Retreat 2.-The Temple of Illumination

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The Bridge to Freedom


The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

Lord Meru (Hierarch of The Temple of Illumination): "From this ancient Focus (near Lake Titicaca) in the province of Peru and the other Great Foci of Light in the atmosphere of Earth, mighty Currents of Energy are released to help set Mankind free. This province (of Peru) once knew great Light in the outer. That Light is still there and will blaze forth again in 3 Streams of Light. The Great Powers from Our Focus will again be released one day." "Not far from This Focus in The Andes Mountains there was one of the most destructive activities on The Earth. This great focus of darkness was broken up, and the battle between Light and darkness was won. The caves are still there." Lord Mahachohan: "It has been found within the wisdom of The Cosmic Law to draw the attention of Mankind to the particular significance and cosmic import of Mount Meru in the evolution of our planet and its people." "Throughout all religions, that have been the faucets through which to draw or dispense Cosmic Truths, reference has been made, again and again, to The Mystic Mount of Attainment Which represents the apex of spiritual evolution, both with regard to the individual and The Race as well. This Mount of Attainment is one of the ancient Sanctuaries or Retreats in the heart of The Andes Mountains and is presently the hope of The Ascended Brotherhood for as many members of The Human Race as have chosen to respond to the magnetic pull of the spiritual currents." "All The Individuals Who have attained The Ascension through the feminine aspect, such as Kwan Yin (The Mother of Mercy and Compassion) and Mary, Mother of Jesus, were drawn within This Ray at Mount Meru and received their inner training under The Brotherhood Who have guarded This Ray until this hour." "Whereas The Masculine Ray (Which enters Earth through The Retreat of The Blue Lotus in The Himalaya Mountains) has expanded its greatest powers and given the full stimulus of its potency in the fullness of its gifts, the tremendous heritage of The Feminine Ray is only now beginning to be felt in its subtlety by the elect who are more sensitive to the changing currents at inner levels in their response, in their finer bodies, to the magnetic pull of its attainment in the control and sublimation of the feeling nature." "While The Vibratory Action of The Feminine Aspect of Meru is yet such a subtle activity that It is not apparent to the outer consciousness of the students, It will increase in its irresistable Force and be a tremendous assistance in the blanketing of the individual emotional nature as a peace-commanding Presence Which will enable them to much more easily become master of their own feeling worlds. Those who are conscious of the service of Lord Meru, and of the service of The Ray (The Feminine Ray) Which is focused within His Retreat, may mark the effect in their own feeling worlds if they direct their attention into The Sphere of Influence of This Retreat."

Master El Morya: "In the heart of The Andes Mountains in South America stands Meru, The Holy Mountain. In this majestic mountain is The Spiritual Sanctuary and Retreat of Lord Meru, Manu of The 6th Root Race whose final perfection is to find expression on The South American Continent in the not too far distant future." (The Aryan is The 5th Sub-race of the 5th Root Race.) "Approaching the entrance to The Ancient Sanctuary, we come upon a large foreman's lodge, with rough-hewn beams and braided thatch roof, that upon first glance deflects the interest and curiosity of the sightseer. Entering into the spacious living room, we see a great rough-stone fireplace at one end and many cushioned seats woven in glorious colors by the talent of the native countrymen. Along the opposite wall is a beautiful tapestry depicting one of the early rulers of The Incan Civilization in the act of raising The Flame to the morning Sun." "As we wait in this quiet, peaceful, resting room which is pleasantly and comfortably furnished, the tapestry curtain is drawn aside and a tall, graceful Man, garbed simply in a linen tunic, stands in the entrance. He beckons to us to follow Him through the long stone passageway into The Heart of The Mountain Which may be entered only by those who have been invited to do so. Such an invitation can be given to one amidst the tourists and mountain climbers enjoying their rest in the outer room without their even being aware of it or that one has withdrawn from their midst." "We move along in silence, coming suddenly upon a great, natural cave lined with the same white rocklike substance. In the very center of The Room a Great Flame burns, rising upward in a column of White Essence and disappearing in some manner through the roof of The Cavern. In a great circle around This Central Flame are over 200 cushions and, facing The Central Altar, have an unbroken view of The Flame and any Officiating Beings Who might manifest there for a specific purpose." "Lord Meru is The Archetype of the entire 6th Root Race with all its 7 Sub-races. (Each Root Race has 7 Sub-races.) This means that He is the perfect God-image for each of these millions of spirit sparks called forth for evolution upon The Planet Earth by its God Flame." "All the individuals who belong to The 6th Root Race are his special charge. He can never know full freedom of release from the responsibilities of guardianship until every one of these individual souls are developed and matured in The Schoolroom of earth's experience. When his particular children do evolve spiritually, He will establish a great civilization in South America, which will be a Golden Age of great perfection, enduring for over 10,000 years." "Looking at Him, we see the delicately carved features, the singularly beautiful, graceful dignity of his tall body, and the promise that lies in his exquisite and unfathomable eyes. We reflect on the possibilities of an entire Race carrying, as their heritage, his characteristics, his simple beauty, this harmony and rhythm and dignified simplicity." Lord Mahachohan:

