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Jens Juels Gade 25, DK- 2100 Copenhagen Ø; Tlf. +45 35 55 21 36; E-mail:

Name Charlotte Mathiassen

Nationality Danish

Education Cand.Scient. Social Anthropology (magisterkonferens), Uni-

versity of Copenhagen 1995

Study of Modern Tibetan, University of Copenhagen 2005-


Study of Dance as a Theatre Art, University of Copenhagen


Courses in the development and use of questionnaires, or-

ganisational development and capacity building, LFA, project
management, team building, writing and communication,
knowledge transfer, participatory methodology, theatre for
communication, appreciative enquiry. Carl Bro Management,
PRNGO and others, 1995-2008

Hindi and Classical Tibetan, University of Berlin

Current Position:

Free Lance Social Development and Anthropological Advisor

Employee of the Royal Academy of Arts, School of Architec-

ture, Institute for Urban Planning. Tasks include administra-
tion, communication, editing and corrections of PhD’s and
manuscripts, secretary in international association and oth-

Free lance teacher in intercultural communication for com-

panies and NGOs

Key Qualifica- As a social anthropologist specialised in socio-cultural issues

tions related to the environment and, sustainable development in
the Himalayas and on India, Nepal and Tibet more generally.

As a consultant more than 12 years experience from devel-

opment projects and programmes primarily with sustainable
development, community participation, public awareness,
culture and development, gender and other crosscutting is-

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sues, indigenous peoples, civil society and NGOs, poverty al-

leviation and social equity, human rights and democratisa-
tion, environment and natural resource management, urban
environment including water, sanitation and waste, urban
development, climate adaptation and mitigation, social stud-
ies and analyses, strategies and work plans, and all phases
of the programme- and project cycle, including project for-
mulations, feasibility studies, appraisals, reviews and evalu-

Other work experiences include environmental education,

good governance, poverty and needs assessments, social
impact assessment, relief and conflict resolutions, conven-
tions and development, energy and transport.

Currently engaged in coordinating international NGO activit-

ies for climate change in Tibet with a focus on water, human
rights and human implications for COP15.

Extensive inter-cultural experience, and good writing, organ-

isational and team work skills

Work Experience developing countries:

India, Nepal, Tibet, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand,

China, Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Ghana, Kenya and South
Africa (Bhutan desk study; Zambia and Uganda workshops)


Danish: mother tongue

English and German: excellent

French: fair (reading excellent)

Hindi, Tibetan, Spanish basic

Re-appraisal Assistance in Formulation of three
Proposals. EU, NGO Co-Financing (China, India). PEM
Consult/Humana Spain 2009

Project Formulation Women Empowerment Project

Bakanje District, Solu, Nepal. Himalayan Project 2009

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AGM and Regional Meetings (India)

Participation as SC member in regional meeting for Tibet
support NGOs in Asia and in AGM of SC. Project identification
for environment projects in Tibetan exile in India. 2008

Participation in the Water Net Symposium (Zambia)

Technical Monitoring of the Symposium and of the WaterNet
AGM and reporting to Sida on recent and relevant trends in
the SADC and analysis of findings. Client: Sida 2007

“The Good Life” – How Tibetans Handle their Daily

Lives in Occupied Tibet
Field study. 2007 Tibet. Financed by Danida

Indonesia Sanitation Sector Development Programme

Public Awareness Specialist. 2006 Indonesia
Responsible for socio-cultural market research on willingness
to pay, environment, health, public awareness and
education, civil society, community participation,
cooperation with local authorities and involvement of private
sector. Client: World Bank. Input: 2 months

Mid-term Review Joint Management of protected

Social Development and Indigenous Peoples Advisor. 2006
Responsible for gender and other cross cutting issues,
cultural aspects of natural resource management, people’s
participation, civil society involvement, social equity and
public awareness/communication in the management of
parks, and income generating activities (for example
tourism). Client: Danced. Input: 4 weeks

Outcome Evaluation of the Regional Programme for

Asia and the Pacific
Gender and Asia Specialist. 2006 Thailand, Malaysia, India,
Responsible for the evaluation of the programme for good
governance in Asia. Focus on gender, social equity,
involvement of civil society, human rights and
democratisation through participation, public awareness and
education, and ICT. Client: UNDP. Input: 4 weeks

