will not participate, and Britain and
according to the report. report also noted the restoration of per- pub­l ication of “Aquatic Birds in the France continue to threaten to withdraw
It notes: “Hawaiian birds and ocean egrine falcon and bald eagle populations. Wet­lands of Cuba,” a popularly-written unless the agenda is further constrained
birds appear most at risk, with popula- scienti­fic book distributed free of charge and censored.
tions in danger of collapse if immediate What can reverse the decline?
to all libra­ries, museums and environ- A number of anti-racist organizations
conservation measures are not imple- There are many dedicated environmen- mental organi­zations in that Caribbean have continued the struggle to support
mented. Bird populations in grassland talists who daily try to reduce their own island nation. the Durban Declaration and the Program
and aridland habitats show the most rapid carbon footprint, to recycle and take other “The text emphasizes how rice fields of Action.
declines over the past 40 years. Birds that measures on behalf of a sustainable and have been transformed into important Several petitions urging U.S. participa-
depend on forests are also declining. … clean natural environment. But that is not sites in terms of food, nest-building and tion in the Durban Review Conference;
“[T]he possibility of extinction is still enough. Individuals must come together homes for [wetlands] birds which, at the NGO Declaration reaffirming Durban,
a cold reality for many birds: Thirteen and build a strong global movement for the same time, benefit this crop by eat- events in Geneva; links to the Durban
species may no longer exist in the wild a new system that puts people and the ing a large amount of potential menaces: World Conference Against Racism
(nine species and one subspecies from planet first, instead of profits for a wealthy unwanted invertebrates and plants.” Declaration and Program of Action are
Hawaii, plus Bachman’s Warbler, Ivory- minority. (Granma, Nov. 14, 2006) posted on the web site of the International
billed Woodpecker, and Eskimo Curlew). Environmental activists who recently The Cuban study resulted in two envi- Action Center:
Several species face unprecedented con- took part in anti-capitalist protests at the ronmental education campaigns involv- Monica Moorehead is the editor and
flict with humans for land at peak eco- G20 summit in London rightly aimed their ing 8,000 residents in rice-growing areas co-author of “Marxism, Reparations and
nomic value (for example, in peninsular struggle at the capitalist governments that and the classification of three zones the Black Freedom Struggle,” which can
Florida, mid-continental prairies, coastal have bailed out banks with trillions of dol- as Important Bird Areas by Birdlife be ordered from
California, Texas hill country, and the lars while taking money away from pro- International. Sara Flounders is the co-director of the
Pacific Northwest).” ( grams to enact and enforce environmen- Hamel is a member of the Cornell Lab IAC and N.Y. U.N. Representative for
The National Audubon Society—a con- tal regulations and protections. of Ornithology, a participating orga- Nord Sud XXI–an NGO based in Geneva.
tributor to the 2009 report—in 2007 not- On the other hand, tiny socialist Cuba, nization in the State of the Birds 2009 Go to to read this
ed dramatic declines in 20 common bird an impoverished country hammered by study. E-mail: article in its entirety. April 23, 2009 Page 9

Before his visit to Harlem, U.N.

Evo Morales ends hunger strike with victory
By Lal Roohk an estimated 1,500 had joined the hunger ernment in improving health care, edu- U.N. that he is working on, including the
strike defending the right to vote. cation and the distribution of wealth has implementation of a “Mother Earth Day.”
Bolivian President Evo Morales is The Provisional Electoral Law and the not remained hidden. This is despite the Morales wants to build a wide network
scheduled to speak at the Salem United new Bolivian Constitution insure the vot- fact that the oligarchs virtually control the of labor, community and youth organiza-
Methodist Church in Harlem when he vis- ing rights of workers and Indigenous peo- entire media. tions that are concerned with the urgen-
its the U.N. in New York on April 22. On ple. The Senate minority tried to sabotage Important changes have been taking cy of the environmental damage caused
April 14, Morales and his supporters end- the constitution and the elections, because place in Bolivia. “An exemplary literacy by major capitalist powers. Solon talked
ed a five-day hunger strike in victory after as Morales says, “It will be impossible to campaign has eliminated illiteracy in about the acute problems of underdevel-
Bolivia’s congress passed a law guarantee- beat them [the Indigenous] at the polls.” record time; medical services now extend oped countries that have been stripped
ing 14 congressional seats for Indigenous ( The minority had to the entire population; and important of the means to recover. In Bolivia and
candidates and allowing expatriates the been attempting to reduce the number historical needs of the Bolivian people are other Andean countries the rapid melting
right to vote. of Indigenous seats from 14 to four in the being addressed with original and new of glacier water is endangering the water
On April 9, Morales and his allies in new Plurinational Assembly (the name methods. The economy and hard currency supply.
the Indigenous and workers’ movements the Congress will adopt in 2010). reserves are growing. This infuriates the Speaking of the G20 summit, Morales
called a hunger strike to demand the Opposition to his government is based oligarchy. said: “As long as we do not touch the struc-
implementation of an electoral law guar- in a small wealthy class that controls “The new constitution of Bolivia guar- tural points of capitalism, it will be difficult
anteeing general elections next Dec. 6 and the fertile land in the eastern lowlands antees universal access to quality pub- to resolve the financial crisis. If we want
regional polls in April 2010. The opposi- of Bolivia, where they have horribly lic education that is community-based to solve economic problems, we must first
tion in the Senate had been sabotaging the exploited the Indigenous population. as well as intercultural and plurilingual. end the free market, then the speculative
new Bolivian Constitution and the elec- Last September they killed 11 people and Three new Indigenous universities to be capitalism.” (
toral process for months in order to stop wounded 50 more in an attempt to secede opened, each located in a different region Cuban leader Fidel Castro had been
the election, which is expected to further from the poorer, arid western highlands. of Bolivia, will offer instruction in the following the course of the hunger strike
their defeat. The failure of his rich opponents has native languages of Aymara, Quechua, with frequent calls to the Cuban ambas-
Indigenous and labor leaders joined increased Morales’ prestige and moral and Guaraní.” (, April 7) sador in La Paz. Castro reported on April
with Morales and together they declared authority. He is standing up to oligarchs On March 20, Pablo Solon, Bolivian 10, “Evo Morales is well, and in constant
the hunger strike from the presidential who are backed by U.S. financial and mili- ambassador to the U.N., announced at a communication with his cadres on cell
palace. Responding to this action, rep- tary aid. More than once in the past year meeting of labor and community activists phone. People continue arriving at Murillo
resentatives of the mass organizations he has expelled U.S. Embassy officials for held at SEIU 1199 in New York that Morales Square. I haven’t the slightest doubt that
had been continuing to arrive at Murillo their seditious actions. In the arena of this plans to visit New York. Solon said that Evo will come out victorious,” said Castro.
Square in front of the palace. By April 11, struggle the success of the Morales gov- President Morales will raise issues at the (Prensa Latina) n

