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The Bridge to Freedom


The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

Master El Morya: "The First Holy Spirit or Mahachohan and His Divine Consort (The Feminine Aspect) received, from The Sun (The Solar Logos), The Flame of The Holy Spirit (The Flame of The 3rd Ray or 3rd Aspect of Divinity). It was anchored within Their Hearts, and They descended to Earth and established It in the present Retreat at Ceylon (Sri Lanka)." Lord Mahachohan: "The Holy Spirit (The 3rd Aspect of The Triune Godhead), Which I represent to this planet, is represented to every planet in This System by a Being Who holds the same Office as I do. May you feel deeply The Radiation of My Comfort (as The Comforter) and accept, into yourself and your loved ones as well as all life on This Planet Earth, as much of That Comforting Radiation as you require. For I can apply for, magnetize, and direct more than That Which I have already at hand, all That is called upon to be used for blessing The Earth and its people." "In The Realm of Divinity where there is no imperfection, conservation of life is an essential part of The Divine Law. Therefore in my case, as in all The Beings Who represent Divine Virtue and Power, We draw only that much Light and sustain It around Our Causal Bodies as is required for the performance of Our Particular Office and for the direction of Our Virtues, Flames, and Rays to that part of life that is willing to receive It. Therefore, when the calls come in greater number, when there is a greater realization of our particular individual services to life, and unascended beings choose to invite Us by name and draw on Our Virtues (The Aspects of The Godhead), We are grateful indeed. For you channel That Virtue, Gift, and Power Which is in Our Causal Bodies into the mental, emotional, aetheric, and physical vehicles of Mankind, and you give Us opportunity to increase our invoking of more Light, the increasing of our own Causal Bodies in preparation for the next wave of Comfort, Faith, supply, or whatever it is that the individual or group are dedicating their lives to magnetize." "Therefore, when unascended beings, at any time in the history of the earth's evolution, had some cognizance of The Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, and of the specialization of These Divine Beings' Radiation, it was always a time of great rejoicing among The Divine Beings, because They could expand Their Causal Bodies. Observing the balance and conservation of life, They could expand Them when the invocation for Their Virtues came forth from unascended individuals." Lord Mahachohan: "I am but a Representative of The Holy Spirit, because The Holy Spirit (The 3rd Ray) is The Nature of Helios and Vesta (The Masculine and Feminine Aspects of The Solar Logos), in The Nature of God Itself, forming The Great Electronic Belt in Which The 12 Mighty Beings live that represent the 12 signs of the zodiac, The 12 Cosmic Virtues (also known as The 12 Rays). That Nature is channeled out, We would say, in horizontal fashion over the entire 7

Planets (The 7 Sacred Planets of This Solar System) belonging to Helios and Vesta. Then there is a Mahachohan for each planet, whose great service is to direct vertically downward That Gift of Radiation of The Holy Spirit for that planet. That is my service to This Earth. I am One through Whose Body, through Whose Temple, comes The Primal Essence Which represents all The Energy (all of The 12 Rays) Which is used upon The Planet Earth, in The Nature Kingdom, as well as through the silver cord that passes through the minds and bodies of Man." Master El Morya: "Off the southern tip of India, surrounded by the beautiful blue waters of The Indian Ocean, lies The Island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). On This Island, looking outward upon the seas of Southern India, stands a green, mound-shaped promontory. To all intents and purposes, it is a tea plantation of a wealthy Indian Potentate, and only 1 or 2 trusted servants know The Master of this plantation as a Cosmic Being. But within The Hill Itself is one of The Ancient Retreats of The Eastern World under the direction of The Great Mahachohan, Holy Comforter to the hearts of Angels, men, and elementals presently evolving side by side in, through, and around The Planet Earth." "Until the 1950's, His Cosmic Activity was connected primarily with only The Rays 3 through 7. Because of the great cosmic requirements of the spiritual hour, His Activities now encompass The 1st and 2nd Rays and Their Chohans as well (The other 5 Higher Rays were granted during the early 1970's as an evolutional thrust.). Here, The Lord Mahachohan and The 7 Chohans (The Lords of The 7 Rays) gather together to discuss ways and means of best benefiting The Human Race." "Here, within the sound of the earthly endeavors of the plantation's growing and maturing teas, are entertained and instructed the elect among the sons of men who have entered upon the difficult path of self-abnegation through the developement of the qualities of humility, selflessness, grace, and love." "It is the meeting place of the spiritually elect throughout the world. Here He entertains guests of international repute, resolving many of their problems and giving his wise counsel when asked to do so. Many unascended are aware of This Wiseman of The East, but few, indeed, know the true Identity of their gentle Host and Counselor. The Human Race is so lacking in the selflessness and humility which are forerunners of Godliness." "This Retreat not only forms The Headquarters for The General Councils of The Chohans of The 7 Rays, Who work under the absolute authority and direction of The Mahachohan, but It offers particular training for any of the pupils of the respective Chohans who are recommended by Them to prepare for some far distant acquisition of The Office and Title of Mahachohan for future races yet unborn. Here too are trained the inner bodies of those who are representative of The Holy Spirit among the many fields where His Fiery Presence is required, and of those men and women it is often said that they are endowed with the gifts of The Holy Spirit, but few know of their training and sacrifices within The Heart of This Pure Retreat."

