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Thank you for applying to the 2013-2014 Q Magazine board. The application deadline is Sunday, September 8 at 11:59 PM.

Please email the application to with [Q] Application LastName in the subject line, with a brief (1-4 pp) writing sample attached. Journalistic or critical pieces are encouraged but not required. For design positions, please attach portfolio materials, if possible. Please note that we may conduct a round of follow-up interviews.

Name: Email:

College/year: Major:

Managing editors (2)

Manages all editorial content. Meets weekly with the editor in chief to source new writers, develop editorial concepts and oversee section editors. Responsible for: writing photo captions and article headlines and blurbs, From the Archives and Critically Queer.

Art director
Oversees layout and design to develop and maintain a professional and creative aesthetic. Responsible for illustrations and editing design proofs. Must have experience working with InDesign. Works closely with EIC and photography director.

Photography director
Plans and oversees cover and feature photoshoots and works closely with the EIC and art director to ensure that the visual components of the magazine square with editorial content. Should have some photography experience and working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop.

Oversees all budgetary, administrative, sales/marketing and developmental projects. Section editors

Features Editor:
Develops content for the three features in the magazine. Works with authors in writing and editing articles longer journalistic articles.

Essays/Sex Editor:
Develops content for the personal essays and sex sections of the magazine. Works with authors in writing and editing articles related to individuals experiences and to a critical examination of sex and relationships.

Culture Editor:
Develops content for the culture section of the magazine. Works with authors in writing and editing articles related to queer contributions to culture in literature, music, film and television.

Online Editor
Manages and develops content for the website. Works closely with the web designer and EIC to reconcile the print and online products, to keep the website updated and vibrant and to manage Qs social media presence.

Design associates
Aids in layout, design, illustration, photo and ads. Works closely with art director.

Business Associates
Assists the publisher with marketing and promoting the magazine to corporations and local businesses. Responsibilities include: sourcing, contacting, and following up with potential advertisers. Grant-writing tasks as needed.

1. 2. 3.

Please indicate which positions you are interested in, ranked in order of preference. Describe your qualifications for each position listed above, including past experience and related activities. Why are you interested in the position(s) listed above, in Q Magazine, and in queer issues and/or journalism generally?

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