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Cure your metabolism in just 17 days!


17 Day Metabolism Cure
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 6
HOW YOUR METABOLISM WORKS ............................................................................................................... 7
How to Put Your Metabolism on Fire! ...................................................................................................... 8
Low Metabolism Consequences ............................................................................................................. 10
TO DETOX OR NOT TO DETOX? .................................................................................................................. 11
Detoxing vs. fasting physical effects ....................................................................................................... 12
Balanced body cleansing-juicing plus diet .............................................................................................. 13
Three rules for a powerful metabolism ....................................................................................................... 13
Toxic Food #1 ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Toxic Food #2 ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Toxic Food #3 ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Toxic Food #4 ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Toxic Food #5 ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Toxic Food #6 ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Toxic Food #7 ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Toxic Food #8 ...................................................................................................................................... 20
t ...................................................................................................................................... 20
The 17 Day Metabolism Cure Program ....................................................................................................... 22
Day 1- .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Breakfast- Antioxidant Smoothie and Low Fat Eggs Benedict .......................................................... 23
Lunch- Chicken with Balsamic Vinegar .............................................................................................. 24
Dinner- Filet Mignon & Mango Salsa ................................................................................................ 26
DIRECTIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 26
INGREDIENTS....................................................................................................................................... 26
DIRECTIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Day 2- .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Breakfast- S n S u ...................................................................................................... 28
Snack- Salty and Sweet ...................................................................................................................... 28
Lunch- Thai Spring Rolls .................................................................................................................... 28
Dinner- Garlic Lemon Broccoli........................................................................................................... 30

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 3

17 Day Metabolism Cure
INGREDIENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 30
DIRECTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Dessert-Dark Chocolate Fruit Fondu ................................................................................................... 31
Day 3- .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Breakfast- Frittatas with Asparagus .................................................................................................. 32
Lunch- Tasty Tuna Salad ..................................................................................................................... 33
Afternoon Snack- Avocado Pineapple Salad ..................................................................................... 33
INGREDIENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 33
DIRECTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 34
Dinner- Chicken Pizza ........................................................................................................................ 34
Day 4- .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Breakfast- Salmon Croquettes .......................................................................................................... 36
Ingredients .......................................................................................................................................... 36
Directions ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Mid-Morning Snack- Very Berry medley ........................................................................................... 36
Lunch- Mmmmm Salmon .................................................................................................................. 37
minutes, move the broiling pan down 1 rack in your oven.) .............................................................. 38
Dinner- Curried Corn Soup ................................................................................................................ 38
INGREDIENTS: ..................................................................................................................................... 38
DIRECTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 38
Day 5- .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Breakfast- Flat Tummy Smoothie ...................................................................................................... 39
Lunch- Black Bean Asparagus Salad .................................................................................................. 40
Dinner- Chipotle Vegetable Chili ....................................................................................................... 41
Day 6- .......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Breakfast- Watermelon Bliss ............................................................................................................. 43
Lunch- Cranberry Walnut Salad ........................................................................................................ 43
Dinner- Indian mustard Greens ......................................................................................................... 44
INGREDIENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 44
DIRECTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 44
Day 7- .......................................................................................................................................................... 45

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 4

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Breakfast- Green Lemon Detox Smoothie ........................................................................................ 47
Lunch- Green Power Salad ................................................................................................................ 47
Dinner- Rich Black Bean Soup ........................................................................................................... 48
Day 8- .......................................................................................................................................................... 49
Breakfast- Ginger Apple Juice- .......................................................................................................... 50
Lunch- Cucumber and Tomato Salad .................................................................................................. 50
Kiwi Energy Burst ................................................................................................................................ 51
Day 9- .......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Watermelon Thrill-Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day. .................................................. 52
Lunch- Broccoli Soup ......................................................................................................................... 52
Awesome Fruit Smoothie-Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day. ...................................... 53
Day 10 ......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Breakfast- Sweet Beet favorite ......................................................................................................... 53
Lunch Mango Salad ............................................................................................................................. 54
Dinner- Pomegranates, Romaine Lettuce & Spinach .......................................................................... 54
INGREDIENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 54
Day 11- Master Cleanse ............................................................................................................................ 55
Day 12- ........................................................................................................................................................ 56
Breakfast- Orange Breakfast- Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day. ............................. 56
Lunch- Real energy-Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day. ............................................... 57
INGREDIENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 57
Dinner- Beet Beauty-Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day. ............................................. 57
Day 13 ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Breakfast- Citrus Blast- Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day ........................................ 58
Lunch- Apples + Green Grapes Drink twice throughout the day ...................................................... 59
INGREDIENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 59
DIRECTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 59
Dinner- u ! u ...................................................................... 59
Day 14- ........................................................................................................................................................ 60
Breakfast- Mango Spinach Smoothie-Drink twice throughout the day .......................................... 60
Lunch- All Oranges - Drink twice throughout the day ....................................................................... 61

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 5

17 Day Metabolism Cure
INGREDIENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 61
Dinner- No More Headaches- Drink twice ........................................................................................ 62
Day 15 through 17- Three Day Water Fast ............................................................................................... 62
How to complete a 3 Day Water Fast ................................................................................................. 63
How to break the Fast (and stay feeling great!) What you can expect: .................................................... 64
Recipes to Break the Fast ........................................................................................................................ 65
Day 1 breaking the fast recipes- ......................................................................................................... 65
Day 2 Breaking the fast recipes - ....................................................................................................... 67
Day 3 breaking the fast recipes - ......................................................................................................... 70
P.S. Exercises for fat burning & Toning ....................................................................................................... 72
Warm-Up..................................................................................................................................................... 72
The Top 15 Exercises to keep you healthy .................................................................................................. 76
The Squat .............................................................................................................................................. 77
Pushups ................................................................................................................................................ 78
Bridge .................................................................................................................................................... 79
Lunge ..................................................................................................................................................... 80
Plank ...................................................................................................................................................... 80
Triceps Dip ............................................................................................................................................. 81
Single Leg Deadlift ................................................................................................................................. 82
Spinal Balance ....................................................................................................................................... 82
Bicycles .................................................................................................................................................. 83
Kick Downs ............................................................................................................................................ 84
Burpees ................................................................................................................................................. 85
Switch Lunges ........................................................................................................................................ 86
Mountain Climbers ................................................................................................................................ 86
Tuck Jump .............................................................................................................................................. 87
Globe Jumps ............................................................................................................................................ 87
Cool Down ............................................................................................................................................... 88
For the best results ..................................................................................................................................... 93
Congratulations! ......................................................................................................................................... 93

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 6

17 Day Metabolism Cure

Taking control over your health means supercharging your
slowed down based on your lifestyle. Creating a charged and
healthy metabolism requires a specific kind of commitment.
We all know how many different products promoting weight

there are. All promoting exactly what we ask for to lose more
weight, faster, while doing less work (aka minimal exercise and
the main reasons our metabolisms perform sluggishly. Sheesh,
who can blame them?!
Imagine having the job of a kidney, or liver. Your main functions
would be to naturally rid the body of toxins so that it can perform
at top capacity. But, instead of being fed organic, healthy meats

do with. Well as you can imagine, your organs turn these unidentified
slow your metabolism down dramatically. For examp
chemical in almost every commercially manufactured food product on the
market today. Even in your 5 dollar coffee! Those syrups used to make the
flavored Lattes have byproducts, additives and preservative that your body
ndle. So, it converts them into toxins. A latte a day,

The cure? Changing what we put into our systems. It may sound
simple. Or, you may be thinking that changing will cause too
? 8
ermanent lifestyle
gimmick. The truth is, you may never be a size negative zero or be the next
bodybuilding sensation. What you will have is a healthy beautiful body and the

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 7

17 Day Metabolism Cure
ener S W
even start?
A ? S
first you need to become fully aware of exactly what your metabolism does, how it works, and
how you can supercharge it. Before you make a trip to the grocery store, read through so you
P ?
support that only truth can give you. T 8 ?
truth. Here it is:


M -y as it may seem. Nor is it the real reason you may gain
extra weight or be unable to put weight on. Metabolism is
converting what you eat and drink into energy. Calories from the food and drink we intake are
combined with oxygen to release the energy the body needs to function. The minimal amount
of calories your body needs to perform is called the basal metabolic rate, and accounts for
around 60% to 75% of the calories burned every day. Fairly simple, yes?
1 S
1 really blame it for your weight gain, or difficulty
in losing weight. The other main factors of how the body burns calories are physical
activity levels and food processing. The body processes food at a steady rate, which
utilizes approx. 10% of the calories naturally burned throughout the day. Your
level of physical activity accounts for the rest, which is between 15% and 30%
of the daily calories your body burns.
attacking ailmen
rate! The body adapts. All this means is that to speed up the way
your body converts calories into energy, your metabolism, you
have to increase the number of calories your body burns AND
begin nourishing your body with healthy foods packed with

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 8

17 Day Metabolism Cure
energy. A low calorie diet and high intensity workouts like the workouts listed in our Intense 7
Minute Workouts Program will absolutely do the trick!
8 l S
1e a moment to visualize yourself being
8 8
from having a desire to live a longer life and look our personal best while doing it. Again, this
takes a lifestyle change or several. It means making a commitment to your health and to your
body, including the decision to want to eat better foods.
A l
herbs, spices and creativity! To cure your metabolism, you want to set your body into
you can in fact control, what you intake and how physical you are.

How to Put Your Metabolism on Fire!
Covering metabolism naturally begs the question, are you ready to make the lifestyle changes
W 8ng healthy and fit requires a
new attitude about a healthier diet and exercising more. Being honest and transparent about
these necessary changes is imperative to your efforts. Firing up your metabolism means to
assist it in burning more calories than you take in as well as decreasing the amount of toxins the
body is forced to process. Are you really ready to take on such lifestyle changes right now? Will
you ever be ready? Now is the time to make your life what you truly want it to be. Being
healthy is a big part of that picture. Why not right now?

