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The Bridge to Freedom


The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

Lord Meru:

"Manus have been provided for The 7 Root Races Who naturally belong to the earth's evolution. Each of These Manus is responsible for a Root Race and The 7 Sub-races Which come under Him. Each Manu cannot be free, or does not choose to be free, until every member of His Root Race and The Sub-races belonging to It are developed and/or redeemed and Ascended." "All those belonging to The 4th Root Race (The Atlantean) and The Sub-races belonging to It include any Members of The Angelic Host Who came out with The 4th Root Race, any of the Guardian Spirits Who came forth from other planets at the inception of The 4th Root Race, any elementals who became imprisoned at that time, and, in fact, all life, all living things everywhere. The Lord Himalaya (The Manu of The 4th Root Race) is therefore responsible for the redemption of all mammals and animal life, some of which are still in a state of suspended animation beneath the caps of the frozen wasteland at The Poles, and it is the responsibility and obligation of Lord Himalaya and His Lieutenants, chelas, unascended friends, and all those who belong to That 4th Race (the residual of Which is The Oriental) to make that redemption possible." "The Lord Vaivasvata Manu (Current Manu) is responsible for the evolution and restoration, in a similar activity, of The 5th Root Race (The Aryan) and all of Its Sub-races. (Humanity is currently at the stage of The 5th Sub-race of The 5th Root Race.) It is my obligation to bring maturity to The 6th Root Race upon The Planet Earth, including all of Its Sub-races." "A Manu is a Perfected Being, a Being Who has already developed The Perfection of The Godhead and Who offers to a Sun (a Solar Logos) of a System to be God Parent to a certain number of Spirit Sparks Which will be drawn forth upon a planet. These Spirit Sparks are projected by The Father and Mother of The System (The Masculine and Feminine Aspects of The Solar Logos) into Universal Light, becoming glorious, Immortal 3-Fold Flames, and around Them a Great White Fire Being is formed. That White Fire Being, in turn, projects forth The Twin Flames (I Am Presences or Higher Selves). These Twin Flames, as They dwell in Those Realms of Perfection, have free will. They can choose to descend through the entire 7 Spheres (Astral Levels of a planet) and linger as long as They wish in each of The Spheres, assimilating as much of the instruction, radiation, and color (One of The 7 Rays) into their causal bodies as They desire." "The Twin Flames do not always proceed together through The 7 Spheres, because, through free will, One sometimes will choose to remain a little longer in one while The Other may move on to the next, and so on. It is the same as when one Twin Flame chooses to take embodiment. Sometimes the other part of That Flame never chooses to take embodiment at all. But for the purpose of this illustration, we will see The Twin Flames descending through The 7 Spheres. Only Those Who have passed through The 7 Spheres (of a particular planet), starting in The White Light of The Electronic Belt around The Sun (The Solar Logos) and then moving out through The 7 Spheres, can qualify for embodiment on a planet." "When They have passed through Those 7 Spheres, each One has developed around Himself a causal body which has predominant, within itself, one specific band of color (One of The 7

