Emergency Preparedness

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Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan


L &T, GCW, Kovaya

Consulting Services

Content: 1.0 Preamble 1.1 Definition of Emergency 1.2 Potential Emergency Situations at GCW 1.2.1 Explosions, Fire & Toxic release 1.2.2 Accidents 1.2.3 Emergencies due to Social 'Reasons' such as Social unrest, Terrorism etc. 1.2.4 Natural Calamities / Disasters ( e.g. Cyclones and Consequent Flooding)


Preparedness Requirements 2.1 Preparedness to Face Different Emergency Situations at GCW 2.1.1 Explosions, Fire & Toxic Release 2.1.2 Accidents 2.1.3 Emergencies due to Social Reasons 2.1.4 Natural Calamities 2.2 Procedures for Noticing an Emergency 2.3 Notification Procedures & Communication Systems 2.4 Emergency Equipment & Facilities 2.5 Training for Emergency Situations 2.6 Testing and evaluating an Emergency Plan


Response Requirement 3.1 Response Requirement for different Emergency Situations 3.1.1 Explosives, Fire & Toxic release 3.1.2 Accidents 3.1.3 Social Reason 3.1.4 Natural Calamities 3.2 Employees Duties on Hearing Siren during Emergency

3.3 Alarm Raising System 3.4 All Clear Signal 3.5 Emergency Drill 3.5.1 Procedure for Emergency Drill 3.6 On - site Emergency Team 4.0 Action Plan 4.1 Action Plan to Prevent Major Emergency Situations 5.0 Post Emergency Situations

Objective of this plan, as the name suggests, is to prepare and respond to emergency situations that may arise despite the best of preventive measures undertaken. This plan is an anticipatory measure for those situations that have potential for serious loss of life or property and caused by unsafe acts or practices followed by operating personnel or even an act of God. The scope of this plan covers on site activities of Gujarat Cement Works, which includes: Mining Cement manufacture Dispatch by road & sea routes Captive Power Plant operations Desalination of sea water


Definition of Emergency

An emergency may be defined as sudden occurrence of such magnitude so as to bring about a disruption in the normal pattern of activities inside plant with a potential to cause injury, loss of life, damage to property within or outside the working premises.

1.2 Potential Emergency Situations at GCW

Emergency situations are a discrete phenomenon and not a continuous occurrence otherwise it will loose its "emergency" credentials. These situations have different shades and colours of their intensity to cause damage and hence they need to be identified in the form in which they manifest. Considering the location of GCW and the type of activities carried out on site, four different types of emergency situations are envisaged for drawing up this plan: explosion, fire or toxic release accidents involving human beings and or property emergency situations due to social reasons such as public unrest, terrorism etc. natural calamities/disasters such as cyclones and consequent flooding


Explosion, Fire and Toxic Release

Since some of the activities carried out within the scope of this plan involve receipt, storage and use of explosive substances, possibility of explosion can not be ruled out. There is also a possibility of fire not only as a consequence of explosion but on its own due to usage of combustible substances or in the electric installation. Power plant and desalination operations involve use of Naphtha and Chlorine and hence there is a possibility of toxic release also. Anticipated situations involving these three types of emergencies are tabulated below (Table 1).

Table 1: Explosions, Fire or Toxic Release

SL. No. 1. Activity Storage of HSD & MS in underground storage tank in the Mine office premises Storage of fuels (FO&LDO) in surface tanks in Explosion Explosion in HSD & MS Storage tanks (underground) due to unsafe storage conditions Explosion in surface storage tank of fuels (FO & LDO) due to unsafe storage conditions Uncontrolled explosion during preparation of blasting Fire Fire hazard due to explosion in underground storage tanks of HSD and MS Toxic Release Aerosols- dust & mist Gases & Vapours SO2,H2S, CO,Hydrocarbons, Marcaptans Aerosols- dust & mist Gases & Vapours SO2,H2S, CO,Hydrocarbons, Marcaptans Aerosols- limestone dust Gases & Vapours


Fire can break out due to explosion in surface storage tanks of fuels (FO & LDO) Fire as a consequence of uncontrolled explosion


Blasting operation in mines


Coal mill operation ------

Possibility of coal catching fire in the coal yard due to spontaneous ignition, carelessness or deliberate action

Aerosols- Coal dust Gases & Vapours H2S, SO2, CO, VOC etc.