"The Activity of The Retreat at Lake Titicaca, wherein The Concentrated God-power was established through The Feminine Ray at the inception of the planet earth's manifestation as a Member of This Solar System, drew a response from Mankind (while It was open) that was beyond the hope and expectation of The Brotherhood. As This Ray represents The Feeling Nature of God and embodies, within Itself, The Qualities Which are The Manifest Garment of The Godhead, every lifestream which is drawn within The Compass of its Radiation begins to absorb, either consciously or unconsciously, the very Nature of God while within its Spiritual Aura." "As the aspirant, who once looks upon The Master's Presence, becomes aware of The Divine Pattern Which he, himself, must one day fulfill, so are The Mankind of Earth deeply imbued with The Nature of Godliness by Which they might measure their outer selves, and in all future contacts how true and accurate the presentation of Truth might be through those purporting to be the messengers and directors that carry The Light to the people. Once an individual has been bathed in The Aura of a Master or stood in The Sacred Aura of The Godhead, there is no external mental force or human persuasion that can deceive his heart-consciousness when an individual, masquerading as The God Nature and yet not expressing a like or complementary vibration, presents a certain aspect of so-called Truth for his acceptance." "Here one sees and feels The Aura of The Godhead, Which is the natural atmosphere of The Holy Mountain (Mount Meru), and one enters into its Sanctified Presence finding peace and ease which comes only through abiding within the secret place of The Most High. Here, night after night, beautiful and perfected Beings address the multitude, and, in their embodied grace and intense love, They manifest the inner but palpable God Nature through perfected form." "This is done with the purpose of impressing the attending souls with the reality of The God-like Love and Perfection of The Master to a point wherein sham would be as evident as the difference between Gabriel's Horn and a tin trumpet. We are determined that every individual who is sincerely seeking The Truth shall no longer be deceived in the representation of The Divine Power and God Nature through any finite form." Master El Morya: "The Temple of Illumination, situated high in The Andes Mountains, is one of the 2 greatest Foci of Light upon The Planet Earth today. Here is focused The Feminine Aspect of The Cosmic Ray, protected and sustained by Lord and Goddess Meru and The Brotherhood of This Retreat, whereas The Masculine Ray is focused in The Himalaya Mountains, protected and sustained there by Lord Himalaya (The Manu of The 4th Root Race). These 2 Rays form The Matrix around Which The 7 Elohim built The Planet Earth. These Rays form the actual axis of The Earth." "The Feminine Ray of Gold and Pink enters The Earth at a point near The Focus of This Retreat. Where These 2 Rays meet in the center of The Earth, there is located The Planetary Immortal 3-Fold Flame, forming a gigantic Focus of Light. This is the actual centripetal

