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Young Beth Jacob!

Groups Begin @ 10:30am, Parents please tend to your children beforehand

Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky

President Leopoldo Kahn

Rabbi Blooms Class: OFF

Groups with the Weisers-OFF


The reading for Rosh Hashanah can be found in the Machzor. In the Mussaf Orayer of Rosh Hashanah there are 3 descriptions of G-D, through which we can relate to Him: 1) Malchiyot-Kingliness G-D is the incomparable King of the Universe. The destiny of humanity is to come to this realization. Whereas human kings rule in accordance with the principle of Might makes Right, G-D is the holy King, which is at the same time beyond comparison in His power. Yet he is also the father of the orphan and the judge of the widow, who is always on the side of the powerless. He is the Incorruptible and Righteous Judge of the world, who favors no one and cannot be bribed. He is the true G-D and his word, the Torah, is true and eternal. 2) Zichronot-Rememberance We recognize that Hashem is above time and the idea of forgetting doed not apply to Him, nor is He limited in understanding the inner thoughts of His creatures. Nevertheless, we ask the He remebers only he good in our behalf when he judges us. For all of humanity, for the whole world is judged today, we ask that he remembers that faith of Noach who endured taunts and threats for 120 years while he built the Ark, and tried to explain its purpose to his wayword generation. For the Jewish people in particular, we ask that he remebers the early loyalty of our people who followed Him as a bride and later as a precious child 3) Shofar-Blast of the Shofar We recall the time that G-D revealed Himself on Mt. Sinai and gave us the Torah. The whole world trembled at Presence, creation shook in awe before you, when you, our King. did reveal Yourself on Mt. Sinai to give your people the Torah and its commandments, letting them hear your majestic voice, your holly words out of ashes of re. Amid thunder and lightning did you reveal Yourself to them, amid the sound of the Shofar did you appear to them. The Shofar will be sounded when our Exile return and when the temple will be rebulit. We ask that it be sounded again with the arrival of the Mashiach.

Youth Morning Groups Tots: Below 1st Grade with Morahs Faye & Shayna Group 2: Active and Educational Programs with our Middle School Helpers Junior Cong: The Classic Reborn with Mr. Weiser-OFF

Tweeners Groups Shalosh Seudos in classroom A OFF

Order meals Yom Kippur dren. for your chil Contact WeiserYM@g

Get Excited!
All of our exciting youth programming starts up again after the holidays. Looking forward to see everyone there! Contact Mr. Weiser for all the details - 619.933.6740


Chinuch $32 Regular $49 Premium $70 Mehudar $95 Need sechach for your Sukkah? Various sizes available.
Deadline September 9 619.287.9890 -

Candlelighting..........................6:51pm Mincha.....................................6:55pm

Rosh Hashanah Schedule

Daf Yomi...................................5:30pm Mincha.......................................6:40pm

To all guests and visitors who are here for Yom Tov.

Happy Birthday Deborah Brookler.

Shacharis Main Shul.................7:45am Daf Yomi...................................7:45am Latest Shema...........................9:36am Mincha.....................................6:45pm Light Candles After...................7:49pm


Mazal Tov
Happy Anniversary Jorge & Judith Halperin

Refuah Sheleima
| Doni Lepor |Eliot Klugman | |Mendel Flaster | Gloria Mazur | Reva Spektor |Irving Bernhardt |

Shacharis Main Shul.........7:45am

Tashlich means casting off in Hebrew and involves symbolically casting off the sins of the previous year by tossing pieces of bread or another food into a body of owing water. Just as the water carries away the bits of bread, so too are sins symbolically carried away. In this way the participant hopes to start the New Year with a clean slate. Tashlich originated during the Middle Ages and was inspired by a verse uttered by the prophet Micah: God will take us back in love; God will cover up our iniquites, You [God] will hurl all our sins Into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19) As the custom evolved it became tradition to go to a river and symbolically cast your sins into the water on the rst day of Rosh HaShanah. How to Observe Tashlich Tashlich is traditionally performed on the rst day of Rosh HaShanah, but if this day falls on Shabbat then tashlich isnt observed until the second day of Rosh HaShanah. If it is not performed on the rst day of Rosh HaShanah it can be done anytime up until the last day of Sukkot, which is thought to be the last day of the New Years judgment period. In order to perform tashlich take pieces of bread or another food and go to a owing body of water such as a river, stream, sea or ocean. Lakes or ponds that have sh are also a good place, both because the animals will eat the food and because sh are immune to the evil eye. Some traditions say that sh are also signicant because they can be trapped in nets just as we can be trapped in sin.

Special Welcome Chazzanim

Rabbi & Mrs. Stewart Mordy & Yael Estersohn

Monday Sep 22 3:00-8:30pm

Rabbi Bogopulskys Shabbat Shuva Derasha Shabbos September 7 @ 5:15pm

ENJOY OUR BEAUTIFUL SUKKAH DINING WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS Adult Member $24 Child Member $13 Adult Non-Member $29 Child Non-Member $18 Under 5-Free Reserve and Pay by Monday September 16th

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