Transfer of explosives from Magzine to mines

Possibility of explosion in Magzine area or while transporting explosives to mines due to unsafe working practices

Consequential fire in Magzine area or in transporting vehicle while transporting to mines due to unsafe working practices

Aerosols-Toxic fumes & Smoke

SL. No. 6.

Activity Maintenance of Captive Berth

Explosion ------

Fire Possibility of fire hazard on ship or shore during maintenance activities of Captive Berth Possibility of fire breaking out in electrical installation due to short circuits and malfunctioning Possibility of fire in electrical installations due to maintenance activities Possibility of fire due to insulation failure during maintenance activities of electrical installation

Toxic Release Aerosols- dust, fumes, smokes etc.


Electrical installation


Aerosols- dust, fumes, smokes etc.


Electrical & Instrumentation Maintenance any where in the plant


Aerosols- dust, fumes smokes etc.

SL. No. 10.

Activity Naphtha unloading


Fire Fire due to faulty operation during Naphtha unloading from tanker to storage tank Fire in Naphtha storage tank due to unsafe practices Fire due to leakage from underground pipeline during transfer of Naphtha from storage tank to gas turbines due to unsafe practices Fire due to leakage from pipeline (surface) and flanges during transfer of Naphtha from storage tank to gas turbine due to unsafe practices Fire in the leakage from pumps due to mechanical seal failure etc. during Naphtha loading & forwarding Sparking in the Naphtha system from lose electrical connections /insulation failure of electrical equipment

Toxic Release Aerosols- Naphtha vapours & fumes

-----11. Storage of Naphtha -----12. Transfer of Naphtha through underground pipelines

Aerosols- Naphtha vapours & fumes Aerosols- Naphtha vapours & fumes



Transfer of Naphtha through surface pipelines ------

Aerosols- Naphtha vapours & fumes


Naphtha loading & forwarding -----

Aerosols- Naphtha vapours & fumes


Naphtha system

Aerosols- Naphtha vapours & fumes


SL. No. 16.

Activity Gas turbine operation

Explosion There is a possibility of explosion due to unsafe working practices in combustion chamber during gas turbine operation ------

Fire Consequential fire due to explosion in gas turbine operation

Toxic Release Aerosols- Fumes due to explosion & fire


Water treatment Plant Operation


Gases&Vapours Chlorine gas release due to toner valve leakage Gases&Vapours Chlorine gas release due to leakage of valves on gas /liquid phase of chlorine toner Gases&Vapours Chlorine gas release due to leak in copper /PVC pipes connecting toner to rotameter Gases&Vapours Chlorine gas release due to failure of chlorine feed pipe between rotameter and the reactor Gases&VapoursChlorine gas release due to catastrophic failure of chlorine toner, during loading/ unloading/ storage


Water treatment Plant Operation




Water treatment Plant Operation




Water treatment Plant Operation




Water treatment Plant Operation



SL. No. 22.




Toxic Release

Raw Mill Operation -------


ESP Operation


Coal Mill Operation

Generation of CO in ESP due to reduction in O2 percentage causing explosion in ESP Explosion in bag house / coal mill due to increase in inlet temperature of bag house beyond the safe limit

Consequential fire

Aerosols- Release of high dust conc. of limestone in grinding unit in to the surrounding atmosphere Gases&Vapours CO into the surrounding atmosphere

Consequential fire in bag house / coal mill

Aerosols- Smoke & fumes


Packing plant & HDPE Bag Godown


Fire in Packing Plant & Aerosols- Smoke & Bag Godown due to fumes unsafe working practices causing heavy loss



The different activities carried out as GCW and falling within the scope of this plan involve complex process and hence some of them have potential for causing accidents for example working at heights, operation of electrical installations and rotating machinery etc. The accident situations may involve one or more personnel depending on their nature. Anticipated situations that have potential for accidents and which call for preparedness and response are listed in the table below (Table 2).

