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PART A (30 marks)

A. Fill in the blank with a correct answer

Grasshopper Giraffe Cat Fish

Cockroach Elephant

Crocodile Bird Monkey


B. Fill in the blanks with a or


1. He is doctor. 2. egg is not round. 3. Have you seen.orchid plants there? 4. He is Englishman. 5. She will come in .hours time. 6. It is beautiful bird. 7. cat is...cleanly animal. 8. Please buy me ...pen. 9. .old lady came here for help. 10.There isarticle on the war in todays newspaper. 11.My friend gives 12.This is.a useful book.

C. Match the pictures with correct activity

The girl is planting few flowers on the ground

The girl is kicking a ball.

The boy is writing something on a piece of paper.

The boy is reading a book on his bed

The woman is cooking in the kitchen PART B (25 marks)

D. Count and circle your answer 1. a) Twelve b) Fifteen c) Twenty d) Fourteen

2. a)


b) Eighteen c) Thirteen d) Sixteen

3. a) Twenty-one b) Nine c) Seventeen d) Five 4. a) Three b) Seven c) Eight d) Six

E. Underline the correct answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I walks/walk to school everyday. He play/plays with his baby brother. They go/goes to mosque every Friday. Her sister washes/wash the dishes. We loves/love to study at the school library. My father drive/drives to office. Mimi and Sofiya play/plays badminton together. Aiman watch/watches his favorite cartoon every Sunday. It looks/look like an orange. recite/recites doa before sleep.

10. Noni

F. Read the sentences. Circle the correct answer.

1. Akmal: Good morning, Puan Nur. Puan Nur: ___________________ a) Goodbye, Akmal. b) Good night, Akmal c) Good morning, Akmal d) My name is Puan Nur 2. Who is that woman? a) He is my father b) That girl is my sister c) She is my grandmother d) That man is my grandfather 3. It is time to go to bed. What do you say to your parents? a) Goodbye b) Good night c) Good morning

4. Nia: how are you, Sarah? Sarah: _________________ a) Pleased to meet you. b) How do you do, Nia. c) I am fine, thank you. d) Hello, 1 am Nia. 5. Mrs.Poova: Goodbye, Ain. Ain: _________________ a) Bye, Mrs Poova b) Glad to meet you. c) Good afternoon, Mrs Poova d) Happy holidays, Mrs Poova. 6. Nini: Good afternoon Lili. Would you like to join me for lunch? Lili:__________________ a) Good evening Nini. Sorry, I cannot. b) Good morning Nini. Lets go,

c) Good afternoon Nini. Of course, thank you for inviting me. d) Good night, Nini. No, thank you.

G. Read the table and answer the questions:


Sweep the floor

Clean the whiteboard

Arrange the books

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Qistina Piya Lali Steph Meeto

Johan Ain Kavi Chuah lisa

Ahmad Mei mei Kamil Fuad Hong

1. Who sweeps the floor on Monday? a) Meeto b) Steph c) Ain d) Qistina 2. What does Chuah do on Thursday? a) He sweeps the floor b) He arranges the books c) He cleans the whiteboard

3. When does Kavi clean the whiteboard? a) Tuesday b) Thursday c) Friday 4. Who arranges the books on Wednesday? a) Qistina b) Piya c) Meeto d) Kamil

When does Meeto sweeps the floor? a) Tuesday b) Friday c) Monday

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