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&*&* CHAPTER 1 Reminiscence Isabella Marie Swan Cullen It was already dismissal.

I could feel the smile lighting up my face. School word s often remind me of some of my bossy teachers.. If only they know I'm older than them, older than their grandparents in fact. I bet they wont exactly start babbl ing on about age experience. I was on the way to my car, wishing I can use my normal speed for once, when sud denly that human boy named Mike Newton beat me to it. Great. Just what I needed. So, Bella, what about that dinner, huh? he queries and I try my hardest not to mak e a face. What dinner? I answer innocently. You know.. Me, you, picnic under the stars? Youve got to hand it to teenagers. I envy them the freedom of their era. If he so mehow asked me that in my time, by-passers would have had glared at him in all d irections. Uhm, Mike, let me put it this way, I have a boyfriend waiting for me in Australia . That was so far from the truth that Im amazed they always believe it, because I a m a terrible liar. The thing is that, Ive never had such a thing as a boyfriend and the last time I was in Australia was when it was World War II. But Upon looking on my glare, he backed away and mumbled next time I smile with pursed lips and open the car door. The drive to my house was a dull one. I sang along to an 80s country song and pre ss down on the accelerator harder as the tone reaches the adlib. Though I hate riding in carriages with fast drivers when I was still human, I lo ve driving as fast as I can now that I'm a... vampire. The word still gives me a deep chill and I sigh noisily, ruining my rhythm with the song. Its hard enough being a different one among human beings. Its even harder when your e different from your own kind. Yes, I am a vampire. Contrary to popular belief, garlic, holy water and sunligh t does not annihilate me. The cross also doesnt but I can assure you I worship it with holiness. I am not a sadist. I believe there is a God and I believe he wat ches over us, too. Yes, I need blood to survive. But thats where my being Catholic kicks in. Yes, I drink blood, But I would never stomach killing a human-innocent or not. I survive through the blood of animals . Im a vampire that had never killed. I am, as far as I know, the only one who does not kill human beings. The goldeneyed one. The only golden eyed one . Like I said, being a human who stands out sucks but being a vampire who stands o ut even among those who already do sucks more. (pardon the pun) Immortality has its drawbacks, but also a lot of privileges. I never need food, d rink, sleep, even air. As far as I know, blood is all our kind has as a basic ne ed.

I reminisced as I made my way to my bedroom. Thoughts of the first day I found o ut what I am. That vampire, a woman I can never remember the complete appearance of is the one who turned me. All my life Ive tried searching for her to no avail . But I guess what was done is done and I can never ask her the true reason she made me what I am. I woke up alone and with the oddest burn on the base of my only thing that can compare. Immediately I grabbed for the ys place on the night stand before I sleep. But it was not e was deserted. The woman, Eleanor, I recall, was the name er, isnt here. Eleanor.. I cried, my voice course. throat. Hell was the glass of water I alwa there. The whole hous she told me to call h

I stood up. I wonder why is it I felt strong, yet weak due to my throat. I run to the kitchen. I swallow a chug of water then spat it out. It tasted fine but my throat somehow refused to take it in. And then I made a mistake (or a blessing as I would call it later on) of glancin g in the window. A doe was drinking from the stream. My predatory instincts took over. The blood was relief to me. I then followed th e doe with her mate, the buck, who somehow remained even after I got her killed. And then I also killed the young buck. There was only the never ending burn-it consumed me. Rationality, Conscience eve n disgust evaded my senses. It was only about the never ending thirst. I was horrified at what I did. I knew then what I turned intoI am my father-the preachers child after all And I wa s afraid beyond measure. I knew I was a monster. Vampire. The word that was kept whispered by some semblance of my old self. I lo oked at my bloody hands, the blood of the deer unsightly against my now paler co mplexion. I killed a family. Yes, animals only but I what if they were humans? What if it was some philosopher up here, researching, instead of a dear? Will I be the cau se of grief? Can I forgive myself if I kill a child? I was disoriented, confused. I wanted to kill myself for what Ive become. I made my way back to the crumbling old house, the one I woke up in. And then I saw the note. Isabella, Someday I hope I can prove I was right to make this decision. When I find you ag ain, I promise I will explain everything. Im sorry for the pain, sorry for all. P lease, please, be strong. I know you would and maybe even now hate me, but I sin cerely hope you won't once I see you again. Im so sorry. Eleanor Until today, I still believe I am a monster, a tool devised to kill; but I try m y best not to let it take over me. Years later I envy the family of deer that was my first hunt. At least they died like that. A family. Whilst I am destined to remain forever a

lone and in misery. I throw the bag I bring to school on the table with more force than necessary an d lied spread eagle on the bed. It was a day for memories, so I might as well re member the one thing I love the most that I will never have again-my family. I was 5 and my father Carlisle asked me if I wanted more chocolate on the cake I was being served. I smile sheepishly and nod. He chuckled then added just a ti ny drop, then whispered Dont tell your mama to me. I wink at him and hug him, then eat a mouthful of the delicacy. And then I was 6 when I came home crying. My school mates were teasing me about the color of my hair. Theirs were long, elegant blonde waves while mine were dar k. My father immediately picked me up and soothed me. I told him the problem. He looked sad on my part. But then he told me I was the most beautiful little girl anyway so it never matters. Who would you believe, them or me? He challenged seriously. You I tell him and hug him tighter. He smiled and told me I can watch him play the piano. I was 9 when my father left me and my mother to hunt demons. It was part of his d uty to our community, as pastor and heir of my grandfathers service. I felt horri fied and begged him not to come, but he brushed me off, kissed me on the cheek a nd told me hed be back to teach me a new song on the piano. Promise? I asked. Promis e He said then put his jacket on and kissed my mother full on the lips then waved us both a happy good bye. And then things went wrong. He never came back. I wasnt worried first, convincing my young mind that he would be back sooner or later. He promised. A week later the policemen gave us his wallet that contained nothing but a picture of me and my mother. They reasoned that he was stolen from by thieves who then went to kil l him when he refused to surrender. I remember me kicking and The mayor himself offered ccessful on the town. The once the perfect family, screaming, and my mother dissolving to loud sobs. us his sympathy, for we were one of the most rich and su whole town referred to us as poor dears, because we were and now the father, the husband is gone.

Enough I tell myself loudly, breaking the eerie silence of my room. Thats enough for one day, I chanted to myself. I might miss my family and curse w hat I am, but I can never change it back to what it was ever again. In an effort to change the direction of my thoughts, I grab my dog-eared copy of Pride and Prejudice. This copy is about the same age as me, classic and old. An old story. I flicked the pages to the parts I like best. I got bored since I have repeated reading this book more like a thousand times. This is not an exaggeration on my part. Apparently there's nothing interesting for me to do at night-hell on a bei ng forbidden to sleep. I decided I will just hunt... After all, a week has passed and my eyes are alre ady getting darker. I have to hunt soon or it will be hard spending some time wi th my "classmates" and my teachers who are more old-fashioned than I am. Sometim es I wonder why none of them are noticing my eyes specially my best friend (or s o she thinks) Jessica, my admirers, Mike, Eric, Tyler and others I dont have the energy to remember. My face twitched into an evil smile. They will have a heart attack surely if they find out I am older than their grandparent's grandparents. More importantly, I wonder about the teachers. I dont understand why they chose t

heir profession if they just hate it with a passion. Imagine molding the future of the youth, yet hating the trials youll get? I envy them for that chance. The c hance to make a good citizen out of a confused adolescent. Yet they seem oblivio us to it. I myself have been a teacher from different times in the past. It was hard work but I enjoyed it-and it was bittersweet because I longed to get attached to my s tudents, to communicate with them even after they leave the walls of the school. But I never can. Sooner or later, a father would find me too much of a temptati on and I would have to leave or some of my colleagues would then remark that I n ever seem to age. Its been a while since I was a teacher. Maybe I should do it ag ain once I graduate this next journey of high school. I took out of my house with a run. I run fast, I thought with a leer.. faster th an-well, any vampire I've known of . Don't get me wrong, I've known many vampire s but none of them are a single bit like me. As much as I know, no vampire had b een like me. They dont care about the humans. They dont care about the family of their victims, something they that they were o nce part of. They dont care for the little conscience left of them, even if they are already d ifferent. They act like Gods, people at their mercy. They don't care about being in heaven when their time comes. I mean I might be deluding myself, but in my humble opinion there is heaven. Yes . Even for me. I just cant believe there is not every time I watch the sunsets a nd sunrise (not that I don't get to do it here, here at the rainiest place in th e continental U.S. where the sun rarely shines.) I hope God will know I didn't choose this fate. It was chosen for me. &*&* Another day. The sun was smiling and I groaned. I guess no school for me today. I sat on the sofa decorating my living room. I grimaced at the TV. The first thi ng that met my eyes was a movie. In the scene, a child was crying near the windo w. I looked away. I guess it was another trip to memory road. It has been 2 years since Daddy left us, I sat beside the window everyday waitin g for a sign of him.. his smile, his hair, his emerald eyes, or even his kind vo ice... but there is just crying. And lots of them. My mom, right in her room aga in, crying, crying and crying until her eyes will tear no more. My mother was broken-hearted and sick. She remarried Peter, a businessman and widower with 3 children. She wanted to g ive me a family again- a father and siblings. Unfortunately, she chose the wrong man. They were kind at first while he was courting my mother, but everything ch anged after the wedding. He started drinking more heavily, brandy, wine, or what ever stroked his fancy. His daughters turned mean and claimed all my toys. My st epfather rarely talked to my mother and broken by despair, she started going to her room and rarely leaving it. I was curious and it broke my heart because the one time I looked into her room secretly, she was clutching the photo of my father. After a time, after many years of suffering, my mother breathed her last... I can still hear her faint voice " I love you dear. Forgive me if I'm leaving yo

u here now." I tried my best not to let Peter and his children make me more sad than ever, bu t it was a hard action to do. I felt like I was that girl-Cinderella from fairy tales my mother and my aunt I dont remember the name now often supplied me at nig ht when I was 3. And then it was the last straw. Peter ran out of money from his women, his gambl ing and his alcohol. He managed to make his daughters marry and when I was the o nly one alone, he convinced me to no avail to marry the mayors son. I couldnt do it. Haunted by the happy memories of my mother and father, I knew on ly love would lead me to the altar. I left and hid, and they tried to search eve rywhere but nobody found me living on another town-my grandfathers from Carlisles. I was lucky because they gave up easily and announced I was dead to everyone fr om an illness. The house was deserted, with torn wall papers and faded paint. But it was livabl e. I survived alone. I decided to live my own life Then I met her. The woman whom I thought was my friend. The woman who made me su ffer eternal damnation. She betrayed me, and I will never forget it. &*&* After I finished the grizzly I was hunting, I smelled a mountain lion nearby. So I just sprang to it's direction. Letting my instincts get the best of me, I ran to find it's direction. Then I stopped. I was on a meadow. It was dark, of course, because it is nighttime but due to my perfect vision, I can see it completely. It was small, perfectly round, and filled with wild flowers- violet, yellow and soft white. Somewhere nearby I knew a spring was nearby. The sound of water spl ashing was like music to my ears. The moon was shining overhead, filling the cir cle with soft light. I walked slowly, awestruck, through the soft grass. Flowers danced to the breeze , silent forest sounds enveloped the scene. It was simply breathtaking. I lied on the grass, not giving a damn about my clothes. I dont know why or how but I stared at it completely until I was startled by the morning sun. I was in the center of it and the sun was sparkling on me. True, it had been a shocking moment when I first saw my reflection on the sunlig ht. Because during that time, I couldn't pull myself together. I thought I was a cri minal A bloodthirsty criminal. Annoyed that my thoughts were flicking to my worst memories, I looked at my body. It was sparkling, of course, Why would it not? I was annoyed more that my thoughts were flicking, again to things that could ne ver happen. I just stared and wander at the meadow. It was like it was created for me here. It was like it was designed only for me. There is sunlight again today. I smiled. I knew a lot of make-up work would keep me busy when the sun finally hides. I cannot go to school for obvious reasons.

So I stayed, marveling at the breathtaking sight. &*&* The next day it was another normal day, a normal I got out of my car and went to my class I hated e subject, Trigonometry, not only because of our e this is the class I share with the two witches ren. raining day I mean. the most not only because of th teacher, Mr. Thomas, but becaus as I call them, Jessica and Lau

Completely bored and irritated by the death glares Lauren keep throwing at me, I was almost jumping for joy when the school bell rang. I was already pretending to eat the slimy food when I heard the latest news. "Have you heard the news Katie? 5 new students are coming next week!" I heard Jessica said cheerfully. "Of course I have! It's been all over the town that 5 new students are enrolling at Forks High." Katie (a blonde over-sensitive girl) said, a little shocked by the question. Because of my hearing senses, I can hear the little conversations at the cafeter ia. "I bet they'll all look like toads!" Mike said a little bossily. "Maybe, maybe they don't have brains." suggested Eric. I hid my laugh with a cough. Yeah, trust the two morons to come up with something about the new comers. Then the group around his table was silent, lost in their day dreams about the n ew students. "What did I say?" mumbled Eric. "I just hope they have nice attitudes." Angela finished. The bell rang and I was off with Angela, whom I have Biology, my after lunch per iod, with. "Strange isn't it? Five new students moving into a little town, in the middle of the school year?" Angela said. "Yes indeed, which year are they going in anyway?" I asked her, more out of poli teness than interest. "According to Jessica .." She queried, then shot me a you-know-her look. "There are two girls and three boys. A girl and a boy will be juniors," she cont inued thoughtfully, making me think she was thinking more about this than she wi ll let on. "And the rest are all Seniors." I eyed her carefully. What is it I see from her eyes? ".But are they all related? Family perhaps? Its too strange if they aren't all c onnected, cause Forks rarely get new students." I answered pointedly, wondering about the strangeness of it. "Yeah Jessica says they're all connected to the new doctor in town." She smiled. "You know what's making me smile though? "What?" I asked, my interest now caught because I consider her a friend in a lit tle way. "You all share the same family surname. The doctor's surname is Cullen like you. .I don't remember his first name though, Car?-Car?- Carl ..Carlos? No? Yeah I go t it,,Carlisle!. Dr. Carlisle Cullen." I stopped walking. My Biology book slipped. It's just a coincidence. Now calm down before you break down in front of all the se humans. But what if it was not?