"As The Mankind of Earth is drawn by the magnetic pull of This Holy Retreat, many will visit It at night in their inner bodies and be bathed in The Gifts and Radiation Which imbue the entire vicinity and Which give the entire Island a natural claim to tranquillity. If they are drawn unconsciously, they float in the atmosphere in a semi-dream state, absorbing The Radiation but are unaware of the great Councils, teachings, and instruction that are presented by The Brothers to those who consciously direct themselves toward The Retreat before entering sleep or when there is an opportunity through the day." "All who will still themselves and visualize the physical location of The Retreat and The Presence of The Master in Charge will find themselves drawing, into their consciousness and inner nature, much of the great outpouring. At times, they will bring back strong and useful impressions of instructions given at the feet of The Great Ones which will assist all who desire to increase the gifts and graces of The Holy Spirit in their own worlds and affairs." "Beneath the promontory is The Temple of The Holy Comforter wherein are trained and educated chelas who have applied to life for the opportunity to become a comforting presence to all in distress. The mystic application lies not in written words, nor spoken affirmations of interest, nor in vows that are but superficial reflections of desire for power, knowledge, or personal mastery, but in the secret soul's earnestness. Those whose spirits apply for entrance into This Retreat have witnessed, like Lord Gautama (The Buddha), the miseries of Mankind and The Nature Kingdom, and their hearts have stormed the doors of Heaven for understanding as to how to remove the causes behind these malefic effects that plague The Race. They are not content with the temporary assuagement of physical pain but with the removal of the seething cankers in consciousness which pour out their poison on the screen of life, infecting the healthy as well as the already inwardly afflicted." "The acceptance of the lifestream by The Beloved Mahachohan of a chela who is desirous of losing self in serving life is a mark of great spiritual merit. Many of The Ascended Host Themselves have applied for entrance into This Spiritual Order of Holy Comforters but yet await opportunity to join Its Members." "Comfort to the unawakened means freedom from distress. Comfort to the conscious chela means knowledge which, when applied, controls energy within and without the self, bringing harmony where inharmony exists, beauty where distortion exists, healing where disease exists, and peace where warring energies are manifest. Comfort is the capacity to control, first, the small personal aura no matter what the internal or external provocations, and second, to control the energies that are the shadows on the screen of maya, locally, nationally, or on a planetary scale, when required to do so. The Master Jesus was an example of such a Comforting Presence, so also was the beloved St. Francis of Assisi (embodiment of Kuthumi)." Master El Morya: "The large Council Chamber holds, within Itself, the actual Focus of The Comfort Flame. This means, in essence, that through many ages The Lord Mahachohan and His Predecessors in Grace became interested in The Virtue and Quality of Comfort. They desired to magnetize The Comfort That abides in The Vibratory Action of The Kingdom of Heaven and

