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An eight (8) week online course

A grasp on News Writing, Feature Writing, Editorial/Opinion Writing, Editorial Cartooning and Literary Writing.




BASIC CAMPUS JOURNALISM Course Description: This eight (8) week course engages aspiring Campus Journalists in becoming skilled writers and critics in the different areas of journalism for a variety of purposes. Their writings should make them aware of their interactions among writing purposes and audience expectations as well as the way generic conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in journalism. Campus Journalists should be able to write effectively and confidently as writers across their personal lives, to apply effective strategies and techniques in their own writings and to demonstrate understanding and mastery of standard written English as well as stylistic maturity in their own writings.


Course Objectives At the end of the eight (8) week online course, the students are able to: 1. Apply critical reading and thinking skills to the writing process through analyzing and reacting on reading materials. 2. Follow the conventions of standard written English, in sentence structure, punctuation, grammar and spelling. 3. Identify and develop styles appropriate to varied writing situations. 4. Analyze other writers motives in reasons for writing. 5. Relate writing motives to internal features of their texts including different genres and expectations of different audience.
Syllabus in Basic Campus Journalism by Jennielou Pigao

6. Write well-organized articles with a firm thesis and a clear introduction, body and conclusion



Cruz, Ceciliano- Jose B. Campus Journalism and School Paper Advising. Rex Book Store, 856 Nicanor Reyes St. Manila Philippines, 2000. Malinao, Alito L. Journalism for Filipinos. National Book Store Inc., Mandaluyong, Philippines, 1991. Malinao, Alito L. Campus and Community Journalism Hand Book. National Book Store Inc., Mandaluyong, Philippines, 2005. Cruz, Ceciliano- Jose B. Advanced Campus Journalism. August 3, 2011 Ferguson, Donald L. Journalism Today. August 3, 2011

Syllabus in Basic Campus Journalism by Jennielou Pigao


TOPIC Campus Journalism- A Better Understanding A. Definition of Campus Journalism B. Responsibilities of a Campus Writer C. The Dos and Donts in Campus Journalism D. A review of the Journalism Creed E. Killing of Journalists/ Journalism issues

OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Define Campus Journalism. 2. Explain why a Campus Journalist should be responsible in his/her writings. 3. Enumerate the different Dos and Donts in Campus Journalism. 4. Discuss the Journalism Creed. 5. Reflect on the importance of Campus Journalism in the society. 6. Describe the qualities a Campus Journalist should possess.


EVALUATION Quiz: ( Essay) Answer the following questions in no less than five sentences to be posted on the online class forum. (10 points each)

-Lecture -Discussion -Brainstorming -Reading Assignment -Criticizing an article -Library research 1. State and explain one responsibility of a Campus Journalist. 2. Define Campus Journalism in your own point of view. 3. Why do Campus Journalists need to be responsible in their writings? 4. Do you believe in the saying Pen is mightier than sword? Explain. 5. In your own opinion, why do journalists need to stand for the sake of justice and truth despite

Syllabus in Basic Campus Journalism by Jennielou Pigao

Reference: Cruz, Ceciliano-Jose B. Advanced Campus Journalism. August 3, 2011 7. Display interest in writing as well as criticizing an article.

personal threats?

Syllabus in Basic Campus Journalism by Jennielou Pigao


News Writing A. What is News Writing? B. The pyramid structure in News Writing C. Types of News Writing D. Simple vs. Obscure Words

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

Write a news article regarding the following topics: ( 25 points each)

1. Explain the importance of the Pyramid Structure in News Writing.

-Lecture - Discussion -Brainstorming

-Chinese New Celebration


-Justice Coronas Impeachment Trial

2. Analyze the process in News Writing through using simple words rather than of obscure words.

- Review of news articles -Reporting -Library research Criteria for grading: Lead -10 points Body 5 points Conclusion 5 points Title -- 5 points 25 points

Reference: Cruz, Ceciliano-Jose B. Advanced Campus Journalism. August 3, 2011

3. Write quality news articles observing the rules In News Writing.

Syllabus in Basic Campus Journalism by Jennielou Pigao


Feature Writing

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

Write feature articles regarding the following topics: ( 50 points each)

