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naskah drama bahasa inggris MALINKUNDANG In a coast of Sumatra, there lived a poor widow raising two children.

One biological child named Malin Kundang, and a daughter who has lost both parents. They live within limitations. But they tried to fill it with happiness, making their relationship was always harmonious. Malin Kundang including children of dissidents. He often ignores his mother's advice. He is also a liar. Malin Kundang have a friend named Halim. Their friendship intertwined from childhood. Until one day Halim bring good news for Malin. Halim offer jobs to Malin who was an unemployed Round I (Malin sitting in front of his house, Halim came suddenly rushed over to Malin) Halim : (shouting) "Malin ... ... ... .... Malin ... ... ... ... ... .. " Malin : (looking surprised at the Halim) "what happen,why you rushing like that !" Halim : (sitting next to Malin) " what do you want to work with me in the country side!" Malin : (still confused) " what are you talking about?" Halim : "Well ... my fathers friend find someone to work in his company, you're also have Tell if you need a work!" Malin : "and than whats the job?" Halim : "We are both so adjutant boss Malin : "Adjutant?" Halim : "yes, but if you are diligent, you must be promoted" Malin : (interested) "and when we can get there?" Halim : "Yes, we must gone tomorrow" Malin : (shocked) "Tomorrow ...?" (Mak Malin and Laras out of the house) Mak Malin: "what are you talking about?, you speak very loudly" Laras : "yes, Im also heard from the inside. If not mistaken,you talk about work " Malin : "yes, Laras Iwill work tomorrow " Mak Malin: (shocked) "Tomorrow?where that? " Malin : "To Malaysia Bundo" Mak Malin: "How you will get there?"

Malin : "by the boat was Bundo" Mak Malin: (hesitant) "are you sure?" Malin : "Surely Bundo" Mak Malin: "Fine, if that's what you want. Bundo can only pray for you until the destination safe, successful and since au biso Live the two of us " Laras : "right, Malin you must successfully.for our happiness Malin : "tes Laras. I will remember the advice Bundo ." Malin and Halim eventually migrated to Malaysia during Malin boarded the ship that brought him, his mind had drifted until he met a beautiful girl and longed for the rich, until they reached the harbor. Round II (They arrived at the port) Malin : (amazed) "Onde Mande ... ... ... ... ...., is this Malaysia?" Halim : right Malin. We until Malaysia ... ... ... ... ... .... Uh, i wont to the toilet I held my pee in the boat had been Malin : "Fine Lim" Halim : "You wait here do not go anywhere (Halim Malin left, came a beautiful woman, then he's been robbed) Robbery:Give your bag, if you do not give it I'll kill you Ratih : "no no help .... help... .... my bag robbed "grab bag of women's (Malin pursuing roobbery that and try to grab bag of womens) Malin: hey stop you, return the bag Robbery:Who are you, step over my dead body (they end up fighting and eventually malin winning,malin accidentally saw a lot of money because the bag was opened) Malin : (muttering) "Onde Mande! so much money... ... .. "(then he went to Ratih) Malin : (give the bag to Ratih) "This your bag" Ratih : "Thank you for helping me" Malin : "youre welcome" Ratih : Where you from,sir? Malin : "Im from Minangkabau" Ratih : "what is going here? Malin :Willing to work " Ratih : "alone?" Malin : (lying) "yes" Ratih : "heemmmmm ... ... .., .we do not know, my name Ratih " Malin : (surprised) "You Johor's princess?" Ratih : "right who are you?"