make a Radiating Center of That Comfort Flame in India. Just as The Radiation of The Sun (The Solar Logos) warms, lights, and sustains our Planet Earth and our System, so too do these particular Spiritual Foci (The Retreats of The Masters) form Radiating Centers of definite, specific God Qualities Which are beneficial to the spiritual awakening and developement of The Divine Nature in Man." "The size of the actual Sphere of Influence of the periphery of These Radiating Centers is determined by many factors, i.e. the length of time when actual, individual consciousnesses have been magnetized through invocations, visualizations, decrees, and rituals; the specific Quality of God to Which they have dedicated their lives; the intensity of their vocation; and now the number of actual visitors to This Retreat whose attention is drawn by this activity and who give of their life in visiting The Retreat in consciousness or in their finer bodies while asleep." Lord Mahachohan: "The purpose of The Bridge (the publication of The Bridge Activity of the 1950's) is to bring the comfort of life to the wounded souls of men, to their sore hearts and confused spirits, to enable them, through gentle guidance, to find The Comforter within the recesses of their own beings, requiring no mediator in form, and be able to say with The Master Jesus, 'Come unto Me, all ye who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest'." "Those who are willing to learn the gentle art of selflessness, to lose their lives that they might gain Life Eternal, to work without adulation from with The Light, may write their names on The Scroll at The Ceylon Retreat and enter into the instruction that will bring them to a point where My Ray, through them, may walk The Earth in gentle love." Master El Morya: "The Lord Mahachohan is The Being whose obligation and responsibility to life is to supervise, guide, guard, and assist Those Beings Who represent The 7 Rays of Endeavor to The Planet Earth. Each Chohan serving under Him has a specific service to render in developing every Angel, man, and elemental who belongs to The Ray Which The Chohan has qualified to represent. Thus, The Comforting Radiation of The Mahachohan is received by The 7 Chohans Who serve under Him and, in turn, each Chohan intensifies, energizes, qualifies, and directs The Specific Radiation Which He has been trained to create and develope. This Individual Ray pours out to all the evolutions above mentioned and stirs the spiritual nature of those who choose to come forth from The Inner Realms taking embodiment upon The Ray Which He directs into the atmosphere and vehicles of all belonging to his evolution." "Every self-conscious intelligence has developed, through eons of time at Inner Levels, specific powers and activities which form the widest band of colors in his causal body. Then, at the time when individuals are chosen to embody, just so many are chosen from each Ray. Each such a one becomes the responsibility of The Chohan of The Ray He represents in the world of form. It is then up to The Individual Chohan to help the embodied Angel, man, or elemental to release, from his own causal body, the full-gathered momentum of his

talents, powers, gifts, and activities for the blessing of The Race as well as for his own personal developement and mastery." "Many lifestreams come under the mass protection of The Chohan of their Ray. Those, who are ready to consciously endeavor to release from their causal bodies those gifts and powers of The Ray to Which they belong, come under the specialized individual attention of their Chohan. In times of national, international, planetary, or universal crises, each of The 7 Chohans endeavors to stimulate the desire, within the outer consciousness, of as many as possible upon His Ray to reach up into their own causal bodies and draw forth the stored-up momentums of good which are there, releasing it for the enrichment of the emotional, mental, aetheric, and physical bodies of the people as well as the protection and general advancement of the entire evolution. When individuals capable of such service are found, they are given every assistance by The Chohan Who is Supervisor of their Ray. When specific service is required and added stimulus desired, The Chohan has the right to appeal to The Mahachohan for advice and assistance in developing a chela of possible merit to the evolutionary scheme." "The causal body is merely the stored-up energy which has been used harmoniously by each lifestream. It forms the treasures laid up in Heaven of which The Beloved Brother Jesus spoke. This energy will be released at the call and direction of the individual who qualified it when he knows how to prepare his lower vehicles to be conductors of that already qualified perfection for the blessing of his fellow man. Such preparation requires the harmonization of his 4 lower vehicles and their purification by the constant, determined use of The Violet Fire of Mercy (The Violet Flame), so that this energy may flow freely through all the strata of consciousness to be benefited and raised by its presence and activity therein." "This aura, made up of the energies of the emotional, mental, aetheric, and physical activities of the unascended, must be sublimated, purified, transmuted, and prepared to become a replica of the glory of the causal body. Thus the chela becomes a conscious conductor of the perfection of The Ray to Which he naturally belongs. Every individual takes embodiment at least once under the direction of the entire 7 Chohans in order to develope a balance and maturity of his own nature on each of The 7 Rays. When an individual belonging to one Ray, by nature, takes embodiment under the direction of a Chohan of another Ray, there is often a conflict between natural tendency and present duty. However, sooner or later, when the individual becomes master of The Qualities and Virtues as expressed by the entire 7 Rays, he returns to his Chohan and completes his cycle of expression on This Earth Plane under his own particular Chohan and Master." "Individuals should not worry and fret too much as to Which Ray they naturally belong. All is under divine supervision and divine order, and as long as such an individual lives his life in harmony, purity, peace, and service, he is fulfilling his present assignment and cannot fail to return to the natural Ray under Which he will complete his service and return Home to go out no more." Lord Mahachohan: "The feeling of comfort is experienced when the lifestream learns to know the power that lies within the constantly flowing stream of energy which forms the very heartbeat of all animate

