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The Bridge to Freedom


The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

Master Djwhal Khul: "Group Two (The 2nd Ray Department of The Spiritual Hierarchy) has The World Teacher for its presiding Head. He is That Great Being Whom the Christian calls The Christ. He is known also in The Orient as The Boddhisattva and as The Lord Maitreya and is The One looked for by the devout Mohammedan under the name of The Imam Mahdi. He it is Who has presided over the destinies of life since about 600 B.C., and He it is Who has come out among men before and Who is again looked for." "He is The Great Lord of Love and of Compassion, just as His Predecessor (The Previous World Teacher), The Buddha, was The Lord of Wisdom. (The 2nd Ray is The Ray of Love/Wisdom.) Through Him flows The Energy of The 2nd Aspect (of The Godhead), reaching Him direct from The Heart Center of The Planetary Logos (The Higher Self of Sanat Kumara) via The Heart of Sanat Kumara (The Lord of The World and Head of The Spiritual Hierarchy). He works by means of a meditation centered within The Heart. He is The World Teacher, The Master of The Masters, and The Instructor of The Angels, and to Him is committed the guidance of the spiritual destinies of men and the developement of the realization, within each human being, that he is a child of God and a son of The Most High." "Just as The Manu is occupied with the providing of the type and forms through which consciousness can evolve and gather experience, thus making existence in its deepest sense possible, so The World Teacher directs that in-dwelling consciousness in its life or spirit aspect, seeking to energize it within the form so that, in due course of time, that form can be discarded and the liberated spirit return whence it came ( to The I Am Presence)." "Ever since He left The Earth (during which time His Consciousness had overshadowed entirely The Consciousness of The Master Jesus), as related with approximate accuracy in the bible story (though with much error in detail), has He stayed with the sons of men. Never has He really gone, but only in appearance, and in a physical body He can be found by those who know the way, dwelling in The Himalayas and working in close cooperation with his 2 Great Brothers, The Manu (of The 1st Ray) and The Mahachohan (of The 3rd Ray)." "Daily He pours out his blessings on the world, and daily He stands under the great pine in his garden at the sunset hour with hands uplifted in blessing over all those who truly and earnestly seek to aspire. To Him all seekers are known, and, though they may remain unaware of Him, The Light Which He pours forth stimulates their desire, fosters the spark of struggling life, and spurs on the aspirant until the momentous day dawns when they stand face to face with The One Who by being 'lifted up' (occultly understood) is drawing all men unto Himself as The Initiator of the sacred mysteries." "The World Teacher presides over the destiny of the great religions through the medium of Masters and Initiates Who direct the activities of these different schools of thought. In illustration: The Master Jesus, The Inspirer and Director of The Christian Churches everywhere, though an Adept on The 6th Ray (in fact, The Chohan of The 6th Ray of Devotion and Abstract Idealism) under The Department of The Mahachohan (The 3rd

