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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Department Responsibility/Role File Name Version Document Generation Date Date Modified Last Changed by Status

3/30/2007 3/30/2007

OIC to HR Integration Trigger:

Required Field(s) Output - Results PreDemo Steps:

Comments Comments

Youll need to personalize on the Commissions Column to CWB for these demos. The steps are below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Logon as jkbowers/welcome HR Professional V4.0 > Compensation Workbench for Administrators (I)Go to Task for Allocate Reward Amounts Scroll Down > (H) Personalize Selected Compensation Plan Scroll Down in Available Items > Highlight Miscellaneous Rate 1 > (I) Move to right (B) Settings > Scroll to bottom > Type over name for Miscellaneous Rate 1 to Prior Year Commission (B) Apply (B) Save (H) Home (H) Logout

Last changed on: 3/30/2007 13:35 a3/p3

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

This script demonstrates how Oracle Incentive Compensation is integrated with the Oracle eBusiness HCM solution. Incentive compensation is only a single component of the Total Compensation for an employee of a company. Oracle eBusiness HCM provides the functionality to process and communication all compensation activities for an employee. This script is designed as a continuation of the 360 degree resource tour script in eBusiness Application demos. Logon as afeng/welcome > Compensation Manager > Search Resources

Step 1. 2.

Action Click the Search Resources link. As a quick refresher, let's go look at Lisa Jones's YTD Summary Statements for 2007 and 2006. Enter the desired information into the Resource Name field. Enter "Jones". Click the Go button.


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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 4. 5. 6. 7.

Action Click the Jones, Mrs. Lisa link. Click the Compensation tab. Click the Year to Date Summary link. First let's see what has been processed for 2007. Click the Go button.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 8.

Action Here we can see in the payments section that $2,582.59 was calculated as needing to be paid in Oracle Incentive Compensation. This amount is then automatically passed to payroll for processing. Click the Year list. Now let's look at the year to date summary for 2006. Click the 2006 list item. Click the Go button. Click the scrollbar.


10. 11.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 12.

Action In the Total column, we can see the quota credit and total payments calculated for Lisa Jones. These amounts are often important to other compensation decisions. Also they are only a sole component of compensation and companies frequently want to present them in the context of the person's total compensation package. Let's go see how these numbers flow to Oracle eBusiness HCM. Click the Home link.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 13.

Action Note: Navigation > (N) Payroll Professional > Payslip Details First let's take a look at the amount paid to Lisa Jones for January Commissions. Click the Payslip Details link.

14. 15. 16.

Enter the desired information into the First Name is field. Enter "Lisa". Enter the desired information into the Last Name is field. Enter "Jones". Click the Go button.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 17. 18.

Action Click the (I) Action button. Click the scrollbar.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 19.

Action So we can see that commissions for January match that calculated in Oracle Incentive Compensation and have been pulled in as part of the normal payroll processing. Click the scrollbar. Click the Home link.


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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 21.

Action Note: Navigation > (N) HR Professional V4.0 > Compensation Workbench for Administrators What about other ways that Incentive Compensation affects other compensation. Well most companies have a compensation cycle to give annual salary increases, bonuses and/or stock options. How much a person makes in commissions can effect their other compensation amounts. Oracle eBusiness HCM uses Compensation Workbench to allow manager to perform some of the other compensation tasks. Let's take a look at the annual compensation process for raises, bonuses and stock options delivery through compensation workbench. Click the Compen Workbench for Administ link.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 22.

Action Since we're in as a compensation administrator, we can take a look at any manager's process. Let's take a look at Lisa Jones's Manager Jeff Ulrich Click the Search For A Manager link.

23. 24.

Enter the desired information into the Employee Name field. Enter "Ulrich". Click the Go button.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 25.

Action Click the (I) Switch Manager button.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration
Step 26. Action Now we're looking at the tasks for this compensation cycle for Jeff Ulrich. Let's take a look at how the Allocate Reward Amounts task works. Click the Select to go to task button.

Step 27.

Action Now let's scroll down to see Lisa Jones. Click the scrollbar.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 28.

Action Here we can see that the Prior Year Commission column reflects the total of amounts paid in 2006 during the 2007 cycle. This spreadsheet is used to deliver salary increases, bonuses and stock options per company guidelines. Click the scrollbar.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 29.

Action A manager can also see the exact history of individual payments. Click the (I) History for Jones button. Click the Commissions tab.


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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 31.

Action Here they can look at each occurrence by date. Click the Home link.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 32.

Action Note: Navigation > (N) > HR Professional V4.0 > Total Compensation Statement Finally, companies like to communicate the value of total compensation to employees. Through Oracle's integrated eBusiness HCM product, a company can deliver an online configurable Total Compensation Statement. Click the Total Compensation Statement link.

33. 34.

Enter the desired information into the Employee Name field. Enter "Jones%Lisa". Click the Go button.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 35.

Action Let's take a look at Lisa Jones's Total Compensation Statement for 2006. Click the (I) View Statement button.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 36.

Action First a company can configure any welcome page for delivering messaging around their Total Compensation Statement. Click the Continue button.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 37.

Action Now an employee is presented with both a tabular and graphical representation of all aspects of their compensation. This is a big differentiator for Oracle as a suite product over niche vendors. As we scroll through the page, we can see cash compensation made up of salary and commission, and we can see benefits information. Click the scrollbar.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 38. 39.

Action And stock options granted last year as well as Lisa's year end retirement balances. Click the scrollbar. In addition the employee can drill into more details. Let's take a look at commissions. Click the Commission link.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 40.

Action Here they can see what their quota was, how did against it and what they were paid. With a final drill down, Click the Commission Information link.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 41.

Action They can see what periods they were paid their commission amounts. Click the Total Compensation Overview link.

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Business Process Document

Oracle Incentive Compensation R12: OIC to HR Integration

Step 42.

Action Oracle Incentive Compensation is only a portion of any employee's compensation. The ability to integrate seamlessly and present a Total Compensation picture at any given time during any compensation process is a critical feature of a companies compensation requirements. Oracle eBusiness Suite is designed to meet the integration needs and support all compensation processes. End of Procedure.

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