Table 2: Accidents

S.No. 1.

Nature of Work Project work of civil, mechanical nature inside mine, plant & colony Maintenance work in mine, plant & colony (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical) Maintenance of electrical installation Improper blasting operation

Type of Accidents Fall from a height Material Falling over human beings Fall from a height Material Falling over human beings Accident caused due to electric shock Damage / injury to human being Damage to property Death or injury to human being


3. 4.




Improper handling of explosives prior to blasting & laying of the charge that may result in accidents Non-adherence to the testing & maintenance procedure of applicable safety equipment may result in accident during their usage Non adherence to the road safety rules while driving Crusher Activity

Injury or death to human being



Unwanted movement of stacker or reclaimer due to high wind velocity


Opening of manhole door in running condition of ESP


Kiln Operation

Fatal road accidents causing unnatural death of a number of persons Quarry material containing foreign , ferrous & non ferrous metals may damage the crusher & causing accident in crusher house Chances of accident or damage to equipment due to stacker and reclaimer running in unwanted directions as a result of storm or high velocity of wind Electrocution / death by mistakenly opening the manhole door during running condition due to accumulation of hot gases & ground material particles on cathode by ionization Excessive increase in kiln temperature may cause serious accident


Emergency Situation due to Social Reasons

Emergency situation may envisaged in GCW due to public unrest like strike by workers or villagers or any such activities of social origin. Threat to employees, workers or villagers by terrorists may also be considered. Situations envisaged at GCW caused due to social reasons are given in table below (Table 3). Table 3: Emergency Situation due to Social Reasons

S.No. 1. 2. 3. Labour strike Labour strike


Effect Demonstration and stoppage of work Demonstration and stoppage of work and blockage of entry gates Disturbance of work due to road blockages

Unrest in surrounding villages


Natural Calamities

Considering the location of GCW and its proximity to Arabian Sea & Indian Ocean the most probable natural calamities anticipated are cyclones and consequent flooding in the low line coastal areas. Such calamities involve huge damage to properties and loss of lives. The potential emergency situations considered for GCW are shown in table (Table 4).

Table 4: Natural Calamities / Disasters

S.No. 1.

Nature of Calamities Thunder storm and cyclones due to depression in Arabian Sea & Indian Ocean Flood in the coast due to cyclones

Type of Damage Damage to houses & properties House collapsing causing death Damage to houses & properties House collapsing causing death Flood causing death to human beings Death due to electrification or electrocution Damage to properties



Thunder lighting


Preparedness Requirements

For tackling any anticipated emergency situation preparedness is required to accomplish optimum readiness so that the response to such a situation is swift and effective. Therefore a state of readiness is essential to combat successfully any anticipated emergency situations. In this plan requirement for an effective preparedness is considered for all possible types of emergency situations envisaged in GCW.


Preparedness to Face Different Emergency Situations at GCW

2.1.1 Preparedness for Explosions, Fire & Toxic Release

Explosions : Explosive substances shall be kept in cool, dark areas away from fire & sunlight. Container of explosive substances shall be marked with hazard symbol

Persons dealing with explosive substances shall be adequately trained to deal

Fire: Security department personals shall conduct survey quarterly for the adequacy and state of fire fighting equipments & controls such as extinguishers, shutdown controls and alarms. Maintenance department shall check fire hydrant pump every week for operation. Maintenance department will clearly mark the major shutdown controls for electricity, water, gas and fuel handling system. Main potential fire hazard sites like DG fuel tank farm, mine diesel storage and dispensing area, areas near all electrical installations, magzines in mines, coal yards etc. shall be checked and inspected by concerned attendants, round the clock, in every two hours. It shall be assured that there are at least two exit ways to a safe area outside of the building from every workstation. In DG building, four door with latching provision shall always be kept open apart from shutters. Tank farm areas shall be always protected from three sides keeping one side open with authorised entry/exit round the clock.

