Epic Endeavours Walkthrough v1.0

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Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn mod: Epic Endeavours Walkthrough v. 1.0 by Suburban Jub Collective Email address: suburban_jub_collective@hotmail.



An unofficial walkthrough for the unofficial add-on to Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn: EPIC ENDEAVOURS Latest versions available at: http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index.htm WARNING: There is a LOT of slowdown in the last two missions of this mod. I played using an 800Mhz processor with 128 MB of RAM, and there was no noticeable slowdown except for the final two missions, particularly the final battle. There are hundreds of characters on screen, and the game responds pretty stodgily. I would advise caution before playing this mod if you have machine slower than a 500Mhz processor because I imagine it would be close to unplayable. Additionally this mod is very hard. Most of the missions are tough but the last two missions are exceptionally difficult. Preamble: This walkthrough assumes you have played BG2 and are familiar with many of the conventions from that game. This walkthrough is concerned solely with the quests and characters contained within Epic Endeavours, as there is no cross-over from Baldurs Gate 2. If you are playing this mod you will not be able to complete BG2 within the same game. I am always interested in new tips, suggestions, corrections and omissions, so please feel free to email me at the above address. Legal Stuff: Whilst I don't really give a monkeys how many times this walkthrough is redistributed, there are certain criteria that that must be fulfilled first: 1). Email me prior to using any of this stuff 2). You may not reuse this to make money out of it (if anyone is gonna earn from this it is gonna be me. OK?) 3). This walkthrough may not be reused by any site owned or run by Gamespot or Gamespy. I still don't like them, and I'm not gonna let them use it. (Sorry but that the way it is) Editorial Note: Contributions MAY be edited to fit the style of this walkthrough. Additionally any contribution which is found to be inaccurate may be subjected to editing or deletion. Contents: 1) Introduction

2) Frequently Asked Questions 3) NPCs 4) Main Quest Walkthrough 4.1) First Training Mission - Illusion Chamber 1 4.2) Second Training Mission - Illusion Chamber 2 4.3) Final Training Mission - Illusion Chamber 3 4.4) Mission 1 - Raid 4.5) Mission 2 - Breakout 4.6) Mission 3 - Infiltration 4.7) Mission 4 - Assault 4.8) Mission 5 - Assassination 4.9) Mission 6 - Extraction 4.10) Mission 7 - Sniper 4.11) Mission 8 - Bribe 4.12) Mission 9 - Streetfight 4.13) Mission 10 - Otherworlds 4.14) Mission 11 - Defence 4.15) Mission 12 - Coliseum 4.16) Mission 13 - Secure 4.17) Final Mission - Final Battle 1) Introduction: Epic Endeavours is a new mod which is a partial conversion of BG2. Although the locations and items are taken from BG2, unlike the TDD (for example) there is no crossover between this and the standard BG2 game. Rather than being a continuing story this game is a series of inter-connected missions based around the story-line of trying to stop the evil Lord Denton from taking over the world. It can be thought of a Fallout Tactics meets Baldurs Gate. The general level of quality of this mod is very high and the absence of bugs is most welcome. Throughout the mod there is a good level of humour, and it is quite clear that it does not take itself too seriously, which always makes a welcome change. There are a couple of minor complaints though (arent there always?!), in that it is neither Throne of Bhaal or Darkest Day compatible, nor will ever be made so. Whilst this is not necessarily a problem in itself it may limit the number of people who will play this great mod. Also somewhat inexplicably this mod does not support multi-player, which given that is seems to be a squad based combat game I cannot understand. This is especially odd since (of course) you can have multi-player in the standard BG2 environment. However these are very minor gripes and do not really detract from the overall quality of this mod. Finally I should say that the overall level of difficulty is hard and that you should save often. But you knew that already didnt you? 2) Frequently Asked Questions: Q): Are you some kind of mod obsessed fool? A): Yep Q): What kind of crappy F.A.Qs section is this? A): Erm a crappy one? (anyone got any questions let me know coz otherwise this section is pretty redundant.

3) NPCs So you want to know who the NPCs are in this mod? Look no further. Unless otherwise stated all of the NPCs are new characters, and if kicked out return to the barracks. As a general rule this is a combat heavy mod with lots of fighting, so youll probably want to mainly keep the NPCs who can deliver punishment and take a beating. Additionally because none of the characters are standard BG2 NPCs alignment does not have any bearing in party make-up (much like in Icewind Dale). Equally reputation is rendered redundant (apart from store prices) and will probably not change. For this reason (if no other) you may want a good aligned protagonist. When choosing which NPCs to take the most important issue is to attempt to get as balanced a party as possible. Id recommend three front-line fighters, two clerics, a mage and a thief (though obviously there is some element of dual or multi-classing here). My protagonist was a multi-classed fighter/cleric which had a big impact on which NPCs I chose, and how I rated them. I am always interested in which NPCs other people have used and who they think are worth keeping. Bear in mind that these are only my personal opinions so the chances are youll disagree. Feel free to email me with your suggestions. Vasha. (Found at the start point) A female human mage. She has reasonably good stats, although a very low strength. She has the ability to be dual classed over to a thief, which you may well want to consider if you decide to keep her. Jurgenheim. (Found at the start point) A male dwarf barbarian. Pretty good stats. Great strength marred by low constitution and dexterity, he does represent a pretty good front line fighter. Thom. (Found at the start point) A male half-orc fighter. Pretty good stats makes him a perfect front line fighter and a character you will probably want to keep for quite a while. Maztica. (Found at the start point) A female halfing multi-class fighter/thief. Regrettably lame stats, who has too low strength and constitution to be a decent front line fighter. Youll probably want to get rid of her pretty quickly. Reynold. (Found at the start point) A male human cleric. Very poor stats (way too low strength, dexterity and constitution) mean that youll want to keep him out of the fighting as much as possible, and possibly want to get rid of him pretty quickly. Rio. (Found in the barracks) A male elf archer. Has good stats and you may well want to keep this guy. Naturally good with a bow, but also has a high enough strength, dexterity and constitution to be a back-up front-line fighter. Webster. (Found in the barracks)

A male half-elf swashbuckler. Pretty good stats who represents a better bet than Maztica since he a lower AC (because hes a swashbuckler) and has better all round strength, dexterity and constitution. Definitely worth investigating. Roderick III. (Found in the barracks) A male human invoker. Rubbish character who I didnt bother checking out an all. Obviously lame strength, dexterity and constitution. Stupid name too Lynne. (Found in the barracks) A female half-elf multi-classed cleric/mage. She has good magic stats, and because she is a multi-classed cleric mage she covers both of the magic bases in one. Definitely worth checking out, and I think a better bet than Reynold. It goes without saying though she is by not a fighter and should be kept out of combat if at all possible. Elle. (Found in the barracks) A female human fighter. She has good stats and can be dualled over to a thief. Worth investigating if you want but not outstanding. Thannen. (Found in the barracks) A male half-elf multi-class fighter/cleric. Lame stats who in my opinion doesnt really offer anything you cant get elsewhere. Probably not worth keeping. Valeron. (Found in the barracks) A male human stalker. Pretty good stats, but not great. The problem with stalkers is that they are not as good at fighting or ranged weapons as a fighter or a ranger, and dont have the thieving skills of a thief. As such youll probably not use this guy much. Lokan. (Found in the barracks). A male human monk. Shit. Brin. (Found in the barracks) A male half-elf multi-class fighter/mage. Pretty reasonable stats, and the fact that he is multi-class fighter mage means you may want to use this guy as a back-up magic user, and replacement fighter. 4) Main Quest Walkthrough 4.1) First Training Mission - Illusion Chamber 1 Objectives - Survive and find the exit. From the start point collect all 5 NPCs who surround your prison cell. Most of them arent great but you will struggle in this dungeon without them. Now move southwest into the ante-chamber and speak to the Recorded Message Golem (x2950 y2860) who fills you in the details on your mission objective (i.e. to survive). If you wish to skip this mission, or if it is too difficult (you pansy) you can move north from the start point to the teleporter (x3920 y2390). This teleports you to a new area where you speak to Ol Barnie who explains the situation to you, and tells you a bit about your local surroundings. However, to quote Supertramp we are going to take the long way home Back in the Golem room there are three containers (x3070 y2810, x3010 y2750) and the trapped painting x3130 y2690) all have various bits of minor treasures and weapons which youll probably want to collect. In addition to this there is also a short

