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Simple Hydraulic Calculator

Reference Manual
version 2.3.2
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 4
SHC Editor Window.................................................................................................................................... 8
Menus.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
File.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Edit....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Tools..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Insert..................................................................................................................................................... 12
View..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Report................................................................................................................................................... 13
Help...................................................................................................................................................... 14
File Properties............................................................................................................................................ 15
Project (tab).......................................................................................................................................... 16
System (tab).......................................................................................................................................... 17
Calculations (tab).................................................................................................................................. 18
Naming (tab)......................................................................................................................................... 21
Equivalent K-factor Editor.........................................................................................................................22
Pipe Material Editor................................................................................................................................... 24
Fitting Editor............................................................................................................................................. 25
Liquid Editor (for Darcy-Weisbach calculations only)..............................................................................27
DXF File Import........................................................................................................................................ 28
SHC Options.............................................................................................................................................. 30
Me (tab)................................................................................................................................................ 30
Editor (tab)........................................................................................................................................... 31
Reports (tab)......................................................................................................................................... 32
DXF Files (tab)..................................................................................................................................... 35
Results Window......................................................................................................................................... 36
System Demand Window........................................................................................................................... 37
Flow Diagram Window..............................................................................................................................38
Standard Commands.................................................................................................................................. 39
Control.................................................................................................................................................. 39
Pipes..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Nodes.................................................................................................................................................... 44
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Devices................................................................................................................................................. 47
Mixed Calculation................................................................................................................................ 50
BS EN 12845........................................................................................................................................ 51
System Helper Commands.........................................................................................................................53
Crossmains........................................................................................................................................... 53
Branchlines........................................................................................................................................... 57
Remote Area......................................................................................................................................... 63
Control.................................................................................................................................................. 64
BS EN 12845........................................................................................................................................ 65
Materials.................................................................................................................................................... 66
Default Fitting Codes............................................................................................................................ 66
Fitting Equivalent Lengths.................................................................................................................... 67
Pipe Material........................................................................................................................................ 71
Internal Diameters................................................................................................................................ 73
Absolute Roughness............................................................................................................................. 78
Formulas.................................................................................................................................................... 79
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Welcome to the Simple Hydraulic Calculator (SHC for short). SHC is a full
featured hydraulic calculation program designed from the ground up for
automatic sprinkler system designers and engineers by an automatic sprinkler
system designer / computer engineer.
SHC is a command based data entry program. What does this mean? SHC uses
an advanced data editor similar to, and with the flexibility of, a word processor.
You are NOT locked into edit boxes for each and every individual pipe and node
parameter. You are NOT confined to a strict ordering of data entry. You are NOT
reduced to meticulous TAB type TAB select sessions for custom systems.
Revisions to your data are not a nightmare. For anyone willing to learn a few
simple commands, SHC can provide industry leading flexibility, data entry speed,
and editing speed.
This reference manual provides documentation of the SHC computer program,
SHC's commands, and primary formulas used. If you need instruction on using
the Simple Hydraulic Calculator please work through the supplied Getting
Started Guide.
Many of SHC's useful capabilities and program features are:
New in Version 2.3
Simple Hydraulic Calculator's ability to successfully find a solution has been
measurably enhanced by:
Cubic spline interpolation is now used to find the friction factor in the
critical region of flow (Reynolds numbers between 2000 and 3500) when
the Darcy-Weisbach formula is used for friction loss. See formulas.
When velocity pressures are used in a calculation, SHC will now adjust for
velocity regardless of flow direction.
Very large systems could fail to converge on a solution simply because of
SHC's strict requirements. Now when this happens, SHC will relax these
requirements slightly to enable a successful calculation.
Simple Hydraulic Calculator's editor has gained the following abilities:
Quickly change selected Node commands to Head commands (menu item
Edit Change node to Head ).
Quickly change selected Head commands to Node commands (menu item
Edit Change head to Node ).
Quickly comment / uncomment selected lines (menu item Edit
Change toggle comment ).
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SHC is shareware. Try it before you buy it - anonymously - we want you to!
SHC does not expire and uses plain text data files. What this means for you -
NO VENDER LOCK-IN! Have you ever been forced to pay a quarterly or
annual maintenance fee or risk losing access to YOUR data files? Some
vendors try this trick. Not Igneus Incorporated. We're on your side!
Free support via email
Advanced Hydraulic Calculation Engine
Hazen-Williams friction loss formula
Darcy-Weisbach friction loss formula
BS EN 12845 mode
Simultaneous Hazen/Darcy mixed formula system calculations.
Demand calculations (start with the system demand)
Supply calculation (start with the water supply to the system) with optional safety
Calculate loop, tree, grid, and completely custom piping configurations
Suitable for many suppression system designs including wet, dry, pre-action,
deluge, antifreeze, low, medium and high pressure mist, foam-water, foam
concentrate and more!
Multiple water sources fully supported
Multiple fire pumps supported.
Multiple backflow prevention and fixed loss devices supported
Can adjust water supply and demand to the bottom of riser node for accurate
hydraulic demand graphs.
No artificial limit on number of pipes and nodes ( greater than 2000 permitted )
Customizable Reports
NFPA 13-07/10 (the fire sprinkler installation standard) compliance capable
Automatically adapts to paper size
Customizable report page header text
Customizable node analysis information
Customizable pipe information
Graphs and text use color to aid readability (optional).
