Indian Economy

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Indian Economy 1.When was Varsha Bima introduced?

Ans: Varsha Bima was introduced in 2004 by Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. 2.For which kind of fertilizers India is totally dependent on Imports? Ans: For Potash Fertilizers. India is able to fulfill its 94% demand of Nitrogen and 82 % demand of Phosphate fertilizers 3.Through which Bank Rural Knowledge Centers are being established? Ans: NABARD 4.In which state Rural Business Hub scheme was launched ? Ans: Uttar Pradesh 5.Which act makes a different category for Medium Enterprises ? Ans: Small & Medium Enterprise Development Act 2006 6.Nayak Committee was constituted for which purpose? Ans: to evaluate the problems & sickness of small industries in India 7.What is the ceiling of Foreign Direct Investment in Defense Sector? Ans: 26% 8.At present how many companies are listed in Navratna & Miniratna categories? Ans: 18 & 58 respectively 9.In which year Small Industries Development Organization SIDO was established? Ans: 1954 10.Where was established the first ever Diesel Engine Factory and when? Ans: Satara in Maharastra in 1932 11.Where was established the first Cycle making factory in India? Ans: Calcutta (Kolkata) in 1932 12.What is India's share in global carpet exports Ans: 36 % , India is world leader 13.In which state maximum Jute mills are in India ? Ans: West Bengal 61 mills out of total 78 mills 14.In which Budget Village in Wheels was proposed to boost rural tourism? Ans: 2004-05 15.Which two countries are India's largest foreign trade partners? Ans: US followed by China 16.In which year Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd was established ? Ans: 2003 17.What is India's rank in Bauxite Resources for Aluminum? Ans: Fifth 18.What is India's Rank in world in Coal Deposits? Ans: Third after China & USA 19.Which area is India's main Diamond bearing area? Ans: Panna belt in Madhya Pradesh 20.Kolar & Hutti in Karnataka & Ramgiri in Andhra Pradesh is famous for which ore? Ans: Gold 21.Which is the largest producer state of graphite in India? Page 1

Indian Economy Ans: Orrisa 22.What is India's rank in Mica sheet production? Ans: first, India contributes 60 % of Mica trade in the world 23.Where is located the Center for Wind Energy Technology ? Ans: Chennai 24.In which year National Commission on Population was established? Ans: 2000 25.Which is the nodal agency in India that undertakes the procurement. Distribution & storage of food grains in India? Ans: Food Corporation of India Ltd. provided by

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