sword +1, a dagger +1, a flame-thrower(!!), a sleep grenade (hold on to these they will be VERY useful later in the game), and a hand grenade (!). Once you have all the equipment you want head north-west from here to fight your first enemy, a guardian.. Despite looking like an adamantine golem from BG2 he is much easier to kill. Once he is dead head on up the corridor to x2420 y2180 to fight another guardian. In this room a container (x2740 y1720) has a potion of healing. From this room head south-west (x2160 y1930) and go down the corridor into a large open room to fight some goblins, hobgoblins and ogrillons. Once they are dead you can loot these for gems, spells and minor treasures. In this room (the pool room) if you click on the pools (x1600 y2600 and x1840 y2400) you get a potted history of Earth. Cool . There is nothing else to do here so leave and head south into the lightning room. This room is exactly the same as the BG2 room, so all you need to do is to flick the switch and kill any mephits that are hanging around.. Nothing else to do here so leave and go back into the pool room. Heading south from here takes you back to the start point (the prison cells). Once in the pool room leave north-west (x1540 y2670). From this corridor head south to x850 y3040 and fight some orcs, goblins and orogs which you can loot for gold, gems and minor treasures. In this room there is a trapped chest (x1040 y3000) which has a quaterstaff +1 inside. There is another chest but it merely contains arrows. Leave this room and return to the corridor. Head north into the next room (x900 y2180) and fight the ogre you find, whom you can loot for minor treasures. In this room there is a chest (x1200 y2100) which has a potion, while a table (x860 y2000) has nought but minor treasures. Return to the corridor and head west into side corridor. From here go into a golem filled room (x510 y1980) where you should kill the golems for easy XP. Return to the corridor and now head north-west to x900 y1180 and fight the enemies you find therein. There guys only have minor treasure to loot. Head south and east from here and enter the room at x1040 y1720 where you will find a barrel with some potions of healing. Return to the corridor from whence you came and enter the library. Here you should search the shelves (x1640 y960, x1080 y820, x940 y750 and x800 y840) to find potions, spells, gems and spells respectively. Going south from the library merely takes us back to already explored territory, so we will leave north. Follow the corridor round to x1620 y530 to meet some hobgoblins and war dogs to loot for minor treasures. Explore this room and you will find a table (x1840 y520) has some minor treasures, whilst another (x1930 y570) has potions and minor treasures. Elsewhere in this room a box (x1230 y400) has some potions, and a chest (x1530 y240) has some spells and minor treasures, and a barrel (x1780 y400) has some darts. Leave this room and heading east and move round the corridor to x2220 y430, remembering to de-trap it. Head south from here into the cambion room, which has the same monster and trap, so use the machine and kill the demon to get his bastard sword +1. Leave this area and head south moving back to the Otugyh room (x2250 y1720), and head through the north-east exit from there (x2820 y1730). Move into the room beyond and de-trap it, there are several to watch out for. Search the cabinets (x3550

y900, x3590 y900 & x3590 y900) for some spells. Leave this room through the southern exit. In this next area move toward the south-eastern part of the room (x420 y1350) and fight the ogres, guards and the mage. Loot these for their minor treasures, and then move south to x3480 y2160 and de-trap then room beyond. Open (and de-trap) the cabinet (x3100 y2300) for some potions. Leave this room and head back through the wooded area into the room behind it. From this room leave via the northern exit and move toward the dungeon exit (x3400 y900). Before you can leave however you will have to dispatch the guards, ogrillons and sabre-tooth tigers. Loot these for their minor treasures, and search the barrel (x3340 y800) to get spells and minor treasures. Now head through the portal (x3000 y560) to leave the dungeon. Once through the portal Ol Barnie will speak to you and fill you in on the details of your surroundings. He informs you that the first door of the corridor in which you are located leads to another training mission (see section called Second Training Dungeon), whilst the second door leads to the barracks and the third training mission (see Third Training Dungeon). The third door along the corridor leads to Cromwell (!), whilst the fourth leads to the basement exit where you will find Sir Glenn of Sheringham. Finally after telling you all of this Ol Barnie gives you some scrolls to read, which inform you of the tasks ahead and tell you how to enter and exit missions. The other scroll informs you that can undertake the missions in any order, but that they are graduated in difficulty. Also you are told that you need to collect evidence (usually in the form of scalps) to prove you have completed these missions, and this forms the basis of the XP reward you will receive upon return. Head down the corridor to the third door where you will meet Bliss who is the daughter of Cromwell, but she has nothing of interest to say. Since you are here you should go inside this door and meet Cromwell, and also restock on supplies from the Storekeeper. One thing to note is that even though the chests in Cromwells shop are unlocked when I tried to ransack he reacted as if I had stolen from him, and turned hostile. For the record they only contained very small amounts of gold. Leave this shop. You can undertake the training missions in whichever order you please, or ignore them altogether should you so wish. Ol Barnie has already informed you that the third mission is set to extreme difficulty so now head to the second door in the corridor (x350 y200) to start the second training mission. 4.2) Second Training Mission - Illusion Chamber 2 Objectives - Kill the fanatics and rescue the hostages. Once you enter the dungeon (set in Candlekeep library) a hologram tells you about your objectives, which are to rescue the hostages and eliminate the fanatics. You are also told that there are undead on the third floor. For rescuing each hostage you will receive 1000XP, and as far as I could tell some of the locations of the fanatics was random, so dont be surprised if you find them in different locations from those listed. From the entrance go right (x2190 y1070) to kill you first fanatic, and then head north (x950 y1040) to kill another fanatic and save your first hostage (this location might

also be x1800 y800). Now continue north (x600 y1060) and kill yet another fanatic. As you will have probably seen by now the fanatics all have utterly worthless treasure to take, unless otherwise mentioned. Head north from here to x290 y780 and kill yet another fanatic, saving a hostage in the process. This floor should now be clear so return to the staircase (x1240 y960) and ascend to the second floor. From the stairs head south to x1780 y1260 to kill a fanatic and rescue the hostage, and close by (x1510 y1520) there is another one to save. It is quite tricky to kill both fanatics and save the hostage so you may wish to split your party into two groups and take the fanatics out simultaneously. Head on over to x1550 y520 killing the fanatic there, and then move north to x920 y800 to kill another fanatic and save more hostages. North-west from here (x180 y300) yet more fanatics to kill, and then head north (z900 y300) to an exploding fanatic who kills the hostages in close proximity. I was unable to save these hostages, and would be keen to know if anyone has suggestions on how this could be achieved. Before leaving this level loot the lectern (x630 y570) for a longsword +1 and a quaterstaff +2. Head on over to the stairs and ascend to the third floor. When you appear on the third floor the hologram reappears and tells you that you sole goal here is to survive the undead attacks. You will be attacked by ghouls, zombies and other types of undead. The only tactic here is to explore the floor killing undead as you see them, but to be honest this shouldnt pose too many problems. They mainly have minor treasures, but some have spells for you to take. Once this floor is clear return to the staircase and head on up to the fourth floor. On the fourth floor you will emerge into a small crypt shaped room. Speak to the Spirit of the Dead King who has lost his head! How careless. He asks that you return this item from a warrior called the Hunter. Agree to his request, but while you are here you might as well loot the tomb for some gold and the Harmonium Halberd +3 (+1 to strength, -1 to wisdom , -1 to intellect). You have cleared this dungeon so leave and return to the corridor. Head down to the third door and enter, where you will find yourself in the barracks. Feel free to speak to the NPCs who you may wish to recruit. Head through the northern door where you will see Sergeant Hartnell (the drill instructor from Full Metal Jacket) giving some raw recruits grief! (a really good touch I thought). In this room there are some more NPCs to check out, and some minor treasures to loot. Once finished here move through the northern door and into the third training mission. 4.3) Final Training Mission- Illusion Chamber 3 Objectives - Survive and find the exit When you enter the dungeon the hologram reappears and tells this that this is a tough mission, and that the only object of the exercise is to reach the exit. If this dungeon is proving too difficult you have the option of leaving and returning at a latter time, the monsters do not respawn. From the entrance move north through two locked doors, but while you are here you can also pick the locks of two doors (x1550 y2180 & x1890 y2360) for some free XP. When you are ready move into the corridor and head east to x2670 y2120 and open the door. Inside this room youll be attacked by mercenaries, ogrillons and a mage and once these guys are dead you can loot them for their gold, gems, spells and minor

