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The Bridge to Freedom


The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

Master El Morya: "The Temple of Mercy is in The Aetheric Realm near Peking (Beijing), China. The gifts of Light, Freedom, and Purity form the atmosphere and power of This Retreat of Kwan Yin. This is The Focus for The Flame of Mercy and Compassion for The Earth and all its evolutions." "One approaching comes suddenly upon the edge of the canopy of interlaced trees to the golden field bathed in the light of The Sun. There, in the center of this great field, the pilgrim looks upon the graceful pagodas of The Patroness of China's homes and The Merciful Mother of womankind. Twelve of these beautiful pagodas are built around what seems to be The Great Central Shrine. Built on a slight elevation above the rest, This Shrine reflects from its golden roofs the light of The Sun, and the other pagodas, like graceful ladies in waiting, circle It round, seeming to render It obeisance by reason of the fact that they are built in a natural circular dip in the ground which inclines the crown of their domes just slightly toward The Central Temple." "As the pilgrim stands for a moment looking at the beautiful Temples, representative of The Sun and its planets, his mind goes back to The Golden Age of China when The Goddess of Mercy, together with Her Spiritual Court, walked and talked with the people of her country and, for over 1000 years, ministered unto them before accepting The Freedom of Her Ascension. In those days, beauty and harmony were the keynote of China, and an entire embodiment was invested in the carving of one miniature, in the painting of a single flower, in the weaving of one lovely robe of state." "From all over the known world, messengers were sent to invite the scholars, the priests, the teachers of China to bring their culture to the youth of all lands. Pilgrims from every nation walked on reverent, silent feet into The Presence of The Goddess of Mercy and received her blessings on their petitions and requests for heart and home." "Beloved Kwan Yin, with her ladies, visited the homes throughout her land from time to time carrying with Her The Sacred Fire from The Temple, and all the people in the vicinity came to the home of visitation and carried with them braziers to receive of Her Sacred Fire to burn on the altars of their individual homes to protect all therein from evil, sickness, inharmony of every kind. Wheresoever This Fire burned, no imperfect manifestation could occur, no shadow cross the threshhold, no discord mar the song of harmony and beauty which was the keynote of that day." "When The Sacred Fire was no longer tended by the hearts of the people and when Kwan Yin answered the call of The Presence of God and entered Her Celestial Home, the veil of maya covered the face of The Spiritual Sun, and the shadows of human thinking cast their appearances across the glorious soul of China. From The Realms of Light Eternal, The Heart of Kwan Yin poured its Love upon her peoples, and finally She secured a dispensation whereby, through chosen disciples, She might revivify the powers of The Temple of Mercy and draw again The Sacred Fire of Compassion into her land. This was done through the

dedication of the lifestreams of The Brothers and Sisters of Humility Who, embodiment after embodiment, drew forth the present beauty of This Spiritual Shrine and The Sacred Fire Which burns within It, and Who, by their constant, vigilant, watchful service, sustain and expand It in this present day." "Here, in the glory of Her Ascended Body, The Goddess of Mercy again breathes upon The Sacred Fire of Mercy, and The Cosmic Lotus of Compassion expands through the inner atmosphere of China and, from China, shall again cover The Earth." "As the pilgrim walks toward The Golden-domed Pagoda, he feels the essence and substance of Mercy and Transmutation passing through his bodies and intensifying that relaxation and purification which he experienced when he first set foot upon the path leading to The Temples. The great hand-carved doors of The Temple are open, and the silent Brothers and Sisters move about their appointed tasks, clothed in the mauve silken robes into which have been delicately embroidered the symbols of their particular office and service in the community. No word is ever spoken in The Temples proper, and The Members of the community speak only in the performance of their duties when necessity requires worded expression." "Entering The Temple, the pilgrim feels the peace of the silence which has not been desecrated by spoken words for centuries of time. A soft, Violet Light permeates the atmosphere, and upon the carved, ivory Altar burns The Sacred Fire, held within a lotus form. A large, golden figure of Kwan Yin stands behind The Altar with her hands outstretched over The Lotus Flame. The pilgrims and The Brothers and Sisters, whose love is deep and sincere, are often privileged to see the curtain of maya part and The Living Presence of The Goddess of Mercy officiating in Her Temple." "Her particular gifts are for the release of the women of The Race from pain and the sufferings connected with child birth and for the redemption of those who have fallen from the purity of their natural estate. All those who desire peace and unity in the home life may receive, from Her Altar, some of The Sacred Fire, Which is the sanctity of the home, and through This again The Brotherhood will bring The Golden Age of Freedom, not only to China, but to all The Race, in every nation and every continent." Lord Mahachohan: "From The Cosmic Temples of The Eloah (The 7 Elohim) of Mercy around The Sun (The Solar Logos), The Great Violet Ray flashes forth connecting with The Focused Flame in The Temple at Peking. From The 7 Temples of Mercy, Forgiveness, Love, Freedom, Purity, Kindness, and Ordered Service That abide within The 7th Realm, 7 Great Rays are directed by The Angel Devas of The Violet Fire. These join with The Master Ray from The Sun and enter The Heart of The Cosmic Lotus in The Temple of Mercy." Kwan Yin: "May The Peace of God be upon this household! May The Love of God be in your hearts! May The Light of God be in your souls! May The Wisdom of God be in your minds! May