"Bella? Bella? you okay?" Angela whispered anxiously after handing me my book. I nodded my head. I rearranged my features and smiled tight lipped. Angela, I think what I ate didnt agree with me this lunch. Can you tell Mr. Banner Im going to the nurse to check? She looked concerned then nodded. Sure. Take care, okay? she told me, and I nod. A part of me was touched by her car ing attitude, but it wasnt what I will call my biggest priority right now. Yeah, Bye. I replied. I walked normally while late comers hurried to their rooms. Then when halls were deserted and I knew no one was looking anymore, I ran to th e parking lot. Nice girls do not skip classes. Well tough luck, I stopped being a nice girl a long time ago. &*&* CHAPTER 2 New Beginnings Carlisle Cullen I was at the hospital, in my not actually first day as a doctor here. Forks didn't change much, it is still its usual raining self. It's still green-ju st like when I, Esme, Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett visited it nearly 90 years ago . I can feel all eyes-specially the female ones staring at my back, marveling at m e I wanted to work alone but as that is not possible in this line of work, I just ignored it and pretended it's nothing. I passed the head-doctor smiling, remembering the day he accepted me without hes itation. At last, my shift was finished and I walked out the door with no word , leaving all the eyes behind me . I arrived at our home and spotted my son playing the piano, my wife next to him wearing a motherly expression. When Edward spotted me, he looked up to me and made a welcoming gesture with his hand. Esme followed his eyes and went to my side quickly using our "usual" spee d. Then, she went to give me a short peck on the lips and asked me the usual questi on. "How did it go dear?" "Well, the usual." I said as I grinned broadly. She gave me a lovely smile in return. Lovely, even for a vampire. I looked at the room and spotted Rosalie. She was scanning some fashion magazine s absentmindedly and was surprised when she heard my question. "When will your first day be Rose?" "Hmm? Ahm I think next week, for sure. I haven't been on the school yet, I haven 't accompanied Alice during the registration." She said with a guilty smile. "But where are they?" I looked around, expecting to see the tiny pixie smiling a t me but she was nowhere of sight. "She's hunting, with Em and Jas." Edward said answering my question, no doubt, a nswering my mind. &*&* Mary Alice Brandon Cullen

I was draining the elk slowly, for I'm not particularly thirsty. I was just accompanying my wrestler of a brother Emmett and my mate Jasper. The elk was halfway drained when a vision appeared. There was a girl, a vampire girl. Just like us. She had on clothes more suited f or someone 10 years senior to her age, and she had closed eyes. But she was still a real beauty. Her features were the one you expect a porcelai n doll wear. Her hair was dark, and I was certain it was a real brunette color. She was in a meadow that looks strangely familiar. She was then looking straight ahead, and I heard myself gasp. She had golden eyes. And then it became more mind-boggling. She began crying, a heart-breaking sound no one but a very miserable person can make. I wanted to be near her, which was foolish of me, I know but I couldnt shake the feeling off. Her arms were wrapped around herself, and then her knees somewhat gave up and sh e kneeled on the soft grass. The vision vanished and another one appeared. She was looking for someone in the forestThe vision shifted again. She was packing her clothes. And then it twisted yet again. She was with us. She was shopping with Rose, laug hing with Emmett, Playing chess with my Jasper and then.. She was arms to arms with me we were both laughing so hard like teenage schoolgir ls teasing each other.. Then Esme was hugging her while they were both crying hy sterically. Then.. Then She was kicking away from Carlisle while Carlisle was begging to her knees then it shifted again.. They were both hugging each other in a fatherly- daughter way and She was asking him.. "Why didn't you find me?" Then it vanished out of sight. Edward. Where is Edward? these are the questions that pops in my head every time I have a vision... But.. Edward was nowhere in it No... Nothing Everyone was there except him I searched for his future but there wasn't anything there. All was normal.. Him trying to hum out the thoughts , him playing the piano. But the girl was not there. Nowhere.. Nowhere Who is this girl. ? And why am I laughing with her? Then a vision mad me hysterically shocked but fulfilled beyond measure. Edward was in the meadow with her.. They were holding hands...they were talking. They just looked so good together that I was certain she was the answer to Emmet ts teasing Edwards gay. Happiness flood over me.

I knew that this is the most vital one. Also, this is whats going to determine su ccess. The Cullen family will have another member. Quite possibly, Edwards mate. But who is she, and... When Exactly? I felt so confused, for the first time. The visions were shifting, changing. Con fusing me. Which means only one thing. The girl is more confused than I am. Edward. He determines everything. Then I remembered Carlisle. Whats this got to do with him? &*&* Isabella Marie Swan Cullen What am I going to do ? Knowing my chances, I knew that there is a chance that its all just a coincidenc e. But there is a bigger chance that it isn't. I moved from my room, to the kitchen and finally, to my piano. I stopped there. I played one of the songs I play when I remember my father. DANCE WITH MY FATHER AGAIN Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then Spin me around 'til I fell asleep Then up the stairs he would carry me And I knew for sure I was loved If I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him I'd play a song that would never, ever end How I'd love, love, love To dance with my father again When I and my mother would disagree To get my way, I would run from her to him He'd make me laugh just to comfort me, yea yea Then finally make me do just what my mama said Later that night when I was asleep He left a dollar under my sheet Never dreamed that he would be gone from me If I could steal one final glance, one final step, one final dance with him I'd play a song that would never, ever end 'Cause I'd love, love, love To dance with my father again Sometimes I'd listen outside her door And I'd hear how my mother cried for him I pray for her even more than me I pray for her even more than me I know I'm praying for much too much But could you send back the only man she loved

I know you don't do it usually But dear Lord she's dying To dance with my father again Every night I fall asleep and this is all I ever dream I cried and cried with no tears escaping and I realized my own feet have taken m e to the meadow. This is the reason why I rarely allow myself to reminisce about my father. What am I supposed to do? Even if my father is like me, a monster.. What am I going to do? I cannot just go to that hospital with no reason.. And what will I do If it really was all a coincidence? How can I endure that? Now that I allowed myself to hope, Will I be able to repair myself again? And besides.. If it is not a coincidence... Will he accept me? Judging the fact that there are five new students.. and all o f them are "Cullens" like me... they are his new family... Are they like me too? Because all the facts leads straight to that... A rainy little town... Moving students in that... But both of that will crumble with the last one... Knowing my dad, if he is a vampire, he will take the way I the "good v ampire". So hell be here for years. And I have got no choice but to stay here too, because the authorities have dete cted me somewhat, because of my vendetta against talking to the right persons, me aning pay. What if I run to him in town? What if one of them notice that I look like him? And will they accept me? There were more tearless tears that escaped me... No... Chances are they won't... I would. once again, like I was with Peter, be the black sheep. The outcast. And if I see him, I would never be able to escape the pain. Why do I even want to meet my father again? He left us, right? He abandoned us when we needed him. He promised. A promise that was broken with time. He let my mother and me to suffer every night-me emotionally and my mother physi cally and emotionally. Why do I even want to meet my father again? The answer was clear to me but I refuse to accept it. Because I need my father again. But does he need me? Time must have been kind to him. He has new daughters now,two if I am not mistaken. And three sons. I remembered that he always wanted a son. He does not need me to ruin his perfect eternity, and I dont have the right to ma ke him choose between me and them.

So Ill stay out of his picture. Jealousy, if I am being honest was the real reason behind those words. He replaced us, his true family for another! He never searched for me! He could have had spent a century or so searching for any trace of me, right? He could ha ve had gone back to us. He should have had controlled the monster inside him. And although I knew I wasnt thinking clearly, that I was supposed to run to the h ospital and demand him or his address, I did not. I stayed on the meadow and cried all night, with only my own arms wrapped around me and silence in the place of a warm reassurance. What should I do? &*&* CHAPTER 3 Visions Edward Anthony Mason Cullen I heard the presence of another mind. I turned to see my father arriving from hi s first shift after 90 years from the hospital. He was taking in the sight of Esme and I. I made a welcoming gesture and Esme followed my gaze. She quickly turned to go i nto him and peck him in the lips. She was.. worrying as usual, about how dad made his first day. I concentrated on the piano after that, I don't want to hear too much out of the ir conversation. They have their right to privacy. Where are the others? Carlisle inquired in his mind. I answered him and continued with the piano again. &*&* My half-brothers and sisters were finally home. Emmett was thinking about arm-wrestling with Jasper again and Jasper was the sam e but he was also concentrating on Alice's mood. Alice was grinning from ear to ear but when I peeked at her mind.. I can see she was concentrating to hide something from me.. I raised my eyebrows at her but she continued to concentrate but now, it was har der. "What are you hiding? You evil pixie?" I asked loudly. The others looked at both of us..very puzzled. Pixie. Emmett guffawed while Esme mock-glared at me. She shook her head but if it was possible, she concentrated more and smiled more . "What the hell is going on again? Last time you did that, You broke Esme's favor ite chair and tried to hide it from him- from us?" Rosalie asked, annoyed. "Nothing." Alice said but she was still working very hard to hide something. But I know better. She was hiding something more important. "A vision?" I asked her.

"No. I said nothing ." Her face turned from the big smile to a serious one. I only caught a glimpse of a shadowy vision. It was complicated...It was very hard to understand.. A girl .. no, a vampire... a crying one.. That's when she concentrated harder. The square root of pi will only get you so far, I thought nastily. "What was that?" I yelled annoyed more now because she made the vision stop and the numbers were getting to my head. Should I tell them or not? Okay. Partly. Can we go to the dining room? Alice said loudly. Edward, please, please listen first. Do not react. Act normally, okay? There is more to this. Ill tell you later. She was looking straight ahead. I nod conspicuo usly. When all of us were settled, even Carlisle, who left the library to join us, Ali ce began her report. "Well... a new vampire is going to join us... I wanted to secret it and surprise you all, but because of that guy there" She gestured with her little hand to me . "You all wouldn't be." she finished. "Huh? When did you see it?" Emmett asked. "What is she- a girl or boy?" Rosalie said anxiously. "Why did you tell us this late?" Carlisle asked. "Are you really sure Alice, dear? I don't want to hope." Esme asked in a motherl y way. "I will answer all of your questions if you will slow down." Alice asked. Nobody expected me to raise questions. They always think I can read it all anywa y, so nobody was surprised I havent asked. But they are wrong this time. This time, I am not satisfied with what I am reading. Better yet, what I am being blocked from reading. What the hell is it? &*&* Mary Alice Brandon Cullen I am still confused. What am I going to do with Edward? I can't let him see her- my future sister...just because of my visions. I don't know why, but I want him to meet her personally first. You know, love at first sight and all that? I weighed the cons and pros as I ran back to the glass house. I chanted not to let myself give Edward an involuntary peek. I finally decided to let them all in in the "secret" , but I won't tell them all of the details. I told them to sit at the dining room, explaining to Edward that well talk later. " Well... a new vampire is going to join us... I wanted to secret it and surpris

e you all, but because of that guy there" I gestured with an annoyed- very annoy ed look at Edward, "You all wouldn't be." I finished. "Huh? When did you see it?" Emmett asked. Last year. Duh, today. "What is she- a girl or boy?" Rosalie asked , excited for a new shopping partner . I definitely understand that! "Why did you tell us late?" Carlisle asked. Don't they remember it's supposed to be a secret? And why was she--"Are you really sure Alice, dear? I don't want to hope." Esme asked in a motherl y way. Awww so cute.. Yay Mom is gonna have a new daughter- and I, a new sister! Oops. I looked at Edward. Maybe I gave something away. Luckily, He was still absorbed in his own thoughts. "I will answer all of your questions if you will slow down." I told them a littl e sharply. "I saw it just minutes ago, while hunting with you two. Rosalie, I know how you feel- Shes a girl." I looked at Carlisle but I blocked my thoughts as much as possible. " I'm definitely sure Esme, dear that She will join us soon." I told her and she began asking me how soon. "I don't know exactly. It all depends. " I left it hanging. Grin. To Edward. I finished in my head, wrong move again! I turned to look at Edward but he seemed concerned about Esme. He doesnt want he r to hope. I wish that you wouldn't be much of a pain Edward, I wanted to surprise you all, but because of your nosy attitude..." I left the sentence hanging. Rosalie was still grinning ear to ear- reflecting me. Edward looked at me.- I know that he was not believing everything I am saying. "Is that all Alice?" Edward finally said. I looked at Rosalie concentrating hard- very hard not to think about... Rosalie. Rosalie only. Rosalie. I turned to take a deep breath. "Yes that's all. Now would you go away for a minute Edward? I want to , really, badly- to know exactly when she's going to join us, It won't help to know that a mind reader is peeking at everything I 'm going to see." Later. I promise. He was starting to say something but I interrupted him. "And I am going to keep an eye on you if you will listen." I threatened darkly. I mean it. "Fine I'll go away for a minute if that's what you want. Maybe I can go to my me adow. It's been a long time since I got there." he made a good-bye gesture to al l of us, glared at me and was gone before realization hit me. Later he mumbled, knowing Id get the hint that it was for me. I don't know whether I will scream or jump for joy because... My soon -to-be-sister: she is also on her and now, their meadow. And suddenly I feel excited more and more. I nudged Rosalie. Shell be fun. I assured her with a wink.

Ha. If only I can eat popcorn, this is going to be an authentic romantic movie. Why are you so happy? Jasper asked me with a sheepish look. Because I love you. I told him then kissed him. Get a room! Emmett yelled. We ignored him. &*&* CHAPTER 4 Emotions

Isabella Marie Swan Cullen I had finished my broken, tearless sobbing. It was a day blessed with rain again. Just like the tears I was not not able to shed. , I thought dismally at the little drops that fall. I chose not to attend class today. No, not at this state. I was here again on the meadow. I have taken to calling it mine because so far, I can trace no human or animal have laid claim to it. I don't know why or how bu t it seemed to me as if I should be here, really be here. Somehow, this meadow l essens my burden. A strange new scent filled my nose. It was like honey, lilac and sunshine, combi ned yet not exactly the same. I searched every single direction but I could not find anything or, anyone. It was just rain.. tiny droplets of rain. Maybe I finally lost it. Can a vampire be mad? Its probably a flower not discovered yet. Well, yes maybe, maybe because I am different, and to top it all, I am much more different than the different. "Why?" I barely heard my own voice. Why did I receive such a hopeless fate? I d id not chose this, In fact I think I am better off dead , at least maybe, lying in a coffin beside my mothers, at least I am together with my family. Together w ith the people I love the most. Without my knowing, I was crying louder this time, I felt sorry for myself. but that was it. I, myself am the only one who cares for me. I am alone, on the mise rable world, forever and as miserable as it is, always.. The sweet smell was still there but I don't care anymore, it was nothing. I am always alone... I closed my eyes...alone, How melancholy the word sounds! But thats when I heard something moving. I turned around again, certain I would find nothing. At first I was right. But then there he was, an angel. Who is he? Why is he here? And... Why is he coming in my direction? I stopped breathing. If my heart could stop beating, I think it might. He was like me. Exactly like me. My instincts were on guard. He was also a vampire. I felt fury reign in but I struggled to contain it. This is my territory. He was walking to me, and I was frozen in place. I dont know what was winning in the plethora of emotions coursing through me. Shock, fury, shame, maybe a little

bit of all. He was still walking to me! Does he not see me? Why is he still coming in my dir ection? He finally reached me and snatched my hand which was wrapped around my knees fro m my earlier crying. Who is this vampire? Am I imagining things? Why is he holding my hand? "Why are you crying?" I finally heard him murmur, too low. I looked up to his face and was shocked to see the golden orbs, soft and warm. Golden eyes like mine. What is happening here? Who is this? Why is he holding my hand? Why is he talking to me and why does he have my eyes? I tried to talk, to answer, or ask him, but I was too amazed and shocked. I felt his gaze on my face and I looked down. Maybe it was silly, but I was asha med of someone seeing me cry. He squeezed my hand and murmured again. "Why are you crying?" I looked up to his face again, shook my head and pressed m y lips together. If God answered my prayer not to be alone anymore, this is too much. He smiled- I think it was a forced one. One side of it was anxious-almost sad. A nd one side was simply heartbreaking. He was staring at my lips, and If I could have had blush, I swear, I would. "I don't think you're telling the truth." He said, catching my eye. Reason ruled over me. I looked at our hands, twined together. "What's it to you anyway? and who are you?" My voice broke and I felt humiliated . "Well, Honestly I don't know too." and the smile turned up again. "Who are you? And What are you doing here?" I asked, looking at our hands. "Who Am I? You'll know soon enough. What I am doing here? This is my favorite pl ace in the world." He answered. Then smiled at me again. "Well, It's mine too." I replied. making an effort not to make my voice break ag ain. I looked at our entwined hands. I knew I should break them off, and I know I cou ld but some part of me wanted to hold on. Now Im not alone anymore. Stop crying. he whispered, and looked straight ahead to the moon. &*&* Mary Alice Brandon Cullen I saw them and seriously, its hard to get the smile off my face. Rosalie muttered "What's wrong with her?" under her mouth. I can almost see Jasper's eyes glaring at her- almost. Emmett is watching TV, Esme is arranging a flower vase but smiling like me, as always. Carlisle was in the study-as predicted. No pun intended. They were talking.. Edward and my next new sister. I don't want to listen, I don't know but I sort of think I will invade privacy if I listen too much, but