Malin : "Im Malin Kundang, princess" Ratih : "Ah, you do not need to call me princess. No need to hesitate,how you come home with me, and work in my palace " Malin : "Okay princess" (and then they both go. Not long after, Halim came looking for Malin) Halim : (confused) "Where Malin was?, Why he go not say to me,Malin ... ... .... Malin ... ... ... ... .. onde Mande,my be hes missing? How this.. ... .. (looking fro Malin) ah, I go home say is Malin lost" Halim went back to the Minangkabau for member news on Mak Malin of Malin lost. Malin while having fun in the court of Johor because Ratih falls in love with him. Round III (At home Mak Malin, Laras was sweeping, while Mak Malin sitting in a chair, and Halim to come) Laras: "Now Malin doing bundo?" Mak Malin: "Bundo not know, hopefully he's okay." (Halim suddenly come) Halim: (shouts) "Mak Malin .Laras ..!" Laras: (shocked): "What happen Lim, Why you're here, where Malin?" Halim: "I dont know, Therefore I will give back the news that Malin is missing Mak Malin: "What Malin missing?" (Fainting) Five months since Malin go. Her mother became ill and delirious always Malin name of each bed. The barrel itself was confused about how he is. While Malin was having fun because he was a candidate for king-law. Because he's also a good son, the king of member positions in the kingdom. Round IV (Mak Malin homes,Mak Malin was sick, and Laras is waiting) Mak Malin: "Laras.... Malin looking Bundo son? " Lras: "No need Bundo Malin would be home soon, he'll also miss bundo." Mak Malin: "Help bundo get up, Bundo want to find Malin , you accompany bundo Laras: "Iyo .. Bundo " (They go looking for Malin in Malaysia. But they could not find anywhere Malin) Laras: "Come, let's go home ... Bundo, Bundo tired" Mak Malin: "No Laras, Bundo still strong" Laras: "Strong ass?, Bundo not strong run

Mak Malin: "Bundo want to look for Malin Larasl: "We go home, let Halim to finding Malin tomorrow" Mak Malin: (sorry for Laras) " alright Mak Malin never stopped trying to find Malin. He did not know that Malin will be married to Princess Ratih. Malin was never told about His mother and Laras to the king. Round v (In Johor palace, the king was talking with Malin) King: "soon you will be my law Malin: "Yes tun..." King: "Will you do something to me" Malin: "Sure tun .." King: "I want, you Make me a home for my daughter, in Minangkabau" Malin: (surprised) "What?" King: "Tomorrow we sail there" Malin: "But tun .." King: "Why?" Malin: "No ... no ..okayokay tun " (And the king went, followed by Malin) Malin could not sleep after the king's request. Because it is totally unexpected. It had been forgotten about his family in Minangkabau, what if he met her mother. While his mother, still sickly in his bedroom. Round VI (In Minangkabau, the home of Mak Malin) Laras: "Bundo Malin came ... he came in a canoe nobles of the State of Johor" Mak Malin: What? Malin? " Laras: Yes Bundo, let's get out" (Mak Malin rose from the bed and out of the house) Mak Malin: "Where Malin?" (Malin came with the king and Ratih) Lras: "There Bundo" Mak Malin: "Malin .... Bundos child .... finally you come home Malin " (Running towards Malin) Malin: (pushing her mother until the fall) "Who are you?. How are you call the my name , what your doing! '"(With tone snaps) Laras: "What are you doing Malin,her your mother ... you!" (Mak Malin crying)

Ratih: "Is she your mother?" King: "Yes Malin?" Malin: "No, no she is not my mother He lied Tun! "(Malin pointed his finger towards her with rough) Mak Malin: "What are you said Malin ,why your like this, I raising you with a full sacrifice, but what you did, was not willing Bundo you like this, your heart turns hard as a rock and you'd better like it ! " (After Mak Malin said that, Meandering in the sky lightning comes) Malin:What happeh?" (And then slowly his legs would not move and spread throughout his body) Malin: (shouting) "No. .. no .. Bundo, sorry ... sorry Malin Bundo! "(and then he became a rock) And so the story ends, because of iniquity in the Malin mother, she bore the conseflquences. So for those of us who still have a mother. Glorify him, never hurt her to take care of the full sincerity. Give your devotion to true happiness.

