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Useful Queries for Apps DBA and possible solutions

1)How to find the E-business suite login URL? Ans: SQL> conn apps Enter password: Connected. SQL> select home_url from icx_parameters; HOME_URL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2)How to find the release of Apps installed or version installed in our machine? Ans:conn apps Enter password: Connected. SQL> select release_name from fnd_product_groups; RELEASE_NAME -------------------------------------------------12.1.1 3)What is Yellow Bar Warning in Apps? Ans: Oracle Applications Release 11.5.1 (11i) requires that its code run in a trusted mode and uses JInitiator to run Java applets on a desktop client. If an applet is trusted, however, Java will extend the privileges of the applet.The Yellow Warning Bar is a warning that your applet is not running in a trusted mode.To indicate that an applet is trusted, it must be digitally signed using a digital Certificate,so Oracle Applications requires that all Java archive files must be digitally signed. 4)How to check the custom top installled? Ans: SQL> Select BASEPATH,PRODUCT_CODE,APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME From fnd_application Where application_Short_name like '%CUST_TOP_name%'; 5)How to check multi-org is enabled in Oracle applications? Ans: SQL> select multi_org_flag from fnd_product_groups; M Y Note:For enabling multi-org check the MY ORACLE SUPPORT notes 396351.1 and 220601.1 6)How to compile invalid objects in Oracle Applications?

Ans: Check the below link for all possible ways to compile the invalid objects in Oracle Application.Usually 'adadmin' utility provides us the option to do this task.

7)Can we install Apps Tier and Database Tier on different Operating system while installing Oracle EBS 11i/R12? Ans: Yes it is possible.We can do this by following below MY ORACLE SUPPORT notes: Oracle Apps 11i --> Using Oracle EBS with a Split Configuration Database Tier on 11gR2 [ID 946413.1] Oracle Apps R12 --> Oracle EBS R12 with Database Tier Only Platform on Oracle Database 11.2.0 [ID 456347.1]

8)How to find the node details in Oracle Applications? Ans: FND_NODES tables in 'apps' schema helps in finding node details after installation,clonning and migration of applications. SQL> SELECT NODE_NAME||' '||STATUS ||' '||NODE_ID||' '||HOST FROM FND_NODES; 9)How to see the products installed and their versions in Oracle Applications? Ans: SQL> SELECT APPLICATION_ID||''||ORACLE_ID||''||PRODUCT_VERSION||''||STATUS||''||PATCH_LEVEL FROM FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS; O/P looks like below: 172 172 12.0.0 I R12.CCT.B.1 191 191 12.0.0 I R12.BIS.B.1 602 602 12.0.0 I R12.XLA.B.1 805 805 12.0.0 I R12.BEN.B.1 8302 800 12.0.0 I R12.PQH.B.1 8303 800 12.0.0 I R12.PQP.B.1 809 809 12.0.0 I 11i.HXC.C 662 662 12.0.0 I R12.RLM.B.1 663 663 12.0.0 I R12.VEA.B.1 298 298 12.0.0 N R12.POM.B.1 185 185 12.0.0 I R12.XTR.B.1 10)How to see the concurrent Requests and jobs in Oracle Applications? Ans: FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS can be used to see the concurrent requests and job details.These details are useful in troubleshooting concurrent manager related issues. SQL>SELECT REQUEST_ID||' '||REQUEST_DATE||' '||REQUESTED_BY||' '||PHASE_CODE||' '||STATUS_CODE FROM FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS; O/P will be as given below: REQUEST_ID||''||REQUEST_DATE||''||REQUESTED_BY||''||PHASE_CODE||''||STATUS_CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6088454 24-NOV-11 1318 P I 6088455 24-NOV-11 1318 P Q 6088403 24-NOV-11 0 C C 6088410 24-NOV-11 0 C C

Where: PHASE_CODE column can have values: C Completed I Inactive P Pending R Running STATUS_CODE Column can have values: A Waiting B Resuming C Normal D Cancelled E Error F Scheduled G Warning H On Hold I Normal M No Manager Q Standby R Normal S Suspended T Terminating U Disabled W Paused X Terminated Z Waiting

11)What is the significance of FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES and AD_DEFERRED_JOBS tables? Ans: FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES and AD_DEFERRED_JOBS tables are created and Dropped during the 'adadmin' and 'adpatch' sessions. Both AD utilities (adpatch/adadmin) access the same tables to store the workers details, so both FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES and AD_DEFERRED_JOBS tables need to be dropped from the failed adpatch session ,so that adadmin/adpatch session can run successfully next time.