Conversations at an int’l seminar in Mexico’s capital

By Berta Joubert-Ceci government—the administration of
Federal District, Mexico current president Felipe Calderón.
AMLO also pointed out that in
Republic connection
When almost 200 delegates represent- Mexico neoliberalism has amount-
ing 80 organizations and political parties ed to sheer “vandalism.” Under the It was a relief to see alive and
from 40 countries, primarily from Latin government of Carlos Salinas de doing well Dominican revolution-
America, met in the Federal District of Gortari, who stole the elections from ary and Marxist political analyst
Mexico last March 19-21 for the XIII Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas in 1988, a Narciso Isa Conde at the Seminar.
Seminar on “Political Parties and the New series of privatizations and the sub- Weeks before, Isa Conde had
Society,” hosted by Mexico’s Workers sequent accumulation of wealth in widely disseminated a cautionary
Party (PT), it was a tremendous opportu- fewer and fewer hands have estab- note through the Internet entitled
nity to learn more about the host country, lished a very small elite that controls “Why did Montoya come?” stating
meet new political friends and renew old banks, enterprises and most state that Gen. Mario Montoya, who
contacts, and in the process learn from institutions. This has led to a com- had been linked to clandestine
those who are in the midst of work and plete disregard for the needs of the WW photo: John Catalinotto commands and massacres and
Lucia Morett, with glasses, Mexican survivor of was accused of numerous crimes
struggles in their own countries. Political people and the consequent pauper- March 2008 Colombian attack inside Ecuador.
gatherings such as this can reinvigorate ization of the masses, he said. in Colombia, had presented his
political work and impart optimism and credentials as Colombian ambas-
great international solidarity. Honduras, from USA military Panama, 20 years sador to the Dominican Republic.
outpost, to a member of ALBA after the U.S. invasion Quoting from several Colombian news-
The face of Mexico Conversations with Honduran House In conversation, Panamanian soci- papers, Isa Conde, who had written exten-
Before the Seminar’s opening, the real- Rep. Silvia Ayala of the opposition party— ologist and general secretary of the left- sively in solidarity with the Colombian
ity of the terrible poverty suffered by the the Democratic Unification of the Left— ist Popular Alternative Party, Olmedo insurgency, pointed out Uribe’s decision
Mexican masses was apparent just across helped clarify her country’s role. While Beluche, clarified the situation of the cur- to persecute FARC and ELN “leaders
from the hotel where all of the Seminar’s Honduras is the second poorest coun- rent government of Martín Torrijos and and supporters” even beyond Colombian
events were going to be held, in the busi- try in Central America, it represents the the upcoming May 3 elections. Although borders. He raised the possibility that
ness center of the capital. A large tent changing atmosphere in Latin America, the PAP will not be able to run in these Montoya’s nomination will turn into “a
surrounded by big banners with slogans that of regional integration and distanc- elections due to the tremendous amount transplant of the (paramilitary) crimi-
such as “Opportunity for poor people” ing from U.S. domination. of signatures required by the Electoral nal Colombian model to the Dominican
and “Housing for those who don’t have The Honduran president, Liberal Party Tribunal, they are supporting an inde- repressive forces.”
it” was a temporary home for hundreds of farming entrepreneur Manuel Zelaya, is pendent candidate. Lucía Morett, a friendly and warm
poor, homeless peasants. They had trav- no leftist. He even supported the Free Beluche said the PAP’s premise is that young woman, was the only survivor
eled from different regions to be part of a Trade Agreement with the U.S. during even though there are divisions in the among five Mexican students who were
protest against Sedesol, the government’s his inauguration in 2005. But Zelaya has movement, there are objective condi- visiting the Colombian revolutionar-
Department of Social Development, for opened relations with Cuba, and stated tions in Panama that can facilitate rais- ies’ (FARC) encampment in Ecuador on
not providing promised housing. in his recent visit to that island, “I am ing a left political alternative that is anti- March 1, 2008, when the Colombian army
The Antorchista Movement, which ready to support this [Cuban] revolution, neoliberal. crossed the border into Ecuador, bomb-
originated in the 1970s to defend and this socialist identity and permanently He also commented on the extreme ing the facility and killing FARC spokes-
struggle for the rights of peasants, orga- denounce those who oppress her.” corruption surrounding several bour- man Raúl Reyes, other guerrilla members
nized the protest. From Feb. 23 to March Under Zelaya, Honduras became part geois party presidential candidates who and four students. Morett was granted a
18 they had held rallies and marches of the progressive trading bloc ALBA in have been linked to the latest Colombian stay in Nicaragua but decided to return to
around the area. 2008 and signed agreements involving scandal. Called the DMG after “owner” Mexico to face the unjust charges that the
Inside the hotel the next day, Andrés Petrocaribe with Venezuelan President David Murcia Guzmán, this is a money Mexican prosecution has leveled against
Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) was Hugo Chávez. The Honduran economy laundering setup that has been running her.
describing in detail the reasons for the most had been tied to the U.S., which has been a pyramid scheme, throwing thousands Morett said that the right-wing forces
recent increase in poverty. His support- its largest trading partner. According to of Colombians into bankruptcy. Murcia are behind this unfounded charge and
ers call AMLO “the legitimate president Ayala, the Honduran right wing is quite Guzmán has also been implicated in even if she has not been asked to offer tes-
of Mexico,” since the pro-U.S. oligarchy upset with Zelaya for this approach. Her illegally funding Colombian rightist timony, the prosecution would not drop
stole the 2006 presidential elections from party opposes Zelaya but supports these President Álvaro Uribe’s reelection cam- the case so as to keep it as a “Damocles
him through fraud. AMLO called Mexico measures that bring relief to the poor in paign and the Panamanian presidential sword” hanging over her and other
“a mafia state” with a “usurper and failed” Honduras. candidates. Mexican students. n
Page 10 April 23, 2009

