10 - Linear Law

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St Joseph’s Institution

Secondary Four Mathematics

TOPIC − Linear Law

Name:_____________________________________ ( ) Class: ___________

Q1) Kepler’s third law states that the period of a satellite around a
planetary body (T) is related to the distance of the satellite from the
body (R) by the formula:

T = aR b

An experiment was conducted on a planet in a galaxy far far away

and the following table gives the values of T corresponding to values
of R.

T(/h) 8 125 353 649 1000

R(km) 40 250 500 750 1000

Use the data above in order to draw, on graph paper, the straight line
graph of lg T against lg R.

Use your graph to estimate

(i) the values of a and b

(ii) the value of T when R = 100 km;
(iii) the value of R when T = 750 h.

Q2. The table shows experimental values of two variables, x and y.

x 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6

y 2.12 2.31 2.63 3.05 3.57
2 3
It is known that x and y are connected by the equation ay − bx = 1 . By
plotting y 2 against x 3 . Obtain a straight line to represent the above
data. Use your graph to estimate the value of a and of b.

By drawing a suitable straight line, find the value of x and of y which

satisfy the simultaneous equations.
ay 2 − bx 3 = 1,
y 2 − x 3 = 1.

© Jason Ingham 2009 1

Q3. Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper.

The table shows experimental values of two variables x and y.

x 0.20 0.25 0.50 1 2

y 0.059 0.071 0.125 0.200 0.286

a 1
It is known that x and y are connected by the equation + = b where a
x y
and b are constants.

1 1
(a) Plot against and obtain a straight line graph
y x

(b) Use your graph

(i) to find the value of a and of b.

(ii) to estimate the value of x when = 7.

Q4. The table below shows experimental values of x and y which are known to
be related by the equation y = ax 2 + bx .

x 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 27 60 101 148 200 258

(a) Plot against x and use the graph to estimate the value of
a and b .

y −1
Q5) The figure below shows a straight line graph obtained by plotting
against x .
i) Express y in terms of x .

ii) When y = 2 , find the value(s) of x correct to 2 decimal


y −1



Q6) (a) The table shows experimental values of two variables x and y.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y −0.5 0 0.86 2 3.35 It is known
that x and y are connected by an equation of the form
y = cx x + d x , where c and d are constants.
(i) By plotting against x, obtain a straight line graph to represent
the above data.
(ii) Use your graph to estimate the value of c and of d.
(iii) Hence, obtain the value of x when 4y = x

(b) The variables x and y are related in such a way that when xy is plotted

against y, a straight line is obtained passing through the points  4, 6 

and  8,3 . Find the value of the gradient of the straight line obtained

when is plotted against x.

Q7) Answer The Whole Of This Question On A Sheet Of Graph Paper.

The table shows experimental values of two variables x and y.

x 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

y 0.83 0.61 0.50 0.42 0.38
It is known that x and y are related by the equation  ax  b x , where a
and b are constants.
(a) Plot against x to obtain a straight line.
(b) Use your graph to estimate the value of a and of b.

(c) On the same diagram, draw the straight line representing the
equation y x 1 and write down the value of x given by the point
of intersection of the two lines.

(d) Evaluate the value of the gradient of the straight line obtained when
1 1
is plotted against .
y x x

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