force within The Earth which, by the magnetic power of Divine Love, holds together the elements which make up The Earth and holds all its attendant evolutions within It, on the surface or in the atmosphere." Master St. Germain: "In the creation of The Earth, The Elohim projected 2 Mighty Convex Rays Which joined, much like ice tongs at the lower end, forming a Matrix or Cradle into Which the electronic substance of The Universal Light was drawn to mold the very body of the planet. The Masculine Ray was focused through what is presently The Himalayan Mountain Area, guarded by Lord Himalaya, The Feminine Ray being focused through The Andes Mountain Area, guarded by Lord Meru." "Up to the present time, The Masculine Ray has been predominantly active as the religious stimulus of Mankind, but The Feminine Ray is now being accelerated and loosed in its Power. The initial pulsation for this release took place on August 16, 1952." Archangel Uriel: "At Lake Titicaca (South America) and in The Himalaya Mountains, Those 2 Great Rays focused there are Cosmic Feeders of Spiritual Currents Which sustain The Light and the pulsebeat of The Earth." Master Kuthumi: "The Feminine Ray is the fertility or manifest expression of all The Ideas held in The Mind of The Deity for The Planet Earth." Lord Mahachohan: "The Ray through The Gobi Desert has given the apex of its Power, and The Ray at Titicaca is yet to increase and become the predominant, permanent Ray Which forms the center of The New Race (The 6th Root Race) Which will find its fullest expression in South America in the future. These 2 Rays are a balancing Power to The Earth. Certain balanced Powers from The Sun (The Solar Logos) are being fed through The Feminine Ray into the very center of The Earth for this coming period." Master El Morya: "As the fiat of The Cosmic Law shifts the scene of Cosmic Activity to The Western Hemisphere preparatory to the developement of and preparation for the permanent Golden Age upon Earth under the direction of The Ascended Master St. Germain (The Chohan of The 7th Ray), The Feminine Ray becomes the predominant Focus for such wisdom. As This Ray comes into more powerful Action, those pilgrims seeking spiritual illumination and guidance from now on will be drawn to South America as they have been previously drawn to The Orient."

"Gradually, it will be more and more noticeable that the spiritual aspirants will turn their attention to The Andes Mountains rather than to The Himalayas as The Activity of The Feminine Ray and Its Guardians is emphasized. And in like manner, slowly, The Masculine Ray will transmit Its Power and Momentum to This Focus (The Temple of Illumination). Thus will be born the new spiritual impetus, coupled with the physical presence of such aspirants as are able and worthy to be the spiritual pioneers to create again an actual Garden of Eden in South America. Here, The Great Divine Director (The Manu of The 7th Root Race) soon will be able to allow the members of The 7th Root Race to embody, and eventually, as this perfection so created here expands, it will externalize the full perfection on Earth." "One has to climb high above the plains to the base of Mount Meru. Then, unless the individual is cognizant of its spiritual significance, the climber might not notice and so pass by the simple peasant's hut which is the outer entrance to This Retreat. However, if an individual is worthy of entering The Temple of Illumination, he will be met by a simple guide, usually a beautiful individual with traces of Incan Culture upon his face and person." "Inside the purposely created simplicity of the hut, similar to others built in that locality to act as hostelries for sightseers and mountain climbers, one is pleasurably surprised at the gentle beauty of the waiting room, the magnificent hand-woven tapestries, displaying various legends of past glories in previous Golden Ages, hanging upon the walls. Soft cushions, dyed in beautiful colors by native dye-makers, provide pleasurable resting places for the waiting guests. Sweet music of another age wafts through the room, together with the perfume of the rose, the hybiscus, and the lily. One feels that to have come this far into The Presence of Peace is the ultimate." "However, in due time, everything taking place at a leisurely and rhythmic pace unknown to the average modern individual of The Occident, the guide draws aside one of the tapestries, and a long hall, illumined by The Light That always accompanies The Presence of The Ascended Ones, precedes the guide. The walls of the passageway reveal the rich golden veins in The Andes Mountains which have not yet been discovered by the greedy searchers after wealth for selfish purposes. One can see how lovingly, how kindly, these natural veins of gold have been polished to bring out their luster." "At the end of the passageway, we come to The Great Chamber where the actual, directed Ray is focused and where It blazes up in a Great, Golden Sun of Illumination. Around This Sun sit many of the chosen ones breathing in Its Illumination and expanding their own consciousness before they return to the outer world to serve God and Man." Master Kuthumi: "The Center of The Illumination Flame is white, then the beautiful gold with the pink radiance. The Chamber Itself does not hold more than about 300 persons, so They tunneled out a vein of pure gold on either side of The Retreat, and The Retreat now looks like a Sun with 2 wings on It, in Which have been put chairs." Lord Meru:

