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The purpose of Regression Testing is to

a. Check if the system meets the requirements
b. Assure that the change will have no adverse effect on the
c. Test if the application is in conjunction with the design
d. Check the overall functioning of the application
Ans: B
Match the following with the choices below
2. Testing the Response time for the transactions in an
application (C)
3. Testing an application repeatedly over a specific time period
4. Testing an application for n number of users (B)
a. Stress Testing
b. Load Testing
c. Performance Testing

5. _________ focuses on determining whether the

requirements have been implemented correctly
a. Unit Test
b. System Test
c. Integration Test
d. User Acceptance Test
Ans: B
6. ____________ is a worksheet that records test activities in
order to maintain control over the test
a. Test plan
b. Test report
c. Test Cases
d. Test Execution Log
Ans: D
7. Who propounded the theory “Quality is free”?
a) Malcolm Baldrige
b) Joseph M. Juran
c) Philip Crosby
d) Dr. Ishikawa
e) Edward Deming
Ans: C
8. _______ is usually executed when multiple changes have
been made to critical components of the application
a. Unit Regression Testing
b. Regional Regression Testing
c. Full Regression Testing
Ans: C
9. Coverage Goal defines the Code that must be executed by the
tests, for the application
a. True
b. False
Ans: A
10.A requirement defect found at production is ------- times
costly to correct
a. 5
b. 10
c. 100
d. 500
Ans: E --100
11.Integration testing should focus on
a. Security Controls
b. Back Out Situations
c. Performance and load tests on individual application
d. All of the Above
e. None of the Above
Ans: D
12.________ is a verification of the process deliverables against
deliverable specifications
a. Review
b. Inspection
c. Test Case
d. Event
Ans: B
13.Which is not a Tool
a. Test Plan
b. Checklist
c. Histogram
d. Pareto Analysis
Ans: A
14.Coverage Tools help to develop new test cases to test
previously uncovered parts of the system
a. True
b. False
Ans: A
15.Which of the following is not one of Deming’s Mgt Disease
a) Excessive medical cost
b) Mobility of Management
c) Evaluation of performance, merit rating, or annual review
of performance
d) Breaking down barriers in work areas
Ans: D
16.One of the key concepts of a task force is that the leader be
an expert in leading groups as opposed to an expert in a
topical area.
a. True
b. False
Ans: A
17.Which one of these is not a misconception about testing?
a. Anyone can test and no particular skill set is required
b. Testers delay a project
c. Testing itself is error prone.
d. Testing identifies errors and therefore puts the blame for
those errors on the development organization
e. Testers can test for quality at the end of the project
Ans: C

18.Which one is the best tactic in constructive criticism

a. Do it in public, while others are listening, so they too can
learn from other peoples mistakes
b. Be prepared to help your subordinate improve his/her
c. Criticize the individual rather than the product, because the
individual has created the product
d. Explain what will happen to his career if the employee’s
behavior doesn’t change
Ans: B
19.A business opportunity came your way when you were
working with XYZ Ltd. This opportunity would result in a
conflict of interest between you and your company. What
would you do?
a. Accept the opportunity as your own and inform the
b. Reject the opportunity completely
c. Accept the opportunity and not inform the company
d. Hand over the opportunity to the company

20.The conduct of inspection of source code is QA or QC?

a. QA
b. QC
Ans: D
21.The National Quality Awards provide a basis for successfully
benchmarking against companies
a. True
b. False
Ans: A
22.The cost of maintaining a helpdesk is which type of cost
a) Prevention
b) Appraisal
c) Failure
Ans: C
23.Who is responsible for ensuring quality in the organization
a) Employees
b) Management
c) Everybody involved in the working of the organization
d) The Quality Assurance Department
Ans: C
24.The cost of poor quality is what percentage of cost of doing
a) 15 - 50%
b) 50 - 80%
c) 80- 90% Ans: A

25.Change normally will not occur unless the customer’s

objections are not overcome
a. True
b. False
Ans: A

26)A test or analysis conducted after an application is moved into the production
to determine whether it is likely to meet the originating business case is called

A. Black box testing

B. Configuration testing
C. Benefits realization test
D. Exhaustive testing
E. User based testing

27) __________ is the comparison of the estimate versus actual cost.

A. Cost baseline
B. Cost estimate
C. Cost reduction
D. None of the above

28) The tone of voice associated with the various words is ___________

A. Information channel
B. Body channel
C. Verbal channel
D. Vocal channel
E. Graphic channel
29) The listener is performing an analysis of what the speaker said. This type of
listening is called as ____________

A. Comprehensive listening
B. Critical listening
C. Discriminative listening
D. Enjoyment listening
E. Appreciative listening

30)Defect Density is calculated by

A. Total no. of Defects/ Effort

B. Valid Defects/ Total no. of Defect
C. Invalid Defects/ Valid Defects
D. Valid Defects/ Effort

31) QFD is a

A. Statistical tool
B. Non statistical tool
C. Development tool
D. None of the above

32) _____________ is monitoring defects from the time of recording until

satisfactory resolution has been determined.

A. Quality Measurement
B. Defect Measurement
C. Defect Tracking
D. None of the above

33) Following is an example of Objective Data

A. Hours Worked
B. Soft Data
C. Perception of a product
D. Skill level

34) is an attribute of a product or service.

A. Quality
B. Measure
C. Productivity
D. Metrics
E. Status

35) Vital Few Cause Chart is otherwise called as

A. Fishbone Diagram
B. Ishikawa Diagram
C. Pareto Chart
D. Cause and Effect Diagram

36)Project managers, IT management and users of software often judge the

effectiveness of software testing by

a. The reports issued by testers.

b. The number of defects found during that cycle
c. The severity of the defect found
d. None of the above

37). Which is not test result data?

a. Test factors
b. Interface objective
c. Platform
d. Test estimation

38). Which statement is relevant for test driver

a) A program that directs the execution of another program against a collection

of test data sets. Usually the test driver also records and organizes the output
generated as the tests are run.
b) A document that identifies test items and includes current status and location
c) A document describing any event during the testing process that requires
d) A software item that is an object of testing

39) When does Integration Testing starts

a. After Unit testing
b. After unit testing before black box testing

40) Most problems are due to

a. Incorrect Data Entry
b. Concentration of responsibility

41) What does code coverage ensure?

a. Logic of the program is covered?
b. 100% path coverage?

42) Juran is famous for (This was the First question)

a. Quality Control
b. Working on Trend Analysis
c. Two more choices
43) What is the structure testing process
a, Parallel
b. Regression
c. Stress
d. Intersystem

44) Software testing activities should start

a. as soon as the code is written
b. during the design stage
c. when the requirements have been formally documented
d. as soon as possible in the development lifecycle

45) Which one of these is not a statistical test tool?

a). Stratifying
b) Check sheet
---> c) Regression Analysis [refer old CBok book Appendix -C)
d) Flow Charts

46) Who is not present Formal inspection

a) Project Manager
b) Facilitator
c) auditor
b) Recorder
e) Author)

47) Software testing accounts for what percent of software development

* a) 10-20
* b) 40-50
* c) 70-80

48)___________________ document eliminates all or part of the data to be recorded at the


a) Decision Table
b) Statement of requirements
c) Turn-around document
d) Input document

49) ___________ include things like organizational policies, organizational structure in place to
perform work, the method of hiring, training & evaluating personnel.

A) Administrative controls
b) general controls
c) Transaction Processing controls
d) None of the above
50) Transaction processing controls design should take into consideration the fact that no input
errors should be acceptable3

a) True
b) False

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