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The Bridge to Freedom


The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

Lord Mahachohan: "The Master El Morya, Chief of The Darjeeling Council, is The Being whose responsibility is the guardianship and evolution of The Asiatic Continent and its peoples, as well as the supervision of the governments of the world." "His beautiful Home, situated in the hills outside of The City of Darjeeling (India), is The Meeting Place of those individuals who have dedicated themselves to the promotion of the highest type of national and world government and international brotherhood, based on the raising of the standards of the individual and the nation to a Godly Estate. His activity is the direct antithesis of the communistic doctrines which promulgate the leveling of the consciousness and personal estate of every man to the subnormal status of the illiterate masses." "The great leaders, who have been raised up in the constructive countries throughout the world, are under his protection and guidance, and many of them, at Inner Levels, attend The Council Meetings at Darjeeling and benefit by the instruction and teachings of This Master of Wisdom, whose policy is based on the actual Spiritual Government of The Source of all life Who, with Its Spiritual Hierarchy, regulates the progress and evolution of all created beings." "At this time in the history of mankind's evolution, sincere people are seeking earnestly to know God's Will, and it is to the feet of The Great Chohan of The 1st Ray (The Ray of Divine Will and Power), Who represents The Will of God to The Earth, that all must come in order to understand more fully The Divine Plan and the voluntary part each one may play in fulfilling It." "Driving out of The City of Darjeeling, the road winds slowly upward into the foothills of the ageless mountains that stretch, like unbroken waves of an endless sea, toward the far horizon. Turning off the main highway, one enters a gracious tree-lined drive, reminiscent of the spacious English countryside, and comes suddenly upon the exquisite White Palace built upon one of the lovely hills surrounding the city. This is Morya's Home in India. Stately trees fill the grounds, and the view of the country below is very beautiful." "The Palace is built on the oriental style of The Taj Mahal, and at either end are rounded minarets that rise a full story above the main Building. One of these minarets contains the instruments which denote the master's keen interest in astronomy, the great telescope and other machinery dedicated to the study of the stars and planets. The other minaret is an exquisite Sanctuary in Which the furnishings are done in royal blue and pure, unrelieved white. As one stands at the foot of the long column of marble steps leading to the massive, golden doors, on each may be seen a crest, 'MR', in gold upon it and held within a chalice. When the white, velvet curtains are drawn around the tower rooms, they seem to blend with the white stone of the building itself." "When one pulls the long chain hanging beside the great doors, a melodious bell sounds, reverberating through the stillness of the surroundings. The doors open silently, and the

splendor of the magnificent entrance hall is revealed. The gracefully carved double stairway arches over the most exquisite life-sized tapestry of King Arthur (embodiment of El Morya) sitting with His Knights at The Round Table. Into it have been woven the glorious colors that only the Kashmir weavers could have drawn forth. Looking upward, a great prism in the vaulted ceiling has caught the natural rays of The Sun and pours them, in a veritable rainbow of color, into the hall below. The door on the right is closed, and the crest of The Master is woven into its elaborate design. A golden plate signifies, in Sanskrit, that it is The Council Room of The Brotherhood." "There is a stairway on either side of the entrance, and on the balcony, formed by the meeting of these, one can see the full length portraits of many of The Masters. This gallery stretches beyond one's line of vision in either direction, leading to the guest rooms and the sleeping quarters of The Palace." Lord Mahachohan: "The Flame of Pure White Fire, focused at Darjeeling, holds within Itself The Divine Pattern for the planet and the evolution of all The Kingdoms presently abiding upon it, within it, or in its atmosphere. It is The Concentrated Will of God, The Vision Which The Great White Brotherhood is dedicated to externalize through the contribution of individual and collective energies, talents, powers, and life. This White Flame is held within a beautiful Golden Chalice in The Sanctuary. This Chalice has been in the possession of Beloved Morya since The 4th Century. It represents the purified consciousness which is elevated and receives into itself the God-directions from The Presence of God. In The Orient, the consciousness of the people is representative of This Chalice, but it is to The West We look for those chelas who are willing to fashion the electronic energy of their own lifestreams into The Spear of Light and translate vision into fact." "Mystically, The Life of The Master Jesus is symbolized by The Communion Cup and The Spear which pierced his side, allowing The Life Force to flow freely into the world of form. In the life of each Initiate, these 2 activities must be balanced if He is to be of the greatest value to The Brotherhood. It is not enough to enjoy the words and vision imparted by those enabled to drink from The Cup. It is for everyone so privileged as to drink from It to fashion the energies of his own life and, in dedicated and concentrated action, send forth The Will of God to some good accomplishment." "The Master Morya, in His Great Consciousness, has chosen to bring to the children of Earth, in simple worded expression, The Will of God and to acquaint the outer consciousness of those desiring to cooperate with The Masters The Design of The Source, The Service of Sanat Kumara (The Lord of The World), and the current activities in which The Great White Brotherhood is engaged. This new Activity (The Bridge Activity) is such a Chalice, and all who share our words drink of The Cup of Communion held in his hands. It is now the opportunity of each student to receive The Will of God into his personal consciousness and endeavor to externalize It at his particular place on The Path." "Morya will officiate at the service, holding aloft The Beautiful Chalice, and at the given moment as The Breath of The Brotherhood at Darjeeling is directed outward, The Flame will