Export as pdf, html, or plain text - why mess around with inconvenient custom
viewing programs?
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Advanced Syntax Highlighting Data Entry Editor
Real time error checking
Automatic "proposals" for fast entry
Descriptive node and pipe names up to 8 characters long
"LiveLook" information bar for quick system evaluation
Robust U.S. and SI unit support even mixed U.S. and SI units are supported
Group editing of selected values by type (size, length, elevation, k-factor, etc.)
Multiple undo/redo
"Popup" helpers for remembering/using material codes, fitting codes, etc.
Undefined and unused node list
User selectable font
User selectable highlighting colors
Results Window
All system, node, and pipe calculated information displayed in tabular format for
comprehensive system analysis
Pipe and node information sortable by any value
User selectable pipe-information columns
Fully resizable window, displays as much information as it can
Persistent you may keep this window open and in view while editing input data!
Pipe Material Editor
View properties and internal diameters of any defined material
Edit properties and internal diameters of any material (except default schedule
40 steel piping material)
Enter entirely new pipe materials
Fitting Equivalent Length Editor
View equivalent lengths for any defined fitting code
Edit equivalent lengths of any defined fitting code
Create new global and material specific fitting codes
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Liquid Properties Editor (Darcy-Weisbach formula)
View properties of any defined liquid
Edit properties of any defined liquid
Define new liquids
Equivalent K-factor Calculator
Uses the full power of SHC's solver including Hazen-Williams, Darcy-Weisbach,
velocity pressures, k-factor adjustment, and more.
Can model simple sprigs and drops or entire dead-end branchlines.
Familiar data input style similar to SHC's data editor helpers included.
Full integration in the hydraulic calculation report.
DXF Files
Import DXF files the format supported by most CAD applications.
Automatically define pipes and nodes from drawing's line and lwpolyline
ACAD entities
Automatically searches text entities for nominal pipe sizes
Full preview of generated commands before committing them to the input data
Update DXF file after calculation
Update nominal pipe size text entities to match SHC's data file
Add text for node and pipe labels
Add text for node discharge
Add text for pipe flow rates
Add pipe flow direction arrows
Quick Start wizards for fast creation of basic tree and gridded systems with water
View hydraulic demand graph and save as jpg, wmf, or bmp file
View flow diagram and save as jpg, wmf, or bmp file
Easily and quickly convert existing files to different units
Backflow prevention device database for easy insertion in the data input file
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SHC Editor Window
SHC Editor Window
The SHC Editor window consists of seven important parts.
See the menu section of this manual.
Duplicates many menu items for convenient and quick access.
Displays useful pre and post calculation information of individual pipes, nodes,
etc. Move mouse pointer or editor's cursor to command or value to display.
Full featured modern syntax highlighting data entry editor.
Undefined and Unused Node List (not shown in picture)
Displays names of nodes that need to be defined and names of nodes that are
defined but not needed. Only visible when there are such nodes.
Messages and Warnings
This area displays hints, warnings, and errors after a calculation attempt.
Double-click errors to highlight the problem line or value in the data input editor.
Status Bar
Displays item hints and command formats.
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The file menu items apply to the current data
file, open or create a new data file, or close the
Simple Hydraulic Calculator application.
Create a new SHC data file.
Open an existing SHC data file.
Save the current SHC data file.
Save As
Save the current SHC data file in a different location or with a different file name.
Attempt to hydraulically calculate the current data file.
Print the current data file. To print the hydraulic calculation report see the
Report menu.
Open the file properties dialog.
copy properties from
Copy file properties from an existing SHC file into the current data file. All
properties are copied including project information, system information,
calculation options, and naming options.
Close the Simple Hydraulic Calculator application.
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This menu contains items for editing the contents of the current data file.
Reverse the last editing
action or the last entry
Reverse the last undo.
Remove and copy the
selection to the clipboard.
Copy the selection to the
Insert the contents of the clipboard at the cursor's location. Selected text is
Equivalent K-factors
Display the equivalent k-factor editor.
Quickly replace values in the current selection by type, toggle the comment code
for all selected lines, or change Node and Head commands.
Search for text in the current data file.
Search Again
Repeat last search.
Search for and replace text in the current data file.
Calculation Options
Display the calculations options page of the file properties dialog window for
viewing and editing hydraulic calculation options.
Page 10 of 86
This menu contains tools for editing materials,
quick start data entry aids, working with dxf files,
and setting program options.
Quick Start
Aids for quick entry of standard tree and grid
sprinkler systems.
Editors for pipe internal diameters, fitting
equivalent lengths, and liquid properties.
Tools for importing and updating DXF files.
Show or hide the LiveLook information bar.
Enable or disable editor proposals.
SHC Options
Open a dialog window for editing your personal information and customizing
SHC's editor configuration and printed report style.
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The insert menu is a user customizable list of
items that insert pre-configured commands into
the editor at the current cursor position. See the
Getting Started Guide for information on
adding new items.
Various backflow prevention devices from major manufacturers modeled with the
BFP command.
Various flow meters modeled with the BFP command.