The Virtue and Purity of God be in your feelings! May The Strength and Vitality of God be among the members of your household! May The Health and Well-Being of God be manifest through the bodies, the garments, which you wear! May The Grace of God be in your worship! May The Talents and Genius of God be manifest through your senses! May the fullness of the victory of your own Divine Plan be manifest through your souls at the close of your earth life!" "It seems but yesterday that this blessing issued forth from Our Hearts as We moved from city to city in the great, exquisite Golden Age when the people of China knew such mastery, dignity, and peace. At that time, I, together with the 12 ladies of My Court, once each year, proceeded through the larger cities of China, and in one of the local temples within the city gave audience to the members of every household and conveyed the 12-fold blessings representative of the very Nature of Divinity into the consciousness of my people. Then, retiring again into our Glorious Retreat at Peking, We gave audience throughout the year to those people, not only from China, but from all over the known world, who chose to bathe in The Virtue of Mercy, who chose to absorb into their own Life Essence this one Facet of Divinity." "In The Heart of that glorious, Sacred Shrine and Sanctuary of Mercy and Compassion, The 12 Temples, representative of The Nature of God (The 12 Rays), continue to pour out The Sacred Fire and Flame so that any heart, any soul, desiring to partake of That Nature, entering within Those Temples, might find itself filled, renewed, and enabled to return again to its appointed tasks in its own individual orbit, blessed by That Spirit of Qualified God Life. I long for the day, which is to come again, when I shall be invited and joyously accepted within the homes and the hearts of all people. I long for the day when China shall again manifest the perfection which she once knew and take her rightful place among those nations that will endure through all Eternity." "Some of Us remained in Bodies of Light, choosing not to take garments of Earth, and some, dear to Us beyond earth's reckoning, chose to enter garments of flesh hoping to hold connection with Us through the veil. Thus came the first parting, the first separation, with only The Light of the heart and intuition of The Spirit enabling the embodied one to remember those of Us Who remained in Bodies of Light, one with Our Source. The centuries have sped by and those embodied Guardian Spirits, walking with the people of Earth but yet presently so enmeshed in their karma that They do not remember their own evolution and their own Spiritual Source, are again raising their heads and hearts and sensing, intuitively, that They belong, each one, to a great and perfect scheme of evolutionary life." "To Them and to you who are among Them, We come first. Blessed be your hearts for having taken the harder road, having come into flesh garments. I think often that those of Us Who remained in Bodies of Light and Who did not taste of the appetites and passions of the senses have chosen, by far, the easier road. It is for this reason that our patience has been so eternal through the centuries, because We know and sense that the very imprisonment, which you have endured, was accepted for love's sweet sake." "If you could see the beauty of the flow of the energy into your lifestreams from your Presence (Higher Self); if you could see those electrons flowing forth unqualified by your