treasures. Search the table herein (x2690 y2330) to find gold, a spear +2, and a short sword +1. Head through the southern door and through the next door to fight an otuygh, then leave and return to the main corridor. Once here head through the northern door (x2050 y1680) to fight some orogs, minotaurs in the room behind, and feel free to take their gold and minor treasure. Once more return to the main corridor and go through the remaining closed door (x2350 y1800). From here move through a sub-corridor and into a long thin corridor (lots of corridors around here), and from here go south into an open room where youll find some guardians. De-trap the chest (x3260 y1750) to get some gold, spells and minor items. Leave this room via the southern exit, and follow the passageway down and open the door at the end. In this room youll find a genuine Adamantite Golem (not one of the fake guardian things). You may want to leave this bad boy if you are a low level and come back to deal with him later. Once he is dead you can get the chest behind him (x3140 y2620) which has some darts and bullets inside. Return to the corridor and head through the door at x2580 y1400. Go through the door and fight the gauth behind it. Move down this corridor disarming the door traps as you go, and then open the door at x2600 y1290 and move down this corridor disarming more door traps. Most of these doors dont go anywhere but it is free XP. Now open the door at x2700 y1140 and search the chest to find spells, and the mask of King Strohm III (youll need this shortly). Open the nearby door (x2470 y870) and fight the drow in this room, whom youll discover have utterly worthless treasure. To be honest pretty much all of the enemies in this dungeon have pretty cruddy treasures, unless otherwise mentioned. The only other thing of note in this room is a false exit which you may want to de-trap. Open the door (x2720 y920) which leads into a long corridor, and once again move down the corridor disarming all the door traps you find. Most of the doors along here are either false exits or just empty rooms, but if you open the door at x3410 y1370 youll meet a drow wizard and another gauth. Kill these guys and get their gold and gems. Moving round this maze open the door at x2890 y810 and youll meet a drow priestess, but shell not detain you, so grab her gold and de-trap the false door (x2910 y680). Continue exploring with impunity until you come to x3240 y630 where there is a room with four drow inside who might prove a tricky challenge if you are of low level. Despite being hard bastards, yet again the treasure yield is dismal. Feel free to open more doors around here but most of them are pretty redundant, so make your way round to x3250 y500 where the invisible guardian is hanging out (youve got the mask of King Strohm III havent you?). Kill this muppet and open the door behind him (x3530 y340) where youll be jumped by some guards and a rune assassin. Loot these guys of their gold, gems and a short sword +1 and head to the chest at the back of the room, which contains the Pommel Jewel of the Equalizer (gets around a bit eh?), Dragonslayer longsword +2 (immunity to fear, slow regeneration and double damage vs. dragons), and a battle-axe +2. Youve cleared this part of the map now so head on over to x2450 y1360. Open the door in front of you and head on down the corridor opening the door at the other end. Fight the orogs and the fallen paladins on the bridge, and lift up the bucket from the well. Once you have killed the inevitable air elemental and got the Dragon Helm cross the bridge and open the door (x1080 y1450). Move right into a large open rocky area and fight some psuedo-dragons and monks. The psuedo-dragons look

pretty mean, but they are all mouth and no trousers. Open the secret door here and meet Lord Denton! This guy is pretty bloody hard so you may want to come back and take him on. Once he is dead (he has a couple of stone golems to help him, but they are easy meat) youll get 30 000XP, gold, Crom Faeyr scroll, a note and a helmet of charm protection. (On a side note I noticed that he appeared to be wearing the boots of speed, and using Celestial Fury, but when you kill him you dont get them. Talk about stingy.) In a nook behind Denton (x800 y500) youll find some gems, a morning star +2 and the Heartseeker bow +3. Leave this area moving south and open the door (x870 y1610). Search the barrel here for some gold and spells, and a nearby box has gems and minor junk inside. Move through these rooms and open the door behind to meet a couple of skeleton warriors and a fledgling vampire. Take their gems and junk from them, and search the table (x930 y2140) for spells and minor treasures. The adjacent cabinet has spells, gold, gems and the (utterly useless) Horn of Blasting. This area is clean so return to the bridge and cross the wooden planks. Descend the stairs and turn right into an ante-chamber and meet up with some ogremages. Theyll happily give you their gold, spells, gems and minor treasure. Open the door behind them and descend the stairs (remembering to disarm the trap on the top step). At the bottom of the stairs open the door and kill the gladiators and sirines, whom you may wish to concentrate on first since they have a habit of dire charming your party. Take their stuff, and ransack the table (x2130 y720) for gold, gems and spells. The cabinet in this room has much the same. Now head to the exit and leave. Well done for surviving this tough dungeon, your reward is nothing! Youll return to the barracks so collect any NPCs if you wish but all that remains now is to go and meet the boss of this place (if you havent already done so). Leave the barracks and move down the corridor and enter the final door (x1070 y740) because you are going to meet... Glenn of Sheringham and the Mission Scrolls Once you are through the door you will find yourself in a larger open area with only one way to go. Go through the opposite door and you will be in Glenns chamber. This building is the same as Temple of Radiant Heart from Shadows of Amn. When you enter search the barrel (x290 y1360) for some minor treasure, and the bag (x620 y1470) for some potions. Nothing else to door here so go through the door. Once you open the door a Lady will approach you and you can buy scrolls and other items of magical miscellany. Around this building are various Knights of the Order, but they have nothing interesting to say. Go through the door on the eastern side (x1610 y630) and youll discover a priest tending some wounded. You can get healing and buy potions from him should you need to do so. Scouting round the rest of the building you will discover in an ante-chamber there are some darts in a box (x1760 y1200) and some arrows in a bag (x1880 y1250). The door at x1170 y1500 seemed to be both locked and warded so Id like to know if anyone has opened it, and what was in the room. Nothing else to do here except speak to Sir Glenn of Sheringham (x360 y590) (remembering to get the minor treasures from the table in front of him ). He will give you 13 mission scrolls, which you use to teleport to and from your mission locations. You should also speak to Sir Glenn again when you are ready for the final mission, but

