Retreat 1.-The Teton Retreat

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The Bridge to Freedom The Ascended Masters and THE ROYAL TETON RETREAT

The Bridge to Freedom Foundation Master El Morya: "The magnificent, natural Cathedral, rising from the plains of the green fields of Wyoming, is the most ancient Focus of The Ascended Masters upon The Planet Earth. The Teton Retreat is established in The Grand Teton Mountain in The Rocky Mountains in The United States of America. Here, The 7-Fold Flame of The Elohim formed The Glorious Lotus of Living Fire signifying to The Universe that The Earth was ready for habitation."

"The Focus of The 7 Elohim, like an open Lotus with 7 Petals of Flame, is located there in the aethers and encompasses The Retreat and its environs. The 7 Elohim, having participated in the creation of The Earth as a habitable Schoolroom for certain evolutions, provide an impetus of The Power of Precipitation into form from This Locality. It is in this vicinity where Mankind first took embodiment upon Earth." "The Teton Retreat is The Focus of Precipitation, expansion of The Light, and manifestation in the world of form. Its Activity is The Power of Conscious Precipitation. Because This Retreat was established as The Open Door into earth experience, twice each year It open its doors to those individuals who desire to become part of the redemption of The Earth Which, through the ages, has lost much of its pristine purity, happiness, peace, perfection, and opulence." "To these half-yearly Councils are drawn The Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, Angels, and Representatives from The Elemental Kingdom, as well as students and others of Mankind in their inner bodies. All counsel together to find ways and means of combining their energies, talents, gifts, and powers for the blessing and forwarding of the progress of The Earth and its attendant evolutions." Master Kuthumi: "Many a great patriot, a great educator, artist, architect, scientist or inventor, a great religious personage, a great pioneer into the subtle frontiers of Spiritual Truth has received his inspiration and his consecration at These Councils and has returned to his physical body filled with inspiration and conviction which he has woven into a blessing and benefaction for the Race." "Few men can actually tell you where the consciousness goes during the hours of merciful sleep. Yet men who are called to great service are the beneficiaries of the wisdom of These Councils, and Mankind is the beneficiary of these people's presence at such Councils." "Here ages ago, Lord Michael (The Archangel and first Chohan of The 1st Ray) and The Lord Manu of The 1st Root Race (of The 7 Root Races) led the first members of Mankind from Inner Levels into their first embodiment upon This Earth. Here, The 7-Fold Flame of The Great Elohim formed The Glorious Lotus of Living Fire, signifying to This Universe that The Earth was ready for physical habitation. Here, in the aetheric substance, still pulsates The Pathway of Light upon Which The Lord Manu, Lord Michael, The Guardian Spirits, and the holy innocents descended for the experience of their self-chosen expression upon The Earth. From here, Masters, Angels, and new-born men went north, east, south, and west to carry The Light of God to the 4 corners of The Earth." Lord Mahachohan: "The Teton Retreat represents The Activity of Expansion of The Divine Plan. This is why the half-yearly Councils meet here, The Designs of The White Brotherhood are accepted here, and the various designated Intelligences go forth on The Cosmic Centrifugal Force

