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eIsrael Cabinet Protocol Act (06/09)

Parliament of eIsrael

Purpose: This Cabinet Protocol Act outlines requirements that need to be met by the Prime
Minister and / or his Cabinet Members as outlined herein.

Part 1 - Cabinet Announcement

a) The Prime Minister (or his appointed Cabinet representative) shall within not more than 3
days of his election, place an announcement on The Knesset Forum as his notification to the
Knesset of his Cabinet for the term, in the form below:

i. The Announcement shall be titled [month/year ie: 04/09] Cabinet

ii. The list shall contain, at the least, the Department Names and the Ministers and Deputy
Ministers responsible for said Departments. Any Department that has Interns, these interns
names should be listed and titled as such.

iii. Where the Cabinet consists of other members not specifically allocated to a set Department,
these people will be listed with their Section.

iv. Should any of the allocations change throughout the term the document must be updated.

Part 2 - The Prime Ministerial Home

a) That the eIsraeli Government purchase a Quality 5 House at the Government’s expense and
this House was to be known as The Prime Ministerial Home.

b) The Prime Ministerial Home is to be handed to the Prime Minister to hold in his eRepublik
Inventory for the term of his elected Prime Ministerial Term.

c) The Prime Ministerial Home belongs to the eIsraeli People and is the Private Residence of the
current serving Prime Minister only for as long as he is in office.

d) Each outgoing Prime Minister is required to “Donate” the Quality 5 House “The Prime
Ministerial Home” to the new incoming Prime Minster on the 1st Day that he takes Office.

Part 3 - Code of Conduct.

a) All Cabinet Ministers shall agree to abide to a code of conduct related to the performance of
their duties. This is detailed in this section:

i. Given Cabinet Members are clearly perceived as directly representing the government of
eIsrael, they are required to clearly state when commenting any personal or private views in
public that are not necessarily the views of the eIsraeli Government or their elected

ii. Cabinet Members have a duty of care to ensure any risk of perceived direct Conflict of
Interest from legislation or Executive Government decisions (as handed down by the PM) is
minimised. In the event of a potential or perceived direct Conflict of Interest, Cabinet Members
should declare this to the PM and President as soon as such a Conflict becomes apparent.

Responsibility for each section will be outlined in each section.



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