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OTS Citizens Charter

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OTS Citizens Charter

MESSAGE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Since its creation on January 30, 2004, in response to the international mandate calling for a single authority responsible for the security of all modes of transportation in the Philippines, the Office for Transportation Security (OTS) has consistently endeavored to effectively carry out its mandate to secure the transportation systems against all acts of terrorism. OTS Citizens Charter will not only enlighten the public of the OTS role in the security of our country against terrorism but will also provide guidelines on how to fully avail of its services in all modes of transportation security and on employee administration, among others. Hopefully, we will be able to continuously deliver quality service to our clients and stakeholders as the Office consists of frontline services of operating bureaus namely: Civil Aviation Security Bureau, Maritime Transportation Security Bureau, Land Transportation Security Bureau and Intelligence and Operations Bureau task to secure the transportation system as well as support bureaus namely: Legal and Planning Bureau and Administrative and Finance Bureau. This Citizens Charter will be made available and accessible to the general public and can be downloaded from OTS website. This Charter shall guide us in nurturing the traditional values of a good public servant, namely: professionalism, courtesy, efficiency and integrity, and enhance transparency and accountability in government service.

OTS Citizens Charter

SERVICE PLEDGE We, the officials and employees of Office for Transportation Security, do solemnly pledge and commit to deliver excellent security services in all modes of transportation on air, water and land against acts of unlawful interference necessary for the free movement of people and commerce towards economic development with outmost professionalism, courtesy, efficiency and integrity.


OTS Citizens Charter

Message from the Administrator Service Pledge 1. Introduction 2. About the Office for Transportation Security 2.1. Brief Description of the OTS 2.2. Vision 2.3. Mission 2.4. Mandates 2.5. Power & Functions 2.6. Primary Functions of Bureaus 2.6. OTS Organizational Structure 2.7. Clients and Stakeholders 3. List of Frontline Services 4. Step-by-Step Procedures in Obtaining a Particular Service 4.1. Airport Passenger and Baggage Screening at Airport Station 4.2. Evaluation and Approval of Ship Security Assessment 4.3. Evaluation and Approval of Port Facility Security Assessment 4.4. Issuance of International Ship Security Certificate / National Ship Security Certificate 4.5. Issuance of Statement of Compliance of Port Facility 4.6. Issuance of Certificate of Security Compliance (LTSB) 4.7. Security Survey/Information 4.8. Application for Employment 4.9. Approval of Application for Monetization/Commutation of Leave 4.10. Pag-ibig/GSIS Loan Application 4.11. Application for Travel Authority 4.12. Issuance of Certification of Employment and Service Record 4.13. Processing and Approval of Application for Leave 4.14. Payment of Claims 5. Feedback Mechanism 5.1. Feedback and Complaint Form 5.1.1 Example of Forms 5.2. OTS Website 5.3. OTS Directory 5.3.1. Directory of Officials 5.3.2. Office Location Map i ii 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 22 22 23 24 24 24

10/23/2009OTS Citizens Charter

INTRODUCTION The Office for Transportation Security or OTS is an agency attached to the Department of Transportation and Communications was created in 2004 by virtue of Executive Order 277 and further strengthened by Executive Order 311. The OTS oversees and coordinates all security measures being implemented in all modes of transportation. OTS is a direct response of the Philippines to the world call on the fight against terrorism. It coordinates with other international agencies to ensure that the Philippines remains at the forefront of implementing world-class security and safety procedures and measures. It likewise conducts skills training and knowledge transfer seminars to private sector partners involved in securing our transport facilities. Manned by nearly one thousand skilled professionals in six (6) Bureaus, the OTS is present in all the major transport hubs of the Philippines, vigilantly securing our national interest.

About The Office for Transportation Security Brief Description of the OTS To effectively carry out its mandate of securing the transportation systems against terrorism, OTS was organized into six (6) Bureaus; Civil Aviation Security Bureau (CASB), Maritime Transportation Security Bureau (MTSB), Land Transportation Security Bureau (LTSB), and Intelligence and Operations Bureau (IOB), Legal & Planning Bureau (LPB), Administrative and Finance Bureau (AFB). Vision The Office for Transportation Security (OTS) is committed to the maintenance of secured and dependable transportation systems as effective instruments for national recovery and economic progress. Mission To formulate, develop, implement and coordinate transportation security measures, programs, plans and activities which will enhance the security of the transportation systems of the country.


