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Como quitar una Personalizacion Goal

ID 304670.1

You created a personalization using the Personalization UI provided

with OA Framework. You followed the OA Framework Personalization & Extensibility Guide Note 236618.1 (OA Framework Personalization and Extensibility Guide: Version 5.7+) However, after creating the personalization, the page is no longer accessible and you need to back-out or remove this personalization to allow access to the page.

There are a few methods to remove the 'faulty' personalization from the OA Framework page.

Before starting to delete personalizations it's useful to understand some background how these are stored in Applications. All page definitions for OAF pages are stored as (XML) document in the MDS repository (located in the database). The reference to this is a document name with following format:

For example the Home Page document name is:


When creating personalizations in the OAF page the above mentioned document is not changed. Instead a separate document is created in the MDS repository containing the personalization(s) done. For each 'level' of personalization one document is stored with following format
/ oracle/apps/<product>/<subcategoris>/customizations/<personalizat ionlevel>/<personalizationid>/<pagename>

For example for the OA Framework home page the following document may exist Personalizations made at SITE level are saved in following document
/ oracle/apps/fnd/framework/navigate/webui/customizations/site/0/Ho mePG

Personalizations made for Function = OAHOMEPAGE are saved in

following document
/ oracle/apps/fnd/framework/navigate/webui/customizations/function/ OAHOMEPAGE/HomePG

Personalizations made for Organization = 204 are saved in following document

/ oracle/apps/fnd/framework/navigate/webui/customizations/org/204/H omePG

Beware that each document may include multiple personalization actions. When adding a personalization at SITE level the customization document for that level is updated. This makes that if adding a specific personalization introduces a problem and the personalization document is deleted also all other personalizations made at that level will be lost!!

Method 1 - Using responsibility Functional Administrator > Personalization (OA Framework 5.10+)
This is the recommended method to remove personalization (if it's not possible to access the OAF page anymore). It uses the default pages for maintaining personalization and only affects the OAF page involved. 1) Login to Oracle Applications as SYSADMIN2) Select Functional Administrator [resp] > Personalization [tab]3) Fill in the criteria to locate the OA Framework page and press Go Tip: Check 'Personalized' checkbox to only query the pages having a personalization4) Identify the correct page from the results returned5) Depending on the situation you have following options: Cause of failure is known (e.g. last change made) and can be removed

Click pencil "Personalize Page" and confirm personalization levels. Revert the personalization step causing the problem Apply the changes Retest if the page is now accessible again. Cause of the failure is unknown or can not be simply removed

Click pencil "Manage Personalizations" Now Deactivate or Delete the personalization document (*)

(*) The difference between Deactivate and Delete is that in the case of Deactivating the personalization document in the MDS repository is not removed, while this is the case for Delete. Especially when there are

multiple personalization documents, but it's not clear which causes the problem the 'Deactivate' allows these to be tested individually without the need to reload or recreate the personalization documents.

Method 2 - Temporary disable all Personalizations

In case it's not possible to determine the exact document name of the OAF page failing the following method can be used. The caveat of this method however is that during the change of profile option mentioned this makes *all* personalizations will be disabled so will also affect other pages. So only to be used on TEST environment or during maintenance window for PROD environment.1) Login to Oracle Applications as SYSADMIN and select System Administrator [resp] > Profile - System2) Update the Profile Option: "Disable Self-Service Personal" = YES This can be set at SITE and APPLICATION level3) Navigate to the OAF page personalized (may be done using another user) It should now open since personalizations are not taken into account4) Enter the personalization UI using the 'Personalize' link 5) Depending on the situation you have following options: Cause of the failure is known (e.g. last change made)
Revert the personalization step causing the problem Apply the changes

Cause of the failure is unknown

Click pencil "Manage Personalizations" Now Deactivate or Delete the personalization document (*)

(*) The difference between Deactivate and Delete is that in the case of Deactivating the personalization document in the MDS repository is not removed, while this is the case for Delete. Especially when there are multiple personalization documents, but it's not clear which causes the problem the 'Deactivate' allows these to be tested individually without the need to reload or recreate the personalization documents. 6) Login again and select System Administrator responsibility7) Update the Profile Option: "Disable Self-Service Personal" = NO (for the level it was set to YES)8) Retest the OAF page is rendered fine again

Method 3 - Removing personalization document in the database using JDR_UTILS package

This method only requires access to the database and must be used with great care to ensure the correct document is deleted. For this method you need to know the document name of the OAF page with

the personalization (See Introduction section)1) Login to SQLPlus as APPS user2) Run the following commands to show the available personalization documents
SQL> set serverout on; SQL> exec jdr_utils.listcustomizations('/oracle/apps/<product>/<subcategori es>/<pagename>');

SQL> exec jdr_utils.listcustomizations('/oracle/apps/fnd/framework/navigate /webui/HomePG');

3) This returns the documentnames of the personalization document for this OAF page. For example for SITE level on Homepage
/ oracle/apps/fnd/framework/navigate/webui/customizations/site/0/Ho mePG

4) Backup the personalization document by exporting it to a file (so it can be reloaded if needed). Make sure you are backing up the correct document. It should have "/customizations/" in the document name. From the web server, use the OS command:
adjava -mx128m -nojit \ / oracle/apps/<product>/<subcategories>/customizations/<personaliza tionlevel>/<personalizationid>/ /<pagename> \ -username apps \ -password <appspwd> \ -dbconnection "(description=(address_list=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST=<myHost>)(PORT=<port>)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<SID>)))" \ -rootdir /tmp

This create an XML document in the /tmp directory, like

/ tmp/oracle/apps/<product>/<subcategories>/<personalizationlevel>/ <personalizationid>/<pagename>.xml

5) Delete the personalization document. Be VERY careful you are deleting the personalization and not the base document !
SQL> exec jdr_utils.deletedocument('/oracle/apps/<product>/<subcategories>/ customizations/<personalizationlevel>/<personalizationid>/<pagena me>');

For the home page example this is:

SQL> exec jdr_utils.deletedocument('/oracle/apps/fnd/framework/navigate/web ui/customizations/site/0/HomePG');

6) Restart Apache to ensure that Java caching is cleared7) Retest the issue and confirm that OAF page is not accessible again 8) To restore the personalization document deleted, use the command (optional)
-adjava -mx128m -nojit \ / tmp/oracle/apps/<product>/<subcategories>/<personalizationlevel>/ <personalizationid>/<pagename>.xml \ -username apps \ -password apps \ -dbconnection "(description=(address_list=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST=<myHost>)(PORT=<port>)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<SID>)))" \ -rootdir /tmp

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