DBA and APPS DBA advanced interview questions

12)what is FNDLOAD?(APPS DBA interview) (OR) How we can migrate concurrent programs of one application?(Apps DBA) Ans:FNDLOAD is a an Oracle utility to migrate data from one instance to another.It can be used with several different entities within Oracle 11i,R12 applications.

Usage: FNDLOAD logon 0 Y mode configfile datafile [ entity [ param ... ] ] where: logon is username/password[@connect] mode is either UPLOAD or DOWNLOAD configfile is the configuration file datafile is the data file entity is an entity name, or - to specify all values in an upload param is a NAME=VALUE string used for parameter substitution

FNDLOAD can be used for lot of migration/transfering task across Oracle Applications.They are 1)FNDLOAD can be used to transfer Request Groups 2)FNDLOAD can be used for moving Concurrent Programs. 3)FNDLOAD can be used to download and upload forms personalizations. 4)FNDLOAD can be used to migrate Key FlexFields, Descriptive Flexfields, Responsibilities and almost every other FND entity Eg: ##To FNDLOAD Concurrent Programs FNDLOAD apps/$CLIENT_APPS_PWD O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct XX_CUSTOM_ORACLE_INTERFACE_PROG.ldt PROGRAM APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME="XXGMS" CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME="XX_CUSTOM_ORACLE_INTERFACE_PROG"

13)How in R12 Jinitiator is placed?(APPS DBA interview) Ans: In App 11i, in context file we see s_sun_plugin_type set to jinit Where as,In App R12 it is set to jdk In Context.xml file we will find the line as given below in Apps R12 1.6.0_07 jdk

14)What we should do if when applying patch the adpatch utility fails and Now you want to use adadmin/adpatch utility again? (Apps DBA) Ans: Both AD utilities (adpatch/adadmin) access the same tables to store the workers details, so both FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES and AD_DEFERRED_JOBS tables need to be dropped from the failed adpatch session ,so that adadmin/adpatch session can run successfully next time.

Master DBA and Apps DBA interview questions

15)Have you done DMZ setup?What are the steps followed in doing DMZ setup? (Oracle Apps DBA interview question) Ans: Thanks Navdeep for explaing the things beautifully and clearly.For detail steps please check the Navdeep's link. Reference: For implementing DMS check the MY ORACLE SUPPORT note: Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Configuration in a DMZ [ID 380490.1] A DMZ (De-Militarized Zone) is a separate part of an organizations network which is a shielded and 'cut off' from the main corporate network and its systems.The DMZ contains technical equipment to prevent access from external parties(say on the Internet) from gaining access to your main systems. In the IT industry,a demilitarized zone is a single or multi-segment perimeter network that demarks the portion of the corporate network that lies between the intranet and outside networks.Corporate DMZ borders are enforced by firewalls and other dedicated networking devices.

When configuring Oracle E-Business Suite in a DMZ configuration, firewalls are deployed at various levels to ensure that only the traffic that the architecture expects is allowed to cross the firewall boundaries. The firewalls ensure that if intrusion attempts against machines in the DMZ are successful,the intrusion is contained within the DMZ and the machines in the intranet are not affected. The steps followed in doing DMZ setup are as follows: To make Oracle E-Business Suite modules as secure as possible, the following tasks may need to be performed. * Use of separate web node for external usage * Setting of server level profile values * Associate trust levels to application middle tier nodes * Mark a subset of responsibilities as available on an external web node * Deploy a Reverse proxy in front of the external web node * Configuring a URL firewall and mod security in the reverse proxy * Run only the required Oracle E-Business Suite Application services on the external web tier 16)Have you done workflow configuration?(oracle Apps DBA interview question) Ans: Best link with explaination I found: 17)Explain the importance of autoconfig file?(oracle Apps DBA interview question) Ans: AutoConfig uses a file called context file, which is used to configure changes.Context file is a XML file

having all the parameters of application system. These parameters are part of some configuration file for some services or it may be part of some environment file.When we create an application system (using Rapid install),context file gets created automatically will all the parameters and there values. Most of the parameters take default value,where as some parameters takes the value that is supplied at the time of installation. All the information required to configure Oracle Apps 11i/R12 are stored in files called as Context file.So there are two context file, one for Apps Tier(Middle Tier) and one for DB Tier. Oracle apps 11i Context file location is as follows: Apps Tier:$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK.xml DB Tier:$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/$TWO_TASK.xml

Oracle apps R12 Context file location is as follows: Apps Tier:$INST_TOP/appl/admin/$TWO_TASK_.xml DB Tier:$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/$TWO_TASK_.xml Where: TWO_TASK is the SID set for EBS Database.