Koreans tour U.S.

Socialism or with Truth Commission
capitalism? By Eric Struch
New York
a support troop from Gwangju, joined
the insurgents. The nearby Suncheon
There was a time when the captains Rasmussen Reports. It asked a simple Northern Elementary School was the site
of finance and industry were proud of question: Which is better, capitalism or Members of the Truth and Reconciliation of questioning and executing of civilians
the label capitalist. “Forbes—Capitalist socialism? Commission of south Korea have recently who were suspected of taking sides with
Tool” was a magazine popular with the Just four months ago, in December, toured the U.S. and Canada, speaking out the insurgents. The victims were executed
Wall Street crowd. Schools taught about a similar poll asked people if they pre- about how bloody repression by the U.S.- without trial on the levee of a rice paddy
the benefits of capitalism over its biggest ferred a “free market economy” over one backed dictatorship of Syngman Rhee behind the school auditorium.”
enemy, socialism. managed by the government. Some 70 accompanied the political partitioning of The only reliable element for the RoK
Somewhere along the way, the enthu- percent were for the free market. But Korea in 1948. state was the cops, who remained loy-
siasm for capitalism began to wane. now, it seems, they don’t think capital- Their first stop was Columbia University al to the Rhee dictatorship during the
Maybe it had to do with the fact that ism is so “free.” In the new poll, two- on March 24, where TRC Standing Com­ Yeosun-Suncheon Uprising. According
real wages were dropping and benefits thirds said big business and big govern- missioner Dr. Kim Dong-choon and to Jung Byung-joon, “The police retained
were being slashed while the super-rich ment work together against the people’s Dr. Hee Kyung Suh, a member of its their pro-Japanese officers. According to
were whooping it up. More popular- interests. Now only 53 percent say they Investigation Bureau, talked about some 1960 statistics, those who had served as
sounding phrases began to take over. prefer capitalism over socialism. Among of their findings. police officers under Japanese colonial
Countries were being pressured to younger people, 37 percent prefer capi- The TRC is investigating massacres rule accounted for about 15 percent of
accept “free markets.” The people who talism, 33 percent socialism, and 30 per- carried out by the Rhee dictatorship the 4,000 police lieutenants nationwide,
put up “venture capital” were called cent are undecided. both before and after the 1950-1953 war about 30 percent of the 500 police cap-
“entrepreneurs.” The magazine of multi- After so much Red Scare propaganda in Korea, as well as disappearances and tains, about 40 percent of the 160 senior
millionaire Steve Forbes became just in this country, a lot of people are con- murders that occurred under later mili- superintendents, and about 70 percent of
plain “Forbes.” fused about socialism—although fewer tary dictatorships. the 20 police commissioners and super-
Then came the housing crisis, the than before. What if the questions were Among the many incidents of mass intendents general. … The pro-Japanese
stock market dive, the jobs crisis, the phrased this way: killings, two stand out: the bombing of nature of the police, a remnant of Japanese
budget cuts, the credit card crisis—in Would you prefer an economy run Jeju Island and the Yeosun-Suncheon colonialism that should’ve been eradicat-
other words, the boom-to-bust crisis of by workers (socialism) or by bosses Uprising. ed in the wake of the nation’s liberation
capitalism that was inevitable in this (capitalism)? Until 1948, there was one Korean nation. in 1945, remained intact under Syngman
profit system. The super-rich demanded, Would you prefer an economy geared Japan in 1905 had imposed colonial rule Rhee. Pro-Japanese police officers … sup-
and got, trillions of dollars from the to meeting people’s needs (socialism) over all of Korea, but by the time of Japan’s pressed democracy to maintain the securi-
government to shore up their banks and or geared to producing profits for a few surrender at the end of World War II, liber- ty of the Syngman Rhee administration.”
other financial instruments. (capitalism)? ation forces led by Kim Il Sung, a commu- The same was true of the RoK army
But for millions of workers and dispos- Do you think people should have a nist, had freed the northern half of Korea brass, most of whom had been in the
sessed, the bottom has dropped out of right to a job, a home, education and while U.S. troops occupied the south. Japanese Imperial Army during the
their lives. More and more they are real- health care (socialism), or that the rich When Syngman Rhee, a puppet of colonial period. As stooges for imperial-
izing this is the product of capitalism. should have the right to fire, evict, fore- Wash­ington, announced the establish- ist Japan in its occupation of the part of
A national telephone survey was close, underfund the schools and deny ment of a Republic of Korea in the U.S.- China known as Manchuria, they carried
conducted recently by the polling firm medical care (capitalism)? n occupied area, a rebellion against the out Japan’s “Kill all! Burn all! Loot all!”
division of the country broke out on Jeju tactics against the people in an attempt to
Island on April 3, 1948. It quickly spread stamp out their resistance.
Iraqis to U.S. after six years: and was supported with armed actions by During the Korean War, when the U.S.
communist guerrillas against both local had operational control over the RoK mil-