Rays or Aspects of The Godhead). Only Those Beings Who have passed through The 7 Spheres, at Inner Levels, and have drawn a band of color large enough to be acceptable to The Manu may apply to That Manu to come with His Root Race as a Guardian, as a part of The Race, or as an Angelic Guide." "The 7 Manus Who applied for the opportunity of taking charge of These Spirit Sparks were selfless Beings desirous of guarding Those Spirits Who wished to come into embodiment on the planet. Those Spirits Who desired to come in as The 6th Root Race (Next One) were Those whose radiation in the causal body was predominantly golden in color. These were given into my keeping, and I, in cooperation with The Karmic Board as well as with The Laws governing embodiment, was allowed to bring, through the gates of birth, the first members of The 6th Root Race as well as some of The Sub-races Which are now beginning to infliltrate the mass of Mankind." "All of The 6th Root Race and Its Sub-races are not yet in embodiment (in fact, small numbers have done so). Therefore, my task is comparatively new insofar as redemption is concerned. My task, and that of The Goddess Meru (His Divine Complement), is to reap, really, where Others have sown, because as Lord Himalaya (The 4th Manu) and The Vaivasvata Manu (The 5th Manu) and all of the beings who belong to the earlier Root Races, all of the redeemed laggards who are being called into action, and all of the students of The Ascended Master St. Germain (of The I Am Activity) are purifying the atmosphere, thus more of The 6th Root Race lifestreams can come in." "They will be finer, more delicate of form, more beautiful, more highly attuned and developed than their predecessors. They can be easily distinguished by those who have studied The Law of The Root Races by the perfection of their forms. They have the perfect oval face, the majority being of golden hair and blue of eyes, with certain exceptions where We have chosen to give assistance to Himalaya through oriental embodiment. In such instances, those individuals have taken on and will take on the features of the race into which they have embodied or will embody and assist Him in his self-imposed task." "Each Manu is, in Himself, a Perfected Being, and That Manu utilizes a Vehicle prepared for Him at the inception of His Root Race. A Manu is the ultimate Archetype of the entire Root Race and all The Sub-races He governs. He is The Perfection Which The Father and Mother (The Solar Logos) of The System desire to manifest through That Race. Therefore such a One, contrary to previously presented instruction, does not Himself embody (incarnate) any more than The Divine Avatar does, but there is a mystic union such as was manifested when Beloved Lord Maitreya (The Christ and World Teacher) joined His Consciousness with that of Jesus at The Jordan (The Baptism by John the Baptist during which Maitreya became The Overlighting Consciousness of Jesus and His Ministry) when The 2 became 1 so that Lord Maitreya, through Jesus, might bring the powers of The Cosmic Christ to Man." (Jesus was not The Christ, as was later misinterpreted by The Greeks, but rather was overshadowed in all aspects of His Being for 3 years by The Christ Consciousness for Planet Earth, Lord Maitreya.) "So it is with the activity of The Manu. It has been written that The Manu Himself takes birth. The fact is, The Manu is offered, by a very pure and beautiful pupil at Inner Levels

but who is not yet Ascended, the use of his body. That pupil comes, naturally, through the gates of birth like Jesus did, and he holds, within himself, as clear and distinct as possible the picture of The Manu, his Teacher. That picture is also closely held by The Devic Protector Who stands around both the chosen mother and father as well as the embryo as it developes." "Practically always, the mother and father are aware of the sacrifice and the preparation of the dedicated lifestream, so that the trinity prepare the cup, and then at a chosen time, according to the receptivity of the pupil who has embodied and according to The Cosmic Moment when The Manu is needed to be expressed on Earth, is the contact made. Sometimes in that union, the soul of the pupil departs (the so-called Walk In) and The Manu wears the pupil's body for as long as He may choose. At other times, the soul of the pupil remains and The Manu uses it only fleetingly. In the latter, The Manu is free to continue his work at Inner Levels and not be constantly concerned with feeding and clothing and performing the necessary task of sustaining a physical form, because the pupil, so dedicated, takes care of the physical body and other menial necessities." "It has occurred that a Manu has taken on the form of his pupil at the age of 5. In the case of Lord Himalaya (The 4th Manu), the possession by The Manu was accomplished at the age of 12. In my own case (the next and 6th Manu), I have not yet prepared my vessel. It will come when the earth's axis is straightened and the great jungles and morasses, the reptiles, insect life, and other vicious foci in South America are transmuted and redeemed and that continent becomes the beautiful paradise which it is destined to become. Then again, the splendor and magnificence that We knew with The Source before the world was will be manifested in South America, and The Great Divine Director (The 7th Manu) with His 7th Root Race and all Its Sub-races will enjoy all of The Western Hemisphere as a literal paradise here on Earth. St. Germain's Golden Age will then be permanently established." Great Divine Director: "No matter how perfect the design of The Root Race may be, It will come in before the entire previous Races and The Sub-races are removed. So each one will be subject, through the power of contagion, to elements from The Races That have gone before, Which are imperfect." "The 7th Root Race, these beings who belong to Me (The 7th Manu), are awaiting their first embodiment, these souls who have never touched The Earth, who have never smelled the fragrance of your Spring, have never looked upon the light of your Sun, have never seen That Sun dancing upon the ripples of your ocean. We are waiting patiently for enough of the previous Races to be removed from The Earth so that We may begin to bring in these beings. When all who belong to the earlier Races are Ascended or no longer inhabit The Earth, then shall come a Race so fair and beautiful. Then shall The earth be a Star of Freedom. Then shall Man be Gods embodied." Master Kuthumi: "The Manu of each Root Race chooses souls for the first initial impulse of embodiment of That Root Race. They are lifestreams whose causal bodies are rich in the particular qualities