bear in mind the final battle is exceptionally tough, and once you have gone there you cannot go back and do any other mission. To use the scrolls simply equip them as quick items (you may have to click on them several times to activate them). You will also notice that each mission has a difficulty rating. This walkthrough will go through each mission in numerical order, but feel free to undertake them in any order. In case you are wondering the southern exit door (x1940 y1570) leads to a courtyard. As far as I can tell there is no point at all in going there, other than if you fancy a bit of a stroll. There are some soldiers outside but they have nothing to say, and you cant leave the map. So when you are ready equip the first scroll and teleport yourself to 4.4) - Raid - Kill the Ringleader (primary) - Locate the Smuggled Goods (secondary) Once you have the read the scroll you will be teleported to you first mission location. In the first room search the chest for some gems and spells, and a sack for some gold, and then head up the stairs. Once you are up the stairs youll be attacked by thugs, so kill them and take their gold and minor treasures. Searching this room youll find the table (x490 y320) has got a smuggled shipment of Black Lotus (what IS the big deal about Black Lotus anyway?). Another table (x540 y180) has gold and gems, whilst the basket (x670 y120) has gold and gems. Nowt else to do here so descend the stairs. On the second floor youll be attacked by more thugs, so loot these gold, gems and minor treasures. After they have been taken out make sure you de-trap the room and loot the table (x610 y550) for gold and minor treasures. The bed (which is also trapped) has gold and gems, and the cupboard (x390 y200) has a scroll. This floor is now clear so descend to the next floor. Once you enter youll be attacked by more guards and the ringleader of this two-bit operation (you can tell this guy is a pushover since he doesnt even get a name for Gods sake). Kill these clowns and loot them for gold, spells, minor treasures and a short sword +1. Be sure that you get the scalp from the leader. Now you can de-trap this room and search it for gems (x690 y240), spells (x680 y420) and in the large crate in the centre of the room (x510 y400) youll get some more minor treasure and another crate of smuggled goods. Grab this stuff and amscray. Once you return to base youll be rewarded with 25 000 quest XP. Sell all the stuff you need to get dispose with, and when you are ready time to move on to mission 2. 4.5) Mission 2 - Breakout Objectives - Get 4 Knights from their prison cells to the extraction point This mission is an absolute doddle. When you teleport into the prison you gain a skeleton key which opens all the doors in the prison. Open the first door and youll get wassailed, I mean assailed (although wouldnt that be great eh? Itd certainly confuse the shit out of most die hard RPGers). Kill the prison keeper and loot him for some gold and minor treasures. All of the guards, unless otherwise mentioned have gold, gems and minor treasures. Next open the door at x840 y460 and kill the zombie in the cell, and then move on to the next door (x980 y460) which opens into a corridor where youll see a guard to assault. The door at x1180 y460 has your first captive knight, so open this although youll probably want to leave him here for now, until all the bad guys have been dispatched. The adjacent door (x1070 y380) has nought but a Mission 1 Objectives

secret door, whilst the cell to the right of this (x940y310) is completely empty. Go through the secret door, which opens into another corridor. Here theres a chest (x1330 y330) which has some potions and arrows for you. Move round the corridor and open the door (x830 y220) where youll want to kill the guard and then move down the corridor and open the door at then far end. In the corridor at x820 y770 there a guard to kill, and as you are attacking him, another will try to sneak up from the rear. Open the cell door at x710 y780 which has a secret door behind it, and then open the cells at x580 y700 and x470 y620 where there are your second and third captive knights. Now go through the secret door, and through another not-so-secret door (x250 y770) and kill the zombie in the room behind. In this cell there are the Gauntlets of Weaponskill (+1 to Thac0) at x170 y820. Open the door behind this and kill the prison captain, who has a guard to accompany him to the afterlife. In these surrounding cells is your fourth knight, and once you have located them move them to the extraction point (x400 y980). For each knight who makes it to the extraction point you receive 5000 quest XP, and when all have made it you receive a further 10 000 quest XP. Make sure you loot the captain for his treasure, a halberd +1 and some minor treasure, and you might as well get the guards stuff. Thats yer lot for this mission so feel free to leave. 4.6) - Infiltration - Kill the Hideout Leader (primary) - Kill the two base commanders (secondary) -Capture the pirate ship and locate the hideout (secondary) Once you have teleported in youll appear on the Githyanki ship. Move west on to the pirate ship and take out the pirates. Loot them for their gold and minor treasures, as well as a longsword +1 and a pirate scalp (this is a secondary quest item). Move down the ship and eliminate the rest of the pirates, and get their treasures. Make sure you pick up the map (it looks like a spell scroll) which when used as a quick item will teleport you to the secret pirate hideout. This will complete one of your secondary objectives and you are rewarded with 30 000 quest XP. You will appear in Brynnlaw. Not only is this area copied from Brynnlaw, one of the locals even tells you where you are. Hmm, seems like Brynnlaw has quite a serious pirate infestation. Time to take out the trash methinks. Move off the ship and explore the docks region. As you wander round youll get attacked by thugs and pirates, and also some fisherman turn hostile (dont worry about this it is perfectly normal). You can loot these for gold, gems and minor treasures. Move south-west to x1000 y2450 and attack the pirate leader, who despite his name is not one of your objectives. Kill him and take his gold, gems and assorted rubbish. Whilst you are around here check out the lifeboat (x1050 y2650) which has a staff spear +2 and some arrows inside. The first order of the day here is to move around town killing pirates as you go. They have very little of interest to loot, but are pretty easy kills. Youll also find a number of containers dotted throughout town but again these merely contain piffling small amounts of gold or worthless gems. Once youve finished mucking about head on over north-east to the pirate leaders house (x3000 y1250), and attack the base commander (secondary objective) outside. Take his scalp and the Ring of Human Influence (sets CH to 18), and then go inside the house. Once inside youll meet the pirate leader, a lich(!). Actually this guy is a comparative pushover, as he has none of the high level spells associated with liches. He will die pretty quickly, and youll get 10 000XP, and his scalp (primary objective), Mission 3 Objectives

some spells, an amulet of spell warding (+2 bonus saves vs. spells), bracers of AC 5, and the book of infinite spells. Feel free to search the table for gems and minor treasures, and the (trapped) chest for gems and potions. Leave his house and head north-west to the base commanders house (x1010 y620). Kill the pirates outside the base commanders house, and loot the barrels for gold, then enter watching out for the snipers outside. Once inside kill the base commander, and loot him for gold, spells, minor treasures, a cloak of protection +1 and (of course) his scalp (secondary objective). Inside his house theres a barrel with some potions, a cabinet with gold and potions and a (trapped) chest with gold and potions. You are done here so teleport back to base and for completing your objective youll receive 70 000 quest XP. When you are ready its time for 4.7) - Assault - Locate and kill the captain of the citadel (primary) - Fly to the citadel on psuedo-dragons (secondary) Immediately after you are teleported in youll appear on the backs on psuedo-dragons accompanied to the tune of Ride of the Valkyries (Colonel Kilgore eat yer heart out). A nice touch, thanks Elhoe. From the start point head simply head east, attacking baby wyverns and mephits as you go and make your way to the bottom right hand corner of the screen (x2000 y1400). Youll appear on the second (of three) airborne sections and your objective is identical. On the last of these flying sequences youll get assailed by greater air elementals and psuedo-dragons so make sure youve got plenty of healing spells or potions to hand. It goes without saying that you cant rest whilst airborne. Again head to the south-eastern corner of the map, and youll arrive at the citadel. Secondary objective done. Once you arrive at the citadel remember to thank to dragon for transporting you, he has some amusing things to say. Now head east to x3580 y2820 and fight some guards and dogs, then continue going further east to eliminate some psuedo-dragons and wyverns. Nothing else to do except return to the bridge and move north entering the citadel keep. Once here youll get attacked by guards and snipers, but these guys shouldnt detain you. If you wish you can go up the outside stairs to the top of the castle wall to kill some more guards, but dont feel obligated. When you are ready head inside. You may notice a passing resemblance to DArnise hold when you are here, and there are many of the same puzzles and features that graced the original. Theres an empty chest next to the entrance so ignore that and move east to the staircase (x2430 y1120) and attack the mage whos loitering there. Now head through the adjacent door (x2130 y900) and kill the orogs. Once again (somewhat disappointingly) the quality of loot inside this place is dismal. Unless otherwise stated its just the usual gold, gems and crap treasure. Take it if you want, but its not worth anything, even though like me you are probably broke at this point of the game. Now head through the other door and into the main open area where there are ogres to play with. Once done leave this area and open the door (x1320 y530) into a barracks type room and kill the guards inside. All of the chests in this room are empty, but in the side room a container (x1770 y500) has the flail head (fire). Guess what youll be making shortly ?(yawn). Mission 4 Objectives