‘Get out’
police and troops of the U.S. occupation. itary, this kind of savagery was repeated.
Washington ordered the RoK army to The Korean communists, led by Kim Il
use scorched-earth tactics against civilians Sung, were fighting to liberate their coun-
and guerrillas alike. The U.S. bombed the try from these agents who had switched
By John Catalinotto Obama that he has a responsibility to island indiscriminately with napalm, caus- from one imperialist master to another.
show that his policies are different from ing an enormous number of civilian casu- Park Chung-hee, a general who ruled the
Eighty days into the new U.S. admin- Bush’s, whose aggression was responsible alties. By the RoK army’s own estimates, south with U.S. blessings from 1961 to
istration and Iraq is still with us. That is, for killing a million Iraqis. there had been less than 3,000 guerrillas 1979, had himself been a member of the
U.S. troops are still occupying Iraq. And Anti-U.S. protest was not restricted to on the island. Before the U.S. napalming of Japanese army and was an informer for
the Barack Obama administration has the symbolic. In Mosul, a major north- civilians, Jeju had 400 towns and villages. the RoK government at the time of the
asked Congress for another $83.4 billion ern city, a truck driver detonated a ton of Only 170 survived. U.S. military estimates Yeosun-Suncheon revolt.
to carry out the occupations of Iraq and explosives near a police station on April of the dead ranged between 15,000 and The TRC is in the process of investi-
Afghanistan. 10 and killed five U.S. troops. 20,000. The Seoul government claimed gating the many pre- and postwar mas-
Iraqis are also reminding the world On April 11 a bomber infiltrated a that 27,719 had perished, but accord- sacres carried out by the Rhee dictator-
that, despite a significant slowdown in gathering of U.S.-allied Sunni fighters— ing to an account by Jung Byung-joon in ship, as well as later disappearances and
fighting and despite whatever differences soldiers working with the Awakening “Attempts to Settle the Past during the murders. The commission was set up in
exist among Iraqis, the vast majority of Councils—who were waiting to be paid in April Popular Struggle,” “The Jeju provin- 2005 by the south Korean government
the population wants the U.S. out. the town of Latifiyah south of Baghdad. cial governor told a U.S. intelligence agen- in a period of democratic opening that
Six years ago on April 9, the U.S. When the bomb went off, it killed 12 cy that over 60,000 people were killed and followed a mass, student-led movement
commanders decided they had won the people and wounded 30, including both 40,000 migrated to Japan.” that battled the cops and the military in
war and brought in a few hundred Iraqi regular and “Awakening” soldiers. When word got out about the savage the streets in the 1980s.
hangers-on to stage the pulling down of The message is that continued occu- U.S. bombing of civilians on Jeju Island, Nodutdol, a progressive New York-
the statue of Saddam Hussein with the pation will bring continued casualties to the masses were outraged. The anger based Korean grassroots community
help of a U.S. bulldozer. This year, some U.S. troops. This didn’t stop the U.S. com- spread to the rank and file of the RoK army. organization, says the TRC “represents
50,000 Iraqis demonstrated on the same mander, Gen. Ray Odierno, from asking On October 19, 1948, troops of the 14th a dramatic change from the silence
square to demand the U.S. get out. The for more U.S. troops to actively patrol Regiment of the National Defense Guard of imposed by past authoritarian regimes in
crowd burned George W. Bush in effigy. Mosul and Buquba, where resistance South Korea were ordered to the island to South Korea about massacres of civilians
While the dissident Shiite leader fighting has stepped up. There are indica- finish off the resistance to the U.S. occupa- committed by U.S. forces and the South
Muqtada al-Sadr’s group is credited with tions that the alliance of the U.S. with the tion. Instead, the soldiers rose up in rebel- Korean police/military both before and
organizing the April 9 demonstration, “Awakening Councils” is collapsing. lion against not only their deployment but during the Korean War.”
independent journalist Nir Rosen reports On the occasion of the sixth anniver- also the partitioning of their nation. When Now a right-wing government in Seoul
that members of the so-called Awakening sary of the war, the Belgium-based anti- the 2,000 rebel soldiers arrived in Yeosun, is trying to hinder the TRC’s investigations
Councils joined the protest. The U.S. occupation Brussells Tribunal organized they found that the people were in full soli- and strip it of its funding. Nevertheless,
military had made agreements with the an appearance before the European darity with their rebellion, which quickly Washington is worried that the truth
Awakening Councils—local organizations Parliament of Iraqi spokespeople that spread throughout the eastern areas of about Korea is coming out. n
of Iraqis in mostly Sunni areas that at one together give a view of the havoc the U.S. Jeonnam Province.
time fought the U.S. occupation—that led occupation has wreaked upon the Iraqi Memorial placards at Suncheon
to a cease fire in those areas.
In Falluja, the city the U.S. military
Statements from Dr. Omar Al Kubaisy,
National University, Suncheon Station
Subscribe to
and Dongcheon River tell the story: “On
destroyed in 2004 after people there Abdul Ilah Albayaty and Dr. Faleh Al October 20th, the Suncheon police and

