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12/49, Soi 5, Chaengwattana Road, Bangkok 10210, Thailand

Date: 30 April 2009 SUBJECT: CIRCULAR ON THE OUTCOMES OF SPECTRUM WORKING GROUP OF AWF FROM AWF-6 MEETING Dear Sir/Madam, As you would recall, the APT Wireless Forum (AWF) completed its latest meeting (AWF-6) in Danang, Vietnam, on 3 April, 2009. As part of its activities, the meeting considered the work that had been undertaken since its previous meeting and, in particular, the tasks attributed to the six Sub-Working Groups of the AWFs Spectrum Working Group (SWG). In addition, consideration was given to the establishment of a seventh Sub-Working Group. You will find attached the report from the Spectrum Working Group, arising from this latest AWF meeting (document AWF-6/OUT-02). The purpose of this communication is to bring these matters to your attention and also to seek responses from your administration on a number of items for consideration at the forthcoming AWF seventh meeting, expected to be held in September 2009. Matters relating to each of the groups are dealt with in turn, as indicated below. Sub-WG 1 1-FWA sharing with IMT-2000 This group, which deals with studies on the co-existence between IMT-2000 technologies, and between IMT-2000 technologies and other wireless access technologies, finalised the first revision of its report on a number of sharing studies. This revision to the Report will now be circulated to AWF administrations in accordance with the AWF Document Approval procedure. The report (Studies on the Co-Existence between IMT-2000 Technologies and between IMT-2000 Technologies and other Wireless Access Technologies in Adjacent and Near-Adjacent Frequency Bands) can be downloaded from Work will continue in order to address the interference scenarios that have not yet been fully addressed and input from members is welcomed on these remaining interference scenarios that have yet to be treated in any detail. APT members are encouraged to carry out work on these sharing studies in the period leading up to the next AWF meeting. The interference scenarios where contributions are sought are:
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Page 2 of 7 CDMA2000 uplink in 1850 - 1910 MHz and the GSM downlink in 1805 - 1880 MHz TDD and FDD systems at 2 GHz PHS systems in the 1885-1920 MHz band and WCDMA uplinks in the 1920-1980 MHz band

In addition, colleagues from CEPT, in AWF-6 document INF-04, indicated that: ECC PT1 has been informed that 3GPP have completed the specification of GSM Multicarrier Base Stations (MCBTS) for the GSM900 and GSM1800 frequency bands. GSM MCBTS have relaxed specifications (as compared to single carrier base stations) in the area of intermodulation, spurious emissions (on the transmitter side) and blocking requirements (on the receiver side). Relaxed intermodulation and spurious emission requirements may potentially create additional interference to systems operating in adjacent bands. With the forthcoming introduction of GSM Multi-carriers BS (GSM MCBTS) in these bands, CEPT has initialized some compatibility studies between GSM MCBTS and services: GSM MCBTS - GSM-R (GSM900 band); GSM MCBTS - Aeronautical systems operating in 960 1215 MHz. (DME and FCS); GSM MCBTS operating in the GSM-1800 band - DECT in 1880 1900 MHz. GSM MCBTS - UMTS 900. There might be a need for AWF to carry out similar work to consider the possible regulatory impact in the APT region. AWF members might wish to consider this suggestion form CEPT PT1 and submit the results of any sharing studies to the next AWF meeting. You are requested to forward the results of your studies, along with any other comments, to the Sub-Working Group 1 e-mail reflector (, for consideration by all members of the group. The format of the Report should be followed, as appropriate, when preparing your submissions. Sub-WG 1 2-digital dividend resulting from the introduction of digital terrestrial television broadcasting within the band 470-806 MHz At the AWF-6 meeting, the group commenced its detailed work on the Digital Dividend. Sub-WG1 considered responses received to the UHF Digital Dividend Questionnaire from twelve Administrations and from one Associate Member and commenced work on the development of a Report on UHF Band usage and considerations for realizing the UHF Digital Dividend. This Report will include the survey responses received as well as information on Digital Dividend developments in other regions as well as industry views. See document AWF-6/TMP-01Rev.4. This text will be carried forward as a working document to the next meeting of the AWF to be held in September 2009. APT members are encouraged to review the document prior to that meeting and consider inputs to improve the text. The aim is to finalize the Report at the September 2009 meeting. In addition, those APT Members who had not yet submitted a response to the questionnaire are requested to do so prior to the AWF-7 meeting.