Ha Long City Sanitation Sub-Component. Community

Participation Sub-project. Community Participation Team
Leader. 2002-2005 Vietnam

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Responsibilities: As team leader and international com-

munity participation specialist responsible for public aware-
ness and education and all other issues related to com-
munity involvement such as socio-cultural issues, solid
waste, sanitary installations, Revolving Fund, cross cutting
issues, social impact assessments, monitoring and reviews
of activities and analyses. Also responsible for the regular
development of work plans, budgets and contracts with local
implementing partners (mass organisations), and for submit-
ting progress reports and final report, TOR for national an-
thropologist and other issues. Work also included regular
consultations with local implementers (local mass organisa-
tions), sub-component staff, the PMU, city authorities and
departments and the participation in seminars and meetings
with motivators, teachers etc., visit to local communities and
schools, communication with Danida funded sanitation com-
ponents in Buon Ma Thuot and Dalat and field trip to Dalat.
Client: Danida. Input: 6 months over 3 years (9 inputs).

Appraisal of Integrated Environment Programme

Anthropologist and Social Development Advisor. 2005 Nepal
The purpose of the assignment was to assess the content
and quality of the preparatory process, the national and
sector context, the programme and its components and not
the least options for implementation of the IEP in the current
conflict situation with a view on possible scenarios in the
future. The components included environmental
management, rural energy and natural resource
management. As social anthropologist on the Appraisal
Team responsible for appraising cross-cutting issues, social
equity and development, poverty reduction, civil society and
related issues within the IEP and its components. Other
activities included the assessment of the capacity and
variety of NGOs and civil society organisations, the
integration of Danish strategies for gender equality,
indigenous peoples, human rights and poverty alleviation
and recommendations for the programme document and the
Inception Phase. The assignment included field trips to rural
energy and NRM projects. Client: Danida. Input: 4 weeks

Partnership Evaluation of Forum Syd.

Evaluation Specialist/ Desk Support. 2004 Sweden
The purpose of the assignment was to provide an overview
of Forum Syd’s development cooperation programmes.
Focus was on the evaluation of relevance, sustainability and
feasibility of the cooperation, roles and responsibilities and
the quality of the relationship as compared to SIDA

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guidelines for development cooperation, and the results and

effects for the target groups. Responsibility: Assist with
preparation of questionnaires, cross cutting issues, analysis
of findings and final report. Client: SIDA; Input: 2 weeks

Evaluation of the Austrian Development Agency’s

Projects to Preserve and Promote Cultural Heritage.
Anthropologist and Himalaya Specialist. 2004 Nepal and
Responsibilities: Together with two other regional experts
the objective of the assignment was to prepare the Austrian
evaluation of culture projects through a desk study of the
approaches of the ADA to preserve cultural heritage. The
preparation included an overview of the international
discourse on cultural heritage and development, and
discussions with partners in developing countries.
Responsible for discussing the preservation of cultural
heritage in Nepal and Bhutan including an assessment of the
importance and meaning of cultural heritage, and cultural
policies in the two countries. Another objective of the study
was to raise interest on the issue of culture and
development within the ADA. The study provided
recommendations on methodology and major issues to be
addressed during the evaluation. Client: Austrian
Development Agency; Input: 4 weeks

Mid-Term Review of Keshar Mahal-Swapna Garden of

Dreams Project. Anthropologist and Himalaya Specialist.
2004 Nepal
The objective of the Project was the historic preservation
and development of the educational, natural and cultural
resources of the Keshar Mahal Garden in Kathmandu. During
the mid-term review responsible for reviewing the entire
project, the review report and the monitoring study from an
anthropological perspective and provide recommendations
for Phase 2. Client: Austrian Development Agency/Eco
Himal; Input: 3 weeks

Finalisation of the Sectoral Environmental

Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for
Trunk Road Maintenance Projects within the Ghana
Highways Authority.
Social Impact Assessment Specialist. 2001-2004 Ghana

Responsibility: Assessment of Ghana’s capacity to conduct

socio-economic impact assessment through the review and
finalisation of the Environmental Assessment and
Environmental Management Plan, the assessment of the

