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0$18)$&785,1* $1' 86( 2) 63,5$/ :(/'(' 3,3(6 )25 +,*+ 35(6685( 6(59,&( 67$7( 2) 7+( $57
Franz Martin Knoop Salzgitter Grorohre GmbH, Gottfried-Linke-Str. 200, 38239 Salzgitter, Germany Phone: +49 5341 21 5786, Fax: +49 5341 21 2991, Baldur Sommer Salzgitter Grorohre GmbH, Gottfried-Linke-Str. 200, 38239 Salzgitter, Germany, Phone: +49 5341 21 2220, Fax: +49 5341 21 2991,

$%675$&7 The HTS (Helical Seam Two Step) manufacturing process is used for the production of HSAW-pipes for high pressure service since 1987. The production process is split into pipe forming combined with continuous tack welding followed by submerged arc welding. The process has been continuously developed further. Details of this modern technology are described and qualitative and economical advantages over the conventional process are explained. The benefits of the existing network with steel plant and hot rolling mill as well as the quality controls, process automatisation and new NDTequipment used in the pipe production are highlighted. Statistics on mechanical, chemical and dimensional properties of HTS pipes are presented to furnish proof of the uniform and well balanced profile of this product. Results from hot and cold bending on site, field weldability trials and tests related to the safety of spiral pipes are discussed. Results and experiences with the application of three-layer coatings (especially HDPEhigh density polyethylene) on spiral pipes are also presented. Actual examples for the use and application of spiral welded pipes in international gas and oil projects are presented and an outlook on future development trends is given. ,1752'8&7,21 The predominant portion of large diameter pipes produced all around the world for gas and oil pipelines greater than 20 inches is produced as longitudinally welded pipe. Due to the low capital costs of spiral welded pipe plants and politically driven desire for local pipe manufacturing facilities, many spiral pipe mills were already constructed all around the world or are under planning at present. The major part of the existing plants is characterized by very simple techniques for manufacturing and testing not being suitable for the production of high-pressure pipelines [1,2]. Consequently, the pipeline operators have many reservations against this type of pipe or

they even refuse completely to use this type for pipeline projects. Therefore it is a commonly held perception that spiral linepipe is an inferior product. The opinions are mostly based on anecdotal evidence, poor experience from more than 20 years ago or poor experience with inferior pipe produced by mills with inadequate equipment and manufacturing procedures. In contradiction to this opinion, HSAW large diameter pipes produced in Salzgitter have been used for more than 35 years in international onshore and offshore pipeline projects [3,4]. 67((/ 0$.,1* $1' +2752//(' :,'( 675,3 352'8&7,21 The pipe manufacturing plant in Salzgitter is networked with the steel making and further processing of the Salzgitter Group. Coil material provided from its own steel works is used exclusively for the spiral pipe production. An order-oriented steel production is already done within the steel mill considering the project-related chemical analysis and mechanical requirements. In the hot-rolling mill, slabs manufactured by continuous casting are thermomechanically treated and rolled out into coils. Micro-alloyed, fine-grained pipe steels up to a yield strength of 555 MPa (X80) are produced as well as sour service resistent steel grades for pipe applications. Only coil material from Salzgitter is used in the pipe production. 7+( +76 +(/,&$/ 6($0 7:2 67(3 352&(66 The Salzgitter pipe mill started using the conventional spiral pipe process in the early 60s and has always concentrated its particular efforts on a consequent orientation towards the market of high-pressure pipelines. Due to the limitations in terms of quality and process efficency of the one step process the change into the so called Helical Seam Two Step (HTS) process was a logical and compelling step.

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Today, HSAW pipes are manufactured with dimensions from 508 to 1676 mm and with wall thicknesses up to 22 mm. X65 and X70 are used for more than 90% of todays entire production and more than 95 % of the pipes produced within the last 10 years is for high pressure service only. In contrast to the traditional spiral manufacturing plants where submerged arc welding of the finally welded seams is done directly in the pipe-forming machine, the pipe manufacturing plant in Salzgitter applies a two-step manufacturing process shown in Fig. 1. For this method, production is split into pipe forming combined with continous tack welding and internal and external submerged arc welding on separate welding stations.
89 ( 7!07@A'&" ( 7CBD'E 7!F4 1G356 7 

after milling do not effect the final pipe geometry.