LOCATION OF LOVE Synopsis Love can happen in everywhere like in school senior high school,it happen in two groups,first group,there are beautiful girl,smart and rich,they are from one of favorit school in mojokerto regency.and second group there are eight but they are from one of scool very not special in mojokerto regency,where on of programs school is exchange between children which to bring them to the any experience which the last make them falling in love. DEVISION ACTOR: A. GIRLS GROUP 1. ARIFA TUZAROH 2. LILIN HALINDA 3. NONNY WIDYAKASARI 4. DIANA DEWI(AS LEADER OF THE GROUP) 5. LESTI VERA 6. DWI SULISTYOWATI 7. KHOLINA PERMATASARI 8. UMI MASRUROH B. BOYS GROUP 1. HELMI NUR ADIANSYAH 2. NICHO PRATAMA(AS THE LEADER OF THE GROUP) 3. JAMAL ABDILAH 4. ANDRE DANAR 5. ZAINUDDIN 6. ARIF PRABOWO 7. HANAFI HARUN 8. RIAN FEBRIANTO C. TEACHER 1. M.IKHWAN(AS WAKA CURICULUM SMA YADIKA) 2. SYAEFUDIN ASHARI(AS MR.UDIN WAKA CURICULUM SMAN 1 NGORO) 3. LALILIS ANARISA(AS MRS.LILIS MATHEMATIC TECHER IN SMAN 1 NGORO) 4. NUR ZULFAIDAH(AS MRS.ZULFA ECONOMY TEACHER IN SMAN YADIKA) 5. AVIGNAM(AS MR.AVIGNAM SOSIOLOGY TEACHER IN SMAN YADIKA Sinc 1 Eight girl are debating in the class about the patern of integral which the teacher is mrs.lailis,suddenly they listen announcement that they are called by waka curriculum in the lobby NONNY: It isnt true,I never see and know if integral is isnt possible if it is multiply(with indicatet books umi) UMI: a long long ago,this is divided(with indicatet books umi) LILIN: hei,,im confuse seeing you.i had finished since a long long ago,problem of question(with showing her book)

UMI: Where?can I se/this is false(with correct book lilin) DIANA:Hei it must divided,you are very stupid lin LESTI: Just study integral is confuseing,its pitty you are KHOLINA:please relax ARIFA:Aaah..i think debate about multiply,divided,like elementary school which not graduate (which seeing mathematic book) MRS.LAILIS:What??any problem?how about your group?no problem? ARIFA+LESTI:Oh certainly.yes,they isnt problem SUDDENLY, LISTENING ANNOUNCEMENT FROM TAPES CLASSATTENTION PLEASE,FOR CHILDREN WHO I CALL,PLEASE AS SOON AS MEET MR.SYAEFUDIN IN LOBBY ROOM.,ARIFA,LILIN,DIANA,NONNY,LESTI,DWI SULIS,UMI,KHOLINA. MRS.LAILIS:Im confuse seeing you,every my lesson you alwaya got outhmmm by the way do you problem?? LESTI:What a problem mom? DIANA:what a problem mom? MRS.LAILIS:Maybe drugs problem! UMI:no mom,It isnt possible very much mom! MRS.LAILIS;So what kind of problem! LILIN:I dont know mom.maybe,we are commanded to join competition ARIFA:Yes thats right KHOLINA:Lets to the lobby room KOOR:Lets go THE LAST,THEY ARE GOING TO THE LOBBY ROOM TO MEET MR.SYAEFUDIN MR UDIN:Why long you are going to here?is there traffic jam in our school?(with mock sound) DIANA:No sir!!but,hr whell is break(with moch sound too) And nonny,umi and kholina are laughing,, MR.UDIN:Ocay I will begin.ok I ask you to go yadika school to do exchange student LILIN:I think,yadika school is particulary for boy which the location isnt sir? DWI:What.oh no sir!we are beautiful girl,why do you ask us to male the boys school?if there is problem with us.what will use do? MR.UDIN:I dont must do my command BACK TO HIS ROOM AND HE DOESNT CARE FOR EIGHT GIRL CHILDREN SINC 2 WHILE IN THE YADIKA SCHOOL,THE CHILDREN ARE STUDYING ECONOMY MANAGEMENT HELMI:According me,management must do with full responsible (helmi speak his opinion) HANAFI:Mnagement must do very well NICHO: Material of management must do well ZAI;Qualified is complete by responsible ANDRE;I have understand and I can make it book ZAI:The book??the holly book??