Dept.), works at present under The Christ for the welfare of Christianity. Other Masters hold similar posts in relation to the great oriental faiths and the various occidental schools of thought." Master Djwhal Khul: "The Christ (Lord Maitreya) was the first of our Earth Humanity to achieve the goal. So rapid was the developement of The Christ that in Atlantean days He found Himself upon The Path of Probation (leading to The Path of Discipleship and The Path of Initiation). From the angle of evolution, the rapid unfoldment of the evolution of Christ was, and has been, totally unparalleled. It has never been duplicated, though there are people living today upon the planet who are beginning to develope now with equal rapidity." "The first human being out of that center which we call The Race of Men to achieve The 3rd Initiation (The Soul Merge, also known as The Transfiguration) was The Christ. In that first great demonstration of his point of attainment (through the medium of what was then a new type of Initiation) The Christ was joined by The Buddha. The Buddha had attained this same point prior to the creation of our planetary life, but conditions for taking The 3rd Initiation were not then available, and He and The Christ took the Initiation together." "He has been, for 2,000 years, The Supreme Head of The Church Invisible, The Spiritual Hierarchy (beneath Sanat Kumara), composed of the disciples of all faiths. He recognizes and loves those who are not Christian but who retain their allegiance to their Founders, The Buddha, Mohammed, and Others. He cares not what the faith is if the objective is love of God and of Humanity. If men look for The Christ Who left his disciples centuries ago, they will fail to recognize The Christ Who is in the process of returning. The Christ has no religious barriers in His Consciousness. It matters not to Him of what faith a man may call himself. The Son of God is on his way, and He cometh not alone. His Advance Guard is already here, and The Plan which They must follow is already made clear. Let recognition be the aim." "He is The World Teacher and not a Christian Teacher. He Himself told us that He had other folds, and to them He has meant as much as He has meant to the orthodox Christian. They may not call Him Christ, but they have their own name for Him and follow Him as truly and faithfully as their western brethren." "The church emphasis has been (and is today) upon the dead Christ. Men have forgotten that He lives, though they give a tentative recognition to this hope and belief at Easter Time, largely because His Resurrection guarantees our own 'rising again' and 'because He lives, we shall live also'. The fact of His Livingness and of His Presence today, here and now on Earth, is not emphasized except through vague and hopeful generalities. Men have forgotten The Christ Who lives with us on Earth, surrounded by His Disciples, The Masters of Wisdom, accessible to those who make the right approach and saving men by the force of his example." "In the coming world religion, the emphasis will be on these truths. Life and not death will be proclaimed. Attainment of spiritual status through spiritual living will be taught. And

the fact of the existence of Those Who have thus attained (Ascended) and Who work with Christ for the helping and salvaging of Humanity will be the goal. The fact of The Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, the ability of Mankind to contact Its Members and to work in cooperation with Them, and the existence of Those Who know what The Will of God is and can work intelligently with That Will -- these are the truths upon which the future spiritual teaching will be based." Master Djwhal Khul: "In the future, the eyes of Humanity will be fixed upon The Christ and not upon any such man-made institutions as The Church and its dignitaries. Christ will be seen as He is in reality, working through His Disciples, through The Masters of the Wisdom, and through his followers who toil unseen (and usually unrecognized) behind world affairs. The sphere of his activity will be known to be the human heart, and also the crowded market places of the world, but not some stone edifice and not the pomp and ceremony of any ecclesiastical headquarters." "No man has ever been saved by theology but only by the living Christ and through the awakened consciousness of The Christ within each human heart." "Individual man and his Soul (The Higher Self) are also attempting to come together (The 3rd Initiation), and when That Event is consummated The Christ is born in the cave of the heart, and Christ is seen in the daily life with increasing power." "As the man works with his personality (the lower self), purifying it and bending it to the service of the spiritual will, he automatically raises the energies of the centers (the chakras) in his body up to the center between the eyebrows (The Ajna Chakra). Eventually, the influence of each of the 2 centers (of the head) increases, and becomes wider and wider, until they make contact with each other's vibratory or magnetic field, and instantly the light flashes out. Father-spirit and mother-matter unite and are at-one, and The Christ is born. 'Except a man be born again, he cannot see The Kingdom of God', said The Christ (through Jesus). This is the second birth (The 3rd Initiation), and from That Moment vision comes with increasing power. The Christ is being born today in many a human being, and increasingly will the sons of God appear in their true nature to take over the guidance of Humanity in The New Age." Master Jesus: "The Cosmic Cycle of spiritual nourishment required to mature a new spirit taking embodiment takes approximately 14,000 years (on Earth) if The Divine Plan is fulfilled and no inharmony, discord, or shadow arises in the evolution. That is one complete revolution of The Cosmic Wheel. Each 2,000 years is under the specific Radiation of Each One of The 7 Rays through the directed energies of The Representing Chohan (One of The Lords of The 7 Rays), nourishing the 7 spiritual centers in the soul and consciousness. As That Cosmic Wheel turns, it is similar to the advancing season upon The Earth, all of which are required to bring to maturity a harvest."