)LJ  3ULQFLSOH RI VSLUDO SLSH IRUPLQJ  ,17(51$/ $1' (;7(51$/ 68%0(5*(' $5& :(/',1* 21 6(3$5$7( :(/',1* 67$7,216 The formed and continuously tack welded pipes are then subsequently fed to one of the three computer-controlled, internal/external submerged arc welding stations for final welding Fig. 4. Due to a special roller table, each pipe rotates with a precise screw-like motion while the submerged arc welding is carried out first internally, then externally using the multiwire technique. A laser-controlled seam tracking system guarantees exact positioning of the weld seam and optimum overlapping. The tack weld carried out during the pipe-forming stage serves as a backing for the weld and is fully remolten. The use of laser controls combined with precise gear boxes and electric motors for the pipe movement ensure low tolerances on the weld geometry (e.g. penetration and misalignement). All welding operations are computer controlled and continously recorded.

  ! " #$%&" ''(!)0&124356 7 

)LJ  7ZRVWHS VSLUDO ZHOGHG SLSH PDQXIDFWXULQJ SURFHVV  3,3( )250,1* &20%,1(' :,7+ &217,18286 7$&. :(/',1* The hot-rolled wide strip is formed into a pipe in the pipeforming machine. This forming unit consists of a three-roll bending system with an outside roller cage is illustrated inFig. 2. The function of the roller cage is to set the pipe axis and guarantee the roundness of the pipe.

)LJ  6XEPHUJHG DUF ZHOGLQJ RI WKH VSLUDO ZHOG )LJ  3LSH IRUPLQJ DQG WDFN ZHOGLQJ The produced pipe diameter (D) depends on the angle () at which the material enters the forming unit and the width (B) of the hot-rolled coil Fig. 3. In the forming unit the converging strip edges of the pipe are joined using a continuous shielded arc tack weld. As the continuous tack welded pipe leaves the forming machine, a plasma cutter -moving with the tube - cuts the individual lengths required by the customer. The tack welding is done automatically and by means of an laser guided weld head. To optimize the pipe and weld gap geometry the run-out angle is also permanently controlled and adjusted by an automatic gap control system. Any changes in the coil width because of the variations in the coil dimensions before or The automatic submerged arc welding of the so called skelp end weld is another particularity of the Salzgitter manufacturing process. This skelp end weld is produced by welding the coils before pipe forming Fig. 5 and by welding the outside of the skelp end of the tube later on a separate CNC welding station Fig 6. The same welding consumables used for the helical seam are also used for the skelp end welding. Also computer assisted welding controls and recording of weld parameters are applied from the beginning. Thanks to the similarity of the welding process, the structure and the quality assessment of this skelp end weld is equivalent to the spiral weld. The same usage factor can be applied for pipes with helical seam only or combined with a skelp end weld. In particular for pipes with high single weights, the customers

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acceptability of the skelp end weld can be essential for the commercial efficiency and yield of this process.

no weld repairs due to interruption during pipe forming no start stop areas on pipe no risk of weld cracks due to relative motion of edges internal welding position can be adjusted separately to improve the geometry of the inside weld the physical stability of welding stands is higher


)LJ  $XWRPDWLF &1& ZHOGLQJ RI WKH RXWVLGH VNHOS HQG ZHOG The two-step process offers qualitative and economical advantages. Due to splitting of pipe forming and submerged arc welding the forming speed can be increased up to 12 m/min. Exact geometrical tolerances are achieved by concentrating on the pipe geometry within the pipe forming machine and this without being influenced by the submerged arc welding process. Thus, the process-automated technique for carrying out the subsequent submerged arc welding of the pipe which is already tacked to be dimensionally stable is used with a consistently high quality and without being influenced by pipe forming. Going more into detail the advantages of the HTSprocess compared to the conventional spiral process become clear: - better and more precise root gap control - fine, automatic control of forming combined with a better control of strip camber and thickness - improved pipe geometry, reduced peaking and plate offset, low ovality and narrow diameter tolerances over the full pipe length - increased process efficiency and faster production rates - improved welding stability (especially at higher wall thicknesses