killed four U.S. mercenaries working for Khayat can be read at www.brussellstri- right-wing youths from adjacent regions
Blackwater, people held a similar anti- or watched on the new Brussells established a defensive line at Gwangyang
U.S. protest that day. (Al-Hayat). A state- Tribunal YouTube section. Samguri, but failed to keep the insurgent
ment of the Falluja-based Iraqi Islamic n 8-week trial subscription for $4
E-mail: forces from advancing to downtown
Party suggested to President Barack Suncheon because the 4th Regiment, n 1-year subscription for $25 April 23, 2009 Page 11

Pentagon targets Africa

Why Somalis target ships

Continued from page 1 thousands of people, as a source of food
continually dumped on the shores of our the security of its people,” Omaar told
tive countries try to attack us, we will kill country for nearly 20 years.” and livelihoods. Now much of it is almost Reuters. (April 13)
them. U.S. forces have become our num- Jama, who is based in the semi-autono- destroyed, primarily at the hands of these Recent reports coming out of the White
ber one enemy.” mous region of Puntland, continued, “The so-called ministers that have sold their House indicate that the Obama adminis-
Another Somali, Abdulahi Lami, said in Somali coastline has been destroyed, and nation to fill their own pockets.” tration is divided over how to carry out
the same article that the pirates would not we believe this money is nothing com- Other factors involved in the exploita- its foreign policy in the Horn of Africa.
be intimidated by U.S. military actions in pared to the devastation that we have seen tion of Somalia are that the Gulf of Aden Some elements want a more diplomatic
the Indian Ocean. “Every country will be on the seas.” shipping lane transports billions of dollars approach to the problem of piracy as
treated the way it treats us. In the future, Further evidence of toxic waste dump- of goods through the region every week. well as a concerted effort to bring more
America will be the one mourning and ing came from the United Nations envoy Almost none of these funds are utilized European and Asian nations into patrol-
crying. We will retaliate for the killings of to Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, who for the benefit of the Somali people, who ling the waters in the Gulf of Aden and
our men.” told Al Jazeera in the same article that the are still suffering from underdevelopment the Indian Ocean.
According to the official reports issued international body has “reliable informa- resulting from U.S. interference in their However, other advisers within the
by the U.S. military, snipers positioned tion” that both European and Asian cor- internal affairs. White House want to see a more direct
on the Naval warship the USS Bainbridge porations are unloading toxic chemicals, The U.S. administration under George U.S. military involvement on land and off
shot and killed three Somalis after moni- including nuclear waste, off the Somali W. Bush financed and engineered an the coast of Somalia. The recent incident
toring their movements for several days. coastline. “I must stress, however, that invasion and occupation of the country involving the Maersk Alabama prompted
The plan to kill the Somalis was reportedly no government has endorsed this act and by the Western-allied state of Ethiopia in the dispatching of additional warships to
approved by President Barack Obama. that private companies and individuals December 2006. As a result of fierce resis- the Indian Ocean region. (Washington
U.S. Navy spokespeople claimed that acting alone are responsible.” tance, the Ethiopian military withdrew Post, April 12)
the snipers fired on the Somalis when In the aftermath of the tsunami in late from the country in January 2009. The It is vital that anti-war and anti-impe-
Phillip’s life was endangered. “They were 2004, evidence began to appear confirm- formation of a new coalition government rialist forces in the United States empha-
pointing AK-47s at the captain,” said Vice ing such illegal dumping activity in the has failed to bring all the various political size that greater U.S. military involve-
Admiral William Gortney, who heads the region. The United Nations Environment groupings into the regime. ment in the region will not create a more
U.S. Naval Central Command. His state- Program reported that the tsunmai Consequently, Ugandan and Burundian stable political situation in Somalia and
ment was made in a Pentagon briefing washed up old, rusting containers of waste troops remain in the capital of Mogadishu throughout the Horn of Africa.
from Bahrain and reported by Al Jazeera on the shores of Puntland, which was for- under the auspices of the African Union In fact, as history has proven, the role
on April 13. merly part of Somalia prior to the collapse Mission to Somalia (AMISOM). The lead- of U.S. imperialism in the Horn of Africa
However, this version of events has of the Western-backed government of ing resistance group, Al-Shabab, is con- has created greater instability and under-
been disputed by the Somalis who sup- Mohammad Siad Barre in 1991. tinuing to demand the withdrawal of the development in the region. As a result of
port the vessel seizures. They contend that A UNEP spokesman, Nick Nuttall, told AU forces before it agrees to enter the the Bush administration policy toward
the three young men were killed after they Al Jazeera in the same article that when coalition government headed by President Somalia, the worst humanitarian cri-
agreed to end the standoff and release the rusting barrels were opened by the Sheikh Sharif Ahmed. sis on the continent of Africa came into
Phillips. This operation took place only force of the waves, dumping that had been The fledging government in Mogadishu, existence.
two days after similar actions were carried occurring for many years were revealed. which has been endorsed by the U.S., During the present period, progressive
out by French military commandos who “Somalia has been used as a dumping applauded the attack on the Somali forces must demand a shift away from
stormed a yacht held by Somalis, which ground for hazardous waste starting in the pirates on April 12. “We are very happy at militarism in the Horn of Africa and insist
resulted in the death of one of the French early 1990s, and continuing through the this action and the outcome,” said Foreign on the right of self-determination includ-
nationals being held. civil war there. European companies found Minister Mohamad Abdullahi Omaar. “I ing reparations for the people of Somalia
Mohammed Adow, a correspondent for it to be very cheap to get rid of the waste, am not surprised, nor will anyone be and the Horn of Africa as a whole.
Al Jazeera, said in the same report, “U.S. costing as little as $2.50 a ton, where waste surprised, at the actions of the American Read more of this article at www.
forces are reported to have attacked the disposal costs in Europe are something government to save its citizens and ensure
lifeboat when the pirates were expecting a like $1,000 a ton,” said Nuttall.

