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The Well By /u/Kamares

EXT. WELL - MORNING EDWARD, a boy around 10 years old, stands looking over a well with three other boys his age. Each is dressed in peasant clothes and look fairly dirty. Behind them stands an old, medieval house, and behind that more houses and buildings. Edward pulls a rope that descends into the hole and soon enough a bucket emerges out of the ground, filled with water. Another boy, THOMAS, pours the water into a separate bucket and then lets the one attached to the rope drop back into the well. THOMAS Thats all then. Lets take these along. Thomas and the other boys all pick up two buckets of water each and walk away, but Edward just stands by the well holding the rope. THOMAS Are you coming Ed? The boy at the well looks up and blinks a few times. EDWARD I just have the worst headache. I feel all dizzy. THOMAS Grab your buckets and catch up with us. Weve got four more trips yet to make. Edward nods and leans over to pick up a bucket, but he keels over onto his knees and holds onto his head. Thomas sets his bucket down and walks over to his friend. The other two boys, CHARLES and GEORGE, keep walking. THOMAS Are you really sick? Edward coughs harshly a few times and then blows his nose. Some snot and boogers shoot out onto the ground, but also something else that sticks onto his upper lip. Thomas notices it and peers closely at Edwards face.

2. THOMAS What is that? EDWARD What? THOMAS Theres something in your nose. God, Ed, get it out. Edward reaches a hand up to his face and feels the end of it. He pulls, and to the growing astonishment of his friend takes out a worm nearly three quarters of a foot in length. Thomas steps back suddenly, and when Edward sees what hes holding he throws it on the ground and jumps up. He gazes, struck silent with fear, at the creature still wriggling slightly on the ground at his feet, then looks up at his friend, who stares back shaking his head slowly. THOMAS Thats- thats not natural. A worm just came out of your nose, Ed. EDWARD I know what came out of my nose! I saw it- felt it, didnt I? Edward stamps on the worm, rendering it a squished mess on the bottom of his foot. He does his best to wipe it off on the ground. THOMAS What are you going to do? EDWARD What do you mean? THOMAS Thats a demon sign; its gotta be. Sure as any Ive ever seen. By now the other two boys who took their water inside are walking back with now-empty buckets. Thomas looks back at them and closes his previously gaping mouth. CHARLES What are you two still standing around for? If youre going to stop and rest, me and George arent going to lug anymore water until you take yours in.

3. GEORGE Yeah, whats all this talk about demons were hearing shouted across the yard? THOMAS Ed just pulled a worm out of his nose. About a foot long, it had to be. Just kept coming out. Charles and Georges expressions change and they look fiercely at Edward. CHARLES What? Where is it? THOMAS You can see it on the ground there where he squished it. CHARLES Jesus, Ive never seen a thing like that before. Thats bad news. GEORGE Thats cause for demon talk alright. EDWARD It isnt any demon! I dont have any demons in my body, and I would be the one to know as its my body! CHARLES Really, Ed? You familiar with what demons feel like when theyre in your body? EDWARD Thats not what I meant. CHARLES Then how do you know it isnt a demon? What else could a worm coming out of your nose be? EDWARD Im just sick. I need to see the doctor. THOMAS Yeah, I think a doctors a good idea.


CHARLES I dont know if he should go back into town. If he lets demons out all over, theres no telling what could happen. Edward steps forward fiercely. EDWARD You shut up! You wouldnt know the first thing about anything! Now Im going to the doctor! CHARLES You arent going into town if I can help it! THOMAS Hes been to town loads of times before, Charles. If he wanted to he could have released all his demons then. EDWARD I dont have any demons! Charles ignores Edward and stares straight at Thomas. CHARLES No, the way I figure it, hes had demons in him his whole life. That explains why hes always been so nasty and strange looking, dont it George? GEORGE Yeah, it would at that. CHARLES But the thing is, the demons havent started coming out until just now. You saw that yourself, Thomas. You were the one who told us. Its like they were just sleeping before, making him sick on the inside, and now all that sickness is coming out into the world. EDWARD You shut your face! Say one more word about demons and sickness and-


CHARLES Im not shutting my face for any demon! Edward lunges at Charles, and the two fall to the ground in a scuffle. George jumps at Edward as well, trying to grab ahold of him. THOMAS Stop it, all of you! Weve gotta figure this out. Stand up and quit fighting! They stop, but only because George and Charles have pinned Edward and are lifting him up by his arms. They looks quite pleased with themselves to have won the small fight. Then George glances at Edwards face, and he jumps back frightened. GEORGE Charles, look! Everyone looks at Edward and they all see the end of another worm protruding from his nose. Charles jumps away as well and all three boys back away. Edward reaches up and pulls on the worm, this one coming out even longer than the last, close to a foot in length. He holds it up wriggling in front of his face and gazes at it in horror before dropping it on the ground and stomping it furiously into the dirt. GEORGE Hes a god damned demon! EDWARD No, please. Im not a demon. Please, Thomas. I need help. CHARLES Stay right there, Ed! I know how to get rid of this. THOMAS You do? CHARLES Yeah. Just think. Where do demons come from? Where is it that the devil lives?


GEORGE Where? CHARLES Underground. Just look at what came out of his nose - worms. We just have to send the demon back where it came from. GEORGE How? Charles nods over at the well. Edward looks back to see what everyones staring at, and puts his hands up in protest. EDWARD No! Are you crazy? Charles and George advance towards Edward while Thomas looks idly on. EDWARD No! Help me! Help me Thomas! He turns to run, but too late. Charles and George grab him around the waist and drag him over to the well. They struggle to lift the kicking, screaming boy over the edge, then push him down into the hole. Hes able to hold onto the sides with his fingertips for a few seconds, but the boys above stomp on them and he falls down, his shouts echoing up until they stop with a dull splash and a thud. Charles and George step away from the well, looking proud to have accomplished something so important as this. Thomas just crouches on the ground, staring at the well in pity and disbelief. THE END

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