form. Comfort lies within the recognition and acceptance of the ever-present Power of God, forever Master over energy through the individual being." "When the chela applies for admission into My Retreat at Ceylon (Sri Lanka) motivated by the desire either to receive comfort or to become a comfort to life, it is my endeavor to acquaint his consciousness with The Master Power of The God (The I Am Presence) within himself." "When the outer consciousness is able, at will, to enter the secret place of The Most High and let the ever-flowing substance of The Universal Life, through him, externalize God's Will, he is then prepared to be a comforting presence, and he himself lives in the assurance of the ever-present Power of God as The Master Control of all circumstances." "In The 23rd Psalm, I endeavored, through the consciousness of David, to convey the assurance that, in the natural flow of Life through the heart to the periphery of the lifestream, there was everything required according to the specific activity of the moment. For the student to follow the flow of energy from The Presence (The Higher Self) into The Flame (The 3-Fold Flame) within the heart and then visualize the substance of That Flame becoming the path upon which he proceeds through The Universe is to enter into the feeling that truly This Intelligent Light does lead him into the paths of righteousness and prepares a table before him according to the requirement of the hour, and he abides in that feeling of goodness and mercy all the days of his life." "The Intelligence within this natural, flowing stream of energy, if acknowledged and actually visualized as externalized substance fanning out from the heart, would make every day a day of grace, harmony, happiness, and fulfillment, and by The Intelligence within that substance would the pertinent need of each hour be fulfilled. If the student could visualize this substance becoming a cup from which he would drink, the knowledge upon which he would rest, the bread of life which is the nourishment of the body, the mercy by which returning karma would be melted into nothingness, an actual shield between him and all appearances of evil, as well as the inspiration of the soul and the cleansing, freeing, purifying spirit by which all lifestreams who contact It would be blessed, then truly would he find the counsel of The Sage filled with wisdom when He bade the aspirant, 'Be still and know that I Am God'!" Master El Morya: "Under the surface plantation (of The Retreat) is The Temple of Comfort, hidden from the eyes of the curious and protected against intrusion. The Flame is White at The Core and blends into a beautiful, soft Pink at Its Periphery." Master Kuthumi: "The Activity at The Retreat in Ceylon represents the apex of spiritual endeavor, and occultly It is the capping of The Great Pyramid, The Seal on Which means Completeness." "The Flame Chamber in The Ceylon Retreat is The Focus on The Earth through Which The Mahachohan pours the blessings of Life into The Nature Kingdom, and He becomes The