Page 3 of 7 Following the completion of the Report, Sub-WG1 agreed that it would then begin work on a second APT Report/Recommendation relating to harmonization of a UHF frequency band plan. Sub-WG1 also agreed on a workplan contained in AWF-6/TMP-04Rev.1 and the AWF Plenary agreed to liaise this workplan to ITU-R Working Party 5D given WP5Ds targeted timeline for completion of revisions to Recommendation M.1036-3 to include UHF frequency channel plans. The liaison statement is contained in AWF-6/OUT-06Rev.2. You are also requested to forward the results of any studies or other documents on this subject including proposals for a work plan for sharing studies associated with this task, as well as any other comments, to the Sub-Working Group 1 e-mail reflector, for consideration by all members of the group. Alternatively, contributions will be very welcome at the AWF-7 meeting. Furthermore, Sub-WG1 decided to work offline subsequent to the AWF-6 meeting to try to coordinate APT member inputs to the ITU-D Study Group 2 Question related to this topic in order to reflect the situation in the Asia Pacific. Document AWF-6/INF-06 refers. Sub-WG 2 PPDR frequency harmonization This group deals with the harmonised use of frequencies in the region for Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR). Following on from the approval of a APT/AWF Recommendation on PPDR use of the 4940-4990 MHz band, the work of Sub-WG2 continues with the development of similar Recommendations covering PPDR use in a number of UHF bands for narrow band PPDR applications. Sub-WG2 finalized the new report on PPDR spectrum (Document AWF-6/OUT-08 Rev.1) and a draft contribution to ITU-R WP5A (Document AWF-6/OUT-07). These two documents were approved by the AWF Plenary, and they will be circulated for approval under the AWF document approval process. Sub-WG2 also proposed that the AWF encourage administrations to provide expeditious approval the draft contribution to WP5A so that it could be sent to the ITU-BR in time for the next WP5A meeting (to be held from 18 to 27 May, 2009). In addition, Sub-WG2 also considered a draft liaison statement to JTG5-6 (Document AWF6/TMP-15). However this document was not be finalized as it was also noted that there is not enough time to meet the time deadlines of the work of JTG5-6. The AWF draws the attention of administrations to this information and encourages them to submit suitable inputs to JTG56 directly. At the next AWF meeting, Sub-WG2 will update the new report on the PPDR spectrum by adding further technical details of various bands for which contributions are invited. The bands on which further work is to be carried out include 380-400 MHz, 746-806 MHz and 5850-5 925 MHz. While the band 746-806 is being considered under the digital dividend studies by Sub-WG1, members are invited to forward technical characteristics of PPDR applications in the other two bands. Further, members are invited to forward your material and any comments on the draft JTG and WP5A contributions to the Sub-Working Group 2 email reflector (, for consideration by all members of the group. Additional contributions on other issues relating to spectrum aspects of PPDR applications are also very welcome at the AWF-7 meeting itself.

Page 4 of 7 Sub-WG 3 Aeronautical and maritime matters The group considered document AWF-5/INP-60 on the use of mobile terminals on board vessels. AWF administrations are requested to submit their views on this document and its attachment and Sub-WG3 looks forward to contributions to the AWF-7 meeting which should clarify important technical requirements of national and international regulations. Sub-WG3 also reviewed an information document, AWF-6/INF-05 (Draft framework for the use of mobile phones on board vessels), which contains material developed in Europe on the topic. Administrations are requested to also study this material and provide their viewpoints to the AWF-7 meeting. Sub-WG3 reviewed the document AWF-5/OUT-04 (Rev.1) Update on the proposal for guidelines on technical conditions for the use of mobile phones onboard aircraft and updates to these Guidelines were approved during the meeting. See document AWF-6/OUT-14. Administrations that have additional or revised material to include in these Guidelines are requested to make it available to the AWF-7 meeting. Sub-WG 4 Broadband Wireless Access and Software Defined Radio Sub-Working Group 4 considered input material on possible frequency arrangements for the 2.3-2.4 GHz band and developed a questionnaire to seek responses from AWF members about their current usage and future plans. AWF administrations are requested to respond to the questionnaire and their responses would then be considered in the development of APT frequency arrangements at future AWF meetings. In addition to the questionnaire, Sub-WG4 produced a working document for the proposed APT Report on frequency arrangement for the 2.3-2.4 GHz band, based on the initial inputs to the meeting. This text (document AWF6/TMP-18) will be further developed at the next (AWF-7) meeting. You are requested to review the material in this document and to forward the results of any relevant studies, along with any other comments, to the Sub-Working Group 4 e-mail reflector (, for consideration by all members of the group. Contributions will also be very welcome at the AWF-7 meeting. With regard to the proposal to initiate study on APT frequency arrangements for the 2.5-2.69 GHz band, it was agreed that AWF should initially circulate a questionnaire to seek responses from AWF members about their current usage and future plans. AWF administrations are requested to respond to the questionnaire and their responses would then be considered and a decision could be taken as to whether AWF should work on APT frequency arrangements for that band. You are kindly requested to consider this issue and to and to submit contributions on the topic, either to the Sub-Working Group 4 e-mail reflector (, for consideration by all members of the group, or, alternatively, to the next AWF-7 meeting. With respect to the text being developed for an APT Report on BWA, Sub-WG4 considered two input contributions to update the working document. It was agreed in the meeting that the completion of this report would be deferred for one more meeting and the AWF workplan item relating to this document was revised accordingly. Document AWF-6/TMP-22 contains the text of working document which will be carried forward to the AWF-7 meeting. AWF members are requested to submit further information for inclusion in the report. Sub-WG 5 RFID, UWB and Short Range Devices