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 9

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Acting now, to change your body can mean big roadblocks if you
and rejects change. Your body and mind will begin focusing on
everything except sticking to new changes. Take inventory of your
life and discover the road to least resistance. How can you most
easily implement dietary changes and exercise into your
lifestyle? As long as your attitude regarding weight loss is

changes, no matter what.
want you to go into such decisions with an unrealistic view of
the amoun
with this program k can be instrumental. It guides you
through 17 days of toxin cleansing, healthy meals and
drinks that are sure to aid your metabolism, and weight
loss efforts. Revving up your metabolism will take you
through some emotional cues. Have you tackled your
emotional eating? How you feel and how/what you
eat are often entangled. Unravel them. Identify your
etter prepared when
making the change.
Of the most important things you can do to prepare for
firing up your metabolism is to have accountability. Is
there a support system you can turn to? You will
undoubtedly be facing a ton of temptation and perhaps
some discouragement while changing your lifestyle.
1 P
accountable create weigh in schedules and a journal
documenting your progress.
This is your lifestyle, design it best suit you! The 17
Day Metabolism Cure is really about you identifying


Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 10

17 Day Metabolism Cure
l the exercise options makes you cringe, substitute it. We
Low Metabolism Consequences
Keeping your diet the way it is will have serious side effects on your health, productivity and
self- esteem. If you do nothing, you change nothing for the better. Doing nothing can actually
l es for
most people.
The more toxins we intake and the less exercising we do the worse the body becomes. The
more sluggish it becomes and the more subpar our performance. Take the reins and take
control! You can change your body. The changes may be extremely different from your current
current obligations. You want to be healthy! You deserve to be healthy.
1 sing the right to be unhealthy
along to your children and family members. By showing them that you were too busy to be
healthier they may take on that attitude and result in them having negative feelings toward a
healthy lifestyle. You are not too busy. When you find yourself making excuses, remember your
want a Bahamas vacation relaxing in a beautiful two-piece swimsuit having full confidence. Or,
you just might love ho
There is no magic to creating a stronger more productive metabolism. You have to do the work,
and make the changes. Which brings us to discussing the potions, pills and powders that
mineral supplements, additives and protein powders may help in their respective areas if
your body is in need. For the most part, you need fatty fish, quality meats, and

simply be healthy.
What about those pesky toxin buildups? Is detoxing even
necessary or valuable? What is the best most effective way to
get rid of unwanted toxins and promote healthier organ function?
k 8

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 11

17 Day Metabolism Cure

pressed not to have heard something about them.
Detoxing is actually a natural physiological process in

urine and stool. The intestines however, can become
backed up with impacted toxins because of the chemicals
and processed foods we intake so frequently. Not to mention the natural toxins the body has to
W 1
Aiding your body in its natural processes is the name of the fat burning game! Detoxing is
simply taking in certain foods and drinks that will not add any more toxins to your system while
simultaneously helping rid the body of backed up waste. Make sense? When seeking a faster,
stronger fat burning body, considering implementing a short detox program can be ultimately
1 1
raw food dieting.
C u
have certain diseases or ailments, especially ones requiring prescription medications. In order
to properly begin any detox, of any kind, you have to refrain from coffee, sweets, dairy
l body
dieting. However, we know through scientific proof what vegetables, fruits and other dietary
inclusions do for the body. Most of them provide a high fiber count plus countless vitamins and
minerals that keep the body happy, and healthy. The main caution with detoxing is whether or
not to fast.
Every detox diet usually includes a fast. Usually of either water or 100% natural vegetable or
fruit juice entirely! So there can be dangers involved when not done openly and carefully.
should always, always ask your doctor before beginning any diet.
The 17 Day Metabolism Cure starts off gradually, helping you eliminate bad diet habits and
say we are pro detoxing! The benefits go far beyond clean insides. The effects it can have on

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 12

17 Day Metabolism Cure
creating long term healthy eating habits around. Simply because you get almost instant
? d amazing! To truly

Detoxing vs. fasting physical effects
new eating habits or detox programs. There are side effects and you should be sure that your
lifestyle change is right for you at this point in your life. Only your doctor can help you through
this effectively, giving you expert advice and personalized direction so that your detox is a
positive experience!

What you can expect
Fasting involves refraining from all solid food for a designated period of time. For our purposes
of metabolism and fat burning increasing a fast would last between one and three
days (two days is recommended). Fasting, while providing excellent weight loss
and detox benefits, can be very dangerous if prolonged. Some people should
refrain from fasting in any respect. Women who are pregnant, children, and
those on prescription medication are strongly advised against it. But
fasting, alone, is not the cure to increasing the amount of fat you burn
throughout the day.
Physically, fasting is known to cause some unfavorable
side effects. Because the body is being jolted
into a new regime it can react by way of
frequent headaches, tiredness, dizziness,
hunger (of course), and rapid weight loss.
Increased body odor and bad breath are also
commonly reported side effects. Fasting then is not
a prolonged part of the goal. To truly increase your
metabolism you have to incorporate several diet
phases for it to be effective.
Detoxing has many of the same side effects as fasting. A
detox though can include a natural juice fast as opposed to traditional water only fasts.
Detoxing utilizes juicing as a means of getting the body the nutrients it requires from

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 13

17 Day Metabolism Cure
various fruits and vegetables in larger quantities throughout the day. Juice fasts make getting

While juicing may create more daily freedom from food preparation, it can also cause tiredness,
of possible side effects and to discuss the major benefits.
Balanced body cleansing-juicing plus diet
Juicing plays a major role as an integral role to any detox diet. By preparing the body to take on
the challenge of eating completely raw foods or cutting out processed foods, grains and dairy
juicing gives the body a head start.
That means eating green leafy salads topped with fruits and organic nuts to add texture. Slowly
but surely oily fish should be added to the diet for protein and omega fatty acids. The purpose
the body to run on healthier foods and greater
quantities of fruits and vegetables effectively. Fasting alone, especially on strictly water, is ill
advised because your body will be missing the electrolytes, protein, fiber and nutrients that raw
foods provide. A mix of raw food and juice fasting as a part of a long term lifestyle change
though can be exactly what the metabolism ordered!
Three rules for a powerful metabolism
Becoming a fat burning machine requires more than just changing your diet
alone. It helps tremendously but there are 3 other key factors to keeping
your body focused in being healthy.
Rule 1:
Variety, mix it up! Your body will become used to certain movements,
exercises and diet and will send signals of boredom and/or cravings to let
you know. Beat it to the punch by trying new ingredients and searching for
interesting recipes. Trying more than one exercise routine is always a best
practice. You should already be enjoying some physical activities but
M u
and regress.
As you
are used to create juices and fat burning meals. But you should

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 14

17 Day Metabolism Cure
juices or meals that are predominately carrot will drive you crazy. The change will bring enough
Rule 2:
Keep fighting the good fight.
Change takes time to become habitual. Consistency long after this or any program is crucial!
different for some than others. No matter what your individual process is just embrace it and
remain actively consistent in the process. Consistency is not a synonym for mundane or
tedious. Your program should absolutely change and evolve as you do!
1 8 k
off course. The culprit is dissatisfaction. Not feeling that your goals are being reached quickly
set proper expectations. Changing your lifestyle take time, give yourself a break! Find the
balance between consistency and variety to ensure a lifelong healthy body.
Rule 3:
Keep moving.
Staying active is a must! Regular exercise is pertinent to a healthy body. Whether your goal is to lose
weight or not, regular exercise plays a large component in helping your metabolism. Keep your
muscles working. Muscle is after all what will actually burn fat! So, keep your muscles
active even moderately. Sitting still is not an option for fat burning effectiveness. You
C p and dance, go for a brisk walk,

workout up throughout the day. Start off with your cardio because it keeps the
body in fat burning mo S
the afternoon to get some yoga in and try your strength straining in the
evening before you wind down.
Be sure to try one of our 7 Minute Workouts. This program includes
some intense exercises that you can complete in 7 minutes.
P 1


Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 15

17 Day Metabolism Cure
7 Toxic Foods to Remove from Your Diet (and their replacements)
better for you the regular farmed produce and meats. Some say that organic is a bunch of hype
scaring people into paying more for the same food.
good for the body since our bodies turn them into toxins that create disease.
Well, we say let the doctors, board of agriculture directors and other food experts make that
chemicals and calling it food, should we? Here are the top 7 Toxic foods to keep out of your
diet, starting now.
Toxic Food #1
Sugar (Foods & Drinks)
Even professional fitness model, world renowned trainer and fitness author
! 1 W
8u1 S
puts the body in a cycle that demands more and more sugar (AKA
cravings). Not to mention sugar raises insulin level significantly. Since

cells become resistant to the constant over production and t
you may be at risk for type 2 diabetes.
The Solution: Eat raw, whole foods. Even if you purchase a prepared food
u C
is a versatile, relatively cheap and nutritious fix as well.

Toxic Food #2
Microwave Popcorn
Surprising one huh? Well according to Olga Naidenko, Ph.D. who is a senior scientist for the
Environmental Working Group, microwave popcorn is deadly. Why? The bags the popcorn is
contained in are lined with the compound perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and other chemicals

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 16

17 Day Metabolism Cure
that vaporize into the popcorn once microwaved. PFOA is linked to infertility in humans as well
as liver, pancreatic and testicular cancer. Plus these chemicals stay in your body for years and
begin accumulating.
The solution: Buy the kernels and pop them in a skillet or a popcorn maker. Add seasonings, real
butter, herbs and spices for a full flavored snack.
Toxic Food #3
Artificial Sweeteners
Sugar free foods are promotes ad being a serious solution to sugar laden
products like soda, candy, juices and a vast variety of other foods. They
are not. In fact, artificial sweeteners that replace real sugar have some
nasty side effects. Bottom line, artificial sweeteners kill your chances of
losing body fat and keeping a healthy diet.
According to a study prepared by Professor Terry Davidson and associate
professor Susan Swithers, of the Department of Psychological Sciences,
artificial sweeteners disrupt our body's natural mean of "counting" calories
based on foods' sweetness. I other words, the body get a signal that sweet
food will arrive, waits for it, but never actually receives the sweet food.
The study may explain why so many people have a hard time regulating
food intake and body weight.
chemical and artificial ingredient we ingest is treated as foreign and toxic, sending the liver into
overdrive trying to figure out what to do with it.
The Solution: There are two actually. First, you can use Stevia, a natural sweetener instead.
Secondly, replace high sugar content food and drinks with homemade (or organic) recipes.
What is Stevia exactly?
Stevia is actually a small green plant that comes from Paraguay. The leaves of the plant are up to 30
times sweeter than sugar! Various studies including a 2008 study conducted by the FDA assert that
stevia is safe for consumption by people of all ages, including those with diabetes.
Stevia Nutrition