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Road Safety and Environment Division’s capacity to carry

out public meetings and to conduct socio-cultural
assessment and the identification of socio-economic
capacity needs. Also responsible for developing a Social
Impact Assessment plan within EIA, analysis of data, field
visits to maintenance projects, meetings with stakeholders,
inclusion of community participation, social and health data
into final SEA/EMP, and the development of mitigation,
monitoring and action plans for social issues. Client: Danida.
Input: 3 months (3 inputs)

Evaluation of the EU-China Legal and Judicial

Cooperation Programme.
Evaluation Specialist. 2003 China
Together with a partner responsible for the mid-term
evaluation of the programme and recommendations for the
second phase of the programme as well as a potential future
programme. The objective of the programme was to support
the reform process in China towards a society based on the
rule of law, to support EU policies towards China and to
teach Chinese professionals about European law systems
The mission included discussions with a large number of
stakeholders in Beijing as well as with responsible agencies
in the EU, with training institutions in Europe including the
Danish Centre for Human Rights and with the British Council
responsible for coordinating the programme in Europe.
Client: EC; Input: 5 weeks

Environmental Management in the Governorates

(Aswan and Beni Suef)
Community Participation Team Leader. 2002 Egypt
Area of responsibility: Community participation, prepare
procedures and programmes for communities’ and other
stakeholders’ participation in contributing to improving
environmental conditions and habits, assist in programs for
mobilising and involving communities and gather
information on the communities' own perception of
environmental problems and solutions as well as socio-
cultural issues, advise the EMU on consolidation of
community participation, assist in preparing guidelines to
support future mobilisation activities, appraise community
participation aspect in project proposals and work closely
together with local counterparts on all these issues. Also
responsible for the integration of gender and poverty
aspects and for cooperation with civil society. Client: Danida.
Input: 6 weeks

Evaluation of the Swedish Mission Council (SMC)

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Evaluation and NGO Specialist. 2002 Kenya, Uganda, India,

Nepal, China
The main purpose of the assignment was to increase
knowledge about the process and results of co-operation
financed by SIDA through the SMC. The projects and partner
organisations in developing countries and the Swedish
organisations incl. SMC were in focus.

Area of responsibility:
Kenya/Uganda: Team leader on visits to Christian partner
organisation in several regions of Kenya, organisational
analysis and evaluation of their work within the fields of
education, health, food security, water, environment and
gender. Follow up workshop with partner organisations from
Kenya and Uganda in Uganda. India/Nepal: Visits to Christian
partner organisations in Northern India and Nepal,
organisational analysis and evaluation of their work within
the fields of education, health, environment, sustainable
agriculture and extension, community development, support
to Tibetan refugees and ‘tribal peoples’.
China :Visits to Christian partner organisations in China,
organisational analysis and evaluation of their work within
the fields of education and health especially among ethnic
Sweden: Organisational analysis and evaluation of the
support of Swedish Christian organisations and the SMC.
Visit to Christian organisations. Follow up workshops with
SMC, Sida and Swedish organisations. Final workshop with
SIDA, SMC and Swedish organisations. Client: SIDA. Input: 3

Post Earthquake Reconstruction Programme EC-

Gujarat. Rehabilitation through NGOs
Gender, Indigenous Peoples and NGO specialist. 2001 India
The purpose of the mission was to support NGOs, which
were potential implementing partners of an EC rehabilitation
package in preparing solid project proposals. Responsibility:
Identification and evaluation of NGOs, community
empowerment and promotion of Income Generating
Activities of rural vulnerable groups (women, landless
farmers, scheduled castes and 'tribal peoples') and cross
cutting issues. Also responsible for assisting NGOs in the
development of project proposals. Client: EC; Input: 4 weeks

Evaluation of Danish Development Support to

Vietnam 1993-2000
Evaluation Specialist. 2001 Vietnam

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The main objective of the evaluation was to document the

results of the bilateral Danish development assistance to
Vietnam within the sector programmes. Responsibility:
Evaluation of the Danish support to good governance,
democracy and human rights and the progress of these
issues in Vietnam. Also responsible for data collection at
household level and the assessment of socio-cultural and
socio-economic impact within the water and sanitation
sector, and for cross cutting issues and indigenous peoples
in all sectors. Client: Danida. Input: 2 months

Environmental Management in Thai Nguyen

Desk Project Manager. 2000-2001 Vietnam.