"Each 2,000 years a certain spiritual current plays upon the souls of Man. At the end of the 14,000-year Cycle, the harvest is or should be ready to be garnished, and each individual is supposed to be a Master. The Great World Teacher, in cooperation with The Presiding Chohan of The Ray Which is to be the spiritual season in that 2,000-year Cycle, work out together a plan of religion, ceremonial worship, and radiation which will best benefit the souls of men who are to have the privilege of embodiment in that 2,000-year period." "The World Teacher looks upon The Radiation of The Ray, the particular Gift of That Ray as It will flow forth upon The Earth. Then, through His Lieutenant (Master Kuthumi), He examines the souls who are to embody and who will have the experience of developing within that 2,000-year Cycle. Then He endeavors, looking upon The Divine Plan in The Heart of The Silent Watcher (The Planetary Logos), to design a pattern of worship which will stimulate the soul-light and life of the ego in that entire Cycle. This was completed by The Beloved Lord Maitreya preceding My Earth Life." "The Christian Dispensation was worked out in detail at Inner Levels to give the greatest blessing and benediction of The Ray of Devotion (The 6th Ray) through The Planet Earth and the lifestreams who were to evolve and develope in the 2,000 years while The 6th Ray was predominating. When it was completed, a Great Cosmic Council and Conference was called, and this exquisite presentation of the entire Christian Dispensation was thrown upon The Cosmic Screen. It showed how It would be originated, how It would be developed by a humble group of individuals, and then how It would be matured as greater and greater intensity of The Ray began to play through the constituents who would dedicate themselves to such service." "At the close of this exquisite presentation, volunteers were asked who might choose to partake of the great privilege and honor of bringing the first impulse of That Dispensation through the veil of birth into the physical appearance world. Many of us served by That Great Light, That Great Vision. Many of us having such tremendous love for Mankind, many of us so eager to see the fulfillment of God's Will on Earth, volunteered. From those volunteers Lord Maitreya chose, looking at the causal body, looking at the developement through the ages, and looking upon the specialized talents and characteristics of the lifestream, which individuals might qualify. My Beloved Mother and Father, Myself, the disciples, all of those were among the volunteers." "Blessed Lord Maitreya was required to test the strength of each one. Through a process of inner initiation, certain lifestreams were eliminated. Finally, the heart group who was to perform the pageantry in the world of form was consecrated and blessed by Lord Maitreya and sent to The Temples of Purification to await the summons by The Karmic Board at the time when their part in The Divine Drama was about to be enacted." Lord Mahachohan: "The Great Initiator (The Hierophant of The 1st 2 Initiations, Lord Maitreya) is always present when the contact and connection between The Christ Self and the outer self is permanently established and the individual moves forward to externalize The Divine Plan. This Spiritual Baptism took place when The Master Jesus was visited by The Holy Spirit

(The Mahachohan) at The Baptism in The River Jordan and the outer self was anchored in his own Christ Nature. Lord Maitreya fused his own Christ Consciousness with the individual Divine Self of Jesus (thereafter overshadowing Him for the 3 years of His Ministry), giving The Cosmic Momentum and Power of His Full Lifestream into the keeping of Jesus to further His Mission." "The Second Coming is not only to be an Individual but a Cosmic Event. The qualified chela will have the blessing of Lord Maitreya pass through his own Christ Self to assist in the blending of The Divine Nature with the personal ego, which is the instrument in the world of form." "The Great Initiator (Maitreya) and The Representative of The Holy Spirit (Lord Mahachohan) are always present at Cosmic Baptisms, and that is why the dove is often seen with the inner sight by those who have developed that vision at the moment when The Christ Self draws close to the embodied consciousness." "The Keynote of Lord Maitreya's Retreat will be best sounded within the lovely song, 'Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life', and the color of the Cosmic Christ Flame is a beautiful canary yellow, delicately shaded with white toward the outer edges." Lord Mahachohan: "The reason why individuals who are going to serve Life in a cosmic capacity have always been required to enter The Presence of Lord Maitreya is that they might experience in full the nature of The Cosmic Christ Love themselves and receive That Seed in the feeling world which could be fanned into a Flame when circumstances present themselves for its use, such as quieting an audience in time of panic or inspiring them in times of peace. Everyone who experiences the feeling of The Love of The Cosmic Christ is a potential focus for the expansion of That Flame when It is required in any crisis, individual or collective." Lord Mahachohan: "Lord Maitreya is The Cosmic Christ representing The Source of Life to all The Christ Selves of unascended Mankind evolving on The Planet Earth or awaiting embodiment. Through His Momentum and Power, The Individual Christ Self is enabled to draw much closer to the outer self and also impress the outer self with the hunger-thirst after righteousness and spiritual understanding." "The Light of His Presence is so exquisite that one is always drawn toward His Presence just to bathe in The Substance of That Divine Love. His hair shines with The Radiance of The Godhead, and his beautiful, violet eyes are filled with the warmth of Love that is His Nature." Lord Maitreya: "We have at My Retreat a Golden Bar about 18 inches long, which stands on a pyramid whose apex is a hair's breadth in size. This Bar never moves, no matter what the planetary changes or earth upheavals may be. It is the manifestation of Love in perfect balance."