human creation to enrich The Earth, you would never again clothe them through thought or feeling with anything which would dim The Light, the beauty, and the fragrance of their natural expression. It is such a beautiful sight when you see life externalized through the human form in its own natural harmony, its perfume, and its music. This is the way in which each man was intended to unfold that portion and part of The Divine Plan which he alone, through his own heartbeat, is destined to externalize." "I have offered to anchor my full-gathered Cosmic Momentum of Mercy and Compassion, through the use of The Violet Flame, into those hearts that choose to call to Me for Mercy. Mercy and Compassion are the most positive and powerful of The Gifts and Nature of God, for it takes a strong person to give complete forgiveness to any part of Life which has injured him. It is the weak nature that nurtures grievances. It is the strong that, in deep, sincere feeling, can melt away from his own feelings a sense of injustice or wrong and can then, in intense love and devotion, direct That Flame of Compassion into the generative center which has inflicted that wrong. It is through the strong and merciful that I shall endeavor to balance the debts to Life and Light in these days and years that are ahead." "One day, as the veil thins and, with your physical sight you may see The Members of these inner Kingdoms, it will then be a joy to work with Them in bringing to fruition The Golden Age. Those of you who have worked through the veil deserve the commendation of The Elemental Kingdom, The Cherubic, Seraphic, Devic, and Angelic Hosts, as well as The Cosmic Beings and The Ascended Masters for your faith and for your constancy of purpose. You know, it is much more blessed to render that service when you cannot see the full release that is set into motion through your application than when you have the encouragement which the perceptive inner sight and hearing charge into the feeling world as the veil is removed." "We come now into close association with Mankind through the intellectual consciousness at this time, but as The Great Activity of The Mahachohan, as Representative of The Holy Spirit (The 3rd Ray or Aspect of The Creator) working through The Master St. Germain in The New Age, is directly concerned with the feeling nature, then more and more will We come to the foreground and offer Our Qualities, not only to the women but to the gentle men of The Race, and as Our Qualities are absorbed and woven into the nature of the individual, We shall see God-mastery, balance, and maturity between the feminine and masculine aspects of the one lifestream." "I have endeavored, for many centuries, to raise and redeem the consciousness of the women of The Race who, because of the mass pressures and accumulations of human creation in the world, have fallen below the moral standards which form the natural activity of the feminine aspect of life. There shall come a day, in the near future, when Temples of Mercy and Compassion will be established in the physical realm of Earth through which the women of The Race may be again restored to the dignity which they knew in those early Golden Ages." Kwan Yin: "I think back through the many ages to a China of such beauty that there has never been a land so fair outside of 'The Kingdom of Heaven', where men and women walked in such

grace and beauty that it was impossible to distinguish The Ascended Beings from the evolving ones on Earth. In that great land, I lived and taught the meaning of compassion and mercy, of not only giving genuine love to all life, but giving just a little more than the requirement of The Law, a little more pressure in the handclasp, a little more energy in the service, a little more sincerity in the smile than law and convention required, mercy that rushes forth as from God, The Presence, to give a little more forgiveness than is required. That is my service to Life." Master El Morya: "The Cosmic Focus of God's Mercy and Forgiveness is located near The City of Peking in China. Here, many ages ago, The Goddess of Mercy, Kwan Yin, magnetized, through her own invocative powers, a concentrated Flame of Mercy and Forgiveness. It remains, to this day, a radiating Sun of These Qualities through the mental and feeling worlds of Mankind and all life presently abiding on Earth and in its atmosphere." "Around This Focus of The Mercy Flame there was built a beautiful Chinese Temple wherein The Brothers and Sisters, dedicated to sustaining The Pressure of That Flame in the atmosphere of Earth, could increase its Pressure by their rhythmic devotions. In time, there were built around This Central Temple other magnificent Temples of Light. These Temples are guarded and sustained by Beloved Kwan Yin. The Flame of Mercy inspired The Presence and Activity of The Divine Purifying Activity Which has played such an important part in removing pressures of evil from The Earth and its peoples." "The Great Temple of Mercy stands in the center of 12 lesser Temples, all of whose domes incline slightly toward The Main Temple in silent honor and respect to The Focus of The Mercy Flame. Upon its Presence does all Life depend for its redemption and restoration to God Perfection when the desires, appetites, and passions of the senses have spent themselves, and the soul arises again filled with determination to find and sustain The Divine Pattern and Plan for itself." "When Mankind first drew the use of the free will into qualification of pure life, according to the desires of the separate self, the need for a Flame of Forgiveness and Transmutation arose. Some way had to be devised by which the soul, weary and spent, might purify those energies consciously charged with impurity, weaving out of those redeemed energies The Garment of Immortality." "Compassion, Forgiveness, and Mercy, being The Nature of God, had existence and being long before the need for such Qualities was demanded on The Earth. To draw forth Those God Qualities and to bring Them to Earth required the voluntary contribution of some God-free Intelligences Who chose to embody That Activity, That Nature of God. Acting as a step-down Transformer, They drew That Radiation, That Nature, into the lower atmosphere where It might be felt, experienced, and shared by any and all the sons and daughters of 'Heaven' who felt, within themselves, the desire to return Home, to fulfill their individual destinies, and generally to purify the miscreations of the past and make things right." "The Brothers and Sisters of The Temple of Mercy are dedicated to consciously drawing an