More details about autoconfig can be extracted from the below mentioned link with nice explaination:

Context file is repository for configuration stored in xml format. Its xml file and file name format is _.xml in Oracle Apps 11i

18)What all the techniques to improve oracle application patching mechanism? (oracle Apps DBA interview question) Ans: To improve the oracle application patching mechanism in terms of performance and other criteria we can apply patches as given below: 1)Merge Patches using admrgpch admrgpch utility is used to merge two or more patches in oracle applications. The advantage of merging patches is that it reduces downtime and thus very much useful. Note 1: The syntax for using admrgpch utility is as given below: admrgpch -s -d -merge_name

For eg: admrgpch -s -d -merge_name We have to make sure the the merge path log file "admrgpch.log" does not contain any error,once the two patches are merged. Note 2:'admrgpch' utility will not merge patches of different Oracle applications releases and operating systems platforms and with different parallel modes and we cannot use 'admrgpch' utility to merge AD and Non-AD patches. 2)To improve the performance while applying patch using 'adpatch'(auto patch utility) has lot of options like: options=nocopyportion noautoconfig nogenerateportion hotpatch ... We can use as per our convenience. Eg: $adpatch options=noautoconfig $ 3)If you cannot afford downtime than you can apply patch using options=hotpatch,very much useful for production environment here it is not required to keep the application in maintainance mode. Eg: $adpatch options=hotpatch 19)How we register new products in Oracle applications?(oracle Apps DBA interview question) Ans: 'adsplice' is an ad utility which is used to add off-cycle/new product to oracle apps. i.e. products released between maintenance packs. Download the product patch which contains information about the new product,'adsplice' control file and other associated files. Go through the readme and apply pre-reqs if any.Now for using 'adsplice' there is a control file newprods.txt. A typical newprods.txt looks like as given below: product=zsa base_product_top=*APPL_TOP* oracle_schema=zsa sizing_factor=100 main_tspace=ZSAD index_tspace=ZSAX temp_tspace=TEMP default_tspace=ZSAD If we are using OFA tablespace model then we need to change the last 4 parameters else for OATM(Oracle Application tablespace Model) it is optional. We have to copy the new-product in $APPL_TOP/admin location and run 'adsplice' utility from 'applmgr' OS user and follow the prompts.Then we can verify that product is correctly spliced or not

using adutconf.sql (AD Configuration report). We need to logout and login again so that the new environment is set. We can then verify that new _TOP environment variable is set and need to apply the patches for newly added product.

20)What is difference between Socket & Servlet Mode in Apps Forms?(oracle Apps DBA interview question) Ans: When forms run SOCKET Mode these are dedicated connection between Client Machine & Form Server (Started by Forms run in servlet mode the forms requests are fulfilled by Jserv in Apache . There will be additional JVM for Forms Request in that case and we won't start form via 21)How to compile Forms in 11i and R12?(oracle Apps DBA interview question) Ans: We can Compile Forms in 11i using 'f60gen' utility as follows: $f60gen module=.fmb userid=apps/ output_file=$XX_TOP/forms/US/.fmx Where as,In R12 we can Compile Forms using 'frmcmp_batch' utility as follows: $frmcmp_batch .fmb userid=apps/ output_file=$XX_TOP/12.0.0/form/US/.fmx module_type=form compile_all=special 22)Describe the steps involved in the upgradation from Oracle 11i to R12 Appplications? (oracle Apps DBA interview question) Ans: Atul again described these upgradation steps beautifully in the below mentioned link:

We usually prepare the below documents for doing upgrade of Oracle Applications: 1)xls document for preparing a plan and to record the steps of upgrade. 2)Word document for the actual implemented steps in details the steps. 23)How you change apps password?Explain the syntax of FNDCPASS?(Apps DBA interview question) Ans: FNDCPASS utility is used to change the password of apps/applsys and all other application products users like gl,ar.FNDCPASS utilliy is supplied with various parameters and options,details are given below along with one task for complete understanding. Note 1: We use FNDCPASS to change apps password,as the APPLSYS (APPS) password became corrupted using ALTER USER because an applications session was not maintained at the same time. This apps session is necessary to change the APPLSYS password in: 'Security> Oracle> Register' WHILE being in SQL*PLUS as the SYSTEM user thas why we use The supported method FNDCPASS to change the password. Note 2:Backup FND_ORACLE_USERID and FND_USER tables before using FNDCPASS utility for safety purpose.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps: 1. Restore the FND_ORACLE_USERID and FND_USER tables from a backup. 2. Then run FNDCPASS to change the APPLSYS password. Ex. FNDCPASS apps/ 0 Y system/ SYSTEM APPLSYS WELCOME FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS WELCOME FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS apps