Magnet for all The Primal Life that is used on The Planet Earth. The White Flame of The Comfort Presence has the appearance of a large and beautiful water lily. As The Flame reaches out to the periphery of The Room, It becomes a delicate pink at the edges. In The Center of That Lily Flame stands The Living Presence of The Mahachohan in the seamless white robe and beautiful, white turban with The Great Emerald in the center. Around His Body dances the tremendous Light Which is His Natural Aura, being The Magnet for all The Energy of The Earth." "From The Center of The Large Flame have been created 7 similar Flowers, one for each of The 7 Chohans. In The Center of the lesser Flowers, each one of Us has focused the particular Gifts of Our Rays. And from The Sun (The Solar Logos) comes that tremendous Concentrated River of Force Which is not automatic but is invoked and magnetized by The Spirit of The Mahachohan. As That Mighty River of Force enters into The Heart of The Flame, the entire Room becomes a Battery of such magnificent, Concentrated Light that It is too powerful even for those acting in the freedom of the aetheric body. As one looks into That River of Force from a safe distance, It looks like a Rainbow in The 7 Colors representing The Rays." "As These Rainbow Currents enter The Heart of The Mahachohan, They are deflected, One Color (or Ray) going into The Heart of each of The 7 Lilies as well as The Chohan Who represents That Particular Ray. The Cosmic Currents flowing from The Heart of The Sun are Pure White, until They enter the atmosphere of Earth and then are diffused into The 7 Colors like a Living Rainbow and are drawn to The Body of The Mahachohan." "As The 7 Colors (The 7 Rays) pass into The Body of The Mahachohan, They are, in turn, drawn into The Bodies of The 7 Chohans, each One magnetizing his own Ray. Then each Chohan diffuses His Ray and directs It out through The Angelic, Human, and Elemental Kingdoms. For instance, in The 1st Ray, the most intense, purest, and deepest sapphire is passed into The Angelic Kingdom, the delicate hues, the baby blues, and the powder blue going into The Elemental Kingdom, and the medium or center of these 2 colors flowing into The Human Kingdom. The same is done on Each of the other Rays. Each student magnetizes the qualified Essence of The Ray from The Chohan under whose direction he comes." "Mankind, as a whole, thinks very little of The Life they use, but This Being Who has magnetized The Light and passed It down to Us has given Us the responsibility of choosing the lifestreams who can best amplify It. We, in turn, pass That Life on to you hoping that you will amplify It in good. You, in turn, give It to someone that you can see will benefit by It and so on. Then, on the return current, the responsibility passes back. What the various chelas do with The Light and to whom they give It, they are responsible to their Chohans. What The Chohans do with The Light, They are responsible to The Mahachohan. What The Mahachohan does with The Life He has drawn, He is responsible to The Sun." "Therefore, He is most careful of the conscious energies that are given in dictations and in the conveying of confidences to individuals who might be just playing with The Law. All of That Energy Which is drawn, qualified, and directed passes through His Cosmic Heart. It is directed by Him, given in a pure state, and if It is qualified imperfectly, He, through his own

chelas, must redeem It and return It to The Sun because He took the responsibility of drawing It forth." Master Kuthumi "Over The Mahachohan's Retreat, The Builders of Form (The Devas) have done a magnificent job in the creation of a marvelous Amphitheater to hold the countless souls that are drawn here. This Grecian Amphitheater is of beautiful, white marble-like substance veined with gold. At the top of the last tier of steps are the beautiful Grecian pillars woven round with the symbol of Eternal Life, the green ivy, which is part of the insignia of both The Mahachohan and Pallas Athena. These beautiful Places last only for the duration of the activities of The Retreat (for the month that It is open to the unascended). After It has served its purpose, The Devas usually release the electronic substance out of which They are formed back into The Universal. They have built The Altar in the form of a gigantic Dove of Peace. At the top of the head, The Comfort Flame is burning." "As each one enters, he is given a living dove made of Light which is placed either on the back of the wrist or on the finger. Some of the birds raise and lower their bright wings, but they do not leave their perch. They will be released on the first breath of The Comfort Flame and will fly north, south, east, and west encircling the planet round with peace and love." Master El Morya: "The Planet Earth, like all planets in our Solar System, requires the actual presence, vibratory action, and radiation of all The Virtues ( or Aspects) of The Godhead. One such Virtue Which is particularly required by man and beast alike today is Cosmic Christ Comfort. These Virtues are anchored into the emotional, mental, aetheric, and physical strata in which The Earth abides by the magnetization and radiation of That Virtue by some Being Who is, in Himself, capable of cognizing That Virtue, drawing It through The Consciousness of his own Lifestream, and finally sustaining The Radiation of That Virtue despite the discordant vibrations of the inner and outer atmosphere of this planet." "From the time when the first man and woman found themselves capable of creating a dissonance in the harmony of their own life-flow of energy, the requirement for volunteers to magnetize and sustain the connection with The Higher Realms was apparent. Thus, there is literally channeled down, from The Higher Realms, the many Virtues of God. These Virtues are consciously projected forth into the lower atmosphere of Earth and create a balance of constructively qualified substance against the riptides of humanly qualified energy, thus enabling The Christ to live in the hearts of men hoping for resuscitation in The New Day." "The Lord Mahachohan is One of These Great Spirits Who, through centuries, has concentrated His Energies to magnetizing The Quality of Comfort. He has created, in His Causal Body and Aura, a great store of the feeling of Comfort, and finally, after many experiences and lives on Earth, He qualified to become The Representative of The Holy Spirit of God for This Earth and its attendant evolutions."