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 17

17 Day Metabolism Cure
The stevia leaves contain the sweet glycosides (Steviosides, Rebaudiosides and a Dulcoside plus
fiber, carbohydrates, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, rutin (a
flavonoid), true vitamin A, Vitamin C.
Better for you than Sugar

from consuming Stevia, so it helps us regulate weight. The purer the form of stevia, meaning
? S
following forms: Stevia, Stevioside, Rebaudioside, Stevia Extract, or Stevia Concentrate
Toxic Food #4
Nonorganic Potatoes
Jeffrey Moyer is the chair of the National Organic Standards Board and farm director of the
Rodale Institute and he refuses to eat any potatoes grown on a commercial farm. We all know
1 1

season and herbicides to kill the vines. And all that junk is
absorbed into the flesh of the potato. Even though the

growers refuse to eat the potatoes they sell to you
and me. Instead they grow their spuds in a separate

The solution: You guessed it, buy organic potatoes. Washing just
1 organic spuds are approx. $1-$2 a

Toxic Food #5
White Flour
Products made with white flour are converted to sugar by your body, almost instantly, making
you fat.
Alloxan the uric acid derivative, commences free radicals which damage the DNA in your
u P S Freedom from Disease. This process causes

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 18

17 Day Metabolism Cure
the beta cells to then malfunction and die. Why does it matter? In terms we can all understand,
once the cells malfunction or die, they
diabetes. Yikes!
The Solution: Steer clear of fattening grains. They carry a lot of calories that can be divided
amongst more nutritious food groups. But if you must, go for whole grain, not whole wheat
P.S. Read the packaging very carefully because many food manufacturers make white bread
look like wheat bread by adding molasses to darken the color. Beware!
Toxic Food #6
Processed Foods

A meal-in-a-box varieties you can buy in the middle ailes of the
supermarket. Processed foods are also precooked, premade foods that have preservatives,
additives and chemicals stuffed into them. Any food not organic, raw or whole is processed.
P g issue with them (at least one of the big issues).

These top my list of foods to avoid because not only will they make you fat, but they can cause
a variety of deadly health problems. Processed foods contain no natural antioxidants,
phytonutrients, fiber, vitamins, or minerals, and eating them puts a strain on your digestive
system. Processed foods are also very high in sugar, salt, food additives, and toxic fats.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 19

17 Day Metabolism Cure

In a study published in the scientific journal Food & Nutrition Research, S 8 nd
Professor Jonathan Wright conducted a study of energy expenditure pitting whole foods against
the processed stuff. What they found was a little shocking.

The study was conducted using a simple sandwich meal, one with whole grains and real cheese
and the other with white bread and processed cheese. The results showed that it took approx.
50% less energy to digest the processed junk. Meaning, 50% more calories were stored in the
body as sugar and fat, while the whole food meal used most of the energy (calories) to digest
the food.

The moral, processed foods make you fat by containing more calories, unhealthy fats and laden
designed to know what to do with the junk so it becomes toxic buildup, extra weight gain and
causes many diseases over time.

The solution: 1 C
produce and wild-caught meats instead of premade frozen options and packaged foods.

Toxic Food #7
Dairy Milk
If Rick North, the project director of the Campaign for Safe Food at the Oregon
Physicians for Social Responsibility and former CEO of the Oregon division of the

The folks that bring us dairy milk treat their cows with a hormone commonly
known as rBGH or RBST (recombinant bovine growth hormone) which causes
infections and puss in the milk. Plus, it leads to the growth of hormone called
insulin-like growth factor. According to Mr. North the hormone is banned from
use in most industrialized countries.

The solution: Try diary free almond milk. It works well in most recipes and tastes

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 20

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Toxic Food #8
Farmed Salmon
Farmed Salmon is grossly
mistreated and stuffed with
chicken feathers, poultry
byproduct, soy, and then fed
through pens. Even David
Carpenter, M.D. director of
the Institute for Health and
the Environment at the
University at Albany, has
published articles and studies
on the contamination of fish.
Farmed salmon especially.

Studies recommend eating
farmed salmon in half
servings once every 30 days!
C brominated flame retardants and
pesticides into your body with every serving.

The solution: ONLY eat wild- A n A

We agree with whoever asserted that knowledge is power. Now that you know some of the
most toxic foods to steer clear of, you can begin removing them from your diet little by little.
S u M C

8 k

17 Day Metabolism Cure:
Whut youll neeJ
l need a juicer or
Juicers force the juice from the fruit or vegetables while straining the pulp and skin. Juices come
out smooth and in full liquid form ready for easy consumption. If you want to create pure fruit

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 21

17 Day Metabolism Cure
juices, organically, the juicer is definitely the machine to invest in. The cost can range from $45
to $500 depending on the model, size and power of the juicer.
Creating blended drinks is a process called pulping. Pulping allows you to retain the pulp of the
fruit and vegetables thereby ingesting all the nutrients, fiber and benefits along with it. Besides,

Buying fruit and vegetables
The S , easy to
implement laws that yield the best juice and blends available.

Firstly, go organic.
1 1 Researchers from the
University of Aix-Marseille for the French food agency (AFSSA) and published in the journal Agronomy
for Sustainable Development found that organically grown foods contain more antioxidants, iron, and
magnesium than non-organic produce.
Every food labeled certified organic goes through a specific process and each
farmer must be certified before making 100% organic claims on their labeling.
Organic food is grown using little to no chemical interference, is synthetic
material and pesticide free and therefore poses less rick of contamination.
Always buy fruit that is firm, ripe and has little to no bruising. The fresher the
fruit, the tastier the juice. For vegetables, look for full green leafy vegetables
that are ripe with no signs of wilting and are firm with little discoloration.
C 1
can buy produce the better, and the more nutrients and benefits you can take
advantage of.

Consuming the Juice
Be sure to refrigerate the remaining juice and drink it as soon as possible. Allowing the juice to
sit past two hours can cause it to lose flavor and nutrient power. Also, never drink juice
A juicing can do!

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 22

17 Day Metabolism Cure

The 17 Day Metabolism Cure Program

To kick off your 17 Day Metabolism Cure
diet and then replace it with the recipes offered. Starting off by eliminating the foods that make
you fat and unhealthy will gently guide your body through the program so you stick with it and
grow stronger as the days pass.

Program Overview-
During Week One:
Remove one toxic food group per day/replace with healthier solutions.
Days 5-10:
Strictly fruit and vegetable recipes and juices
Days 11-14:
Begin a delicious juice fast
Last Three Days:
Water fast

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 23

17 Day Metabolism Cure

Day 1-

Eliminate: Sugary Foods & Drinks

Sugary drinks may give your taste buds exactly what they seem to
sugar is treated and bleached and ultimately has no nutritional
1 S
providing your body with satisfying variety to help curb that sweet tooth.

Try these recipes today!

Antioxidant Smoothie and Low Fat Eggs Benedict

Eggs Benedict

x 1/4 cup plain low-fat yogurt
x 1/4 cup reduced-calorie mayonnaise
x 2 teaspoons almond milk
x 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
x Dash ground red pepper
x Nonstick cooking spray
x 4 eggs
4 slices Canadian bacon
x 2 English whole wheat muffins, split and toasted

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For sauce, in a small saucepan combine yogurt, mayonnaise, milk, dry
mustard, and ground red pepper; set aside.

Spray an 8-inch skillet with nonstick coconut spray coating. Fill the skillet halfway
with water. Bring to boiling; reduce heat so water is simmering. To poach
eggs, break 1 egg into a small dish and slide egg into water. Repeat with
remaining eggs. Simmer, uncovered, for 3 to 5 minutes or until eggs are
just soft-cooked.

Meanwhile, in a large skillet cook bacon over medium heat for 3 minutes on
each side. Cover; keep warm.

Cook and stir sauce over low heat just until heated through, but do not boil.
To serve, top each muffin half with 1 slice bacon, 1 egg, and one-fourth of
the sauce.

x 1/3 cup of blueberries
x 1/3 cup of raspberries
x 1/3 cup of pomegranate kernels
x 1/4 cup of beet juice (optional)
x 1 banana
x 2 tsp. Stevia sweetener
x Water to thin

Blend together and enjoy.


Chicken with Balsamic Vinegar
x 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 25

17 Day Metabolism Cure
x 3/4 lb small mushrooms, quartered
x 2 Tbsp flour
x salt and pepper
x 3 Tbsp olive oil
x 6 garlic cloves, peeled
x 3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
x 3/4 cup chicken broth
x 1 bay leaf
x 1/4 tsp thyme
x 1 Tbsp butter

Season the flour with salt and pepper and dredge the chicken breast halves
in it. Shake off excess flour. Heat the oil in a heavy skillet and cook the
chicken over moderately high heat until nicely browned on one side, about
3 minutes.

Add the garlic cloves. Turn the chicken pieces over and scatter the
mushrooms over all.

Continue cooking, shaking the skillet and redistributing the mushrooms so
they cook evenly. Cook about 3 minutes. Add the Balsamic vinegar and
broth, the bay leaf and thyme.

Cover closely and cook over moderately high heat about 10 minutes. Turn
the pieces occasionally as they cook. Transfer the chicken to a warm
platter and cover with foil.

Let the sauce cook, uncovered, over moderately high heat about 7 minutes.
Swirl in the butter. Remove the bay leaf. Pour the sauce and mushrooms
over the chicken and serve.

Serve with steamed vegetables.

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17 Day Metabolism Cure

Filet Mignon & Mango Salsa

x 2 (6 ounce) filet mignon steaks
x seasoned salt to taste
x cracked black pepper to taste
x 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
x 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
x 1-1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
x 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
x 1-1/2 teaspoons butter
x 1 cup onion slices
x 1/2 teaspoon white sugar
x 2 ounces blue cheese, crumbled
1. Season steaks with seasoned salt and black pepper, and arrange in a single layer in a
large baking dish. In a bowl, whisk together olive oil, balsamic vinegar, mustard, and
rosemary. Pour mixture over filets, and turn to coat. Marinate for up to 30 minutes.
2. While you are marinating the meat, melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Cook
onion slices in butter until soft, then stir in sugar. Continue cooking until onions are
caramelized. Set aside.
3. Preheat grill for high heat on one side, and medium heat on the other side.
4. Lightly oil the grill grate. Place steaks on the hot side of the grill, and cook for 10
minutes, turning once. When the steaks are almost done, move to the cooler side of the
grill. Top each filet with a quarter of the caramelized onions and blue cheese. Close the
lid, and continue cooking until the cheese is melted.
x 1/4 mango - peeled, seeded and chopped
x 1 tablespoon finely chopped red bell pepper
x 1/4 green onion, chopped
x 1-1/2 teaspoons chopped cilantro
x 1/4 fresh jalapeno chile pepper, finely chopped
x 1-1/2 teaspoons lime juice

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17 Day Metabolism Cure
x 3/4 teaspoon lemon juice
This recipe's Ingredients were scaled to yield a new amount. The directions below still refer to
the original recipe yield of 8 servings.
1. In a medium bowl, mix mango, red bell pepper, green onion, cilantro, jalapeno, lime
juice, and lemon juice. Cover, and allow to sit at least 30 minutes before serving.