Eg: -bash-3.2$ FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS apps Log filename : L6021164.log

Report filename : O6021164.out -bash-3.2$ less L6021164.log

+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Application Object Library: Version : 12.0.0 Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. module: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Current system time is 23-SEP-2011 03:53:32 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Working...

+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Concurrent request completed successfully Current system time is 23-SEP-2011 03:53:38 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+

For example,the following command changes the GL user password to 'gl'. FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL gl

-bash-3.2$ FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL gl Log filename : L6021170.log

Report filename : O6021170.out -bash-3.2$ less L6021164.log

+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Application Object Library: Version : 12.0.0 Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. module: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Current system time is 23-SEP-2011 03:59:01 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+

+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Concurrent request completed successfully Current system time is 23-SEP-2011 03:59:01 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Note 1: Passwords for APPLSYS and the APPS schemas -- including the MRC schema -- must be the same. If you change the password for one, FNDCPASS automatically changes the others Note 2:After changing the password as the golden rule for apps dba check the log file if it gives error than password is unchaged.Error details in log file can be as give below: ERRORs: APP-FND-01496 Results From FNDCPASS Chaning The APPLSYS password APP-FND-01496: Cannot access application ORACLE password Cause: Application Object Library was unable access your ORACLE password Note 3:When changing 'apps' password it is important to run autoconfig to propagate the change across the application or else we will need change the 'apps' password in following files manually which can be a tedious task. 1. $IAS_ORACLE_HOME\Apache\modplsql\cfg\ file 2. $FND_TOP/resource/wfmail.cfg 3. $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts// 4. $OA_HTML/bin/appsweb.cfg 5. $AD_TOP/admin/template/CGIcmd.dat Q 24) What is file used for? What's full path of this file? What's significance of this file ?(Apps DBA inteview question) Ans: If we lost the 'apps' user password we can see this password in file. The file file is located under $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg Based on file location I am sure you can say this is related to Apache, & looking into modplsql/cfg , I am sure you will say its related to mod_pls (mod plsql component of Apache/Oracle 11i WebServer) configuration file. This file is used by mod_plsql component of Apache to connect to database. So when you type url http://hostname:port/pls/SID , whenever Apache(11i Web Server) finds that request is for /pls/ then Apache delegates this request to mod_pls component which in turn pick this file & check if there is any DAD with name SID (in our example its VISION11I) & Sample entry in [DAD_VISION11I] connect_string = VISION11I

password = apps username = APPS default_page = On typing http://hostname:port/pls/VISION11I , it will connect to database using apps schema & will return you page ( where fnd_web is package & ping is procedure or vise versa).So story about this file doesn't stop here,this URL which I mentioned about is quite useful in troubleshooting so you can check if database connection is working fine or not. Another thing you want to check about this file is since it stores APPS password you need to change here whenever you change apps password . Note:In Apps 11i we have apps password without encrypted form in the below mentioned locations: iAS_TOP/Apache/modplsql/cfg/ ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat In R12 you won't see these files anymore because Modplsql module got removed and we won't be seeing the files with apps password. 25)Explain the process when we login with 'sysadmin' what happens at the backend?(Apps DBA interview question) Which table is involved? Ans: When we login using 'sysadmin' user and password there is a validation takes place,once the user gets validated than E-business suite home page is displayed. 26)How you troubleshoot apps login issue?(Apps DBA interview question) Ans:Atul's link explain this in best way,please go through it even for troubleshooting at our work environment also. 27)Explain the major troubling which you had done in Oracle Apps? Ans:We have to explain the recent troubeshooting which we had done recently.Whenever we are doing troubleshooting in Oracle Applications,it is very important to get familiar with the log file locations,depending on release of Apps.In Apps 11i and R12 the log file locations have changed,so best link I found to remember this locations is given below: 28)What do we have in FND_NODES?when do we run FND_CONC_CLONE.SETUP_CLEAN ? (Apps DBA interview question) Ans:FND_NODES have the information about node_name,node_mode, support_cp. we use FND_CONC_CLONE.SETUP_CLEAN to cleanup FND_NODES table to clear corrupted setup after performing clonning of Applications. ## ## before cleanup ## SQL>select node_name, node_mode, support_cp, support_web, support_admin, support_forms from FND_NODES

