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Background of study Language is a link that connects the human to one another. Besides as a

communication tool, language is very important to establish a good and harmonious relationship to each other. Language in general has become important link in all forms of activity undertaken by humans. Without language our life in this world will not move to be as modern as today, and most likely in the absence of human language will never have a perfect civilization. Krashen (2009:1) states that language acquisition occurs when language is used for what it was designed for, communication. The developments of the communication in the international language are very rapid and highly influenced on many aspects and lines. In this case, the English language has many promising role in the future as a form of communication that will help human life. So, English is very important to be taught to students in order to keep abreast of any age. As noted by Hammer of the reasons to learn the language. Harmer (1991:11-12) states that there are a number of different reasons for language study. The following list will give an idea of the great variety of such reasons. (a) School curriculum, (b) Advancement, (c) Target language community, (d) English for Specific Purposes. Firstly, the school curriculum that requires a discussion of language, particularly English as the first International language that should be taught to the students like it or not. In many ways the English language is very

necessary for students to support their achievements in order to proceed to higher education. Secondly, in promoting or improving of a quality and level of position. English as an international language of communication is needed, because by being able to speak English it will create a picture of the quality of a person who is able to have relationships with other foreign nations. Therefore, the development of quality in the language is very important in a reason to develop your own potential and promotional level positions in a job. Thirdly, in the development of a target language community, most languages are used as the medium to determine the existing community or as a form of solidity in the use of language. Usually this will be widely used by the community or club lovers of language in a lecture environment or language courses organized by the community of the target language so that language can survive in that community. The last, the language often used for something specific or special purpose in applying a state where the language is very important and needed as a profession. For example, a domestic servant who must serve foreign consumers in the food service, a hotel employee should be able to speak English actively when serving the tourists who visit, the students who want to attend school or study abroad as in America or Australia and others. So language learning as a goal of any profession is required. Following the path of thinking that has been presented by the Hammer of those reasons, the researcher felt the abilities that must be possessed by the students there are four that should be owned and studied in order to have good English language skills, namely: listening, speaking, reading, and listening. As Hammer (1991:34-35) stated that literate people who use language have a number

of different abilities. They will be able to speak on the telephone, letters, listen to the radio or read books. In other words they possess the four basic language skills of speaking, writing, listening and reading. Speaking and writing involve language production and are therefore often referred to as productive skills. Listening and reading, on the other hand, involve receiving messages; therefore, often referred to as receptive skills. And there are other complementary will greatly assist in learning English, namely: grammar, pronunciation, syntax, semantic, and so forth. In the compulsory teaching in schools is highly preferred 4 skills, and learning grammar as learning that is required and tested, but in fact, learning grammar lessons into a form that is difficult to be accepted by the students. This observation is based on research about how grammar is taught to students in schools is unmotivated. The students are too much to think that grammar is very difficult to learn, and this has become a difficult problem if the teacher still thinks using the usual way of teaching without any changes or modifications in the pattern of teaching. Harmer (1991:20) argued that success or lack of it plays a vital part in the motivational drive of a student. Both complete failure and complete success may be de-motivating. It will be the teacher's job to set goals and tasks at which most of his or her students can be successful - or rather tasks which he or she could realistically expect the students to be able to achieve. Mind mapping is an extremely effective technique for sharpening the thinking and learning process (Buzan in Mento et al.,1999). Here we can understand that the mind mapping technique of writing is not just ordinary, but also an extraordinary technique to improve memory and sharpen the pattern of a

process of thinking and learning processes. In the other meaning, mind mapping technique is the formation of a training of how to write effectively to facilitate students in understanding and memorizing of learning materials provided from general to specific forms through activities that are very interesting and effective. Association is a method that is very helpful for students or someone who feels difficulty in learning. This can be inferred from various experiments that have been done by experts, one expert who first proposed and developed is Carl G. Jung in 1910. For that reason, the researcher wanted to provide some form of change in an effective way of teaching that is both acceptable and clear by the students. So students are able to think creatively, motivated, able to modify, and able to memorize all grammar material in a short time. So learning by combining mind mapping and association method will produce a form of learning is perfect and successful. Successful case teaching requires patience, a willingness to encourage open student participation, and (perhaps most importantly) an ability to subtly stimulate productive dialogue over a long period of time (Barnes et al., 1994; Rangan, 1995; in Mento et al., 1999). Based on this phenomenon and the research conducted in the form of the observation, researchers conducted a study entitled teaching verb -ing forms through the combining of mind mapping and association methods to the eleventh grade of SMAN 3 Denpasar in the 2011/2012 academic year.


Statement of Research Question In this study the researcher wants to provide such empirical support as

evidences. The researcher intents to examine this research question: to what extent is the effectiveness of the learning mind mapping and association methods can be accepted by the students and able to bring students to success in learning verb-ing forms for eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 Denpasar in academic year 2011/2012?