OTS Citizens Charter

Mandates Office for Transportation Security (OTS) is the designated single authority responsible for the security of the transportation systems of the country, including but not limited to: Civil Aviation, Sea Transport and Maritime Infrastructure, Land Transportation, Rail System and Infrastructure. Power and Functions A. Assume the functions of the National Civil Aviation Security Committee (NCASC). B. Exercise operational control and supervision over all units of law enforcement agencies and agency personnel providing security services in the transportation systems. C. Exercise responsibility for transportation security operations. D. Formulate, develop, promulgate and implement and upgrade comprehensive security plans, policies, measures, strategies and programs. E. Examine and audit the performance of transportation security personnel, equipment and facilities. F. Prepare a security manual/master plan or programme which shall prescribe the rules and regulations for the efficient and safe operation of all transportation systems, including standards for security screening procedures. G. Prescribe security and safety standards for all transportation systems in accordance with existing laws, rules, regulations and international conventions; H. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of the DOTC, issue transportation security regulations/ rules. I. Enlist the assistance of any department, bureau, office, instrumentality, or government-owned or controlled corporation, to carry out its functions and mandate including, but not limited to, the use of their respective personnel, facilities and resources. J. Actively coordinate with law enforcement agencies in the investigation and prosecution of any illegal act or unlawful interference. K. Perform such other functions necessary or as may be directed by the secretary of the DOTC.


OTS Citizens Charter

Primary Functions of the Bureaus CASB Civil Aviation Security Bureau - ensures that Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, as amended, commonly referred to as the Standards and Recommended Practices on Security and as enumerated in the Security Manual for Safeguarding International Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference, as well as the National Civil Aviation Security Programme (NCASP) are implemented. MTSB Maritime Transportation Security Bureau - ensures that the International Maritime Organization International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) is implemented, and that a National Security Programme for Sea Transport and Maritime Infrastructure is formulated, developed and implemented. LTSB Land Transportation Security Bureau - ensures that a National Security Programme for Land Transportation, Rail System and Infrastructure is formulated, developed and implemented. IOB Intelligence and Operations Bureau - serves as the Intelligence Fusion Center for the OTS as the central facility for the production of information of intelligence and operational value to the transportation sector. IOB likewise serves as a decision support mechanism for the formulation of policy and strategy for transportation security concerns, as well as a focal point of contact and coordination for intelligence matters both with local intelligence entities and foreign counterparts. LPB Legal and Planning Bureau - provides legal assistance and counseling in the proper enforcement and implementation of Transportation Security Regulations. LPB likewise acts as the regular secretariat of the constituted Transportation Security Committees, which pave the way for the drafting and approval of National Transportation Security Programmes now being implemented for civil aviation; sea transport and maritime infrastructure; and road and rail. AFB Administrative and Finance Bureau - is in charge of allocating the budget of the whole office by providing the Agency with economical, efficient and effective services relating to operational budget planning and programming, development of management and internal control systems and procedures, as well as the conduct of management, and formulation of financial and operations audit programs. AFB likewise, ensures the compliance of OTS to the laws of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) making OTS one of the most professional agencies in the government. It also provides the Agencys efficient and effective services relative to personnel, procurement, property and disposal, information, records, motor transport and mobility, security, janitorial & other support services.


OTS Citizens Charter

OTS Organizational Structure

Institute for Transportation Security, Training & Studies






Land & Rail




Admin & Finance


Legal & Planning


* Bureau Level organizational structure only. Each Bureau has several operational units not defined in this chart.

Clients and Stakeholders International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) International Civil Aviation Organization - Cooperative Aviation Security Program - Asia/Pacific (ICAO-CASP) International Maritime Organization (IMO) Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government (DITRDLG) Office of Transport Security, Australian Government (OTS-Au. Govt.) Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Japan (MLITT) Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CIAA) Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA)


OTS Citizens Charter

Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA) Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation (PADC) Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Cebu Port Authority (CPA) Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) Land Transportation Office (LTO) Land Transportation Franchising Regulatory Board (LTFRB) Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) Office for Transport Cooperative (OTC) Philippine National Railways (PNR) Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA) Metro Rail Transit (MRT) National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) Aviation Security Group Philippine National Police (ASG-PNP) Civil Service Commissions (CSC) Ombudsman (OMB) All Airports Airport Users Port Owners Shipping Companies Transport Passengers LIST OF FRONTLINE SERVICES
PROCESSING TIME (Under normal circumstances per transaction) 4.3 minutes 6 days Person Responsible/ Location CASB/SSOs MTSB/Clerk/Div. Chief/AA,MTSB

Type of Services Airport Passenger and Baggage Screening at Airport Station Evaluation and Approval of Ship Security Assessment

FEES None None

FORMS Travel documents (for profiling) Ship Security Assessment Report with following: Info Sheet, Cert of Ownership, Cert of Vessel Registry, Marina Accreditation of Shipping Company, General Arrangement Plan And On-scene Security Survey Check-off list Permit to Operate, Info Sheet, Port Facility Security Assessment Report