Master El Morya: "Within the heart of the gently rolling hills of Kashmir, in Northern India, Lord Maitreya and His Pupil, Kuthumi (The Chohan of The 2nd Ray of Love/Wisdom), draw around Themselves those chelas and students particularly interested in becoming teachers of men. Here, under the vaulted dome of heaven, The Masters of The Golden Robe open their hearts to the pupils who have responded to the magnetic pull of Love Divine and who choose to fan the fire of their own heart's Light in The Presence of The Great Ones whose particular office and service to Life is to prepare the consciousness of dedicated lifestreams to carry The Word of God, The Nature and Purpose, to the children of Earth." "Whether under the light of The Sun or the gentle radiance of the moon, the chosen vales of Kashmir, with their carpets of emerald green, studded with the beautiful flowers of The East, the blue waters of the lakes, the sweetness of the bird song, lend themselves to the sweetness that is the embodied nature of The Lord Maitreya and Beloved Kuthumi as They intensify the feeling and substance of The Nature of The Cosmic Christ and convey That Nature to the aspirants who drink in their every word in reverence and in gratitude." "Throughout the 24-hour cycle, Brothers of The Golden Robe, authorized by Lord Maitreya, are in attendance, and from all over the world there come, in their inner bodies, those lifestreams interested in education, in any phase of teaching, secular or religious. And in the wisdom of The Brothers, each aspirant is placed in a group where his own particular interest is being discussed and developed by One of The Illumined Ones Who has ascended the ladder of evolution upon the same Ray (One of The 7 Rays) as the pupil who becomes his charge." "There are circles of yellow-robed figures seated around holy men of eastern evolution, others listening to the seers, poets, and saints of every race and clime. Advanced chelas, as well as Masters, offer to assist in developing the consciousness of those who have applied to The Throne of God for illumination of their outer consciousness regarding The Divine Will as expressed through The 2nd Ray (of Divine Love and Wisdom)." "Mankind, when they place the physical bodies to sleep, are always drawn toward The Central Focus Which has formed the vibration of their waking consciousness through the day. Thus, it is not difficult to understand how the souls of men are magnetized by These Spiritual Centers when the heart, mind, and feelings desire so earnestly to find truth and understanding, even while the outer self is pursuing the seemingly mundane tasks of making a living." "Although These Teachers of Angels and men pursue this spiritual course all through the year, the intensification of The Magnetic Power of The Cosmic Christ (Lord Maitreya) will make it possible for so many more to visit These Councils as the attention of The Brotherhood and Mankind are all drawn toward the hills and vales of Kashmir and toward their illustrious Guardians during the 30-day period when The Master Kuthumi becomes Host of the world (during the month of activity for This Retreat)."