Day 2-

Eliminate: Processed Snacks

As we shared above, processed foods are utterly
toxic and provide your body a difficult road to travel
through digestion. Snacking can still be satisfying
with delicious and satisfying solutions to appease
that salty, savory or sweet craving.
whole food. That includes almost all snacks at your
local store, gas station and even the neighborhood
bakery. No white flour or fried/baked potato chips, no prepackaged muffins or any other food
Instead look for natural untreated nuts, fresh organic fruits and vegetables or even dark

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17 Day Metabolism Cure


Sweet N Sour Deligbt


Peel and cut the tangerines, oranges and lime into segments. Juice or blend all of the


Salty and Sweet

Mix 1 cup blueberries with 1 ounce of raw almonds and enjoy!


Thai Spring Rolls
x 3 cloves garlic, minced
x 1 thumb-size piece galangal OR ginger, grated
x 2 green onions, sliced into matchstick pieces
x 1 red chili, minced, OR 1/2 to 1 tsp. cayenne pepper (omit if you prefer very mild
spring rolls)
x 1/2 cup shredded or finely chopped cabbage
x 4-6 shiitake mushrooms, cut into matchstick pieces

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17 Day Metabolism Cure
x 1/2 cup medium to firm tofu, sliced into matchstick pieces (If non-vegetarian: add
1/2 cup cooked baby shrimp)
x approx. 2 cups bean sprouts
x 1/2 cup fresh coriander, roughly chopped
x 1/2 cup fresh basil, roughly chopped
x 2 Tbsp. oil, plus more for deep-frying
x 1 pkg. spring roll wrappers (thawed if frozen)
x 2 Tbsp. regular soy sauce
x 2 Tbsp. fish sauce OR vegetarian stir-fry sauce (I like Lee Kum Kee brand)
x 2 Tbsp. lime juice
x 1/4 tsp. sugar
x Thai sweet chili sauce (available in most supermarkets, Asian section)

1. Place 2 Tbsp. oil in a wok or large frying pan over medium to high heat. Add
garlic, galangal (or ginger), shallots, and chili. Stir-fry until fragrant (about 1
minute). Stir-frying Tip: Add a little water to the wok/pan when it gets too dry
instead of more oil.
2. Add cabbage, mushrooms, and tofu (or shrimp). As you stir-fry, add the sauce.
Stir-fry 1-2 minutes, until vegetables have softened.
3. Remove from heat and add bean sprouts, tossing to mix in.
4. Do a taste test for salt, adding 1 Tbsp. more fish or soy sauce if not salty enough.
5. To assemble rolls, place a spring roll wrapper on a clean working surface. Place
one heaping Tbsp. of the filling on the wrapper (if using large wrappers, you will
need more). Tips: Spread the filling lengthwise along the spring roll wrapper
nearer the end closest to you. Also, try not to include too much of the liquid left
in the bottom of your wok/pan (a slotted spoon works well for this - drier filling is
6. Now sprinkle some of the fresh coriander and basil over the filling.
7. Fold the left and right sides of wrapper over filling, then lift up the wide end
nearest you and tuck overtop. Roll to the other end. Secure the roll by dipping
your fingers in some water and wetting the end, "pasting" it shut.
8. To fry spring rolls, place some oil (about 1 inch deep) in a wok or deep-sided
frying pan over medium-high heat. When bubbles rise, or when the oil begins to
form snake-like lines across the bottom of the pan, the oil may be hot enough. To

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test it, dip one corner of a spring roll into the oil. If it begins to sizzle and cook,
the oil is ready. If not, wait another 30 seconds to one minute and try again.
9. Using tongs, place spring rolls in oil, allowing them to fry about 1 minute on each
side. Spring rolls are done when they turn light to medium golden-brown (see
photo). Place on paper towels (or a clean dish towel) to drain while you finish
frying the rest.
10. Serve spring rolls while still hot with Thai Sweet Chili Sauce, or your own dipping
sauce (see recipe above). ENJOY!
TO MAKE YOUR OWN DIPPING SAUCE: Mix 1/3 cup plum sauce with 3 Tbsp. soy sauce.
Add fresh cut red chili or dried crushed chili as desired.


Garlic Lemon Broccoli

x 2 heads broccoli, separated into florets
x 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
x 1 teaspoon sea salt
x 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
x 1 clove garlic, minced
x 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
2. In a large bowl, toss broccoli florets with the extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, pepper
and garlic. Spread the broccoli out in an even layer on a baking sheet.
3. Bake in the preheated oven until florets are tender enough to pierce the stems
with a fork, 15 to 20 minutes. Remove and transfer to a serving platter. Squeeze
lemon juice liberally over the broccoli before serving for a refreshing, tangy finish.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 31

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Dessert-Dark Chocolate Fruit Fondu
4 medium bananas, no brown spots
8 bamboo skewers
4 oz good-quality DARK chocolate
1 1/2 tablespoon coconut butter (if unavailable, use olive oil)
1 tablespoon crystallized ginger, finely chopped (Optional)

1. Prepare small baking sheet by lining with parchment paper.
2. Peel each banana. Discard peels and cut tips off each banana. Cut
each banana in half.
3. Insert a bamboo skewer into each piece of banana.
4. Melt chocolate and coconut butter gently in a double boiler. Add ginger
(if using it). Mix well.
5. Dip each frozen banana piece into the chocolate mixture and set on
baking sheet covered with wax paper. Refrigerate until chocolate becomes

Day 3-

Elimination: Fast Food

Fast food is literally the unhealthiest, most toxic of all foods in the
world. It creates the most diet related health issues and
manufactures even goes so far as to inject carcinogens into the
other stuff?
consumption from your dietary practices. It may seem difficult or even
impossible when you face a hectic schedule and/or if you think you

shape of your life, and this is pre an exercise program!

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 32

17 Day Metabolism Cure
P - C
Instead, take on these delicious recipes!


Frittatas with Asparagus
x 3/4 pound fresh asparagus spears or one 10-ounce package frozen cut
x asparagus
x 6 egg whites or egg substitute
x 3/4 cup non-fat cottage cheese
x 2 teaspoons yellow mustard
x 1/8 teaspoon salt
x Dash pepper
x Nonstick cooking spray
x 1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms
x 1 small tomato, cut into wedges, or 1/4 cup chopped tomato

Cook fresh asparagus spears in a small amount of boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes or
until crisp-tender; drain. Reserve 3 spears for garnish; cut remaining asparagus into 1-
inch pieces. Or, cook frozen asparagus according to package directions; drain. Set aside.

Meanwhile, in a medium mixing bowl mix in cottage cheese, mustard, salt, and pepper
with the eggs; set aside.

Spray a 10-inch ovenproof skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Cook mushrooms over
medium heat until just tender. Stir in asparagus pieces. Pour egg mixture over
mushrooms and asparagus. (If using fresh asparagus, arrange the 3 reserved spears on

Cook mixture over low heat about 5 minutes or until mixture bubbles slightly and begins
to set around the edges.

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Bake frittata, uncovered, in a 400 degree F oven about 10 minutes or until set. Garnish
each serving with tomato.


Tasty Tuna Salad

Mix this with salad or use as a sandwich spread on low-carb sprouted wheat bread.

x 1 6 oz. can tuna fish
x l large stalk celery, chopped
x 1/4 cup chopped walnuts (toasted if desired, it really is much better)
x pinch of cinnamon
x 3 T mayonnaise (or to taste)
x Salt and pepper

Mix it all up!

Afternoon Snack-

Avocado Pineapple Salad
x 1 1/2 cups cucumbers - peeled, seeded, and cubed
x 1/2 cup chopped red onion
x 2 tablespoons chopped serrano pepper
x 2 tablespoons lime juice
x 3/4 teaspoon salt
x 2 1/2 cups pineapple peeled and cut into 1/2-inch dice
x 2 avocado - peeled, pitted and diced

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1. Combine the cucumbers, onion, serrano pepper, lime juice, and salt in a large
bowl. Add the pineapple and avocado. Gently toss to combine.


Chicken Pizza

x 1 boneless chicken breast, pounded flat if thick
x Salt, pepper, garlic powder and Italian seasoning, to taste
x 1 tablespoon pizza sauce
x 4 slices Turkey pepperoni
x 1 teaspoon butter or oil
x 2 fresh mushrooms, sliced
x 2 thin green pepper rings
x 1 ounce mozzarella cheese, shredded

Season the chicken with salt and other seasonings; grill. Meanwhile, saut
the mushrooms and pepper rings in cooking spray until slightly tender, but
not mushy; set aside. Spread the sauce over the chicken, then top with the
pepperoni, the pepper rings, mushrooms and then finally, the cheese.
Sprinkle with a little additional Italian seasoning, if desired. Bake at 350
about 10-15 minutes or until hot and the cheese is melted.

Now that you l
riding your body of unnatural and built up toxins. You want a well oiled, efficient machine, not a
S u ! l body on the

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 35

17 Day Metabolism Cure

Day 4-

Elimination: Fatty Red Meats
l A
from having a higher level of saturated fats, many cuts of red meat can cause you to gain excessive
weight quickly. Not to mention the toxins and antibiotics your body is prone to when you consume

of red meat will help you gain more, even quicker according to a study published in "Obesity" in 2007.
Red meat a health hazard?

According to an ABC News article published in
March 2009, when you regularly consume red

stomach ulcers. And as previously mentioned,
large portions or fatty cuts of red meat make
gaining weight much easier.

The Replacement-
Leaner cuts of red meat, eaten sparingly approx. 1 to 3 times a month can add a generous
source of protein and variety to your diet. Look for lean cuts of lamb, steaks that are 93% lean
(or more), sirloin, tenderloin, top round, eye of round roast or steak and filet mignon. Always

possible. Remember, the healthier the animal our food comes from the healthier the final

Be sure to cook your meat healthily. No frying, always drain excess fats, and be sure to go easy
on the butter/oil and sauces. Instead grill your beef or try broiling for a timesaving dinner that
add more calories to your meal than necessary.

Chicken Breast is primarily white meat and is a versatile and delicious healthy option when it
for replacing red meat in your diet. A single 3 ounce serving of baked chicken breast is a mere
59 calories and only 1g of fat.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 36

17 Day Metabolism Cure
1 delicious Fish. ?
it twice a week at the very least according to the American Heart Association. The healthiest
fish are wild caught Salmon, troll or pole caught Albacore tuna and farmed rainbow trout.