U.S. behind fraudulent

diplomatic exchange ... [and] have taken Nuttall went on to say that there are
the remaining pirate to one of their ships “many different kinds” of waste. “There
in these waters.” is a uranium radioactive waste. There is

election in Haiti
In another development that further lead, and heavy metals like cadmium and
escalated tensions in the region, two low- mercury. There is also industrial waste,
flying U.S. military helicopters flew over and there are hospital wastes, chemical
areas at the port city of Harardhere in the wastes—you name it.”
northeast of Somalia on April 12. The U.S. Since the containers have come to By G. Dunkel When Aristide’s second government
military claims that this area is a base for shore, there has been a sharp increase in did not count the votes in a senatorial
pirate operations against vessels traveling various illnesses among the population, The U.S. government has a new strate- election the way the U.S. thought they
in the Gulf of Aden. including such symptoms as oral and gy to stop Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his should be counted, the U.S. press echoed
Local residents of the area believed abdominal bleeding, skin infections and Fanmi Lavalas party from winning elec- and re-echoed the State Department’s
that the U.S. helicopters were planning other ailments. tions in Haiti. denunciation. It became one of the justifi-
an air raid on the port. According to a “We [the UNEP] had planned to do a Keeping Aristide in exile and Fanmi cations for the second coup against him.
Somali journalist, “The fishermen decid- proper, in-depth scientific assessment Lavalas off the ballot in Haiti is easier Fanmi Lavalas is calling for a boycott
ed not to fish in the morning because of on the magnitude of the problem. But than arranging another coup, like the two of the April 19 elections, which Romestil
the helicopters; they are scared.” (Inside because of the high levels of insecurity Washington administrations previously Melisca, a national coordinator of local
Somalia, April 13) onshore and off the Somali coast, we are pulled off against Aristide. Fanmi Lavalas organizations, character-
unable to carry out an accurate assess- Of course, the U.S. foreign policy opera- ized as preordained “selections.” (Haïti-
Behind the escalation in ‘piracy’ ment of the extent of the problem,” Nuttall tives will never admit that this is U.S. poli- Liberté, April 1-7) Melisca called on every
Over the last several months Somali continued. cy. Even though it was U.S. security agents Lavalasian to stay home and close their
pirates have alleged that European cor- Nonetheless, Ould-Abdallah said that that forced President Aristide onto a U.S. doors on April 19. Lavalas has also held a
porations are unloading toxic waste off the practice of illegal dumping of toxic plane on Feb. 29, 2004, and flew him to number of large demonstrations through-
the coast of this Horn of Africa nation. waste continues in the region. “What is Africa. out the country demanding the return of
A Ukrainian ship which was held and most alarming here is that nuclear waste Washington most certainly would dis- Aristide, defending their right to partici-
released by the Somalis garnered a mul- is being dumped. Radioactive uranium claim having anything to do with the deci- pate in elections, and pointing to the hun-
timillion-dollar payment by the owners, waste is potentially killing Somalis and sions of the Provisional Electoral Council ger, misery and unemployment ravaging
which is reportedly being utilized to clean completely destroying the ocean.” (CEP) that denied Fanmi Lavalas, one of Haiti.
up the waste being dumped in the area. Mohammed Gure, chair of the Somalia the major and most popular parties in Other progressive groups in Haiti are
In a statement reported by Al Jazeera on Concerned Group, said in the same Al Haiti, a chance to present candidates for pointing to the substantial technical dif-
Oct. 11, 2008, Januna Ali Jama, a spokes- Jazeera article that the social and environ- the 12 vacant seats in the Haitian senate ficulties already afflicting these elections.
person for the Somali pirates, said that mental impact of this toxic waste dump- in elections whose first round is scheduled Local CEPs are in “total disorder” and are
the ransom acquired serves as a means of ing will be felt for decades. “The Somali for April 19. not really responding to the tens of thou-
“reacting to the toxic waste that has been coastline used to sustain hundreds of United Nations Secretary General Ban sands of people who lost their documents
Ki-Moon, in his statement on Haiti April in last year’s hurricanes. (Haïti-Progrès,
6 to the Security Council, insisted “on the March 25-31).
necessity of holding free and fair elections, While Lavalas intends for Operation
name open to all, as part of the political stabiliza- Closed Door to be peaceful and legal, the
tion of the country.” An African nonper- Haitian Press Network carried reports
address manent member of the Security Council April 8 that indicate the government
expressed the hope that Fanmi Lavalas is preparing to blame a low turnout on
City/State/Zip Telephone email would participate in future elections. April 19 on the threat of violence. Some
Send to WW Publishers, 55 W. 17th St., 5th Fl., NY, NY 10011 The U.N. is going to spend $16 million on past election boycotts in Haiti have been
212.627.2994 email: the April 19 election–a vast sum for Haiti. extremely successful. n
MHNDO OBRERO ¡Proletarios y oprimidos de todos los países, uníos!