Master Kuthumi: "Through This Activity (The Bridge Activity), We may acquaint the outer consciousness of Mankind with The Truth of Life, with the service of The Spiritual Hierarchy under Lord Sanat Kumara (The Lord of The World), and also show the conscious part which every embodied lifestream and every soul awaiting the privilege of securing an earth body may render in redeeming his own personal karma in drawing back through The Flame (The 3-Fold Flame) within his heart the miscreations of the centuries, thus making of This Earth a beautiful, shining Star of Freedom That has attained the right and the honor of a permanent place in The Solar System, One of The Beads of The Great Necklace around The Cosmic Sun (Sirius A, The Higher Self of The Solar Logos) behind The Sun (The Solar Logos)." "On the way to mastery, everyone comes to a place on The Path when he no longer looks for the teacher without, but he begins to turn to the still, small voice that is within. He begins to rely solely on intuition, then upon inspiration, and later still upon that conscious contact with The Presence (The I Am Presence or Higher Self) which precedes self-conscious mastery and Divine Freedom from all human concepts and all human forms." "This is the most difficult point upon The Spiritual Path, particularly for those who have sacrificed the life in The East with its mysticism, its gentleness, and its peace for the more rugged existence in The Western World where one's energies are woven so often into the mundane tasks of making a living that the energies that could be incorporated into the depths of his own being are depleted before he has the freedom from the demands of his daily service to life to proceed on the inner pathway. It is to those I speak primarily." "When one comes to a point of entering into the heart of the silence where you commune with your own God Self, you must be extremely careful of the response that you will receive, first of all from your own bodies and your outer consciousness. You are a complex mechanism, a 7-fold individual in your own right and, whereas the glory of your Electronic Body, your Causal Body, and your Christ Self could never lead you astray, those lower bodies (4) in which you function have voices, have consciousness, and have desires, wills, and appetites of their own. These voices, this intelligence within them, often endeavors to serve its own ends through you." "Krishnamurti (who was being prepared as a vehicle for The Christ during the early part of The 20th Century) was given by Lord Maitreya, among the requirements for spiritual mastery, that the first one is discrimination. May I point out, again, the necessity for the developement of individual discrimination. One can call to Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, or to Myself for that discrimination wherein you may recognize The Voice of The Silence. Know always that anything which builds up the personality, that which seems to give aggrandizement to the human ego, is not the still, small Voice of The Presence. It is but the rumblings of your own aetheric body, the desires of your feeling world, or mental concepts and precepts from other lives." "In all the lives you have lived, you have sat before teachers who have given forth both truth and fallacy. Into your mental bodies are built those concepts, some of them solidified, petrified, and lying dormant there. As The Flame (The 3-Fold Flame) begins to surge

through you, they are again revivified and come forth, and you must recognize them for what they are, as they are not necessarily The Voice of Truth." "I wish to give you the prompting that always by the side of the earnest seeker will stand a Brother or Sister of The Golden Robe (of The 2nd Ray Dept.), if you choose to invite Him. As you proceed into an understanding of The Voice of The Silence, you will know that that which makes you humble, selfless, loving, pure, and harmonious is of God. The feelings that stir within your heart that desire to make of This Earth a Planet of Light, to relieve the burden of your fellow men, to raise those in pain and distress into understanding and harmony, that is of Light. That which decreases the personality and increases the power of The Christ is of God." "Within this environment of natural beauty in Kashmir, The Brothers of The Golden Robe play Host to those who are the teachers of the secular activities of the outer world and the leaders of religious orders of every kind, orthodox and metaphysical as well." "How important it is to be careful of The Light in the hearts of those who will come to you. We hope We can find among you those who love God and your fellow man enough to choose to bring Light, understanding, confidence, faith, and hope to hearts that are bewildered and in spiritual agony and pain. The Brotherhood is dependent on your bodies, your feelings, your consciousness, and your desires through which We may endeavor to reach Mankind. We stand in The Heart of Freedom. We stand in The Realm of Truth, and our hands are stretched out, but Mankind does not even know We exist. The people do not know We have being, but you do." "Only through you, each one who is a bridge from the human to The Divine, can We reach the people of This Earth and give them back the understanding by which they may set their feet upon The Path and return Home (The Ascension). The Path lies open before them, and their Presence (I Am Presence) stands at the end of Its Way. There must be those among the sons of men to point Mankind toward That Way and to stand by in the rough places, ease them by love, encourage them by Light, and give them the impetus of example and manifest works until they come to a point of enthusiasm in themselves. Then they too will become their brothers' keepers." Lord Mahachohan: "There is the beauty of Kashmir, the natural peace which has been built there through the centuries of adoration to God, the aura of tranquillity and harmony which forms the setting of The Spiritual Jewel whose great, unselfish service is to bring illumination and, through illumination, Freedom to the sons of men. In the heart of these beautiful Kashmir hills, the elevation was chosen which was to be The Chalice into Which The Spiritual Flame for God Illumination would be drawn." Lord Mahachohan: "Great Conclaves in Kashmir present The Founders of every great religious movement since the beginning of time, and each of These Beings, endowed by The Great Teacher (The World