"Through His Body passes all The Energy That sustains and animates the evolutions in and upon The Earth. The Lord Mahachohan is also vitally interested in The Kingdom of Nature and Its Mighty Directors. Every intelligence, from the smallest elemental to The Greatest Angel, enjoys The Radiation of Comfort That flows through Him and enters their worlds." "Proximity to this consciously magnetized Virtue of Comfort increases the individual's own spiritual developement of a like quality in himself. We Who have had the privilege and honor of serving with Him can only recommend that you ask Him for his assistance, then consciously feel his grace. It is the same grace which descended upon the disciples (of Jesus) at the first Whitsuntide (the 7th Sunday after Easter)."

WHITSUNTIDE Master El Morya: "The Master Jesus desired to transfer to his disciples the powers of God-authority by Which He had performed the miracles of healing, which form the most conclusive evidence of His Divine Mission to the minds of Men. He, therefore, raised His Beautiful Consciousness into The Heart of The Source (The I Am Presence) and removed from his followers The Personal Presence (His Own) upon which they had come to lean. Knowing their anguish of spirit in the parting, He promised them, 'I will pray The Father, and He shall give you another Comforter that He may abide with you forever. Even The Spirit of Truth Whom the world cannot receive because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him, but ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you and shall be in you'." "The disciples gathered together in the upper chamber after having witnessed The Ascension of their Beloved Teacher, Master, and Friend. Even through the most of thousands of years, we can faintly picturize the feeling within the disciples occasioned by that separation from The One Who was the very heart, soul, and spirit of their individual and collective lives." "We can sense the inadequacy of their respective natures to cope with the manifold expressions of evil on every hand, but within their hearts lived his promise of the coming Comforter Who would not only bind up their personal wounds of loss and helplessness but would imbue them with the fire, the power, the consciousness, and the purpose of their Beloved Leader. It was to such a group that The Lord Mahachohan came that first Whitsuntide morning, and His Radiance was like unto Fire, and each man was caught up in The Flame of His Presence, and through the infusing Spirit of The Divine Comforter the powers of The Holy Spirit became active through the faithful who had waited on his coming, for their Beloved Master had said it would come to pass. 'And if it were not so, I would have told you'." "Today, as each man is again raising his consciousness toward the sweet anointing from above, it is possible to have the kind assistance of The Representative of The 3rd Person of The Cosmic Trinity (The 3rd Aspect of The Triune Godhead) unite the individual consciousness of the aspirant with The Christ Powers when such an invocation is sent

upward in the name of The Ascended Jesus Christ, and every man's Whitsuntide is a possible experience even while his body yet moves among the sons of men." Invocation: "Beloved God Self (I Am Presence), in The Name of The Master Jesus, direct The Flaming Substance of The Mahachohan's Fiery Benediction through my consciousness and that of all Mankind. Empower us with The God-authority vested on the disciples that we may move forward about our Father's business." "When the disciples were gathered together in the upper room (representative of raised consciousness) The Holy Comforter came upon them, and they were lifted up, each one, and spoke with diverse tongues and were possessed with the power to remit sins (negative karma), to heal the sick, and to bring the true understanding of life to many of the sons and daughters of Earth." "This same Comforter comes now to every lifestream who desires to be lifted above the mass consciousness of The Human Race and who desires, within himself, to become a comforting presence to life. When the world of Christian thought is turned toward The Holy Spirit, let us all think on The Beloved Friend Who has given to us so much of His Love, Consciousness, and Understanding and Who stands by our sides in our endeavor to learn about The Truth Which shall make us free in our individual endeavors to serve life." Lord Mahachohan: "During The Ministry of The Master Jesus, He gathered about Himself a number of lifestreams who, at inner levels, had dedicated themselves to the establishment of a new era called The Christian Dispensation. However, in the short time of His Ministry, they did not develope, within themselves, the conscious contact with their own God Identity (The Divine Self) to a point where they could sustain it when He was removed from their midst. Yet, the 3-year period of His Ministry was set by Cosmic Law, and at the completion of It the victorious attainment of The Ascension was to be the capstone of the pyramid of a perfect Life. Jesus, therefore, and The Hierarchy realized that more than human help had to be given the disciples in order that they might carry on the great work." "At this time, Jesus began to make the calls for The Comforter, or The Holy Spirit, to release The Sacred Fire. This Fire, passing through the inner bodies, would raise their vibratory action to a point where they might connect with the subtle vibrations of their Higher Selves and, during the period of their ministry, have that acceleration of nature which enabled the firm foundation of Jesus' work through them." "In the biblical description of the visitation at Whitsuntide, the tongues of flame released from The Holy Spirit was an activity of The Sacred Fire which came forth in response to Jesus' call and rendered this specific service." "The visitation of The Holy Spirit has occurred on this planet not once but many times. At the time of the disciples of Jesus, it was a mass activity, but it had occurred many times previous to that and was part of the conscious knowledge which Jesus knew through previous experience in many lives. His application for the dispensation was granted Him because the