Edit Insert Menu
Open the insert menu's definition file, insert.txt, with the default text editor.
View and set focus to various program windows.
Focus the SHC Editor window. This window may
still be obstructed by any of the following
Display and focus the calculation results window. This item is only available after
a successful calculation.
Demand Graph
Display and focus the demand graph window. This item is only available after a
successful calculation.
Flow Diagram
Display and focus the flow diagram window. This item is only available after a
successful calculation when the current data file uses the system helper
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This menu contains items for printing,
previewing, customizing, and exporting
hydraulic calculation reports.
Print the hydraulic calculation report. This item
only available after a successful calculation.
Preview the printed hydraulic calculation report in a window. This item is only
available after a successful calculation.
Printer Setup
Change the default printer or printer settings. Necessary for an accurate
preview if you are not printing to the default printer.
Save As
Save the hydraulic calculation report as an HTML, pdf, or plain text file.
Save the report as a html file when you need to post the hydraulic
calculation report to the internet.
Save the report as a pdf file when you need to email a copy to someone
else, who does not have the SHC application.
Save the report as a text file when you need to import the report's text
into another computer application (ie: a word processor or CAD program).
Graphs are not included in the plain text file.
Saving of the report is only available after a successful calculation.
Open the reports page options dialog.
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This menu contains items for registering SHC and for obtaining help and
Display the help file.
Register SHC
Display the registration dialog box. Enter your
registration number here to unlock SHC's full
Create a new email addressed to Igneus Incorporated customer support. Emails
are typically answered in less than twenty-four hours.
Check for Update
Check Igneus Inc.'s website to see if a newer version of the Simple Hydraulic
Calculator is available. No personal information is sent to Igneus, Inc.
Open the default web browser to the Igneus Incorporated web site. News and
program updates are posted to the web site when available.
Open a dialog window displaying Simple Hydraulic Calculator version and
copyright information.
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File Properties
File Properties
The file properties dialog provides access for editing and changing information
and options stored with the current data file. It may be opened by selecting File
Properties on the menu bar.
Click a tab at the top of the dialog to display one of the four pages of file options
Project, System, Calculations, or Naming.
The bottom of this dialog window is also constant for all pages of information.
Always show this dialog with new file
Check this box to always see the file properties dialog at program start or when a
new file is created.
Use these settings as default for new files
Check to accept the current settings as default for new files. Default values are
not set until the Save Changes button is clicked. After desired default values
are set, uncheck this box to prevent inadvertent changes to new file defaults.
Save Changes
Keep all changes and close the file properties dialog.
Close the file properties dialog without keeping changes.
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File Properties
Project (tab)
The file properties
dialog's Project page
allows entry of
information included on
the hydraulic calculation
report summary page.
Report Header
Text entered here will be shown centered at the top of every report page except
the summary page.
Under Contract With
A space for the contractor on the report summary page is only shown if this
item contains text.
System Designer
Overrides the equivalent SHC Options dialog setting for this file.
Overrides the equivalent SHC Options dialog setting for this file.
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File Properties
System (tab)
The System page of the file properties dialog allows entry of sprinkler system
information for inclusion on the report summary page.
Enter bottom of riser node name for an accurate hydraulic graph
Enter a node name (label) here to adjust water supply and sprinkler system
demand to that node typically the bottom of the sprinkler system's riser /
system control valve location. This ensures an accurate hydraulic graph at that
point and adds a bottom of riser demand entry to the report summary page.
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File Properties
Calculations (tab)
The Calculations page of the file properties dialog allows selection and
changing of units and calculation options.
Select desired units here. Change these units with an existing data file to convert
all values in the data file. The SHC Editor supports length unit modifiers of ', ,
mm, cm, and m.
BS EN 12845 Mode
Check Enabled to modify SHC's behavior for the design of sprinkler systems in
accordance to the BS EN 12845 standard. This mode changes SHC as follows:
1. Head and Flow commands replace their minimum discharge parameter
with a sprinkler head area parameter.
2. Density command specifies required minimum discharge for sprinkler
3. Favourable command modifies Autopeak to find the most favourable area.
4. FourHeads command for specifying the most unfavourable four adjacent
heads whenever SHC does not choose adjacent heads properly.
5. Report changes including four head analysis and density information.
*See the Getting Started guide for more information.
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File Properties
Calculation Options
Change calculation type and gravity constant.
Demand calculation (the normal way to calculate)
Calculate the supply pressure and flow required to supply the remote-area
demand (ie: a density and application-area that you specify). This may be
more or less than the water supply can provide.
Source calculation
Use the total water supply to calculate resulting discharge from the
remote-area sprinklers. This can result in a calculation that exceeds or
falls short of required sprinkler head discharge rates.
0.434 psi/ft gravity constant
Check when a gravity constant of 0.434 psi/ft is required instead of the
NFPA 13 value of 0.433 psi/ft. This option does not affect calculations
using SI units.
Advanced Calculation Options
Change velocity pressure option and fitting equivalent length behavior here.
use velocity pressures
Check to include Pv in the hydraulic calculations.
Use material specific fitting ...
Check to use material specific fitting equivalent lengths when the
information is available. Use the fitting editor window to edit and create
material specific fitting codes. Note: a fitting code is a letter or string of
letters used to easily represent a real fitting's equivalent length.