Continue round the ground floor and open the door at x1050 y1300. Although there is nothing to loot here, there are a couple of secret doors. Go through the southern secret door and into the next room (x610 y1700) and fight the guards inside. Grab their stuff and return to the previous room, where youll be wanting to go through the other secret door. Kill more guards in here and go through the secret door in this room (x420 y930). Head through a couple more sets of secret doors, and straight past the forge into the next room to meet an ogre-mage. Once youve taken his stuff theres nothing else left to do on the ground floor so head on over to the south-eastern stairs and ascend. The two containers in this first room are empty, so go through the door (x1730 y600) and head west round the corridor attacking the guards as you find them. Open the door into the fountain room and kill the cleric and his mates in here. Continue west around the exterior corridor and enter the library where there a mage and some of his friends to kill. As always they have the standard gold, gems and minor treasures. The shelves in the library are barren, Im afraid. Now you are free to start exploring the interior rooms. Head round to x1560 y640 and open the door. Kill the guards in here and de-trap the empty fireplace for some free XP. Now go through the secret door (x1500 y820) and through the next secret door (x1480 y820). There are two chest in this room, but again they are empty. Go through the other door in this room and fight the mages and guards in the room beyond, and then head through the door at x970 y1100 and fight the guard captain. There is no point going to the north-east room (x1200 y320) since this merely takes you to the roof, where there are a couple of guards but there is sod all to see or loot. Continuing clockwise round the interior rooms head on over to x570 y1180 and go through the secret doors here and attack some more guards. Inside this room is the target of the mission the ogre Louise (a big ugly green source of all evil). You have a (very) brief dialogue with her and then shell attack summoning some goons to help. The guards are pushovers and you might want to concentrate on them prior to taking down Louise, who is quite tough. Once these are all dead you can loot them for gold, gems, ring of protection +1, spells, bastard sword +1 (+3 vs. shapeshifters), Louise scalp (primary objective). Also search the containers in her room (well the middle one at least) for the flail head (acid). Before descending to the basement you can search the remaining rooms on this floor (if you havent already. The room at x2170 y1290 has an ogre-mage inside whos got gold and gems, and the room at x1310 y1720 has a couple of guards with worthless treasure. When you are ready descend to the basement via the stairs (x1260.y870). From the stairs move north and attack the guard enforcers (x1500 y520). Next disarm the trapped chest (x 1680 y420), which has gold, potions and a wand inside. From here head south killing guards as you go. The basement area is very small (modelled on the temple of Talos from Athkatla) and shouldnt take very long to clear. Most of the containers are either empty or merely contain gems, potions or small amounts of gold. The exception to this is that chest at x700 y990 which has the final flail head (cold). Leave the basement and return to the forge room to complete the Flail of Ages +3 (+1 cold, +1 acid, +1 fire damage etc). Nothing left to do here so teleport back to base to each receive 100 000 XP.


Mission 5 - Assassination Objectives - Kill the Mage This mission is pretty tough and a bit of pain in the arse because you dont get any XP for killing any of the guards, there are a lot of hard monsters, and your squad will still probably be quite low levels at this stage. From the start point there is a door (x470 y680) in close proximity but this is unpickable. The object of the exercise here is to avoid fighting the guards if at all possible, since you dont get XP for fighting them, and they will probably kick your arse. Now head east and then north to x1040 y620, and then from here move east to x1820 y1000. Now head slightly north and then east again (x2300 y1130) and youll come to your first mage teleport point. If the mage is here you can attack her, but she will have some assistance with her in the form of fighters and clerics, whom you may wish to take out first. Hint, since the mage teleports around from point to point (there are three of them) you could wait at the first point and let the mage teleport back to you, giving you time to prepare and kick off on her once the mage reappears. If you do attack her here, bear in mind that the mage has quite a few high level spells, and is quite a tough opponent to beat. Once she is dead you are rewarded with 16 000 XP and loot in the form of Ajatha the Drinker longsword +2 (immunities to charm and each hit heals user), medium shield +1, robe of the evil archmagi, ring of protection +1, spells, scalp (primary objective), quaterstaff +2, ring of actuity (2 bonus second, 1 bonus third, 1 bonus fourth level spells), a large key (hold on to this for now) and various minor treasures. So what do you do if she is not at the first point and you dont want to hang around waiting for her? To get to the second teleport point you should head west to x1940 y870, and then bear south to x1650 y1260, and then move west again to x2810 y1950. From here turn east to x3420 y2130 and then go down some stairs to x3090 y2610, and then continue south down some more stairs to the second mage teleport point (x2650 y3130). To get to the third mage teleport point from here head back north (x3170 y2080) and then move west to x1620 y1260 (i.e) back past the first mage teleport point. From here move south to x1230 y1780. If you are unlucky you might have to fight an Adamantite Golem at this point. Now head east (x1770 y2600) and then go south checking for traps to (x900 y3510). At the end of the passageway turn west and disarm all the traps you see, then follow the path to x350 y3220. Now head north into a larger open area which is the third mage teleport point. Also around here there are numerous chests, of which only two have anything inside. Open x630 y3080 for a cloak of protection +2, and some boots of Etherealness, and x1070 y2470 has some potions. Once the mage is dead feel free to explore the rest of the map, but bear in mind you get no XP for killing any of the guards. The only other area of interest is up in the north-east corner of the map (x4050 y1170), a section marked as an Interesting Staircase. Descend the aforementioned staircase to an area with some ogrillons to play with. Kill these and move south through the area and then open the door (x3680 y2360). Now keep heading south, and then turn east to descend some stairs. Keep going east and shortly you will come to more ogrillons and Arnolius, a sort of uber ogrillon. Once you get this guy down he gives you the Ill be back bit and turns into a Metallic Endoskeleton. Unsurprisingly this guy is very tough (although thankfully not invincible), and can dish out large amounts of pain. Once he dies you are rewarded

with 35 000XP and can loot him for Nights Gift (AC 3, 20% to hide in shadows), gold, gems, a Golem Arm (?), and 2 x longsword +2 Varscona (+1 extra cold damage). Theres nothing else to do here so teleport back to base where youll receive 50 000 quest XP for completing this mission. 4.9) Mission 6 - Extraction Objectives - Get the civilians to the extraction point By comparison to the previous mission this one is a piece of cake. From the entry point head east to collect the villagers, whom you may wish to move slightly west so they are out of harms way. The only difficult aspect of this mission is that the villagers are complete morons if they get caught up in battle and have an irritating habit of running round like headless chickens. Move east into the villagers and battle the orogs and sentinels you see here, and you can loot the fallen for various minor treasures. A good tactic to use is to keep you weakest fighter (your mage or thief) next to the villagers so you can keep an eye of them, and then use the rest of your squad to move round the map eliminating opposition. Move south-east to x4770 y3320 to fight more guards and sentinels, and then move north through the village (x4260 y2410) to fight more orogs, ogres and setinels. Continue east across the river (x3770 y1520) and then move north and west to x3140 y990. Follow this path west crossing the river again (x2290 y1300), and then move west up the large rock steps (x1220 y1580). At the top turn east past Valgyars Cabin to the extraction point (x1950 y560). For each citizen that survives you are rewarded with 20 000 quest XP (making a maximum total of 100k), and you might find it easier to move them one at a time. Although this is somewhat laborious I found it easier to shepherd them in this manner, and the appearance of reinforcements does not seem to be time based. You WILL get jumped by reinforcements of enemy even if you rush like mad, so its probably best to take things cautiously. Also despite any suggestion to the contrary there is no time limit at all on this mission (I think I rested at least half a dozen times). After being jumped about five times the Leader shows up with some goons, including a couple of mages and a cleric. Once these are dead you will not get any further attacks, and the rest of the mission is very simple. There is nothing at all of interest anywhere else on this map so once you have got all five citizens to safety teleport back to base. When you return there the Fat Lady approaches you and thanks you, and gives you some useful items. You receive the Hilt of the Equalizer and the sling Arlas Dragonbane +3. 4.10) Mission 7 - Sniper Objective - Find and shoot the enemy official with the sniper rifle After a number of unsuccessful attempts I finally completed this mission after mission 10, because although the main objective in very easy, theres a really tough optional battle that you dont find about until after the mission has started. When you teleport in you are given a sniper rifle, which looks much like a crossbow and is operated like the spell Wizards Eye. To complete the primary objective of this mission is ludicrously easy. Simply equip the sniper rifle as a quick item and use the spell icon. This produces a Wizards Eye which you can manipulate and move around the map. Move the wizards eye north and east to the centre of the map (x2500 y1370)