requisite to the building of a foundation of work in the world of form. Those individuals are given the first invitation to participate in the glorious work of pioneering, while others, with a lesser store of developed momentum of capacities and powers, come later to enjoy the fruits and the harvest planted by the valiant, the bold, and the strong lifestreams who have gone before them." "In the activity under The 2nd Ray (The Ray of Divine Love and Wisdom), it is the responsibility of the current World Teacher (Lord Maitreya) to look upon the pattern which will be the evolutionary progress of the planet for each 2,000 years. The World Teacher then is required, through His Lieutenants, to look upon and study the soul-light and developement of every lifestream belonging to the evolution. This is not a small task, because the type of religion and worship that are developed and externalized in each 2,000-year cycle will depend entirely upon the capacity of the souls belonging to the evolution to assimilate, digest, and make their own the gift offered them." "As is evident, in the earth's evolution The Great Cosmic Wheel has turned thousands of times in its 14,000-year Cycle (one turn of The Wheel), while in the beginning it was intended that at the completion of each 14,000 years each new group of souls was to have reached God-maturity and attained their Ascension (ideally). According to The Divine Plan (for this planet) it takes approximately 14,000 years from the time of embodiment for one soul to achieve God-maturity. The soul is exposed every 2,000 years to the predominant Ray (One of The 7 Rays), The Rays overlapping and interpenetrating Each Other for a certain time." "At the first descent of Mankind onto Earth (in the vicinity of The Grand Tetons of North America) The 7 Archangels held The Offices of The Chohans (The Lords of The 7 Rays). Then, as various lifestreams evolved, The Perfected Ones of The Race assumed such Offices giving freedom to The Archangels to serve in other fields." Archangel Chamuel: "The Divine Plan is that The 14,000-year Cycle, as The Wheel turns, is necessary to nourish the 7 ganglionic centers (the 7 major chakras) within the consciousness and the vehicles of Man and to make Him at the end of the 14,000 years a God-dignified Prince. The Planet Earth is over 5,000 years behind in this 14,000-year Cycle due to the recalcitrance of The Race and the slumber of The Guardian Spirits." Master Jesus: "The seeding of the planet should have been completed in 98,000 years with the overlap for The Sub-races of The 7th Root Race. The First 3 Races completed their activities on Earth (and Ascended), but from The 4th (The Atlantean) on The Great Ones have not been able to make provision for the new Spirits because of the constant failure of the preceding Class in The Schoolroom of Experience. So, The Earth in its evolutions is very far behind, many 14,000-year Cycles, during these millions of years. In this present Cycle of 14,000 years, we are 5,000 years behind. The destiny of every soul is to mature in one 14,000-year Cycle (on Planet Earth)."

"Thus Mankind has been exposed to the turning of The Wheel, to The Radiation of The Great Beings of The 7 Rays, yet only 1, at the most 2, a year escaped from That Wheel of birth and rebirth." Archangel Gabriel: "The Archangels represent the 7 primary feelings that must be developed within the nature of Mankind in order for Him to be master. The 7 Manus represent the 7 mental qualities and attitudes of consciousness which must be manifest for Man to be full master." Lord Mahachohan: "The 14,000-year Cycle is one revolution of The Cosmic Wheel during which time Each of The 7 Rays plays upon the planet for approximately 2,000 years. In the course of evolution on The Earth, This Wheel has turned time and time again, each time The Active Ray having a greater opportunity to outpour Its Light and Gifts into the consciousness of Mankind." Lord Mahachohan: "Each time The Cosmic Wheel begins and The Manu for That Cycle first goes forth, some of the children of each of The 7 Rays go with Him. So, when The 1st Manu goes forth, the predominant number are 1st Ray people. Therefore, That Cycle of 2,000 years emphasizes the quality and nature of The 1st Ray (Divine Will and Power), while the people of the other 6 Rays, although present and performing their services as designated by The God Parents, are in the minority. The 2nd 2,000-year Cycle emphasizes the qualities and services of The 2nd Ray people, and so on down through The 7 Rays." "Because this is the closing of The 14,000-year Cycle, as The Cosmic Wheel has turned again to the point where The 7th Ray is to be the predominant outpouring for the next 2,000 years, it becomes harvesting time for the entire evolution of The Cosmic Field. Thus the developement of good for the past 12,000 years in every line of endeavor must be drawn together by The Chohan of This Ray (St. Germain) and the particular lifestreams who were originally created as 7th Ray people who performed minor parts while the other 6 Rays were successively active upon the planet. In the normal procedure, there were 7th Ray people who were among those who came forth when The 1st Ray was active and who have performed services connected with The 7th Ray during the entire 12,000 years that have passed. Then there are also the newer consciousnesses who will be spiritually active for the first time under This Ray Which they instinctively recognize as their own." "The spiritual lifestreams who have achieved a momentum of good on any of The Rays are entering into the activity of The Chohan of The 7th Ray (The Ray of Ceremonial Worship and Ritual and Transmutation and Freedom and Mercy), bringing the harvest of their own particular developement as a gift of That Ray in this final cosmic hour. In this diversity there is a natural expression of The 7-Fold Nature of The Godhead. The Chohan of The 7th Ray, incorporating the nature of all 7 Rays, devises and sustains a system of ceremonial worship in which each type will find full expression for its talents and the necessary impetus