Fire: The approach road to all these above mentioned fire hazard sites shall be connected to plant main road so that vehicle of any kind including fire tender and ambulance can have a close approach to the site in case of emergency. One fully equipped first aid box shall be located at control room no.2 with the names of first aiders. Suitable fire extinguishers shall be kept ready near all the fire hazard sites. Each tank farm areas shall be provided with atleast two super jet water hydrants. Oil pipe lines flanges shall be provided with copper joints for proper earthing thereby preventing electrical sparks & fire hazard. Where curtains are used, assure they are of a fire resistant material. Assure that there are atleast two exit ways to a safe area outside of the building from energy work station. Clearly mark each exit way and provide functions lighting so those exit ways are well lit for both day and night use. Position fire alarm boxes and emergency telephones so they are clearly visible and easily accessible.

Toxic Release (Leakage or spillage of toxic gas i.e.chlorine) Any person dealing with chlorine should be equipped with emergency kits, self contained breathing apparatus or gas masks and other appropriate items of personal protection like goggle for protection of eyes, PVC clothing for body protection, respiratory gas mask for protection against dust particles. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus should be kept in the maintenance office, gas masks in the ECC, Emergency kit in the chlorinating plant as well as in the maintenance office

2.1.2 Preparedness for Accidents

First-aid kits will be positioned and maintained at appropriate locations. ECC (Emergency Control Centre) will maintain a list of those personnel trained and currently qualified to provide first aid. Atleast two such personnel should normally be available during office hours. Ambulance with stretchers should be readily available in all the gates/ entrance to tackle any accidental situations. List of available medical centers/ hospitals in the nearby localities shall be identified who will be able to provide medical assistance with ECC. All possible lists of Blood Banks with addresses and telephone numbers shall be available in ECC. While loading and unloading hazardous chemicals care shall be taken while operating the ship loader that it should not touch any part of the ship and should be operated safely. No safety interlocks to be bypassed in shiploader without the consent of the Area in charge. Loading and unloading of hazardous chemicals shall be done as per the plan and instructions given by the Chief Officer of the ship. Otherwise stability of the ship gets affected which can create uncontrollable situations such as cracks in the ships , sinking etc. In case of any abnormality, decision of Master of the ship and port Captain will be final on the safety of the ship jetty. Following should be checked for the Chlorine Supply System toner valve leakage valve leaks on gas /liquid phase of chlorine toner leaks in copper /PVC pipes connecting toner to rotameter failure of chlorine feed pipe between rotameter and the reactor catastrophic failure of chlorine toner during loading/unloading /storage Emergency kit shall be kept handy and in proper working condition to control chlorine leakage and train workers in their use Appropriate facility for chlorine absorption through caustic soda /lime/soda ash solutions shall be maintained in the event of leakage. The container shall not be immersed in the same absorption media Ammonia torches should be located at nearby places where chlorine containers are generally received ,stored , or used in process so as to facilitate easy detection of the leakage

2.1.3 Emergencies due to Social Reason There should be thorough and effective checking of all works as well as employees at all the entrances to the plant. If any bomb threat is received the Time-Keeper shall inform the Chief Controller immediately. Nearby police stations with telephone numbers shall be identified with the Chief Controller. Near jetty area security check post shall be located and especially during nighttime. Jetty maintenance office shall keep close eye on the entire inner area.

2.1.4 Preparedness for Emergency Situation due to Natural Calamities There shall be enough availability of food, drinking water and medical assistance to tackle an emergency situation arise due to natural calamities like cyclones, flood etc. There shall be some alternative locations for shifting the victims whose houses & properties are damaged due to cyclone/flood. All tall structures like Pre-heater, Clinker silos, Peter silo, Cement silos, Chimneys etc. shall have proper lightening arresler to earth the lighting stroke effecting. It is very important that it shall be checked periodically for its effectiveness i.e. earths resistance (Electrical Conductivity).