become a living Spear of Light and Fire Which will pass through the mind and consciousness of the students first and, in the latter part of the service, through the mind and consciousness of all Mankind, piercing through the veil that lies between the outer consciousness and The Presence (The Higher Self) and opening up the individual connection between The Presence and the outer mind, so that a closer communion between The God Self and the outer self may ensue." Master El Morya: "Darjeeling is ideally situated for the study of the astronomical bodies and their effect upon The Earth. In the foothills of The Himalayas, far enough from the beaten track to discourage all but the hardiest of tourists, the very atmosphere is unpolluted with the average thoughts and feelings which follow an accepted though often erroneous pattern." "For over 1,000 years, This Focus at Darjeeling has stood, although the present buildings are of a later architecture. Because of my interest in interstellar space, Lord Mahachohan suggested that This Focus be established here, in the beautiful upper atmosphere, where the cool and inspiring radiation of The Himalayas could stimulate the spiritual senses and wisdom of The Brothers and Sisters of God's Will. This was done." "One of the towers of The Retreat is dedicated to such a study of the stars, planets, and their effect upon The Earth. Here are priceless charts which one day will be released for the illumination of the peoples of Earth as well as for their protection in their forward progress through The Cosmos." "My private drawing room open off the central hall. The Council Chamber, where The Spiritual Hierarchy gathers to offer its full-gathered, cosmic momentum of good, forwards the interest, knowledge, and participation in doing God's Will on Earth." Lord Mahachohan: "Morya represents all that is majestic, dignified, and exquisite, not only in The Realms of Life Eternal, but on any planet to which He chooses to give his attention." "The Chamber, in Which is kept The Crystal Flame of The Divine Will of God, is not open to any unascended beings. The Heart Flame of all colors is white, then there is the radiance around It, so there is the white with the blue, representative of faith, protection, and power of The 1st Ray rising from The Altar. The beautiful Council Chamber seats well over 500 guests. The beautiful Altar is outlined in diamonds and sapphires, and the circular nave behind It is made up of 3 great blue-stained glass windows which, with the light shining through them upon The Altar, brings to the consciousness of those assembled there something of The Radiance and Color of The Beautiful First Ray." "The Grail and The Diamond Spear, both of Which Beloved Morya has had in his possession since the time of King Arthur, are symbolic of the 2 Activities embodied within The Will of God. The Grail signifies the consciousness upheld, into which is poured The Divine Will along with the inspiration of The Divine Plan to manifest This Will of God. And The Spear

signifies the projecting forth of the energy into action and accomplishment." "In The East, many have completed the action of The Grail, but it is to The West that We look for the manifestation of The Spear in the manifestation of God's Will through the actual energies of each lifestream." "The Master Morya is The Spiritual Hierarch of The Brothers of The Diamond Heart, whose activity and service to Life is the guarding and protecting of Spiritual Foci Which have been created as Heart Centers of world movements, religions, political eras of great progress, and generally with protecting whatever specific God-ideas will benefit The Race and hasten its evolution and developement." "As The Chohan of The 1st Ray, it is his particular responsibility to receive, from The Mind of God, those spiritual seeds which might be developed through the voluntary contribution of the energies of some intelligence interested in such ideas into a workable and practical form which is of blessing and benefit to The Race." "From The 1st Sphere, The Master Morya and The Brothers of The Diamond Heart direct these God-ideas into the receptive consciousness of Angels, Masters, Devas, men, elementals, as well as into the atmosphere of all The 7 Spheres (The 7 Astral Planes). When any individualized intelligence accepts such an idea and claims it as his own, offering the energies of his own thought, feeling, and outer self to the developement of that idea, a Diamond Heart is built around the original seed or idea to protect and sustain it until the individual intelligence can nurture and develope it into workable form. This is the service of The Brotherhood of The Diamond Heart. They have Their Focus, in the physical world, at The Beautiful Home of Beloved Morya." "From This Center, They are able to supervise the developement and maturing of God-ideas in all avenues of constructive endeavor and to hold The Spiritual Focus of The Diamond Heart around the consciousness of those who have volunteered to develope some portion of God's Will for the blessing of The Race. Master Morya and His Brotherhood create, out of Universal Light, a living Diamond Heart to enfold and protect new ventures, endeavors, movements, crusades, and world orders." "Master Morya is a Man of action, and so does His Being vibrate with those chelas who are willing to couple their professed interest in the work of The Hierarchy with the practical investment of their energies, talents, enthusiasms, and cooperative endeavors in externalizing That Will. To all who are willing to help to promote the understanding of The Divine Will and the part The Spiritual Hierarchy plays in developing That Will through their own dedicated energies, The Master Morya will send a Representative of His Lodge and enfold that individual, the design or ideas which such a one has received, and the consciousness that nurtures it within a blazing Diamond Heart." "This is a protection from the disintegrating forces of doubt, fear, and uncertainty that rise within the consciousness of unascended beings, as well as the myriad powers of disintegration that flow through the lower atmosphere and consciously or unconsciously attempt to dissolve any good design, plan, vision, idea, or inspiration before it can be