for his own divine developement and ultimate, victorious accomplishment." "Through the eons of time connected with the evolution of an entire System and its planets, there were developed, from among the intelligences within each Sphere (of The 7 Spheres of each planet), certain Individual Beings Who qualified for The Office of Chohan of Each Ray, and This Position has been held, successively, by different Beings through the centuries. The Office is permanent, but The Officiating Director is an Intelligence Who is chosen by merit and Who holds The Office only until a Successor is developed Who can take over and allow the preceding Chohan an opportunity to progress in his service to The Universal Cause." Great Divine Director: "When The Sun (The Solar Logos) had drawn The Spirit Sparks from The Central Sun and sent Them forth to rest in The Bosom of The Cosmic Silent Watcher Who holds The 7 Planets (The 7 Sacred Planets for This System) within Her Causal Body, The 7 Manus take the responsibility of drawing Them from The Cosmic Silent Watcher. It is The Manu Who calls forth a portion of Those Individualizations at certain Cosmic Moments, and They enter into The Planetary Silent Watcher (The Planetary Logos) and remain there in the company of their Manu as He takes Them on the journey through The 7 Inner Spheres, being developed until the cosmic time comes when a group of Them is to be called forth into embodiment. So, while The Earth was being created, at the same time The 1st Manu with His 1st Root Race was proceeding through The Inner Spheres, drawing into the causal bodies of those who would become the first inhabitants of Earth the momentum of energy required to pass the demand of The Cosmic Law." "The Individualizations working with The Manu and His Complement take on the outline, form, and design of Their God Father. That is why it is said that The Manu is The Blueprint or Prototype for each Root Race. The Manu takes Them through The 7 Spheres. Each lifestream is given the opportunity of choosing, by affinity, The Ray on which he will work. The colors in the causal body are built during this journey which takes millions of years sometimes, The Manu giving full freedom explaining The Temples, showing them the exquisite Beings and the work that is done there in each Sphere, and leaving many of the innocent ones who never choose to complete the journey (through all 7 Spheres)." Great Divine Director: "The Individualized Spirits born out of The Combined Consciousness of The Sun God and Goddess (Helios and Vesta, The Solar Logos), Who work with The Teachers and Masters from other Galaxies, are The Feeders of the blessing into the world of form." "Only those who have proceeded through The 7 Spheres and wear the causal body with the 7 colors (The 7 Rays) within it can apply for embodiment, otherwise there would not be, within the lifestream, sufficient energy to warrant earth life. Then, they are accepted according to the band of color which is widest in their auras. They are drawn into The Aura of One of The Elohim (One of The 7 Elohim) and put under the direction of One of The Great Manus to which the affinity of their color and Ray will magnetize them, and they become candidates