intensification of The Quality of Mercy into the lower atmosphere in which Mankind abides. These Blessed Individuals connect Their Lifestreams with The Source of Mercy in The Aura of The Sun (The Solar Logos) through their thoughts, visualizations, invocations, and rituals. They magnetize the already God-qualified Energy of Mercy, from The Higher Realms, into the beautiful Violet Flame to Which They have dedicated their lives. These Streams and Currents of Mercy feed the established Focus of The Mercy Flame and Ray which ever increases the size of Its Sphere of Influence through the added life of even one person cognizant of Its Presence and living Its Power." "The Mercy of The Mercy Flame is primarily a purifying and dissolving Activity by which impure energy is cleansed and released from shadows and limitations imposed upon it through wrong qualification of both thought and feeling. This Flame can be drawn by any chela into the personal aura and atmosphere of his own individual world to assist him in the personal endeavor of purification. Even as The Sun's Rays can be and are concentrated through the use of certain magnetic glass and instruments of science, for the benefit of those who wish their healing, vitalizing presence, so can the wise concentrate The Mercy Flame for individual purification or planetary blessing." "Lord Gautama Buddha offered to draw That Flame of Forgiveness, charge through It his own Life Essence, and expand That Quality for Mankind. In such service, He was The Chohan of The 7th Ray, wherein the mystic power of Divine Alchemy was made available to all who would apply for It and choose to embody It through the energies of their own lifestream. Beloved Kwan Yin succeeded Him in this service, and She, in turn, has been succeeded by the present Chohan of The 7th Ray, The Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain." Master Kuthumi: "The Orient represents, in its whole consciousness, The Feminine Aspect of The Diety, the consciousness in which is embodied all of the known knowledge of The Cosmic Law awaiting the great drive of The Occident to bring that knowledge into actual manifest form for the blessing of the mass of Mankind." "On The Temples of Blazing Light, Which are The Foci of Kwan Yin's Mercy Flame, are the shining flags that have been embroidered in exquisite silk by The Members of The Mercy Temples. From the roof of each Temple these flags are attached to the flag on the dome of The Central Temple by means of ropes of gaily-colored silk. As each flag, in its varying colors, flutters in the breeze, it carries to the consciousness of The Initiate the particular Activity to which that lesser Temple is dedicated." "No sound breaks the stillness and serenity of This Holy Place, the people of The Occident removing their footwear before they enter so as not to mar the silence. On The Altar burns The Mercy Flame in all its magnificence, beauty, and peace." Master El Morya: "After the veil of maya had been created by the mass of Mankind, Beloved Kwan Yin, like