Uncheck to only use fitting codes defined for schedule 40 steel pipe
material code s40.
Use fitting K ... (Darcy-Weisbach formula)
Check to use fitting resistance coefficient 'K' data, when available, in
preference to equivalent length data.
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File Properties
Friction Loss Formula (for Darcy-Weisbach formula)
If Darcy-Weisbach friction formula is selected then also check settings for f and
Liquid. Darcy-Weisbach must be selected if mixed friction formula calculations
are required. See the Getting Started Guide for more information.
f (for Darcy-Weisbach formula)
Select desired friction factor formula for use with the Darcy-Weisbach friction
loss formula. Colebrook and Serghide require absolute roughness values instead
of Hazen-Williams c-factors. See the Use command in this manual for more
Liquid (for Darcy-Weisbach formula)
Choose the liquid for use with the Darcy-Weisbach friction loss formula. Click
the Edit Liquids button to open the liquid editor window.
Adjust sprinkler head k-factors for liquid
Check to adjust entered sprinkler head k-factors by the K-factor
adjustment multiplier when calculating. Data file k-factor values are
not changed in the editor.
K-factor adjustment multiplier
During calculation, sprinkler head k-factors are adjusted by this value
when Adjust sprinkler head is checked.
Calculate adjustment
Fills the K-factor adjustment multiplier edit box with a computed
value based upon the selected liquid's properties.
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File Properties
Naming (tab)
This page of the file properties dialog controls naming of pipes and nodes
automatically generated by the system helper commands.
Names entered here are
used by SHC as the first
node-name of the
crossmain or branchline
This name is incremented
for additional pipes and
nodes on the same
crossmain or branchline.
After the first two crossmains or branchlines, first name is determined by
analyzing the pattern of the two names given on this page. Drop names use the
pattern established by the branchline names. Riser nipples use the pattern
established by the crossmain names.
Note: the drop names referred to here are for pipes defined with the Drop
command. The Drop command may be used to create pipe drops or sprigs.
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Equivalent K-factor Editor
Equivalent K-factor Editor
Use the equivalent k-factor editor window to view, edit, and create equivalent k-
factor definitions. Equivalent k-factor codes defined here are valid for the k-
factor parameter in Head and Flow commands. Equivalent k-factor calculations
will be included in the hydraulic calculation report if equiv k-factor information
is checked on the Reports tab of the SHC Options dialog.
Open the equivalent k-factor editor window by clicking the menu item Edit
Equivalent K-factors.
K-factor Codes
Select the equivalent k-factor code to view or edit. Click the New button to create
a new equivalent k-factor code.
Enter or edit the currently selected equivalent k-factor code's description.
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Equivalent K-factor Editor
Enter or edit commands and parameters to define the currently selected
equivalent k-factor. This editor works much like the main SHC Editor.
Commands are evaluated in order and are capable of defining dead-end lines
only. Supported commands include:
Comment command identical to SHC Editor's comment command.
Piping material selection command identical to SHC Editor's Use
Define a piece of pipe. Same as SHC Editor's Pipe command but with
name, sNode, and eNode parameters omitted.
Define a discharging sprinkler head. Same as SHC Editor's Head
command but with name parameter omitted and elevation is relative to
the node using the equivalent k-factor. Multiple Head commands must be
separated by at least one pipe command.
Highlighted Bar
This area, located at the bottom of the definition section, displays the calculated
k-factor and discharge. These values are calculated when you stop typing in the
definition editor.
If an error occurs during calculation this bar will display an error message. If
syntax highlighting in the definition editor indicates an error, no calculation will
be attempted.
Open the help file to an appropriate topic.
Create a new equivalent k-factor code. Code must be six characters or less and
must not be a valid number.
Delete the currently selected equivalent k-factor code.
Close the Equivalent K-factor Editor dialog.
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Pipe Material Editor
Pipe Material Editor
Use the pipe material
editor window to create
new pipe materials, or to
change existing pipe
materials or to change
existing internal
diameters. Open the
window by clicking the
menu item Tools
Materials Pipe.
Defined Pipe Materials
Select the pipe material to view or edit, or click the Create New Material
button to create a new pipe material.
Enter or edit information about the pipe material. Wet System C Factor is
required so custom fitting equivalent lengths for the material may be adjusted
properly when other c-factors are used. Note: 'roughness' is a parameter for
Darcy-Weisbach calculations (see Absolute Roughness in this manual).
Internal Diameters
Enter or edit internal diameters for the selected pipe material. Leave a zero (0)
for nominal sizes unavailable in the pipe material.
Save Changes
Click to save changes and close the editor window.
Click to close the editor window without saving changes.
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Fitting Editor
Fitting Editor
Use the fitting equivalent length editor window to view or change existing fittings
and to create new fittings. Open the window by clicking the menu item Tools
Materials Fittings. See the Getting Started Guide for an example of creating
a new material specific fitting.
SHC chooses and adjusts fitting equivalent length in accordance with the
following rules:
1. Fitting codes defined for pipe material S40 schedule 40 steel pipe are
available for every material and adjusted in accordance with NFPA 13 rules
for internal diameter and c-factor differences.
If Use material specific fitting is checked on the file properties dialog's
calculations page then ...