Evaluation and Approval of Port Facility Security Assessment


6 days

MTSB/Clerk/Div. Chief/AA,MTSB


OTS Citizens Charter Issuance of International Ship Security Certificate / National Ship Security Certificate Issuance of Statement of Compliance of Port Facility Issuance of Certificate of Security Compliance Security Survey/Inspection with Threat and Risk Assessment Application for Employment None None None None None Letter request, Approved SSA Letter request, Approved PFSA Security Assessment, Security Plan Letter Request PDS, 1 pc. Passport Size picture, Diploma/TOR, Local Clearances (NBI, Police, Brgy. & Regional Trial Court), CTC, Certificate of seminars & trainings Letter Request Service Record, Cert of nonpending case, Cert that employee is not on-leave w/o pay Cert of non-pending case, cert of non-pending task, service record None Letter Request, Duly accomplished leave form Billing Statement & Support Documents 10 days 10 days 8 days and 20 mins 3 days 30 mins MTSB/Clerk/Div. Chief/AA,MTSB MTSB/Clerk/Div. Chief/AA,MTSB LTSB IOB AFB

Approval of Application for Monetization/Commutation of Leave Pag-ibig/GSIS Loan Application Application for Travel Authority Issuance of Certification of Employment and Service Record Processing and Approval of Application for Leave Payment of Claims

None None

2 days, 1 hour and 40 mins 2 days


None None None None

1 day 1 hour and 40 mins 2 hours and 30 mins 5 hours



OTS Citizens Charter


Office: Civil Aviation Security Bureau Frontline Service: Airport Passenger and Baggage Screening at Airport Station Clients: Airport Users Requirements: Travel Documents if needs arises Schedule of Availability of Service: 24/7 operation Fees: None Total Processing Time: 4.3 minutes No. 1 Client Step Passenger enters the passenger area Agency Action Regulate and control the orderly screening of airport users one at a time prior to baggage screening Monitor passenger for any prohibited items while passing thru the WTMD. If WTMD sounds off, advise passenger for body frisking else proceed to check-in counter Frisk Passenger. Check for the cause of sounds detected in WTMD. If prohibited items found, refer to Armed Supervisor else proceed to check-in counter Inspect baggage using x-ray machine for any prohibited items. If baggage contains any suspicious prohibited items, advise the passenger to open his baggage for manual inspection else advise passenger to proceed to check-in counter Manual inspection of baggage If passenger and baggage cleared of any prohibited items proceed to check-in counter else refer to Armed Supervisor Office/ Person Responsible CASB/ Passenger Controller CASB/SSO Frisker Location of Office Security Screening Checkpoint (Airport) ---do--Duration 15 seconds

15 seconds

CASB/ SSO Frisker


75 seconds

CASB/ SSO X-ray Operator


75 seconds

5 6 Proceed to check-in Counter

CASB/SSO Baggage Inspector CASB/SSO


90 seconds

Note: Security cannot be compromised; hence, passengers are advised to follow strictly the rules and procedures for screening. Legend: CASB SSO WTMD - Civil Aviation Security Bureau - Security Screening Officer - Walk-Thru Metal Detector


OTS Citizens Charter Office: Maritime Transportation Security Bureau Services: Evaluation and Approval of Ship Security Assessment Clients: Shipping Company Requirements: Letter of Application for Approval of SSA Ship Security Assessment Certificate of Vessel Registry Marina Accreditation of Shipping Company Accomplished On-scene Security Survey Check-off List Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday - Friday (8:00AM-5:00PM) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 6 days No. 1 Client Step Submit letter request together with Ship Security Assessment and documentary requirements (Wait for notice) Receive notice of approval and the advice for preparation and submission of corresponding Ship Security Plan or the notice of deficiencies for rectification Agency Action Receive/Record & Endorse Ship Security Assessment to AA, MTSB/Endorse SSA to CSSS Conduct Tabletop Evaluation If approved, notify clients of the approval and advice to prepare and submit corresponding Ship Security Plan. If not, notify clients of the major deficiencies of the SSA for rectification Office Person Responsible MTSB/ Ms. Marietta Clarito/AA, MTSB Location of Office MTSB Office Duration 1 day

2 3

SSS/Mr. Germiniano Betero SSS/Mr. Germiniano Betero


4 days 1 day

Prohibitions: The time/duration for every transaction specified above shall be extended in case of natural calamities, non-availability of funds and trained personnel such as inspectors/auditors. Legend: AA, MTSB CSSS SSS SSA MTSB Assistant Administrator, Maritime Transportation Security Bureau Chief, Ship Security Service Ship Security Service Ship Security Assessment Maritime Transportation Security Bureau