"True illumination comes through the expansion of The 3-Fold Flame within the heart, The Central Focus of Which is The Golden Flame of Illumination, established by God through one's own I Am Presence and anchored into The Christ Self. That Flame of Illumination can, when invited to do so, when fanned by the energies of The Brothers and Sisters of The Golden Robe (in The 2nd Ray Dept. of The Spiritual Hierarchy), and when encouraged by one's own free will choice, expand through his brain consciousness into his world and into his aura, giving to him God-illumination for every step that he takes whether on spiritual or secular matters." "Lord Gautama (The Buddha) is a Being of Divine Balance. He assists, tremendously, earnest chelas who desire illumination to keep them from accepting the accretions in their own aetheric bodies, the untransmuted karma that prods the soul to actions that are of a discordant nature, and He makes each earnest and sincere chela cognizant of the still, small voice within." "When true illumination comes to you, each one, you will know your way back Home, and you will know how to best fulfill your Divine Plan while you still are on This Earth, how to alleviate the distresses of those who surround you, as well as the distresses of those who are far away, of those whose limitations you are apprised, through the expansion of The Christ Flame in your hearts and through the assistance which We are willing to give you. We, Who have guarded, guided, protected, sustained, and expand constantly The Cosmic Illumination Flame, shall one day illumine the emotional, mental, aetheric, and physical consciousness of every lifestream upon This Planet Earth." "We have a great Love in Our Hearts, Love enough to have sustained these mountains (The Andes) against the gravity pull of Earth and to have held them like great spires made up of the substance of The Earth pointing heavenward as a finger pointing mankind's attention to God; Love enough to sustain, within these mountains, those priceless treasures until Mankind has overcome greed and selfishness and those gifts may be released from our range in The Andes, as well as all of the other ranges upon the landed surface of The Earth, great gifts of jewels and gold to make of The New Kingdom of Beloved St. Germain, here on earth, one magnificent beauty." "Lord Himalaya before Me, and The Goddess Meru and I at the present time, have Love enough to sustain all of the spiritual verities that have been recorded by every Avatar and Divine Guide and Guru since the days of Lemuria (Mu), to sustain those records saved from the devastation of the vandalism of the various sects and isms who destroyed as much as they could of the culture of each era as it fell into its decline. Those records are preserved and shall come forth again for the pure and sincere of heart, for The Great Divine Director and His 7th Root Race Who are waiting birth when The Continent of South America, which We guard and protect, is purified of all effluvia of past mistakes, when The Earth is straightened on its axis, and when the great jungles and morasses of Brazil and The Amazon River Itself are purified, and there is made habitable that tremendous expanse of landed surface which is not yet safe for such beautiful souls to inhabit. These highly developed lifestreams have waited so long."

