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Analytical scoring rubrics for telling a story or a personal anecdote.

Fluency and coherence Speaks fluently with no or little hesitation. Speech is coherent. Vocabulary Uses a wide range of vocabulary appropriately. Grammar Uses a wide range of learnt grammar structures correctly. Uses grammar structures learnt so far with some mistakes. Uses simple grammar structures. Pronunciation Pronunciation is precise and clear; is effortless to understand. Format Follows the format of beginning, development and ending, describes background, setting. Follows the format , but not fully; misses one element. Follows only a few elements of format and neglects others. Follows only one or two elements of format.

Speaks quite fluently with some hesitation. Sometimes coherence is lost. Speaks with pauses and frequent incoherence.

Quite good command of vocabulary, but not rich and/or diverse. Uses simple vocabulary and/or new words inappropriately. Uses very simple vocabulary to convey meaning.

Pronunciation is mostly clear with some mistakes. Frequent mistakes in pronunciation, but content can be understood to some point. Mispronunciation in most cases hinders understanding.

Speaks with very long pauses. Coherence is almost lost.

Uses very simple grammar structures with some mistakes.

Keeps silent or speech is absolutely incoherent.

Scoring for Mini-talk

Task fulfillment 4 Responds to the topic adequately with no extra information. Fluency Speaks fluently with little or no hesitation; provides arguments; speaks coherently. Vocabulary Uses a wide range of learnt vocabulary appropriately and correctly. Grammar Uses a wide range of grammatical structures correctly. Pronunciation Pronunciation is precise and correct.

Mostly responds to the topic adequately.

Sometimes switches to another topic.

Speaks fluently, sometimes with some pauses and hesitations; provides some arguments; speaks mostly coherently. Speaks with long pauses and hesitations; speech is mostly incoherent. Speaks with very long pauses and constant hesitations.

Uses most of learnt vocabulary appropriately, though with some mistakes.

Uses grammatical structures correctly in most cases, though some mistakes are made.

Pronunciation is clear , though some mistakes are made.

Uses simple vocabulary or with frequently inadequate choice. Uses very simple vocabulary.

Uses grammatical structures with frequent mistakes.

Frequent mistakes are made in pronunciation.

Frequently switches to other topic; provides with much extraneous information. Keeps silent or speaks inadequately, responds to other topic.

Uses very simple grammatical structures with some mistakes.

Pronunciation in most cases is not precise.

Scoring for role-play

Grammar (grammar, functions) 3 Appropriate use of functions and grammar with few minor mistakes or lapses. Use of grammar and functions with some mistakes. Vocabulary (vocabulary and most common expressions) Adequate and extensive use of vocabulary and expressions. Good command of vocabulary with sometimes inaccurate choice of words. Pronunciation (pronunciation, rhythm, intonation, stress.) Clear and precise pronunciation, rhythm, intonation and stress with minor lapses. Pronunciation, rhythm, intonation and stress are quite clear with some mistakes. Communication Task (interaction,turn- fulfillment taking, gesture) The student assumes the role and communicates fluently. The student is able to communicate, but sometimes hesitates when speaking and demands repetition. Speaks to the point.

In most cases speaks to the point but sometimes provides extraneous information.

Use of grammar and functions with frequent mistakes.

Uses simple vocabulary sometimes inadequately.

Frequent mistakes in pronunciation, rhythm, intonation and stress.

Inaccurate use of grammar with constant basic errors.

Inadequate Pronunciation is vocabulary , almost even at a very unintelligible. simple level of choice.

The student tries to get involved in his/her role and communicates with frequent hesitations. The student has too many burdens too achieve a minimum of communication.

Frequently switches to other topic.

Doesnt speak to the point or keeps silent.

Scoring for Information exchange Fluency

4 Speaks fluently with no or little hesitation.

Uses a range of grammatical structures correctly. Uses grammatical structures with some mistakes.

Uses a range of vocabulary appropriately,

Pronunciatio n


3 Speaks with some hesitation.

2 Speaks with long pauses.

Uses simple grammatical structures; or grammatical mistakes are frequent.

1 Speaks with very long pauses.

Uses simple grammatical structures with frequent mistakes.

Pronunciation is Gives and always clear asks the and correct. necessary information efficiently. Has a good Pronunciation is In most cases command of mostly correct gives and vocabulary, with some asks the though mistakes. necessary sometimes with Information; inappropriate choice of words. Uses simple Pronunciation is Mostly vocabulary or often incorrect. answers with frequently shortly; inappropriate doesnt give choice of full words. information; and/or asks the information. Uses very Pronunciation is Gives short simple in most cases responses; vocabulary. unintelligible. rarely asks information.

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