Based on these facts it becomes clear why HTS-pipes are equivalent with UOE pipes. The same welding methods, welding consumables and even the same software tools and quality controls used in modern UOE-plants are also used in the HTS-process. Even in comparison with the UOE-process some benefits have to be highlighted. In terms of process control the forming process and the pipe geometry can be controlled and documented in-situ. For principle reasons the pipe geometry is constant over the full pipe length from the beginning. The spiral weld plays the role of a stiffener, giving the pipe a very good roundness. Therefore no mechanical cold expansion is needed. In this context it is also worth mentioning that the spring back determined by cutting the pipe opposite from the weld and used to describe the amount of residual stress can be reduced significantly by optimisation of the forming process. The dimensions of spiral-weld pipes are continuously adjustable, so that any diameter, as desired by the customer, can be produced from a base material of the same width. Unlike the longitudinal-weld pipe, it is not necessary to use a large number of forming tools for the various separate sizes. A typical distribution curve for diameter and ovality of a 36 pipeline project is presented in picture 7 a and b to demonstrate the narrow tolerances which can be achieved. The inside diameter tolerance was 738.6 mm +/- 0.8 mm (inner lines) for min 85% of the pipe ends and max. 15 % within the range of 738.6 mm +/- 1.2 mm (outer lines) were permitted. The maximum ovality permitted was 0.5%d which is equal to 3.8mm. An average of 1.8mm was determined.

8000 7000
hi X b gf ef ab ` XY cd b


6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 737,00 737,80 738,60 739,40 740,20


60,0 r pq 40,0


0,0 741,00 average 738,71 maximum 739,80 standard deviation 0,52

minimum 737,40


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stuv w x y

20000 18000 16000



As a further step to improve the existing NDT-controls a separate UT-equipment (X-arrangement) has been procured for the automatic inspection of the skelp end weld. All test parameters and results are on-line recorded.

14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0,00 2,00 4,00 6,00 8,00 10,00 average 1,79 0,0 maximum 3,80 standard deviation 0,75 20,0 60,0 40,0

minimum 1,00

)LJ E )UHTXHQF\ GLVWULEXWLRQ DQG DFFXPXODWHG IUHTXHQF\ FXUYH IRU WKH RYDOLW\ RI D [PP ; SLSH SURGXFWLRQ 0(7+2'6 2) 7(67,1* $1' 48$/,7< &21752/ To ensure that the coil material is free from injurious laminations, the strip body and edge zones are completely tested using ultrasonic equipment in the run-in section Fig. 8 . Twenty oscillating probes on the coil middle and four fixed probes on the coil edges cover 100% of the coil width and surface. Although laminations are no problem of todays continous casting techniques this equipment has been installed to fulfill even critical requirements belonging to offshore projects, e.g. on the basis of the DNV rules and other stringent regulations and also to be on par with UOE-mills. )LJ  $XWRPDWLF XOWUDVRQLF WHVWLQJ RI WKH ZHOG VHDP All process, production and testing stages in the bare pipe production as well as in the coating plant are documented for each single pipe within an electronic pipe log book and thus assure a comprehensive full traceability up to the steel making. Strict test requirements necessitate that each pipe is tested with regard to its usability by means of extensive individual tests (e.g. hydrostatic, ultrasonic, and X-ray testing, visual and geometrical inspections). Each production step performed is documented. All workers use their individual password when performing operations in the pipe or coating plant. Material properties, like strength, toughness, hardness, and ductility are tested in specified intervals according to standards and/or project specifications in the course of the manufacturing process. In spite of the automatisation at all production steps it must be mentioned that the human factor still has a very important influence on the product quality. Highly experienced and qualified production and quality personal is needed. More than 85% of the people employed have passed a three year professional training and are continously trained on the job. 3523(57,(6 $1' 6$)(7< 2) 63,5$/ :(/'(' 3,3(6 With regard to the time and cost optimized field installation of the pipes, the requirements for a good forming capability and weldability are irrevocable basic requirements. Modern thermomechanical treated pipe steels exihibit low carbon contents below 0,11 wt.% as a characteristic of good weldability. Thus, manual and automatic girth welding is possible without any restrictions. A typical steel composition for an X65 (L450MB) of 18.9mm w.t. supplied to an line pipe project in Italy and the achieved standard deviations are presented in the table 2. As stated in [7] the maximum CEV of 0.43 does not effect in any case the excellent field weldability. Statistics presented in table 1 are based on an actual pipeline project of 70,000t (approx. 300 heats) of X65.

)LJ  $XWRPDWLF XOWUDVRQLF WHVWLQJ RI WKH FRLO Also a sophistcated laser guided, automated weld seam testing system has been put into operation for the first time Fig. 9. Various probe arrangements including X -or Karrangement for the detection of transverse defects, on weld bead-testing and up to four independent pairs of probes for the detection of longitudinal defects can be choosen depending on customer requirements and UT-test standards.