for the various Root Races and The Sub-races." "During the many centuries in which the new ones live at Inner Levels and are taken from Sphere to Sphere on their journey to find their own developed happiness and to find The Ray to Which they wish to attune themselves, they are in constant proximity to their Manu. When they finally come to a point of taking embodiment, the small figure that is developed within the heart is a beautiful miniature of The Presence, a replica of The Manu Who called them forth. When they develope the fullness of that figure and it expands and fills the outer form, each Root Race will be an outpicturing of its own Manu and The Complement of The Manu, feminine or masculine as the case may be." "Thus the choice of Ray is voluntary. When those who complete the journey through The 7 Spheres stand with their Manu, through the color in their causal bodies which is determined by how long they remained in Each Sphere and how much energy they expended in learning within That Sphere, He can see then to Which Sub-race of His Root Race each will belong. Then He takes them back into The Aura of The Elohim and The Archangels, and they await the summons for embodiment." Lord Mahachohan: "The Manu, in the first instance, takes the responsibility of drawing new Primal Spirits from within The Electronic Belt around The Sun (The Solar Logos) of The System and carrying those Spirits through The 7 Spheres of that planet, allowing Them to develope and mature according to their own free will choice on One of The 7 Rays. The Manu then takes, into The Aura of The Elohim, these consecrated Spirits and in 7 rhythmic pulsations He releases into embodiment, through The Sub-races, those particular Individualizations for Which He is God Father and for Whom it is his duty to guard, mold, and mature. Presently, because the evolution of The Race is so small and because The 4th Manu (Lord Himalaya), whose evolution should have been completed at the time of The Lemurian Age of Perfection, is still in the atmosphere of Earth working with his people, there are 4 Manus working with Each Other." (4th Manu-Lord Himalaya, 5th Manu-Vaivasvata Manu, 6th Manu-Lord Meru, 7th Manu-The Great Divine Director) Master Jesus: "Each of The 7 Root Races is divided into 7 Sub-races. Each one of These 7 Minor Races is subdivided into 7 branches or still smaller racial units. When half of The Cycle of a Root Race is run, then a new Race begins and is born out of the preceding Root Race and pursues its evolution side by side or in connection with the latter half of the present Root Race. It is in this fashion that The Root Races overlap each other. This overlapping takes place in The Minor Races as well." "Every 14,000 years a new Root Race was destined to come forth upon The Earth. Within every 2,000 years of That Cycle a Sub-race of That Root Race was to embody. Thus, in the course of some 98,000 years, The Planet Earth would have been completed, ensouled by all Those Individualizations destined to have evolution on Earth."

Great Divine Director: "The 1st Manu drew forth, every 2,000 years, one-seventh of his people, and at the close of The 14,000-year Cycle That Group went Home. So, when The 2nd Manu began his reign, Sub-races of The 1st Root Race were finishing their cycles." "I will speak briefly on the services of a Manu. The Sun of a System, The God and Goddess (Masculine and Feminine Aspects), draw from The Central Sun a great number of Spirit Sparks, so many that it would stagger the human mind. These are placed within The Bosom of The Planetary Silent Watcher (The Planetary Logos) of each planet prior to the developement of the evolution upon that planet. From The Aura of The Planetary Silent Watcher, Who is a Feminine Being, The Manu, in The Masculine Activity, draws forth The Spirit Sparks representative of one-seventh of the evolution about to enjoy a planet and develope upon it. Around this one-seventh of Primal Sparks, which represents his responsibility, The Builders of Form (The Devas) create The Electronic Bodies. He then takes them through The 7 Spheres of that planet which are The Causal Body of The Planetary Silent Watcher." "As The Manu guides his particular one-seventh of The Individualizations through The Inner Spheres (The 7 Astral Planes), He takes Them to The Temples, to the schoolrooms, to the exquisite countryside in Each Sphere. They are allowed to enjoy and assimilate the activity in That Sphere. As They use Primal Life, They build into their causal bodies, through their attention, Primal Life going out and coming back in the color of The Sphere in Which They are abiding. They build into their causal bodies bands of color. During this journey, many Beings stay in Each Sphere. So it goes through the entire 7 Spheres, so that, when They reach The 7th Sphere They have not anywhere near the number with which They started." "Those who have passed through The 7 Spheres will have in their causal bodies a developed momentum which will signify to The Manu which particular activity they enjoy most and what they can conduct into The Earth Plane to bless life the most. The length of time that They remain in one particular Sphere, the intensity of their interest, and the amount of the magnetic power that They use to draw back the gifts of The Spheres determines the size of these bands of color in the causal bodies. It is the group who have passed through The 7 Spheres that The Manu calls about Him for a Root Race." "Then, these developed causal bodies and Electronic Presences go back into The Auras of The Elohim until the time The Manu is informed that His Root Race is about to have opportunity for embodiment on the planet. The Manu, then examining all of His Root Race, divides them into 7 Sub-races. In the 1st group that He brings to Earth, He brings those predominantly charged with The Blue Ray (The 1st Ray of Divine Will), because the inception of a new era always requires the strength, the drive, and the power which is invested in Blue Ray individuals' causal bodies and consciousness. The causal bodies of His 1st Sub-race are predominantly blue, but He takes some of each of the other 6 Rays, so that each Sub-race is balanced by having representatives of The 7 Spheres. But the predominant vibration of That Sub-race is blue." "The examination of the causal bodies by The Manu is a magnificent ceremony at Inner

