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Definitions A few noteworthy definitions by experts are:

"Management is an art of knowing what is to be done and seeing that it is done in the best possible manner." (planning and controlling) F.W. Taylor (father of scientific management) "Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of others." Henri Fayol (father of modern management) "Management is the process by which co-operative group directs actions towards common goals." Joseph Massie "Management is that process by which managers create, direct, maintain and operate purposive organisation through systematic, coordinated and cooperative human efforts." McFarland "Management is the coordination of all resources through the process of planning, organising, directing and controlling in order to attain stated goals." Henry Sisk "Management is a social and technical process that utilises resources, influences human action and facilitates changes in oeder to accomplish an organization's goals." Tho Harmann, William Scott "Management is a process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives in a changing environment, central to this purpose is the effective and efficient use of limited resources."

FUNCTION OF MANAGEMENT 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Staffing 4. Leading 5. Controlling 1. Planning Planning is setting goals and deciding how best to achieve them. Planning is predetermining future. Planning is deciding in advance about what to do how to do it when to do it and who is to do it. 2. Organizing

Organizing is establishing structure. It includes grouping tasks, producing authority responsibility structures creating channel of communication and creating coordinating mechanism. 3. Staffing Staffing is hiring and assigning people to carry out tasks. It is filling and keeping filled positions in the organization structure. It is human resource management. 4. Leading Leading is influencing, communicating and motivating people to perform tasks for goal achievement. 5. Controlling Controlling is maintaining, comparing and correcting organizational performance toward goal achievement Importance of Management inShare1

1. It helps in Achieving Group Goals - It arranges the factors of production, assembles and organizes the resources, integrates the resources in effective manner to achieve goals. It directs group efforts towards achievement of pre-determined goals. By defining objective of organization clearly there would be no wastage of time, money and effort. Management converts disorganized resources of men, machines, money etc. into useful enterprise. These

resources are coordinated, directed and controlled in such a manner that enterprise work towards attainment of goals. 2. Optimum Utilization of Resources Management utilizes all the physical & human resources productively. This leads to efficacy in management. Management provides maximum utilization of scarce resources by selecting its best possible alternate use in industry from out of various uses. It makes use of experts, professional and these services leads to use of their skills, knowledge, and proper utilization and avoids wastage. If employees and machines are producing its maximum there is no under employment of any resources. 3. Reduces Costs - It gets maximum results through minimum input by proper planning and by using minimum input & getting maximum output. Management uses physical, human and financial resources in such a manner which results in best combination. This helps in cost reduction. 4. Establishes Sound Organization - No overlapping of efforts (smooth and coordinated functions). To establish sound organizational structure is one of the objective of management which is in tune with objective of organization and for fulfillment of this, it establishes effective authority & responsibility relationship i.e. who is accountable to whom, who can give instructions to whom, who are superiors & who are subordinates. Management fills up various positions with right persons, having right skills, training and qualification. All jobs should be cleared to everyone. 5. Establishes Equilibrium - It enables the organization to survive in changing environment. It keeps in touch with the

changing environment. With the change is external environment, the initial co-ordination of organization must be changed. So it adapts organization to changing demand of market / changing needs of societies. It is responsible for growth and survival of organization. 6. Essentials for Prosperity of Society - Efficient management leads to better economical production which helps in turn to increase the welfare of people. Good management makes a difficult task easier by avoiding wastage of scarce resource. It improves standard of living. It increases the profit which is beneficial to business and society will get maximum output at minimum cost by creating employment opportunities which generate income in hands. Organization comes with new products and researches beneficial for society. Management as an Art

Art implies application of knowledge & skill to trying about desired results. An art may be defined as personalized application of general theoretical principles for achieving best possible results. Art has the following characters 1. Practical Knowledge: Every art requires practical knowledge therefore learning of theory is not sufficient. It is very important to know practical application of theoretical principles. E.g. to become a good painter, the person may not only be knowing different colour and brushes but different designs, dimensions, situations etc to use