Page 5 of 7 The Sub-Working Group further considered the Draft New APT Report on SRD devices. New material from China and Vietnam was incorporated in the text. This revised text will be circulated for approval under the AWF document approval process. Sub-WG5 considered document AWF-6/INP-60 on the development of a Working Document towards a Report on the impact on FSS and BSS networks by short range devices. Sub-WG5 agreed that the text annexed to document INP-60 forms a good basis to commence this work and AWF members are requested to submit material to the AWF-7 meeting for consideration and eventual inclusion in the Working Document. Document AWF-6/INP-60 will be carried forward to the next meeting. Advice from AWF members is requested on topics for future consideration in Sub-Working Group 5 (such as Intelligent Transport Systems ITS). You are kindly requested to provide submissions on potential topics for future study for consideration at the AWF-7 meeting. Sub-WG 6 Spectrum Monitoring The Sub-Working Group considered the draft report material contained in Document AWF5/INP-58R2 and its attachments and revised this text during the meeting as a result of additional input material provided by two administrations. This text will be carried forward to the AWF-7 meeting for further development. If you have not already done so, your administration is kindly requested to respond to the survey since the report material is basic information for understanding the status and situation of current spectrum monitoring activities in each member administration. Sub-WG6 also identified that the potential output in future Sub-WG-6 meetings could include but not be limited to the following: 1. Protection techniques for monitoring stations from lightening strikes 2. Common interface between monitoring systems from different manufacturers for exchanging data 3. Methods and techniques for major event spectrum monitoring You are kindly requested to provide submissions on these or other matters concerning monitoring for consideration at the AWF-7 meeting. Creation of Sub-Working Group 7 on Software Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio Systems AWF-6 agreed to establish a new Sub-Working Group on SDR and CRS. Document AWF6/OUT-15 provides the Terms of Reference of the new group. Documents AWF-6/INP-37, 39 and 40 on this topic are being carried forward to the AWF-7 meeting. You are kindly requested to provide submissions on SDR and CRS or other related matters for consideration at the AWF-7 meeting. Proposed New Studies AWF-6 agreed the text of a Liaison Statement to the APG with respect to AWF possibly undertaking studies relating to WRC-11 Agenda Item 1.2. AWF awaits the comments from the APG on this matter prior to commencing any studies. The AWF also agreed to study the possibility of removing regulatory restrictions on the FSS in some bands in the 10-15 GHz range as currently there exists insufficient FSS spectrum in

Page 6 of 7 the Earth-to-space direction in ITU Region 3 to adequately complement the 1.05 GHz of FSS spectrum available in the space-to-Earth direction with which it is paired. You are kindly requested to provide submissions on this matter for consideration at the AWF-7 meeting.

Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to recommend your detailed consideration of the matters raised above. They are all different aspects of a movement towards more harmonised use of the radio frequency spectrum in the region, this being one of the major objectives of the APT Wireless Forum. I thank you in advance for your cooperation. Yours faithfully, John Lewis Chairman, Spectrum Working Group APT Wireless Forum

Attachment: Meeting Report of Spectrum WG

(OUT-02) AWF-6 SWG Meeting Report.doc

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