from This Center to the respective locations on the earth's surface charged with the pressure and power of this natural Activity of Expansion. This is also why This Location was chosen for the first pulsation of life upon The Planet Earth so that the lifestreams could have the spiritual tide of This Focus to carry them forward upon their life plan. The other Focus where the completed life-cycle is closed is located at The Temple of The Ascension at Luxor, Egypt (The Hierarch of Which is Serapis Bey)." "Individually and practically, the radiation, consciousness, and power of controlled Precipitation is The Gift of The Teton Retreat to all who tune into Its Light. Its color, The Precipitating Ray of Green, emphasizes This Activity of opulence and of manifested works in every line of spiritual, mental, and physical endeavor." Lord Lanto (Hierarch of The Teton Retreat) "Within The Teton Range is the initial pulsation for the evolution of the lifestreams upon this planet. When first The Earth became a habitable place, it was required of The Law that The Manu (Each Root Race has a Manu.) descend upon The Earth carrying with Him The Magnetic Rod of Power Which would be the cohesive Force holding the lifestreams destined to embody and evolve into mastery." "When a planet becomes ready for habitation, This Mystic Pole is drawn by one of The Guardians of The Race, for without It the individuals would have no lasting affinity for the theater of their evolution (during that cycle of incarnations). As That Directed Ray was precipitated from The Hearts of The Father and Mother of The System (The Masculine and Feminine Aspects of The Solar Logos), It became The Pathway over Which the first rhythmic release of mankind's spirits walked into the world and took form together with The Guardian Spirits." "That is why The Brotherhood of The Teton Retreat represents the out-going Force by Which The Light and Consciousness of the Kingdom are carried into the world and why The Members of The Brotherhood at Luxor in Egypt (The Temple of Ascension) represent the raising or returning Force by Which the soul comes back into The Heart of God (The I Am Presence). Thus is formed the balance of the 2 activities of The 2 Poles, Radiation and Cohesion." "Into The Heart of The Teton Mountains comes every lifestream who has chosen to carry The Light into the world, if not in a physical body, then through the inner bodies, and into The Heart of Luxor passes every lifestream who has completed the cycle of his own evolution and who has won the right to rise on The Ascending Flame into The Heart of God." "Within the aethers over The Grand Tetons stands The Spirit of The Silent Watcher for The Earth (The Planetary Logos, The Higher Self of The Lord of The World), through Whose Body is directed That Ray Which holds the evolution of The Earth within Her Sphere of Influence and the orbit of Her Body. From Her Body, She has issued forth 7 Rays Which have become The 7 Spirits of That Mountain, each One dressed in one of the colors of The Rays and holding The Power Which is the impetus to externalize God's Will in form."

"Just as one's own spinal column renders a service to the body and holds it erect that the greater currents from The Sun (The Solar Logos) may intensify The Soul Light, so do Those Great Spirits of The Mountain hold erect the spinal column of The Earth, and the seeker after Light and Truth finds the impetus of the upward surge of life force enfolding his own inner bodies, raising them toward union with their own Source." Master El Morya: "At the close of each year (at The Teton Retreat) The Great White Brotherhood, Devas, Angels, and men meet together to consult with The August Body of Divine Justice and Mercy Who are known as The Lords of Karma, The Planetary Silent Watcher, and The Lord of The World (Sanat Kumara) on The Divine Plan for The Earth, its people, and The Nature Kingdom for the 12-month cycle as well as for some activities for the next 6 months when They meet again." Master El Morya: "Within The Grand Teton, a Focus and an Order of The Great White Brotherhood has been sustained through the ages, dedicated and consecrated to the developement and externalization of The Divine Plan for The Earth, Mankind, and all attendant life evolving within and upon the planet." "The Brothers of The Teton Retreat hold as their reason for being the sustained consciousness of Precipitation of The Divine Pattern through every member of The Human Race who chooses to return to his own Individualized I Am Presence and ask, 'Why was I born, sustained through countless ages, nourished by God and elemental life, and given opportunity in this day to live upon the surface of The Planet Earth?'." "The Brothers are interested in helping Mankind to develope the natural talents, gifts, powers, and reason for being, express greater perfection of mind, greater peace of soul, greater health of body, and greater developement of the dormant spirit which awaits summons from the heart of man." "This is The Focus of The Brotherhood of Precipitation and The Temple of Precipitation. Precipitation is a power, the use of which Mankind so eagerly seeks. They are not conscious that when the active ability to precipitate is released through them, all the secret thoughts and feelings, spoken words, and actions will also be externalized with power. It is, therefore, mercy and wisdom to purify the inner vehicles of the chela before he experiences the conscious use of the power of precipitation which, otherwise, would cause him much personal embarrassment and no little amazement if the cause and core of impurity were not first removed from the lifestream." "This ancient Focus of Light is dedicated primarily to The Cosmic Activity of Radiation, Expansion, and actual Precipitation of The Will of God into the world of form and the externalization of abstract ideas as manifest, practical physical forms. It is The Heart Center of Spiritual Centrifugal Force for the planet and its people. From The Teton Retreat