still I caught them Holding hands! Wooh! And for the first meeting, that was not bad! I laughed and this time, Esme seemed to notice. "What is it, Alice?, dear Can you see her now? Exactly when?" Esme said, a littl e too excited, and.. for goodness sake, I can tell she's worried. Extremely worr ied. Hard to be hard on her, though. "No. But she will join us- soon." I replied. "What's so funny, little sis?" Emmett said. "Edward." was the only thing I said and a vision appeared again in nowhere, cont radicting the words I said earlier, specially the "soon"... . How can she? Why did she? I stared at Esme. I stared at everyone else. I told them I have to go away for a while. I ran fast. Trust me. I yelled and began the game plan in my head. Edward! I shouted as loud as I can in my mind. We need to talk. Now. &*&* CHAPTER 5 Choices Isabella Marie Swan Cullen I don't know how long we sat there. I feel like an idiot. I'm alone now again, i n my house again. I didn't know why but I sort of feel that I should be with him.. I, I, No, that' s not it.. it can't be. I've only known him for a day, for crying out loud! Some how, I can't say that I miss him...Right? "So, Who are you?" The curious stranger asked. "That's unfair, and you know it. I will tell you my name when I don't even know yours?" I shook my head slowly and muttered "Unfair. Unfair." "Well, why do you want to know me?" He said. Gah! He was talking to me and holding my hand and I don't even know his name? Wh at kind of vampire was he born in? maybe hes a new one, just changed. But some pa rt of me knew he was a gentleman. Old. Classic. Like me? "Well if you won't, then I won't too." I said, a little stubborn. "Well, fine anyway. I'm Edward. Nice to meet you." He said. He squeezed my hand. Isabella, I replied. A fitting name. I couldn't describe the feeling I felt after that. I was, you see, kind of hopin g he will kiss my hand, Like the way of meeting young ladies for the first time during my time. I know, I know, reality is different from dreams. Besides, wasnt I a proper young lady? What happened to that girl? How can I think like this when I'm thinking about my father? I was right. A vampire can go mad. Very funny. "What's wrong?" Damn. He realized I was grimacing. "Nothing."

"Don't believe you madam." "Then don't." I challenged with narrowed eyes. "Fine. Anyway..really, what's bothering you? I saw you crying a little earlier. Broken up with your vampire boyfriend or something?" He was teasing me- and I k new it, but when I looked into his eyes, I see anxiousness there. And if I'm rig ht a little jealousy? No, I'm overlooking things as usual, haha. No, No, Bella. Stop thinking about that. no, no, No he squeezed my hand to sort of remind me I was talking to him.. "No. Nothing. I just want to cry a bit-" I mock-glared at him and continued "And I don't have a boyfriend, so stop teasing me about things I don't have time for." Yeah really, How can I think about things like that when I'm solving way bigger problems? The .. the.. no. You will not cry again. No. Not tonight. "Slow down, Guilty or something?" The mock glare turned into a real one. The beautiful smile kept growing bigger. And did I mention he was still holding my hand? We kept talking and talking. Some of it was pointless anyway. Like he asked me what was my favorites, from flowers (the saffron) to books(of c ourse, Jane Austens!) to movies(classics.) "How old are you, madam?" "Seventeen. haha." "No, not that, I mean how long have you been-?" I think we both find it hard to say the word vampire. I didn't know but I was really happy that we have something in common, even a li ttle fear for a word. I was right! I really did lose my mind. "Hmm, 300, more or less,, I don't remember much, time wasn't marked accurately i n my time yet. You?" "Seventeen and if you mean what i mean by my last question, like you, 300, more or less too. " It was like we have knew each other for all our lives. Like we were playmates wh en we were little, and was reunited again, which is, you know, stupid. Well... I 'm stupid, so what's the point? And I knew that for the first time, I was not feeling left out. And I remembered he had that golden eyes, exactly like mine. And I remembered Why I had been crying, Why we met. Because of my father and his new "family" Is he part of them? How can I let myself be stupid? "Because I am." I muttered. I'm really crazy. Youll be rejected again I tell myself then sigh. I began throwing clothes in random order at the open luggage. So you have to leave to protect yourself. I grabbed my phone and call the airline. To hell with the authorities. I can always make some of my vampire friends to kill them all. Halfway I decided to settle for Brazil. Ill have to hibernate. Besides, I have a pr ivate island there. Someone knocked on my door. My eyes widened in surprise.. Nobody knows where I live. Only vampires can find my home. And a female voice, very excited.. "Bella? "

&*&* Edward Anthony Mason Cullen I don't know what happened to me. As if my feet has a mind of it's own, I starte d moving towards her. I didn't know why or how but I still have the strong urge to comfort her, only now it's stronger. I finally reached her. She spotted me and was wearing a confusing mix of amazeme nt, suspicion and bewilderment. Still, sadness was clear in her golden eyes and my emotions were caught from that. I realize that I do not like it as her domina nt feeling. I grabbed her hand. I know, it's not a pleasant way of a first meeting. Why did I do it? To that, I don't know. She was crying, I don't know why but that was the first thing I asked. It makes me uncomfortable.. no sad and want to comfort her. Like I share her feelings. I don't want to see her cry. No, I don't want her to cry. "Why are you crying?" She looked up to my eyes and hers widened more. She had an intake of breath and if it was possible, was now more shocked but now , it was a little scared. Even more than sadness, fear was not something I welco med from her. She seemed a lost for words. She was about to talk, but not a single word escape d her beautiful lips. I was still examining her when she looked down. I had a desire to lift her face but I know that's too much. Our hands are enough. For now. I squeezed our entwined hands and murmured again. "Why are you crying?" I said again, she shook her head and pressed her lips. I smiled. Why can't I read this creature's mind? Why? Why is she sad? How can I comfort her? "I don't think you're telling the truth." I said. I made her look me in the eye. She looked at our hands that I twined together. "What's it to you anyway? And who are you?" Her voice broke. I wish I was lessen ing her sadness. "Well, Honestly I don't know too." I smiled again. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" she asked again, looking at our hand s. "Who Am I? You'll know soon enough. What I am doing here? This is my favorite pl ace in the world." I answered. I'm someone.. You'll know me when you join us. So this is what Alice was hiding from me. That I would be the first one to be able meet her. I was shocked, I was happy seeing her, not like seeing Alice, Jazz, E mmett or Rose for the first time, but I was happier. She was on my meadow, cryin g. Why though? I have to find out. She's family to me now. And for the first tim e, I don't know if that's really what I meant. I smiled again. Knowing I have a lot of chances to get to know my new "family". I love my family..more, I decided. I love her. Now I knew the meaning of the word in its truest sense. &*&* Mary Alice Brandon Cullen She was throwing her clothes in random order inside a suitcase. Theyll reject you. she tells herself. So you have to leave. she mumbled as she grabbed her wallet.

I can feel my feet hitting the gravel faster than ever. Three minutes tops and Il l be at her doorstep. I just hope her conversation with Edward didnt reveal to he r that I can see the future. I can see that Edward did not receive my mental call because he was grinning lik e a fool at the meadow still. I grimaced. You see, this is a concrete example of something Emmett once said. L ove makes everyone stupid sometimes. I ran as fast as I can. I know Jasper can overtake me any second due to my short legs but I know too that he won't. If I run fast enough, shell be saved from further un packing. Actually, I was tem pted to slow down a little just so I can suggest later that she throw the suitca se on the ocean or something. I arrived. Bella? I called. &*&* Isabella Marie Swan Cullen I opened the door smelled something- a floral scent and then I saw an excited woman, close to twenties? seventeen maybe? Who is she? Why is she here? Am I imagining things again? Unexpectedly, She hugged me and said " Ohmygosh! You're so pretty, more in perso n!" It's official... I lost my mind. My eyes reached hers and.. and.. and.. they were also golden! I almost wanted to tear my brain up. Is this bipolar or something? a moment ago I was crying and n ow... Why do random things keep happening? And also the fact that there is a tiny-who am I kidding?- huge possibility that somehow, I still have a father somewhere ex isting- yes and with a new family too. Tiny. The word applies to her. I've got to talk... I forced my mouth to say something but I was so shocked not a single word escaped my lips. "Don't be shocked Bella dear, Were meant to be best friends and best sis-" She le ft it hanging, Uhm seriously best friends? Is this girl mad? I don't know her and she's going to be my friend? and best friend too? I dont know but some tiny par t of me loved the idea that I'm going to have a friend and a best friend.. That somehow, someone cares for me.. Friends I can accept ,but best? I mean, I knew a guy (E) that I know nothing of that I consider a friend- or more.. stop it! After all, there's a 99.9% chance these two are connected, maybe they're mates.. I got a mean big depression inside me.. Calm down! And the word sis... let me see, there are only a few letters that can come after that .. my suspicion? T.E.R. It can't possibly be scissors, hahahaha, I really am losing my mind. "I know you're confused, but I'll explain, what are friends for?" She smiled as she said this but it is she was postponing something and something important. I think I bit my lip.

The smile was back and I'm surprised because it was lovelier... " I'm Alice, Alice Cullen" I had an intake of breath but she still continued. "soul mate of jasper" I was doing a happy dance inside and I didn't know why.. "sister of Rosalie, Emmett and.." she looked me directly in the eye. "Edward." She was smiling bigger, I felt as though there was some dirt or someth ing on my face. Then she continued, changing my mood... "step daughter of Esme and you're father, Carlisle." She winked at me... But somehow, I am not sad no, not really... Who are you? Here you are, showing up and telling me things like youre a fortune t eller, and Im supposed to follow you? I asked, more annoyed than angry. I can outr un her anyway so what was the point of trying to escape like a fool? Cmon I need to tell you everything. You wont get rejected darling, in fact youll have open arms! And so here I sat, with a suitcase on the door, and a vampire to have chitchat w ith. I am longing and lonely, sad and depressed but somehow I was kind of happy becau se she said we were going to be friends and I think it meant something deeper an d.. the "sis word" ... Im actually surprised I like Alice and Edward. Hey, I reminded myself. Theres still someone named Carlisle you havent said hello to yet. &*&* CHAPTER 6 Decisions Carlisle Cullen Esme delivered lunch at the hospital today. Of course the nurses were ashamed for thinking they stood a chance with this wom an. Fury was still there for the man who very clearly suggested that shell be better o ff with him. But then I smiled as I remembered Esme kissing me as reply. I went home with the most beautiful woman holding my hand, sending electric park s with the soft hands. People stared, some delighted, some as if blinded, but mo st are just jealous. But who cares about them? Esme squeezed my hand as if to ag ree and smiled, just like she always does. We drove home; she leaned her head on my shoulder and stroked my arms gently. I looked at her and my mind was just asking a simple question How did I deserve her ? I am existing perfectly. Heavenly wife, Best children, But I corrected myself, no not completely perfect, No. A missing piece was still missing on the puzzle of my life. My only real daughte r Esme smoothed the crease on my forehead and asked what's wrong. I dint need to a nswer because I know she knows what anyway. I have to keep this inside myself, S eeing me hurting will her one too, maybe much more. I composed myself and she kissed my cheek,, But worry was still clear on her fac e, this time I was the one who kissed her. &*&*

I am on my study now, tracing the picture of a little girl that I know would nev er come back to me. The little emerald eyes like mine was, soft shiny brown hair that has tint of re d in the sun, little pink lips , heart-shaped pretty face and the angelic smile. This is the best Alice can sketch for me. She drew this with the little excerpt s from my memory that I can remember. Sometimes, I wonder why I didn't look for this little girl- my only little girl and my wife when I had the chance. Why? Why? Why? I loved my first family then and still, maybe forever. Was it because of my cowardice? Why did I left them waiting with broken hearts? What did my little girl become to? How did she looked like? Have she forgiven me , her unworthy father? Why? I placed the picture back to where it belongs, on my desk. I traced it absentmin dedly thinking about how shameful I am and about the little girl whom I would ne ver see again. &*&* Mary Alice Brandon Cullen It's time. I have to tell her that I know, and to admit it to myself that I do. I know that I know about her and Carlisle . I know that it was no one's fault. I know it is certainly not her fault. I know about her loneliness and his and her shame. I know how she might run away from us if she choose the wrong road. I kn ow how her heart would break. And I know how their Family-our Family will be muc h complete-another daughter, this time a real one for Carlisle and Esmeand a love r to Edward and a sister to me. Now, back to why I'm here. I've seen in the vision that I'll be the other one to make her change her mind.(the other one was Edward, but still, I can't sit here waiting for Edward to figure it out himself!) I've seen in the vision that I'll make her change what she thinks of us. Really? She thinks we won't accept her? She, who is purer than all of us, who ne ver tasted human blood? She, the true Cullen besides Carlisle? It's just so.. so .. impossible, so funny! If she isn't staring at me with wide eyes now, I would have been laughing-out loud. "Don't be shocked Bella dear, Were meant to be best friends and best sis-" I left it hanging, cursing my running mouth. She still had that petrified look thats funny and sad at the same time. . "I know you're confused, but I'll explain, what are friends for?" I smiled as I say this but the truth was that I was wishing that would be true, hopefully. I know I want to be her friend. But I cant do it if she doesnt. " I'm Alice, Alice Cullen." I figured it out a while ago. That she was Carlisles daughter, yadda yadda. It was shocking news, but I know the issues gonna be solve d sooner or later. After all, time is fast for us vampires. "Soul mate of jasper" I continue, noticing a glint of relief? in her eyes. "sister of Rosalie, Emmett and.." I watched her eyes carefully. "Edward." My white teeth showed from my smile. I can see it in her face, the sam e dreamy look Edward got in the vision earlier. "step daughter of Esme and you're father, Carlisle." I winked at her, forcing my self to make light of the situation. Who are you? Here you are, showing up and telling me things like youre a fortune t eller, and Im supposed to follow you? I knew what she was going to say even before she said it so I sighed instead. Cmon I need to tell you everything. You wont get rejected darling, in fact youll hav

e open arms! "How, How, did you know, A.. Alice" Her voice was thick with worry. "I see the future, you know, Can we sit down? I am perfectly comfortable standin g, but sitting on some soft cushion makes me happy" I winked at her. Again. Hah! As if sitting makes a difference to me! I only said that to give her the impres sion that I will stay long. "Oh! You have a talent? I don't have one. "She frowned as she said this, and gra bbed my hand and sat us down her soft sofa. She has a beautiful- very beautiful house.. big, cozy, simple but elegant. I sho uld say, for one who doesn't know how to pick outfits, She picks good designing. I can tell Esme and her will get along well even now, even without my future vi sion. But, who doesn't get along well with Esme? I was turned back into reality again by Bella, who asked me something. "Do you really mean that?" "What about?" "We're gonna be bestfriends?" in a little tiny voice. How can she ask that? "Silly girl! Of course we will~ I can see it in every vision!" I was kinda shout ing now, I was annoyed she didn't trust me, but deep inside, I know it was becau se there was a chance she wouldn't want to be. "Sorry! Then.." This time I had it, no more hanging questions! I used my vision. She will ask me about something about accepting her. "Ofcourse all of us will accept you? How can we not? You might be surprised some one will..." I left it hanging there, I was also about to say "will make you his bride" but it wouldn't be fair to Edward if she knows right? He doesn't know he loves her already-yet. He doesn't know it himself. But I know, I always know. Ugh. Love is Complicated! Good thing I have Jazz. Bella noticed my preoccupation, "Someone will what, make me eat cake?" I know she was joking ghing, although I know that it was kind of forced. "No I meant someone will make you change your style, clothes y, nice place you got here, but do you really think Carlisle ost-only- daughter? I bet he wouldn't take his eyes off you, Hah!"

because she was lau and home, by the wa will let his long-l for century or so.