developed and released for the benefit of The Race." Lord Mahachohan: "In The Temple of God's Will is The Focus of The Ascended Master Morya. Here The Masters and chelas, who are dedicated to doing God's Will, join together in an endeavor to find ways and means of bringing a conscious knowledge of God's Will to Mankind interested in cooperating to fulfill It so far as The Earth and its evolutions are concerned." "God's Will is the fullness of perfection for all created beings. It contains the opulence of Divinity, its perfect health, its indestructible harmony, its natural expression of perfection in mind and body. There is no negative aspect of God's Will. The acceptance of privation, disease, or distress of any kind as God's Will is a wrong concept built out of the lethargy of human consciousness which does not wish to make the self-conscious effort required to overcome the cause of imperfection." "The Nature of God is to expand Itself through any receptive consciousness, as the nature of the tree is to develope each year more blossoms, leaves, fruit, and even physical size itself. Through The Immortal Flame (The 3-Fold Flame) in every human heart, God The Source desires to fulfill Itself by expanding Its Qualities, Nature, Powers, and Activities. The purpose of individualization is to give the joy and opportunity of experiencing God-expansion through self-conscious intelligence." "Individualizations Who have come to a proper understanding of their reason for being have aligned Themselves with God's Will and have allowed That Will to have its way through Them. They have become, in truth, Gods Themselves and have obeyed the edict, 'Be ye perfect, even as your Heavenly Father is Perfect'." "The Members of The Spiritual Hierarchy, Who serve with The Eloah Hercules (The Eloah of The 7 Elohim on The 1st Ray), Archangel Michael (The 1st Ray Archangel), and The Ascended Master Morya to help expand the understanding of The Will of God through Man, focus their combined Consciousness through The Temple of God's Will at Darjeeling." "Men and women, who signify an interest in knowing God's Will and becoming co-workers in bringing That Kingdom of Heaven to Earth, come under their particular guidance, protection, and instruction. As water seeks its own level, so do the strata of consciousness seek the place and the focus where their interests lie. The Silent Watchers (The Planetary Logoi) and Messengers from The Angelic Host answer the call of these people. They hear the whispered prayer of the heart, the sincere aspiration of the soul, and They bring, to the attention of The Brothers and Sisters belonging to This Retreat, the opportunity available to Them to assist in Their Cosmic Mission." "It is not enough to admire The Focus of The Glorious Flame of Royal Blue and Crystal Which represents the combined Consciousness of This Brotherhood. The chela must use the magnetic power of his own Heart Flame and draw That Flame into his own mind, body, world, and affairs. Thus he becomes a focus for God's Will in his own environment and a radiating center through which the combined assistance of the entire Brotherhood may enter