2.2 Procedures for Noticing an Emergency Inform "ECC, Central Control Room / Site Controller and Chief / Dy. Chief Controller" and get back to work place if it is safe. Guidelines for responding to emergency situation by individuals or team are shown in Annexures I & II 2.3 Notification Procedures &Communication Systems

Alarm Systems Communication equipment (radios, hot lines, etc.) Emergency organization, plant management, local officials and response agencies, neighbouring industry, nearby residents Names and telephone numbers (with alternate) list Designated person for media contacts Procedure for notifying families of injured employees Central reporting office

2.4 Emergency Equipment & Facilities

Fire fighting equipment Emergency medical supplies Toxic gas detectors (where needed) Wind direction/speed indicators Self-contained breathing apparatus Protective clothing Other on-site equipment to be specified according to local conditions Containment capabilities

2.5 Training Training shall be given for the following: Knowledge of chemicals (properties, toxicity, etc.) Procedures for reporting emergencies Knowledge of alarm systems Location of fire fighting equipment Use of fire fighting equipment Use of protective equipment (respirators, breathing Air, clothing etc.) Decontamination procedures for protective clothing and equipment Evacuation procedures Frequent, documented simulated emergencies

2.6 Testing and Evaluating an Emergency Plan Testing and evaluating is an integral part of Emergency Preparedness. Objectives:

Provide assessment of effectiveness of the plan and response capability and identifying whole elements in the plan. Establish criteria for Corrective Actions. Test knowledge and skill of participating personnel. Serve as continuing training tool for response personnel. Provide an opportunity to practice skills under realistic condition. Test the communication network and co-operative response skills. Educate the plant personnel and other concerned.


Table-Top Exercise Functional Exercise Full-scale Emergency Drill

Brief about the types of Exercise: i) Table-Top Exercise

Before first draft through final implementation. More effective during early stages. Serves as refresher. Held in room. Participation by selected persons. Verbal walk through. Low cost as

Conditions of scenario can be changed easily ii) Functional Exercise

No equipment used Few persons required Action not use time


After establishment of standard operating procedures Indoor or outdoor Participants - response elements team and functional experts as evaluators Test functional operations, operating procedures and Medium cost

Full-scale Emergency Drill

After establishment of standard operating procedures, testing all elements through Table-Top Exercise/Functional Exercise Requires multiple resource element teams and many evaluators To test response skills and simultaneous operations Best for simulating real life conditions and real time decision making


Response Requirements

Response is the activities carried out during an emergency to prevent loss of life and minimize damages in the surroundings. For tackling any emergency situation response part is the most important aspect as this can prevent loss of life and minimize damages in the real sense. Within the scope of this plan requirement for an efficient response procedure is considered for all possible emergency situations envisaged in GCW. The major aspects of Emergency Response Procedures are shown in Annexure III

3.1 Response Requirement for Different Emergency Situations 3.1.1 Response Requirement for Explosives, Fire & Toxic Release Response: The person first noticing a hazardous condition (fire, gas leak or explosion) will immediately notify the people in the surrounding area and ensure notification of the Emergency Co-ordinator /timekeeper. If the fire is small enough and the person has been trained in its use, a fire extinguisher may be used to put out the fire. If in doubt, evacuate. In case of a major leakage all persons including neighbour (depending upon the situation) should be warned. Take the leaking container to an isolated open space and roll it in such a position so that the leaking point is on the top .On such case only gas not liquid will escape. Approach from the windward side so that escaping gas is carried down wind to a lower level. In no circumstances should water or other liquid be directed towards leaking containers; however a jet of chilled water may be directed to the leaking gas stream, a few feet away from the containers so as to disperse the gas. Also the water solubility of chlorine is more at low temperatures, it will dissolve readily in chilled water In case of a large leakage try to stop the flow of liquid by closing the valve The Emergency Co-ordinator /timekeeper will immediately announce over the PA system. "There is a (Fire, Gas Leakage, Explosion) in the (part of the building) please evacuate." Repeat the same three times. The Emergency Co-ordinator / timekeeper will then notify the fire/security department (and utility department) as necessary First aid should be given to the person affected by chlorine release in the following manner