work of the disciples was impersonal service to the incoming age (The Age of Pisces). When a disciple or student has so requested opportunity for cosmic work and the establishment of The Kingdom of The Great White Brotherhood, it will never be denied. The actual tongues of flame can be a palpable and tangible experience in the life of the aspirant." Lord Mahachohan: "The visitation of The Holy Spirit, which is celebrated in the feast of Whitsuntide (also known as Pentecost), resulted in the firing of the souls of certain men to a point where, at will, their consciousness could perform seeming miracles of resurrection, redemption, and spiritual resuscitation. A humble heart, a contrite spirit, a complete surrender to The Will of God was the individual preparation which made such a visitation possible, and the acceptance of the gifts of The Holy Spirit by those simple men manifested in their works." Master El Morya: "Within the soul dwells a spark of The Holy Spirit which gives life, intelligence, and individual consciousness to every man. The impressions which have made up the soul-life through the ages have encased the spiritual self in a tomb of various ramifications of imperfection. The spirit slumbers until the soul, unhappy with its satiation of the senses, begins searching again for the way back Home. Then comes the opportunity for the rebirth of spirit through self, the personal, individual Whitsuntide." Master Jesus: "The reliance of Man upon form, through the centuries, has resulted so often in disappointment, disillusionment, and generally in the retarding of self-endeavor. It was for this reason that even I found it necessary to remove my outer form from the attention of the disciples to give the stimulus and impetus so that the individual soul might make conscious, personal effort to create the conditions whereby each one might find, for himself, The Presence of God within (The I Am Presence). My achievement, although an example, would not result in the developement of mastery in another unless that one followed my own application and raised himself to attunement with The Father, The Source. Thus did I make the sacrifice, promising the coming of The Comforter. Believing in my words, the disciples did make the personal effort to raise their own soul's Light." "Finally, collectively, they were ready for the wonderful, mystic union, the second birth. The Holy Spirit entered into their souls filling them with the sense of power, of achievement, of faith, all of which are the nature of God. Then they knew from personal experience how I felt, and in that knowing were they able to transcend human laws and perform so-called miracles. So shall it be for every man who desires a personal Whitsuntide and who will make conscious effort to prepare for the coming of That Comforter Who is The Master Presence of God awaiting summons to kindle The Spark of Immortality in every human heart." Master St. Germain:

"By supreme effort, Man can prepare his soul for The Presence of The Holy Comforter. Then, like the parable of the prodigal son, the rushing Comforting Presence finds a bridge of harmoniously qualified energy in such a man and joins The Spark of Immortality slumbering within him. Then God and Man are one, the miracle of Whitsuntide." Master El Morya: "Although the first Whitsuntide took place 10 days after The Ascension of Beloved Jesus, the disciples having been bereft of the strength, comfort, faith, and powers that His Visible Presence afforded them, men and women everywhere have experienced an individual Whitsuntide from time to time throughout the ages. This special Feast Day celebrates the descent and merging of The Spirit of Cosmic Comfort with the individual's own outer consicousness. It is the mystic union between The Divine and the human. Sincere students upon the path toward The Source, sooner or later, find their individual endeavors, aspirations, devotions, and prayers raising the outer mind and feelings to the upper chamber and suddenly, as a descent of fire, The Spirit of The Father becomes one with that of his children." "Then, as the early disciples were, they too are filled with a new spirit of accomplishment in His Name. It is in our seeming aloneness that the mystic union takes place. Beloved Jesus knew this. He understood full well the dependence upon Him of his faithful followers, which dependence, in reality, hindered their full God-expression." Lord Mahachohan: "The mystery of Whitsuntide is: when one has learned to let his own Heart Flame, like an open lotus, just conduct My Substance, then whatever the requirement is, I will give him My Momentum, and through him that will render the service." "Those gentlemen, gathered together in certain confusions of mind, having lost the security of the form of their Teacher and Friend, found that the energies of their own heartbeat no longer had the stimulus of His Electronic Presence and his own Magnetic Fire, and I merely offered The Flame of My Momentum Which manifests, according to the requirement, as the capacity to heal, to teach in tongues, et cetera." Lord Mahachohan: "Why was the first Whitsuntide so very efficacious in raising the consciousness of the disciples and endowing them with the gifts of tongues and of healing and the various other talents which they carried forth to prove the power of The Holy Spirit and The Truth of The Ministry of The Beloved Jesus? The disciples, at the time of that first visitation, had passed through a period of trial. They had passed through the desolation of Calvary and through the agony and uncertainty of the time between Good Friday and The Resurrection Morn." "They had witnessed a Resurrected Master upon Whom they could feast their eyes. They had heard Him speak. They had, for 40 some odd days, enjoyed The Presence of One Who