Purpose of the Study On every study of course has a special purpose, which is to find relevant

answer to the research question. Based on statement above, in this present study the researcher will try to find out the effectiveness of teaching verb-ing forms trough combining mind mapping and association method to the eleventh year student of SMAN 3 Denpasar in academic year 2011/2012. The researcher expects that combining mind mapping and association method will help the subject under study to improve their ability in learning verb-ing forms.


Limitation of the study The limitation of this present study makes the researcher easier to analyze

the collected data, because the collected data just in area of verb-ing form used in eleventh year student in SMAN 3 Denpasar, are : Gerund. This is limited to the effort of improving the eleventh year student of SMAN 3 Denpasar in learning those materials through combining mind mapping and association method. The

verb-ing forms that are used in this study is based on the teaching syllabus especially for the general and vocational school students.


Significance of the Study The objective of this study is to facilitate teachers in the teaching and

provision of materials, students who received instruction, as well as researchers who provide a study. This contribution is expected to provide the best way for teachers to provide teaching services are attractive and easily to be understood by students. The results of this study are: To the Teachers This present study is expected to give information on teaching and learning process especially to the teacher in teaching verb-ing forms to encourage the students to make and perform their ability in English Grammar. To the Students Students need to be aware of their teachers, questions on his/her effort to invoke students participation in learning. Besides, this research may give them knowledge on how to learn about verb-ing forms easily. To the Researchers This present study is expected to inspire other researchers to advance research about the correct method that used to motivate the student ability in using verb-ing forms in teaching and learning process. It also provided an alternate source and guidance for the next study to obtain better and more accurate result.


Assumptions The researcher thinks it necessary to assume the following things. The

assumptions of the following things are: 1. Assumption that the learning gained from the observation of researchers revealed that the influence of the pattern of conventional grammar learning material should be changed especially in learning verb-ing forms , and what is contained in SMAN 3 Denpasar should receive attention in particular to continue to motivate the students to learn grammar properly and sustainably. 2. The subject of existing research should continue to be evaluated in order to get maximum results in deep and understand grammar lessons especially in learning verb-ing forms by combining mind mapping and association methods simultaneously; so, the research subjects being studied can be a valid and reliable accountability and responsibility in the qualitative and quantitative results. 3. The subject under study is assumed to have a common level of knowledge and good qualification enough, as a result of students' learning of grammar material available. 4. The instruments used for collecting the data are constructed in such a way that they are supposed to be valid and reliable.


Hypothesis On attempting to give a tentative solution to the problem the hypothesis

will be stated as following: The Students ability in learning verb-ing forms can be improved through combining mind mapping and association method.


Definition of Key Terms Some operational definitions are given in order to avoid misunderstanding.

They are verb-ing forms, mind mapping concept, and association method.

A. Verb-ing forms The most complex part of speech is verb which varying arrangements with nouns determine the different kinds of sentences statements, questions, commands, exclamations. (Frank, 1972:47). When the verb does not function as a verb, then it is another part of grammar in the form of the verb. There are three types of verb forms in English, namely: gerund, participle, and infinitive. And forms that will be limited by the investigators in this case is the verb-ing form with function as nouns and adjectives, namely: gerund and participle.

B. Mind mapping Mind mapping is a creativity- and productivity-enhancing technique that can improve the learning and efficiency of individuals and organizations. It is a revolutionary system for capturing ideas and insights horizontally on paper. It can be used in nearly every activity where thought, planning, recall or creativity are involved (Buzan in Mento et al.,1999) Starting with a central image and key

words, colors, codes, and symbols, mind mapping is rapidly replacing the more traditional methods of outlining and note taking in workplaces around the world (Margulies in Mento et al.,1999).

C. Association Method Bar et al. (2007) state that associative processing provides the vehicle of thought is a long-standing idea. They also argue that one primary outcome of associative processing is the generation of predictions, which approximate the immediately relevant future and thus facilitate perception, action, and the progression of thought. That association provides the principle element of human thought is a long-standing idea. (Bar et al., 2007)

D. SMAN 3 Denpasar The eleventh year students of SMAN 3 Denpasar are the students under study who need to increase their ability in English Grammar. They are in the combining of mind mapping and association method during the classroom activities to improve their ability in learning gerund.


Theoretical Framework This present study should be undertaking on the base of some reviews of

the relevant theoretical framework as well as empirical evidences. This present study will base on the reviews of the following theoretical framework of empirical evidences. They are: 1. The Definition of Verb-Ing Forms


2. Kinds of Verb-ing Forms Used in eleventh year students, are: Gerund and Present Participle 3. The Use of Mind Mapping Writing Technique 4. The Use of Association Method 5. The Advantages of Teaching Verb-ing Forms through Combining Mind Mapping and Association Method

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