No he wont. Oh dear. The angry teen is back. Yes he will. I answer with the same stubbornness. I wasnt labeled evil pixie for no thing. I grinned evilly. She sighed. Its just that.. He promised. She said. The sad girl was there, deep inside her. I w ish I could help but I know only Carlisle would be able to. Bella I want to tell you everything but it isnt my story to tell. I answer sadly. Sh e bowed her head. I grab her hand. Ill tell you one thing though. You will be part of our family. Hell, you always were. Carlisle and Esme always a ccepted you, even before we were all born. I joked. Our laughs were natural, I think it was always destined that we would be sisters , In both from Carlisle and Edward. We continued like that for an hour and so. I explained why she should (and will) join us, I told her it was Carlisle suffering every second she doesn't tell him she exists. and my vision told me it is in a week, maybe less, she will join us

. Theres two more obstacles along the way. Its too soon for me to predict the outcom e yet, and I cant solve it alone. I really need to talk to Edward before I procee d. It took my whole concentration not to laugh when I saw Edwards's face in my visi on. Oh! I can't hardly wait! I asked her about her favorites, her fears, things she loveGood thing I know now, because I see Edward asking me opinions on what to give her..etc.. And best of all, It's killing me too that it will take only a few months(maybe w eeks!) before I plan their wedding. But there were still important matters now, the issue with Carlisle for example, and also me, I dunno still what I'm gonna do to keep the mind reader from readi ng my mind about things such as gown, flowers and wedding.. And also the concent ration it will take me to make myself not to allow him. &*&* Edward? Are you listening? If you are, nod your head. He nodded but continued to stare at his piano. I've got something to tell you... You already met Bella, right? He had a confused face. Oh for goodness sake, I know you did. He tried not to chuckle but I knew he wanted to so badly. Emmett and his quotes comes to mind. She is... He waited. is,,,Carlisles long lost daughter. Edward froze; his reaction to stress. Don't do that! You'll make it obvious to the others! He breathe in slowly and regained his composure. He walked till he reached me, grabbed a piece of paper from the table and a blac k fancy pen. "Are you sure Alice ?" the words were precise as I read inside my head what he w as going to write. Uhmm.. no. my eyes flashed dangerously. Yes! Do you think I'm going to tell you that if I'm not sure? I thought you were smart? I yelled inside my head sarcastically. "Oh c'mon, Alice there's not time for jokes. Does anybody else know?" he wrote w ith fast pace. no, you're the only one yet, I'm planning to tell Esme though, before it gets sti ckier than ever. Fine. Can I go to her? An involuntary smile was in my cheek. Bayang magiliw, Perlas ng Silanganan,,,, I recited the Philippine National Anthe m on my head. Edward raised his eyebrows-a sign of pure annoyance and 100% confusion. Serves him right. Oh. Wake up Alice !the words were written in his fancy handwriting with capital letters. Huh? Ah Esme? you're gonna go to Esme? I asked...inside my head again ofcourse. He passed me the piece of paper, while I smiled at Jasper as he smiled at Emmett doing the chicken dance watching that basketball game. I saw that the Lakers wi ll win, so whatever .I turned to the paper. " Bella- convince her. The sooner the better."

&*&* CHAPTER 7 Sight Isabella Marie Swan Cullen Reading Wuthering Heights, to the part where Edgar and Heathcliff are fighting i n words... A new scent came from outside my house, it's a smell I recognize vaguely. It sme lls.. good -and that's an understatement. If my heart could jump from my chest, I highly doubt it won't. And then the knock came. What a most unpleasant time to come! I was dressed in a strapless blue top and j eans, And I am a lady! What would my father say if he sees me like this, so, so, revealing instead of conservative. Not my fault, It's a sunny day today, after all... And then the second knock came. I have to think fast, Now I'm sure it's Edward. It's the same honey-lilac-sunshi ne cologne. Oh c'mon Isabella Cullen, Why so conservative? He's going to be your brother! fo r crying out loud! Crap Crap Crap! I don't know the reason why I thought Crap-ab out him being my brother or about him being here. Both. I decided dejectedly. But there's no time to hold on to that thought... So I hurried to and opened my nice glass-wooden door. As I open it, I feel like shaking and fainting on the spot, But I know it isn't possible to do that. Why do I feel that anyway? Why? Beautiful beyond any dream, Glorious beyond all imaginings, There he stood. There was a strange knit in his brows, And his lips were somewhat pouted-like co ncentrating very hard.. "Hello" he said, barely audible in my own ears. He took in my appearance and I don't know what was funny, but his face changed a nd he had a smile so beautiful- a crooked smile, that's what I think the smile l ooks like. That made me smile back in return. I muttered a so silent "Come in" But I know he heard that. I seated him on my white sofa. It seemed weird-inappropriate to see him sit there and not offer anything just l ike I did when I was visited by suitors in my past life. But forget that- Edward is to be my future brother. Brother, brother, brother. Oh bother! "What are you grimacing at?" were the words that pulled me into reality again. Oh! Holy crow! Was I grimacing?. So much of an open book, Bella. "No, Nothing just remembered something." True. So true. "Forget lying beautiful, thats the Italian meaning of Isabella.. you werent lying about your name in the forest, right? " I nodded, feeling like blushing only I k now I am not. And I thank my lucky stars for that. "Bella only." I feel an uneasy thing in my chest when he mentioned the forest. "Soon, when you meet Jasper, He will be able to tell your mood" He wanted to add more, but seemed to hesitate. "Yeah. I know." I can feel myself grimacing more. "You know him?" Yeah, Alice told me-He's her mate right? I asked then gulped. Such a bad subject to start in.. Of all the things in the world, I start in soul mate? Thankfully, He didn't hang to that subject. "So when I met you in the woods, What exactly are you crying about?"

Nope. Not that. Can't answer that, Dad deserves the first answer to that. "Sorry, Can't answer that. I think Dad- I mean Carlisle is supposed to know firs t." "Oh, okay." I stared into those deep, golden hypnotic eyes. So deep you think yo u can see his soul. And unexpectedly.. Again, I added. He took in my hand in his (there was an elect ric current running in my hand) and said, No, I think plead, "Please would you join us?" If it was up to me, Ofcourse I will! How can I not? but it's up to them., If the y will accept me. "Edward, look I can't really promise anything yet because I haven't talked to my father yet." But somehow, in that moment, when he plead I think I also promised . A tiny part of me said that I would always be with them, Not just dad, Not jus t alone, But with all of them. And still the electricity remained. "Look. I'm sorry Bella, For bothering you like this it just hurts all of us, Esm e specially to see Carlisle suffering. We all love him and..." I stopped him with the words that pierced my heart to say. He found the only lea k in my shield. "My dad is suffering? He is suffering?" My voice broke because of the tears I ca nt' shed. And somehow, I was on his chest sobbing. I hated myself for it. I felt like a dr ama queen. He patted my back, pushed away my hair, and hugged me tightly-protect ively while murmuring soothing words. The electricity was even stronger this time, but I didn't notice, All I can thin k about was my dad suffering-because of me. "No, please Bella, Stop crying. You can save him. Everyday, He blames himself be cause he lost you, But don't cry, it will be over soon." His voice was still soothing, his face sad and a little guilty for bringing the bad news. "Yes, it's in my hands, but he still suffer because of me-because of my existenc e." I know I had no reason to blame myself, but somehow, I still do. He shook his head and tucked my head in his strong shoulders and he still pats m y back. "Everything will be okay, I promise love." The last word didn't catch my attenti on then, It's just a simple word he doesn't mean anything-I think. It continued like that for minutes, hours maybe before I composed myself and sai d the words to end my, my dad's and maybe Edward's suffering. "I will meet him now." He turned my arms to look at me clearly. "Are you sure?" "Yeah." He nodded and hugged me again, this time I returned it. "Everything will be fine, love, Trust me." I nodded curtly and went to the door. &*&* Fine. Deep breaths Bella... Deep breaths! I am walking, running rather with Edward on my side .He just said he thinks we h ave the same speed! "Yeah right! I run faster than any vampire I know Ed." Stupid big brother name! I said while rolling my darkening eyes. My eyes are still tired looking because of my earlier crying. "So you've met other vampires?" He smiled crookedly again. Obviously... "Sure.. Egyptian, Amazon.. nomads mostly I never joined one cause we were not th e same. they just treat me well... .pleasantly because they are amused with methinks I'm special or something." "Oh." I looked into those deep hypnotic eyes that seemed hesitant, almost embarr

assed to ask something...Then he asked... "And you've never found someone to be your.. you know, soulmate?" "Is it that obvious?" I mock-glared at him then added a low chuckle. He joined i n. We continued running, or he did rather cause I was just following him. His expre ssion was jubilant and excited you know, the look a nerdy kid has when he/she fi nds out he/she is part of a grade deliberation-therefore has a chance to be in t he honor roll. I dont know why though ... Can it really be true? That theyll accept me in their family? And at last we were in their magnificent house, The true Cullen house. It was not the same size as mine, it was bigger... with all those glasses and al l. "Alice prepared all of them. That's Esme in the doorway" What if she hates me? what if she wouldn't like me? But I have to trust Alice... When she saw me... All those worrying stopped. She ran to me and hugged me compl etely- in a way and manner my mom used to do. She is beautiful. Very beautiful. With caramel brown hair, kind golden eyes and dimpled face, she looks like an she reminds me of someone. But who? I don't reme mber, but a spark of anger was inside me. I struggled to contain it. She was the one my father replaced my mother with I have to remember later. Later, Later. I don't know why but I was hugging her back.. I miss this way of communication S o much. "I'm Esme. Nice to meet you Bella" "You too" were the only words that escaped my lips. I can smell unfamiliar scents from the doorway. Esme smelled wonderful, like swe et apples and fresh paper. She patted my back as we entered, while Edward was on our backs following Esme. From my short peripheral view earlier, he seemed concentrating for something. Does he have a talent? I didn't have enough time to think about that. All eyes were on me, but I only held one pair because it's the one I remembered the most. The shape, the kindness the warmth.. Alice was on his right side, Jasper on his left. Rosalie and Emmett., I assume was on another loveseat, but like the rest, starin g at me. Edward broke the silence first. "Uhm guys can we leave Bella and Carlisle alone first?" I broke away from his ga ze then because he had an intake of breath and understanding crossed his feature s, So I looked unto Alice. She smiled and left the door, while she passed me, she held my hand and squeezed it. Rosalie was shocked, but she also smiled a little bit at me when she realized I was looking at her. Emmett looked annoyed, but he nodded at me and although he didn't smile yet, I t hink his eyes had warmth. When Jasper came near, I felt relaxed then I remember Alice telling me about him . I nodded my head at him and murmured a "thanks" Then at last, we were alone. Carlisle and me- my father and me. He walked till he reached me and he had a pained expression on his face.. I want that gone. I want that to never cross his face again but he spoke first.. "Bella? Could it be you? are you my daughter? You look like her... Bella? Are yo u?" his voice broke. I don't want that too. He held my chin, forcing me to look in his eyes. The warmth was replaced by pain, the kindness replaced by sadness.

I can't stand it anymore. I can't hurt him and myself anymore... His eyes were s hining of invisible tears... So I answered, in a little scared voice. Yes. Im her. I said. Anger and disappointment was making its way through my heart, b ut love was defeating it. Then there was silence. I knew he was waiting for my action. I was frustrated, that after all these years hes still waiting on me. But then I made the mistake of looking into his eyes again. "I missed you so much Dad." And he hugged me. The one he used to do when I was s till a little child. The hug I would die for. The hug I missed for eternity. So, I clung to him to my heart's desire. And broke down to tearless tears again "I'm sorry Bella. I'm sorry! I'm sorry for not looking hard enough! I'm sorry fo r not coming back. I'm so..." He broke of... And he hugged me tighter still. I sobbed even harder, letting all the pain escape me. " Dad, Dad, stop.. I understand. Don't blame yourself." Deep down, I know there was a tiny bit of lie there, I don't understand all of i t. Why did he never come back? Why wasn't he there while I cried every time I sa w my stepfather tucking my stepsisters in bed while I attend to my mother? Why? Why? Why wasn't he there to comfort me while my mother breathed her last? But I need him now. I can't go on without him now. "No, No Bella It's all my fault. I was scared I might kill you and your mother w hen I was made a vampire, but now is not the time to discuss it. We need to clea r things up with the rest of our family. But I can't believe I have my lost daug hter back" This time I need to reassure him.. "I'm here." If this is just a childhood nightmare or dream, Lord do not wake me please.. I'll die. "Sorry Bella, I can't tell you how sorry I am." I clung to him closer. He brushed the stray hair out of my face and said the words I wanted to hear for an eternity, The words I longed for in an eternity. "I love you my daughter" And he kissed my forehead. &*&* Carlisle Cullen "Dad what happened to you ?" were my daughter's chosen words. "Many things darling." I think my heart would swell by those words, it was an et ernity since I used them. She squeezed my hand. "First, We searched for you in a hundred years. I found Marie's grave, But I nev er found yours. Esme and I often visit her. I prayed with all my heart that you are in heaven, happy. I studied medicine, I found Esme then, She joined me. Firs t, We were like siblings but, We fell in love. I don't regret that." I wondered if this hurt Bella there were tears shining in her eyes but she was s miling. "Mom would be happy to hear that." It wasn't irony. It was the truth. "Then, we found Edward in those years. I'm guessing I changed him the time you w ere also changed, because you look 17." "Yes I was when I was changed." I won't tell her the reason why I changed him. I t was because when I found Edward, His attitude and face was the type I would wa nt my daughter to marry. I knew his parents and I knew him in his adolescent yea rs, that's why finding him as a son isn't hard for me. I got to watch my thoughts harder now. He might be listening, but deep inside, I know Edward would choose hell rather than listen to my reunion with Bella. "I found Rosalie short after.. Err, Bella, I don't want to be the one to tell yo