Others of The Divine Beings, was no longer seen by the outer sight of the people, but She has continued her services from The Inner Levels of Consciousness Which are very efficacious and render a transcendent service to Mankind, The Earth, and its atmosphere." "The exquisite graciousness of Kwan Yin is embodied in all Her Celestial Helpers and even in the unascended chelas who belong to Her Legions of Mercy. This graciousness is also the predominant nature of Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain, and it is a heart feeling not a surface expression of kindliness and love." Kwan Yin: "In The Temple of Compassion, all of the chelas learn patience, patience in the wisdom of The Cosmic Law, patience in accepting the directions of Those Members of The Spiritual Hierarchy Who have earned superiority through eons of service. Patience is the performing of every mundane task in silence. The silence of The Temples of Mercy will be so good for the turbulence of your feeling worlds. The Great Silence is embodied by Lord Gautama and every Great Being Who represents Those Who have lived to save This Planet Earth and redeem It. That Silence is not lethargy or suppression, but That Silence is the ultimate experience of harmony, bliss, peace, and comfort." "At The Temple, our silence is born of the heart. No one stays long who cannot stand the peace and quiet or who has to be constantly hearing something from the outer world. Therefore, We do not have as rigid a discipline as in some other Retreats. The chelas, in themselves wearying of the unbroken quietude, return to the world where all the noise and chaos to which the outer mind has been accustomed awaits them. There are a few who love the silence." "I am called The Mother of Mercy. There is no one who can be more gentle than I. Like Mother Mary, I too have stood in the rooms where your bodies first came forth from the wombs of your mothers. I too touched the top of your heads. I too blessed you, not only in this embodiment, but all the embodiments since I have been secluded from the peoples of Earth by the maya of human creation, praying with all The Mercy and Compassion of My Heart that each one of you might fulfill your Divine Plan. I have loved you regardless of mistakes, not only in this life, but in those that have gone before. That is one reason why I am on The Karmic Board, because, in that great, impersonal, and August Body, I am permitted, as a Member, to plead your cause and have done so again and again, knowing the beauty, the strength, the willingness to serve that is within your beating hearts." Kwan Yin: "To live but to amplify some particular Gift (or Virtue) of God's Beautiful Nature is to live in the happiness of your complete Freedom, for through the doors and windows of your soul there will sweep forth the glory of The Ever-Presence to enrich the world through your invitation." "There is not one lifestream who has not received these 3 Immortal Gifts: Mercy, Forgiveness, and Divine Love from The Heart of God and Messengers of Light many times

throughout the ages. You are not strangers to These Gifts Which pulsate through The Flaming Lotus of Cosmic Mercy, Whose Purple Petals of Living Flame encompass The Earth. By Mercy, through Forgiveness, and in Love, all Life Ascends again into its true estate." "Mercy is more kindness than justice requires. It is more kindness than can be claimed by merit or service. Begin daily to consciously forgive all the life that has consciously or otherwise done you injustice back to the beginning of time. Make it a daily ritual of your contemplative hours. Where you see those frightful distortions of mind and body, or disease, or distress of any kind, stop for a moment and consciously forgive the energy that created such an appearance and set that energy free." "Compassion and Mercy are positive Qualities. Sympathy is a negative quality. It is agreement with imperfection. These are the exact opposites of the same Ray." Kwan Yin: "It is difficult for the outer mind to reconcile itself to the rather strict disciplines directed by Myself as a Member of The Karmic Board and The Mother of Mercy, yet those 2 Offices I hold. Those 2 Aspects of Radiation I can have released." Kwan Yin: "The ceremonial activity of Life has concerned Me for many centuries. As Chohan of The 7th Ray, in that service to Life, I was privileged in many ages, not only in China but in the great civilizations all over the world, to teach those interested in mastering energy the inner significance behind all the seeming intricacies of ceremonial life, in church, in home, and in person." "The first Chohans were The 7 Archangels to Whom you are now giving such honor and opportunity to serve in the world of form. They were, for The Elohim, The Magnetizing Centers of The Powers of The 7 Rays through the early Golden Ages. They were The Radiating Centers of Those Powers in those ages also, until there could be raised up from The Guardian Spirits, and later from among the earth people themselves, lifestreams qualified to represent Those Rays." "After The Archangels relinquished their responsibility, many among Us took over Those Offices. Gautama Buddha officiated before Myself on The 7th Ray, although his natural activity and service is on The 2nd Ray (of Love/Wisdom)." "We are joined together in a tremendous bond and activity which is the result of ages of common interest, and that is why We have great Love for each other, which enables Us to work cooperatively in Our Realm to serve Life." "In Peking, for many centuries, I have focused an Activity of Healing, and within The Retreat I offer the chelas 7 Initiations. They are concerned primarily with the developement and mastery of the 7 bodies (4 lower and 3 higher) which make up the instrument of each I Am