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Response requirement for immediate treatment / first aid to victim toxic release: Shift the affected person to an open place without delay Lose the clothing and keep the person warm Give artificial respiration if needed Take the person to the Medical Centre Clean the body part, eye (if infected), with clean water for about 15 minutes Do not apply any ointment with out doctor s advice

Evacuation: Upon hearing the announcement of the emergency, unless actually involved in controlling the fire or leak, all personnel in the building will evacuate through the nearest safe exit to the Assembly Point. While evacuating, check to see if rooms are occupied to ensure that all personnel, especially visitors, contractors are also evacuating the building. After ensuring that rooms are empty, close the door to reduce drafting of the fire or the gas. Supervisors / engineers shall perform a head count of the personnel in their areas to ensure that everyone has evacuated safely.

On-scene Control Centre The site controller on the scene shall assume control of evacuated personnel and emergency response. Upon arrival of the emergency responders, advise them of the situation, layout of building, shut off controls, etc.

All Clear / Reconstitution After confirmation by the emergency responders, the security team will clear personnel to return to the building, remove vehicles, or begin clean-up activities. DIRECTION INCLUDING WHAT CAN AND WILL BE DONE SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR. If damage is sufficient to require reconstitution or resumption of business at other site, the site controller will communicate with the Dy.Chief Controller and will establish a telephone chain for passing on information.


Response Requirement for Accidents

The first person who will notice the accident or present during the accident, first of all inform the Time-Keeper & ask him to call for outside medical help. Response requirement for immediate treatment to victim of electric shock : Keep victim lying down. Place unconscious victim on side to allow drainage of fluids. Do not move victim if you suspect neck or spine injury, unless absolutely necessary. Cover only enough to maintain both heat. Get medical help immediately.

Victim of Burns : Pour cool water on the burn area. Cover it lightly with a clean cotton cloth. Do not apply butter, oil, ointments or any home remedies


Response Requirement for Social Reason

If appropriate, the site controller shall relay the information on the situation over the PA system. If a bomb or other threat is received, the Time-Keeper will inform the Chief Controller The timekeeper will notify the police and/or emergency services, as appropriate.


Response Requirement for Natural Calamities

If appropriate, the timekeeper will relay the warning signal through PA system. Under cyclonic storm warnings and when outside weather conditions continue to deteriorate the Time-Keeper will broadcast the "A Cyclonic storm warning is in effect for our area. All Personnel please assemble in the assembly point." Upon hearing the warning, all personnel will move quickly to the Assembly Point. Close the doors you passed by. If thunderstorm, cyclonic storm or potential flooding pose a hazard, the Chief/Dy.Chief Controller will consider : Shutting off conveyors, all computers, utilities or other equipment Early disposal of all personnel All clear The site controller will be responsible for determining when the threat has passed and advising everyone to return to work or depart for the day.

3.2 Employees Duties on Hearing Siren during Emergency Situation On hearing the siren, employees of the department who have been asked to evacuate the area shall move out of the department without panic through the exits under the guidance of Rescue/Evacuation Team members and assemble near the specified Assembly Point.


Alarm Raising System

A hand-operated siren shall be used for raising the Alarm and for All Clear Signals. The wailing alarm will sound intermittently at fixed intervals for a period of one minute in case of an emergency. Such alarm signifies the employees that an emergency has occurred and that the emergency services would be put into operation.


All Clear Signal

Chief / Dy. Chief controller (in consultation with Site Controller) Site Controller will declare after situation that emergency is over. Till the declaration is issued by the Site Controller, all the leaders will adhere to the leaders will adhere to the task and be present at the prescribed location. All clear signal will be sounded through continuous siren for at least One Minute. The emergency clear signal will be announced through the PA system to all the personnel. Even after the emergency is over a skeleton staff of the Rescue/ Evacuation Team will be available at the site of the emergency for at least 30 minutes. After the emergency is over, all the Team Leaders should meet in the ECC and each team leader should submit a report to the Chief Controller about team performance and other details observed An investigation of the emergency will be carried out by the Site Controller. This report shall be submitted within 24 hours of the occurrence to the Chief Controller. Thereafter the report shall be discussed to each of the team member on the next day for about their performance, omission, carelessness etc.