A. What is feature writing? 1. My Favorite Teacher B. Different kinds of feature writing 1. Differentiate feature writing from other types of writing


2. My First Love

C. Rhetorical Acts for Paragraph Development

2. Reflect from other feature writers motives through reading their works.

- Reading Assignment -Reporting

3. My first experience to read a full novel 4. Am I Team Twilight or Team Harry Potter?

Reference: Cruz, Ceciliano-Jose B. Advanced Campus Journalism. August 3, 2011

3. Write feature articles from the different types of it.

Criteria for grading: Clarity of ideas -- 15 pts Conciseness -- 15 pts Grammar -- 15 pts Title -- 5 pts 50 points

Syllabus in Basic Campus Journalism by Jennielou Pigao


Editorial/ Opinion Writing A. What is an editorial? B. Parts of an Editorial C. Different techniques in writing an effective editorial D. Different types of Editorial E. Controversial Issues in our Country

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Define the different types of an Editorial 2. Compare and contrast Editorial Writing from Opinion Writing 3. Enumerate the current issues locally and globally 4. Develop interest in writing opinionated articles expressing their sides regarding a certain topic 5. Write an effective editorial/ opinion article for different audiences -Brainstorming - Criticizing articles -Debate - Discussion -Reading Assignment

The following topics are the hottest issues in our country nowadays. Choose three topics and write an opinion article observing the rules in opinion writing. Make sure that your title can catch your readers interest. ( 50 points for each article) 1. Coronas Impeachment Trial 2. PGMAs House/Hospital Arrest 3. RamGen Revillas Murder 4. SK Abolition 5. Underground river as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World Criteria for grading: Point of Argument --- 20 pts Stand of the writer ---10 pts Grammar and Spelling-10 pts

Reference: Cruz, Ceciliano-Jose B. Advanced Campus Journalism. August 3, 2011

6. Compare their ideas with other peoples ideas by including counter arguments and acknowledging multiple perspectives on any topic.

Syllabus in Basic Campus Journalism by Jennielou Pigao

Lead 5 pts Title 5 pts 50 points


Syllabus in Basic Campus Journalism by Jennielou Pigao


Editorial Cartooning

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Explain the importance of editorial cartooning in an editorial page 2. Analyze the cartoonists motives in drawing an editorial cartoon 3. Consider their audiences expectations and perspectives on their drawings 4. Interpret the messages of their drawings 5. Draw an editorial cartoon regarding issues governing our society

Draw an editorial cartoon on the following topics: ( 50 points)

A. What is an editorial cartooning?

-Brainstorming -Games -Discussion -Ed.Cartoon review

1. Coronas Impeachment 2. PGMAs hospital arrest 3. SK Abolition

B. Different symbols used in Editorial Cartooning

Criteria in grading: Message --- 30 points Symbols --- 10 points Visual Impact 10 points 50 points

Reference: Cruz, Ceciliano-Jose B. Advanced Campus Journalism. August 3, 2011

Syllabus in Basic Campus Journalism by Jennielou Pigao


Literary Writing A. What is Literary? B. Different literary techniques/ devices C. Short Story writing D. Poem Writing 1. Haiku 2. Sonnet 3. Free verse

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Plan and carry out multiple stages in writing short story from drafting, revising and writing the final output 2. Enumerate the different techniques/ devices often used in literary writing 3. Relate their motives to internal features of their texts including content, word choice, structure, style and approach to their audience 4. Write effective stories and poem that can capture the interest of their readers

I. Write a story with no less than 1000 words. It could be a love, tragic, drama, comedy or horror story. ( 100 points) Criteria for grading: Originality --50 pts Grammar --20 pts Point of the story-20 pts Title --10 pts 100 points

-Discussion -Lecture -Brainstorming -Games -Movie review -Book review -Reading assignment

Reference: Cruz, Ceciliano-Jose B. Advanced Campus Journalism. August 3, 2011

II. Write a 15-stanza free verse poem with the topic of your choice Criteria for grading: Originality --20 pts Grammar --10 pts Point of the view-10 pts Word choice -- 5 pts Title --5 pts 50

Syllabus in Basic Campus Journalism by Jennielou Pigao


Syllabus in Basic Campus Journalism by Jennielou Pigao

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