OTS Citizens Charter Office: Maritime Transportation Security Bureau Services: Evaluation and Approval of Port Facility Security Assessment Clients: Port Operators Requirements: Permit to Operate Information Sheet Port Facility Security Assessment Report Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday - Friday (8:00AM-5:00PM) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 6 days No. 1 Client Step Submit letter request together with Port Facility Security Assessment and documentary requirements (Wait for notice) Receive notice for preparation and submission of Ship Security Plan or receive notice of deficiencies for rectification Agency Action Receive/Record & Endorse Port Facility Security Assessment to AA, MTSB/Endorse PFSA to CPFSS Conduct Tabletop Evaluation If PFSA is approved, notify clients of the approval and advice to prepare and submit Port Facility Security Plan. If not, notify clients of the major deficiencies of PFSA for rectification Office Person Responsible MTSB/Ms. Marietta Clarito/AA, MTSB Location of Office MTSB Office Duration 1 day

2 3

PFSS/Mr. Perfecto Corpuz PFSS/Mr. Perfecto Corpuz


4 days 1 day

Prohibitions: The time/duration for every transaction specified above shall be extended in case of natural calamities, non-availability of funds and trained personnel such as inspectors/auditors. Legend: AA, MTSB Assistant Administrator, Maritime Transportation Security Bureau CPFSS Chief, Port Facility Security Service PFSS Port Facility Security Service PFSA Port Facility Security Assessment MTSB Maritime Transportation Security Bureau


OTS Citizens Charter Office: Maritime Transportation Security Bureau Services: Issuance of National Ship Security Certificate (NSSC) Clients: Shipping Company Requirements: Letter Request of Application for Issuance of NSSC Ship Security Plan Accomplished Check-off List of SSP Approved Ship Security Assessment Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday - Friday (8:00AM-5:00PM) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 10 days No. 1 Client Step Submit letter request together with Ship Security Plan and documentary requirements (Wait for notice) Receive notice of the their deficiencies for rectification Receive notice of scheduled inspection Prepare briefing material Receive notice of their deficiencies for rectification Receive National Ship Security Certificate Agency Action Receive/Record & Endorse Ship Security Plan to AA, MTSB/Endorse SSP to CSSS Conduct Tabletop Evaluation If passed Tabletop Evaluation, endorse to AA, MTSB for approval. If not, notify clients their major deficiencies for rectification Notify clients the schedule of verification/prepare travel documents Conduct verification/survey of ship and preparation of after verification/audit report If passed verification, recommend approval of NSSC to the administrator. If not, notify clients of the deficiencies for rectification Issuance of National Ship Security Certificate Office Person Responsible MTSB/Ms. Marietta Clarito/AA,MTSB Location of Office MTSB Office Duration 1 day

2 3

SSS/Capt. Pedro Lopez MTSB/AA,MTSB


2 days 1 day

4 5 6

MTSB/Mr. Germiniano Betero MTSB/Auditors MTSB/Mr. Germiniano Betero/ AA,MTSB/ Administrator MTSB/ Ms. Marietta Clarito


1 day 3 days 1 day


Prohibitions: The time/duration for every transaction specified above shall be extended in case of natural calamities, non-availability of funds and trained personnel such as inspectors/auditors. Legend: AA, MTSB SSP CSSS NSSC MTSB Assistant Administrator, Maritime Transportation Security Bureau Ship Security Plan Chief, Ship Security Service National Ship Security Certificate Maritime Transportation Security Bureau

- 10 -

OTS Citizens Charter Office: Maritime Transportation Security Bureau Services: Issuance of Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility (SCPF) Clients: Port Operators Requirements: Letter request Approved Port Facility Security Assessment Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday - Friday (8:00-5:00) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 10 days No. 1 Client Step Submit letter request together with Port Facility Security Plan and documentary requirements (Wait for notice) Receive notice of their deficiencies for rectification Receive notice of schedule of inspection Prepare power point presentation Receive notice of their deficiencies for rectification Receive Statement of Compliance of Port Facility Agency Action Receive/Record & Endorse Port Facility Security Plan Application to AA, MTSB/Endorse PFSA to CPFSS Conduct Tabletop Evaluation If passed Tabletop Evaluation, endorse to AA, MTSB for approval. If not, prepare notice for clients of the major deficiencies for rectification Notify clients the schedule of inspection/prepare travel documents Conduct verification/survey of port facilities and preparation of after verification/audit report If passed verification, recommend approval of SCPF to the administrator. If not, notify clients of the deficiencies for rectification Issuance of Statement of Compliance of Port Facility Office Person Responsible MTSB/ Ms. Marietta Clarito /AA, MTSB Location of Office MTSB Office Duration 1 day