Levels. One can look and read what each has done with life by the qualified energy in the causal body. Neither name of individual nor place has anything to do with the choosing of those who dare to represent the initial impulse, only The Radiant Light of the causal body. It is a completely impersonal service." "So there came onto Earth, with The 1st Manu and Lord Michael (The Archangel), those Blue Ray lifesteams. The 2nd 2,000 years, The Manu drew forth predominantly 2nd Ray people and so on through The 14,000-year Cycle. In the 7th 2,000 years, which is the completion of one Cosmic Cycle, The 7th Ray people came in and were the predominant consciousnesses on The Earth. They developed the ceremonial for that whole 14,000-year Period to its highest possible estate, drawing in the heritage and good of the entire 7 Sub-races. The crown of The Chohan of The 7th Ray completed That One Cycle of time. This was repeated again and again until the 3 first Root Races and their Sub-races had all embodied and been subjected to The Radiation, Life, and The Gifts of The Chohans (The Lords of The 7 Rays) for 14,000 years and returned Home (All Ascended)." "It was at that crucial time, when The 4th Root Race (The Atlantean) was endeavoring to come forth in that same rhythm, when The Manu of that day (Lord Himalaya) was drawing them forth, that the infusion of contagion from the other planets stopped the evolution. Whereas it took only 14,000 years to perfect one soul previously, one can see the millions of years that Mankind has been under the radiation of The Cosmic Wheel, turning every 14,000 years, endeavoring to germinate the soul life and set the lifestream free. I would not even tell you how many millions of years behind are The 4th Root Race people (the residual of which are The Oriental). We who are The 7th Root Race are not summoned forth until these recalcitrant souls are redeemed. Therefore, at Inner Levels, my people are waiting to bring forth the ceremonial activities of The 7th Root Race through The 7th Ray. That is why my interest is so extreme in accelerating the consciousness of those who should long since have been out of here to make room for Us and The Radiation and Gifts that We desire to bring." "I represent The 7th Root Race. I have been endowed with the authority and responsibility of becoming The Manu of This Race Which long since should have been given opportunity to embody upon The Earth. The Cycle of The 7th Root Race and all Its Sub-races should long since have matured the magnificent perfection of The Ceremonial Ray (The 7th Ray)." "From the time that The 4th Root Race, under Lord Himalaya, was drawn forth from The Silence and sent to The Earth, there has been so much creation of a discordant nature that This Race (The 4th), Which long since should have folded Its Immortal Garments about It and returned with the full harvest of The Ascended Master Radiation into The God-free Realm, is still walking The Earth. The 5th Root Race (The Aryan, the current One) walks The Earth, a few of The 6th, and none of My Race are allowed embodiment until the platform of Earth is cleared, until the stage is set, until those who are, one may say, still in the 4th grade are removed by evolution and We are given the freedom of access to a planet which We have presently been denied because of over-population through re-embodiment of the same Spirit Sparks." "Notice in Revelations (in The Bible) that the coming of The Angel with the voice of a lion brought the opening of The 7th Seal. The activities behind That 7th Seal were not revealed.