u her story. Emmett was found by Rosalie, he was about to be finished off by a b ear. They became mates .Alice and Jasper found us and joined us. Alice doesn't k now her past yet and Jasper, wellask him." She nodded then hugged me. "I can't believe I am with you dad." "Me, too. me too. You don't know how happy I am." I hugged her closer. "What happened to you?" She froze then took a breath. "You don't have to tell me.." "No dad, I have to let go of the past." She said in a determined voice. So, I encouraged her. "Go on." "After you left, Mom remarried. She married someone who had children too, but Ho w can I stop her? She was happy with them from the start, if only a bit, with hi m, So why would I stop her happiness? When mom got married, then immediately c aught the disease, everything changed. Peter turned cold. He rejected her and we ll, supported us financially but left us begging emotionally. Many men courted m e and asked for my hand but I was still hoping you would come back. Peter wanted me to say yes to one of them very badly, he forced me to do so, but before the actual wedding day, I left and with the gold I saved, started a new life. They w ent looking for me like I was a precious diamond. But none of them found me.. On e day, I was 17 then. Someone knocked on my door. When I opened it, She was an a ngel fallen from heaven. She spent a whole day with me. She well, she took care of me, because I was sick when she knocked on my door. She was sad the whole tim e and she kept saying sorry for even the slightest things. Then when she was abo ut to leave, She said the last words I heard. "Sorry, I hope you will understand someday I know we will meet someday, I know you would hate me for this but this is the only way..." "No.. No, you are my only friend why would I hate you?" "I hope you will." She smiled sadly and I patted her on the back. Then she said the last word "sorry." Then I was pulled into darkness and pain" I am such a coward! Why did I let my own daughter go through that? "Don't blame yourself Dad." She smiled at me and cuddled my face. "I don't know if I should say sorry." She made a sad smile. She took a breath again and resumed her story. "I woke up in a crumbling house She was nowhere there. I walked around when I rea ched a big mirror. I gasped at what I saw. I knew what I had become. I cried and went outside, thirst was killing me. I was sure I would die because Id rather th at than kill an innocent human. I was ashamed even of the thought. I was so craz ed by thirst that when I saw a deer pass by, I drank it straight. I drank more a nd more. When I came back after I was satisfied, I noticed a note in the table. She explained how sorry she was and how someday she hopes we will see each other again. It signed the name Eleanor. I realized I could bend my destiny, realized I can make mom and you proud of wha t I am going to do. I changed what I become. I blend in and resisted the thirst and monster inside me. That time, until I found you, I hate her. I loathe her, t hen I understood what she meant. That it was all going be worth it. I don't reme mber her, I just remember golden eyes, pale complexion and soft brown hair. She looks like Esme... Esme doesn't remind me of mom dad, she resembles Mom." She smiled and giggled. I can't thank the stranger enough of what she did. She gave me my daughter back.

"Did you forgive the stranger?" "Of course I do. Butjust today. I really wish I can remember and find her, but I don't. I guess We will find her someday." "Yes, I hope so I can thank her for giving you back to me." "You don't have to thank her." came a lovely voice from the doorway. "Sorry." said Esme. Bella stared wide-eyed at her. I then remembered one thing. Esmes whole name. Esmeralda Eleanor Smith. &*&*

CHAPTER 8 Confessions Carlisle Cullen "You don't have to thank her." came a lovely voice from the doorway. Esmeralda Eleanor Smith. No. I whispered, in a voice I barely recognized as my own. It wasnt her that changed Bella, was she? Immediately my mind began calculating. She was a nomad when I met her, With near perfect control in her thirst. This me ant to me that she could have succeeded in indeed changing a human. Bella was ch anged around her 17th year The year we got married and made love for the first ti me... after she left for a few weeks after a huge argument we had, in which we f ound out we were in love. No. I whispered again. My eyes sought hers. Disbelief echoed in my face, mixed wit h the pain of betrayal. I tried to deny it again and again, looking without seei ng the way her eyes pleaded with mine. Anger reared its ugly head inside me. After all these years, she knew, and she didnt tell me? After all the times she s aw me trace my little girls picture she never once informed me that she is alive? Maybe she laughed after pretending to console me, thinking of how stupid I was. She betrayed me! She never once loved me, because if she did, she would have not wanted to see me spending my life in misery. How could she? Even without my sons powers, I knew what she told me without a word passing betwe en us. Shame. Sadness. Hurt. Let me explain, her eyes begged. And I knew she understood what my own told her. Hurt. MistrustHate. No. It was then that I remembered we were not alone. Bella was still by my side. I b roke eye contact with the traitors eyes, mocking the way they whispered sorry. I took in my daughters reaction. She was very easy to read, and I was surprised t o see only amazement on her face. No anger and pain. Instead, she was calculatin g something, from the way her forehead creased a little. I was shocked. Shouldnt she be shouting obscenities at her right now? She, after all, cursed her in this way of life. She should be breaking the traitors bones to pieces, and frankly at this moment, I would have had joined her and force my au thority on my coven to join us. While I was contemplating this, a little part of my un-beating heart hoped, the remaining of the bits that arent broken, even just for a tiny shred that everythi ng will turn out okay. My brain counted down the seconds it would take the other

s to join us for this sharing of secrets. A little part of me, always the curiou s one, wondered why they were taking so long. Maybe Alice.No. This will not turn out okay. And then something extraordinary happened. Bella ran to her. Whilst I thought she was going to break her neck, she embraced it. Whilst I thought she was being thrown off by the traitor, she was returning the embrace. My head clouded in anger. How dare she? Why did Bella do that to her? She was th e reason it took so long for me to see my daughter again! Why did Bella went aga inst everything I believed in? I understand. My daughter whispered. Es- The traitor bowed her head on my daughters shoulder. I fought the urge to gro wl. Thank you. she whispered. Bella let go of her and turned so she was facing me. Understanding will only come with listening, Mom, and as much as I dont like to le ave you two, I know I should. She tightened her hold on the witchs back and then r an to my side. Her beautiful golden eyes twinkled with determination as she held my hand. Remember, Papa. Love. Love is all that matters. Rememberfor the sake of our family . She gripped my hand with more force than necessary. I looked down. Hear her out. It hurts, I know. But.. I can sympathize with her. I can put myself in her shoes and say what she did what she thought was best. Listen. She whispered to me one last time, and with a quick kiss on my cheeks and a gentle squeeze on the traitors arm, she was gone. Leaving us alone. Esme sat down on the couch. Listen. she echoes in a dead voice. I looked up, nodded and ran to her, almost quite possible to touch her, but I ke pt my distance. I will. I say, staring at the picture frame of me and her wrapped in a tight embra ce on our 76th wedding day 3 years ago. Xx Isabella Marie Swan He was there waiting for me when I closed the door. I sigh loudly, my lips puckering up, a habit I developed when I feel like I did m y best, but I can only hope what will happen will be for the best. I walked at first, then ran, not even bothering to tell him my intentions as he could catch up easily. What did Alice say? I ask Edward quietly as the gravel turned to soil and the road s cleared for the forest. What do you want, the game plan before I went to your house or the future of our parents relationship? I shrugged. Both. Well Lets just say Alice informed me yesterday that I had to talk you into talking to Carlisle ASAP because she said, and I quote, she is vital to our familys futur e And so I did. She told me that I have to make you concentrated on Carlisle on

top of all things because she saw what will happen, had you been thinking of any thing other than that. He stopped. You would have had attacked Esme, you would have been in a state where youd sudden ly remember where you remember her from, youll know that she was the one who chan ged you. After that you would have assumed all the wrong things and our family w ill be in shreds by nightfall.. So it was my job, to make you..uhm..preoccupied with nothing but you missing your father and him, vice versa, so you will be dis tracted enough not to dwell too much on how and why you remember Esme Thus meetin g your father first, telling your story and hearing his. You, of course would th en forgive the vampire who changed you in your joy from seeing Dad again. He expl ained. I shook my head. You guys have the minds of evil geniuses. I muttered. He ignored that. You would have been open to everything, feeling like a happy camper after a long time. You had the desire to see your creator, Esme, because you are thankful fo r the moment you just shared with your Dad. You understood. His gaze smoldered mi ne and I nodded. And thats when I put everything together. I replied. A second after I told my story, I glued the puzzles together and came up with Es me. Alice knew. But she also knew what you would do next Tell me, why did you do it? S he, after all let him believe you are missing when she knew perfectly that it wa s you she saved. I bit my lip. I pretended not to notice when I saw his eyes dart towards it. I guess.. I know some, if not all her reasons. I mean, when I picture her, a lone ly vampire like how I was, meeting another lonely vampire and loving him, then f inding out he had a daughter that might have ruin their chances of love I sympath ized. I also remember her words when I was human. She told me she was not my mot her, which, roughly translated, means she wanted to be but never would in the se nse of the word. I also remembered that she said she might be, if the lord means it, which might mean that if their love would survive. I just.. Know. And.. I w ould have had done it, exactly as she did if I faced that choice. I can also pic ture her jealousy and doubt if he told him she made me like them. Carlisle would have had devoted all his time to me making up for the years he lost. I saw it i n her eyes earlier. It was as if I can see myself and father talking about mothe r every day, visiting her grave month by month If Dad found me then, he would nev er have let himself love another woman, thinking about betraying me. She would n ever have had him. He would have had been trapped in mourning for my mom forever I finished and closed my lips. I kicked on the rock that stood innocently placed on the soil. It shattered to p ieces. Another sigh escaped my lips. So.. I start. What is the future of their relationship, according to my fortuneteller sister? She says that if you were in Esmes shoes, it would suck on that outfit Alices chirpy voice arrived on the scene. I smile at her tentatively. Fortuneteller? She questioned, while throwing me a dirty look. I snorted. I realized someone, probably that big vampire over there, Emmett, sno rted with me. Guru, Whatever. I said while rolling my eyes. For that I will make you worry, Bella. I wont tell you what will happen to our par ents. You have to wait it out. I grimaced. Fine. I said stubbornly. She stuck her tongue out at me. Oh, my manners. Since you havent met my husband and other siblings yet, Ill introdu ce my husband first. I was sure she had an issue with the word other. Bella, Jasper. The man who made me wait 3 hours in a bar in the year 1913. Oh, be warned he can tell your moods. The man who I love and loves me. She winked at hi m and he flashed me a smile. I smiled back, feeling a little less shy. His work, I decided. You have to watch out from her and her shopping trips. He muttered with a look on

Alice. Good Lord no. But before I hanged on to the dangers of shopping, the blon de one that made me feel like I dont measure up stepped forward. I also gave her a smile, yet I can tell my eyes had that gooey look they say I h ave when I see my car or something that I admire. Hi. I offered reluctantly. Hello. She replied, and with a shrug she started talking. Im Rosalie, I was changed in the year 1906... I dont have a special ability whatsoev er, Sometimes Im hard to get along with but something tells me well be fine. Anywa y Im married to Emmett. Welcome to the family Then she stepped backward and I wait ed for the last one, Emmett as I remember, introduce himself. He didnt, which puz zled me. Hello. I said, which sounded like a question. He smiled, showing all his pearly wh ites. Err I began, not knowing what to say. Maybe 10 seconds past. Then metal banged against metal. I then realized Rosalie smacked him, none too g ently. Sorry. Was wondering how long shell wait before she does that..Anyway. My eyebrows went up, and I made that straight face that looks like the exact emoticon.. K I waited too. Another bang, this time from Alice. Sheesh, I was just wondering how to start, okay? Chillax. Ill start now. Emmett sai d with an annoyed voice. Jasper nodded solemnly. Course you will, Em. Course you will. Emmett just made fac es at him then turned back to me. Sorry for that. Yow, Im Emmett, obviously. What the hell, this isnt a tell me 3 thin gs about you session, so I dont really have to tell you anything about me, I dont k now why they introduced themselves like that But I will, anyway. I was changed ar ound 1943 by Rosalie. You see I was hiking that day, when suddenly a wild bear a ppeared and thought I was his dinner. And so.. yeah. I like grizzly bears becaus e of that. As Rosie told you, were married and I enjoy every night because of it. He continued, not noticing I looked down the floor to chant that this is the new century, people talk about sex like gossip was in my time. Anyway, I- Then he stopped. He seemed to notice my place suddenly. Well, well well Emmett said. I looked up. Jasper and Rosalie, I noticed, were fighting smiles. And dont even get me started on the bubble of cheer that was Alice. What I failed to notice, however, is the reason why. I see my lil bro finally got to see the joys of the female species. He guffawed then resumed a thoughtful expression. Gee.. I wonder Emmett said like he was a painter contemplating his easel. He stepped forward. He pulled my hand in a strong grip, then wholeheartedly posi tioned me close to Edward. Close. Very close. Thats better. He said with a wiggle of his brows. Oh. PREVIOUSLY: Esme sat down on the couch. Listen. she echoes in a dead voice. I looked up, nodded and ran to her, almost quite possible to touch her, but I ke pt my distance. I will. I say, staring at the picture frame of me and her wrapped in a tight embra ce on our 76th wedding day 3 years ago. Chapter 9 Forgiveness Carlisle Cullen She sighed and cradled the ring I gave her on our 50th year. After the fight we had about coming to the Volturi- she paused and passed me a loo k, quietly asking if I remember. I did so I nodded discreetly. I passed lots of empty towns, wondering if youll search for me.