2 3

CPFSS/Mr. Perfecto Corpuz MTSB/AA,MTSB


2 days 1 day

4 5

MTSB/Mr. Perfecto Corpuz MTSB/Auditors


1 days 3 days

MTSB/Mr. Perfecto Corpuz/AA, MTSB/ Administrator MTSB/ Ms. Marietta Clarito


1 day


Prohibitions: The time/duration for every transaction specified above shall be extended in case of natural calamities, non-availability of funds and trained personnel such as inspectors/auditors. Legend: AA, MTSB Assistant Administrator, Maritime Transportation Security Bureau CPFSS Chief, Port Facility Security Service PFSS Port Facility Security Service PFSA Port Facility Security Assessment SCPF Statement of Compliance of Port Facility MTSB Maritime Transportation Security Bureau

- 11 -

OTS Citizens Charter Office: Land Transportation Security Bureau Services: Issuance of Certificate of Security Compliance Clients: MRT/LRT/PNR/Bus Operators Requirements: Security Assessment Plan Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday-Friday (8:00-5:00) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 8 days & 20 mins No. 1 Client Step Submit Security Assessment/ Security Plan and other allied documents Wait for notice Receive reply on notice of inspection/and or received compliance to deficiencies Receive copy of certificate of compliance/notice of deficiencies Agency Action Receive/Record & endorse same to concerned Division Office/ Person Responsible LTSB/Ms. Lea Dela Cruz Location of Office LTSB Duration 20 mins

2 3

Concerned Division shall review, evaluate & check for completeness of submittal Actual physical inspection & report preparation/completion

LTSB/Div. Chief LTSB/Auditors


2 days 5 days

Issuance of Certificate of Security Compliance or send notice of result of inspection for rectification

LTSB/Div. Chief/ AA,LTSB


1 day

Prohibitions: The time/duration for every transaction specified above shall be extended in case of natural calamities, non-availability of funds and trained personnel such as inspectors/auditors. Legend: LTSB Land Transportation Security Bureau

- 12 -

OTS Citizens Charter Office: Intelligence and Operations Bureau Services: Security Survey/Information Clients: Three Modes of Transportation Requirements: Letter Request Security Assessment/Security Plan Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday-Friday (8:00-5:00) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 8 days No. 1 Client Step Submit letter request and other allied documents Receive reply on notice of survey/inspection Prepare briefing materials Receive copy/notice of deficiencies Completion of Written Report Agency Action Receive/Record & endorse to concerned division Concerned Division will review, evaluate & check completeness of submittal Actual physical inspection & report preparation/completion Initial issuance of Notice on Results of Inspection for rectification during exit briefing Issuance of Notice on Results of Inspection Office/ Person Responsible IOB/Ms, Mary Lie Dioso IOB/CISD/Div. Chief IOB/CISD/Auditors Location of Office IOB Office Duration 15 mins

2 3


15 mins 2 days 6 hours 1 hour 30 mins 5 days




Prohibitions: The time/duration for every transaction specified above shall be extended in case of natural calamities, non-availability of funds and trained personnel such as inspectors/auditors. Legend: IOB APMS CISD Intelligence and Operations Bureau Admin and Personnel Management Section Counter Intelligence Security Division

- 13 -

OTS Citizens Charter Office: Administrative & Finance Bureau Services: Application for Employment Clients: Applicants Requirements: Personal Data Sheet Police Clearance Passport Size picture taken w/in the last 6 mos Barangay Clearance Diploma/Transcript of Records Barangay Clearance Birth Certificate (NSO) Res. Certificate NBI Clearance Certificate of Trainings/Seminars Attended Regional Trial Court Clearance Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday-Friday (8:00-5:00) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 30 minutes No. 1 2 3 Client Step Submits application with complete attachments. Agency Action Receive application with complete attachments. Forward Application for employment to Personnel Section for initial evaluation. Check/review applicants qualification if eligible & qualified endorse to OTS PSB Secretariat for matrix If not qualified & not eligible. (Advise applicant) 5 Advise Applicants/Clients on the status of application. Receive, action of PSB after deliberation Office/ Person Responsible Message Center Ms. Jeanifer Brenas Personnel Section Mr. Oliver Lisondra C, Pers/HRD Div./ Head Secretariat Mr. Eric Lopez, Personnel Section Mr. Oliver Lisondra Personnel Section Ms. Jocelyn Mirabueno PSB Head Secretariat Mr. Eric Lopez Location of Office AFB Office ---do-----do--Duration 5 mins 5 mins 10 mins