proceed the directions, grants of energy, and spiritual missionaries to take The Word of God, Purpose, and Design into the world of form. From The Temple at Luxor, people who have completed their work in the vineyard return Home to The Heart of Heaven (their Divine Self or I Am Presence)." "The Law of Life is based on the science of giving and receiving. In scientific parlance it is referred to as centrifugal and centripetal force. Nature confirms This Law and so lives in harmony and balance. The release of the breath from the physical body is essential before the life-giving breath can enter to nourish and sustain the body's life. Centrifugal force, the expansion of radiation, represents The Power of Precipitation." Lord Lanto: "From The Heart of The Teton Retreat, We are authorized to send forth the missionaries, the firebrands, the spiritual incendiaries to make The Soul Light of Mankind again blaze with enthusiasm, the purity, and the harmony which It had in the beginning." Lord Mahachohan: "In order to have a lovely precipitation, you must have a clear-cut thought-form. The mental body must be under the control of your consciousness and your will. You must be able to create, out of a simple idea, a pure thought-form, and then you must rhythmically feed that thought-form with your feelings until manifestation occurs." Master Kuthumi: "The Great Green and Gold Flame is representative of The Brotherhood of The Teton Retreat whose mission is spiritual service to Men through every channel of expression, including both orthodox and esoteric. The Precipitation Flame is The Power of Expression." Lord Mahachohan: "The floor of The Council Chamber slopes gradually toward the front. The Chamber can accommodate more than 5,000 individuals. The beautiful Throne Chairs are the permanent property of each Master. They are fitted into a groove in the floor but can be removed and rearranged according to the nature of the ceremony or The Position of The Master officiating. The Lord of The World (Sanat Kumara) and The Presiding Master for the year occupy the central position on the rostrum. The Great White Brotherhood, in order of rank, are seated facing The Spiritual Altar with their chelas behind Them. The Presence of The Silent Watcher, clothed in azure blue, encompasses the entire assembly in Her Radiant Presence." Master El Morya: "The Altar of The Central Chamber is circular. Into the low golden screen, rising above the frescoed base, The Brothers and Sisters of Ceremonial sometimes weave beautiful green

ivy and the golden lotus of China, Burma, and other parts of The Eastern Hemisphere. Upon The Altar burns The Concentrated Flame of Precipitation, a Golden Flame with Green Radiance, rising from the center of a base of bright Chinese green." "For any Speaker Who will present his petition to The Karmic Board, there is provided a raised dais made of a beautiful, golden substance and studded with yellow diamonds. At either side of The Flame of Precipitation, there is space allowed for The Presiding Master and a Sponsor for the year." "In the atmosphere above The Teton, The Amphitheater of green, jade-like substance is created by The Builders of Form (The Devas) and The Angels of Ceremonial by the 15th of the month. The shape of The Amphitheater varies from time to time, also in color." Master Kuthumi: "Owing to the increased numbers of people attending This Retreat, 7 additional Chambers were hewn out of the rock in the mountain. These surround and are joined to The Great Central Audience Hall giving the effect of a gigantic lotus flower with outstretched petals, each in the color of one of The 7 Rays. Therefore, The Aetheric Lotus of The Elohim is outpictured in the actual substance of Earth in This Retreat. Exquisite, fine, gold mesh curtains hang at the entrance to each room, and on each one is depicted an Archangel on one side with His Archaii (Divine Complement) on the other side of the entrance in the glorious color of Their Ray." "These curtains are divided in the center and, when closed, they look like beautiful panels. When they are drawn back from the center, they have the effect of an Angel guarding each side of the wide doorways to The 7 Council Chambers. They were woven by chelas in Persia and India. The added rooms are closed except on very important occasions. They are shut off by means of these beautiful tapestry curtains which hang like in 7 great arches. These Chambers were opened by The Brotherhood of The Retreat on December 15, 1953." Master El Morya: "How many times, twice a year, have The Brothers and Sisters of The Retreats stood before The Karmic Board pledging some cause, asking for certain grants to pass the human veil to stir the enthusiasms within the slumbering souls? How often, when that impassionate Tribunal asked, 'Who have You who will stand by if such grant is given? Whom among This Race whom You choose to serve will weave, out of the voluntary energies of their very selves, this tapestry which is your dream and vision?', then so often there were none forthcoming." Lord Mahachohan: "At the beginning of each year at The Teton Retreat, in a ceremony, are presented the shepherds who were given the responsibility of guarding and guiding souls through the preceding year. These shepherds comprise unascended beings from the simplest orthodox mind to the greatest unascended master. These spiritual teachers are the voice, heart, and