That is the day you are in. When That Great 7th Sphere (of The Earth), all the perfection that is within It, flows on The Consciousness of St. Germain (The Chohan of The 7th Ray), and then riding upon The Wave of That Consciousness These 7 Sub-races of My Root Race embody, there will be a planet shining like The Sun." Great Divine Director: "Already The Cosmic Law has summoned Me, and the cosmic time has come for the drawing of the new Root Race, my own (The 7th). Already I have drawn and consecrated those beautiful beings who will represent The 1st Sub-race. But these now cannot even embody until some of this 10 billion population is Ascended. Those of you who follow evolution feel that the same egos pass through The Races evolving from One through The Other. That is fallacy. This is the truth: they do not." "The 7th Root Race, under my care and guidance, has sojourned for so long at Inner Levels waiting for opportunity to embody but being held up because of the recalcitrants of The Races on Earth. They are developed and matured tremendously. They will be consecrated by The Beloved Vesta (The Feminine Aspect of The Solar Logos) in their entirety." "There are many 4th Root Race men and women on Earth (the oriental form), some of The 5th Race (The 1st 5 Sub-races of The Aryan Root Race), a few of The 6th, and The Beloved Buddha Who has been conceived will be the first member of The 1st Sub-race of The 7th Root Race. The Manu for each of The 4 Root Races yet to complete their course on Earth are hoping that They may magnetize, draw in, mature, and graduate those lifestreams which belong to Them." Great Divine Director: "The entire 1st 3 Root Races and their Sub-races completed their journey. When We came to The 4th Root Race (The Atlantean), the members of the orphans (the so-called laggards) from the other planets that entered The Planet Earth delayed its progress." "The Planet Earth was built for only about 3 and one-half billion people. Now there are about 10 billion who take embodiment when they get opportunity. Hence the members of The 7th Root Race could not come into embodiment but have sojourned in any One of The 7 Spheres far beyond their time, rendering cosmic service, perfecting various activities in The Temples. I have guarded these individuals, and meanwhile I have endeavored to work and serve with Mankind on Earth in the hope that I might hasten their exit and the entrance of those who belong to Myself. So, they have become well developed and matured lifestreams while forced to await opportunity to embody to fulfill their missions and build, into the world of form, perfection while Mankind continued in an endless cycle of birth and rebirth and accomplished nothing spiritually." "When We (The Manus) are told that We will be called, within a certain number of centuries, for opportunity to embody, then We draw, out of The Bosom of The Planetary Silent Watcher, The Individualizations and begin the journey through The 7 Spheres. It is a slow and leisurely journey where everyone is given full opportunity to investigate all the beauties

of Each Sphere, go into The Temples, join the singing, enter the experimental laboratories, look through the cosmic telescope into the world of form and see what Each Sphere is manifesting and externalizing. As We pass from Sphere to Sphere, We lose great numbers of our original groupings. Each Sphere draws and attracts many egos who have no desire to become Cosmic Beings and Suns themselves, and they forego the right to become Cosmic Creators but form The Host of Heaven that will ever live in a state of bliss." "The bold, the brave, the enthusiastic pursue the course themselves up to the end. After passing through The 7 Spheres, they have their diploma in the causal bodies. They then remain within The 7th Sphere or are drawn back into The Cosmic Aura of The Elohim Which corresponds to their Rays, and there they await the summons. Then they come forth, and before Helios and Vesta (The Masculine and Feminine Aspects of The Solar Logos) they show the colors of their causal bodies, the harvest of their experience at Inner Levels, and They examine the souls, the strongest coming in with the first impetus of The Ray." Great Divine Director: "The cradle of the great new civilization is in The Western Hemisphere. The South American Continent, which knew great Light before, is to be cleansed and purified of all the lethargy and indifference, of all lust and passion, and everything that has made that great jungle (The Amazon) and has invested it with reptiles and imperfection. Again, there shall come forth, on That Continent, a magnificent Age of Light and Beauty Which will be the final keystone for this planet, The Final Star in St. Germain's Crown." "Some of you lived in The Great Light of South America and worshiped the fire and The Sun. Then the gold flowed freely and decorated the homes as paint is used today. That shall come again, for greed and acquisition by cruel methods will be no more before We build there anew. No more will men tear the golden representations of The Gods from the temples. No more will they slay the gentle guardian spirits. The Law will not allow the manifestation (of The New Golden Age) until those capable of such greeds and lusts no longer inhabit This Earth. In South America was Great Light and also great darkness. Many a living sacrifice was there, and that lifestream passed from the body in so-called religious rites. You are preparing It for a Race that is to come, a Race of beauty and perfection, a Race That is My Own (The 7th Root Race)."

THE COMMENTS OF MASTER DJWHAL KHUL "The Manu presides over Group One of The Spiritual Hierarchy (The 1st Ray Department). He is called Vaivasvata Manu and is The Manu of The 5th Root Race. He is The Ideal Man or Thinker and sets the type for our Aryan Race having presided over its destinies since its inception nearly 100,000 years ago. Other Manus (of other Root Races) have come and gone, and His Place will be, in the relatively near future, taken by Someone else. He will then pass on to other work of a more exalted kind. The Manu (Lord Himalaya), or The Prototype of The 4th Root Race (The Atlantean), works in close cooperation with Him and has His Center of Influence in China. He is the 2nd Manu that The 4th Root Race has had, having taken The Place of the earlier Manu at the time of the final stages of Atlantean