5 mins 5 mins

Legend: AFB PSB

Administrative & Finance Bureau Personnel Selection Board

- 14 -

OTS Citizens Charter Office: Administrative & Finance Bureau Services: Approval of Application and Payment of Monetization/Commutation of Leave Clients: OTS Personnel Requirements: Basic Letter Request (Address to the Administrator, OTS Thru: Chief, PCAS) Duly Accomplished Leave Form Certificate of Available Leave Credits Certified True Copy of OTS Clearance Certified True Copy of OTS Office Order of Resignation Letter Endorsement from Chief, PCAS Letter Endorsement from Director, PNP-AVSEGROUP Photocopy of KSS From Statement of Assets and Liabilities (3 Original Copies) OTS Agency Clearance Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday-Friday (8:00AM-5:00PM) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 2 days, 1 hour and 40 mins Office/ Person Location No. Client Step Agency Action Duration Responsible of Office 1 Submit application Receive, review, and verify Message CenterAFB Office 10 mins application endorsed from Ms. Jeanifer Bernas bureau/office based on the requirements (see attached list) and forward application endorsement to Pers/HRD Div. 3 Receive, review application, C, Pers/HRD Div.---do--30 mins prepare and sign the Mr. Eric Lopez, corresponding CLC Personnel SectionMs. Jocelyn Mirabueno 4 Forward application/request Budget-Ms. Lourdes ---do--1 day with the CLC to AA, AFB for Sales notation and for funding with Budget-Mr. Jeffrey the Budget Div. Pinuela AA, A&FB-MS. Remedios Evangelista 5 Forward the noted application Budget- Mr. Jeffrey ---do--1 day from C, Budget Div. to the Pinuela Administrator, through the ODA-Ms. Victoria Deputy Administrator, for Chavez signature and approval. OUSEC-Ms. Milagros Dinglasa 6 Receive the Received and forward the OUSEC-Ms. ---do--1 hour after approved approved application to the Milagros Dinglasa approval of application requesting bureau/office. Message CenterUSEC Ms. Jeanifer Bernas Legend: AFB CLC ODA OUSEC KSS

Administrative & Finance Bureau Certification of Leave Credits Office of Deputy Administrator Office of Undersecretary Komisyon ng Serbisyo Sibil

- 15 -

OTS Citizens Charter Office: Administrative & Finance Bureau

Services: Pag-ibig/ GSIS Loan Application Clients: OTS Personnel Requirements: Service Record Certificate of No Money/Property Accountability Certificate of Non-Pending Case Letter Endorsement from Chief, PCAS Concerned Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday-Friday (8:00AM-5:00PM) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 2 days

No. 1

Client Step Submit PAG-IBIG/GSIS requirements to HRD (Secure application forms for Pag-Ibig Loans applicant at Finance Div.)

Agency Action Review the requirements and submit the same to Finance Div. for salary breakdown and pre-assessment. Accept and prepare service record to support application for Pag-ibig loan prior to signature of pers officer. Submit the complete application for GSIS loan together with the salary breakdown to C, Pers/HRD Div. for approval. After approval, Advice GSIS loan applicant to apply at any GSIS kiosk. Submit the complete requirements together with the accomplished pag-ibig form to finance for approval AAO acts on GSIS loan application and Pag-ibig loan application. Forward the approved Pag-ibig loan to liaison for filing at pag-ibig Cubao branch and forward the disapproved application to message center for appropriate action Inform the applicants for the approved/disapproved loan application

Office/ Person Responsible HRD Section-Ms. Edna Makalintal, Finance Div.- Ms. Vilma Fojas Personnel Section-Ms. Ofelia Bonilla C, Pers/HRD Div-Ms. Ellen Marcilla, Finance Div-Ms. Vilma Fojas

Location of Office AFB Office

Duration 30 mins


30 mins 2 hrs

---do--Pers/HRD Div-Ms. Ellen Marcilla, Personnel Section Ms. Ofelia Bonilla C, Pers&HRD Div. Mr. Eric Lopez OC, Pers/HRD Div.-Ms. Ellen Marcilla C, Pers&HRD Div. Ms. Eric Lopez OC, Pers/HRD Div.- Ms. Ellen Marcilla OC, Pers/HRD Div.- Ms. Ellen Marcilla for GSIS ---do--1 hr

3 4


4 hrs 1 day

For GSIS verify from bank the approved loan


GSIS-2 hrs after approval, Pagibig w/in 1 day thru liaison officers in outlying station/PCAS

6 Legend:

For approved Pag-ibig loans at Pag-ibig Cubao Office/ATM

Administrative & Finance Bureau Authorized Administrative Officer Police Civil Aviation Station Automated Teller Machine