RIAN;You are so confidence ARIF:At long ago,I always confidence because im handsome enough(louds laugs) JAMAL:Hei,im most handsome than you ANDRE:Eh,you are not councertrade! SUDDENLY,COME THE SOSIOLOGY TEACHER,MR AVIGNAM CALL ALL THEM MR.AVIG:Assalamualaikum,,im sorry disturb,,sorry mom,,im disturb B.ZULFA:Never mind sir? JAMAL:Eh,, avig want to meet mrs zulfa? P.AVIG;Heh,,dont speak it ANDRE;Wah,you are lie sir! P.AVIG:Im here want to call you that you are called by mr ikhwan in office teacher RYAN:Wahmaybe about payment of school? P.AVIG:No rian,,about exchange children which do between our school with SMAN 1 Ngoro ARIF:Are you sure sir? P.AVIG:Yes B.ZULFA:Lets go,, must go to teacher office to meet mr.ikhwan ANDRE:Yes mom,, THE LAST EIGHT BOYS MEET MR IKHWAN WHICH MR IKHWAN SITTING IN THE TEACHER OFFICE HELMI;Assalamualaikum!!! MR.IKHWAN:Walaikum salam,,please sit down,,(then,they are sitting in chair in teacher office) HANAFI;Problem of exchange student what a matter sir? MR.IKHWAN:To this program I had finished,I ask you to our children from eleven class go to sman 1 ngoro,,now I want to give mandatory to you,,you know,that our school away from favorit,,so I want to give information,to children who take exchange student from SMAN 1 NGORO that although our school is not favorit but we have many genius children,,so I choose you to show it,,after this,eight children will come and them,I will put them one class with you,,and please show your capable in order to our school seems very well understand!!oh yes,in one class only you and eight girls. RIAN:About program,we alredy help this school in order to the other school are not humiliate our school HANAFI;We are alredy sir KOOR:Oke sir SINC 3 THE LAST EIGHTBGIRL ARE COMING AND THEY ARE ONE CLASS WITH EIGHT BOYS AND ALSO THEY ARE STUDYING SOCIOLOGY LESSON WITH THE TEACHER MR.AVIGNAM MR,AVIG:After the lesson of development social any question? LILIN;Im sir!! RIAN:Im too sir! LILIN:Im first! RIAN:Eh you are very fussy,im first DWI:Sir I want to ask about teory of linier

RIAN:Eh you are not like manohara,im first!! MR.AVIG:Teory linier,oke I will explain that the theory explain that development social cannot be planed and it cant to point at onething LILIN:Sir!i must be first MR.AVIG;I dont serve from student that debating! RIAN:This is because of you,you know? LILIN:Sssstt,,tell that you are wrong! DIANA:Eh close your mouth! i cant concernate,you know!! NONNY:Yes!!i dont like debating with you,im ashame!! MR.AVIG:Can I continue? JAMAL:Yes,lets continue sir! HANAFI;Dont listen him,isnt not important sir? LESTI:Yes sir,lets continue to explain theory about development of siklus RIAN;Ih in fact I dont feel happy one class with you t he girl alwys want win,like you! LILINCan you close your mouth!im firs at this time,see the boys always egois with the girl,it is you!! ONE OCLOCK THE LESSON OF SOCIAL HAD FINISHED,THE LAST MR.AVIGNAM GIVE A TASK TO PRACTIC RESULT DISKUSION EVERY GROUP AND MR.AIGNAM INTENTIONNALLY MIX A GROUP FROM 4 GIRL AND 4 BOYS WHICH DIVIDED BECOME TWO GROUPS WHERE RIAN,JAMAL,HELMI,ANDRE,LILIN,KHOLINA,UMI,DWI SULIS BECOME FIRS GROUP AND NICHO,HANAFI,ZAINUDDIN,ARIF,DIANA,ARIFA,NONNY,LESTI BECOME SECOND GROP KHOLINA;How if we begin now?helmi,where is the problem question? UMI;What will we do to save child from dangerous phornographi which it happen in our country now? HELMI;Eh are you false,the question how will we overcome this problem by realigi law and culture of social UMI;It is same,its question ,you are not leghten? AND KHOLINA,RIAN,JAMAL,HELMI,ANDRE ARESHAKING THE HEAD SEE UMI IS DEBATTING ABOUT PROBLEM OF DISCUSION ANDRE;Eh this is firs question you are debating,how to answer? DWI;Please serious um debate must about the answer,not about problem of question! RIAN;Yach your friend sure like her.. JAMAL;But she is beautiful,you will love her,, RIAN;I will never loving the girl like her,beside she from rich family so I believe she is conceited JAMAL;Dont speak it,your parent is boss of lele fish isnt?look at your body like lele fish because you always eat lele KHOLINA;Ih keep your legh,dont laugh more than than three fingers like this JAMAL;You are laugh or sick tooth KHOLINA;huuuch,you are village boy this is right UMI;This study laugh or discussion!!!! AND THE SECOND GROUP WHICH GET THE PROBLEM QUESTION ABOUT HEDONISME SOCIETY,THEY ARE DEBATTING ABOUT THEIR ANSWER WHERE THE OTHERS WANT TO THEIR OPINION GET A CREET.

