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Literacy (Including Homework)

Basic skills punctuation, grammar, sentences structure, descriptive writing Guided reading sessions The Witches by Roald Dahl character analysis, diary entries, story writing based on the Witch Catcher. Iron Man stories set in other worlds, writing fantasy stories, character descriptions, exploring similes and descriptive language Spelling patterns and rules Instructional writing Homework grammar and spelling Out on Monday due in Friday

P.E. & Forest School

P.E. Gymnastic skills - Robot dance - TudorAutumn dancing Dates Important
10.9.13 4W Mary Arden Tudor Farm 4W Forest School/library Monday 11.9.13 4D Mary Arden Tudor-Farm P.E. Tuesday 12.9.13 4B Mary Arden Tudor Farm - Games Wednesday 30.9.13 2.10.13 Condover Hall 4D Forest School/library residential 15.11.13 4W assembly Thursday 22.11.13 4D assembly - P.E. Thursday 29.11.13 4B assembly - Games Wednesday

Topic The Tudors

ENGAGE Visit to Mary Ardens Tudor farm Creating a timeline of Tudor events Interview King Henry VIII Start exploring Tudor dance movements DEVELOP Learn more detail about Henry VIII and his wives Find out about the Battle of Bosworth and recreate it Learn about signicant explorers Look at daily lives of Tudor people houses, food, clothing, diet, beliefs INNOVATE Carry out drama based on the Witch Catcher, burning a witch at the stake Practise and rene Tudor dance movements Create portraits of Tudor monarchs Plan and begin to prepare for a Tudor feast EXPRESS Carry out a Tudor feast, complete with dress, dancing and food Make a powerpoint to show learning from the topic Choose a character they have looked at and write a short biography

4B Forest School/library Thursday - P.E. Tuesday - Games - Wednesday

Numeracy (Including Homework)

Counting, partitioning and calculating number patterns place value addition and subtraction Securing number facts and understanding shape properties of number and shape solve one and two step problems doubling and halving Handling data and measures collect organize and present data understand and use metric units and abbreviations interpret divisions on a scale Calculating, measuring and understanding shape solve problems involving money and measures read time to the nearest minute use position and direction Securing number facts, relationships and calculating consolidate multiplication facts up to 10x10 recognize equivalent decimals and fractions nd fractions of number, shape or quantities Also 6 minute club, weekly mental maths tests Home work based on class work done that week. Sent home Thursday due in following Tuesday

Year Four
Staff Mrs Kate Wyatt 4W Mrs Anne Brookes 4B Miss Laura Doyle 4D Mrs Dawn Poulton TA Mrs Damms TA Miss Howard TA

Topic Roaming Robots

ENGAGE Visit from Roaming Robots Exploring robot toys Exploring switches The role of Robots in lm and TV DEVELOP More work in electricity Looking at famous engineers from history Look at the Iron Man book and write stories set in fantasy worlds Learn joining techniques and properties of materials INNOVATE Use skills learnt during develop week and plan, design and make their own robot that either moves or lights up. EXPRESS Plan a Robot Rampage event exhibiting robots. Hold an awards ceremony for best robot

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