mind of The Brotherood before men. According to their particular evolution are they pure or limited channels for Truth." "In the aura of every teacher is the aetheric record of the progress and unfoldment of each soul entrusted to his care. As The Light of Heaven blazes upon the aura, the progress of the entire group is revealed in a flash, both individually and collectively, and the assembled Masters are then able to pour Their Spiritual Force into whatever preparations and capacities are required to help both the teacher and the student towards a greater unity and enlightenment for the coming year. The progress of the world and its peoples is dependent upon the protection and care given to every avenue of effort of all outer manifestation by The Spiritual Hierarchy and their conscious and not conscious co-workers." "The Plans for the year, relative to The Earth, are presented at The Teton Gathering and delegated to The Ascended Brothers and Sisters Who form the natural channel for their expression. Then from the unascended Mankind, volunteers are chosen who form the contact with the world of form and matter and whose province it is to wield the unyielding 3 dimensional plane into as close a facsimile of the inner plane as is possible." "Conscious chelas of The Masters who sit in at The Councils, held in January and July of each year (at The Teton Retreat), are acutely aware, in their inner bodies, of The Plans to be followed by the nations of the world and their individual peoples. Once you have taken your place as a member of These Councils, your responsibility becomes far greater than that of the masses who are benefited by These Conclaves but who have not yet any part in the privilege of working for the fulfillment of The Divine Plan in cooperation with The Great White Brotherhood." "When the consciousness is awakened and the inner bodies are prepared to be co-workers with The Divine Beings, the outer self cannot restrain the inner consciousness from attendance and service at These Conclaves, and the strength of the spirit then becomes the pressure and responsibility of the outer self to fulfill the inner vows and promises made at The Altar of The Brotherhood."

Lord Lanto: "The East has much to offer the occidental mind, and The West has much to offer The East. But one of the gifts which it is ours to give is a natural reverence for life. Those of Us Who are The Servants of Life and The Giver of Life are dedicated to the task of bringing you back to a conscious connection with your own Divinity (The Higher Self, The I Am Presence), of opening the channel (The Bridge of Antahkarana) through which the direction, the gift, the powers, and the mastery which are God-intended might be released into your use, not only because it is The Desire and Will of The Universal First Cause but because, to help Mankind, it is requested that some among them again become the masters of energy and vibration, the master control of The Primal Essence Which never leaps forward uncontrolled but always passes in dignity into the thought, the feeling, the action, or the word that blesses and enriches life."