Message Center-Ms. Jeanifer Bernas for Pagibig


- 16 -

OTS Citizens Charter Office: Administrative & Finance Bureau Services: Application for Travel Authority Clients: OTS Personnel Requirements: Certificate of Non-pending Case Certificate of Non-pending Task Service Record Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday-Friday (8:00AM-5:00PM) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 1 day No. 1 2 3 4 Client Step Received endorsement or request for TA Agency Action Check documents based on the checklist of requirements. Forward request to Pers/HRD Div. C, Pers/HRD indorsed to HRD section for the preparation of TA Prepare letter request to be signed by the Administrator to DOTC HRD for issuance of Travel Authority and facilitate the consolidation of other travel documents. Forward the prepared letter request together with requirements to AA, A/FB for notation. Endorse the request to DA for notation and recommendation to the Administrator Forward the letter request to the Office of the Administrator for approval and signature. Forward the approved documents to message center. Forward the letter request for TA signed by the Administrator to HRD-DOTC. Inform and return the approved/disapproved TA Office/ Person Responsible Message CenterMs. Jeanifer Bernas C, Pers/HRD DivMr. Eric Lopez OC,Pers/HRD Div Ms. Ellen Marcilla HRD Section-Ms. Josephine de Ocampo / Ms. Edna Makalintal HRD Section-Ms. Edna Makalintal AA, A&FB-Ms. Remedios Evangelista ODA-Ms. Victoria Chavez OUSEC-Ms. Milagros Dinglasa Message CenterMs. Jeanifer Bernas Message CenterMs. Jeanifer Bernas Location of Office AFB Office ---do-----do-----do--Duration 10 mins 5 mins 30 mins 30 mins


30 mins

6 7 8 9 10


2 hrs 2 Hrs 20 mins 10 mins 1 Hr upon receipt from DOTC

Received the approved/disappr oved TA Note: 1-10 Days allowance for signature of SOTC Legend: AFB DA TA ODA OUSEC

Administrative & Finance Bureau Deputy Administrator Travel Authority Office of Deputy Administrator Office of Undersecretary

- 17 -

OTS Citizens Charter

Office: Administrative & Finance Bureau Services: Issuance of Certification of Employment and Service Record Clients: OTS Personnel Requirements: None Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday-Friday (8:00AM-5:00PM) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 1 hour and 40 mins No. 1 Client Step Request for certification/service record Agency Action Receive request for Service Records / Certificate of Employment and forward the same to Personnel Section Logs request and prepare SR and COE of applicant. Review and forward the noted SR and COE to C, Pers/HRD Div. Sign and forward to message Center the approved SR/COE. Office/ Person Responsible Message CenterMs. Jeanifer Bernas Personnel SectionMs. Ofelia Bonilla C, Pers/HRD Div.Mr. Eric Lopez C, Pers/HRD Div.Mr. Eric Lopez, Personnel SectionMs. Jocelyn Mirabueno Message CenterMs. Jeanifer Bernas Location of Office AFB Office Duration 5 mins

2 3 4


30 mins 30 mins 30 mins

Receive the approved SR/COE

Logs and release the approved SR/COE to the employee or representative.


5 mins

Legend: AFB SR COE

Administrative & Finance Bureau Service Record Certificate of Employment

- 18 -

OTS Citizens Charter Office: Administrative & Finance Bureau Services: Processing and Approval of Application for Leave Clients: OTS Personnel Requirements: Basic Letter Request (Address to the Administrator, OTS Thru: Chief, PCAS) Duly Accomplished Leave Form Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday-Friday (8:00AM-5:00PM) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 2 hours and 30 mins No. 1 Client Step File/request application for leave of official or employee. Agency Action Receive, review application, and initial to the correctness of leave balance of official or employee, & forward to C, Pers & HRD Div. /Personnel Officer. Review & sign the corresponding certificate of leave credits (CLC). Approve & sign application for leave of officials or employee for a period of 1- 30 days leave Approve & sign application for leave of official or employee for a period of 31 days and above including study leave, Leave to be Spent Abroad, Monetization/ Committee/Terminal Leave & Leave w/o pay (regardless of number of days). File & furnish copy of approved / denied application for leave to Official / employee concerned Office/ Person Responsible Personnel Leave Clerk- Ms. Evangeline Latag C, Pers/HRD Div.Mr. Eric Lopez, Personnel SectionMs. Jocelyn Mirabueno AA, AFB Administrator Location of Office AFB Office Duration 20 mins


30 mins

3 4


20 mins 20 mins

Receive copy of applicants approved/ disapproved leave of absence.

From Records Section to Personnel Leave Clerk- Ms. Evangeline Latag



Legend: AA, AFB Assistant Administrator AFB Administrative & Finance Bureau CLC Certificate of Leave Credits

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OTS Citizens Charter Office: Administrative & Finance Bureau Services: Payment of Claims Clients: OTS Personnel Requirements: Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday-Friday (8:00AM-5:00PM) Fees: None Total Processing Time: 5 hours No. 1 Client Step Claimant/Request ing parties Agency Action Receive the forms Budget Utilization Request (BUR), (duly designed by the authorized signatories of the Requesting Bureau) and Disbursement Voucher (DV) together with the supporting documents from the requesting personnel and officers of the different Bureaus. Verifies availability of fund allotment. If no allotment is available, the Head Budget Div. will return through her staff the BUR, DV together with the supporting documents to the requesting office/personnel. If there are funds available to cover the obligation, the C, Budget Div. will certify as to availability of allotment and the corresponding charges thereto and affix her signature on the BUR. Records the amount obligated, assign a number to the Budget Utilization Request Form, maintain a copy and forward the BUR, DV and the corresponding supporting documents to Accounting Div. for processing. Receive the BUR, DV and supporting documents from the Budget Div. Checks completeness of attached documents. If incomplete, return to the requesting party for compliance. If complete, assigns DV number and records in the logbook the DV number, date, payee, particular and the amount. Office/ Person Responsible Budget Staff Mr. Romeo Marias Location of Office AFB Office Duration 30 mins (assuming all supporting documents are complete)

