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IceKube Simulation

In our Consciousness Unit, we will study the affects of drugs and addiction on behavior. In order to give you a realistic idea of how dramatically drug addition permeate alls aspects of ones behavior our class will engage in a simulation called Icekube. Our simulation will last a minimum of 48 hours. You may choose to continue it for additional time, but do NOT exceed 3 days. 1. You will pretend to be addicted to Icekube which is simply an ice cube colored with food coloring. a. Any liquid you have must have a piece of colored ice in it. b. It has to be the same color for the entire simulation. No switching back and forth between red and blue. c. You must do everything in your power to hide your Icekube usage. i. Find ways to secretly make and transport ice throughout the day. ii. Find a way to keep it in ice form. Water does not substitute for the ice. 2. To simulate the destructive physical effects of drug use, you will have a 3 foot piece of twine to wear on your body somewhere during the simulation. a. You may wrap it around your leg, arm, or torso. b. No one should see this twine during the simulation. Conceal it. c. Once on, you cannot take it off or move it until our simulation is over. 3. Journal - To simulate the obsession associated with drug abuse, you must keep a journal. a. First entry. i. Describe your creation of Icekube. Where did you make it what did you use to make it? Where will you store it? What color did you choose and why? ii. Describe tying on your ribbon. This ribbon has to stay on you for the duration of the experiment in the initial spot you put it on. b. Hourly log. (must include times of journal) i. You should write in your journal 10 times each day. Space entries out. You should write an entry for every 11 hours of awake time. ii. Address both the Icekube and the ribbon. Describe your thirst. What is your plan to satisfy your craving? Have you had to mislead anyone? How is wearing the ribbon? c. Final entry for each day: i. Reflect on each days events. Make comparisons to real drug addictions. What parallels do you see? What

surprised you? 4. Write up a Final reflection at end of project: a. Evaluate difficulty of overall assignment in one last journal entry. b. Cut off your ribbon. Attach it to your journal before you turn it in I want to see how it looks after 2 days. How did it feel to cut it off? c. Debrief your parents. How did they react? Write down highlights of your conversation with them. The end goal in this simulation is to demonstrate how consuming addictive behavior can become in an individuals life. You are NOT supposed to go without water for 2 days!!
IceKube Rubric
First entry. (2 points) i. Described your creation of Icekube. ii. Described tying on your ribbon. Hourly iii. iv. v. vi. log. (8 points) 10 times each day - Day 1 10 times each day - Day 2 Spaced entries out. (every 1-1 hours of awake time.) Describe your thirst. What is your plan to satisfy your craving? Have you had to mislead anyone? How is wearing the ribbon?

Final entry for each day: (5 points) vii. Two end of day entries viii. Reflect on each days events. Make comparisons to real drug addictions. What parallels do you see? What surprised you? Final reflection: (5 points) ix. Evaluate difficulty of overall assignment. x. Cut off your ribbon. Attach it to your journal before you turn it in I want to see how it looks after 2 days. How did it feel to cut it off? xi. Debrief your parents. How did they react? Write down highlights of your conversation with them.

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We will discuss the amount of time and effort that was spent by each student in trying to hide and continue their addiction. We will continue to discuss the destructive effects of drugs on the mind and body. The students will then understand how a real addiction would be even more dangerous and destructive.

----------------------------------------------Students who are not participating will complete the following assignment dealing with addiction:

Find two recent news/magazine articles and watch a TV program on the addictive qualities of a particular psychoactive drug (cocaine, heroin, etc) there were a few related programs on TV (check listings Discovery Drug Nation, History Channel Hooked: History of Illegal Drugs). Write a summary and analysis/opinion piece that connects 10 terms from your textbook to the outside sources (at least 6 of which should come from the Consciousness chapter). Underline the terms in your paper (think I-D-A). You should start the paper with a fluid thesis that will guide your analysis. Use MLA format to document and cite sources. You should have two news sources, 1 TV program, and our textbook minimum.

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