Teacher) of the respective age in which embodiment of the divine thought was made possible, gathers around Him those who do not hold resentment against his particular Lifestream and brings again, to their remembrance, the message and the realization of The Truth He taught before It was condensed into the concepts and records of his earnest and faithful disciples who, each one, clothed It according to his own limited perception." "Each Great Avatar, Messenger, Christos, and inspired Leader, Who, by The Law of The Universal Life, was judged ready to face Truth unveiled and convey to the masses The Word and The Nature of God, is again privileged to clarify the concepts of the ages through the lifestreams and souls of those who stand within the aura of their particular religion, but They look through a veil of centuries of human concepts endeavoring to find The Truth within the original pulsation." "Here Beloved Moses speaks to the people of Israel, the strength of his message lying in the conviction in The Mighty Power of God to act through man, regardless of appearances, to change unhappy conditions into perfection." "The Love of The Buddha teaching that in the contemplative way of life man may realize The All Pervading Presence of God and the nothingness of evil, then stressing the fact that negative goodness is only half of The Law of Life, but that contemplation must be coupled with action in order to manifest The Eternal Verities as witnessed by the up-lifted vision." "The strength of The Master Jesus imploring his followers to no longer lean on the vicarious atonement but to incorporate their teachings into action whereby the marvels and miracles of his life experiences may be made known and manifest to the sons of men." "The power of Mohammed speaking to his people and showing them that if action and zeal are not coupled with wisdom, they are only manifesting a partial explanation of The Law." "Each Master and Teacher drawing the consciousness of his people toward The Middle Way and the illumination of the consciousness as to The All Power and The Ever Present God until, as St. Germain has said, 'The feeling world is saturated with a workable knowledge that there is no nook nor corner nor cranny where The Presence of God is not'; confirmed by Lord Gautama Buddha in his strong statement that 'Perfection is here, but open your eyes and see'; and also strongly emphasized by Jesus' statement, 'The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand'. This is the power of realization that shatters evil appearances and proves that evil of all kinds are but creations of the outer mind and have no more power than the feeling nature of man chooses to bestow on them." "The feelings must confirm the affirmation of that feeling, for instance, Moses standing by The Red Sea with the fleeing Israelites behind Him, looking at what seemed an impassable body of water and The Power of God within Him (The I Am Presence) giving the fiat, 'Stretch forth thy hand and part the waves'. Can you imagine the conflict in his feelings before the appearances? The apparently impassable barrier of the ocean in front and Egypt's mighty army approaching in the rear, coupled with the fear of the multitude and their loud complaints that He had led them from comparative safety into this apparent impasse. Wherefore could He turn but, in faith, to The Power of The God of Strength? And as He