Salmon Croquettes
x 1 (14.75 ounce) can salmon, drained and flaked
x 2 eggs, beaten
x 1 small onion, diced
x 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
x 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1. Pick through the salmon and remove any bones. In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs and add the
diced onion, salmon and pepper. Mix thoroughly.
2. Shape into 2 ounce patties; about 7 or 8 patties. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat the oil.
Fry each patty for 5 minutes on each side or until crispy and golden brown.

Mid-Morning Snack-

Very Berry medley
x 1 oz Goji Berries
x 1 oz Blueberries
x 2 oz Strawberries
x oz Blackberries
x 1 oz Cherries

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Rinse all the berries very well under cool water. Place berries in desired bowl and eat
within 4 hours.


Mmmmm Salmon

x 1 1/2 pounds wild Alaskan salmon fillet, cut into 4 equal portions, or four 6-
x ounce salmon steaks
x 1/3 cup high-quality dry white wine
x 2 tablespoons low-sodium tamari
x 1/3 cup fresh-squeezed orange juice (about 1 large orange)
x 3 tablespoons finely grated ginger
x 1/4 cup finely chopped green onions
x 1 teaspoon raw honey
x 1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
Rinse the salmon gently in water and pat dry.
In a small bowl, combine the wine, tamari, orange juice, ginger, scallions, and honey and
whisk to combine well.
Place the salmon in a shallow glass baking pan, skin side down if fillet, and pour the
marinade evenly on top.

Cover the baking pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4 to 6 hours or
overnight, tipping the dish occasionally to recoat the salmon.

Remove the baking pan from the refrigerator and let it stand at room
temperature for 30 minutes. Preheat the broiler. Lift the salmon out of the baking pan
and remove any ginger or scallions to prevent burning. Rub the oil on the skin/bottom
side of the salmon and place it on the broiling pan, oiled side down.

Broil the salmon under high heat for 10 to 15 minutes, until the salmon
flakes easily with a fork and the flesh inside is firm and light pink. The top
should lightly brown and caramelize. (If the salmon browns within the first 5

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minutes, move the broiling pan down 1 rack in your oven.)


Curried Corn Soup
x 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
x 1/2 cup finely chopped green bell pepper
x 1/2 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
x 1/4 cup minced shallots
x 2 tsp curry powder, or to taste
x 1/2 tsp salt
x 3 cups fresh corn or one 16-ounce bag frozen corn, thawed (about 3 cups)
x 1 cup vegetable stock
x 1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper, or to taste
x 3 cups plain almond milk, divided
x 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese, divided
Heat the oil in a large saucepan or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add the bell
peppers; cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 4 minutes.
Add the shallots during the last minute; stir until tender but not browned. Add the curry
powder and salt; stir for 1 minute.
Stir in the corn, vegetable stock, and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to medium;
cover and cook until the vegetables are tender, about 5 minutes.
Transfer 2 cups of the corn mixture to a blender or food processor. Add 1 cup of the
soymilk. Process until the mixture is nearly smooth.
Pour the pured mixture into the saucepan; stir in the remaining soymilk. Stir gently
over medium heat until the mixture is heated through, about 5 minutes.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 39

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Day 5-

Elimination: Dairy

With exception of low fat, organic cheese, you need to cut out products
humans. After a certain age as children, adults stop being equipped at
warding off the effect of diary milk.
Most cows are treated with hormones and additives that transfer into the
milk you buy in stores. In 1994 the FDA approved the use of rBGH,
recombinant Growth Hormone, being injected into cows because it
C 8CP as highly increased
levels of IGF-1
The health risks come from IGF-
absorbed into the bloodstream. It promotes normal breast cells transforming into cancer cells
and their ability to spread to other organs! IGF-1 has also been directly linked to colon and
prostate cancers.

Instead try almond milk. Almond milk has nearly half the calories of the same serving size and it

ddelicious foods and
juices made from fresh fruits raw vegetables.


Flat Tummy Smoothie


Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 40

17 Day Metabolism Cure
x 3/4 c. papaya
x 3/4c. sliced peaches
x 1/2 pear, sliced
x 1 tsp fresh ginger
x 2 mint leaves
x Water to thin
Blend all ingredients and enjoy!


Black Bean Asparagus Salad

x 1 pound fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces
x 1 can (15 ounces) black beans, rinsed and drained
x 1 medium sweet red pepper, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
x 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion
x 3 tablespoons olive oil
x 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
x 1 tablespoon minced fresh cilantro
x 1 garlic clove, minced
x 1/2 teaspoon salt
x 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
x Dash pepper
x Place 1/2 in. of water in a large saucepan; add asparagus. Bring to a boil. Reduce
heat; cover and simmer for 4-5 minutes or until crisp-tender. Drain.
x In a bowl, combine the asparagus, beans, red pepper and onion. In a small bowl,
whisk the oil, vinegar, cilantro, garlic, salt, cumin and pepper. Pour over
vegetables and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before

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17 Day Metabolism Cure


Chipotle Vegetable Chili

x Vegetable-oil cooking spray
x 1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced
x 1 small eggplant, cubed
x 1 medium onion, peeled and cut into eighths
x 2 medium zucchini, cubed
x 1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
x 1 tablespoon(s) olive oil
x 2 clove(s) garlic, minced
x 1 pound(s) button mushrooms, cleaned and quartered
x 1 bay leaf
x 1 teaspoon(s) chili powder dried chipotle pepper, stemmed and diced
x 1 can(s) (19-ounce) white cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
x 1 can(s) (14 1/2-ounce ) low-sodium vegetable broth
x 1 can(s) (14 1/2-ounce ) low-sodium diced tomatoes
x 2 tablespoon(s) chopped fresh parsley leaves

1. Roast the vegetables: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Coat a large baking sheet
with cooking spray. In a medium bowl, combine bell pepper, eggplant, onion,
zucchini, and salt with olive oil. Arrange the vegetables in a single layer on the
prepared baking sheet. Roast the vegetables, turning occasionally, until just
softened -- 25 to 30 minutes.
2. Make the chili: In a large Dutch oven, add oil and heat over medium-high heat.
Once oil is hot but not smoking, add garlic and mushrooms. Saut until
mushrooms soften -- about 5 minutes. Add bay leaf, chili powder, chipotle

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pepper, beans, broth, tomatoes, and roasted vegetables. Bring to a boil and
reduce heat to low. Simmer uncovered for 20 minutes.
3. To serve: Stir in parsley and serve hot.

Day 6-

Elimination: ALL Fried Foods

A capitalized because unfortunately some people may think that mainly fried potatoes,
potato chips, fried meats and mozzarella sticks are the only fried foods to cut out. Frying any
food, at any time, robs it of imperative nutritional qualities. That includes vegetables. Especially
being cooked in artificial fattening oils with loads of Trans fat.
Take the baked potato for example. Broiling or baking the potato comes in at 221 cal and less
than 1g of fat. But, if you deep fry it you come out with 700 cal and 34 g of fat.
l l
L lining your system with preheated
hydrogenated oil. It saves the restaurants money to be able to reuse oil, but the issue lies in the
Trans fat the oil contains which leads to heart disease
Instead, steam, broil, bake, roast and grill your foods. Almost every other
cooking method is healthier than frying. For veggies, steam them very lightly
or eat them raw.
preferred) extra virgin olive oil, grape seed oil or even canola oil. All
are better choices than vegetable oils.

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Watermelon Bliss

x 2 Apples
x 3-5 Watermelon pieces with rind

Cut the apples into narrow wedges and juice with the watermelon pieces.


Cranberry Walnut Salad

x 2 cups washed baby spinach
x 2 cups organic mixed baby lettuce
x 2 cups baby arugula
x 1/2 cup toasted walnut pieces
x 1/2 cup sweetened dried cranberries

x 2 Tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
x 1/4 tsp salt
x 1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper
x 1 tsp dried basil leaves or Mediterranean herb mix
x 1/4 cup olive oil

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1. Wash and drain the salad greens
2. Preheat oven to 300 degrees (a toaster oven is ideal)
3. Spread the walnuts in a shallow baking dish and toast in the oven for 20 minutes,
setting the rack just above the middle of the oven. Set aside to cool when toasted
4. Add the salad dressing ingredients to a small jar with a tight fitting lid. Shake well.
5. Place salad greens in a bowl twice the size needed to hold the salad (this will
make tossing it easier.)
6. Sprinkle the walnuts, cranberries and optional feta over the greens
7. Give the dressing a final shake, pour on the salad and toss lightly, or serve on the
8. Serve immediately


Indian mustard Greens
x 2 large dried red Chile peppers (optional)
x 2 bunches fresh spinach, washed and chopped
x 1 bunch mustard greens, washed and chopped
x 2 tablespoons ghee (clarified butter)
x 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
x 1/4 cup finely chopped onion
x 1/2 teaspoon ginger paste
x 2 teaspoons garlic paste
x 1/2 tomato, chopped
x salt to taste
x 1/2 teaspoon white sugar, or to taste
x 1/4 cup water (optional)
1. Place the chilies into a dry skillet over medium heat, and cook and stir until the chilies
turn dark red-brown in color and give off their fragrance, 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from
heat, allow cooling, and removing stems of chiles; shaking out the seeds, and tear the
flesh of the roasted chilies into pieces. Set aside.
2. Place the spinach into a saucepan over medium heat; place mustard greens into a
separate saucepan. If leaves are dry, mix in 1 or 2 of tablespoons of water. If leaves are

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still wet, just cover the pans and simmer the greens until tender, about 10 minutes.
Allow to cool.
3. Place greens together into the work bowl of a food processor and pulse several times to
break up the greens, and then process to a paste, about 1 minute.
4. Heat ghee in a large saucepan over medium heat, and stir in the cumin seeds, stirring for
about 30 seconds or until the seeds sizzle and turn a darker brown color. Mix in the
onion, cook and stir until lightly browned, about 3 minutes, and mix in the roasted
peppers, ginger paste, garlic paste, and tomato. Mix in the pureed greens, bring to a
simmer, and stir in salt and sugar to taste. If dish is too thick, mix in up to about 1/4 cup
of water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until the greens are the desired thickness.

