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FEBRUARY 19.2004

Dear Friends,

The enthusiasm of a family who came from Laos last year has been like a refreshing breeze to the church at Development village. They had believed

their labor. Pastor Mike Oberski from

the Lansing, Mich. Church has been

teaching twice a day with Mike Phiilips interpreting. They are going to
take some of the students home and visit one or more Mien churches on

while in Laos and Chao, the wife, was baptized. Her husband asked her, "Why didn't you wait for me?" But he was in
jail at the time and she didn't want to wait. So in January the Christians went to a stream and he was baptized. He is full of joy. He could read some Laotian


Last week a Mien woman named

but has learned to read Hmong using the English alphabet. (Hmong is also written using Thai script.) This couple are very hard working and pay off debts promptly. When they came from Laos they couldn't bring anything with them so many' Christians have helped them some with blankets, clothes, etc. They have 8 children ages 1-14. It is a blessing to see their smiling faces each

Liu came to see me.

She had worked

in Bangkok for over 10 years caring for elderly people. While there last year
she came to know the Lord. Now she

has returned to her viHage of Soptu but has not made contact with any church and is hungry for fellowship. She wept as she told me her story. She is not married and her family is opposed to the gospel, but she wants to go on with the

Another day of rejoicing was Sunday Feb. 8 when 16 young people from the Chiengkam dorm and 4 girls from the Home of Refuge declared their allegiance to Christ and were baptized. They have been thinking about it for
some time. One of the boys who will

finish high school in March plans to go on to Bible College.


Since we hire a bus every Sunday to go to Development village (Mong) and Pepper Village (Mien) I told her we would pick her up if she would wait beside the road. She did and thus got to meet a number of Christians. Today Fam, a young Mien vyoman, pick^ her up and brought her to the leadership
training meeting. She will have a
chance to learn some of the Christian

This is the week for the leadership

training sessions when Christians from

songs, meet with Christians and study the Bible. Pray for her that she will be baptized and go on with the

different villages come for Bible study

and training. They are an enthusiastic bunch. Last month the graduates from last year came and dug a well as a

I guess we could call this the year

of the visitors. There have been several

thank you gift for their training.

couples seeking the place the Lord

leader from Burma showed us how to

"Water witch" to find a spot where there was water. Praise the Lord they only
had to dicj down about 12 feet to find

would have them serve, pastors visiting and sharing and some groups planning
to come in March to June to help with building projects. Praiy for us and for them that the time spent here will

abundant water. They finished digging and putting in the well casing in 3 days.
Now we are enjoying the benefits of

be a time ofblessing and challenge

to ihfe closer to the Lord.



The Lord delights to give good gifts to his children and this year my cup was full to overflovying when all 4 Mong foster children and 2 Thai young men
came home at New Years. This was the

School will be out in March and new students will be selected for the

first time they had all been together for many years. Yut went away to college
22 years ago, Chao went to technical school 16 years ago and Kwan and Dang left 12 years ago. Bla went away to school 11 years ago, finished college and has just gotten a new job at Qty bank in Bangkok Tao is at present studying in ChiangMai. Chao and his wife moved back to the Chiengkam area in November to start their sewing

Home of Refuge (girls). Blessing (Mong Boys), Chiengkam dormitories (boys Pray that the Lord will

Home of and the and girls). give the

committees the wisdom to Icnow

the Lord's will as they consider the different children. May He be glorified through the lives of these children as they come to know and
follow Him.

Thank you for your prayers and support. God is using you to bless

business in Chiengkam. Pray for them that the Lord will help titem, ifthis
is His will for titem. Sa-ing, his yyife, has work sewing and Chap has b^n helping me while checking on supplier? and seeing about setting up a business.
Dorothy's field address:

Rejoicing in the Lord,

Dorothy Uhlig


Dorothy's e-mail address: Forwarding agent address:

Arlene Lundgren
3500 Summers Lane #28

Klamath Falls, OR 97603


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MAY. 2004

Dear Friends,

education. Pray that the Lord will open or

close the door as He sees fit. Kim and

Wow! Here it is the 4^'' of May and, the

Lord willing, I will be leaving for furlough

onJune 4'*'. I plan to spend about 2 months

in the States, mostly on the west coast, and return to Thailand in early August. Pray that the Lord will undertake for Bla to get
a visa and travel with me. It is difficult to

Theresa, who came and helped teach the 4 Phillips' boys for 6 months, have returned to

get a Visa to America except for students with an acceptance from a school. For unmarried young people visas are almost impossible to obtain. So pray the Lord will undertake if it is His will, as it would make
traveling much easier.

the U.S. and Canada respectively. They lived with Kathy and me so things are really quiet around here nowespecially since Kathy has gone to an OMF conference, etc. for 2 weeks. I am rattling around in this big house all alonequite a change!
This month I launched a Bible study course, "Strength for the Journey" by Janice
Lemke, that the house father's son-in-law

