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1.Quasars __________ emitting extremely intense radio waves and visible radiation. 1. Star-like objects are 2.

Star-like, they are objects 3. are star-like objects 4. are they star-like objects 2.Mary Cassatt specialized __________ mothers with their children. 1. painted 2. who painted 3. paintings 4. in painting 3.Gorillas are quiet animals, __________ they are able to make about twenty different sounds. 1. how 2. in spite of 3. because of 4. even though 4.From 1946 to 1949, __________ William Henry Hastie served as governor of the Virgin Islands. 1. the lawyer 2. he was the lawyer 3. the lawyer who 4. was the lawyer 5.________ struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time. 1. When is it 2. One is 3. When it is 4. Is one 6._________ one time, Manchester, New Hampshire, was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world. 1. On 2. At 3. By 4. To

7.The edible tube mushroom __________ a cushion-like, moist cap that is light brown or darkish red. 1. which has 2. to have 3. having 4. has 8.In 1961 the entertainer Chubby Checker introduced a __________ to New Yorks rockn roll fans. 1. new dance, the twist 2. twist, was the new dance 3. twist, the new dance that 4. new dance is the twist 9.In sculpture __________modeling denotes a way of shaping clay, wax, or other pliable materials. 1. to the term 2. is termed 3. the term 4. to term 10.The capacity for flight __________insects from the other invertebrates. 1. to distinguish 2. distinguishes 3. which distinguishes 4. distinguishing Vocabulary
For each question, choose the synonym.

1. Which word means the same as ENTHUSIASTIC? a. adamant b. available c. cheerful d. eager 2. Which word means the same as ADEQUATE? a. sufficient b. mediocre c. proficient d. average 3. Which word means the same as ECSTATIC? a. inconsistent b. positive c. wild d. thrilled

4. Which word means the same as AFFECT? a. accomplish b. cause c. sicken d. influence 5. Which word means the same as CONTINUOUS? a. intermittent b. adjacent c. uninterrupted d. contiguous 6. Which word means the same as COURTESY? a. civility b. congruity c. conviviality d. rudeness 7. Which word means the same as FRAIL? a. vivid b. delicate c. robust d. adaptable 8. Which word means the same as RECUPERATE? a. mend b. endorse c. persist d. worsen 9. Which word means the same as SUFFICIENT? a. majestic b. scarce c. tranquil d. adequate 10. Which word means the same as COMPOSURE? a. agitation b. poise c. liveliness d. stimulation 11. Which word means the same as ECCENTRIC? a. normal b. frugal c. peculiar d. selective 12. Which word means the same as COMMENDABLE? a. admirable b. accountable c. irresponsible d. noticeable 13. Which word means the same as PASSIVE? a. inactive b. emotional c. lively d. woeful 14. Which word means the same as VAST? a. attentive b. immense c. steady d. slight

15. Which word means the same as COMPLY? a. subdue b. entertain c. flatter d. obey 16. Which word means the same as WILL? a. resolve b. spite c. sanity d. idleness 17. Which word means the same as ENLIGHTEN? a. relocate b. confuse c. comply d. teach 18. Which word means the same as RIGOROUS? a. demanding b. tolerable c. lenient d. disorderly 19. Which word means the same as OBLIVIOUS? a. visible b. sinister c. conscious d. unaware 20. Which word means the same as VERIFY? a. disclose b. confirm c. refute d. unite 21. Which word means the same as RATIONAL? a. deliberate b. invalid c. prompt d. sound 22. Which word means the same as ERRONEOUS? a. digressive b. confused c. impenetrable d. incorrect 23. Which word means the same as GROTESQUE? a. extreme b. frenzied c. hideous d. typical 24. Which word means the same as GARBLED? a. lucid b. unintelligible c. devoured d. outrageous 25. Which word means the same as EXPOSE? a. relate b. develop c. reveal d. pretend

26. Which word means the same as COERCE? a. force b. permit c. waste d. deny 27. Which word means the same as ABRUPT? a. interrupt b. sudden c. extended d. corrupt 28. Which word means the same as APATHY? a. hostility b. depression c. indifference d. concern 29. Which word means the same as DESPAIR? a. mourning b. disregard c. hopelessness d. loneliness 30. Which word means the same as CONTEMPTUOUS? a. respectful b. unique c. scornful d. insecure 31. Which word means the same as TOTE? a. acquire b. carry c. tremble d. abandon 32. Which word means the same as DISTINCT? a. satisfied b. frenzied c. uneasy d. separate

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