Day 7-

Elimination: Grains

these? I am 100% sure some of you were. And

for you, you definitely need to read this.
The Problem with Grains
l l
boxes, commercial after commercial, and
even in most diet programs that grains, whole
A 8 l
That said adily available in greater
quantity and amongst more nutritional value in other foods.
In other words, anything grains can do, fruits and vegetables do better.
The problem, grains provide too many calories without much other nutritional value. Put them
against fruits and vegetables, even meat, and you come out on the losing end with grains.
While they may not be nutritionally bankrupt, they were popular in our ancestry because they
were easy to store, gave a ton of calories and some other nutrients and turned hunters and
gatherers into farmers.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 46

17 Day Metabolism Cure
But the Fiber?
Contrary to popular belief you can find large amount of dietary fiber in fruits and vegetables.
Need proof? Turnip greens (cooked, boiled, w/a dash of salt and drained) have 35g of fiber per
serving! Raw raspberries pack 25g per serving, blackberries too. Even spices come in on top,
dried rosemary packs 26g as well as ground sage.

Riboflavin, thiamin, magnesium Iron, selenium, and folate can all be found in either equal or
greater quantities in other foods.
For thiamin try beans or asparagus.
To fulfill your riboflavin DV incorporate mushrooms and spinach into your diet.
For whopping amounts of magnesium, try Swiss chard or again spinach.
To get good amounts of iron, try parsley or turnip greens.
Selenium comes in as a tie, but can still be found in large quantities in asparagus and

Health Hazards of Grains
Grains can be murderous on your digestive system. Causing gut issues, gluten
intolerance, chronic headaches, inflammation, joint pain, arthritis and are even bad for
your teeth.
Of them all, the major concern is digestion. Grains cause a major strain on your intestines
according to a study in the International Journal of Biological Science. When you intestines is
body malnourished.
The more taxed your intestines are the less it can help protect you against the real threats.
Eating grains regularly can cause your gut to overlook threatening pathogens because its too
busy patching up the damage grains are causing.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 47

17 Day Metabolism Cure
S n ? Try one of the vegetables listed above
or try these delicious recipes!


Green Lemon Detox Smoothie


x 1 medium lime
x 3 small stalks of celery chopped
x 1 banana peeled
x 1 green apple cored
x 1 small head of romaine lettuce, chopped
x cup fresh parsley, chopped
x cup fresh cilantro, chopped
x 4 to 6 ounces of fresh, filtered water


few times. Next, add the greens and blend on high for 30 seconds or until the smoothie
is creamy.


Green Power Salad
x Salad greens, rinsed and dried: Lettuce torn into bite sized pieces, baby spinach,
arugula, mixed salad greens, kale, etc.
x alfalfa sprouts, sunflower sprouts
x artichoke hearts
x tomato slices or cherry tomatoes
x cucumber slices
x avocado cut into 3/4" cubes

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17 Day Metabolism Cure
x shredded carrot
x shredded red cabbage
x bell pepper, seeded and sliced thinly
x olives, pitted, and sliced if desired
x sliced or diced onions
x sliced radishes
x chopped fresh herbs, whole basil leaves
x nuts: sunflower seeds, walnuts, or pecans
x dried cherries, cranberries or raisins
x sun dried tomatoes
x cooked sweet corn kernels
x crumbled feta cheese, soy cheese
x crumbled tofu
x cooked black beans, garbanzo beans or kidney beans
x Fried cubes of tempeh, tofu, etc
Mix desired ingredients and enjoy!


Rich Black Bean Soup
Rich, hearty black bean soup is a meal in itself. For lunch or dinner, this fiber-packed,
low-carb meal is a great way to get your protein without the fat.

x 2 cups dried black turtle beans (3/4 pound)
x 2 strips turkey bacon, cut in 1/2" pieces
x 1 small carrot, thinly sliced
x 1 rib celery, thinly sliced
x 1 small parsnip, thinly sliced
x 2 sprigs flat-leaf parsley
x 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
x 1 large bay leaf

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17 Day Metabolism Cure
x 1 teaspoon salt
x Freshly ground black pepper
x 1/4 cup dry Madeira or sherry
x Thin lemon slices, for garnish


1. Soak the black turtle beans overnight. Drain the beans.

2. Place the soaked beans in a deep saucepan. Add 8 cups cold water. Bring to a gentle
boil, reduce the heat, cover, and simmer 90 minutes.

3. Place the bacon in a large Dutch oven over medium heat. When the turkey bacon is
translucent, mix in the carrot and celery. Saut until the celery starts to soften, 4
minutes. Add the beans with their cooking liquid, the parsnip, parsley, garlic, bay leaf,
salt, and a few grinds of the pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, cover, and simmer
until the beans are very soft, 40 minutes. Remove the parsley and bay leaf.

4. Puree 2 cups of the soup in a blender. Return the pureed soup to the pot. Mix in the
Madeira. To serve, ladle the soup into 8 deep soup bowls and float a lemon slice on top.
Day 8-

Continues the juice and raw food fast but adds some fun variety!

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 50

17 Day Metabolism Cure

Ginger Apple Juice-

Makes one glass. Make twice and Drink twice throughout the day. The ginger will aid in
relieving any stomach irritation!
3 apples
1 inch piece of ginger
Cut the apples into sections and juice with the piece of ginger

Lunch- Cucumber and Tomato Salad
use a large flat platter
1/2 cucumber - peeled and sliced thin
1 large red tomato sliced
2 yellow tomatoes - cubed (optional)
small red onion
sea salt
white pepper
Italian seasoning
basil leaves
extra virgin olive oil
1 organic lemon


arrange sliced cucumber and tomato alternately in circular rows on platter:
sprinkle the following evenly over salad:
2 yellow tomatoes - cubed (optional)
very tiny slivers of red onion about 1 tablespoon
sea salt 1/4 teaspoon (shake salt all over salad - about 2 passes over salad)
white pepper - same as sea salt

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 51

17 Day Metabolism Cure
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
6-12 basil leaves slivered

Last, drizzle the following:
drizzle olive oil (approx. 2 tablespoons)
drizzle lemon juice (approx. 1 tablespoon)

Kiwi Energy Burst
4 oz. of green grapes
3 kiwis
1 orange
Cut the kiwis into wedges. Peel the oranges and cut it into segments. Juice
or blend all of the ingredients.

Day 9-

Continues the juice and raw food fast but adds some fun variety!

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 52

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Watermelon Thrill-Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day.

Peel lemon, oranges and pineapple. Cut all fruit into sections and juice or
blend together.


Broccoli Soup

3 cups water
1 cup almonds
1 teaspoon honey
2 cups broccoli
1 avocado
1/2 to 1 clove garlic
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon onion
1 teaspoon sea salt (or to taste)
1/8 teaspoon cumin (or to taste)
1/8 teaspoon black pepper


1. In a blender blend water, almonds and honey until smooth.
2. Add in the rest of the ingredients and blend until creamy.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 53

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Awesome Fruit Smoothie-Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day.
x 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
x 1/2 cup fresh strawberries, halved
x Optional: 1/2 cup vanilla or plain almond milk
x 1/2 medium banana
x Optional: 1/2 cup nonfat plain non-dairy yogurt
x 2 teaspoons honey
x 2 teaspoons ground flaxseed
Place all the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Adjust the consistency
with water or ice, if desired. Serve immediately.

Day 10

Continues the juice and raw food fast but adds some fun variety!


Sweet Beet favorite
1 small beetroot

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 54

17 Day Metabolism Cure
1 cup of pineapple chunks

Remove the top from the beetroot and peel or wash the cucumber. Slice
the pineapple and remove its tough skin. Cut the fruit and vegetables to fit
your juicer or blender. Juice and serve.

Lunch Mango Salad

2 cups mango or papaya
2 Tbs fresh lemon juice
1 tsp raw apple cider vinegar
2 Tbs mustard powder
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp agave
1 bunch cilantro
cup finely chopped bell pepper
cup chopped red or green onion
tsp cayenne
tsp salt
Combine all ingredients, mix well and serve

Dinner- Pomegranates, Romaine Lettuce & Spinach
3 tbs. pine nuts
2 handfuls of baby spinach

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 55

17 Day Metabolism Cure
5 cups of romaine lettuce, torn
1/2 tbs. olive oil
1/2 an avocado (cut in cubes)
1/4 cup Pomegranate seeds
2 tablespoons Lemon juice
Salt to season


Roll spinach leaves into a tight cigar shape & cut crosswise into 1/8" chiffonade or shreds.
Combine lettuce & spinach in a Salad Bowl. Drizzle with oil, season with salt, toss to mix.
Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds, pine nuts, avocado & lemon juice. Very easy!

Day 11-

Master Cleanse

To kick off your 4 day juice fast
true concoction known as the master cleanse. The simple
recipe includes four ingredients that will not only be the staple
of this recipe but many of the subsequent.
x Organic lemons (3 to 6 per day)
x Cayenne pepper
x Organic Grade B maple syrup
x Pure, clean and filtered water
x Sea salt (not iodized)
Slice the lemons and juice them. Pour sixteen (16) tablespoons
of lemon juice into a container. Add the same amount of maple syrup into the container, and
mix. Set aside the mixture in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.
When you feel hungry, take out the lemonade concentrate and mix it, since the lemonade and
maple syrup tend to separate. Measure four (4) tablespoons of concentrate into a glass of
water, add about 10 oz. of water and 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper, and drink it.

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17 Day Metabolism Cure
This mixture will provide 6 glasses per day. Be sure to drink all six to get your minimum 1200
calories. As a general rule of thumb, use two tablespoons each of lemon juice and maple syrup
for every 10 oz. glass of water, in case you under measure and you need to prepare a fresh
glass of lemonade.

Day 12-


Orange Breakfast- Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day.

x 2 oranges
x 1 wheat germ
x 1 lemon
x 2 teaspoons honey

Peel the oranges, pear and the lemon. Add the honey and wheat germ,
then blend.

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17 Day Metabolism Cure

Real energy-Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day.
x 2 Apples
x 1/2 Cucumber
x 1/2 Lemon (peeled)
x 1/2 Cup of kale
x 1/2 Cup of spinach
x 1/4 Bunch of celery
x 1/4 Bulb of fennel
x C
x 1/4 Head of romaine lettuce

Using electric juice extractor, press all ingredients in the juicer. Whisk to combine.


Beet Beauty-Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day.
The color of this one alone will make your smile even larger. This is packed with flavor
and will keep you coming back for more.
x 2 beets, (including greens optional)
x 2 carrots

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17 Day Metabolism Cure
x 1 apple, quartered and cored

Using electric juice extractor, press beets, beet greens (if using), carrots, apple and ginger.
Whisk to combine.

