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SUBJECT: HOSPITALIZATION and the CHILD TOPIC: THE EFFECTS OF HOSPITALIZATION ON THE CHILD DATE: Wednesday 01/05/13 VENUE: Playroom in Winston Ward TIME: 1:30 2:00 pm DURATION: 30 Minutes PRESENTER: R. Roberts ASGN1, AUDIENCE: Nurses of Winston Ward NUMBER OF PERSONS: approx. 6 METHODOLOGY: Interactive discussion, Question and Answer, Lecture TEACHING AIDES: pictures with scenarios, AIMS/GOALS: to give nurses the information - of how hospitalisation can affect children - that can assist them in improving child care OBJECTIVES: 1. Explain what is meant by Hospitalisation and Child 2. Explain the normal stressors of and response to hospitalization in children 3. Discuss the three stages of separation in children 4. Discuss nursing interventions to address the childs response to hospitalization and separation

OBJ. #




LEARNERS ACTIVITY Answer questions posed and interact with presenter


Introduction & Icebreaker #1

Introduce self and topic


Introduce self and topic

Hospitalization: The act of placing someone in a hospital for treatment, diagnosis or observation (Encarta, 2008) Child: a young human between birth and adolescence (birth 13/15)

2 mins.

Ask group for their understanding of the terms and then give definitions

Give understanding of terms and listen to definitions

Nurses will be able to define the terms correctly (allowing for personal understanding )


Normal stressors: Fear of the unknown, Separation anxiety, Fear of pain, Loss of control Response: Anxiety, Anger, Guilt, Regression, depression, isolation, violence

6 mins

Ask group for expected stressors and responses of hospitalized children. State and briefly explain normal stressors and

Give expected stressors and responses. Listen

Nurses will be able to identify two stressors and two responses

Toddler: regression, protest, anxiety Preschooler: uncooperative, crying, guilt and shame School-age child: desire for involvement, fear of pain, seeks reasoning #3 Bowlby, 1953 Protest: loud crying, screams for mother, and may hit, bite and kick in outrage, physically attack strangers, rejects attention of the nurse, tries to escape to find parent, clings to parent, physically tries to force parents to stay, Despair: May begin within an hour to days following separation. Crying stops, child looks sad, becomes sorrowful. Thumb sucking, refuse to make eye contact, 8 mins.

their responses in children.

Utilizing scenario, ask group to give expected behaviour in each phase, lead discussion, give info, answer questions.

Give expected behaviour for child during hospitalization

Nurses will be able to give two examples of each stage

using scenario of separation as guide. Discuss, ask questions during hospitalization

become depressed, disinterested in the environment, uncommunicative, loss of newly learned skills; regression Detachment: represses all feelings and images of mother, Child becomes more interested in surroundings, plays with others and forms new relationships. #4 Nursing interventions: Employ veracity, encourage parental inclusion in child care, encourage continuation of home routines where possible, be supportive and understanding, encourage independence, explain behaviour to parent, prepare child for all 8 mins Allow nurses to suggest interventions and reasons for same. Give your own where necessary. Lead discussion. Give nursing interventions for separation and stress responses. Discuss. Ask questions where clarification is needed Nurses are able to give five correct nursing interventions

procedures, follow painful procedures with pleasurable activities, allow expression of feelings, care for child holistically conclus ion Summary of points above 4 mins Ask questions to nurses about what was learnt; allow discussion and addition of points by nurses to facilitate discussion, review key points. Answer questions and discuss what was learnt in the teaching All questions will be adequately answered. Participation in class discussion.

BIBLIOGRAPHY As cited by B. Fontaine. (2012) From, Mott, R.S., James, R.S., & Sperhac, H. A. (1990). Nursing Care of Children & Families (2nd edition).Cummings Publishing company. Canada Encarta Dictionaries. (2008). Microsoft Corporation. Encarta Encyclopaedia. (2008). Child Development. Microsoft Corporation. Kozier, B., Erb, G., Berman, A., & Snyder, S. (2004). Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts, Process and Practice (7th Edition ed.).

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