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################################################################## ## ## Use this file to specify parameters required by the uninstaller at runtime. ## ## Instructions for using this file.

## ## 1. Create a copy of this template file and fill in the required ## information. Uncomment and set desired values; all available values ## are listed below. ## ## 2. Launch the uninstaller from the command line, using the -inputFile option ## to specify the name of your uninstaller initialization file. ## ## (Windows) uninstall.exe -inputFile <file_name> ## ################################################################## ## ## SPECIFY OUTPUT LOG ## ## Specify full path of file into which you want the results of the ## uninstallation to be recorded. ## ## Example: ## (Windows) outputFile=C:\TEMP\mathworks_<user_name>.log # outputFile= ## SPECIFY UNINSTALLER MODE ## ## interactive: Run the uninstaller GUI, waiting for user input on all dialog bo xes. ## ## silent: Run the uninstaller without displaying the GUI. ## ## automated: Run the uninstaller GUI, displaying all dialog boxes, but only ## waiting for user input on dialogs that are missing required input . ## ## Set to interactive, silent, or automated. # mode= ## SET PREFS ## ## Set to true to uninstall your MATLAB preferences when uninstalling MATLAB. ## Set to true or false. # prefs= ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## SPECIFY LENGTH OF TIME DIALOG BOXES ARE DISPLAYED Specify how long the uninstaller dialog boxes are displayed, in milliseconds. NOTE: Use this value only if you set the uninstaller mode to automated. By default, the dialog boxes display on the screen for one second. Example: (To specify a value of 1 second.) timeout=1000

# timeout=

## ## ## ## ## ## t ##

SPECIFY PRODUCTS YOU WANT TO UNINSTALL By default, the uninstaller uninstalls all the products and documentation that are installed. To uninstall specific products, uncomment the line for the product(s) you wan to uninstall.

#product.Aerospace_Blockset #product.Aerospace_Toolbox #product.Bioinformatics_Toolbox #product.Communications_System_Toolbox #product.Computer_Vision_System_Toolbox #product.Control_System_Toolbox #product.Curve_Fitting_Toolbox #product.DO_Qualification_Kit #product.DSP_System_Toolbox #product.Data_Acquisition_Toolbox #product.Database_Toolbox #product.Datafeed_Toolbox #product.EDA_Simulator_Link #product.Econometrics_Toolbox #product.Embedded_Coder #product.Filter_Design_HDL_Coder #product.Financial_Derivatives_Toolbox #product.Financial_Toolbox #product.Fixed_Income_Toolbox #product.Fixed_Point_Toolbox #product.Fuzzy_Logic_Toolbox #product.Gauges_Blockset #product.Global_Optimization_Toolbox #product.IEC_Certification_Kit #product.Image_Acquisition_Toolbox #product.Image_Processing_Toolbox #product.Instrument_Control_Toolbox #product.MATLAB #product.MATLAB_Builder_EX #product.MATLAB_Builder_JA #product.MATLAB_Builder_NE #product.MATLAB_Coder #product.MATLAB_Compiler #product.MATLAB_Distributed_Computing_Server #product.MATLAB_Report_Generator #product.Mapping_Toolbox #product.Model_Predictive_Control_Toolbox #product.Model_Based_Calibration_Toolbox #product.Neural_Network_Toolbox #product.OPC_Toolbox #product.Optimization_Toolbox #product.Parallel_Computing_Toolbox #product.Partial_Differential_Equation_Toolbox #product.Phased_Array_System_Toolbox #product.RF_Toolbox #product.Real_Time_Windows_Target #product.Robust_Control_Toolbox #product.Signal_Processing_Toolbox #product.SimBiology #product.SimDriveline

#product.SimElectronics #product.SimEvents #product.SimHydraulics #product.SimMechanics #product.SimPowerSystems #product.SimRF #product.Simscape #product.Simulink #product.Simulink_3D_Animation #product.Simulink_Coder #product.Simulink_Control_Design #product.Simulink_Design_Optimization #product.Simulink_Design_Verifier #product.Simulink_Fixed_Point #product.Simulink_HDL_Coder #product.Simulink_PLC_Coder #product.Simulink_Report_Generator #product.Simulink_Verification_and_Validation #product.Spreadsheet_Link_EX #product.Stateflow #product.Statistics_Toolbox #product.Symbolic_Math_Toolbox #product.System_Identification_Toolbox #product.SystemTest #product.Vehicle_Network_Toolbox #product.Wavelet_Toolbox #product.xPC_Target #product.xPC_Target_Embedded_Option

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