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Building Automation Systems (BAS) are often required to measure the actual air flow in air handling systems. Although there are many ways to measure air flow, the two most commonly used with a BAS are the hot wire anemometer and various devices that measure the velocity pressure of the air. Once the velocity pressure is known, the BAS is then able to calculate air flow. Each method has advantages as well as disadvantages. Hot Wire Anemometers The primary advantage of the hot wire anemometer is that it can provide an analog output that is proportional to flow, and no square root calculation is required to measure air flow. The disadvantages of the hot wire anemometer are that it measures only one point in the cross section of the duct, and it may require periodic recalibration (see Model AVS-200 in the Flow Section). Differential Pressure Devices Pitot tubes and averaging tubes are among the flow measuring devices that measure velocity pressure. The pitot tube may be used with a differential pressure transmitter to determine air flow at a relatively low cost; however, the BAS controller must be able to calculate the square root of the velocity pressure. Also, the pitot tube measures the velocity at only one point in the duct. FIGURE 1. MEASURING AIR FLOW WITH A PITOT TUBE

flow, the total pressure is piped to the high pressure port of a differential pressure transmitter, and the static pressure is piped to the low pressure port of the transmitter. The differential pressure that is then measured is the velocity pressure (Pv = Pt-Ps). Once the velocity pressure is known, velocity may be calculated by the following formula:

Velocity (fpm) = 1096 Pv D

where Pv = velocity pressure in "W.C. D = air density in lb/ft3

Air density is normally assumed to be 0.075 lb/ft3, based on 70F dry air at 29.9" Hg barometric pressure. If corrections must be made for barometric pressure or air temperature, the air density may be calculated by the following formula:


Air Density = 1.325 x PB T where PB = barometric pressure in "Hg T = absolute temperature (F + 460)
If air density is assumed to be standard (0.075 lb/ft3), the output of the differential pressure transmitter may be used to calculate air velocity by the following formula:

Air Velocity (fpm) = (Cf) x

Mo - 4


+ ) (P S V P Static Pressure Connection


Pitot Tube

where Cf = flow coefficient from Figure 2 Mo= pressure transmitter mA output

For accurate results, a differential pressure transmitter should be selected that corresponds as closely as possible to the velocity pressure to be measured (see Figure 2). Once the air velocity is known, air flow in cfm is simply the duct inside area multiplied by air velocity.

Low Pressure Port High Pressure Port

Total Pressure Connection

Differential Pressure Transmitter

Air Flow (cfm) = V x A

24 VDC Power Supply

Controller Input

where V = average duct velocity (ft/min) A = duct cross sectional area (ft2)
Notice that V is average duct velocity. When using a pitot tube, velocity can be measured at only one point in the duct. In a straight duct run, the velocity will be greatest in the center of the duct and lowest near the duct wall where the effects of friction slow air flow. The size and the shape of the duct determine how much the center velocity will deviate from the average velocity. To obtain an approximate average duct velocity when a pitot tube is installed in the center of a straight duct, reduce the center velocity by 10%. This will yield results that should be accurate to within 5%.

Airflow Calculations with a Pitot Tube Figure 1 shows a typical pitot tube. In this diagram, Ps is the static pressure exerted in all directions, such as the pressure inside a balloon. This is sensed by the radial holes in the pitot tube. Pv is the velocity pressure caused by the momentum of the air moving in the duct. Pt is the total pressure and is the sum of the static pressure and velocity pressure (Pt = Ps+Pv). The opening in the tip of the pitot tube measures total pressure. Since only velocity pressure is required to calculate air


2004 KELE CATALOG USA 888-397-5353 International 901-382-6084

Averaging Differential Pressure Devices To take some of the guesswork out of determining average duct velocity, an averaging tube may be used. An averaging tube operates basically the same way as a pitot tube to determine average duct velocity pressure, except instead of measuring one point within the duct, the averaging tube measures multiple points to determine a true average velocity. As an added benefit, some averaging tubes are designed so that the differential pressure measured is two to three times the actual velocity pressure. This amplification is accomplished by the shape and design of the tube and results in greater resolution and the ability to measure lower air velocities. In Summary Only the average duct velocity and duct cross-section area must be known to determine air flow. By piping the total pressure to the high pressure port and the static pressure to the low pressure port of a differential pressure transmitter, the velocity pressure will be measured. When the duct center velocity is measured with a pitot tube, the average velocity will be approximately 90% of the measured velocity. By using an averaging tube, the average duct velocity may be measured directly. The averaging tube may also amplify pressure for greater resolution and higher accuracy at low flow rates. Flow coefficients for use with averaging tubes will be provided by the manufacturer. Always install air flow measurement devices at least 7.5 duct diameters downstream and 1.5 diameters upstream of anything in the duct that could cause turbulence.

160 Series

SSS Series

AMP Series

Air Velocity Pressure Measurement Devices Device Placement in the Duct When measuring air flow with either a pitot tube or an averaging tube, best results will be obtained when the flow measuring device is located at least 7.5 duct diameters downstream and 1.5 diameters upstream from any disturbance (elbows, obstructions, etc.). Also, for best results, straightening vanes may be used 1.5 to 5 diameters upstream of the flow measuring device.

(for use with pitot tubes only) By applying the two simple facts below, air velocity may be quickly estimated in the field. Fact 1. 4000 fpm velocity = 1" velocity pressure Fact 2. Velocity pressure varies as the flow squared or P2 = V2 2 or V2 = P2 P1 V1 V2 P2

( )

FIGURE 2. FLOW COEFFICIENTS FOR DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS (for use with pitot tubes only) Differential Pressure Transmitter Range "W.C. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 Maximum Air Velocity (fpm) 1265 1790 2190 2830 4000 5660 6930 8950 Flow Coefficient (Cf) 316 448 549 708 1000 1420 1733 2240

Example: If a velocity pressure is known, the velocity may be calculated by using 4000 fpm and 1" differential as V1 and P1 . Assume the velocity pressure is 0.25". What is the air velocity? V2 = P2 or V2 V1 P1 4000 or V2 = 2000 fpm = 0.25 1

If a velocity is known, velocity pressure may be calculated in a similar manner. Assume velocity is 1000 fpm, what is velocity pressure? P2 = V2 2 or P2 P1 V1 1 or P2 = 0.0625" W.C.

( )

= 1000 4000

( )

2004 KELE CATALOG USA 888-397-5353 International 901-382-6084



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