NODE_NAME N S S S S ------------------------------ - - - - HOST01 O Y N Y N MIDTIER01 O N Y N Y APPSERVER21 N Y N Y <-- bogust host APPSERVER22 N Y N Y <-- bogust host APPSERVER23 N Y N Y <-- bogust host AUTHENTICATION O N N N N 6 rows selected.

## ## Cleanup ## login as 'applmgr'(application filesystem owner),set the application environment and run FND_CONC_CLONE script to remove bogust host entries.Now login with 'apps' user in Database. SQL> sho user USER is "APPS" SQL> EXEC FND_CONC_CLONE.SETUP_CLEAN; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> commit; Commit complete.

## ## After cleanup ## SQL> select node_name, node_mode, support_cp, support_web, support_admin, support_forms from FND_NODES /

## ## Run AutoConfig ## Note:Context file location In Apps 11i:$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK.xml In Apps R12:$INST_TOP/appl/admin/TWO_TASK_.xml ## Host01 In Apps 11i: $AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/ appspass= In Apps R12: $AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=$INST_TOP/appl/admin/TWO_TASK_.xml appspass=apps

## Host $AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/XTPR_host02.xml appspass=

## ## After AutoConfig runs ##

select node_name, node_mode, support_cp, support_web, support_admin, support_forms from FND_NODES NODE_NAME N S S S S ------------------------------ - - - - MIDTIER01 O N Y N Y AUTHENTICATION O N N N N HOST01 O Y N Y N

29)Where do we find the details of all the ports in Oracle Apps? Ans: Details of all the ports for various severs are present in portlist.ini file. This file is located inside technology stack in the below mentioned path: /oraAPP/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/install The portlist.ini file have the details of all the ports information of all the servers like HTTP,Java,Oracle Notification Server,Oracle Developer suite,DATABASE LISTENER,Web Cache,Reports Services,DCM Discovery,Log Loader which can be seen below. -bash-3.2$ view portlist.ini ;OracleAS Components reserve the following ports at install time. ;As a post-installation step, you can reconfigure a component to use a different port. ;Those changes will not be visible in this file. [System] Host Name = [Ports] Oracle HTTP Server port = 7778 Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = 7779 Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = 8250 Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = 4444 Java Object Cache port = 7000 Oracle Notification Server Request port = 6003 Oracle Notification Server Local port = 6102 Oracle Notification Server Remote port = 6201 Oracle Developer Suite HTTP port = 8888 Oracle Developer Suite JMS port = 9240 Oracle Developer Suite RMI port = 23910 ASG port = 7891 Oracle HTTP Server Diagnostic port = 7200

Log Loader port = 44000 Application Server Control RMI port = 1850 DCM Discovery port = 7100 Oracle Net Listener = 1521 Oracle Management Agent Port = 1157 Application Server Control port = 1156 Web Cache HTTP Listen port = 7778 Web Cache HTTP Listen (SSL) port = 8250 Web Cache Administration port = 9400 Web Cache Invalidation port = 9401 Web Cache Statistics port = 9402 Reports Services bridge port = 14011 Reports Services discoveryService port = 14021 Reports Services SQL*Net port = 1950 If you don't know port number of your web server you can check it in file $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf with directive Listen & Port 30)How we check the sysadmin password which we are using to login Oracle E-business suite home page is correct?(Apps DBA interview question) Ans:We Use Following query to check whether 'sysadmin' password that we are using is correct or incorrect. select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('SYSADMIN','Passord_for_sysadmin') from dual; If it returns Y then sysadmin password is correct If it returns N then sysadmin password that we are using is wrong. We have to change sysadmin password using 'FNDCPASS' utility. Eg: SQL> select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('SYSADMIN','Passord_for_sysadmin') from dual; FND_WEB_SEC.VALIDATE_LOGIN('SYSADMIN','sysadmin') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------N SQL> select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('SYSADMIN','welcome') from dual; 2 FND_WEB_SEC.VALIDATE_LOGIN('SYSADMIN','WELCOME') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y 31)How to check the Standby Database is in sync with production Database? (Apps DBA interview question) Ans: Check the below link for useful details:

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