empresarios hablan de recuperación

Pero l@s obrer@s pierden sus trabajos
por fred goldstein Tomando estos porcentajes en con- esta y forzada basada en infusiones del por el colapso de la construcción de
sideración, l@s desemplead@s y sub gobierno todavía dejaría en crisis a l@s viviendas.
Cuando las señales de una posible recu- emplead@s, suman 24 millones y no trabajadores/as. Como el capitalismo ha creado un pro-
peración económica hizo que el mercado 13,2. Pero aún esta cifra es una grotesca ceso interconectado y esparcido de pro-
de valores subiera por cuatro semanas subestimación de la verdadera crisis de La más grande de todas ducción, una red de producción verdader-
consecutivas comenzando el 10 de marzo, desempleo. las recuperaciones sin empleos amente global, cada despido en una indus-
está claro que la recuperación de la que Un reporte publicado por Martin Weiss, La clase trabajadora está atrapada en tria principal fomenta despidos por toda la
se habló era una recuperación para l@s un consultor financiero, revela que las un sistema capitalista que está en crisis red global que depende de esas industrias.
empresari@s y banquer@s, no para l@s cifras de “obrer@s desalentad@s” están permanente. Por ejemplo, un artículo en Por eso el desempleo está subiendo tanto
trabajadores/as. completamente minimizadas. (money- el periódico Wall Street Journal del 28 de en los Estados Unidos como en el resto del
Tres cuartas partes de un millón de, 6 de abril) Weiss cita marzo habló de que hay señales de que se mundo. El Banco Mundial estima que has-
obrer@s perdieron sus empleos durante las investigaciones de John Williams de había alcanzado el final de la recesión. El ta 50 millones de trabajadores/as podrían
estas cuatro semanas, pero los financie- “Durante la admin- artículo consideró varias declaraciones de perder su empleo este año.
ros y especuladores estaban empujando el istración de Clinton, “l@s obrer@s banqueros e índices estadísticos del gobi-
mercado basados en reportes de un incre- desalentad@s” “aquell@s que se han erno que pueden señalar una vuelta hacia L@s trabajadores/as solo pueden
mento en la obtención de ganancias por dado por vencid@ por no encontrar el “crecimiento positivo”, lo que significa recuperarse luchando
los bancos y en un alza en la actividad en trabajo” fueron redefinid@s para que una mejora económica capitalista con Nada de esto es una receta para la recu-
el mercado de bonos. solo fueran contad@s si habían estado incremento de ganancias. En parte dijo: peración capitalista — todo lo contrario.
El 3 de abril, día en que el Departamento “desalentad@s” por menos de un año. “Pero una vuelta hacia el crecimiento La clase trabajadora no puede esperar
del Trabajo anunció que 663.000 traba- Esto...aclaró la lista de la mayoría de l@s positivo no es igual que una recuper- a que los procesos automáticos del capi-
jadores/as perdieron sus empleos en el obrer@s desalentad@s.” ación, particularmente con la tasa actual talismo se revivan, rescaten la situación,
mes de marzo, el mercado de valores de En otras palabras, un/a trabajador/a de un 8,1 por ciento de desempleo, el más y eliminen el desempleo, la pobreza y el
Dow Jones Industrial Average subió unos que ha estado desalentad@ por más de alto en un cuarto de un siglo y subiendo hambre.
49 puntos, coronando así el aumento en un año, desaparece totalmente de las a niveles más altos cada mes. Nariman Ahora mismo l@s trabajadores/as en
las cuatro semanas. Luego el mercado estadísticas de desempleo. Basado en Behravesh, el economista en jefe de HIS Enfield, Gran Bretaña, y Belfast, Irlanda,
comenzó a descender nuevamente, bas- esto, Williams estima que la cifra real de Global Insight … dice que el desempleo han ocupado la fábrica de partes de auto-
ado en los reportes de un descenso en las desempleo es de 19,8 por ciento o sea, puede alcanzar un 10,5 por ciento a fina- móvil Visteon, para demandar la indem-
ganancias corporativas. cerca de 30 millones. les del próximo año, aún si la economía nización por el cese del empleo y otros
Esto muestra claramente las diferencias La posibilidad de una pronta recu- crece a una tasa del 3 por ciento. derechos. Esta sigue a otra ocupación
sobre lo que significa la recuperación para peración capitalista es poco probable, “‘Lo que viene luego me temo, será la semejante por l@s trabajadores/as de
Wall Street y lo que significa para l@s tra- tomando en consideración que la man- más grande de todas las recuperaciones Waterford Crystal en Irlanda quienes
bajadores/as. L@s empresari@s quieren ufactura va cuesta abajo, no solo en sin empleo’, dijo Bernard Baumohl, estaban siguiendo el ejemplo de l@s tra-
ganancias más altas, mientras que l@s Estados Unidos, sino mundialmente. Aún economista en jefe del Grupo Economic bajadores/as de Republic Windows and
obrer@s lo que quieren son sus empleos, l@s expert@s burgueses/as más optimis- Outlook de Princeton, NJ. ‘Aunque salga- Doors que ocuparon su fábrica en Chicago
sus casas y su futuro. Esa es la razón por tas esperan una caída económica en la mos de la recesión desde el punto de vista el pasado diciembre.
la cual la prensa capitalista puede hablar economía y un incremento en el número estadístico a finales de este año, la may- Las acciones de la clase trabajadora, la
de señales de recuperación a la vez que el de desemplead@s de por lo menos medio oría de los americanos tendrá dificultad al capacidad de actuar por sus propios inter-
desempleo aumenta. millón al mes en un futuro cercano. De distinguir entre recesión y recuperación eses, al organizar desde el nivel de base
hecho, no hay un/a economista que pue- durante los próximos 12 meses’.” para resistir esta ola enorme de despidos,
El desempleo verdadero da señalar un sendero a seguir para salir Desde luego, los expertos capitalistas no recortes de turnos, recortes de horas de
es de 19,8 por ciento de esta crisis. pueden predecir, y nunca han podido pre- trabajo, al igual que el resistir los desahu-
De hecho, la prensa capitalista minimiza En el mejor de los casos, la esperanza es decir con ningún grado de certeza, cómo cios y las evicciones, es la única manera
la verdadera cifra de desempleo para así que la inyección masiva de fondos guber- va a funcionar la economía al largo plazo. de proceder hacia adelante.
esconder la extensión de la crisis entre l@s namentales a los bancos, más el otro L@s marxistas, conociendo las contradic- El grito de combate “¡El trabajo es un
obrer@s. Según los titulares, el desempleo paquete de estímulo más allá del paquete ciones del capitalismo, sabiendo que el derecho!” debe ser alzado por todos lados
ha subido a un porcentaje oficial del 8,5 por de $787 mil millones ya legislados, puedan consumo no puede mantenerse al mismo y así detener a los dueños empresariales.
ciento. Mucha menos publicidad se le da a disminuir la crisis y estabilizar el sistema nivel de la producción por ganancias bajo Debe haber movilizaciones masivas y
la cifra del 15,6 por ciento — la otra cifra durante los próximos dos años. el capitalismo, entienden que la sobre- luchas coordinadas por una alianza entre
oficial — que incluye a l@s trabajadores/as Pero un punto importante que debe producción y la crisis son inevitables. las comunidades oprimidas y empobre-
desmoralizad@s por no encontrar empleo recordar la clase trabajadora, l@s Esta es la clase de crisis que está creando cidas y l@s trabajadores/as para detener
y aquell@s forzad@s a tomar un empleo a oprimid@s, y todas las fuerzas progresis- destrucción para l@s trabajadores/as el cierre de fábricas y prevenir que los
tiempo parcial pese a que lo que necesita- tas y revolucionarias es el hecho de que alrededor del mundo en una gran escala empresarios puedan irse dejando a las
ban era uno de tiempo completo. hasta una recuperación capitalista mod- desde la Gran Depresión. Entonces toda comunidades y en el proceso destruyendo
discusión sobre una recuperación es muy tantas vidas.