"We have great God-designed Plans for The Earth when They come, and They must come because The Great Law has said that that which is to be for good, for life everywhere, embodied as well as those who are to embody in the future and those leaving embodiment, The Kingdom of Heaven shall be established here on Earth like unto That Which is in 'Heaven' and that that Kingdom shall endure forever. Earth's Great Lord, The Ascended Master St. Germain and His Lady Portia (His Divine Complement), shall be The Guardian of that permanent Golden Age as Earth becomes Freedom's Star. The wastelands of the other continents too are undergoing a process of purification." "Every continent on the landed surface of This Earth has within it some vast desert or barren place wherein evil, at one time, was magnetized and life in and about it retreated, even as Beloved Pelleur and His Kingdom took sanctuary in the center of The Earth (The Inner Earth). Those continents upon the landed surface which have such scars are being healed by The Elemental Kingdom under the supervision of The Directors of the powers of Nature by the loving assistance of The Mahachohan (The Lord of Nature and of Civilization) and by Those of Us Who guard and guide each continent, thus bringing The Earth back again to The Immaculate Concept Which It had in the beginning when first Beloved Helios and Vesta (The Masculine and Feminine Aspects of The Solar Logos) directed The Mighty Currents and created, in The Heart of The Silent Watcher, Immaculata (The Planetary Logos and Higher Self of The Lord of The World, Sanat Kumara), The Divine Pattern for This Earth; since first The Elohim (The 7 Elohim), drawing on That Pattern, made of The Earth an actual planet beautiful, shining, and brilliant in its orbit." "Now the great process of redemption lies in the hands of The Divine Beings as well as the beloved chelas in the unascended realm who are interested in our activities and service." Master El Morya: "The condition of the energy which makes up the lower strata of Earth is like a jungle morass, and spiritual pioneers volunteer to move forward first to make pathways into and through this morass, just as certain explorers and pioneers have always done in the physical world. Then later, when the inner pathways have been well-defined and clearly opened, it will be easier to make actual physical paths to certain Foci of Light Which hitherto have been inaccessible to the outer consciousness of the people. Over at least one of these, in their physical bodies, the people then will be able to make pilgrimages to the wealth of spiritual understanding which lies within The Retreat of Lord Meru and His Brotherhood." "Many of the sacred documents, recording the various aspects of Truth received by illumined beings all through the ages, have already been removed from Asia and brought to This Retreat for safe-keeping and for the use of the chelas of The New Age." "In days to come, a Great Temple will be built on the surface of The Earth Itself in honor of This Flame and Its Guardians. For the present, The Activity, Radiation, and Service of The Flame of Illumination are guarded by The Brothers of Illumination, and only The Essence pours forth into the atmosphere of Earth." Lord Meru:

"Priceless scrolls and scripts, which have been prepared by the sages throughout many ages and which were preserved in Himalaya's Retreat, have been transferred to My Retreat. Here in The Andes, the coming connection between The Ascended Master Consciousness and the magnetic pull of the raised consciousness of Mankind will revivify the aetheric memories of the truths which That Master or Avatar taught, and those individuals, who are coming into embodiment in the great civilization being born in South America, will have the spiritual satisfaction of enjoying these magnificent treasures of every kind." Master El Morya: "True illumination never, at any time, inflates egotism of the outer personality but conversely creates in the chela a consciousness of ever-increasing humility toward his own Individualized I Am Presence and The Universal I Am Presence, as well as The Divine Beings Who serve It, assisting It in its endeavors to bring the redemption of misqualified energies to the evolutions of Earth." "Here chelas are carefully instructed, guided, and protected in their earnest endeavors to develope, from within themselves, The Illumination Flame, with its attendant virtues of discrimination, discretion, diplomacy, and wisdom, for the greatest possible benefaction of the entire Human Race." "The Illumination Flame is completely impersonal. Its service is to bring the perfection of The Light of God into the outer consciousness of Mankind, and It acts like The Sun in this respect, shining upon the just and unjust alike. Every blessing given to a chela by The Spiritual Hierarchy requires, in balance, some expansion of The Divine Plan of Perfection to be made manifest through the conscious endeavors of the chela so blessed. This is Cosmic Law under Which we all serve." "A period of personal introspection and honest measurement by each aspirant, into the motive behind his or her desire to acquire more wisdom, will bear fruit in the developement of an honesty of purpose which precedes the release of more spiritual blessings. Therefore, those who desire more illumination, prepare yourselves in humility to enter into The Temple of Illumination. If you go while your physical body sleeps, ask Beloved Lady Master Leto to help you remember clearly, in your brain consciousness, where you were and what you learned there." "Beloved Leto is so well prepared to render this service, and She is so joyfully willing to give it too. Then, as you return in consciousness to your physical forms upon awakening, expect to remember and wisely endeavor to use the instruction received. Thus do you qualify to receive more and more of the blessings of illumination."

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