But then 2 days passed and I knew you wont. You valued your family so much more th an me that you would rather risk us just to have the help of their tracker. You wanted to ask for their help, knowing the price theyll want in return, our loyalt y to them forever. You knew we would have to give up living on animals. I balled a fist. Oh, so now shes blaming me. I visibly relaxed though, because I had to obey Bellas words. Listen. Even when it meant hearing how a fool I was. I didnt understand how you could do it to me. We spent 7 years together, companion s and friends. But you chose them over me. But deep down, I knew you are a fathe r and husband first, and my friend on the last. But still, I hoped. I hoped that one day, youll love me as I secretly grew to love you with each passing day, tha t one day youll forget them and make new memories with me. And then I passed a fair on a lonely house. There I saw the answer to your questi on.I saw your daughter, oh how lovely she is, even with a dress that had gone ou t of season years earlier and her obvious lack of coin. I knew she was the girl we searched for, her stature, her age, her features.. It was all a haunting repl ica of yours. Especially her eyes. Even though they werent the golden ones you ha ve, the shape of them are identical to yours. Hers were lovely emerald ones that sparkled. I knew what I should have done, run straight to you and tell you what I knew. But it hurt. I knew I couldnt do it, knowing youll leave me once you find her. Youll a bandon me, and again Ill be alone. Did I want that? Of course I didnt. I knew it w as wrong, but I kept it from you, waiting for you to track my scent here, so in that case youll be able to see me and her. If you dont.. Then Ill leave her alone a nd you go kill yourself in Volterra for something you could have gained from me just by wanting to see me again. I knew I could not lose her, she was very precious. So I observed her. I traced a faint scent of something sinister on her. She coughed a dozen times that mornin g. And then it finally dawned on me, as I remembered one of your patients. She h adshe had..the signs of tuberculosis. There wasnt a cure yet discovered, and for n ext hour I knew what I had to do, and quickly. I formed a plan. I am going to s tay with her. I bought myself pilgrim clothes, and told her I am one when I knoc ked on her door. She easily believed me. I stayed with her for the day. I know s he wont remember now..but she was sick, Carlisle, she was very sick. She coughed up blood which didnt affect me in the least, knowing she is you daughter, someone you love. She was also running with fever, and I cried, oh, I cried, when what I wanted was for you to just trace my scent and see her. I couldnt leave her. Not then. I was confused. I wanted you to be there, to tell me what I should do. On one hand I knew I wont be able to leave her, even if she isnt your child, just be cause she is an innocent affected by the plagues of disease. But on the other, I knew you would never forgive me for the consequences of what I would have to do if I am going to save her. There is also the uncertainty if I am going to be strong enough to make her one. I wanted her to magically heal so I can be the one doing the chore of tracing yo u to decide what you should do, but I knew every moment might be her last. The r est of the day passed quickly. She was on bed, and it broke my heart to see such a frail young one, one you love and I grew to, in the space of the day, suffer. I held her hand through the afternoon, fed her some stew I just cooked by instruc tions on a tattered page of recipe, and fed her quietly. I said sorry for the sl ightest things, even for the state of the weather. She laughed darkly, looking me straight in the eye. My heart went out to her, but still the questions burned i n my mind. After all these years, she didnt tell me. I wanted to wrap my arms aro und her, but the frustration was still there, so I didnt. I was trapped in my own kind of personal hell. So she continued, putting her own arms around herself and sat staring at the flo or, almost in a trance. And that night I knew shell be gone by the time the dawn passes. So I decided to m ake her one of us. After all, that was what you would have done, right? You woul d turn her into one of us anyway, if I am I in the scene or not. So I acted like

I am going to say goodbye and pass on for the next leg of my so-called pilgrima ge. I talked to her, told her I am sorry, told her it was the only way and shell know me soon enough, because I knew I had to be there when she wakes up. She stopped and her eyes crinkled, as if tears will fall. She told me I was her friend. She told me that..and I told her I hoped that. Then I told her sorry for the millionth time..and then I bit her. She stood up from the couch and walked to the windowpane, turning her back to me , her arms still crossed on her chest. For hours I was there by her. I held her hand, soothed her cries, tucked her hair. all the while she cried for her mother and father. The words mother and father sounded oddly on her lips, like it were words that c ut her in half. And thats when I regretted turning her. I, Esmeralda Eleanor Smith, once again bec ame a fool for love. Because I love you, I loved her too. And so loving her, sav ing her, will take you away from me. But you know what? So be it. At least youll be happy with her. Youll be with your daughter whom you searched many years for So one hour later I left her, Carlisle, because I wanted you to be the first one she sees when she awakes. I wanted you to tell her all about the specifics of ou r kind. I wanted you and her to be happy,. She turned abruptly to face me. Even if I wont. You know why? Why? She shouted. I sat there, frozen, willing her to see I understand and that she can stop now. And then her voice dropped to a whisper. Because I loved you and her so damn much that I dont care if Im alone for the rest of eternity. I ran to her then, finally understanding my daughters words. Love. I wrapped my arms around her, but she didnt stop, even though I wanted her to. He r pain is my pain, her misery is mine. The hurt inflicted on her eyes cut me in agony. I wanted to yell, stop, I understand. Stop doing this to us, I understand . Because I knew what prompted her not to tell me. Because when she tracked me Where is she? When will she be back? God, please please make her come back. I do nt know what Ill do without her. I was a fool to let her go. She was right, my dau ghter is gone, my family is gone, and all we have is each other now. No point in gaining a debt to the Volturi. No point in giving up what we have for nothing b ut disappointment. 4 days have passed and she still havent even sent a telegram. When? And then the door of the inn opened. There she stood. Her eyes pooled with confu sion and hurt. I immediately wrapped my arms around her, this time not in the wa y we used to when we were friends and siblings. This time of an embrace of true love. Dont do it anymore. Dont leave me. I told her, crushing her body to mine. She wrappe d her own arms around me too. I tilted her chin so her eyes looked on mine. I love you. I whispered, acknowledging the wisdom of the quote you never know what you have until you lose it. I didnt expect it but her eyes turned into something more mysterious. Misery. Esme, what is it? I love you, I love you, please, tell me whats wrong. My love, my heart. I know I shouldnt have pushed you to come with me to Volterra. I know now that my daughter is gone. I know now that what I only have is you and him. That pulled her in. Him? She croaked. I pulled her hand to guide her in the other room. Edward Masen. He was dying of the influenza. His mother told me to look after him . I knew him when he was a boy, I was acquainted with his father. I saved him, E sme. I know it was wrong to put him to hell and damnation, but I had to. He is j ust so young, 17, and his mother told me to do all I can. His mother, Esme, his mother. I would never have done it without her consent, you know. I smiled quietl y. And then I looked at her eyes. Hers were sad orbs that Esme? I said, horrified.

What did you do? I said, going over the possibilities. Mine were also red, but tha t is because of Edwards blood. I didnt kill him. I.slipped and bit a criminal Carlisle. I have neglected to hunt too long. But I st opped. I didnt kill him, probably because my whole being was against the deed. An d he was so far in his drink that I doubt if he will remember or anyone will bel ieve him. Somehow, I knew there were bits she isnt telling me. Maybe she bit some one who will remember. Maybe she even did kill him, after all. But I didnt care. That was his fate, and this is mine. I have Esme, and now I have Edward. A son. A start of a new beginning. And against my better judgement, I left Edward, know ing hell be on the bed for 3 more days anyway. I took Esme on the deep part of the forest of Chicago. She was smiling, though it didnt reach her eyes. I realized she is probably sad b ecause of her slip up. Im sorry, Esme. I say honestly. Youll never be as sorry as me. she said quietly. Her eyes were full with unshed tea rs. I struggled not to shout Dammit, nothing is your fault. No. I contradict. This is a new beginning. A new family. I have you and Edward. Marie and Isabella will always be in my heart, Esme, but from this day on, you have the place to it first and foremost. I place her hand on my heart. This has been yours gradually, and now fully. Im sorry I was deluded into thinking Ill be able to have my family again. But Esme, you have to understand I love you. I cant bear the thought of you leaving me. I know now that what I had was a fant asy, and thank the Lord I woke up before I really lost you. Please, please tell me, you understand, and love me, that way too? My voice echoes in the hollow of the forest. There was silence, for one moment I thought she would say no and turn her back to me disgustedly. But.. yes. she whispered. That was enough for me. I pulled her lips to mine and kissed her passionately, reveling in their softnes s and response to mine. I was lost in the moment. I felt her arms wrap around my neck, and mine snaked around her waist. And when we stopped, I pulled out the heavy thing that weighed a million tons on my pocket and got into one knee. Will you marry me? I asked with my heart on my sleeve. She broke down and put her hands on her face, as if the answer terrified her. My heart broke on a million shattered pieces. I was about to get up and tell her i ts okay, I knew it was too fast. But she beat me to it. She got into one knee too , much to my manly prides frustration. Yes she said, determination shining in her eyes. Euphoria shouted through me. Yes. I kissed her again. Yes She whispered on my lips. We broke apart and I put the ring on her finger. She smiled. And I kissed her. For a very long time. And so now I got it. Finally, after all, I got it. She saw me and Edward as a fa mily on one hand, and me and Bella on the other. She knew what I would choose. Only she was wrong. I cursed at the fates with the confusion it must have taken her to do it. Finally, I began to make sense of what happened. She got jealous. She protected herself. She protected our family. It finally made sense that on the second day, she slipped out and came back hours later that I thought. She wa s visiting Bella and she left the note while I was occupied with Edward. She knew we would see her again, and said sorry for all that time. And as for the time it took her not to tell me? She did that because she was afraid. Afraid Ill leave them. Leave her for another

. But the strangest thing of all? She did it because she loved me. I wrapped my arms against her tighter, like I did when she came home from our fi ght. Which is exactly how it happened a long time ago. I understand I whispered quietly, finally accepting it and forgiving her. Thank you she whispered back and closed her eyes. And, like a long time ago, I kissed her. Again, she responded. All is well. After we finished, my heart rejoiced at the sight of her eyes, finally at peace, finally happy. I love you we whispered at the same time and laughed And then I kissed her for a very long time. ~~~~~~ 3 HOURS LATER ~~~~~~ She touched my arm. Its amazing that even after all these years, a touch from he r still feels like an electric current. Esme, you are my life. I dont understand why I told you I hate you earlier. I can never truly hate you, you know? . How can I hate you when you our family are my life? You and them are the most wonderful gifts of the lord to me. You are the o ne who made me live when I wanted to die, you were the one who held me as I cry, without my knowing you were crying harder. I love you always, forever, yesterda y, tomorrow and now. She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back, and lifted her chin and kissed her again. Her lips are soft like rose petals and delicate as a flower. I love her face, he r scent,her body.. I love everything about her. I love her . And by some miracle, she loves me back. She pulled her face away while I wanted her lips more, thats why I had a frown on my face. She smoothed my eyebrows and said Thank you, Carlisle, you dont know what that means to me. I love you too, I love y ou more than anything in this world. And to be fair, you are my life too. I will always love you I cut her off, I cant help it.. I need her lips again. And she responded, of course. I caught her bottom lip bet ween my lips and made the kiss more passionate. God, I love this woman. What thi ngs she could do to me Too soon, she pulled away again, and I hugged her face to my chest while she wra p her arms in my back. I carried her to the big rock near the waterfall and sat her on the grass. The s un is just setting, Our most favorite time of the day. Carl. Hmm? I love you. I love you more.

And as we made our way back to our house, I held her hand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter 10 Carlisle Cullen As we ran to our home, I heard cheering and lots of laughs, and smiling, we ran as fast as we could to where the happy noise came from. It was in the forest. The scene that greeted me shocked the hell out of me, We ran straight to the scene of Edward kissing my daughter. And it was not the k iss a brother would give a sister. Then there was an unbreakable silence. Everyone seemed hesitant to meet my eyes. Bella was staring at the ground. Somehow I heard someone, Emmett probably, curse then snickered. "" I barely recognized my voice, it was just so cold, I never dr eamed I would use it. I heard Esme gulp. Isabella Marie Cullen Edward and Carlisle left the room abruptly, leaving me mortified. What now?!?! I wished the floor would open up and eat me alive. The thing is that, Edward really has the worst sense of timing and prudence. First Emmett was telling us all the wisdom of me and Edward hooking up together, while the rest of my siblings smiled evilly and made appropriate nods and murmu rs of approval. And then I made the mistake of meeting Edwards eyes. I just knew he was going to kiss me. It was there, in his eyes, the warmth and I dare say, the love. And then he leaned in. I could have cared less with the applause and the hoots. I could have cared less with what the hell was happening. All I cared was that, after a lifetime and more, Ive found my family and my love. Ive found someone wholl always be there for me. I knew I knew him for only a short time, but I knew what we felt is real. It was love. And then he broke away. I stared with horrified eyes at the sight of my father and mother staring at us. Hearing Alice laugh brought me back to the present. But even her amusement didnt reassure me. Rosalie climbed up to her room with an amused look upon her lovely face. Emmett followed suit with one last wiggle of his brows at me. Jasper had that look of s omeone trying very, very hard not to laugh but not quite succeeding. Jasper is looking at Alice, who is smiling at me, teeth showing. Something tells me she is up to absolutely no good. Judging by the annoying fact that she is eyeing my simple clothes She is up to so mething bad. I mean real bad. And so I averted my gaze to my mothers figure again, and somehow shes in the couch

looking troubled. The silence was quietly killing me. Cmon Bella, did you have the worst, timing ever or what? Mom asked with pursed lips ., which made me think the silence wasnt so bad after all. It wasnt me Mom, it was Edward. I insisted, feeling chagrined. The pursed lips turned to a dimpled- smile. Well dearie, Edward pulled away 3 seconds faster but you kept on kissing him. I he ard Emmetts laugh on the background. This is one of the times I really, really, n eed a pillow to throw. I sat down on the couch, feeling defeated. Dont worry Bella, you remind me of me and your father anyway. I suspect he shared the feeling with me thoughbut you are, after all his only daughter. She said, then laughed. Oh well, well see. she finished. So what happened when you talked? I asked, thinking of a way to change the topic. I knew I was correct in emphasizing on the talk when she looked away. Im quite sure they didnt just talk with the way Esme was fidgeting and Alice pursed her lips i n mimic of Jaspers earlier face of trying very hard not to laugh. We made up. What you made out? Emmetts teasing remark caused Esme to run to his room. Seconds l ater we heard something break. My PSP! Emmett exploded. Esme ran back to her earlier place and returned like nothing happened. you made up. Care to explain, mom? I asked, one of my brows raised. Nope. Maybe when you reach your 50th wedding anniversary with ed- She cut off. I r olled my eyes, knowing full well who shes talking about. But as I thought about it, I knew my eyes were at once dreamy . A wedding..with him. Me walking down the aisle with my arm tucked around Carlisl e tightly, Alice walking just seconds ahead, Rosalie playing the piano with swee t music. Vows that will be said and never forgotten A round golden ring that symb olizes our eternal love A kiss that will be sealed with passion And then a honeymo on Oh shoot. I snapped out of it. Esmes eyes told me she knew what it was that caugh t my attention. She sighed and smiled. Soon she whispered. Soon I whispered too. **** So what do you think are they talking about? Well, the basic thing a father asks a man, his intentions, his honor you know, tha t sort of thing.Alice answered for me. Well thats probably right. Esme approved. I sighed.. That was what I was hoping was not happening. But really, what can yo u expect from a father who lived 300 years ago? So can we go shopping?!?! Alice asked me. I groaned. I was avoiding that. Three words. Not. gonna. happen. I smiled mockingly in a way that said you wish, pixie. and she raised her little brows at me in a way that replied watch me but Esme replied for me verbally. Sure Alice, Im sure bellas dying to spend some time with you and Rose. Actually,mom,its the opposite.I wanted to scream but since Im the new member, I had to go with the flow and display the fake smile I know all of them can see throu

gh. Besides.. It was near sundown. Night will come soon two hours at most. Jasper snorted and Alices pixie face is glowing. But Rosalie came running down the stairs yelling the words did I hear shopping?!? ! Oh Bella, we own the mall. Alice said, just as I was standing up. what-how.- One of our companies own it so if we shop until 11 am tomorrow, nobody can compla in and everyone goes home at 11 am tomorrow. The way she smiled evilly told me sh e was serious. I can tell this is a very unlucky day. Just my luck. * * So we arrived at the mall and the freaking shops with pink walls and fluffy feat hers decorating the walls. I would like to know do they know I am (practically speaking), a 300+ lady?!?! Fr om the 17th century?!?!? Im not accustomed with feathers specially pink! For petes sake! Im a lady! But since I was entitled to eternal damnation. Or just eternal damnation for toda y while shopping with my two new sisters (God, that will take a lot of getting u sed to!) I guess Ill have to endure. The thing is, I dont even get it why Alice has to make me buy strapless tops or w hat does young people call them? Spaghetti-straps?!? Seriously! Naming a piece o f fabric as something that sounds like pasta. When I asked Alice about this she just rolled her eyes and screamingly answered Its fashion!. Well.. thats what I get for trying to ruin our sisterhood time After forever, with a lot of shopping bags labeled with top designer names, we a rrived at the shoe shops Believe me, I tried arguing with Alice when she insisted on buying me 5 pairs of heels. Yes. 5. Its bad enough that she buys me a low heeled brown one, but then she added pink, yellow, lavender, green and black at the hell, I mean heel secti on.. So.. overall, I was carrying 3 boxes of shoeboxes, well, two times because I insisted on buying a volet-colored Converse shoes. This one she passed, simply because she said she can make me look like a tomboy cutie wearing that. Damn. Rosalies shopping bags are mostly dresses and shoes, while Alice were scarves, to ps and other accessories Im sure I dont know the names of. Well, mine consisted of heels (scowl), mini skirts (even though I said dad will not approve, she said s he approves, so why not dad.) cute tank tops (no complain, I buy these when I shop ped alone during my alone years, but this time around, it got what Alice said is st yle) So, mine is not actually my shopping list, but an extension of Alices. I look at Rose every time she fits an outfit(which is rare, because Alice just w hispers hot and not once Rose picks up some kind of dress.) well, anyway, when I look at her, I cant help getting a little bit jealous Shes like a goddess with tha t golden hair and perfect figure. Im sure Im beautiful too, but that is just becau se of my vampire privileges. But if we were both human Im sure I would have had no suitors once they see Rosie and know she is my sister, half, anyway. Suitors. Thats right. Now, why am I thinking about this? Somehow Edward just keeps popping in my head on ce I hit this subject.