2. Fitting codes defined for a specific material are used, when available, and
take precedence over fitting codes defined for S40 (schedule 40 steel
if Use fitting K is checked on the file properties dialog's calculations
page then ...
3. Fitting loss constant K is used, when available, and takes precedence over
equivalent length values. If a fitting's loss constant is not available then
equivalent length will still be used and selected in accordance with rules #1
and #2. Note: fitting loss coefficient 'K' is for use with the Darcy-Weisbach
friction loss formula.
See the Fitting Equivalent Lengths section of this manual to see some of SHC's
default equivalent length values.
For fitting loss coefficient 'K' values, consult a suitable reference on hydraulic
resistance such as:
Crane Valves, Technical Paper No. 410 Flow of Fluids Through Valves,
Fittings, and Pipe
Idelchik, I. E. Handbook of Hydraulic Resistance. 3
Page 25 of 86
Fitting Editor
Select Piping Material
Choose a piping material to view or edit that material's fitting codes.
Select Fitting
Choose the piping material's fitting code to view or edit. Click Create New
Fitting to define a new fitting code for the piping material selected in the Select
piping material box.
Fitting Description
Enter or change the fitting code's description.
Equivalent Lengths
Enter or change the equivalent lengths for the selected fitting code.
Adjust lengths for I.D.
Select to adjust the current fitting's equivalent length values for differences
between the selected material's internal diameters and schedule 40 steel pipe.
Save Changes
Save changes and close the fitting editor window.
Close the fitting editor window without saving changes.
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Liquid Editor (for Darcy-Weisbach calculations only)
Liquid Editor (for Darcy-Weisbach calculations only)
Use the liquid editor window to edit existing liquid properties and to create new
liquids for use with the Darcy-Weisbach friction loss formula (see Calculating
with Darcy in the Getting Started Guide). Open the liquid editor window by
clicking the menu item Tools Materials Liquids.
Defined Liquids
Select the liquid to view or edit. Click Create New Liquid to define a new
View or change the selected liquid's properties.
Save Changes
Save changes and close the liquid editor window.
Close the liquid editor window without saving changes.
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DXF File Import
DXF File Import
Use the DXF file import window
to create pipe, node, and head
commands from ascii formatted
DXF files. (Binary formatted
DXF files are not supported.)
When opened, by clicking the
menu item Tools DXF Files
Import, a standard
window's 'Open' dialog is
displayed. Select your dxf file
and click the Open button.
SHC reads your DXF file and
displays the DXF File Import
window (shown left) with all
layer and block lists populated
with your file's layer and block
names. You do not need to use
specific layer or block names in
your drawing.
Select layer(s) that contain main piping line or lwpolyline entities.
Select layer(s) that contain branchline piping line or lwpolyline entities.
Sprinkler Heads
Select layer(s) that contain discharging (remote area) sprinkler head block
Pipe Size Text
Select layer(s) that contain text entities of the pipes' nominal sizes.
Discharging Head Block
Select sprinkler head block entity name for discharging (remote-area) sprinkler
Sprinkler Head K-factor
Enter the k-factor for all discharging sprinkler heads.
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DXF File Import
Sprinkler Head Discharge
Enter minimum required discharge from each sprinkler head.
Force Branchline Elevation To
If drawing in 2D, enter an elevation here and check enabled to force all
branchline node and head commands to use the entered elevation.
Force Main Elevation To
If drawing in 2D, enter an elevation here and check enabled to force all main
piping node definitions to use the entered elevation.
Imported Command Preview
Preview the commands generated from the DXF file information before inserting
them into the SHC Editor window.
Open New DXF File
Open a different ASCII formatted DXF file.
Edit DXF Settings
Open the SHC Options dialog to the DXF Files page.
Insert Commands
Close the DXF file import window and insert the generated command(s) at the
SHC Editor's current cursor position.
Cancel Import
Close the DXF file import window.
menu item Tools DXF Files Update
After a data file containing imported commands from a DXF file is successfully
calculated, you may update the dxf file by clicking Tools on SHC's menu bar, then
DXF Files and Update. The DXF file items updated or added are controlled on
the DXF Files page of the SHC Options dialog window. Open the SHC Options
window by clicking the menu bar item Tools SHC Options.
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SHC Options
SHC Options
The SHC options dialog window allows editing and changing of information and
options that are persistent between files and program sessions. It may be opened
by selecting Tools SHC Options on the menu.
Click a tab at the top of the
dialog to display one of the four
pages of program options Me,
Editor, Reports, or DXF Files.
The bottom of this dialog is also constant for all pages of information.
Open the help file to an appropriate topic.
Save Changes
Save all changes and close the SHC options dialog.
Abandon all changes and close the SHC options dialog.
Me (tab)
The SHC Options dialog's Me
page allows entry of designer
and company information for
inclusion on all hydraulic
calculation reports summary
Automatically check internet ...
Enable or disable program
update checking via the interent.
When enabled, SHC will check
the Igneus Incorporated web
site once a day when first ran.
No personal information is
shared with Igneus
Incorporated during this check.
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SHC Options
Editor (tab)
This page allows customization of SHC's editor colors, fonts, and popup helper
SHC Editor Font
Change the SHC Editor font style and size.