The Home of Blessing(Mong boy's dorm in Tuiig) has accepted 8 new boys bringing the total to 13. Someothers were unable to get into the Tung middle school. We find we will have to accept the boys in the 5th grade to establish a 2 years residence in Tung in order to be assured of a place in the school. The house father's daughter will have to attend a private school for 1 year and will be

translated into Thai. It is being sent to graduates of the leadership training school, some college students, others working and in need of encouragement and some dorm alumni who are in leadership roles in churches. One young man who just started the course came to see me this evening and said, "Two of the Scriptures spoke to my
heart today. I had taken a break from work and read them, and then as I went back to

accepted asa 2"^* year student.

The Home of Refuge in Chiangkham has 9
new giris making a total of 15. An accident caused extensive damage to the van used to

work I kept thinking about them. Paul said "Woe is me if I don't preach the gospel...for

transport the girls to school. The girls will have to go by hired van, which is expensive, until the Lord provides a new or used van
for the home. Pray about this.

I have been entrusted with a stewardship..." and "I make it my aim to be well pleasing to Him." He has a burden to share the gospel but bemoans the fact that he has no money for transportation. I encouraged him to be a
witness to those he does come in contact


We had the joy of sharing together

The dorms at the Youth Development Center in Chiangkham are going to be full.
New kids are applying but will have to wait and see if the Chiangkham school will

how we can be well pleasing to Him. I trust others will be blessed as they receive the lesson each month and it will encourage
them to press on and make it their aim to

accept them when it opens May 17. Students were supposed to apply in March and were accepted in early April. If they

please the Lord. I will arrange for lessons to be sent while I am in the U.S. Pray that this will help encourage the Christians to glorify the Lord in all they do.

have room they will take in addition^

children. The house father says this year
there are many new first year middle school
students. School fees have increased and many of these new students will need
financial assistance.

During my short stay in the U.S. if you would like for me to visit you and share what the Lord is doing in Thailand you may contact my forwarding agent: Mrs. Arlene Lundgren, 3500 Summers Lane # 28,
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
ALundgren51 Or send me an e-mail Another

Kathy Miaullis (OMF missionary) has lived with me for 2 years and has completed her

Thai language study. She will be leaving on furlough in July. WTien she returns she plans
to move to a Hmong village. We will miss

prayer request is for transportation while

in the U.S. I do not feel it would be wise

for me to try and drive. Pray that the Lord

will provide what is needed.

her. She had a special relationship with the dorm kids and takes a strong stand for righteousness and holy living. Pray for
new teachers for our Bible classes. The

May the Lord bless you all richly as you too seek to be well pleasing to Him.
With Love in Christ,

house father's son-in-law, Adisom,


helped a lot this past year, teaching a Bible

class and also helping with homework. He and Nit are hoping to go to U.S for further

Dorothy Uhlig

Sept. 2004 Dear Friends, I spent a little over 2 months in the U.S. visiting friends, relatives and churches. My nephew and Imogene Williams, a former co-worker, met me

at the airport. We spent a couple of nights with my brother Harold's family and then a night with C.W. Callaway who is working among Mien refugees.
He took us to visit 2 Mien churches in

evening Yut and his family and Kwan took me out to dinner (They are my 2 Thai boys for whom I was foster mother.) Praise the Lord I didn't suffer jet lag and was able to visit Pepper village the day after I returned to Chiengkam. A Bible college student from Phayao visits Pepper village twice a month and
teaches the children. A Thai elder from

SopeWaan has been going twice a

month and teaches an adult Bible class

the Bay area on Sunday. That evening

we went by train to Klamath Falls, Ore. for 2 nights and then to Vancouver, Wa.

and preaches. The people appreciate him very much. Praise the Lord for his

My nephew Jerry and his wife Becky helped me prepare a power point presentation to use among the
churches. The church in North Plains

willingness to teach though the church can only provide money for gas. The
Lord will reward him. One of the

gave us a very warm welcome though some members were on a mission trip to the Philippines. We were able also to meet with Don and Mel Byers and families, former co-workers in Thailand.

Christian men has been diagnosed with a fast growing terminal cancer. His son, Prasert, a Bible College graduate, is caring for him. We stop by his home in Pangka each Sunday after church to visit and encourage him.

With rising costs and lower giving the girls' Home of Refuge with 14 girls needs increased support. Prav that the
Lord will raise ud others with a burden for the girls' home dailv needs and also for a van to take the girls to school and

Imogene Williams and Dorothy UhHg

After 10 days Imogene had to return to Kentucky and I went to Klamath Falls
where I shared with First Christian

church. The Mong boys' Home of Blessing in Tung is doing well. One boy has dropped out, leaving 13 boys. The Chiengkam dorm has 30 boys and 27 girls. One new boy from Bangkok has
just come into the dorm. His father is

Church and Shasta Way church what the Lord is doing in Thailand. A visit in Seattle area gave opportunity to relax at my nephew's home on Whidbey Island
and meet with Pastor Prasan and his

dead and his mother partly paralyzed.