Oh. And Alice just announced we are off to the jewelry shop once Rose gets done. Rosalie didnt buy the dress she fitted on, she said it didnt show her curves altho ugh it was perfect for her in my opinion, but thats just the lady inside me. We were in the entrance of the jewelry shop when it happened. Alice grabbed my a rm and yanked me out towards the car in the speed of light. But not long enough because I managed to see the heads of two men, one blonde and one bronze-colored . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was so late in updating because my grandmother just passed away last May 19, 2 011. I am not kidding when I say she joined my late grandfather. His death day i s also the same date, nine years before. She was 65 years old. She bought me my twilight books even though she said she hates gore but for me, shell buy it. Im her first grandchild and her only female one. We watch romantic films in the cinema, not caring that we bring food enough to feed the whole cinema. We dont gie a da mn that were the only duo of grandma and teenager against couples. LOL. So you ca n believe me when I say I was so close to her. And so It was hard to write because her name is Alice. And there was a lot of Alice in this chapter. I know Im probably crazy but it hur ts, okay? So I guess what Im trying to tell you is please, please pray for the repose of her soul. Thanks. I dont care if you leave a review as long as you pray for her. God Bless (or whatever youre religion is, bless you.) \ CHAPTER 11~Feelings ~Bella~ I made my way to the sofa to sit down and browse my dog-eared copy of Jane Eyre. Esme sat next to me, and smiled as I grimaced at her not-so-obvious attempt at k eeping an eye on me. Alice sat on the foot of the staircase, Drawing who knows what all the while ear ning glares from Rosalie as she giggled. Whatever she draws, it makes her happy. And whatever makes her happy is usually something diabolical. Emmett and Jasper were out hunting, and dad and..him..Damn, Edward were still aw ay on God knows where. I bit my lip as I considered what I saw earlier today, the back of the two men c losest to my heart in a jewelry shop. God help me. I sighed, and Esme stood up, satisfied with her observations, she walked till sh e reached Alices place in the bottom of the stairs. I was the one who observed her this time, I was really annoyed by the fact that I can memorize the words on Jane Eyre like it was the Alphabet. I narrowed my ey es when Esme stared at Alices drawing pad curiously. Whose? Esme asked with her brows raised, but Alice interrupted her with a sudden f inger to her little lips. It was followed by a small smile like a Cheshire cat. Rosalie, curious too, then decided to walk to Alices place to inquire-her reactio

n startled me-she giggled. Really? she asked intrigued. Wonderful I heard Esme breathe. Now what the hell is going on here? I walked to Alices but I was too late. Huh. Dont tell me your designing another outfit for me Alice? I swear I wont be obliged to wear whatever you want anytime! I shrieked. Sure you wont. she said with a smile. Rosalie and Esme walked away with smiles plastered to their faces. Am I missing something here? I asked in an annoyed tone. Hahaha. Youre not missing anything my sweet Bella, rather, we all know youre missin g someone. Dad muttered as I realized they just arrived. I groaned. Everyone around us either laughed or giggled. I turned my back to dad, simply be cause I was embarrassed, and the other because Edward was beside him and that, m y dear friend, makes it more embarrassing than ever. I sat down on the sofa again, and closed my eyes as I dreamed of being able to s leep to escape for a while.I tried very hard not to think of the fact that I kno w someone sat next to me on the sofa, and that someone was much too close.Oh, an d that someone smells like sunshine,honey and lilac. I heard Carlisle mutter going to the study, heard Esme say she has to make some ca lls, and heard Alice and Rosalie say theyll be watching what was that show? Somet hing that includes models and such. But Edward didnt go anywhere else. I opened my eyes. We were alone. I looked at h im inquiringly, and pursed my lips as I wondered how to react to the fact he sai d he loved me on that kiss thing. I glanced at the floor steadily, puckered my l ips and sighed. Hi I offered, still gazing at the tiles. Hello" he replied, sending shivers down my spine. I looked at him tentatively and suddenly, I cant help it anymore. I smiled at him .His answering smile was dazzling. Now that were here, would you like a tour of the house? he asked softly. Ofcourse. I said, standing up. I placed the book on the coffee table and stared at him. Now what? Without a word, he made his way to the kitchen. This is where we gather in family meetings. He pointed at the antique table, and I was amazed at the quality of the piece.It was genuine, well, what can I expect from Esme?

Next, he told the story of how Alice and Jasper became parts of the family when we passed their picture.It was black and white, but I was startled at Alices hair -it was long, almost as long as mine. Jasper was holding her to his chest, and t heir brilliant smiles revealed the fact they love each other.I never much stare at peoples clothes, but I knew it was a photo of their wedding day. Is there real ly true love? I thought Next we passed a picture of Emmett sitting on a sleeping bears belly.I laughed ou t loud at that, and Edward did too. He told me the story of Em and Rose, and by the time we finished through the wall photos, we were on the way upstairs. We climbed up, and I eyed the library appreciatively, while Dad smiled at me and looked straight at Edward. I saw Edward nod one time, and I wondered what, agai n, is the hell going on? We passed my parents room, Em and roses, Alices and Jaspers..and at last we were on his room. His room was simple yet elegant and beautiful in my opinion. Wow I said as I looked at the amazing piano on the center, and the tons of disks around his room. You play?he asked. I nodded once. Ive loved piano since my mother taught me music. Without warning, his arm snaked around my waist and gently lead me to the stool. His touch sent me shivers, pleasant and appealing. I didnt back away, it was com forting to feel his touch against my skin. It was like my arm was being electrif ied, only the sting that should have had hurt brings nothing but warmth. We sat on the stool side by side. I tried not to sigh when he released my back. I placed my hand on the keys., my head full of notes, rhythms, and sweet, sweet harmony. A song suddenly popped to my mind.(i dunno if this can be played by piano but th e lyrics inspired this story) YOU FOUND ME KELLY CLARKSON Is this a dream? If it is Please don't wake me from this high I'd become comfortably numb Until you opened up my eyes To what it's like When everything's right I can't believe You found me When no one else was lookin' How did you know just where I would be? Yeah, you broke through All of my confusion The ups and the downs And you still didn't leave I guess that you saw what nobody could see You found me You found me

So, here we are That's pretty far When you think of where we've been No going back I'm fading out All that has faded me within You're by my side Now everything's fine I can't believe You found me When no one else was lookin' How did you know just where I would be? Yeah, you broke through All of my confusion The ups and the downs And you still didn't leave I guess that you saw what nobody could see You found me You found me And I was hiding 'Til you came along And showed me where I belong You found me When no one else was lookin' How did you know? How did you know? You found me When no one else was lookin' How did you know just where I would be? Yeah, you broke through All of my confusion The ups and the downs And you still didn't leave I guess that you saw what nobody could see You found me (You found me) (When no one else was lookin') You found me (How did you know just where I would be?) You broke through All of my confusion The ups and the downs And you still didn't leave I guess that you saw what nobody could see The good and the bad And the things in between You found me You found me When I was finished, I glanced tentatively at Edward. His eyes appeared to be hy pnotized and hypnotizing at the same time His lips were a little apart.. And I a m not even kidding. That was beautiful he murmured. I looked down at the floor, embarrassed.

I didnt realize my hand was still placed on the keys-until he covered my hands wi th his. Then he entwined them, and I was reminded of the time we did this on the forest. I smiled at the sight of our interlaced hands, and if my heart was beat ing, I would swear it would have had jumped out of my chest. He seemed to be thinking the same thing. He smiled at the sight of our hands, an d ever so slowly, our entwined hands moved to my face. He stroked my cheek from the side of his hand, all the while we maintained eye contact. Then, ever so sof tly, his fingers stopped at my lower lip. He placed it there for a long time, an d I stared at him all the while. I was vaguely aware of his other hand getting s omething from his pocket. Slowly, he removed his finger from my lips again, Only to cup my face between his hand. The other hand grabbed my right one, and placed something on it. I looked at it quickly, and my eyes turned from curiosity to shock. It was a little box, and I threw him a suspicious look.He laughed, but it was ha lf-hearted. I can trace something from his laugh, nervousness and expectation. Whats this? I asked, inspecting the thing. Its for you. Edward replied. Huh? I asked, because I have nothing more to say anyway. Just open it, will you? He replied, while staring at it in anticipation. I did as I was told. And opened a silver necklace with my initials on it. B. I gave a little gasp, it was so beautiful, it was simple yet so pretty! I stared at the necklace and him, the necklace and him.I kept on glancing between him an d it. Amazing I breathed. Do you like it? he asked. Ofcourse I do. Why wont I? I asked with mock hurt. I was right. He murmured, and I smiled at him slowly. Thank you I muttered low, feeling love and admiration flow from it. I inspected it. It was covered with little diamonds, little enough for me not to mind. It was shining, and I wanted to wear it then and there. Would you..?I asked Edward, feeling a little sheepish. My pleasure. He said. I dont know how, but he was already behind me. He took the ne cklace from my hand, lingering on it a little bit longer than usual. Its not like I mind I pushed my long brunette hair on one side, and felt his warm hand on my neck. e stroked my nape a few times, and when I heard the clasp of the necklace snap lose, he remained standing behind me there .I stared straight ahead, and saw a arge mirror showing our appearance. He was just so, so handsome,. I caught his ye on the mirror. Tell me one thing.He asked. Anything, I answered back, folding my hands on my lap for the perfect picture.I sa w that his hands were resting on my shoulder, a thing I mind not in the least. H c l e

Do you really find this necklace beautiful? I snorted. Yes,I do. Then you love it. He replied back, obviously pleased. Ofcourse.Why wont I? I said, staring at his majestic gift. He contemplated something in his head. I have a pretty good guess, or maybe jasp er is making me feel lucky to know what hes feeling?..I think I know what he want s to ask me, though hes still nervous about it. Well, its my time to shine. "It's not the only thing I love though" I sighed. He glanced at my face again but didn't answer back.Okay, so he can't get that I love him..Ugh. Why wont I love it when its given to me by a person I love? I asked, turning my head to his direction. I smiled at him, his answering smile was dazzling. In mere seconds, his face was suddenly much, much closer to mine. His eyes showed the admiration mirroring my own, the promise of love in both our eyes. We held each others gazes for a second or so, and then he covered my lips with his own. He stroked my hair while he kissed me, and I tangled my fingers in his bronze lo cks. Our lips moved in synch, and when I had to notice that we were doing it for a long while-maybe 30 minutes nonstop? I pulled away. He let go of me, but he cradled me to his chest fast when our kiss was over.I le aned my head on the nook of his shoulder. Im so glad I found you.I whispered. Im so glad I did. He whispered back, his embrace growing tighter. After a while, when we were about to break away from our hold, he whispered thre e words. I.Love.You. I answered him with four words. I answered him with four words. ***

Chapter 31~How it feels "C''mon Bella! We don't want to be late for school do we?" Alice's high-pitch voice screamed, and I groaned while I snapped Mansfield Park

shut and looked at Edward. He was pretending to read Wuthering Heights, but it w as obvious he doesn't really want to. I caught him staring at me instead of the book many times tonight, Well, he caught me too, to be honest. ..Okay..Oh well, he's my..boyfriend. Haha. Boyfriend. The word thrilled me to death.Edward. The name sent shivers down my s pine.I sighed in contentment and wondered again how lucky I am to be in this sta te. I noticed around my surroundings that Jasper was glaring at Edward. "Do you mind?" he said, annoyance thick in his southern voice. I wonder what they're talking about. Edward shrugged, leaped out from the couch and grabbed my hand. I let him take i t without any hesitation, and was about to walk through the door when Alice stop ped me. "Where do you think you're going?" She asked with an evil creepy smile. "I thought you said we were goin to sch-"I said, but she cut me off. "No we're not. Not yet. Seriously, with that outfit?" Disbelief was strong in he r voice, and I had to bite my lip from saying "Duh". She eyed my outfit and grab bed my other hand away from Edward. "We'll be back in 30 minutes1 Still plenty of time since Edward's driving!" She said over her shoulder,and I heard Emmett say "Edward can't wait. Teehee." We, rather me tagging along by her, ran to her room. I managed a "tssk" and a li ttle groan as I saw her room, or shall I say dressing room. "Let's see... Edward likes, err loves to see you in the color blue..." She close d her eyes for dramatic effect, and then a big smile that might have had break h er little face broke through. "I know!" she squealed and opened a drawer. "This!" I stared at her, disbelief in my face. She wants me to wear,,this?!? It was a light-blue spaghetti strap top, and a mini skirt that was too short for me. to top it off, she wanted me to wear those damn heels I wanted to tear apart. Sh e included jewelry which I had no problem with, A sapphire butterfly clip with e arrings to match, and a pretty necklace with little blue gems. The necklace Edwa rd gave me completed the look. I really am starting to doubt if I can ever dress normally again. "'s too fancy!" I exclaimed, although a small part of me wanted to wear it, just to see Edward's face. But the killjoy inside me won still, and I nagge d a lot. But after Alice looked like she would cry, I gave up. There's just no w ay to control Alice's fashion instincts. The crow will turn white first before s he gives up on fashion and style. "Haha! See bella, there's no point arguing, okay!" She said, pleased with hersel f.

After I put the clothes she picked on, she decided to criticize my hair. "It's very nice, long and wavy,.. but you have to curl it sis!" She didn't wait for an answer, she made me sit on her dresser for minutes and she was curling it already. The curler was already hot, I guess she knew she'll win in the end. Oh well.. If this makes her happy.... Once she was finished doing that, she placed the butterfly clip on the right sid e of my hair and grinned in the mirror. I looked up. At first I didnt recognize myself. In front of the mirror was Alice grinning like crazy and a brunette beauty with golden eyes. Her hair was curled gently and lo oked natural in it, her face was decorated with the littlest touch of make-up. S he looked perfect. I looked perfect. I began thanking Alice, while she repeated that she enjoyed "letting you see who you are" We were interrupted with a knock. "Come in Rose" Alice announced. Rosalie smiled as she saw us. She looked amazing, as usual. She was wearing a pe ach dress that made the blonde of her hair shine more than ever.

