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Contrary to popular belief, not every snake with reddish or brownish scales is a copperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless

snakes that are frequently mistaken for copperheads. Possible Answers Selected Possible Answer

A. copperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that are

B. copperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that are

C. copperhead; there is a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes

D. copperhead; there is a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes

E. copperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that pe Everyone on both sides except the pitcher and me was injured in that game. Possible Answers Selected Possible Answer A. except the pitcher and me was B. except the pitcher and me were C. except the pitcher and I was D. accept the pitcher and I were E. accept the pitcher and me was To strive, to seek, to find, and not yielding are the heroic goals of Ulysses in Tennysons famous poem. Possible Answers Selected Possible Answer

A. To strive, to seek, to find, and not yielding B. To strive, to seek, finding and not yielding C. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield D. To strive, seeking, to find, and not yielding E. Striving, seeking, finding, and not to yield By focusing on poverty, the other causes of crimesuch as the breakup of the nuclear family, changing morals, the loss of community, etc.have been overlooked by sociologists. Possible Answers Selected Possible Answer A. the other causes of crimesuch as the breakup of the nuclear community, etc.have been overlooked by sociologists.

B. the other causes of crime have been overlooked by sociologists family, changing morals, the loss of community, etc.

C. there are other causes of crime that have been overlooked by so nuclear family, changing morals, the loss of community, etc.

D. crimessuch as the breakup of the nuclear family, changing m etc.have been overlooked by sociologists. E. sociologists have overlooked the other causes of crimesuch changing morals, the loss of community, etc. After extensive trials, the coach chose four swimmers to make up the relay team, Joan, Judy, Alice, and me. Possible Answers Selected Possible Answer

A. team, Joan, Judy, Alice, and me. B. team, Joan, Judy, Alice, and I. C. team, Joan and I, Alice and Judy., I, Joan, Judy, and Alice. E. team, and they are Joan, Judy, Alice and me. The director of the play, along with the costume designer, the set director, and the lighting technicians, have made their recommendations about the revision of the third act to the playwright. Possible Answers Selected Possible Answer A. have made their recommendations B. has made their recommendations C. made their recommendations D. had made their recommendations E. has made his recommendations Traveling across and shooting the vast expanse of the Southwest, in 1945 Ansel Adams began his photographic career. Possible Answers Selected Possible Answer

A. Traveling across and shooting the vast expanse of the Southwes photographic career.

B. In 1945, Ansel Adams began his photographic career, traveling the Southwest.

C. Having traveled across and shooting the vast expanse of the Sou photographic career.

D. Ansel Adams, in 1945 began his photographic career, traveling the Southwest.

E. Traveling across and shooting the vast expanse of the Southwes career in 1945. It is often better to try repairing an old car than to junk it. Possible Answers Selected Possible Answer A. to try repairing an old car than to junk it. B. to repair an old car than to have it junked. C. to try repairing an old car than to junking it. D. to try and repair an old car than to junk it. E. to try to repair an old car than to junk it. The cooperative announced last week that due to increasing sales in the tri-county area, it would distribute a quarterly dividend of more than twice the usual amount to all of its members. Possible Answers Selected Possible Answer

A. The cooperative announced last week that due to increasing sal

B. The cooperative announced that due to increasing sales last wee

C. Last week, the cooperative announced that due to sales increasi

D. Last week, the cooperative, which announced increasing sales i

E. Due to increasing sales in the tri-county area the cooperative an Though dentists recommend brushing ones teeth three times a day, many adult Americans brush just twice a day and floss hardly never. Possible Answers Selected Possible Answer A. brush just twice a day and floss hardly never B. brush your teeth twice and never floss C. brush just twice but rarely floss at all D. brush twice daily but hardly ever floss E. only brush twice daily and rarely floss at all

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