"This is the training which is offered by The Teton Retreat. The Brothers and Sisters Who are gathered there, the chelas who apply, the aspirants who enter within Our Retreat are given opportunity to contemplate the magnificent opportunity that lies within life itself. Accepting the gift of life, the earnest and sincere thinking man or woman comes then to a point within the feeling where he or she determines that the only honorable thing to do is to turn to The Giver of that life, to The Source (The Divine Self) That sustains it, and ask in humility for what purpose this investment was bestowed upon him." "The great surrender of self, the removal from consciousness and ego that life is any longer man's own, but a realization that The Source, The Great Eternal Father-Mother God That has projected and sustained an intelligence and continued to pour life through it, must, of necessity, have some great purpose and design. Such an individual then enters a spiritual maturity and, finding his purpose and place, weaves the energies of his own lifestream into fulfilling that portion of The God Design which his reason tells him he is presently able to assist in, at least. Each one upon this planet and all who are yet to come have, despite the creation of shadows, developed certain momentums, gifts, and talents which can be offered on The Altar of The Great White Brotherhood to further The Divine Plan and the evolution of our System." "Wise is that individual who offers the developed talents, gifts, and substance to That Brotherhood, meanwhile endeavoring to perfect the various instruments through which he works so that one day he may be of greater service. These people are those who have stood boldly forth before The Great Source of Life and who have asked that their energies and being be consecrated to the returning of The Earth to the beauty, the purity, and perfection which It knew when Man first came upon It and to the creation of The Kingdom of Heaven upon The Earth. Thus Angels, Mankind, and elementals, walking hand in hand, can fulfill their destiny in The Light." "One of the gifts that comes with illumination is the use of the inner sight. When one is privileged to see The Chalice of the heart and within It burning The Fire of Immortality (The 3-Fold Flame), the garment of each individualization, then he too will love and reverence life in no matter what form he meets it. That life, in response to love, will rush forth expanding and expanding its sphere of influence until there is transmuted every vibratory action which is the cause of shadows. Through the developement and maturity of your love for and reverence of life itself and The Great Primal Source, from Whence that life, intelligence, and self-conscious being has come, you may achieve the fullness of mastery over your own energies which flow from The Source and give you being." Master Serapis Bey: "This is the planet to which came The Great Lord Michael (The Archangel) and The First Mighty Manu and, settling in The Rocky Mountains, They drew The Power of The Elohim (The 7 Elohim) and created the first Spiritual Sanctuary and Retreat (The Teton Retreat). Here stood The 7 Archangels representing The 7 Great Rays of Power, their Bodies enfolding and radiating each One of The 7 Mighty Rays, each Archangel a Chohan (The Archangels were the first Chohans of The 7 Rays for Planet Earth), forming the pattern and

plan for some lifestream who would evolve from the evolution and take That Honored Place (as a Chohan) one day." "Here in The Aetheric Realm over The Teton Retreat stands That 7-Fold Lotus, even to this day, as a remembrance of The 7-Fold Flame and Rays of The Elohim through The Bodies of The Mighty Archangels, and as the ages unfolded and other Chohans were developed from The Guardian Spirits, The Archangels relinquished that great service. Now, we come to a point where sons and daughters of men, who have developed certain God-mastery and maturity, are being trained and prepared to fill Those Offices allowing the present Chohans (The Lords of The 7 Rays) the privilege of ascending into greater and greater Light." Master El Morya: "The Teton Retreat is dedicated and consecrated primarily to precipitating, into the emotional, mental, aetheric, and physical consciousness of all unascended beings, Those God-Virtues, Talents, Gifts, Powers, and Radiations Which will assist Mankind to externalize The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The natural vibration of The Retreat is The Activity of precipitation and expansion." "As The 1st Root Race came forth upon this planet in the vicinity of The Teton Retreat, the activity of precipitation of individualized Light Rays began here, and from The Tetons the first inhabitants of The Earth went forth to people the planet attended by their Angelic Guardians. As precipitation actually means going forth, This Retreat has always been and still remains a Focus from whence go forth, to bless The Race, The Divine Ideas from The Spiritual Hierarchy, the trained Brotherhood, and the earnest chelas." "Thus The Brotherhood of The Teton Retreat is constantly expressing the precipitation of good, whether that good is health, spiritual vitality, emotional stability, mental alertness, or physical blessing, and It has sustained to this day The Focus of Precipitation there. The Brothers magnetize, sustain, and expand The Precipitating Ray with its attendant feeling that such precipitation is a natural power of all self-conscious intelligences." "Every thinking individual knows that proximity to a feeling affects the consciousness of all unascended life. Thus, proximity to the feelings of The Ascended Masters is really a spiritual transfusion of their feeling of confidence in the unfailing use of the natural talents and gifts which are within The Christ Flame in each heart. That is why it is often suggested, so earnestly by The Great Ones Who are The Teachers of The Race, that those unascended lifestreams who wish to so cooperate with Them in such service cultivate closer and closer proximity to The Ascended Host." "This closer proximity does not mean that anyone should expect The Ascended Ones to do things for them, but that, by the power of radiation, the unascended one may be stimulated to use his own God-given powers to be able to do things for himself. Then through such lifestreams will flow that which will raise the evolutions of the planet and bring greater harmony, balance, and sustained peace to The Earth and all upon It." "This Brotherhood is concerned with the developement of The Power of Precipitation