The purpose was to provide the Project with home office

support and co-ordinate input of international experts.
Client: Danida.

Project Formulation: Municipal Solid Waste

Management (MIFRESTA).
Social Development and Gender Advisor. 2000 Cambodia
The purpose was to produce a draft project proposal for a
two-year phase I project on Integrated Solid Waste
Management, a feasibility report including an analysis of
waste management in Cambodia and strategic options for
support, an outline for a framework for a second phase and
a debriefing note including a Process Action Plan.
Responsibility: analysis of socio-economic and cultural issues
including informal livelihood strategies in coastal areas, the
relation between poverty alleviation and the availability of
urban service functions, gender, formulation of awareness
activities, and community participation. Assisted team
leader in drafting the final report. Client: Danida. Input: 5

Water Quality in Dense Settlements, Phase II. Willing-

ness to Pay Study.
Socio-Economist. 2000 South Africa
Responsibilities: The purpose was to carry out a study of the
willingness and ability to pay for waste removal services in
Grahamstown, including an assessment of the socio-eco-
nomic, political and cultural factors underlying non-payment,
options for community participation and need for informa-
tion and education. A number of areas were identified for a
strategy to improve payment. Also responsible for the field
study together with a team of local interviewers, analysis of
data and input to the Dense Settlement Project National
Strategy, recommendations for improving payment including

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strong component of awareness raising, communication,

community participation and gender. Client: Danced. Input:
2.5 months

Review of the Project to Promote ILO Policy on Indi-

genous and Tribal Peoples
Team Leader and Indigenous Peoples Specialist. 2000 +
2001 South-Africa/ Cambodia.
The purpose was to review the progress of the Project
towards achieving its objectives (ratification of ILO
convention 169 and development of national policies for
indigenous peoples) and to provide recommendations for
the next Project phase. A team of two people visited South
Africa and Cambodia as well as ILO offices in Geneve and
Bangkok. At the national levels meetings with responsible
departments, indigenous peoples organizations and NGOs.
Also responsible for the final report. The team organised a
workshop at ILO in Geneve one year later to discuss findings
and the strategy for a second phase with participants from
Danida, ILO, Indisco and project staff. Client: Danida. Input: 6

Dalat Water Supply and Sanitation Project. Feasibility

Study for Sewerage.
Social Development Advisor. 1999 Vietnam
The purpose was to produce a feasibility study and a project
document for a sewerage component of the Water Supply
and Sanitation Project in Dalat.
Responsible for socio-economic analysis, gender, poverty al-
leviation, community involvement, formulation of the Inform-
ation, Education and Communication component and a Draft
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). Client: Danida. Input: 3

Project Formulation Mission to Vietnam for two pro-

jects: Natural Resources Management in Nghe An
Province and Biodiversity Conservation in the North
Truong Son Mountain Range
Gender, Social Development and Indigenous Peoples Advsi-
or. 1999 Vietnam
Responsibility: socio-cultural and socio-economic analysis,
gender and other cross cutting issues, poverty alleviation,
community involvement, participation of indigenous
peoples/mountain communities, formulation of
awareness/education component. Assisted team leader in
the drafting of the final report. Client: Danida. Input: 8

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Buon Ma Thuot Water Supply and Sanitation Project.

Feasibility Study for Sewerage
Social Development Advisor. 1999 Vietnam
The purpose was to produce a feasibility study and a project
document for a sewerage component of the Water Supply
and Sanitation Project in the city of Buon Ma Thuot. The
work included socio-economic analysis, gender, poverty
alleviation, community involvement, willingness and ability
to pay assessment. Client: Danida. Input: 3 weeks.