MitíN el PriMero de Mayo

prematura. Cada centavo de los millones de mil-
Por ejemplo, hoy en los EEUU la crucial lones de dólares para los bancos debe ser

Viernes, 1º de Mayo 2009 industria automovilística, que es central

para la economía nacional, puede vender
puesto para aliviar el sufrimiento económi-
co del pueblo creando un verdadero pro-
en Union Square obteniendo ganancias, solo la mitad de grama gubernamental de empleos con
la cantidad de autos que tiene capacidad sueldos sostenibles y con beneficies — no
calle 14 y Broadway, Manhattan de producir. La falta de ventas significa solamente las migajas ofrecidas después
Congregarse 12 del medio día falta de ganancias. La falta de ganancias de que los capitalistas hayan dividido el
Musica & Presentaciones 4 pm significa el cierre de la producción. Esto dinero del paquete de estímulo entre ellos
significa despidos, la destrucción de fábri- y hayan extraído sus ganancias.
Marcha a Plaza Federal #26 cas, más pobreza, menos ventas y la pro- Esta es la única manera de echar la cri-
sobre las 5:30 pm fundización de la crisis. sis a dónde debe estar, en las espaldas de
Mitín el Primero de Mayo es iniciado por la Coalición Lo mismo ocurre en la industria de la los acaparadores ricos y quitarla de las
1º de Mayo por Derechos de los Obreros y los Inmigrantes. vivienda. Millones de casas no pueden espaldas de la clase trabajadora y de l@s
Nos reunimos el tercer jueves del mes todos los meses en venderse obteniendo ganancias mientras
se multiplican las poblaciones de tiendas
Ellos crearon esta crisis. Ellos deben
el Centro Solidarity, calle 17 #55 oeste, Piso 5, entre avenidas 5 & 6.
de campaña donde vive gente desampar- pagar. ¡Rescatar al pueblo, no a los

Somos una coalición amplia formada por activistas
DAS ada. La industria de la vivienda, como la bancos!

los derechos de los obreros, inmigrantes, contra
industria automotriz, afecta a todos los Goldstein es el escritor de
la Guerra y derechos humanos de todas las t e Or aCiONes sectores de la economía. La crisis hipo- “Low-Wage Capitalism (Capitalismo
nacionalidades. Desde 2005 hemos organizado
el rally del Primero de Mayo en Union Square. tecaria, por la cual millones han perdido de Bajos Salarios).” Se puede encontrar
sus casas, significa no solamente un incre- información sobre el libro en: www.
Para endorsar o información para participar
favor de llamar al 212.561.1744 o visite mento en el número de gente sin techo, Se puede
sino una subida del desempleo entre enviar correspondencia electrónica a o envie correo electrónico EMBARGOS DE HIPOTECAS tod@s l@s trabajadores/as afectad@s Goldstein en
a y rescates economicos para los Bancos!!

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