Emergency Drill

The success of this plan is very much dependent on planned and unplanned mock drills. Mock drills should be carried out regularly (at least once in 6 months). Mock drill helps to familiarise workers, employees, their roles, and prove the current accuracy of the details of the OEP. 3.5.1 Procedure for Emergency Drills:
Inform all the employees about the Emergency Drills and the signal to be given. Fix the date and time of the planned mock drill. Emergency Drills will be monitored by the Observer (who will be one of the senior officer)

not involved in the exercise.

Raise the Siren for Emergency. After hearing the siren Liaison Officer, Chief/ Dy. Chief Controller should move to the


Site Controller should alert Fire/Security Team and ask them to rush towards the emergency

scene alongwith appropriate fire fighting equipment. The fire attendants will rush to carry out their duties.
He should depute persons for calling the Fire Brigade and at the same time the Liaison

Officer should depute Medical/ Welfare Team towards the emergency. He should send Ambulance towards the scene of Emergency.
Dy. Chief Controller should move towards the site alongwith Engineering and Rescue/

Evacuation Team.
Engineering Team members should go towards the Electric panels as if, they are to be

switched off and isolate the panels.

Some security persons should cordon off the emergency area. Rescue / Evacuation Team should work in co-ordination with Fire/ Engineering Team. Dy.Chief Controller should communicate by PA system about the Mock Drills. This is to

check the working of PA system.

All Clear Signal should be raised after half an hour.

3.6 On Site Emergency Team This team directly fights the emergency under the instructions from Dy.Chief Controller. On hearing the emergency the group leader establishes communications with Dy.Chief Controller and start handling the emergency directly. He takes the help of Security team to cordon off the area. He ensures that the emergency does not escalate, but it is contained within the spot of occurrence. The leader mobilises his team and establishes contact with the Liasion Officer regarding manpower accounting and starts the search operations, if required. The leader ensures that he and his team members wear the necessary PPE while searching for missing personnel. He is also responsible for the head counts at the Assembly Point


Guidelines for Individual Member of the Plant During Emergency

Guidelines for individual member of the Plant during Emergency is shown in Annexure - I 3.8 Guidelines for Team During Emergency

Guidelines for Team during Emergency is shown in Annexure -II

4.0 Action Plan 4.1 Action Plan to Prevent Major Emergency Situations

In case of any major emergency like Explosion / Serious fire / Power failure etc.following action plan is to be followed. Immediately after the occurrence, the following actions are to be taken by the shift-in-charge of the site: 1. Inform the Head of the Dept., First Aiders, Safety stewards, Fire safety wardens and the Task force. 2. Take appropriate action like isolating the leakage / putting of the main switch etc. 3. Inform Security Department / Fire station 4. Inform Personnel Department 5. Inform Medical Centre The information boards showing above emergency telephone numbers (office & residence) are displayed at vulnerable sites.

Action by Head of the Department: Inform Safety Committee/ Control room Inform General Manager Inform Security Conforms above item nos. 3 & 4

Action by Safety Department: Inform all senior executives Inform Personnel Department Inform inspectors of Factories Inform Police & SDO in case of any serious / fatal injury Inform Transport Dept. if required , to send as many vehicles as possible to the site Inform Environmental Management in case of environmental pollution Reach the site and assist Dept. Head in coordinating rescue and other operations Coordinate with inspectors of Factories Explain the disaster and emergency to Police Investigate the disaster /emergency Action by First Aide Stations: Reach the site with ambulances and other medical equipment. Inform Hospital and arrange for medical help. Inform all nearby first aiders. Provide first air to all those injured and escort serious cases to Main Hospital. Prepare preliminary injury reports.

Action by the Fire Bridge Reach the site with fire tenders and other fire fighting equipment and start fighting the fire. Take help from Govt. Fire Bridge, if required. Rescue the injured. Clear the Debris, etc. as required and rescue the survivors. Help in making the area absolutely safe and prevent any further damage.