"I hate to blow your bubble Alice, but Edward insists that we need to drive now. " I tried to keep the excitement inside me, but Alice laughed, knowing full well w hat I was thinking. "This is going to be a fun day" She said in a mocking voice and disappeared for a minute. "He loves you, you know" Rosalie said with a gentle tone. "Huh?" I asked. "Edward." "Oh." I said, trying to keep the embarrassment off my face. I bit my lip. "Promise me one thing Bella." I blinked at her and nodded. "Love each other. You don't know how long we saw him alone...and how happy you m ake our brother. You complete him." She said with a cool smile. You complete him.... Nobody knows how he complete me. I muttered "promise". Rosalie nodded Alice came out dressed in an all pink set. The dress was lined with roses and pe arls. She reminded me of the model in that magazine Rose frequently reads. She closed her eyes, probably seeing one of the boys are going to kick her door apart.

"We're coming!" She yelled loudly, and pulled my hand again. I tried not to gasp when I saw Edward. He changed his clothes too, so he was wea ring a bottom down stripe shirt that made the muscles of his chest more pronounc ed, and he just looked... Well, perfect will be the best word. And he was gazing at me with his mouth open. I think I would blush ten shades of red if I was human, but then I peeked at my other brothers. Actually, all of the male members of the family (except Dad-he's on duty) were hanging with their mouths open. And all girls... well we were all giggling like schoolgirls. Esme then said in a sweet tone, "I thought you children are going to school? Hurry up! Oh, and boys, try to shut your mouths. It might attract flies." That made us laugh more than ever, and we hurried now, glancing at the clock, I saw we only have 5 minutes left. Alice dressed me for a very short time! (yet it felt like eternity) Rosalie ran to Emmett, closed his mouth for him, and kissed him passionately. I looked away. Alice and Jasper were already together, her arms linked with hers a s they gazed at each other. I looked away from that too. And straight to Edward's solid frame in front of me. "Morning beautiful." He muttered. I chuckled, and he bent his lips to reach mine , and we started kissing. "Didn't anybody hear what I said? I said you children are going to be late!" Esm e half-yelled. We ran to the garage, laughing like the naughty children we are and slammed the door shut. It's time for a cell inside hell again. School. *** Mrs. Cope, the lady you talked to in the admin office is kind, well to me anyway, but she's also a bit nosy." I squeezed Edward's hand. They were all settled wel l, Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper were Seniors, and Edward and Alice were Juniors li ke me. From our arrival, most teenage testosterone-filled boys hang on to Rosali e, but all of them backed away when Emmett fletched his muscles after kissing Ro se passionately. Lunch came. "OMG those guys are so hot, I wonder why that ugly duckling is with them!" Laure n and Jessica we're talking to each other, which, we, of course, heard. Hey Jessica, vampires arent hot. Were cold as ice. Ugly duckling is what they call me behind my back, partly because they learned my pretend middle name-Swan. And just for the record, each and every Cullen guy is taken. Keep on dreaming, youn g ladies. They both approached our table (this is the first time Lauren will talk to me pe rsonally) and asked me nicely who are my new friends My extended family I answered with the same fakeness, and I took notice of her qui et triumphant yes as she asked me to introduce her to everyone, her eyes settling on Edwards place.

Edward looked horrified and pursed his lips, careful to look straight at the bag el in front of him.Emmett grinned mischievously. Alice glared intently at Lauren , who had her eyes set for Jasper. Jasper, feeling Alices jealousy, smiled with p ride but quickly wrapped an arm around Alices back. We all chuckled too low for t he both of them to hear when we heard Lauren moan too quietly for humans to hear . Jessica meanwhile, was trying to catch Edwards eye. Edward looked paler than usua l. I wonder what is going on in that foolish girls mind Its time to take action. Everybody, this is Jessica and Lauren, Jess and Lauren, these people are my exten ded family. Rosalie and Emmett are together, Alice and Jasper, together also, an d Edward. Oh, Edward and me are also together.I said in a cool tone, emphasizing the words, specially the ones about me and Edward. Jessica and Laurens eyes widened. I noticed that most students were staring at us now, but I held my head high. Its the people I love were talking here. But..youre, youre family! How can you be with a family member, Bella? Jessica stamme red. I was ready to give her a piece of my mind, and so were all of the Cullen family . But Rosalie hissed Ill answer and we stared at her for a millisecond until she st arted speaking. Because they love each other, or is that too hard for you to notice you bit-. Rosa lie stopped, regained her composure and glared threateningly at both of them. Sh e looked dangerous, and Alice backed her up with a loud Obviously. and a roll of t he eyes. They both walked out embarrassed, while Rosalie beamed at all of us one by one. That should teach them a lesson. It will Alice replied with narrowed eyes, but it was diverted with a quick hug fro m Jasper, so she turned into her bubbly self again and started on about a show c alled Runway Model. I looked away and squeezed Edwards hand, and he turned to catch my at him, and stared at his lips. He took the cue. He pecked my lips usual, and we could hear Alice squealing in the background. I love whispered too low for the others to hear. I answered him with You ed at each other as we pretended to eat our lunch until the warning eye. I grinned longer than you My Bella he too and we smil bell rang.

Alice, me and Edward have almost every subject together. In Biology though, Alic e had Gym, so it was only me and Edward. To Jessicas extreme disappointment and o ur happiness, we were lab partners. It wasnt easy pretending to listen to that te acher drag on and on about some stupid experiment, but we managed by holding eac h others hand and catching each others eye from time to time. By Gym, though, the last period and something I hate because I have to limit my display of strength, we were rudely separated. He had an elective I dont, so he s aid farewell with a sad smile, and kissed my hand like the gentleman he is. I ig nored Jessicas piercing glare on my back, and happily greeted Mike Newton, rememb ering the time he and Eric was hypothesizing that the new students will look like t oads.

Boy, this is irony for you, lads. Every second away from everyone was just boring. Coach Clapp lectured about voll eyball and William Morgan, while I counted each second until the bell rang. Once outside, I was quickly pulled into a hug by Edward, and I raised an eyebrow at him, surprised at the sudden public display of affection. Once we were out o f earshot, I knew the reason. Its the Newton kid he muttered, as I laughed at his silliness and felt a tug at my heart. Hes jealous. Once we arrived home, Dad was already there, so I embraced him and sat next to h im. Edward sat next to me. Dad took my right hand. Edward took my left. They int ertwined it at the same time, and I closed my eyes. I caught my mother's eye and she smiled, as if she knows what I'm thinking. This is how it feels to be loved.

For the last time, Thank you to everyone who supported this story, from start to finish. I hope it wasnt a waste of your time and mine. Now that its the last time Ill be able to talk to you in the world of fan fiction, Im going to leave one wor d: Enjoy J EPILOGUE 3 YEARS LATER 3RD person's POV On Dr. Carlisle Cullen's mahogany desk, a nervous looking Edward Cullen stood ey e to eye with the father of the woman he loves. "I give you my permission, Edward..son." Carlisle said with a slight nod, and wa lked over to Edward, clapped him on the back and dropped a small box on his desk . "Elizabeth Masen left it for you." he announced with a smile, walked out of the room and said "good luck" over his shoulder. Edward took a deep breathe and heard Alice Cullen's annoying scream inside her h ead: I told you so! followed by "Ask her tonight" He scowled, followed Carlisle's suit out, only to be greeted by Esme Cullen on t he doorway. Take care of her, son. She thought to him, and when he nodded, she kissed his ch eek and began another train of thought. I know a place called Isle Esme... xX The bride to be, meanwhile, ard them announce they have to do. She told them to go rd Emmett laugh like he was was out hunting with Emmett and Rosalie, when she he to leave soon because they have an "important" thing ahead and that she'll stay. She wondered why she hea in on some joke, and scanned the forest. I feel stra

nge, she thought. She sighed, brushed off her silliness and ran until she had a sudden inspiration : go to her meadow. She arrived there, smiled as she always do at the sight in front of her, and sig hed dreamily as she recall the 3 years she and Edward had been in on some relati onship and how they first met here, and how every single day with him had been h eaven. She gasped and screamed, or tried to when All of a sudden a hand clamped over her mouth. ~~~~~~~ Then she smelt his scent, and relief coursed through her like acid. It was only him, the love of her life, Edward Cullen, who had his hand clamped over her lips . The feeling of relief was quickly washed away by irritation, and quickly she t ook his hand away and turned to face him. The dangerous glint of fire in her eye s was brightened more when she saw that the corners of his mouth were twisted up . "It's only me, love." He whispered and brushed the stray hair away from her fore head. The touch sent dazzling electricity against her skin, but the annoyance wa s still clear in her eyes. "How the hell do you have the nerve to surprise me, Edward Cullen? me, of all pe ople?!?!" She cried, horrified at his behavior. He didn't seem to hear her. He c ontinued staring at her, and by now the corners of his lips were twisted into th e crooked grin she love so much. It was seconds until he spoke again. "I'm afraid you're in for another surprise" "What are you talking ab-" He stopped her words off by putting a finger against her lovely lips and then.... He knelt down in front of her frame, right there in their meadow. She gasped suddenly at the scene in front of her. Seconds hammered in Edward's u n-beating heart. "Will you marry me?" She didn't speak for a few seconds, until she regained her composure and her mind. Rejection washed through Edward as he waited for her dec ision: one to make him the happiest man on the world, or the one to make him a m an who wished he was never born. Flashback of her past, from the day she met this angel, up to this moment he ask for her hand flashed in Bella's mind. Suddenly she knew the answer. "Yes!" she answered with delight, and it happened so quickly, you and I won't ha ve had seen it if we were on that scene. She was suddenly on his arms, while she said the word "yes" over and over again. Edward Cullen felt joy as he reflected that the woman he loves will be his, in the eyes of the Lord and in the law. He dwelt in the happiness of calling her his. Forever.

They looked in each others eyes, their love mirroring in both their gazes. xX Esme Cullen admired the picture her daughter painted. Bella Cullen, soon to be M asen, wore a simple dress Alice designed, One she began working on 3 years earli er while Edward and Carlisle shopped for Bellas first gift, A diamond necklace wi th the letter B. The dress was modified every day from the 3 years since Edward knew hell marry Bella. Her shoes were a gift from Rosalie, pristine white flats she bought specially f or her new sister. On the crown of her hair were two beautiful silver hair comb s, precisely the ones Esme wore on her wedding day. Diamonds in the color of ora nge were clustered into intricate floral shapes around the comb. When sunlight h it the stones, it looked golden, matching the familys eyes.

Alice ducked over and pulled the garter to Bella's leg. "That's mine dear, and I want it back. It has far too great sentimental value. Es me announced. All girls giggled. Just a blush-on here.. youre officially Alice Cullen perfect! Alice screamed and sq uealed. Emmett slipped inside. You look beautiful little sistah He complimented, and took Rosalies hand. Stop getting nervous. This is just a day youll say yes, Duh. It wont make your rela tionship any bigger anyway, youre love is far stronger than most human couples wh o just celebrated 20 years. And besides,3 freaking years have passed! This wont re ally be a big deal, if you ask me. Rosalie grumbled, and received a nod by Alice. But for Bella and her mother, this was a day they were sure will be in their hea rts and minds..forever. They walked out, and Rosalie said Ill play the march now. Get ready! over her shoul der. Jasper entered inside too, sent calming waves to Bella and kissed Alices cheek. Meanwhile, the father of the bride was silently interrupted on his way to his da ughter by none other than his soon-to-be son-in-law. Ill take care of her. I swear with all my heart. Edward vowed. He didnt honor him with a response or at least, not a vocal one. All his words we re in his mind. You dont have to promise me anything. At his heart was a mix of emotions. He was sad that his daughter is, finally, go ing to officially belong to another man, but it was shadowed by happiness to kno w that that man will be the one when wants to have as a real son the most. You love each other. Thats all that matters, Edwardson. In the end, Edward nodded, smiled nervously, embraced Carlisle and pursed his li ps,waiting for the moment his bride arrives.

Relax Bella. Its Edward there. Jasper said with a raised brow, feeling her emotions . She answered him with a wrinkle of her nose and then Alice instructed her to c alm down or shell ruin her make up. Esme squeezed her daughters hand reassuringly. Alice, somehow, took the cue to le ave. She kissed Bella by the cheek quickly, and smiled at her slowly. Remember when you thought I was his mate? she questioned, which made Bella laugh o ut loud. With one final wave, she disappeared at the door too. Bella sighed loudly. I know how it feels, dear. As much as they try to tell you this day is just a nor mal one.. its not. This is the first time you are married, and that makes all the difference. What youre feeling is normal. The girls all know it, but they preten d they dont to make you feel less nervous. This is how I felt when I married youre father. She told her seriously, and they embraced. Carlisles heart was touched by the scene in front of him. The two women he love t he most. He ran in the speed of light and wrapped his arms around them both. For a short moment, they just stayed like that, knowing this is the last time they wont label their daughter a wife. Bellas heart was melting. She can now hear the waltz. Esme kissed her cheeks, tol d her that shell always be her daughter and went out of the room, giving Carlisle a short kiss on the lips. Carlisle gazed at her daughter lovingly. She looked so much like Marie, her depa rted wife on their wedding day. It brought memories to him and, Bella, as of kno wing what she was thinking stood up, gave her hand to his and went to his side. She looked up with her teeth biting her lower lip. You ready, darling? Carlisle asked, and she shrugged. He chuckled and linked her arms to his tighter. Hold on tight. They started to walk gently. The music was the first thing she noticed. Rosalie played a certain song that wo uld have had made her cry if she could. Then the lights. Alice truly did overwhe lm and overdid herself with this wedding. She looked at each of her familys smili ng faces. Rosalie and how she approves of her, Emmett and his craziness, Jasper who made her emotions confident, Alice who was there to guide her in everything, Esme who loved her with all her heart But when she reached Edward, everything disappeared, She could feel Carlisles gri p getting looser each inch they were closer to him. But when she looked at Edwar d , she saw the promise of forever love in his eyes. She saw how he found her, h ow he loved her and took care of her for the past years, and now, theyre going to belong to each other. Forever. Carlisle Cullen placed her daughter's hand on Edward's, rejoicing that he got to feel this strong emotion. I do They vowed to each other, and when the ceremony, conducted by Mr. Weber, fini

shed, there was no reception. Carlisle had to bite his tongue when he remembered where theyre headed next. The honeymoon. He looked at his family. How far they had gone, and how strong they were to fight troubles, and still sta y strong at the end. Esme, as if knowing what he was thinking whispered something in his ear. Theyre going to Isle Esme too. Just like us. He laughed silently and looked at her. How he loves this woman. Xx The newlyweds watched the sunrise on the tiny island. They both looked into each others eyes, the promise of admiration shining on both . They dont even have to say the words. They both knew what the other was saying ev en though they havent said a thing. I love you. A new beginning And a continuation of their love. Their forever love.

*THE END* Please review for the last time! :D Oh, and please support my other stories: Loves Wounds~ Bella has a boyfriend when she as in Phoenix, Daniel. He left her, the same reason Edward did in new moon. So she moved to Forks. She knows what th e Cullens are when she sees them. She hates vampires because of Daniel. So how a bout Edward? And when she and Edward are finallh together, will Daniel come back for Bella?.. (not posted by this profile, posted by my other profile, just PM me or search for it if you wanna continue) Anonymous~Bella isnt human. She isnt werewolf. She looks like Marie, the girl Edwa rd left when he was turned. But is she really Marie? And what is she, is she isnt her? Involves lots of mystery and twists. (not posted by this profile too. Same terms.) Forgotten Love~In Twilight, James said Alice had a protector who died by protectin g her. But what if he isnt really dead? Who will Alice choose? And who will be th

e woman wholl save the one Alice doesnt choose?

Officially ending this story, Rexanne:D

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