stretched forth his hand in obedience to the command, the sea parted." "Jesus standing before the apparently lifeless form of his friend, there could have been a conflict in the consciousness of the outer mind, fearing ridicule should He command the life to return and it not manifest, the unhappiness and sorrow of his heart friends in the conviction that life was swallowed up by death. But He, strong in the belief of The All Power of The One God, stretched forth his hand and death itself did flee." "Thus the message goes forth from the heart of Kashmir, bringing to remembrance the faith in The All Power of God. How does the consciousness of men differ from That of The Christ Itself? Only in the feeling which embodies a faith in The All Power of God. This is the day when contemplation of The One God and recognition and realization of The Power of The Master Christ of The Universe (The Universal Christ or 2nd Aspect of The Godhead) must be coupled with action which makes faith manifest in works. The day of the selfish contemplation of glory shared by only The Angels and The Free is over. The day when the contemplation of God becomes embodied in the works of Man is here." "Each chela is a cup filled with the concepts and beliefs of his own ages of living as he walked along life's path, stopping for a while perhaps at one temple or another, seeking truth or pleasure according to the dictates of the moment, and yet these individual consciousnesses are the most precious gifts one can offer to Us, for We cannot reach this beautiful Earth or her people except through the consciousness of those members of The Race who still remain a part of her evolution." "In the past, one Avatar, in the course of a 2,000-year period, produced a dozen, or perhaps less, Free Beings in an age. But when great numbers of Mankind of Earth bring their consciousness freely and in faith, holding them in strong hands, grasping and acknowledging Truth and dispensing It, not in words but in transmuted nature, there are We, revealed to men. I am as real to every lifestream you contact as your nature allows Me to be, for you are my representative. The pupil is the manifestation of The Master, so you hold my honor in your hands." "I bless you for your presence in The Universe, for your endeavors, and for your love, for allowing Me to endeavor to apprise you of The Power of God that you might take all the strength of your feeling world and stand as indomitably as The Master Jesus did in the face of all appearances, commanding that they yield the perfection that is within them." Master El Morya: "In the lovely, rolling hillside of The Kashmir Country in North India, Beloved Lord Maitreya and His Pupil, Kuthumi, have a Focus dedicated and consecrated to the establishment of the tenets of Divine Love as espressed through The Great Teachers and Educators of The Human Race." "Here in The Spiritual Sanctuary of Peace and Tranquillity, The Brothers and Sisters of The Golden Robe gather together and, sitting at the feet of Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Masters Kuthumi and Jesus and Others of The Ascended Host, They learn the way to carry

Truth to Mankind along the lines of the current world religions." "The hillsides are covered with green grass. The beautiful flowers shine like diamonds upon this carpet. And the sweet songs of the birds, the golden light of The Sun, and the silvery radiance of the moon are reflected upon the peaceful waters of the lakes." "The 2nd Ray (of Love/Wisdom) serves Mankind by developing the consciousness of those gifted to impart Truth through all the avenues and channels which serve The Race." Master Kuthumi: "The Focus of Wisdom, where The Brotherhood of The Golden Robe have centered Their Attention for many ages, We call The Cathedral of Nature, because We have no buildings, no ceilings to cut off the beautiful sky, no walls that would shut out the sound of the bird song or the fragrance and beauty of The Nature Kingdom in This Kashmir Country which We have known and loved so long." "The Brothers and Sisters of The Golden Robe, gathered around their own Gurus, magnetize The Twin Flame of Illumination and Constancy, Which is so much needed by Mankind today, particularly by those of you who are in cosmic service -- illumination so that you may know what you are doing and why you are doing it, constancy so that you may follow through to the end." "The illumination of the outer consciousness, the awareness that comes to the mind of the purpose behind all rituals, all decrees, all activity that takes place, enables the individual, as well as the collective groups, to happily join in the ceremonial required to magnetize The Gifts of The Godhead (The Divine Virtues and The Rays or Aspects of The Godhead)." "Where there is not illumination, there is reluctant energy. There is duty service. There is service that comes through fear and superstition. This shall no longer be! In The New Age, under the direction of The Ascended Master St. Germain, it is the fiat of The Cosmic Law that man shall know why he must purify his physical, mental, emotional, and aetheric bodies and to what purpose he must remain harmonious. Then there will be loving cooperation on the part of the aspirant. It is through The Activity of Beloved Morya (The Bridge Activity conceived by El Morya) that We are endeavoring to give the why of this endeavor to the outer consciousness of Mankind." "Every individual belonging to this evolution, whether in embodiment or not, is seeking illumination on some particular point, each one on some subject pertaining to The Ray under Which he is evolving. When they come here to receive illumination, they will take back with them the quality of constancy so that the enlightenment received may be held constant until it is fully manifested." "We concentrate upon the form of a Golden Lotus because It is The Focus of The Flame of Illumination and Constancy."

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