HANAFI;People of hedonism are people who like their rich ARIFA;Thats right,you are smart DIANA;Wih smart?speddy is lengthen quicly NICHO;Tell if you dont know Diana! DIANA;Im genius in sociology you know?you dont know me so dont call my name NICHO;Oh you will call he he he DIANA;No. ZAI;You are talkative now,I want to tell about my opinion,according me,people of hedonism is the people who the more important rich and life than die NONNY;Oh you are enough smart,,the meaning of hedonism is begin by filsuf in yunani ARIF;I know that,his name is epicurus,it is not? LESTI;Yes epicurus hink that the life is minimalize sorrow and minimize a pleasure ARIFA;In ideologu like this,epicurus think,it can against press of psikologis of human from afraid to god and die HANAFI;Its mean,we can take conclusion about ideology of epicurus that the password of ideology is sorrow is something very bad and everyone must go away from it. ARIFA;Yes and beside,pleasure is a good and everyone must get it HANAFI;Its mean from this discussion we knot it LESTI:Yeah our groups is genius NONNY;Will we write it or not ZAI;Yes,what do you want learn by heart? NONNY;Oh I think you will eat it?you are enter the paper ZAI;Oh im sorry I dont want eating your paper NICHO:Stop I will writw it,you always noise with nonny,tell if you want her NONNY:Huh DIANA;No non SINC 4 WHILE THEY ARE EACH OTHER GIVE AN OPINION AND MR AVIGNAM IS STEALING A TIME TO GO TO ROOM WHERE IT THERE IS MRS.ZULFAIDA IS WRITING ONETHING,MR.AVIGNAM WANT ASK AGAIN HIS INVITATION TO MRS.ZULFAIDAH MR.AVIG;Assalamualaikum,,,,, MS.ZULFA;Walaikum salam,, MR.AVIG;Are you bussy mom??can I help you? MR.ZULFA;Oh no thanks,it will finish MR.AVIGNAM;I want to talk about onething to you? MRS.ZULFA;Sorry sir,here in school,please dont call me zulfa MR.AVIG:Sorry mom, want to talk about our relation MRS.ZULFA;What? MR.AVIGNAM;I had proposed you three month old?i want you as soon as answer my proposed,I want you are serious to our relation too MRS.ZULFA;Sorry sir,,im confuse with this relation,you know that I only the girl form corn farmer in this areas,but you are the man from soldiet,I dont sure if the next time your family wikk receive lowering of my family. MR.AVIG;I know my family is rich,but never lokking the rich people or poor,,family give a free to couple of their children.if the couple of their children complete condition