Popup Helper
Enable the popup helper and set its' delay time in tenths of a second. The
popup helper aids entry of pipe material codes, fitting codes, c-factors, absolute
roughness, and k-factors, and nominal pipe sizes.
Highlighting Colors
Change the SHC Editor's foreground, background, and syntax highlighting colors.
Select Restore Default Colors to restore SHC's default installation colors.
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SHC Options
Reports (tab)
This SHC Options page allows
customization of the hydraulic
calculation report.
Select sections to include in
hydraulic calculation reports.
The flow diagram section will
only be included if the system
helper commands are used.
Pipe Information
Select information and columns
to include in the pipe
information section of reports.
pipe names
Enable to include pipe names (labels) in the report. Pipe names are
included slightly left of node names (labels) in the same column.
node elevations
Enable to include a column for node elevations.
node k-factors
Enable to include a column for node k-factors. Only Node 1 k-factor will
be shown unless q for both nodes is also checked.
q for both nodes
Enable to show Node 2 discharge. Node 1 discharge is always reported.
No additional room is required to display this information.
material codes
Include the SHC pipe material code in the report. This information is
placed in the same column as C factor / absolute roughness and loss /
length. No additional room is required to display this information. The
SHC material codes used in the calculation are always described at the end
of the pipe information section.
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SHC Options
Pipe Information, continued
comprehensive pressure summary
Enable to display SHC's original report pressure summary information
instead of NFPA 13-07's pressure information. Additional information
reported includes Node 2 total pressure (Pt), velocity pressure (Pv) and
velocity pressure
Enable to include a column for velocity pressure (Pv) and velocity. The
column is not included if velocity pressures are not used in the calculation.
Column is also not included if comprehensive pressure summary is
Darcy information
Enable to include a column for Darcy friction factor (f) and Reynold's
number (Re). The column is not included when calculations use the
Hazen-Williams friction loss formula.
Node Analysis
Select information and columns to include in the node analysis section of reports.
Pn column
Enable to include a column for normal pressure (Pn). This column is only
displayed when velocity pressures are used in the calculations.
Pv column
Enable to include a column for velocity pressure (Pv). This column is only
displayed when velocity pressures are used in the calculations.
req q column
Enable to include a column for required node discharge.
Various report appearance and information sorting options.
Use Color
Utilize color to differentiate between labels and values. Color is also used
to enhance graphs and flow diagrams.
Shade Lines
Lightly shade every other line in the pipe information and node analysis
Page 33 of 86
SHC Options
Options, continued
Pipe Comments
Check to display comments located on the same data file line as Pipe
commands in the Notes column of the hydraulic calculation report's
pipe information section. The first 12 characters of the comment are
Node Comments
Check to display comments located on the same data file line as Water,
Node, and Head commands in the Notes column of the hydraulic
calculation report's node analysis section. The first 12 characters of the
comment are displayed.
Sort Nodes
Print nodes in alphabetical/numerical order. Disable this option to print
nodes in data file order.
Do not sort pipe
Print pipe information in data file order.
Sort pipe
Print pipe information in alphabetical/numerical order by pipe name.
Group pipe by path
Print pipe information grouped by calculated path from discharging
nodes/heads to water source.
Page 34 of 86
SHC Options
DXF Files (tab)
Use this SHC Options page to tell SHC how your dxf drawing files are formatted
before importing.
Special Characters
Tell SHC how pipe size text entities store standard fractions. As shown above,
for example, SHC will expect a 1 nominal pipe size be text of 1.25.
Drawing Properties
Let SHC know the base unit of your cad file (ie: does 1.0 equal one inch, one
millimeter, one foot, etc.), the unit that pipe size text is in, how close two end
points need be to consider connected, and whether to include light weight
polylines or not.
DXF File Updating
Select items to add when updating a dxf file. DXF files may be updated after a
successful hydraulic calculation by selecting menu item Tools DXF Files
Page 35 of 86
Results Window
Results Window
After every successful calculation the Calculation Results window is displayed.
All relevant pipe, node, and system information is displayed here in easily
navigable tables. This window may also be opened after a successful calculation
by selecting menu item View Results.
Calculation Summary
View calculated system information in this table.
Node Summary
View all node information in this table. Click column headings to sort the table
by that value. Click again to reverse the sort.
Check hide inactive nodes to omit non-discharging nodes from the list.
Pipe Information
View all pipe information in this table. Right-click anywhere on this table to add
or remove value columns. Click column headings to sort by that value. Click
again to reverse the sort. Reorder column positions by holding the left mouse
button down on column headings and dragging with the mouse. SHC remembers
the configuration of this table between program sessions.
Check hide non-flowing pipes to omit pipes with zero flow from the list.
Page 36 of 86
System Demand Window
System Demand Window
The System Demand window is available after any successful calculation.
Open the window by clicking the menu item View, then click Demand Graph.
Resize the window to change the hydraulic demand graph's shape, demand
graph's axes scales, and the pie chart's shape.
Save Graph
Click this button to save the hydraulic demand graph, as displayed, to a file.
Jpeg, bmp, and wmf formats are supported.
Save Chart
Click this button to save the pressure use pie chart, as displayed, to a file. Jpeg,
bmp, and wmf formats are supported.