them appropriately. A manager can never be successful just by obtaining degree or diploma in management; he must have also know how to apply various principles in real situations by functioning in capacity of manager. 2. Personal Skill: Although theoretical base may be same for every artist, but each one has his own style and approach towards his job. That is why the level of success and quality of performance differs from one person to another. E.g. there are several qualified painters but M.F. Hussain is recognized for his style. Similarly management as an art is also personalized. Every manager has his own way of managing things based on his knowledge, experience and personality, that is why some managers are known as good managers (like Aditya Birla, Rahul Bajaj) whereas others as bad. 3. Creativity: Every artist has an element of creativity in line. That is why he aims at producing something that has never existed before which requires combination of intelligence & imagination. Management is also creative in nature like any other art. It combines human and non-human resources in useful way so as to achieve desired results. It tries to produce in an efficient manner. 4. Perfection through practice: Practice makes a man perfect. Every artist becomes more and more proficient through constant practice. Similarly managers learn through an art of trial and error initially but application of

management principles over the years makes them perfect in the job of managing. 5. Goal-Oriented: Every art is result oriented as it seeks to achieve concrete results. In the same manner, management is also directed towards accomplishment of pre-determined goals. Managers use various resources like men, money, material, machinery & methods to promote growth of an organization. Thus, we can say that management is an art therefore it requires application of certain principles rather it is an art of highest order because it deals with moulding the attitude and behavior of people at work towards desired goals. Management as both Science and Art Management is both an art and a science. The above mentioned points clearly reveals that management combines features of both science as well as art. It is considered as a science because it has an organized body of knowledge which contains certain universal truth. It is called an art because managing requires certain skills which are personal possessions of managers. Science provides the knowledge & art deals with the application of knowledge and skills. A manager to be successful in his profession must acquire the knowledge of science & the art of applying it. Therefore management is a judicious blend of science as well as an art because it proves the principles and the way these principles are applied is a matter of art. Science teaches to know and art teaches to do. E.g. a person cannot become a good singer unless he has knowledge about various ragas & he also applies his personal skill in the art of singing. Same way it is not sufficient for manager to first know the principles but he must also apply them in solving various managerial problems that is why, science

and art are not mutually exclusive but they are complementary to each other (like tea and biscuit, bread and butter etc.). The old saying that Manager are Born has been rejected in favor of Managers are Made. It has been aptly remarked that management is the oldest of art and youngest of science. To conclude, we can say that science is the root and art is the fruit. Management Principles developed by Henri Fayol: 1. DIVISION OF WORK: Work should be divided among individuals and groups to ensure that effort and attention are focused on special portions of the task. Fayol presented work specialization as the best way to use the human resources of the organization. 2. AUTHORITY: The concepts of Authority and responsibility are closely related. Authority was defined by Fayol as the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience. Responsibility involves being accountable, and is therefore naturally associated with authority. Whoever assumes authority also assumes responsibility. 3. DISCIPLINE: A successful organization requires the common effort of workers. Penalties should be applied judiciously to encourage this common effort. 4. UNITY OF COMMAND: Workers should receive orders from only one manager. 5. UNITY OF DIRECTION: The entire organization should be moving towards a common objective in a common direction.

6. SUBORDINATION OF INDIVIDUAL INTERESTS TO THE GENERAL INTERESTS: The interests of one person should not take priority over the interests of the organization as a whole. 7. REMUNERATION: Many variables, such as cost of living, supply of qualified personnel, general business conditions, and success of the business, should be considered in determining a workers rate of pay. 8. CENTRALIZATION: Fayol defined centralization as lowering the importance of the subordinate role. Decentralization is increasing the importance. The degree to which centralization or decentralization should be adopted depends on the specific organization in which the manager is working.

9. SCALAR CHAIN: Managers in hierarchies are part of a chain like authority scale. Each manager, from the first line supervisor to the president, possess certain amounts of authority. The President possesses the most authority; the first line supervisor the least. Lower level managers should always keep upper level managers informed of their work activities. The existence of a scalar chain and adherence to it are necessary if the organization is to be successful. 10. ORDER: For the sake of efficiency and coordination, all materials and people related to a specific kind of work should be treated as equally as possible.

11. EQUITY: All employees should be treated as equally as possible. 12. STABILITY OF TENURE OF PERSONNEL: Retaining productive employees should always be a high priority of management. Recruitment and Selection Costs, as well as increased product-reject rates are usually associated with hiring new workers. 13. INITIATIVE: Management should take steps to encourage worker initiative, which is defined as new or additional work activity undertaken through self direction. 14. ESPIRIT DE CORPS: Management should encourage harmony and general good feelings among employees.