and I choose you zulfa,you are beautiful the best and I love you very much. MRS.ZULFA;Sorry sir,my heart not yet give the answer MR.AVIG;I never compeling someone zul,I give you a time one week,after student charger will be finish get out from here you must give me answer. SINC 5 WHERE MR AVIGNAM IS LEAVING CLASS AND SIXTEEN CHILDRENS ARE BUSY DEBATTING AND HUMILIATE,THEY ARE SHOWING THEIR DISLIKE TO THE OTHER HANAFI;Can you givin with the girl?this girl very cenconous but you must patient NICHO;How to patient,she was told me.i like the girl,and I dont like it,im the boys HANAFI;You are not like the girl,but your lips are like the girls NICHO;What? HANAFI;Your had eaten candy?Your lips are red,like after wearing lipstic NICHO;Oh thats right,but this girl told me,I like women DIANA;Eh you,where are you buy lipstic NICHO;Heh this is you never eating a candy? DIANA:Your like my young sister,he likes eating cany,,foot candy,, NICHO;You are not the girl,you are the boys DIANA;You are the boys or o>you dont see I have all the girl have HANAFI;Where? ARIFA;Stop,you dont gentlement and never patient very much HANAFI;Stop!!why are you also?you dont know that your friend is wrong,she is humiliating my friend,I know you from city,beautiful,but please you must appreciate everyone,you know! ARIFA;Eh I think you are the best,but,it false your friend like angry,your friend is not gentleman,he always want win with my friend,and also you like always know about appreciate the others,I also understand,about this life in village,never knowing go to the city not understand everything. LESTI;Stop fa!! ARIFA;What??you always angry,I dont feel calm one class with them,live in village.not gentlemen,im lazy in here,I want get out. SUDDENLY THE BELL OF BREAKING SOUND ZAI;Finishfinish. NONNY;What is finishfinishyou must silent ZAIWhy are ou angry with me/ NONNY;Because of your friend my friend angry,you know ARIF:Din,,wait me? ZAI;No,I dont understand about this problem, ARIF;Its meanjoin hold hands the girl very enjoy ZAI;Yaaa,,, ARIF;Din im hungry,lets go to the canteen and dont listen them ZAI;I borrow your money ARIF;Okey SINC 6 WHILE THE CLASS IS NOISE,BUT ZAINUDDIN AND ARIF GO TO THE CANTEEN AND KHOLINA ,ARIFA,UMI,JAMAL,AND ANDRE JOIN THEM

KHOLINA;They dont in ngoro,not in yadika always make a noise,im confuse look at Diana,,why is she like appreaciate nicho?do you know,,here is in illage UMI;Stop kholina,,I know that,but what we do,you know behavour Diana like it. ARIFA;Im sure,if Diana always humiliate nicho,they will fall in love UM;You are crazy,it is impossible ARIFA;Because Diana I also angry,but im want angry ANDRE;Assalamualaikum.. ARIFA;Please call miss!! JAMAL;Yes beautiful girl..why are you go to in the canteen?? ARIFA;Up to us,you also,why do you go to the canteen? JAMAL;Im lazy,you know?look your friend always make noise,so im going here. ARIFAYes in here better than in classs always look a niise\UMI;Yes good idea,,by the way,,,you are better than your friend JAMAL;Wea re loving peace SUDDENLY ZAINUDDIN AND ARIF JOIN ON THE TABLE WITH JAMAL AND ANDRE ARIF;eh I want join here ZAI;Me too.. ANDRE;You always like join KHOLINA;So what about in this school,,the condition like in village,I have grandmother here,but her house away from here.but I had two years old never visiting my grandmother,because my parents always bussy,I miss my grandmother,I also have a friend,but when I five years old,so he had forgotten with me,but I remember his call abdi,do you know him? ANDRE;Hahahahahahahahahahahjust thereis call your name mal JAMAL;Silent!!!!yes your name is kholina is not? abdi is my name since I child KHOLINA;SO you are abdi??very different with now!!Abdi is very fat,you are not wrong?im lely JAMAL;Lely?yeah,I remember your grandmother is uti?wah,I almost do not know you,very different five years old and fifteen years old. ARIFA;What??i dont understand what are ou talking about? KHOLINA:Fa this is my friend which I have told you,I dont think,now I meet again this is my love,you know. JAMAL;I had long not meet you,im sorry,eight years I cant meet you again,because I live with my uncle,no you remember me? ARIF;Oh, a long love grow again,we must move ZAI;Lets move ANDRE;Eh,wait me, UMI;Me? ANDRE:With me,lets join with me,, ARIFA;Im with whom? ZAI;With us,dont ever disturbing them ARIFA;Yeah KHOLINA;Eh,do you want to go? JAMAL;Never mind,you with me,and I will pay all ARIFA;Yes,you with jamal