where the nobleman is located. Although the nobleman moves around the map slowly all you need to do is to get the wizards eye close to the noble and he will die. Do NOT attack with the wizards eye or all the guards will turn hostile and youll fail the mission. Once the nobleman is dead you get his scalp (he has no loot to take). Now you are free to roam around the map killing guards if you wish. Youll get no XP from this, but you can loot them for gold, gems, longswords +1 and minor treasures. Before leaving you might want to head to the south of the map to the dragon landing (x4660 y3770). This puts you in the lair of the shadow dragon, who after a brief conversation will attack. This guy is a seriously tough mother, and this is the reason why I couldnt beat this mission until after mission 10. You dont have to fight this guy to complete the mission, but he does have some cool loot. Once you have annihilated him you get 45 000XP and can loot him for shadow dragon scale, gems, gold. and the wave blade. There is no other point to the dragon landing, and since youve already killed the nobleman head back to base to receive 50 000 quest XP. 4.11) Mission 8 - Bribe Objectives - Pay off the Mercenary Leader This mission is pretty easy and shouldnt detain you for very long. From the start point move south-west to x2070 y720 and attack a mercenary and loot him for his gold, potions and minor treasures. Continue south-west (x1220 y1330) and fight more mercenaries to loot for more potions, spells and minor treasures. Carry on south-west down the steps where there are more mercenaries to fight. Around here there are some drow and other elves, who are relatively easy kills, and you can get some pretty good elven chainmail from these guys. Before going in to the HQ you might want to explore the rest of the map. Move northwest from to x3060 y2560, and meet some more mercs to fight. Again they have crap loot to take. Move north-east to x4500 y2280 where youll a mercenary hassling a girl. Kill the mercenary and save the girl, and youll get 6000XP for your troubles. Now head north-west up the steps to x3310 y1740 to fight more mercenaries. There are quite a few mercenaries to kill around here. Now that the map has been cleared head south-west to the mercenaries HQ. When you enter you are rewarded with 50 000 quest XP, and the mercenary leader approaches you and offers to help you for 30 000 gold. In the (highly likely) event that you dont have this amount of money you are given a contract which you can activate at any time you have 30 000 in gold. You simply activate it by using it as a quick item, and then in the final battle the mercenaries will fight on your side. In case you are wondering if you turn down the mercenary leader you still get the quest XP, but the leader simply walks off. No discussion, or fight with them, so youll probably want to accept their offer (you dont have to activate the contract, indeed the help they send is pretty low grade). Since this mission is now over you can leave the HQ at any time. Before returning to base you might want to search the building for treasure. The table (x1380 y590) has gold and potions, whilst the chest (x1480 y500) has (worthless) books, and the table (x1240 y490) has potions and spells. The (trapped) eye painting has the helmet of charm protection, and the table (x1100 y400) has nought but potions. 4.12) Mission 9 Objectives - Streetfight - Kill Shen Loong (!)

- Kill Kent (!) - Kill Ryoo (!) This mission is pretty straightforward although there is an (optional) battle that is rockingly hard. From the incept point head south and west to x870 y930 where youll meet your first monk. These guys are all worth 5000 XP and have nothing at all to loot. Continue south and west to x300 y2520 to kill another monk. Continue to the southern edge of the map and kill more monks, then move west around the outside of the Copper Coronet. Once you have cleared the edge of the map move to the southeastern corner of the map to the house (x3820 y2110). Enter the house and kill the 4 monks inside. When they are dead speak to the remaining monk who thanks you for your efforts and offers to send some help in the final battle against Denton. More importantly (for this quest) you can rest in this house. When you are ready leave this haven and move to the north-west edge of the map and enter the house there (x140 y1380). YOU WILL WANT TO SAVE YOUR GAME. NOW! This turns out to be an abandoned temple dedicated to the god of Thunder and Lightning, Raiken (!). This guy is a seriously tough bastard, and I had some pretty tough time beating him. To make things easier for yourself you will want to cast protection from lightning (you will get slaughtered if you dont cast this spell), haste and breach. Once this guy goes down you are rewarded with 50 000XP and some really cool loot. The Hammer of Thunderbolts +3, ring of regeneration (at last!), Saving Grace +3 (shield), staff of thunder & lightning, gold, gems and spells. Also in a container (x280 y170) has gold, potions and spells. Once you are done here return to x1520 y2800 and ascend the stairs, fighting monks as you go. When you reach the roof go into the house (x2250 y1600), where youll find Kent and Ryoo, complete with Dragon Punch, Fireball and Hurricane Kick. A nice touch is that Elhoe has taken the samples from the game . However these guys are muppets and will not trouble you unduly. When they are dead you get 20 000XP (per guy), and loot their scalps (secondary objectives), potions and minor treasures. Search the table for gold and a warhammer +1. Also in here are two chests with gold and a shelf with gold. Now head back outside and move north to x900 y1630 and ascend the ramp to fight Sheng Loong. Again he is pretty easy and you should kill him for 25 000XP, and loot him for his scalp (primary objective), gems, gold, ring of protection +1, wave shaft, girdle of Hill Strength (sets strength to 19). You are all done here so return to base and get 100 000 quest XP. 4.13) Mission 10 Objectives - Otherworlds - Eliminate the Alien Queen (primary) - Bring back alien egg (secondary) - Bring back part of alien young (secondary) - Find out what happened to missing squad (secondary) ******* HINT ******* You might want to take LOTS of ranged weapons (i.e arrows, bolts or bullets) for this mission. By lots I mean several hundred. It will make things much easier. ******* END OF HINT ******* This mission is very tough, but it is also probably the most enjoyable mission in the game. From the entry point head north to x1660 y2070 to meet your first alien.