Good Manager Skills: List of Skills and Qualities for a Resume Project Manager Skills: List of Skills and Abilities

Leadership: An experienced team leader Influencing, leading, and delegating abilities Ability to initiate/manage cross-functional teams and multidisciplinary projects. Critical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills. Planning and organizing Organizational abilities Result oriented: Ability to achieve the target within given time Excellence Communication skills. Negotiating skills

Conflict resolution. Adaptability Efficient under pressure, always meet deadlines

Sales Manager Skills: List of Skills and Strengths

Sound expertise in sales Excellent written and verbal communication skills Good communicator Strong Presentation skills Know-how to demonstrate, promote and sell Goal-oriented Strong networking skills Negotiating skills Good Judgment Decision making

Office Manager Skills: List of Skills and Attributes

Superb organization skills Good communicator Multitasking Can handle many assignments Ability to prioritize independently Decision Maker Project management abilities Accuracy and punctuality Willing to stretch extra hours to complete assigned work.

Marketing Manager Skills: List of Skills and Competencies

Excellent communication skills both written and oral. Leadership abilities Strategic thinking: Experienced in developing marketing strategies

Decisive: Capable of delivering quick solutions to the marketing troubles. Strong sales support and project management, leadership and training skills. Excellent analytical skills: Expert in forwarding thinking & market research Sound expertise in development processes and product marketing. Excellence presentation skills Effective listener

Product Manager Skills: List of Skills and Qualifications

Superb written and oral communication skills Technical knowledge and Background Business aptitude skills Creative, insightful and innovative Coordination Team working skills Ability to influence people and clients Analytical thinking Quantitative skills Effective Presentation skills

Business Development Manager Skills and talents

Strong networking skills Presentation skills A work hard, play hard approach Analytical abilities Team player Energetic In-depth knowledge and understanding of ABC technology in relation to market needs. Outstanding knowledge in the technical/selling [the field] Excellent research abilities

Great at interpersonal communication effective coordinator, excellent verbal and written communication skills Upbeat personality

Account Manager Skills and Qualities

Strong prospecting-account management and closing skills Win-win attitude and accountability Sales characteristics such as competitiveness, accountability. Quickly develop relationships with clients Easy going and personable with clients Professionalism Diplomacy Tactfulness to generate positive company image

Make your Managers Effective An "effective" manager takes responsibility for ensuring that each individual within his department succeeds and that the team or business unit achieves results. Successful managers require both talent and skill. Effective management skills can be developed through training, mentoring, and experience. But if a manager is void of natural talent, then the odds that he will be successful diminish significantly.


The most productive companies are typically more proactive than their peers when it comes to identifying and developing effective managers. The six most common managerial success traits include communication, leadership, adaptability, relationships, development of others, and personal development.


A manager with good communication skills is able to instruct as well as he listens. Managers who can communicate effectively

can process information, and then relate it back to their teams clearly. Effective managers should be able to understand, decipher, and relate the organization's vision back to their employees in order to maintain productivity.


Leadership is a main attribute that many managers lack despite their job title. It is common practice for companies to promote employees with the best results, but sometimes the best salesman doesn't make the best manager. True leaders are able to instill trust, provide direction, and delegate responsibility amongst team members.


Adaptability also contributes to a manager's effectiveness. When a manager is able to adjust quickly to unexpected circumstances, he is able to lead his team to adjust as well. Adaptability also means that a manager can think creatively and find new solutions to old problems.

Effective managers should strive to build personal relationships with their teams. Employees are more likely to exceed expectations when they trust their manager. When managers establish a relationship with employees, it builds trust and employees feel valued. Valued employees are more willing to get the job done right. The best managers know when their employees need more development, and how to ensure those developments are successful. Developing others involves cultivating each individual's talents, and motivating those individuals to channel those talents toward productivity.


Finally, an effective manager is aware of their own personal development. In order to successfully develop and lead others, managers must seek improvement in themselves. A manager

who is willing to learn more and use their natural talents to the best of their ability will be able to encourage the same behavior in employees. Effective management skills are comprised of several key components, and are not easily achieved. Organizations need to recognize the traits associated with successful management, and then promote employees based on those traits. The highest achieving employees do not always make the best managers, but employees that naturally exude the attributes desired by managers are sure to be effective and successful in management roles

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