C, Budget Div.-Ms. Lourdes Sales


30 mins


Budget Staff Cherry Faustino / Tonnette Mercado


30 mins

Accounting Staff Ms. Evangeline Jarapa / Ms. Juanita Brosas / Ms. Jinkie Cario


30 mins

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OTS Citizens Charter 5 Reviews DV and check completeness of the supporting documents. Checks index of Payment to determine if there is no prior payment of the same claim. Signs the box a portion of the DV. If the claim was already paid, returns the DV to the accounting staff to be released to the claimant. Records the approved DV to the logbook and index cards of payment. Forwards the BUR, DV and the supporting documents to the authorized agency officials based on the approved memorandum on the delineation of authority. Reviews and approves disbursement voucher. Forwards BUR, DV and supporting documents to the Finance Div. for Check preparation. Receives BUR, DV and supporting documents and records the same to the logbook. Verifies completeness of signatories on the DV. Prepares Check in 3 copies. Verifies completeness of the signatures on the DV. Reviews the amount of Check against the DV and supporting documents. Signs the Checks. Countersigns check. Forwards the 3 copies of the check to the Cashier. Claimant/Payee Release the original check to the payee. Attaches Official Receipt/Sales Invoice on copy 1 of the DV. C, Accounting Div. Cecilia Umengan ---do--30 mins

AFB Office

Accounting Staff Evangeline Ms. Jarapa/ Ms. Juanita Brosas/ Ms. Jinkie Cario


30 mins

Head of Agency/Authorized Signatories based on the delineation of authority Finance Staff - Ms. Nenita Gonzales/Ms. Aida Carrando C, Finance Div. Ms. Perla Molina


30 mins


30 mins


30 mins



Head of Agency/Authorized Signatories based on the delineation of authority Cashier Ms. Nenita Gonzales/Ms. Aida Carrando


30 mins


Legend: AFB BUR DV

Administrative & Finance Bureau Budget Utilization Request Disbursement Voucher

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OTS Citizens Charter

FEEDBACK MECHANISM Feedback and Complaint Forms The OTS has devised feedback and complaint form to monitor the satisfaction of our clients/ stakeholders on services rendered by our personnel and satisfied/unsatisfied clients may drop it in suggestions/complaint box located at the OTS lobby. These feedbacks are monitored and consolidated every end of the month and reports are submitted to Pers & HRD Division for appropriate action. Example of Forms:

Fig. 1 Client Feedback Form

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OTS Citizens Charter

Fig. 2 Complaint Form OTS Website Clients and stakeholders can also send their feedback thru email at this address:

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OTS Citizens Charter

OTS Directory Our office is located at Andrew's Ave. cor Aurora Blvd. Pasay City. We are open from Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm. You can visit our website at Our Hotline numbers are Tel# 855-2725 and Cell#: 0905-2677757. Directory of Officials BUREAUS/OFFICES Office of the Administrator Office of the Deputy Director Civil Aviation Security Bureau Maritime Transportation Security Bureau Land Transportation Security Bureau Intelligence and Operations Bureau Legal and Planning Bureau Administrative and Finance Bureau OTS Location Map OFFICERS USEC CECILIO R. PENILLA

CONTACT NUMBER Tel. No. 855-2735 Telefax 855-2418 853-2607 855-2435 833-3350 855-2725 853-7964 854-5083 851-0469


Deputy Administrator


Assistant Administrator, CASB


Assistant Administrator, MTSB


Assistant Administrator, LTSB


Assistant Administrator, IOB


Assistant Administrator, LPB


Assistant Administrator, LPB

OTS Site

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OTS Citizens Charter

TASK FORCE IN THE PREPARATION OF CITIZENS CHARTER OF OFFICE FOR TRANSPORTATION SECURITY DIR LEONCIO T. LAYGO Chairman MR. BERNARDINO O. TARDECILLA Vice Chairman Mr. Geminiano A. Betero - Member PSUPT Guillermo T. Liguigan (Ret) Member PSUPT Danilo R. Morada (Ret) Member Mr. Elvin B. Tinsay Member Ms. Verna A. Bonifacio Member Ms. Cecille F. Umengan Member

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