Continue north to the open platform that is the Birthing Chamber (x990 y2000). Here youll find some humans that are about to be turned into alien. If you let all the humans turn into aliens you have a really tough battle on your hands, however if you try to kill them all whilst they are still human youll end up losing huge amounts of reputation. So what do you? Heres my suggestion (although if anyone else has any ideas please let me know and Ill include them), use the sleep grenades (or stinking cloud works just as well) on the humans and this will knock them out. The advantage this has is that when the peasants turn into the young they do so one (or two) at a time, instead of six at once. Then you can kill the young before they approach you and turn into soldiers. This is not infallible but should make things easier. Before leaving this area you will want to make sure that you have got the knights scalp (secondary objective). Scout round the rest of the Birthing Chamber, where youll probably find more young to kill. Youll find life much easier if you can kill these little sods before they reach you (and turn into soldiers), and to do this youll need to use ranged weapons. All the containers around here contain piffling small amounts of gold or other similarly crud treasures. Once you have cleared the Birthing Chamber you should head east to x2070 y2360 to fight more soldiers, then continue east to x2460 y2120, where youll see the entrance to the upper levels. By all means go there now, but you may wish to leave this until youve cleared the lower levels (this walkthrough covers the upper levels later). Continue east (on the ground level) to x4000 y1180 to the Growing Chamber. This is a large platform with lots of young here to kill (remembering to pick up a piece of young as a secondary objective). Heres where Ill introduce you to another favourite tactic of mine. I used Jurgenheim (a strong fighter who has an additionally quick movement rate) to lure the young across the walkways and onto a platform, where Id use range weapons to hit the young from distance, whilst using Jurgenheim to run away from the young. I appreciate this is using a weakness in the AI, but hell this mission is hard enough to justify this tactic. Once the Growing Chamber is clear return to the passageway (x2760 y2150) and then head south watching out for soldiers along the way. Now continue south along the corridor and search the container (x3590 y2660) and get some potions and arrows +1. Then continue south to an open platform where you will see Hudson and Vasquez (two characters from Aliens) who talk to each other whilst fighting the alien soldiers. Trying to save them is not only a complete waste of time, but also a total pain in the arse. These guys are utterly suicidal and will persist in attacking even if you try to move them out of the way. A far smarter tactic is to let the both Hudson and Vasquez die, and attack the soldiers one at a time. Using this tactic this battle is a relative piece of cake. Once Hudson and Vasquez are dead (believe me they will die even if you have killed all of the aliens first), you can loot them for gold, scalp (secondary objective), ring of protection +1, morningstar +2, the gauntlets of ogre power and minor treasures. The lower levels are now clear with the exception of the nest (x4200 y2350) , so now lets go and explore the upper levels. Head west to x2500 y1840 and head up the stairs. From here follow the passageway and then go down the next set of stairs. Then head east to x3100 y360 and kill all the young you see. Follow the passageway south to x4800 y850 and kill 3 more soldiers. Thats it for the upper levels, so now its time to go and bust some alien arse.

Entering the nest go north go north to x1000 y1340 where youll find lots of soldiers. Again you will probably find it easiest to take these guys one at a time. When you reach the platform (x930 y1470) the Hunter will teleport in. Irrespective of whether you attack him or not he will run off saying Another time, Another place (sounding suspiciously like Saemon Haevarian - I hate that man). Then he runs off, apparently to return another day (although this was the last I ever saw of him). Moving on to the platform there are loads of soldiers to kill, as well as quite a few of the alien young. Now move west to the ante-chamber where there are more soldiers and a young queen. You might want to take the soldiers down first before taking on the young queen, who is fairly easy to kill for 20 000XP. Now move forward to x1040 y570 where there are more soldiers and another young queen to kill. Now follow path south and east killing soldiers as you go, and then move north into the room at x2080 y820 where youll meet the queen with some soldiers. Unsurprisingly the Queen is awesomely tough and dishes out large amounts of pain. This is, however merely a melee contest so as long as you have plenty of healing to hand simply keep hitting and shell go down netting you 40 000XP, gold, gems, her scalp (primary objective), spells and the scimitar Waters Edge +3 (no extra enchantments). Now move forward into the egg room, and go to the egg container and take the egg (secondary objective). Since you have now fulfilled all of your objectives time to head back to base and receive 150 000 quest XP for completing this mission. Before the start of mission 11 you get involved in a couple of interludes. Firstly Bliss (Cromwells daughter) approaches you and after dinner informs you that she is the leader of the outfit not Sir Glenn. Hmm Next an Emissary from the Western Principalities teleports in and tells you that although currently they are neutral, they will send some assistance in the final battle if you help them out with a little difficulty they are experiencing. Agree to their request which is killing a renegade mage (isnt it always?). When you are ready speak again to the Emissary and youll be teleported into a room, where youll get immediately jumped by some Henchmen . After dispatching these fuckwits, move north through the room to meet the Jester. This guy is a complete fool and will cause you no problems whatsoever. When he is dead the Emissary turns up again and thanks you and informs you that some Pikemen will be there to help you in the final battle. You can then loot the Jester (whom you get 20 000XP for killing) for some really cool loot including Jesters Chain +4 (AC 1), Jesters Trump Card + 1(Throwing Dagger), ring of the ram, gems, gold, and the Gesen Bow Shaft. Leave this room and youll get teleported back to base. When you are ready time to prepare for 4.14) Mission 11 - Defence Objective - Defend the castle from attack by killing 2 enemy leaders Since you cant rest on this mission you might want to have protection from fire and protection from fear memorised. (By the way thats a hint of what you might be facing). This mission is pretty easy with one major exception, and this is a nonessential battle, although bloody hard. When you teleport in youll appear outside the castle gate into a very large battle. Kill these enemies and loot them for gold, spells and gems. From this battle make sure you get the leaders scalp (primary objective), chainmail +3 and Ilbratha +1 (short sword).

From here move south and west to x1300 y1800 and fight more enemies, whom you can loot for gold and minor treasures. Now continue north to large battle (x800 y970) and you can loot this for gems, scalp (primary objective) and the Wyverns Tail +2 (morning-star with extra poison damage). Kill all the enemies you see around here and loot them for gold, gems, spells and +1 weapons. Now head out of the south gate and kill any further enemies, and skirt round the edge of courtyard kill any other enemies you meet. Once these guys are all dead move to the northern edge of the map to another Dragon Landing so SAVE your game. Do it NOW! Enter the Dragons Lair to meet the Red Dragon, who is considerably tougher than the Shadow Dragon. Youll have the obligatory brief dialogue sequence and then a fight. Kill him for 64 000XP and loot him for gold, gems, Red Dragon Scale (Cromwell makes this into the Red Dragon Plate), Red Sword +3 (two handed sword +3 AC bonus vs. missiles), and the cloak of the shield (charged item conveys +5 AC bonus vs. missiles, +1 AC bonus vs. other weapons). You are done here so return to base and get 50 000 quest XP per scalp, giving you a maximum of 100 000 quest XP. 4.15) Mission 12 Objectives - Coliseum - Find and kill the head of the games (primary) - Help the captured dragon to escape (secondary) This mission is pretty straightforward and is more or less a simple running battle. From the start point move north to x780 y3280 and fight the guards, and then move quickly north-west to x2800 y1230 and kill the guards and gladiators surrounding the silver dragon. Once you have killed all the guards and gladiators move south with the dragon killing the guards along the way. When you get near the southern exit x800 y3230 more guards and a psuedo-dragon turn up requiring you to kill them. For getting the silver dragon to the southern exit you get 10 000 quest XP, and are also given some items: boots of the north (+50% cold resistance), blade of the Equalizer, and the ring of holiness (+ 1 extra level 1-4 cleric spells). Once you have rescued the dragon now you must summon and kill the head of the games. This is achieved by killing guards and gladiators, so move north to x2100 y2590 and hell turn up accompanied by some guards. Kill the guards first, before all going to town on the cleric, who is actually quite a tough guy. Once he is dead you get 30 000XP and you can loot him for gold, gems, scalp (primary objective), girdle of frost giant strength (sets ST to 21), large shield +1, Delvers Plate +2 (AC 1) and Ardulias Fall +1 (extra chance to slow target). Before leaving you may wish to check out the nook x1680 y1270 which contains the clerics staff +3. Now that everyone is dead return to base for 100 000 quest XP. 4.16) Mission 13 Objectives - Secure - Get Standard Bearer to the end of the bridge (primary) - Secure the 9 buildings on the bridge (secondary) This is a tough long slog of a mission, although there is an awful lot of XP up for grabs here, with the possibility of infinite XP if youve got the patience. The difficulty here is that you cant rest anywhere and you are faced with an enormous amount of enemy soldiers, especially at the end of the mission where there are (literally) hundreds of opponents waiting for you. The tactic here is to take things slowly using your scout/thief and save your healing until you really need it.

