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19K404: Academy for Young Writers End of Year Report 2013

Youth Development Metrics

Freshman Year: Class of 2015 (Cohort Q) vs. Class of 2016 (Cohort R) AY11-12
All Black & Latino Young Men All

Black & Latino Young Men All

Black & Latino Young Men

Enrollment Pct. Suspended Once Or More Pct. Absent 20+ Days Attendance Rate

127 * 46% 82%

30 * 47% 79%

120 16% 32% 88%

33 17% 21% 92%

-7 * -14% 6%

3 * -26% 13%

Notes: - Metrics are based on date range Sept.1 - June 30. - Suspensions are based on all students, not only the freshman cohort.

Calendar of Attendance Rate By Day

Freshman Year: Class of 2016 (Cohort R) All Students

Black & Latino Young Men

How to read the calendar: - Darker colors indicate lower attendance rates. - Each week runs vertically from bottom (Sunday) to top (Saturday). E.g., if there is a dark series of days across the bottom of the calendar that indicates low attendance for Fridays. - Days not in session for AY2012-13 are uncolored. The first colored month is September. The last is June. A break exists between 2012 and 2013.

19K404: Academy for Young Writers End of Year Report 2013

Progress Through High School Metrics

Freshman Year: Class of 2015 (Cohort Q) vs. Class of 2016 (Cohort R) AY11-12
All Black & Latino Young Men All

Black & Latino Young Men All

Black & Latino Young Men

Enrollment Pct. earning 2 credits English Pct. earning 2 credits Math Pct. earning 2 credits Social Studies Pct. earning 2 credits Science Pct. earning 11 or more credits

127 80% 60% 66% 57% 56%

30 70% 43% 50% 33% 37%

120 90% 66% 73% 60% 75%

33 94% 61% 67% 61% 76%

-7 11% 6% 6% 3% 19%

3 24% 17% 17% 27% 39%

Notes: - Metrics are based on date range Sept.1 - June 30. - Credit data reflects STARS as of 7/19/2013.

Credit Accumulation Distribution

Freshman Year: Class of 2016 (Cohort R) All Students
100% % of Students 75% 50% 25% 0% 5 or less 6 7 8 9 10 11 or more % of Students

Black & Latino Young Men

100% 75% 50% 25% 0% 5 or less 6 7 8 9 10 11 or more

# of Credits Earned in Freshman Year

# of Credits Earned in Freshman Year

19K404: Academy for Young Writers End of Year Report 2013

Assigning Students to Schools
- For all metrics students are attributed to a school based on the audited register.

- Days students are responsible to attend are determined by comparing school schedule and enrollment. Absences are determined from absence tables. - The attendance period for 2013 is Sept 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013, excluding Oct 29 to Nov 7 for Hurricane Sandy. - The attendance period for 2012 is Sept 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013. - Attendance rate is the weighted mean (based on number of days student was enrolled at any school) of individual student attendance rates.

- Subjects are determined by courseCode.

- Differences between years are the absolute difference in metric values. I.e. AY12-13 value minus AY11-12 value.

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