the affairs of his nation, state, and local community." Master Kuthumi: "Beloved Morya has, as the other Masters, also resorted to creating an amphitheater above The Retreat because of the great numbers that are interested and drawn by the magnetic pull of attraction. In The retreat, The Magnificent Altar is composed of diamonds and sapphires, and The Blazing Flame stands upon It. In the amphitheater in the atmosphere above, a replica of This Altar was erected but of much larger size. It is made up of plain crystal white and sapphire blue jewels which are in flame. They are constantly emitting fire from their centers." Archangel Michael: "Morya, The Chohan of The 1st Ray, has anchored in his elegant Temple in the foothills of The Himalayas The Concentrated Focus of Cosmic Faith and the desire to do and to become the manifest expression of The Will of God." "The outer mind of Man has become self-willed, arrogant, selfish, and for many ages has refused to accede to The Will of God. The resultant chaos and distress, which is now expressing individually, nationally, and throughout the planet itself, is proof of the rebellious natures of the evolutions so kindly given a planetary home through the courtesy of Beloved Virgo and The Directors of the powers of The Elements. The sustaining of The Earth and This Planetary System is due to the love and sacrifice of Sanat Kumara (The Ancient of Days, The Lord of The World) and the other Lords of The Flame from Venus." "Now Mankind must arise, individually and collectively, and honestly declare their desire to know and to do The Will of God. It is so decreed by Cosmic Fiat. The patience of The Eternal God and The Cosmic, Ascended, and Angelic Messengers has been without parallel. Parasitic sustenance through the endeavors of others can be no more." Lord Mahachohan: "From the palace steps, one can look out upon the grandeur of The Himalaya Mountains rising, crest after crest of snow-covered peaks, into the distance. Within The Palace, on one side of the entrance hall, Beloved Morya has a comfortable drawing room wherein He entertains friends and chelas from time to time. A lovely garden has been carefully designed just outside the drawing room windows in which garden bloom, in perfect harmony, the flowers and shrubs of both East and West. Often, He and Kuthumi play upon the rosewood piano which is situated so that The Player of the instrument can look out upon the garden and the inspiring sight of The Himalayas beyond. A fire is kept burning steadily in the grate, tended by faithful servants so that, even when The Master is not in attendance, there is always a living flame in this comfortable and beautiful room for the pleasure and inspiration of his visitors and guests." "At the other side of the entrance hall is The Council Chamber wherein Beloved Morya discusses, with chelas and lifestreams of influence in the world of men, certain plans

designed to further the fulfillment of God's Will upon The Earth." "The actual Temple Room is exquisite, indeed, with The Crystal and Blue Flame on The Altar in This Flame Room. The Altar, Which holds The Focus of The Sacred Fire qualified with the desire to do God's Will, is composed of exquisite blue sapphires and diamonds. The carpeting is an electric blue, and the windows are of the finest stained glass, depicting scenes from The Life Experience of Beloved Morya. The color of these windows is predominantly blue, and the scenes depicted include The Magi (one of whom was El Morya) following The Star to Bethlehem, The Knights on Crusade to Jerusalem (El Morya was a King who led one of The Crusades), a figure playing upon the harp so famous at Tara, Saint Francis (embodiment of Kuthumi) feeding the birds, a scene in Ireland near the lakes of Killarney, as well as many other representations which are unfamiliar to the consciousness of Man in this day. There is one picture of Morya and Kuthumi directing Light through the consciousness of Helena Blavatsky (founder of The Theosophical Society), who is seated with an open book before her. There is one window dedicated to Hercules (Eloah of The 1st Ray and Teacher of El Morya), another to Lord Michael The Archangel, both of Whom serve with Beloved Morya on The 1st Ray. There are 5 windows yet to be finished indicating future activities of Master Morya." "The purpose of keeping This Retreat open is primarily to magnetize, sustain, and radiate the positive Consciousness of God's Will into the atmosphere of Earth and to counteract the negative acceptance of every distortion created by human mind as God's Will for anyone. The nature of The Flame is to rise. Therefore, it is vitally essential to have some unascended lifestreams offer to draw the particular Virtue and Flame from The Higher Realms into the lower atmosphere of Earth and sustain It there by constancy of application. Without the presence of those individuals, who so offer to magnetize, sustain, and radiate The Virtues of The Godhead into the lower atmosphere of Earth, there would be no stimulus to The Divine Spark within Mankind to further constructive endeavor to expand and fulfill Itself upon this plane." "The pressure of These Constructive Rays directed through the atmosphere of Earth is powerful and does keep alive the desire to utilize and expand The Nature of The 7 Rays: Faith, Illumination, Love, Purity, Consecration, Peace and Ministration, and Rhythmic Invocation of Divine Help." Master El Morya: "It is our opportunity at Darjeeling to hold, within The Grail Which is The Focus of The Flame of The Will of God, the entire Pattern as released from The Being of The Silent Watcher of The Earth (The Higher Self of Sanat Kumara), The Pattern for every portion of This Earth, and into That Grail is a constantly directed Ray from This Silent Watcher. Within The Golden Grail of Light on The Altar of The Temple of God's Will is the perfect Pattern for The Earth as designed by Helios and Vesta (Masculine and Feminine Aspects of The Solar Logos). There is a great affinity of nature between The Silent Watcher to This Earth and The Temple of God's Will because of that inner connection and the duplication of the earth's perfection within The Grail upon The Altar, as well as it is cosmically within The Bosom of The Silent Watcher."