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(OHPHQW 0LQ >ZW @ 0,067 & 1,49 0Q 0,26 6L 0,008 3 0,001 6 0,000 1 0,018 $O 0,030 9 0,030 1E 0,010 &X 0,020 &U 0,030 1L 0,006 0R 0,010 7L 0,34 &(9

0D[ >ZW @ 0,099 1,79 0,36 0,022 0,006 0,010 0,056 0,100 0,060 0,090 0,070 0,100 0,010 0,020 0,42

$YJ 6WG 'HY >ZW @ >ZW @ 0,079 0,005 1,68 0,038 0,32 0,013 0,013 0,002 0,003 0,001 0,004 0,001 0,034 0,006 0,087 0,006 0,041 0,003 0,029 0,014 0,035 0,007 0,037 0,008 0,010 0,001 0,011 0,003 0,39 0,009

Considering the longitudinal stresses that actually occur in practice, the ratio of normal stress and circumferential stress, N / U, as a function of the weld angle is shown in Tab. 2 for three cases of loading, L / U = 0 / 0.3 / 0.5.

7DEOH  &KHPLFDO FRPSRVLWLRQ DQG HOHPHQW YDULDWLRQ IRU DQ DFWXDO ; SURGXFWLRQ Like longitudinally welded pipes spiral welded pipes can be cold bend directly on site. Regardless of the weld position and existing skelp end welds the spiral pipes can be bend on site with conventional equipment and on the base of existing standards and technical rules. As demonstrated in various qualification tests and reports the diameter and ovality of the bends are always kept within the permitted ranges [8,9]. By means of induction bending spiral pipes can either be manufactured into bends with specified angle to be installed without further modification or into bends to be cut on site. The helical seam does not influence the deformability of the material in the welded area. The position of skelp end welds has to be considered during induction bending, as it can have an influence, even if it is a low one. More than 14 operators in Europe accept hot bends made of helically welded steel pipes. More than 12.000 m HSAW-steel pipes supplied as induction bends are in practical service in important gas supply without restriction regarding their application. Basically, spiral welded pipes show a preferred orientation of its weld seam and of the direction of the hot-rolled wide strip towards the main direction of the tensions acting on the pipe. It is obvious that the weld seams of longitudinal and spiral welded pipes are situated at different angles relative to the pipe axis. As the circumferential stress u is the maximum stress that occurs in a pipeline, the longitudinal weld that is located perpendicular to direction of stress is subjected to the maximum load. The more the seam angle deviates from the direction of the pipe axis, the more the 'normal stress' n acting perpendicular to the weld seam decreases when neglecting the longitudinal stress. This relationship is given by the following equation:

7DEOH  6WUHVV 'HSHQGHQFH RI WKH :HOG $QJOH It can be seen that for all three typical cases of loading, longitudinal weld seams are subjected to the highest loads, and circumferential seams to the lowest loads. The spiral weld is situated in between, and the load it has to withstand is between 50 and 75 % of the load that is acting upon a longitudinal weld. The safety of spiral welded pipes is out of question. Many comparative full scale propagation tests carried out by independent institutions show that the fracture behaviour and crack propagation resistance of spiral welded pipes are at least equivalent to those of longitudinally welded pipes [5]. The same also applies to the fatigue resistance when the pipes are exposed to dynamically pulsating stress [10].

N = U cos2

0(&+$1,&$/ 3523(57,(6 Modern pipe steels are characterized by excellent mechanical properties. The properties of a typical X65 used for the production of 48 pipes with 18.9mm w.t are illustrated in the following graphs by means of distribution curves and cumulative frequency curves. The presented narrow distributions and chracteristics, exceeding the requested minimum values by far, are the proof of an outstanding process stability. The presented data (based on rectangular samples) for the yield (Fig. 9a) and the tensile strength (Fig. 9b) furnish proof of the uniform profile of a modern pipeline material and of the integrated quality controls carried out in all stages of manufacture. The low values of the yield to tensile ratio (Fig. 9c) as well as the considerable high elongation at rupture (Fig. 9d) can also be regarded as outstanding. In particular in combination with the high average values of the yield strength, a high degree of safety is guaranteed to the customer. This is independent of the fact whether a stress or strain controlled design has been selected for the pipeline. This statement can also be made without any restrictions for the properties of the spiral weld.