Other students made life miserable for

wife (formerly from Chiengkam) who

are pastoring a Mien church in Seattle.

him until he dropped out of school and started going with the wrong crowd. He was in a church youth group with whom our house father's son was working. In order to help him the house father
invited him to come live in the dorm. He will not be able to attend school until

I left for Thailand Aug. 10 thanks

to a nephew and niece who sent me to the airport in San Francisco. Arrival in
Thailand was uneventful and I was met

by a friend of my daughter, Bla. She and Dang had arranged to go to Ayutaya, the old capitol, of Thailand the

the next school year in May. In the meantime he will help with the garden and other work and take typing and learn to use the computer. That will help him when he resumes studies in

following (Mother's birthday. before so

day which was a holiday Day) in honor of the queen's I had never been to Ayutaya it was a great day. In the

the 2"'' year of middle school.

The 2 Homes and our dorms have

good house parents in charge, but thev

need vour oravers for natience. wisdom

and strength as they seek to train the

children and draw them to the Lord and


(now deceased)

were the

Christians who welcomed Mr. &

also reach out to their parents. The families have many problems that only the Lord can solve as they find new life
in Him.

Callaway and Imogene Williams to Chiengkam, rented a house to them and befriended them in many ways.
Later she and her husband moved to

I have just sent out another lesson from "Strength for the Journey" (in Thai) to some 50 leaders of the

Chiengrai but they were faithful in their service to the Lord and always interested in the work and encouraged us. We praise the Lord for faithful
servants who have finished the course

churches and dorm graduates. This is the S"* lesson so I have asked for a response as to whether it is meeting a

and have gone to be with the Lord.

May we too be faithful to the task He has given us.

ne^ and whether they wish to continue

receiving it. Prav that the Scripture will

find lodgment in their hearts and help them in their walk with the Lord.

May the Lord bless you all and may you bring glory to His name.
Sincerely, Dorothy Uhlig

Two weeks ago was the funeral

for Mrs. Sotsai in ChiangRaLShe and her

Dorothy's field address:


t>orothy s e-maii address:


Forwarding agent address:

Arlene Lundgren
3500 Summers Lane #28

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

Arlene's e-mail address:

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DECEMBER 14. 2004

Dear Friends,

The Lord has been working among the kids in the dormitory in Chiengkam and it is thrilling to see some of the changes in their lives and their concern for their families. One of the Mong girls dedicated her life to the Lord at a meeting about 3 weeks ago and decided to go to Bangkok Bible College and serve the Lord. An older brother and sister working in Bangkok told her No she must not go or they would cut her off from the family. (The father is in jail in Prae Province for the sale of drugs.) She was very upset and didn't go to school the next day but spent it crying, reading the Bible and praying. Then she asked the dorm kids to pray for her older brother and sister. A few days ago the sister called and asked her, "What have you decided to do?"

She replied, "I'm going to Bible College and give

my life to serve Jesus." Her sister then told her, "Go ahead. I've been working in Bangkok and have found no happiness here. If you are happy then serve the Lord." As the kids were rejoicing with her, she got another phone call, this time from her brother. He told her he'd been thinking about her and decided if going to Bible College was really what she wanted to do, go ahead. The tears fell again, but this time tears of happiness. All the kids rejoiced together at the Lord's answer to their

assured her that they would rather have a part and not just sit around and feel useless. This way they got acquainted with the house parents and students. The kids had been working hard all week decorating, cleaning, practicing plays, etc. We were a bit concerned when one of the boys had the headman of his village announce the dinner and program and invite the whole village. We prayed that the Lord would guide in who should come and multiply the loaves and fishes if a lot came. A buffet meal was served at 5 p.m. with plenty for all and then the program began at 6 p.m. Since the meeting was held in an open-air auditorium it would get cold by 8 p.m. The house father had asked Lao Ya, a Mong pastor and former dorm student, to interpret the message into Mong since most of the parents are Mong. (The Mien understand Thai o.k.) They had some special songs, playlets and dances first and then a Thai pastor brought a very good message, interpreted into Mong. I prayed for Lao Ya all during the message for this was the first time he had ever interpreted in a large meeting and the pastor spoke very rapidly and sometimes didn't give enough time for interpretation. The Lord really undertook for Lao Ya and he was able to keep up and not have to pause for words or get confused. At the end of the message the pastor invited those who wanted to accept Jesus to come fonward. At

first several young people came and then older folks including a granny or two. There were over
30 though a few were re-dedications. It does not

A few days later the house parents took the mother

and the 3 daughters to visit the father in jail. (It is

about 200 miles away.) When he was a student he was in the donm here in Chiengkam so he knows
about Jesus. Now he is interested as he has seen

love expressed by the house parents. He's been

reading the Bible.