Page 37 of 86
Flow Diagram Window
Flow Diagram Window
The Flow Diagram window is available after any successful calculation that
uses the system helper commands. Open the window by clicking the menu item
View, then click Flow Diagram.
Flow Rates
Select to display the flow rate
of each displayed pipe.
Pipe Names
Select to display then name
(label) of every displayed pipe.
Head Discharge
Enable to display calculated
sprinkler head discharge rates.
Node Names
Enable to display the name
(label) of each displayed node.
Save Diagram
Click this button to save the
flow diagram to a file in the
jpg, bmp, or wmf format.
Click the zoom controls up/down buttons to change the flow diagram
size. The + and - keyboard keys, mouse wheel, and edit box may also be used.
Discharging sprinkler heads (remote-area) are shown as RED SQUARES.
Non-discharging heads are shown as BLACK CIRCLES.
BLUE ARROWS indicate flow direction.
Page 38 of 86
Standard Commands
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
// none
Comment command. Everything after the // command, on the same line, is
considered a comment.
// This is a comment
Reduce // This is also a comment
Command Alias Parameters
All [ safety-margin ]
Perform a source calculation using the total water supply or the total water
supply minus a specified pressure safety margin. Calculated sprinkler head
discharge rates may be above or below the required rate specified in Head
and Flow commands. This command overrides the setting on the file
properties dialog's calculations page.
All // Calculate to the available water supply
All 5.0 // Calculate to the available pressure minus 5
Page 39 of 86
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
NoVel none
Calculations will not use velocity pressures. This command overrides the
setting on the file properties dialog's calculations page. The last NoVel or
Vel command used in the data file takes precedence.
See Also: Vel
NoVel // Use total pressures in calculation
Command Alias Parameters
Vel none
Calculations will adjust for velocity pressures. This command overrides the
setting on the file properties dialog's calculations page. The last NoVel or
Vel command used in the data file takes precedence.
See also: NoVel, Pipe
Vel // Adjust for velocity pressures in calculations
Page 40 of 86
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
Pipe P name sNode eNode length size [ [#]fitting ]
Define a piece of pipe. The pipe material is defined by the closest previous
Use command.
See Also: Use, Head, Node, Fitting Codes, Bfp, BP
A unique identifier for the pipe. Names up to eight
alphanumeric characters long are permitted.
Starting node name. Names up to eight alphanumeric
characters long are permitted.
Ending node name. Names up to eight alphanumeric
characters long are permitted.
length Physical length of pipe.
size Nominal diameter of pipe.
A valid SHC fitting code. A quantity may be specified by
immediately preceding the fitting code with a number.
Use special fitting code VB to indicate pressure at sNode
should be adjusted for velocity.
Use special fitting code VE to indicate pressure at eNode
should be adjusted for velocity.
Use s10 120 // Schedule 10 steel pipe
Pipe Riser BotRsr TopRsr 14'3.5 4.0 c b 2e
P Bulk TopRsr Main1 34'3 4.0 e
Page 41 of 86
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
PC source copy copySN copyEN [ copy ... ]
Defines new pieces of pipe identical to another defined pipe. Source pipe
may be defined with Pipe , Main, Line or any other pipe defining command.
source Name of the source pipe.
copy Name for the new piece of pipe.
copySN Starting node name for the new piece of pipe.
copyEN Ending node name for the new piece of pipe.
// Crossmain with four identical pieces of pipe
Pipe Main1 m1 m2 10'6 2.5
PC Main1 Main2 m2 m3 Main3 m3 m4 Main4 m4 m5
Command Alias Parameters
ChangePipe ChP name length size [ [#]fitting ]
Modifies a previously defined pipe. The pipe must be defined elsewhere
with a Pipe , Main , Line or any other pipe defining command.
name Name of a previously defined pipe.
length Physical length of pipe.
size Nominal diameter of pipe.
A valid SHC fitting code. A quantity may be specified by
immediately preceding the fitting code with a number.
// Modify first and last pipe generated by the Main command
Main 4 12 8'4
ChangePipe M1-1 12'4 4 4E
ChP M1-11 10'6 4 2e
Page 42 of 86
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
Use U PipeType c-factor/roughness
Specifies the pipe material and roughness coefficient to use for commands
that create pipe: Pipe, Main, MainV, Line, LineElev, and Flow. These
commands utilize the closest use command that precedes it. Make sure a use
command precedes all others or the pipe material may be undefined.
PipeType A valid pipe type identifier.
c-factor /
Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient or absolute roughness,
in pipe size units, when using Darcy-Weisbach friction loss
formula with Colebrook or Serghide friction factor equations.
Use cdi 140 // Ductile iron with Hazen-Williams c-factor value
Use cdi 0.002 // Ductile iron with Darcy roughness in inches
Page 43 of 86
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
Water W name elevation static [ flow pressure ... ]
Define a node as a water source. When flow and pressure are omitted, the
water source will provide static pressure at any flow rate.
When multiple water commands are used only a source calculation will be
performed. Use the All command to specify a source calculation safety
See Also: Head, Node, Pipe
A unique identifier for the water source node. Names up to
eight alphanumeric characters long are permitted.
elevation Elevation of the water source.
static Static pressure of the water source.
flow Measured flow rate of the water source.
pressure Measured residual pressure of the water source.