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edf g hif jk lnmpoSqpr f g qhdsg detS tu

DhiSqf hpqf%Sg q hpnr f g qhdsg detS tu

60 50 40


30 25 20


~ z }~ | y z{ x vw


~ z }~ | y z{ x vw

60,0 30

60,0 15

40,0 20 10 0 430,00 20,0

40,0 10 5 0 15,00 19,00 23,00 27,00 31,00 35,00 20,0





0,0 580,00


minimum 460,00

maximum 532,00

standard deviation 12,77

average 491,24

minimum 18,80

maximum 30,00

standard deviation 2,36

average 24,39


f lqf f hd df g hif jk lnmpoSqpr f g qhdsSg dptS tu

)LJ G (ORQJDWLRQ RI ;  WUDQVYHUVH WR SLSH High strength is combined with high average toughness values and good deformability even at low temperatures. In Fig. 9e the impact energy for the base material is shown. Average values of 260J at 5C for the base material have been achieved.
G p e p 

40 35 30
~ z }~ | y z{ x vw



25 20




15 10 5 0 520,00




400 60,0 300






0,0 670,00

40,0 200 20,0

minimum 580,00

maximum 656,00

standard deviation 14,69

average 606,90



4 p S eD 

0 0,00 minimum 152,00 80,00 maximum 357,00 160,00 240,00 320,00 standard deviation 25,54

0,0 400,00 average 264,66

60 50 40


)LJ H ,PSDFW HQHUJ\ RI ; EDVH PDWHULDO As a natural consequence of the cold forming process spiral pipes exhibit significant differences between the yield strength measured in longitudinal and transverse direction. Due to the Bauschinger effect the yield strength in longitudinal direction (Fig. 9f) is always higher than the yield strength transverse to pipe axis. The same is valid for the Y/T-ratio in both directions. The recorded Y/T-ratios transverse to pipe are always below the values of longitudinal pipes. When round bars samples are used the measured yield strength is significantly higher. Ring expansion tests can help to evaluate and to describe this positive effect. The difference in the average values between transverse (Fig. 9a) and longitudinal direction (Fig. 9f) are approx. 40 to 50 MPa. The extent of this effect depends on the forming angle, the pipe diameter and the D/t-ratio.


60,0 30

40,0 20 10 0 0,70 0,74 maximum 0,84 0,78 0,82 0,86 0,90 average 0,81 20,0

0,0 standard deviation 0,01

minimum 0,77


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It must be mentioned that the low Y/T-ratio combined with the high yield strength values guarantees a higher safety margin against failure in case of plastic deformation.
  p  p  D

60 50 40



60,0 30

Epoxy flow coating is also applied to pipes for high pressure gas pipelines quite often. Although investigations carried out in the early 60s have proven that the weld seam does not influence the gas flow in large diameter pipelines, prejudices still exist [12]. The influence of the welding seam on the pressure-drop-coefficient is negligible. Every change of the internal surface roughness causes variations in the pressure drop, which are by an order of magnitude larger than those caused by the different form of a helical or a longitudinal weld seam. As a result of the hot rolling process the surface roughness of spiral pipes is even lower than for longitudinal pipes produced by plates and the flow rate can be increased.

40,0 20 10 0 430,00 460,00 maximum 599,00 490,00 520,00 550,00 20,0

0,0 580,00 average 546,43 standard deviation 16,25

minimum 455,00

)LJ I <6 RI ;  SLSHV ORQJLWXGLQDO GLUHFWLRQ &2$7,1* Spiral welded pipes can be coated externally with fusion bonded epoxy or three layer polyethylene/polypropylene. No principal difference in the coating process between HSAWpipes and UOE-pipes does exist. For longitudinal welded pipes it is possible to adjust, by mechanical means, the thickness of the coating at the vicinity of the weld to a certain extent. This is impossible for spiral welded pipes and forces the coater to apply a higher mean thickness on the pipe body in order to obtain the minimum requested thickness at the location of the weld. When three layer coated spiral pipes are stacked during transportation or on site no special precautions or intermediate layers (e.g. ropes or separators) are necessary. Modern coating systems on base of the Canadian standard CAN Z 245.21 combine the advantages of the traditional FBE and conventional three layer coating philosophy. Single FBE layers of about 250m, joined with high density polyethylene top (HDPE) layers by graphted co-polymers are state of the art and can be used up to a pipeline service temperature of 85C. High resistance against damage, ESCR (Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance) and low cathodic disbonding even at high temperatures is achieved by using this type of coating system. High peeling strength of about 500N/cm at room temperature or 200N/cm at 60C can be achieved on pipe body or transverse to the weld.