Day 13

Citrus Blast- Makes 1 glass. Drink twice throughout the day

x 1 grapefruit
x 2 oranges
x 2 tangerines

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17 Day Metabolism Cure

Peel and cut the grapefruit, oranges and tangerines into segments and
Juice or blend.

Apples + Green Grapes Drink twice throughout the day

Simply delicious! These flavors were made to be together. The combination of grapes and
apples is one of my favorites. When you were a kid, what was your favorite color Kool-Aid?
x 3 Granny Smith apples, quartered and cored
x 1 Cup seedless green grapes
x 1 Thin wedge lemon, peeled

Using electric juice extractor, press apples, grapes and lemon. Whisk to combine.
1. Divide the spinach, celery, oranges, apple and grapes between two salad plates.
Sprinkle with almonds. Drizzle with dressing.

Dinner- Dieters )uice Drink twice tbrougbout tbe day

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 60

17 Day Metabolism Cure


Juice or blend the tomatoes, celery, and cucumber.

Day 14-


Mango Spinach Smoothie-Drink twice throughout the day


x 1 C. vanilla soy milk
x 1/2 C. vanilla yogurt
x 1 C. baby spinach leaves
x 1 C. chopped mango
x 1 Tbs. almond butter
x 1/4 C. pomegranate juice

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 61

17 Day Metabolism Cure


Place everything in a blender and mix.


All Oranges - Drink twice throughout the day
x 8 ounces fresh sugar snap peas, trimmed (about 2 cups; see Tip)
x 2 large bunches watercress, woody stems trimmed (4 ounces or 4 loosely packed
x 2 tablespoons peanut oil, or canola oil
x 4 large shallots, thinly sliced into rings
x 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
x 2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil
x 1/4 teaspoon salt

Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Add peas and cook until bright green, 30 seconds.
Drain in a colander and rinse with cold water until cool. Transfer to a large bowl, add
watercress and toss to combine.
Heat peanut (or canola) oil in a medium nonstick skillet over low heat; add shallots and
cook very slowly, stirring frequently, until golden brown, about 15 minutes. Stir in
vinegar, sesame oil and salt; cook until fragrant, about 10 seconds. Pour the warm
dressing over the peas and watercress; toss well. Serve.

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17 Day Metabolism Cure

No More Headaches- Drink twice

x 1 Cup cauliflower
x 1 Cup broccoli
x 1 Apple


Using electric juice extractor, press all ingredients in the juicer. Whisk to combine.

Day 15 through 17-

Three Day Water Fast

? u M C
a 3 day water fast. Coming from a juice fast your body
will already be prepared to take a liquid only diet.
Easing you into this transition helps to ensure that you
have 3 days of cleansing minus the unsavory side
effects may have.
**You should always consult your doctor before
making major changes to your diet or beginning a
detoxification process.
Why a water fast?
l 1
your body into a healing mode where it can relax from
digesting and focus only on repairing. Fasting has actually been known to cure health
conditions, especially chronic headaches. Others include asthma, high blood pressure,
irritable bowel syndrome, acne, allergies and many more.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 63

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Self- ses. Many times your
organs are damaged and over worked because of your diet. 7 days of healthy eating
followed by 7 days of raw vegetable and fruit juice fasting has already begun a
detoxification process.
How Water Fasting Works
During the water fast, your digestive tract is in complete recovery, resting every
mechanism to strengthen the mucosal lining. This rest is important because a healthy,
strong intestinal mucosal lining prevents leaking. It prevents improperly digested
proteins into your bloodstream warding off autoimmune diseases. So the mucosal lining
helps protect the blood and inner organs against toxins.
Now that you the technical stuff, keep reading to discover the best way to complete and
break a water fast.

How to complete a 3 Day Water Fast

What you can consume:
 zservings of water each day.
Each 16-20oz bottle of water is 2-2 servings of water.
 Buy bottled spring water from your local organic supermarket. Tap water
will only reintroduce toxins to your body.
 You may add organic fresh lemon to your water to boost electrolyte

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 64

17 Day Metabolism Cure
 No intense exercise should be performed during this part of the 17 Day
Metabolism Cure.
 To keep muscle tone, try yoga. It will relax you and help to connect your
mind and body during this fast.
 You may try taking a walk to keep your muscles strong. Walking also helps
detoxify the body.
No Solid Food
 Do not consume any solid food during your water fast.
 Doing so can cause more harm and adverse side effects.
 Listen to your body.

How to break the Fast (and stay feeling great!)

What you can expect:
now need less calories to feel satisfied and your stomach will
You may be feeling fatigued, tired and of course STARVING! But
You may not have had a bowel movement during your fast.
Consuming whole food will inspire one, which is a good

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 65

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Foods to break the fast:
For every day of fasting, 1 day of recovery is required. Gradually reintroduce your
body to cooked foods.
This was a water fast so the first things you should incorporate are raw whole
Fruits and vegetables are the easiest to digest.
Steer clear of any spicy, acidic or sour foods.
Steer clear of cooked whole foods.

Try these daily menus for an
Recipes to Break the Fast

Day 1 breaking the fast recipes-

Fruit medley w/sauce

Ingredients: Salad

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 66

17 Day Metabolism Cure
x 3x ripe bananas
x 1x large mangoes
Ingredients: Sauce
x cup blueberries
x x large mango
Slice the bananas and one of the mangoes into a serving bowl.
Blend the third mango and all the blueberries in a blender WITHOUT adding any water.
Pour the sauce over the sliced banana and mango.
Serves 2


Fresh Antioxidants

x 2 pitted and cubed mangoes
x 3 kiwis peeled, sliced into rounds
x 1 cup blueberries
x 1 cups raspberries
x 2 tsp fresh mint finely cut
x 1 lime

Cut the mangoes, lime and kiwis. In a bowl, combine all the fruit and squeeze the lime
over the cut fruit. Gently toss and serve.


Chilled Cucumber Soup with Mint

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 67

17 Day Metabolism Cure
3 cucumbers, peeled and seeded
1 lemon, peeled
1/4 cup pine nuts
4 cups pure water
1/4 cup mint leaves
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoons olive oil

blend everything except fresh mint together until smooth -- about 3 minutes in a high-
speed blender. Add mint and blend for 15 seconds. Serve chilled.

Day 2

Breaking the fast recipes -

Peachy Energy Smoothie

1/4 cup almond butter
2 cardamom pods or 1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 1/2 cups pure water

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17 Day Metabolism Cure
1 cup frozen peaches
1 to 2 teaspoons agave syrup
1/2 cup ice

Blend together until smooth


Apple Juice (& fennel) Makes 2 servings

2 green apples
2 heads of fennel
1/2 lemon, peeled

Press all ingredients through a juice extractor. Stir, and drink immediately


Warm and Organic Vegetable Broth


1/4 pound celery
6 ounces sweet onions
1/4 pound carrots cut into 1 inch pieces
1/4 pound tomatoes, cored
1/4 pound green bell pepper, cut into 1 inch pieces
2 ounces turnips, cubed
1-1/2 teaspoons olive oil
3/4 clove garlic
3/4 whole cloves
1/4 bay leaf

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17 Day Metabolism Cure
1-1/2 whole black peppercorns
1/4 bunch fresh parsley, chopped
4 cups water

1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C).
2. Remove leaves and tender inner parts of celery and set aside.
3. Toss onions, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers and turnips with olive oil. Place
vegetables in a roasting pan and place them in the 450 degrees F (230 degrees
C) oven. Stir the vegetable every 15 minutes. Cook until all of the vegetables
have browned and the onions start to caramelize, this will take over one hour.
4. Put the browned vegetables, celery, garlic, cloves, bay leaf, pepper corns,
Italian parsley and water into a large stock pot. Bring to a full boil. Reduce heat
to simmer. Cook uncovered until liquid is reduced by half.
5. Pour the broth through a colander, catching the broth in a large bowl or pot.
The liquid caught in the bowl or pot is your vegetable broth it can be used
immediately or stored for later use.
6. Pour broth into bowl and enjoy!
7. Although the vegetables are no longer necessary for your broth they are
delicious to eat hot or cold, don't waste them!

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17 Day Metabolism Cure

Day 3 breaking the fast recipes -

Tropical Fruit Salad

2 cups pineapple, diced small
1 avocado, diced small
1/2 to 1 jalapeno Chile pepper, seeds removed and chopped fine
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Juice of 1 lime
Sprouts or cilantro (for garnish)

Combine all ingredients except garnish in a bowl. Put half the mixture in a blender and
blend. Pour blended mixture back into bowl and fold into remaining diced fruit. Add 1/2
cup water if thinner texture is desired. Serve chilled, with garnish


Grilled Tuna & tomato bean salad

1 pound heirloom tomatoes (about 2), cored and cut into pieces

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 71

17 Day Metabolism Cure
1 can (15 ounces) beans (white, black, or red), drained and rinsed
1/4 cup fresh tarragon leaves
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, plus wedges for serving
3 scallions, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for grates
Coarse salt and ground pepper
4 tuna steaks (about 8 ounces each)
Combine tomatoes, beans, tarragon, lemon juice, scallions, and oil; season with salt
and pepper. Set aside.
Heat grill to medium; lightly brush grates with oil. Season tuna, on both sides, with
salt and pepper. Grill, turning once, until medium-rare, 2 to 4 minutes. Serve tuna
topped with tomato and bean salad.


Its Salad Time

1 head romaine
1/2 pint cherry tomatoes
1/3 cup eggplant
1/3 cup Portobello mushrooms
1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes
1/4 cup red onion (optional)
1/4 cup black unsalted olives
Chop all ingredients and mix together, top with olive oil and lemon or favorite dressing.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 72

17 Day Metabolism Cure

P.S. Exercises for fat burning & Toning

your body becoming a supercharged fat-burning, top metabolism running machine! Try the
following exercises at least 5 days a week, two minute sets followed by a 20-30 second rest
period to stay in fat burning power mode long after you exercise!
NOTE: During the juice and water fasting, do only the warm-up and add a light
walk to keep blood flowing and muscles strong!

Deep Breathing

Stand with your legs slightly wider than hip width apart. Inhale and raise your hands high above your
head feeling the stretch. Exhale as your lower your arms to your side. Repeat slowly for 5 deep breaths.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 73

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Quadricep (front of thigh)

Hold the top of your left foot with right hand and gently pull heel toward buttocks. Keep your knees
together and your left arm extended for balance. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Repeat with other leg.