Natural Resources Management and Environmental

Protection Programme (MIFRESTA) Formulation
Mission to Vietnam.
Social Development Advisor. 1998 Vietnam
The purpose was to formulate a programme for Danish
Environmental Assistance to Vietnam and to produce a
project document. Responsibility: socio-cultural and
economic input to all projects within Programme; specific
inputs on gender, poverty alleviation, environmental
education, Agenda 21 and mountain communities. Assisted
team leader with drafting of report. Client: Danida. Input: 5

Partnership visit to Women, Scheduled Castes and

‘Tribal’ Projects in Tamil Nadu.
Team Leader and India Specialist.1997 India

The purpose of the mission was to renew or establish the

Swallow's personal contacts with partnership organisations,
evaluate on-going projects and identify new projects for
support. Responsibility: Team leader and specialist on India.
project evaluation and identification with focus on
awareness raising, social equity, community participation,
informal education and gender. Client: Swallows. Input: 2

Asia Experiences: India, Nepal and Tibet 1981-2008

Apart from consultancy work (see above) experiences from

India, Tibet and the Himalayas include field work and long
term visits to Nepal (Kathmandu, Annapurna region, Solu-
Khumbu, Manang, Langtang) and India (Himachal Pradesh,
Spiti, Ladakh, Darjeeling, Sikkim, Rajasthan, Bengal, Delhi,
Gujarat, Goa and Tamil Nadu). All together more than 4

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In addition to the continuous study of anthropological and

other literature, active engagement in the Himalayan region
through membership in relevant networks and organisations,
participation in conferences on Tibet and the Himalayas and
continuing interest in the cultural, political, and social con-
text. Numerous articles on Tibet in IWGIA Yearbook and oth-
er publications.
Field work and studies include:
The good life. How Tibetans handle their every day life in oc-
cupied Tibet. Short field study in Tibet. Financed by Danida.

Anthropological study of Local Knowledge, Natural Re-

sources Management/Pastoralism in Tibetan Buddhist Farm-
ing Communities in the Himalayas (Spiti). Financed by NIAS.
India 1999

The purpose of the study was to find out how socio-cultural

issues including traditional knowledge are related to natural
resource management and recent developments and mod-
ernisation in high Tibetan Buddhist mountain communities in

Study of organic tea production and work conditions for

workers on tea plantations in Darjeeling. India 1997

The study was concerned with how organic tea production

may be a viable solution to the tea plantations in Darjeeling
and with the work conditions of the mainly Nepalese workers
at the tea plantations, who live in ‘early capitalist‘ conditions
at the mercy of plantation owners. The visit also included a
visit to Sikkim and a brief study of the relationship to nature
among Tibetan-Buddhist Sikkimese.

Field research in Ladakh for MA thesis "On the Way to An-

other Development? Buddhism, Ecology and Sustainable De-
velopment in Buddhist Himalayan Communities in Ladakh" .
India and Nepal 1991-1993
Field research was primarily carried out within the Tibetan
Buddhist population in Ladakh with a focus on local percep-
tions of nature, natural resource management in agricultural
mountain communities, Buddhism and folk religion and (sus-
tainable) development activities in Ladakh. Field studies in
Ladakh were supplemented with comparative studies in
Langtang and Manang in Nepal. Input one year.
Field research in a Ladakhi village for the preparation of a
mini-monography for the Institut für Völkerkunde, University
of Hamburg

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Study of the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) in

Nepal and the Ladakh Ecological Development Group
(LEDeG) in India

Studies of Tibetan history, language and culture in the

Tibetan capital-in-exile in India, visits to Tibetan refugee
centres and camps in Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh and Nepal.
Study of Indian classical dance (Kathak) at Kathak school in
Ahmedabad, India

Employment Record

2005-2009 Core consultant with PEM

Since 2008
Administration and commu-
nication at Research Secret-
ariat + Institute of Planning,
1996-2005 School of Architecture

2004-2005 Free lance development ad-

2002- 2005
Swedish Development Ad-
2001 visors

2001 Darudec/COWI

1995-2008 Swedegroup

Since 1989 PEM Consult

1994 Carl Bro

Tibet Support Group (editor,

chair woman, representative
Before 1994 in international Tibet net-
work, project coordinator)

The Swallows (project co-

ordinator for India)

Helsingør Vocational School

Evening schools, internation-

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al fairs, childrens’ institu-

tions, dance schools in Kiel,
Hamburg, Berlin, Copenha-
gen. Field work in the Him-
alayas. Primarily based in
Germany and Asia.


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