KHOLINA;Okey friend SINC 6 While kholina meet again with her friends back to the class,whom they are back to the class the condition had been calm,but every day Diana always make a noise with nicho until the last day they are becoming student charger in yadika,where the last grow feel not want leaving SMA Yadika because in there they got many now friends which very enjoy. DIANA;In fact,tomorrow I will be back to my old class,SMAN 1 Ngoromy heart is great and I will not meet anymore ARIFA;Eh do you hate nicho?im sure if you are back you will miss him DIANA;Ih I will never like the boys like him and many the boys like me in SMAN 1 Ngoro WHILE IN THE NICHOS TABLE NICHO;Oh im so glad,because this is the last from my sorrow not meet them HANAFI;Will you not said separate eith Diana,,because you do not hve a friend to fight NICHO;I will never feeling sad,she like it,,she is never appreciate me ANDRE;Eh co,according me,you are asking sorry with him,no you give her bad menoryin this last moment JAMAL;Yes,you dont like me co,I want as soon as love her,which she was my friend when I child,im falling in love with her,you know!!! HELMI;You always know about love,look me alone forever RIAN;Do you love dwi? HELMI;Eh silent please RIAN;Trust never mind KOORCiyeeeeeeeeeee RIAN;Why are you like this?i will never loving one of all them NICHO;Dont you lie,,you love very much with lilin arent you?Because she like your girlfriend ago,,trust,,all you friend know about lilin like your girlfriend ago!! RIAN;Yes thats right,,but because she like my former,I cant connect with her well, ZAI;Which do you choose,,not usually again,there is beautiful girl go to here to student charger again ARIF;Yes thats right,,how if we try to love one of all them,who are know they will rwceive our love ZAI;Who are know is received maybe,you will not received,,and I will received ARIF;Ao which do you choose/ ZAI:I want choose nonny,,because according me,she is challenge for me to make become my girlfriend ARIF;If you choose nonny,,how am i?okey she is for you,only for you!But I want choose nonny too ZAI;Up too you SINC 7 AFTER GROUP OF BOYS TALK ABOUT THE LAST DAY ABOUT STUDENT CHARGER,THE LAST,THEY ARE AGREE TO WANT GIVE IMPRESSION TO THEM AND NICHO WANT TO GIVE IN DIANA AND ALSO ASKING SORRY WHWN THEY WILL SEPARATE THE NEXT DAY.JAMAL,RYAN,ZAINUDDIN AND ARIF WANT TO GIVE KNW ABOUT THEIR FEEL TO THEIR TARGET,BEFORE THEY WILL SEPARATE WITH STUDENT CHARGER