Presence (The Higher Self). Each one of your bodies should have full freedom and a natural service to Life in one of The 7 Spheres. The consciousness, by right, should be able to function in any one of those 7 bodies as freely as the master of the house performs his service in any one of the rooms that make up his mansion." "The Fall of Man incapacitated the conscious mind to function and to bring back the remembrance of the activities of Higher Spheres and, for the most part, made inaccessible the conscious use of The Christ Self, The Causal Body, and The Electronic Bodies of the people. The 4 lower bodies were drawn down by the senses into the sub-strata of The Aetheric Plane, and even they do not function in their natural spiritual habitat." "The alignment of the 7 bodies, returning them to their own Sphere and enabling the conscious mind to function in each Sphere in an alert, awakened capacity and to draw back the gifts of That Sphere and the activities of It into the world of form, is the purpose of The Retreat at Peking and my service in the healing of minds and bodies." "The Electronic Presence and The 3-Fold Flame are functioning primarily, or are supposed to, in The 1st Realm, in The Heart of God, where The Great Ideas and The Causative Centers of The Universal First Cause are freely accessible. The Causal Body was destined to function in The 2nd Realm, where ideas were clothed in form, where they took on specific and definite outline, and where The Causal Body of The Consciousness was enabled to fashion clothing, so to speak, for the same portion of The Divine Plan. The Christ Self originally functioned in The 3rd Sphere, and the aetheric body, which functions now mostly in the psychic and astral realm, originally held The Divine Pattern in The 4th Sphere where The Christ Selves presently abide." "The mental body functioned in The 5th Sphere where the dedication of the energies and the drawing forth of The Plan enabled the lifestream to cooperate both with the Inner Realm and the realm without. It was the activity of drawing the great services of The Inner Realms into form. The emotional body was to function in The 6th Sphere, The Realm of ministration, and its service was to pour forth The Qualities and Nature of The Godhead. The physical body was to function in The 7th Sphere." "That is why St. Germain began, through the contact of the outer consciousness, through the physical body in The 7th Sphere, to help that consciousness work its way back into The Heart of God." "The 7 ganglionic centers (chakras) in the flesh body are a focus or connection with each one of The 7 Spheres also and the connection into your physical form of the activities of each Inner Sphere. It is a most detailed service, and yet if you understand it fully, you can enter into the necessary personal application to develope your conscious awareness within These Inner Spheres, placing your bodies again at the disposal of The Real Self and using them as they were intended. When they are in perfect alignment with the silver cord running through them, you have The Master Presence functioning freely, knowing The Will of God, working in the world of form from The Consciousness of The Causal Body, and then lowering into the physical expression the divine ceremony of manifestation That Will in every activity of your daily life."

"These Temples in Peking enable Us to draw Initiates and people interested in realigning themselves and awakening The Higher Consciousness from the world of form. Here We teach them first the control of the physical body, the proper eating and breathing habits, then We develope, within them, an understanding of the ganglionic centers (the chakras), the color of them, the connection with each center, and the body which it represents. When they are well-versed master physicians, We take them into the mental, emotional, aetheric, and finally The Higher Mental World, and on up into The Causal Body. Then you have a real Messenger of Light Who can function in The Electronic Body, Who can contact The Masters at will. They can also act in the capacity of The Mediator, or step-down Transformer, not only for The Word but The Qualified Energy of any Master Presence in The Universe." "The blessings and the feeling of My Mercy and Forgiveness to Life do melt away, at inner levels, every vibratory action which is a cause of distress."
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