through the pupils. To this end, They will give encouragement, scientific teaching, radiation, and sustaining power to each such one who desires to learn again how to precipitate God's Kingdom on Earth, but they will not do for such a one what he or she can and must one day do for himself." "Beloved Lanto (The Hierarch of The Teton Retreat) stresses the feeling of reverence for life itself, which life is a constantly flowing stream of precipitated electronic particles from The Heart of God. This forms the actual Immortal, Victorious, 3-Fold Flame of Eternal Truth within the heart of each individual, and This 3-Fold Flame is The Chalice within Which lives The Focus of The Christ Self for every man. Beloved Lanto loved and worshiped That 3-Fold Flame of Life within Him so well and nourished It so constantly by that attentive love that It expanded in power until It became actually visible to the physical sight of all who looked upon Him, right through the physical garments which He wore (while still unascended)." "The Teachers at The Teton Retreat encourage the cognizance of this ever-present, precipitated God-Flame in the hearts of all their pupils and the developement of This GodFlame so that It can and does continue its natural activity and so precipitates a portion of The Divine Plan in whatever Sphere the individual is serving." "In himself, man is a precipitated being, and the natural activity of his life is to allow This Christ Flame to continue to precipitate, through him, the particular Virtue Which is the reason for his being. Through the loss of the remembrance of this eternal verity, man, for the most part, has become subject to the fear of human limitation of every description and seeks here and there for some other Intelligence to precipitate for him the gifts, spiritual vitality, peace of mind, and health of body, as well as the actual requirements of supply for the sustenance of his body and world while here on Earth. Such precipitation for him by another simply weakens the urge within his soul to make self-conscious endeavor to so use and thus expand The Presence of The Christ Which is within himself." "It is important for every chela to have the true understanding that The Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, and Angelic Host will always nourish the desire for the individual to develope This Christ Power by Their Radiation but will not do for the pupil what he must do for himself to develope mastery. This will help all to overcome disappointment when The Guru seems to withdraw as Jesus did at the time of His Ascension. The activity of The Cosmic Law is to allow the chela proximity to The Divine Ones, nourish his vehicles by allowing him to absorb the feelings of The Ascended Beings, and then allow such a chela, through his own endeavors and initiative, to utilize the additional energy, power, and gifts which have been given him by his Ascended Master Friends for the blessing of the evolutions to which he belongs or to which he has offered service." "The expansion of the chela's Light determines how soon and how much greater investment of The Ascended Masters' Energy will be allowed on the next wave of spiritual nourishment which is sent to him. If the chela absorbs but does nothing with that gift, does not give of the blessings from On High, he must wait for more until he learns that what he has done with the gifts he has received is the measure of his next gift from The Divine Ones."

