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Ever since the deceptive transfer of power from the English to the saffronists
in 1947 , patriotic Indian Muslims have been under brutal siege and constant
oppression.Episodes after episodes of blood-soaked pogroms and state
sponsored pre-planned riots have sown the seeds of fear and panic among
the unarmed community of the impoverished Muslims of India. Fully trained
and lethally armed saffron militias like RSS, VHP, BAJRANG DAL, RAM SENA and
ABHINAV BHARAT, have been set up to terrorize,massacre, rape, and vandalize
Muslim men , women and children as and when their ruling saffron masters
order.The unabated saffron tyranny has caused a complete sense of loss and
abandonment among the 300 million Muslims of India who once prided

themselves to be the just rulers the country.Everything from electricity to

water, industries to businesses, judiciary to police, jungles to deserts, farms to
rivers, agriculture to commercial lands , education to healthcare, media to
politics, transportation to mines, governance to management; is in the brutal
hands of the saffron brigade who are the sworn enemies of Islam and
Muslims.And they are licensed to cleanse India ethnically.
Indian Muslims have either of the two harsh choices to make .A, continue to
live in slavery as a persecuted minority or B, With complete faith in Allah and
following the path of prophet Mohammad (PBUH) alone repeat the glorious
history of Islam where a small army of 313 changed the rule of the
majoritarian game for ever.
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Arshad Mohsin

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