(Jail visits aren't very satisfactory, but are looked fon/vard to. Six to eight prisoners are brought to a
room with bars so they arrange themselves behind the bars in an area about 20 feet long. The visitors are 6-8 feet away behind a barrier. Each prisoner
has from 1 to 5 or more visitors so there are at least

mean that all of these were converted, but they indicated an interest in and a change of heart toward the gospel. The program continued on until after 10 p.m. It was cold (low 60's). Some went home before it was over as they had up to a 2-hour drive. But many stayed till the end and some stayed overnight, sleeping with their children or in another building. The next morning several of those who spent the
night came and talked to the housefather. Lai's

30 visitors in the room talking and shouting to be heard. Real conversation is impossible. However the fact that one has come and brought something and shows an interest is appreciated.)
The wife is very close to believing and he is
interested. They took him the book "Power for

father had noticed the kids crowding around the house parents and talking and hugging and being
hugged and he said, "You aren't reserved and

bossing the kids around. You treat them like family

and a big family at that. When Lai and her mother
became Christians I kicked Lai out. She couldn't

come home and her mother couldn't go to meetings. That was 5 years ago. Now finally I see
why they wanted to follow Jesus. I want to know
more about him."

Living" in Thai that has been given out free in Thailand by the DeMoss Foundation. As follow up
they also send a New Testament, a booklet on the New life by Campus Crusade and a booklet for children. It is very good. The Foundation has done an excellent job. Pray for him as he reads it and
the Bible.

Another old granny came up to the housemother and said, "Now 1 understand. The message in Mong was so clear last night. I want to follow

A former border

policeman (Mien) told the

housefather "I believe that God created the world

and I know the message last night is true. I want to The dorm students wanted a special Christmas
program so their parents could come to know

Jesus. Together with the house parents they decided to have a buffet dinner and a program of music, mimes, a message, dances and drawing for gifts on Friday night Dec. 10. The meeting is history
now, but the results are to be worked out. On Dec.

The housefather gave Gideon New Testaments to

those who wanted them and sent some to others

who were interested. Many.tears were shed that

morning by students, their relatives and the house parents as the Lord's working was seen. This is

9 six Mong arrived from a-Mong village to the north. Another family arrived the next morning from the south. They pitched in and helped chop up meat
and prepare other food. The housemother was concerned about working them so hard, but I

just the beginning. Follow up visits must be made

to teach and harvest souls for the Lord and then

build them up in Christ.

Lives will continue to be

changed as the Holy Spirit works in hearts. Join

us in prayer for the students and their relatives and the house parents. May God be glorified.

believe that the Lord would have us make it a 2

story building with a large classroom upstairs and the kitchen and dining room downstairs. This
would meet future needs. There are sufficient

Today as the missionaries and Thai co-workers met and considered what the Lord is doing and what needs to be done to harvest and disciple these people, we thought of the need for leadership training, meetings for Mong and Mien women (most of them don't know Thai well), youth conferences, training for Sunday School teachers, etc. So many opportunities, so few workers. Michael Phillips is ready to build a dining roomkitchen with one classroom for the Leadership Training center to replace the old one that floods in the rainy season. A group from California Is planning to come in February and help with

funds for the one story building, but it would take another $10,000 to add another story. Believing this
to be the Lord's will we are stepping out on faith and will start building in January. The upstairs will be completed first and the downstairs finished as funds are available. If you want to make a difference and have a part In this please send funds

to my fonwarding agent Mrs. Arlene Lundgren (address below), or First Christian Church, 1201 S. Alameda, Klamath Falls, OR. 97603. Clearly mark them for the New Dining Hall. This would be a wonderful Christmas present to glorify Christ. Wishing you the Lord's richest blessings at this Christmas season and throughout the New Year 2005. May His joy and peace be yours.

finishing this project. It was planned as a one-story building but larger than the previous one. However with the increasing opportunities for outreach, we

Rejoicing in the Gift of God's Son

Funds may be sent with check made out to: DOROTHY UHLIG or ACCM. The check should be sent to: Arlene Lundgren
3500 Summers Lane #28

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

Ifyou wish to have an IRS receipt for tax purposes the check must be made out td FIRST CHRISTIAN

CHURCH and the check can be sent to my forwarding agent (name and address above) or directly to the
church at: First Christian Church
1201 S. Alameda

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

With all checks please send a note stating it is for "Dorothy Uhlig-New Dining Hall"

Dorothy's e-mail address:

Arlene's e-mail address: Alundgren51



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