"While The Temple of Precipitation is open for expanded service twice each year, the chelas are given full access There to the natural powers of precipitation which live within The Christ Flame within their hearts. It is a stimulus to the developement of that precipitating power. The chelas there see Divine Beings magnetizing from The Sun of The System (The Solar Logos) additional Powers, Ideas, Patterns, Gifts, and Virtues, and they watch These Divine Ones externalizing These Powers for the benefaction of The Race. Some are so enamored of the process of precipitation by The Divine Beings that they do not fully cognize the eternal truth that the very same powers are inherent in their own heartbeat." "The patience of The Cosmic Law is such that, through free will, these chelas are allowed to witness the activity of Divine Precipitation again and again until the outer consciousness realizes the possibility of becoming such a precipitating presence itself. Then do The Brothers and Sisters of The Temple of Precipitation rejoice indeed, for at last the chela is on the true path of self-developement of his or her own power of precipitation. The Ascended Ones, Who have so selflessly chosen to remain in service in These Retreats in order that They may assist the people of Earth, are The Way-showers and Teachers of those who truly desire to externalize The Christ Presence within themselves. The Ascended Masters' Retreats are The Foci where tremendous feeling of mastery is generated and radiated forth." Lord Lanto: "The Teton Retreat was established and sustained through the ages in memory of the descent of Mankind upon This Earth in the hope that The Radiation might, in time, contribute, as each Star contributes to the light of the night, the spiritual essence necessary and requisite to maintaining the soul life of the evolutions imprisoned in their own thought and feeling pattern. We are but one of many Great Foci. We are but one humble part of a Great Cosmic Movement Which is taking not only this planet but The Sun (The Solar Logos) Which created it and The Galaxy to Which it belongs forward to a higher and more glorious destiny." "I speak to you as I speak to every aspirant who enters The Teton Retreat. You can feel yourself entering within The Heart of that mountain and standing in My Presence. 'Beloved one, you have come motivated and by some intent into The Compass of Our Aura. What brings you here?' Much will depend upon what you find in the answer, for every man, woman, and child that goes upon a pilgrimage receives into himself a blessing proportionate to that which was the motivating power behind the pilgrimage. He receives according to the motive that prompted him, according to his capacity to receive any spiritual perception." "We give to you Our Heart Flame to be your Servant. What shall you command of My Heart Flame? What shall you individually ask of It? For It will answer you. It is intelligent. It is the full-gathered Cosmic Momentum of My Individualization and Being from the day that I was born out of The Bosom of The Eternal, all of The Consciousness, all of the prayers and aspirations that built my own Freedom, all of the love and devotion to this planet and its evolutions that are within it. All are yours when accepted."

"The discipline of the pilgrim, who has examined his motive and who has found within himself the reason for his entrance or application for Our Brotherhood, is to develope The 3 Flames within the heart, the throat, and the head, the encircling of the body with Light at the waist to cut off the animal nature (of the lower chakras), and the releasing of the balance through the inner vehicles. If you would choose to be less interested in each other and more interested in The Radiation, We can assist you in the deep breathing and in the contemplation of The Flame within the heart." Pallas Athena: "To You, Beloved Lanto, Who have so long served in The Teton Retreat, to You Who came from the beauty and delicacy of the oriental splendor into the rugged civilization of the western culture, We send Our Love. We know that, although You have been offered release and freedom from Your Position and were to be allowed certain Cosmic Freedom in The Realms above, You have, as Sanat Kumara Your Superior before You did, turned down this opportunity even though there is a Being ready to take Your Office. For your selfless service and for remaining just this little while longer, We are eternally grateful, because it is the desire of The Cosmic Law to teach Mankind to consciously precipitate good, to get confidence within themselves that it is possible to so precipitate." Goddess of Liberty: "Give Beloved Lord Lanto recognition for remaining with The Earth to help Mankind to learn reverence for all life. He was offered his freedom to go to a Higher Star and serve. He has served in The Orient many centuries before His Ascension and since as Hierarch of The Teton Retreat for a long time."
Fuente Original: The Bridge to Freedom Compilacin: Fundacin Lady Nada Email: The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

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