had overcome death, Who had come back through the veil, Who had proven his words in works. Furthermore, they had witnessed the magnficence of The Ultimate Victory of The Ascension on The Hill of Bethany. Their emotions were revitalized with faith, faith that they had chosen a Messiah Who was, in truth, all that He professed to be." "Their minds were open to his words because He had proven those words, and when He promised that He would send The Comforter, they knew that The Holy Spirit would come, because He foretold other activities which also became manifest." "The depths of the aetheric bodies of the disciples gathered in the upper room were dormant. All their doubts and fears and past accumulations and differences were, for the moment, stilled, but the surface of their aetheric vehicles was vivified with the strong impressions of recent happenings, The Resurrection Morn, the private instruction at Bethany, and the vitalizing, magnificent example of The Ascension. Their senses, their brain consciousness, the eye, the ear, all were open to the coming of The Holy Spirit because of the proximity of the Messiah to the outpouring of the first Pentecost." "However, through the centuries that have elapsed since that time, the exhilaration on the part of the followers of Jesus has lessened, and therefore, although the outpouring to those waiting in that upper chamber (higher consciousness) has increased each year, there are few among The Mankind of Earth as receptive as those few disciples who waited not quite understanding the meaning of his words, 'If I do not go, The Comforter will not come'. Still they waited in anticipation, because they knew that their Friend and their Redeemer did live, and so they waited in faith for the grace and benediction that He had promised." Lord Mahachohan: "When Jesus walked The Earth, his disciples, loving Him so much, were not cognizant that they limited their own powers, basking in the glory of his developement. But Jesus, wise in the human nature, realized that continued miracles, performed through his own Lifestream, would not, in the long run, do more than exalt the outer nature of those associated with Him and satisfy the curiosity of the mob. So He made a compromise with God, knowing that those who had been closest to Him, in themselves, could not yet externalize their Christ. He asked The Presence (The Higher Self) with Whom He lived in consciousness that if He should take His Ascension, would a Spirit of Comfort be sent to the disciples that would animate, within themselves, those powers that they let lie dormant, resting upon the accomplishment of Jesus." "The answer was that a Comforter, a Paraclete, would be sent. That is how I came on Whitsuntide, after The Ascent of Beloved Jesus, to men and women who had witnessed every miracle, including the resurrection of so-called dead bodies, who had dormant Christus within themselves, who had the proximity of The Master, and yet who could not even, through that proximity, release, through themselves, those powers which Jesus showed them again and again." "So, on that first Whitsuntide, as those who had followed Him were gathered together in the upper room, I, answering the promise to Jesus, sent those tongues of flame as described in

The Bible, which were really magnetic currents of energy which expanded The Christ Power within them. Their inner eyes were opened and, as they saw the manifestation of that flame, and as they had been promised by their Master of the coming of This Holy Comforter, they accepted, in full power, that grace given. So they went forth then. Those, who were unable to speak freely, spoke with the most magnificent persuasion. Others healed. All were filled with what they thought was Jesus' Consciousness, but it was merely expansion of their own Christ Flame into Which I had breathed My Breath as The Comforter and also as The Mighty Fire of Creation." Lord Mahachohan: "It is one of the services of The Holy Spirit to provide the spiritual impetus which causes every newly born infant to draw in the first breath. Therefore, I was present at the birth of each one of you, and, at the close of this embodiment, I shall also stand by your side as you return the final breath to The Universal and leave behind the physical form or put on and enjoy The Immortal Garments of your Electronic Body of Blazing Light (for those who make The Ascension)."
Fuente Original: The Bridge to Freedom Compilacin: Fundacin Lady Nada Email: The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

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