When you teleport in youll appear at the southern end of the bridge, and youll have 18 soldiers to help you. To complete this mission you must keep the standard bearer alive, so its a good idea to keep him at the southern end of the map out of danger. Move north to x1020 y3380 and fight some minotaurs, fighters and a fallen paladin. Feel free to loot them for their treasures, the (by now) regulation gold, gems and minor treasures. There are several hundred opponents on this mission, and unless otherwise stated they all have gold, gems and minor treasures (occasionally spells or potions) to loot. From here continue north to x1620 y3050 to fight some sentinels. Enter the first building (x1110 y3130) and attack the fighters inside. Once the building is secured youll receive 10 000 quest XP. Make sure you disarm the traps and search the containers to get the spells, gems and gold. Leave this building. Move north and west and head towards the second building (x520 y2540). Before entering you might want to kill the fighters outside. Enter and kill the 3 people inside to secure it and earn another 10 000 quest XP. Loot the containers for gold, potions and gems, and search the (trapped) container for gems and gold. Leave the building and move north to x1060 y2260 where there are some fallen paladins and fighters. From here move south-east to x2060 y3040 and take out the soldiers and the sniper. Be careful of the snipers, they can see through invisibility and do plenty of damage. Enter the third building and kill the fighters, looting the three chests upstairs for gold and gems. Now move downstairs and kill two more fighters, and then move up to the third floor to kill two more fighters. This secures the building and nets you another 10 000 quest XP. Loot the chests around here, and go through the door to kill any remaining snipers. Return to the street level and move east to x2700 y2600 and enter the fourth building, killing the ettin nearby. Inside the building kill the two fighters which secures the building and earns you another 10 000 quest XP. There are a couple of chests here which have gold and gems. Return to the streets and descend the wooden steps where youll meet some fighters, and then head another more wooden steps to x3460 y2080, killing the fighters, and enter the fifth building (x3180 y2010). There are some pests to take care of outside first. Inside the building kill five enemies and earn yourself another 10 000 quest XP. Leave the building and head west to x2280 y2010, where youll discover the sixth building. There are about 12 fighters on the ground floor, and numerous containers which have spells, gold and gems. Be careful before you go up to the second floor because when you get there youll find two gauths and a beholder. Grab an amulet of 5% magic resistance from the beholder, and move through the remaining rooms kill 12 more fighters to secure this building. For this you earn another 10 000 quest XP, and you are now free to loot the upper floor. The piano (x1600 y1060) has the halberd Dragons Breath +4 (+1 extra cold, fire, electrical, acid and poison damage). Also make sure you check out the safe which has gold and gems, and a nearby table has some +1 weapons to grab. Before returning to the street level go through the southern and western doors to clear out any snipers that are there. Return now to the street knowing you have cleared out the toughest of the buildings.

Continue north and east to an open area where you are told to fall back and regroup. Retreat quickly otherwise youll get hit by enemy artillery fire, and this hurts a lot. Denton however is somewhat callous and quite happily indulges in some friendly fire. Continue heading east along the district to the seventh building (x3720 y1440) and kill the soldiers outside. Enter the building and kill the 3 fighters here to secure the building and earn (yet) another 10 000 quest XP. Whilst in here loot the containers for gold, gems and spells. Leave the building and move north to x2990 y760 and head towards the eighth building. In a basket near here (x2740 y710) there is a rogue stone and the bastard sword, the Blade of Searing +3 (+1 extra point of fire damage). Enter the eighth building, kill the fighter and disarm the traps. Search the container for a wand of magic missiles and gold and move up to the second floor. On the second floor kill the two fighters which secures the building (10 000 quest XP). De-trap this room and search the containers for gems, potions and the Horn of Valhalla (summons a fifth level beserker for a minute). Leave the building and return to the street. Continue heading north and east through the map to the ninth (and last) building (x4290 y930). Outside the building there are lots of soldiers. Once these goons are pushing up the daisies enter through either of the doors and kill the 5 soldiers inside to secure the building. This gets you 10 000 quest XP, but also you receive an additional 50 000 quest XP for completing the secondary objective. You may well wish to save your game at this point (hint). Leave the building and move north and east to x3820 y610 to a large battle with elite guards, fallen paladins and fighters. Again watch out for the snipers on the balconies (x4770 y340) since they can do loads of damage to you in a really short space of time. Now move towards the northern exit to face LOADS of archers and fighters. By loads I mean over 100, and the these guys appear to respawn. The only way I could do this was to try to lure a few off at a time, because if you try to take them all down youll get annihilated. Additionally I found that during this part of the mission my machine suffered from some serious slowdown, on account of there being so many people on screen. This is by no means easy because you have to try to lure them, but if you do this too slowly they will respawn faster than you can kill them. GRR! Once they are all dead move the standard bearer to the northern end of the bridge, where you primary objective has been fulfilled and you are rewarded with 150 000 quest XP. Return to base, and prepare for the final mission. Unanswered questions: By now youll realise that all you have left to do is to fight Lord Denton in the final battle. There are however three outstanding issues that I have not addressed 1): Where is the Hunter? 2): What is the point of the Golem Arm? 3): Where was the Gesen Bow Shaft? However thanks to Elhoe (the mod creator) and the teamBG message board I can give you the answers as they were given to me

1) Examine the spelljammer in the middle of the area (the drow city) and take the ship to his home ground. See if you can beat him on his own turf. (If anyone goes there and can e-mail what happens Id love to find out about it) 2) The Hunter has the Gesen Bow Shaft. 3) The golem arm is a reference to the Terminator films - it has no use (just a red herring). Once again thanks to Elhoe. 4.17) Final Mission - Final Battle Objectives - Find and kill Lord Denton Before you teleport into the final battle Bliss comes up and wishes you luck. Once you have teleported in you see a cutscreen showing all of your forces. Once again on this mission there is even more slowdown than before, making it very difficult indeed to control anything. Additionally this final battle is extremely tough, as you are massively outnumbered. To be honest I found this battle nigh on impossible, and after several unsuccessful attempts had to resort to cheating Im afraid . Id love to hear of any tactics that anyone has used that work because I was completely stuck. Part of the problem is that although you have a reasonable number of troops under your command the enemy has a massive numerical advantage, also your troops seem to suffer really heavily from Scrappy Doo syndrome (i.e despite being hugely outnumbered and outgunned they suicidally charge forward metaphorically saying lemme at them). Hence trying to keep enough of them alive to be a meaningful army I found a challenge beyond me. Anyway move north (if you can) to x2600 y400 to the northern edge of the map to find Denton. He has loads of guards and troops around him but you can ignore them if you wish and simply concentrate on taking down Denton himself. He is quite a bad dude but this is pretty much a straightforward melee fight so if you can surround him you should be able to take him down. Once Denton is dead you get a brief conversation with him in which you find out that he is Bliss father, and then you are shown a cutscreen in which you see the protagonist marrying Bliss. Lastly you are informed that Bliss is up the duff which might raise a few eyebrows if your main character had been a woman. Well done for completing the mod Thanks to Louis Hoe (Elhoe) for making this fantastic mod. Amazing effort especially given that this is his first mod. Also thanks for his help on the teamBG boards. Cheers Elhoe Bioware, Black Isle and all the other BG type people for creating the game engine and such a great game that people are interested in modding in the first place. TeamBG for giving loads of support to BG players and modders everywhere. Sorcerers.net for publishing this walkthrough Bobby Z for keeping it real and hard-core for 40 years.

Onion Bhaji and sweet, sweet beer for providing the necessary fuel for this walkthrough. My brother for booka and keeping it real. Aiiiiiiii No thanks to Coppers, all of whom are bastards. Fileplanet who are still shite. GameFAQs who still wont publish any of my work. Bastards. LineOne for being a really shoddy ISP. New Romney for possibly being the biggest shit-hole on the face of the planet . Final words: Hey, if you liked reading this (it was good wasnt it?) why dont you check out the Suburban Jub Collectives walkthrough to The Darkest Day (yes I know its another BG2 mod, and no BG2 isnt the only game I own, honest). Its available at the link given at the top of this walkthrough. If youd prefer (or if the web-sites have gone tits up) you can email me and if you ask really nicely Ill send it to you. Hell, you can ask unpleasantly and Ill still send you a copy of the fucking thing. Suburban Jub Collective (inc. ACAB) 2002. So dont nick it if you aint part of the collective.

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