destruction. He has remained to foster the developement of The Race Type (the remainder of Which is The Oriental) and to bring about its final disappearance." "The periods of Office of all The Manus overlap, but there remains no Representative of The 3rd Root Race upon the globe at this time. Vaivasvata Manu has his Dwelling Place in The Himalaya Mountains and has gathered around Him at Shigatse some of those immediately connected with Aryan affairs in India, Europe, and America, and those who will later be concerned with the coming 6th Root Race. The plans are prepared for ages ahead. Centers of Energy are formed thousands of years before They will be required. And in the wise fore-knowledge of These Divine Men nothing is left to sudden eventuation, but all moves in ordered cycles and under rule and law, though within karmic limitations." "The work of The Manu is largely concerned with government, with planetary politics, and with the founding, direction, and dissolution of Racial Types and forms. To Him is committed The Will and Purpose (The 1st Ray) of The Planetary Logos. He knows what is the immediate objective for This Cycle of evolution over Which He has to preside, and his work concerns itself with making That Will an accomplished fact. He works in closer cooperation with The Building Devas than does His Brother, The Christ, for to Him is given the work of setting The Race Type, of segregating the groups out of which Races will develope, of manipulating the forces which move the earth's crust, of raising and lowering continents, of directing the minds of statesmen everywhere so that racial government will proceed as desired, and conditions be brought about which will produce those needed for the fostering of any particular Type. Such a work can now be seen demonstrating in North America and Australia." "The Energy Which flows through Him emanates from The Head Center of The Planetary Logos (The Silent Watcher), passing to Him through The Brain of Sanat Kumara (The Lord of The World) Who focalizes all The Planetary Energy within Himself. He (The Manu) works by the means of a dynamic meditation conducted within The Head Center (The 6th Chakra) and produces his results through his perfect realization of that which has to be accomplished, through a power to visualize that which must be done to bring about accomplishment, and through a capacity to transmit creative and destructive energy to Those Who are His Assistants. And all this is brought about through the power of the enunciated sound." "Under The Manu work The Regents of the different world divisions, such as, for instance, The Master Jupiter, the oldest of The Masters now working in physical bodies for Humanity, Who is The Regent for India, and The Master Rakoczi (Saint Germain) Who is The Regent for Europe and America. It must be remembered here that though The Master R., for instance, belongs to The 7th Ray and thus comes under The 3rd Department of Energy of The Mahachohan (Who oversees Departments 3 through 7), yet in Hierarchical work He may and does hold Office temporarily under The Manu. These Regents hold in their hands the reins of government for continents and nations, thus guiding, even if unknown, their destinies. They impress and inspire statesmen and rulers. They pour forth mental energy on governing groups, thus bringing about the desired results wherever cooperation and receptive intuition can be found amongst the thinkers."

"Many of the places on the earth's surface which are famed for their healing properties are thus noted because they are magnetized spots, and their magnetic properties demonstrate as healing influences. These magnetic spots are magnetized by Sanat Kumara working through The Manu. This occurs when it is desirable to form a central magnetic point which, by its attractive power, will draw into a coherent whole some race, nation, or large organization. Every nation has its magnetic point formed in aetheric matter by the application of The Flaming Diamond (The Rod of Power and Initiation of Sanat Kumara) to the aethers. It is the national heart and the basis of the national character. Usually the chief city of a nation is built up around it, but this is not invariably so." "It is through The Manu's Department (The 1st Ray Dept.) that The Law of Cause and Effect is wielded. The Lords of Karma work closely with The Manu, for They impose The Law, and He manipulates the forms of men, of continents, of races, and of nations so that That Law may be duly worked out." "The Manu manipulates matter and is occupied with the evolution of form, whether it is the dense physical form of animal, mineral, flower, human being, or planet, or the form of races, nations, Devas, or the other evolutions." "The Manu uses mantrams in manipulating that which is necessary in the moving of continents and the submerging of lands." "The time is coming when those who work under The Manu, manipulating nations, directing their attention to government and politics, sitting in the assemblies of the people, giving out the laws and apportioning justice, will begin all their work with great rhythmic ceremonies. By means of their united rhythm and chanted words, they will seek to put themselves in touch with The Consciousness of The Manu and with His Great Governing Department (The 1st Ray Dept.), so bringing more clearly into practice the working out of his plans and the formulation of his intentions. Having aligned their bodies and made the necessary funnel, they will proceed with business after having placed in their midst, as a focal point of illumination, one or two men who will give their entire attention to finding out the intention of The Manu and His Subordinates upon the matter in hand."
Fuente Original: The Bridge to Freedom Compilacin: Fundacin Lady Nada Email: The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

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