Action by Security Department Reach the site and cordon off the area. Control the traffic and keep the MOB away. Inform the security (Town) to keep the road leading to Main Hospital clear to transport the injured persons. Co-ordinate with the police. Help in rescue operation, if required, call govt. ambulance.

Action by Personnel Department Reach the site and collect the details of : Total no. of persons at work-site at the time of disaster. Those who are affected. Inform relatives of all the victims and extend help to them. Take care of the welfare of all the victims. Inform the related Govt. authorities. Inform Transport department, if required, to send as many vehicles as possible to the site. Investigate the emergency. Action by Environmental Management Monitor the pollution and its effect around the site of disaster. Co-ordinate with state pollution control boards, as required..

Action by Senior Executives Reach the site and direct rescue operations. Activate control centre at Central Control Room. Inform Govt. Officials. Constructive Technical Enquiry Committee.

Annexure -III

Emergency Response Procedure

Communication Evacuation or safe heaven Medical (include handling of multiple injuries ) Special procedures for toxic gas releases (chlorine, etc.) Hurricane procedures Utility failure procedures Individual unit emergency procedures Bomb threat procedures

On- Site Emergency Team

CHIEF CONTROLLER Name : (Tel.No.) (Pager No.)

Annexure -IV

LAISON OFFICER Name : (Tel.No.) (Pager No.) Name

DY. CHIEF CONTROLLER : (Tel.No.) (Pager No.) Name

SITE CONTROLLER : (Tel.No.) (Pager No.)

GPPL Authority Tel. No. ( 02794) 86010





Security Guards (10 Nos.)




Emergency Guidelines For Individual


Annexure -I
Confirm the Message

Proceed to Emergency Control centre & remain there Co-ordinate and communicate for Emergency Control Centre Time Keeper to raise the Emergency Alarm

No Emergency

Laison Officer

Medical Officer

Dy. Chief Controller Undertake all rescue operations under instructions from Chief Controller Arrange to carry out civil work in the course of emergency operation Arrange to supply water under maximum pressure for fire/ emergency operation Miscellaneous duties regarding mechanical / electrical / electronic assistance

Site Controller Co-ordinate with Security Personnel & maintain Law and Order Regulate & Restrict entry & exit of persons Take all possible steps to control emergency Call local brigade in consultation with Chief Controller Take command of Fire/ Security Team

Undertake instructions from Chief Controller Direct injured to Hospitals Arrange for Hospital, Accommodation, Canteen etc. Liason with Press, Govt. agencies, neighbouring factories etc. Disclose all necessary information so as to avoid rumour & confusion

Move with First-aid Team Towards ECC Administrator First-aid to the injured Arrange for Ambulance & Medical facilities from outside agencies, Hospitals, if required Send injured persons to the Medical Centre/ Outside Hospital, if required

Emergency Guidelines For Teams

MEDICAL/WELFARE TEAM Accompany injured to the Medical Centre Assist the Liaison Officer in his duties Continuous Communication with Dy. Chief Controller Give appropriate First - aid RESCUE / EVACUATION TEAM Establish communications with Dy.Chief Controller Cordon off the area with the help of security team Start search / rescue operation

Annexure -II
ENGINEERING TEAM Take instructions from Dy.Chief Controller Ensure safety of the remaining part of the Jetty Plant shut down after consulting Dy. Chief Controller Undertake any repair work on emergency basis Arrange to carry out Civil work in the course of emergency operation Arrange to supply water under maximum pressure for fire/eme . SECURITY FIRE TEAM Assist the site controller in carrying out his duties Provide security coverage and cordon off the emergency area Control and prevent coverage and cordon off the emergency areas Identify fire and use approprite fire extinguishers

Ensure use of necessary PPE for search operation Ensure that emergency does not escalate

Inform Hospital in advance so that they are prepared

Transfer the material to a safer place

Arrange transport for victims

Direct the injured to the Hospital

Carry out head counting at the Assembly Point

Provide canteen facilities, if required

Electronic Misc. duties regarding Mech./ Elect. / Electronic assistance

Direct the fire and rescue team


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