Hip and Groin

Place one leg forward in a low lunge position, while your knee of the other leg is close but not touching
the floor. Without changing the position of the knee near the floor or the forward leg, lower the front of
your hip downward. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Repeat with other leg.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 74

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Hamstring low side lunge

Lunge sideways anchoring on your left leg. Keep your knee slightly behind your toe as the right leg
stretches. Straighten your right leg placing your right heel on the ground with your toes facing the sky.
Try extending your arms in front of you for a balance exercise or keep the fingertips lightly touching the
ground for support. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Repeat with other leg.

Upper Body

In a standing or sitting position, interlace your fingers. With your palms facing upward, push your arms
slightly back and up as far as possible. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths and repeat.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 75

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Tricep (back of upper arm)

With your arms overhead, hold the elbow of one arm with the hand of your other arm. Gently pull the
elbow behind your arm. Do slowly. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Stretch both arms.

Gently pull your elbow across your chest toward your opposite shoulder. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths.
Repeat with other elbow.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 76

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Inner Thigh, Hip and Groin

Sit Indian style with the soles of your feet touching. With arms supplying slight resistance on inside of
legs, slowly push down your knees. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths.

Lower back

Lie flat on your back. Tighten your hip muscles and at the same time, tighten your abdominal muscles to
flatten your lower back. Hold for 5 to 8 seconds, and then relax. Repeat two or three times.
Pull your right leg toward your chest. Keep the back of your head on the floor. Try to keep your lower
back flat. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Repeat with your left leg. Complete three times per leg.

The Top 15 Exercises to keep you healthy

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 77

17 Day Metabolism Cure
The Squat

One of the best exercises is also one of the most natural (just watch a baby sit). Work all of the
lower body muscles! The quads, hamstrings and glutes. Plus, get an extra work for the core as
you need your deep abdominal muscles and back to perform correctly.
invisible chair keeping your knees behind your toes and your back straight. Contract your abs on
u u
complete for another minute. 2 minutes total!

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 78

17 Day Metabolism Cure


This is one of the best upper body exercises ever! It works everything on your torso including
your chest and your back; your arms and even your abs. Make sure your shoulders line up with
flare out your elbows wide).
Try to get your chest and hips as close to the floor as possible without touching. Remember flat
u u
breathing for 1 minute. Break for 30 seconds and do another 1 minute set!

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 79

17 Day Metabolism Cure

The bridge (aka hip raise or extension) strengthens the glutes and hamstrings. It also
works your abs, back and inner thighs. Lift your hips with your feet flat on the floor and
slowly lower back down. For variation, slowly extend one leg long into the sky as you
raise your hips. As usual, do as many as you can slowly and controlled for 1 minute,
break, then complete a second 1 minute set.

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17 Day Metabolism Cure

Start with feet together and arms resting comfortably by your sides. Step forward with
your right foot and lower your body until your front knee is at 90 degrees and your knee
is close to but not touching the floor. Then, to complete the exercise, push off of your
front right foot while straightening your left leg keep your RIGHT foot off of the floor
and balance with your right thigh parallel to your hip. Do as many as you can slowly and
controlled for 1 minute, break, then complete a second 1 minute set.


The plank has become one of the key go to exercises to define your core. Get into the
pushup position and hold it. If you are struggling to maintain the arms straight position

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 81

17 Day Metabolism Cure
try this exercise on your forearms and be sure to align your elbows and shoulders and
keep your hips, heels and shoulders at the same height. Do for 1 minute, break, and
complete a second 1 minute set. Your abs will thank you!

Triceps Dip

This exercise targets the muscles on the back of your upper arms. If you find that you
have wrist discomfort, try turning your hands to the side slightly and or taking breaks to
roll out your wrists. Sit in a V position with your hands flat on the floor fingers facing
your glutes, heels flat on the floor. Lift your hips, raising your glutes off the ground
(6inches or so) and lower down using your arms. Do not lower your hips; keep them in
the same position.
In order to target the back of your arms correctly be sure to have your hips as close to
your arms or the edge of the chair as possible, otherwise your legs will do the work
instead of your arms. Do for 1 minute, break, and complete a second 1 minute set.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 82

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Single Leg Deadlift

This is one of the best lower body exercises around and works the muscles on the
backside of your body that are typically ignored. Stand on one leg with your knee slightly
bent and without changing the bend in your knee, bend at your hips and lower your
u for 1 minute
on the left leg, and then switch legs and repeat.

Spinal Balance

Come into a table top position on your palms and knees, making sure that your head
and neck are a natural extension of the spine. Extend your right arm out directly in front
of your shoulder with your palm facing in. Slowly extend your left leg back behind you
with your heel lifted, toe pointed and leg in alignment with your hips. Complete the
exercise by bringing your right elbow in to touch your left knee while rounding up
through your spine and tucking your chin into your chest. Be sure to keep your abs
contracted and breathe through the exercise. Return to the starting straight-arm and leg
position. Do for 1 minute on the left leg, and then switch legs and repeat.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 83

17 Day Metabolism Cure

C L your back with your legs straight out in front of
you with your neck a neutral position. Place your fingertips behind your head with your
thumbs resting slightly above your jawbone. Lift your legs 6 inches above the ground.
Bring your left leg in while lifting and twisting your core to meet your right elbow. Twist
your core, not your neck. As you return to start, bring your right knee in to meet your
left elbow.
Bicycles have been proven to activate more muscle fibers in the rectus abdominals and
obliques then a standard crunch. Do a 1 minute set, break for 20 seconds and repeat.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 84

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Kick Downs

This core exercise helps you build a stronger back which makes you less prone to injury.
Lie flat on your back with your neck relaxed and your arms at your side, palms flat on
the floor, toes pointed toward the sky. Make sure to keep your low back pressing into
the ground the entire time. With your legs slightly apart, lift your legs slowly approx.. 6
inches above your hips and lower your legs as close to the floor as possible without
allowing them to touch. To make this exercise easier, bend your knees. Or for more of
challenge, keep your legs straight. Do a 1 minute set, break for 20 seconds and repeat.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 85

17 Day Metabolism Cure

Burpees are fantastic in that they combine cardio and strength rolled into one exercise.
touching your palms flat to the floor, jump your legs back until you are in a full plank
(push-up) position. Jump your feet back between your hands, stand and jump straight
up (using your legs not your back) keeping your legs straight and hands above your head
8 rt and repeat for 1 minute straight,
no stopping. Go at your own pace and Breathe out on your jump back into plank and up
into the air. Take a strict 20 second break and repeat for another minute.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 86

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Switch Lunges

W It's a simple but challenging way to tone and
strengthen your entire lower body: quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves and the anterior
tibialis. This time around lunge, and power up using your legs and go immediately into a
lunge with the opposite leg leading. Do for 1 minute, take a strict 20 second break, and
complete your last 1 minute set.

Mountain Climbers

One of the S W
drive your knee toward your chest contracting your abs and breathing. This exercise is

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 87

17 Day Metabolism Cure
about control and power. Alternate knees. Stay in perfect plank position and for an
extra kick; try a running motion as opposed to slow and steady. Perform for 1 minute,
take a strict 20 second break and complete another 2 (two) sets!

Tuck Jump

The tuck jump is extremely powerful and fun! l strengthen your entire body including
your heart! Get agile and quick by starting at a traditional standing position feet
together, legs bent slightly, hands at your side. All at once jump, bringing your knees to
your chest and your hands to your knees. Return to start and repeat! Do as many as you
can in 1 minute, take a strict 20 second break and complete another 2 (two) sets!

Globe Jumps
This exercise adds an element of power in the lower body that will get your heart rate
up for a cardiovascular work-out! Plus those lower body muscles. Start in an athletic
squat position and swing your arms up above your head as you push off of your heels
and jump forward, land, and immediately sink back down into a squat position,
fingertips touching the floor. Then jump to your left, then to the back, again to the right
and forward again to complete the exercise. Do as many rotations as you can in 1
minute, take a strict 20 second break and complete another 1 minute set.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 88

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Cool Down

Quadriceps (front of thigh)

Hold the top of your left foot with right hand and gently pull heel toward buttocks. Keep your knees
together and your left arm extended for balance. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Repeat with other leg.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 89

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Hip and Groin

Place one leg forward in a low lunge position, while your knee of the other leg is close but not touching
the floor. Without changing the position of the knee near the floor or the forward leg, lower the front of
your hip downward. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Repeat with other leg.
Hamstring low side lunge

Lunge sideways anchoring on your left leg. Keep your knee slightly behind your toe as the right leg
stretches. Straighten your right leg placing your right heel on the ground with your toes facing the sky.
Try extending your arms in front of you for a balance exercise or keep the fingertips lightly touching the

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 90

17 Day Metabolism Cure
ground for support. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Repeat with other leg.

Upper Body

In a standing or sitting position, interlace your fingers. With your palms facing upward, push your arms
slightly back and up as far as possible. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths and repeat.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 91

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Triceps (back of upper arm)

With your arms overhead, hold the elbow of one arm with the hand of your other arm. Gently pull the
elbow behind your arm. Do slowly. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Stretch both arms.

Gently pull your elbow across your chest toward your opposite shoulder. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths.
Repeat with other elbow.

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 92

17 Day Metabolism Cure
Inner Thigh, Hip and Groin

Sit Indian style with the soles of your feet touching. With arms supplying slight resistance on inside of
legs, slowly push down your knees. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths.
Lower back

Lie flat on your back. Tighten your hip muscles and at the same time, tighten your abdominal muscles to
flatten your lower back. Hold for 5 to 8 seconds, and then relax. Repeat two or three times.
Pull your right leg toward your chest. Keep the back of your head on the floor. Try to keep your lower
back flat. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Repeat with your left leg. Complete three times per leg.
DONE! Enjoy the rest of your day, you fat burning machine you!

Cure your metabolism in just 17 days! 93

17 Day Metabolism Cure
For the best results

Start your exercise regimen on day 3 of the 17 day metabolism cure and do them until day 15. You want
to ensure you have the energy raw solid, foods will provide you. Make sure you begin your exercises
during a time of the day that allows you to continue them all the way through. If you
cardio exercises earliest in the day and break the others up over two periods later in the day.


? C
than you initially thought. You should be celebrating! Taking the time and making the commitment takes
dedication and discipline. From here on out, all you have to do is keep up the healthy eating habits your
body has become accustomed to lose even more weight!
Staying active, eating fresh organic, meals and staying consistent will guarantee you a strong, high
performing metabolism. More so than anything else you could possibly do. More than any supplement
or potion. So make the commitment to keep your health and your body on track. Toned, beautiful and
at optimal health C

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