86$*( ,1 3,3(/,1( 352-(&76 Since 1987, more than 4,000 km of spiral welded large diameter pipes for oil and gas projects have been manufactured and coated within the pipe manufacturing plant in Salzgitter. More Details are shown in table 2. The customer list is long and includes nearly all major European gas suppliers, as e.g. Ruhrgas, Wingas, Gaz de France, SNAM ReteGas, Enagas, Fluxys or Gasunie just to name some of them without any claim to completeness. Meanwhile for several decades the focus of deliveries has been in Europe where the highest possible safety is requested for high-pressure pipelines due to the high population density. In recent oil and gas projects spiral welded pipes from Salzgitter have also been used (e.g. ChadCameroon, South Africa, Iran, Algeria). When qualification and approval procedures of HTS pipes are completed after many years by potential customers, this is normally the beginning of a long lasting, successful customersupplier relationship. Thus, the first thermomechanically produced X70 hot-rolled wide strip has been manufactured in Salzgitter already in 1972. Since then, e.g. the Ruhrgas company in Germany is supplied with pipes in the course of its pipeline projects. The following figures show the usage of spiral welded pipes of Salzgitter when installing the crude oil pipeline in Chad and Cameroon Fig. 12. More than 50,000 pipes corresponding to a length of approx. 650 km were produced in Salzgitter for that pipeline with a total length of approx. 1,070 km, coated in Salzgitter facilities, and delivered to the customer. According to the strict

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project specifications, a high-quality, three-layer HDPE (high density polyethylene) coating has been applied [13]. Beyond these pipeline projects, there are further fascinating examples giving proof of the quality and flexibility of this process. In 2002 Erdgas Zrich AG has put the biggest pipe gas storage plant for natural gas in Europe into operation near Zurich with a gas volume of 570,000 Nm3. For this project, pipes having a diameter of 1,524 mm, a wall thickness of 19,4 mm, and the steel quality StE 480.7 TM have been used. For 308 single pipes to be delivered with an individual pipe length of 17.85 m, a maximum deviation of 50 mm per pipe was allowed.

Quite often the interest in spiral pipes is driven by possible savings in project costs. Interesting cost reductions are possible and have led to a broader use of HTS pipes and depend very much on pipe dimensions and quality requirements. It must be pointed out in this context that the HTS-process has been developed to be equivalent to UOE-process without making cuts on product quality and safety.
%C 4A 4C% 4 C G%


- Germany: - Hungary: - Swiss: - Slovakia: - Spain: - South Africa: - Poland: - Austria: - Netherlands: - Italy: - France: - Belgium: - Algeria: - Iran: - Indonesia:

1,405 420,000 34 10 6 228 101 35 75 158 154 510 93 131 54 119 6,015 7,060 (only Gas storage projects) 2,370 44,570 (since 2002) 19,180 (since 2002) 9,640 (since 1999) 14,405 40,000 79,200 (2004 not included) 125,400 (2004 not included) 13,580 (2004 not included) 42,840 14,350 18,470

4 4

4C 4A 4C% 4 C G%


- Africa (Chad-Cameroon): - Germany:

630 89 47 1 123 170

124,000 (2000 2002) 9,630 8,530 270 24,000 28,610

)LJ  &RQVWUXFWLRQ RI WKH RLO SLSHOLQH IRU WKH &KDG &DPHURRQ 'HYHORSPHQW 3URMHFW SKRWR FUHGLW ([[RQ0RELO 3,3( 3(5)250$1&(6 $1 ,16(59,&( (;3(5,(1&( The feed back from pipeline operators and the experience gathered with HTS-pipes over the last 18 year is generally positive. This finding is based on the fact that most operators have run intensive qualifications on this type of pipe before specifications have been extended and adopted. It is obvious that the performance, reliabilty and quality of HTS-pipes are linked to the the coil supply. Therefore qualifications and quality audits on pipe and steel mills have become standard. Sour service resitant TM-steels are available and in use. When steel composition, microstructure and cleanness are optimized HIC and SCC requirements can be fulfilled safe [15, 16]. Intelligent pigging of this type of pipe is possible with modern pigging tools. The main difference to longitudinal welded pipes is the amount of data recorded during pigging. When using MFL-tools for example the spiral weld pattern is recorded constantly and for UOE pipes the weld signal is more quiet and does not cause fluctuations in the magnetic circuit