ARIFA;Iam representative of charger student from SMAN 1 Ngoro,want to say thanks a lot for corperation in this week,,we want to say sorry if there is false which we had doe(talk in front class with seven student MR.AVIG;Lets go,you are waited by car from our school HANAFI;Sir,before we sparate with them,,we want asking sorry too can you give time to us? MR.AVIG;Yes I can,okey! NICHO;Yes sir! AND MR.AVIGNAM LEAVE CLASS AND GO TO ZULFAIDAH ROOM TO ASK AGAIN ABOUT HIS INVITATION DIANA;What?why you asking sorry with me!! NICHO;Eh please control your self!! DIANA;What?i will answer to it NICHO;I want asking sorry to you,I want us connect well,before you back to your school din,I dont want you have bad impression with me,,before you back \(nicho said full patient) DIANA:Emmmmmmm a true,im very tired our connect like this,,and I want asking sorry with you,,but every I look you bad bahaviour I want angry to you,,because you are the most smart student,so im jealouse with you NICHO;So you apologize me?(With use his hand to Diana) DIANA;So you only want will good connection there is another? NICHO:No.after this week,I know you,I feel all like usually to see your face and because you often angry with me,I feel,I love you DIANA;sooooo??? NICHO;Before,,you came back to your school,will you received my feel? DIANA;(With smile)why dont you talk last time?i can become your girlfriend KOOR;Ciyeeeeeeee HANAFI;So sweet ZAI;Im too,im too(approach nonny) NONNY;Why are you smiling me? ZAI:WILL YOU BECOME MY GIRLFRIEND? ZAI;Eh non,im serious with you NONNY;Oh are you realy?altought not honorable heart,I will received you ZAI;Thanks a lot mom,actually my friend loves you NONNY;What? ARIF;Iam,,but udin preference you than me,so I can tolerance it ZAI;You like superhero rif NONNY;Hahahahahha WHILE NICHO,ZAINUDDIN AND ARIF ARE SO GLAD JAMAL AND RIAN ONLY CAN SEE KHOLINA AND LILIN BEGIN GET OUT CLASS,THEY CANT RECEIVE THEIR LOVE JAMAL;You cant talk about you love to lilin? RIAN;Im afraid mal.iam afraid,she push off me JAMAL;Iam too,but you are wrong,because lilin have feel to you! RIAN;Thats false,,if I talk about it,,only there is I only consider her shadow my girlfriend was.

JAMAL;Thats right RIAN;Only you,looking for you love JAMAL;Im first(run o kholina which she had got out from class to parkin g cars and calling kholina) JAMAL;Kholina.!!!!!! KHOLINA AND LILIN JAMAL;Sorry if I disturb your time KHOLINA;No what?what? JAMAL;There is something which I will leave to you KHOLINA;What is it abdi? JAMAL;This is story book for you KHOLINA;What abdi? JAMAL;Im,I want talk with you about us? KHOLINA;About us?i dont understand JAMAL;I love you lel?since old time!! KHOLINA:WHAT do you mean?you want to become my boyfriend? JAMAL;Yes thats right KHOLINA;I have boyfriend sorry,,I cant JAMAL;So you dont receive me? KHOLINA;I love you,but it as a friend,im very sorry JAMAL:Oh never mind lel,dont ask sorry KHOLINA;Okey I want to come in a car JAMAL:Yes,please WHILE LOVE STATEMENT OF JAMAL HAS RECEIVED BY KHOLINA,MR AVIGNAM SO GLAD BECAUSE HIS INVITATION WILL AS SOON AS RECEIVED BY ZULFAIDAH MRS.ZULFA;Sir I want to ask sorry,I had difficult about invitation,because I doubt very much to my feel,but I know if a true,I love you mr.avignam ,I will as soon as answer apply for avignam(talks zulfaidah when meet mr.avignam in that room MR.AVIGNAM:thank you very much(With a face shows full pleasure and hold mrs.zulfa and zulfa join smile too and she hold mr avignam hands too) WHILE ALL STUDENT CHARGER,ONE BY ONE COME IN CAR EXPECT UMI AND ARIFA,IN FACT UMI AND ARIFA BUSY CHANGING A THING WITH HANAFI AND ANDRE TO MEMORIES LILIN;Where are them,,their hobies always late DIANA;Yeach,,im tired sat AND ARIFA AND UMI IN BEHIND CLASS HANAFI;This is fa my favorit novel,,read it??the story is very interesting certainly I read?? ARIFA;OOOhhh..this is my novel for you,,the story is a true not lengthen but funny and very console.. HANAFI;Oh thanks,I will miss you at all time ARIFA;If you miss me,e-mail me!! HANAFI;Yes,dont forget e-mail me, UMI;I want give this to you andre.. ANDRE:thanks mi,,


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