"As We hold That Grail, and as any One of Us is privileged to look within It, We see The Pattern of the perfection that there is for This Earth, and It fills Us anew with zeal and enthusiasm in the desire to see That Pattern externalized through every one of the 4 Spheres (of The 7 Earths) Which have so far yielded to shadow and discord. The Will and Desire of The Brothers and Sisters from The Heart of Darjeeling is to bring earnest and sincere chelas, while their bodies sleep or during times of contemplation, into That Room and let them look upon the magnificent Design Which The Earth is at Inner Levels as It was created by Helios and Vesta. Then, looking upon It and seeing its perfection, those unascended lifestreams are joyous and willing to go back into their own orbits and their own world of experience and endeavor, through their own sphere of influence, to help create a portion of The God Will." Master Serapis Bey: "It takes a tremendous strength of character and determination to represent God's Will on Earth, where the mass mind of the people, lethargically or resentfully, accept as God's Will the many vicissitudes which plague them as a result of their misuse of life and disobedience to That Will." "Thus, through the centuries of time, Beloved Morya was prepared to hold This Office, and his own nature, coupled with The Light in His Causal Body, finally did prepare Him to become The Manifest Example and Examplar of God's Will to the people of Earth. Then, to be able to expand the manifestation of That Will among earth's evolutions here, it became necessary for Him to find chelas who could and would accept his directions and counsel and endeavor, through the use of their own talents, gifts, and powers, to make these directives available to the more receptive mind of The Race." "Master Morya chose India as His Headquarters on Earth because He had served in that country for many ages before His Ascension and because it has such tremendous momentums of a spiritual nature from the past. He chose the particular location of His Retreat also because of the inaccessibility of these high lands to the merely curious. This location gave Him and His Brotherhood greater freedom to develope their momentums of the manifesting of The Will of God as a Living, Breathing, Pulsating Flame and Ray Whose Radiation is constantly flowing through the lower atmosphere of Earth wherein the people unascended dwell. The Masters of Wisdom have always preferred the quietude afforded by the relatively inaccessible places provided by Nature, especially for Their Homes and Retreats." "It takes a real conscientious seeker after Truth to make a physical pilgrimage to such Retreats, for such a pilgrimage is very tedious and discomforting to the physical as well as to the inner bodies, and few there be who, setting out upon such a quest, carry it through to victorious accomplishment. Now, as The Homes and Retreats of The Ascended Masters have been so mercifully brought to the conscious attention of the chelas and students through this Activity (The Bridge Activity), and they have been invited to visit Them by means of projected consciousness and without physical strain of any kind, the old order has changed and every man, woman, and child interested in such visits is lovingly and joyously welcomed as they visit These Retreats."

"Looking upon the magnificent Edifice Which is His Headquarters, Beloved Morya's personal elegance and fastidiousness are noted by the discerning chela, being reflected not only in the architectural beauty of His Home but also in the magnificent gardens which surround It. There is a great sense of warm welcome and graciousness which radiates forth from This Focus. Many holy men and women are drawn toward This Retreat, and the campfires of the pilgrims often light up the surrounding hillsides by night, adding to the lustrous glow of The Temple of God's Will." "In The Council Chamber, from time to time, the wise and spiritually elect gather together to learn The Law of Life. Also individuals who are primarily interested in the furthering of Universal Brotherhood and Divine Government are allowed the privilege of entering This Privy Council and sitting at the feet of El Morya whose advice has helped many a patriot and governmental official to avoid national and even international disaster." "Sometimes Morya Himself will play upon the piano. He plays the beautiful Music of The Spheres or the more commonly known melodies which have become dear to the hearts of Men as his own endeavors at musical composition when, before His Ascension, He was the Irish composer, Thomas Moore. This is not to be confused with Thomas More, who lived some centuries before, but whose personality was also ensouled by Morya." "All of The Ascended Masters, having become Harmony Itself in every cell and atom of Their Beings, are very talented musically. It is not unusual to see Them gathered around Beloved Morya's rosewood piano, blending their voices in song. Morya has a lovely tenor voice. Beloved Kuthumi often accompanies Him on the piano. Blessed St. Germain plays the violin, and Paul The Venetian Master (The Chohan of The 3rd Ray) plays the harp. The Energy thus released and qualified with such exquisite, harmonious beauty is always consciously directed into the worlds of the students and then out, through all Mankind, as a buoyant and spiritual Vitalizing Power. The Ascended Masters never use Life without some definite purpose. They do enjoy communion with each other, but always the gifts which result from such communion become a vital, redeeming Quality of Energy for the entire Human Race."
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