- Lithuania: - Netherlands: - Peru: - Czech republic:


% 4 G

7DEOH  3LSH GHOLYHULHV IRU KLJK SUHVVXUH JDV DQG RLO SLSHOLQH SURMHFWV VLQFH  6800$5< For decades now, spiral welded large diameter pipes have been used with success in oil and gas pipeline projects and have proven its quality for a long time. With the help of the two-step manufacturing process (HTS) combined with high-quality hotrolled wide strips, the significance of this pipe type is growing constantly. If todays material and processing properties are compared with actual project requirements, the reason why spiral welded pipes are absolutely equivalent to longitudinally welded pipes becomes evident. Existing prejudices towards spiral welded pipes are either due to poor manufacturing quality of certain pipe mills which to the same extent is also possible for other types of pipes or they are simply based on the lacking experience of the customer. When considering the fundamental possibilities of the sophisticated HTS process,

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further improvements related to product quality (in-situ recording of pipe dimensions) and commercial efficiency (wider coil width) are clearly feasible. Also the ongoing development on the hot rolling process and the material characteristics will support the use of HTS-pipes.

[13] N.N., Pipe Dreams Come True , 2004, World Pipelines , 2, 18-2 [14] Dren, C., 1985, Equations for the prediction of cold cracking resistance in field welding large diameter pipes 3R International , 24, pp. 3-8, [15] Kurashi, T., Yumang, N., 1996 Production technology and evaluation of line pipe with helical seam for sour service , Paper presented at 7th Middle East Corrosion Conference, Manama, 26.-28.2.1996, Vol. 1, pp. 429-452 [16] Fowler, C. , 2003, Determination of susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking of API 5L grade X65 pipeline material, Body Coat test report no. C300234R

5()(5(1&(6 [1] Jones, B. L., 1999, Something to Get Wound Up About , Petromin, 7, pp. 55-60 [2] Jones, B. L., 1999, Large Diameter Line Pipe for High Pressure Oil and Gas Transmission , Petromin, 8, pp. 44-49 [3] Sommer, B., 1982, Spiral Welded Pipe Meets HighPressure Needs, , Oil and Gas Journal, 2, pp. 106-116 [4] Sommer, B. and Knoop, F.M., 2002, Manufacturing and Use of SAWH-Pipes 35 Years of Experience , International Conf. On Helical Seam Submerged Arc Welded Pipe in Oil and Gas Industries, Teheran, pp. 1-25 [5] Pistone, V. and Mannucci, G., 2000, Fracture Arrest Criteria for Spiral Welded Pipes ; Proc. 3rd International Pipeline Technology Conference, R. Denys, ed., Elsevier Science B.V., Brugge, Vol. 1, pp. 455-469 [6] Vogt, G. H., Bramante, M., Jones, D.G., Kocj, F.O., Kgler,J., Pero, H., Re, G., 1987, EPRG Report on toughness for crack arrest in gas transmission pipelines 3R International, 22, pp. 98-105 [7] Dittrich, S.; Hauertmann, J., 1995, Erstmalige Verlegung einer Gasleitung aus dem Werkstoff StE 515.TM (X 75) unter teilweiser Verwendung von Zelluloseelektroden fr komplette Rohrrundnhte 3 R international 34, 12, pp. 649 653 [8] Peeck, A., 1985 Cold bending behaviour of large pipe of high strength , 3R International, 10, pp. 4-8 [9] Koch, F. O., Hofmann, 1967, Herstellung von Rohrbogen aus Spiralrohren durch Kaltbiegen , Bnder, Bleche, Rohre, 12, pp. 822-831 [10] Koch, F.O., Kaup, K.; Innendruckschwellversuche als Gteprfung von geschweiten Rohren , Bnder, Bleche, Rohre, 9, pp. 472-477 [11] Leiden, L., Nozahic, D., Advanced Three Layer HDPE system with improved short and long term properties Paper presented at the 13th BHR Conference on Pipeline protection , Edinburgh-Scotland , September 1999 [12] Conrad, O., 1962, Investigation concerning the Influence on the hydrodynamic pressure drop of the welding seams of Hoesch spiral welded pipe lines Report 61 A 35A, Aerodynamic Institute Gttingen

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