// Define node City1 as a water source
Water city1 -6'0 55 993 40
Page 44 of 86
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
Node N name elevation [ discharge [ pressure ]]
Define any node that is not a water source or a discharging sprinkler
See Also: NC, Water, Head, Pipe
A unique identifier for the node. Names up to eight
alphanumeric characters long are permitted.
elevation Elevation of the node.
Amount of water to flow from this node. Discharge does not
vary with pressure. Default is zero.
Minimum pressure to maintain at this node during a demand
calculation. When no discharge is entered, no minimum
pressure is enforced. When no pressure is given but a
nonzero discharge is entered, pressure defaults to zero.
Node TR 18'6 // Top of riser
N UG1 -5'0 400 // 400 gpm outside hose allowance
// Top of standpipe 250 gpm flowing at 100 psi
Node SP3 36'6 250 100
Command Alias Parameters
NC source copy [ copy ... ]
Define new nodes the same as a previously defined reference node ( Node
source Name of the source node.
copy Name for the new node.
Node n7 8'8
NC n7 n15 n16 n17 // define nodes n15 to n17 same as n7
Page 45 of 86
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
Head H name elevation minFlow k-factor
Define a node as a discharging sprinkler head. Discharge will vary with
pressure in accordance with the given k-factor.
See Also: HC, Water, Node, Pipe
A unique identifier for the sprinkler head node. Names up to
eight alphanumeric characters long are permitted.
elevation Elevation of the sprinkler head node.
Minimum discharge rate this sprinkler head should maintain
during a demand calculation.
k-factor The sprinkler head's k-factor.
// standard sprinkler head
Head h7 8'8 14.82 5.6
Command Alias Parameters
HC source copy [ copy ... ]
Defines new flowing sprinkler head nodes the same as a previously defined
sprinkler head node (Head command).
source Name of the source node.
copy Name for the new sprinkler head node.
Head h7 8'8 14.82 5.6
HC h7 h2 h3 h4 h5 // define nodes h2 to h5 the same as h7
Page 46 of 86
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
BFP name flow pressure [ flow pressure ]
Add a backflow prevention device or other pressure losing device to a
previously defined Pipe. Pressure loss at the calculated flow rate is
interpolated from the flow and pressure values given and always removed in
the direction of water flow. Interpolation is linear - not 1.85 log.
Name of the pipe to place the backflow preventer (pressure
loss) in.
flow Flow rate where the backflow preventer's net loss is pressure.
pressure Net loss of the backflow preventer when flowing flow.
// 6 Colt C500 reduced pressure detector assembly
BFP W1 0 10.0 50 13.0 300 8.0 600 7.0 1200 12.0
Bfp W1 0 12.0 // Fixed loss of 12 psi [bar,kPa]
Page 47 of 86
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
BP name churn flow pressure [ flow pressure ]
Add a fire pump (pressure gain) to a previously defined Pipe. Pressure gain
at the calculated flow rate is interpolated from the flow and pressure values
given. Interpolation is based on 1.85 log just as Water sources are. Pressure
is increased in the same direction as water flow.
To model a pump as a separate entity, instead of as part of a Pipe, use the
Pump command.
name Name of the pipe to place the fire pump in.
churn Fire pump's churn pressure (pressure at zero flow rate).
flow Flow rate where the pump's net gain is pressure.
pressure Net gain of the pump when flowing flow.
// 1500 gpm at 100 psi pump
BP W1 115 1500 100
// 1500 gpm pump with 150% flow point entered
BP W1 115 1500 100 2250 65
Page 48 of 86
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
Pump inNode outNode elevation churn flow pressure [flow pressure ...]
Define a fire pump as an independent object (not as part of a pipe). Pressure
gain at the calculated flow rate is interpolated from the flow and pressure
values given. Interpolation is based on 1.85 log just as Water sources are.
Pressure is increased in the same direction as water flow.
Pipe command(s) should connect inNode to a water source. Pipe
command(s) should connect outNode to the sprinkler system piping.
See Also: BP
Name for the suction side of pump node. This node does not
need to be defined separately with a Node command.
Name for the discharge side of pump node. This node does
not need to be defined separately with a Node command.
elevation Elevation of the fire pump.
churn Fire pump's churn pressure (pressure at zero flow rate).
flow Flow rate where the pump's net gain is pressure.
pressure Net gain of the pump when flowing flow.
// 1500 gpm pump
Pump Pin Pout 3'6 115 1500 100
// 1500 gpm pump with additional 150% flow point entered
Pump Pin Pout 3'6 115 1500 100 2250 65
Page 49 of 86
Standard Commands
Mixed Calculation
Command Alias Parameters
Hazen c-factor
Begin using Hazen-Williams friction loss formula. Pipe defined after Hazen
and before next Darcy command will use the Hazen-Williams formula. Use
commands in this area should have c-factor values. Multiple Hazen/Darcy
pairs may be used to mark multiple sections of the file for Hazen-Williams
friction loss formula.
This command has no effect when File Properties, Calculations tab, is
set for the Hazen-Williams friction loss formula.
Commands that create pipe include Pipe, Main, MainCont, MainV, Line,
LineElev, LineElev2, and Flow.
c-factor Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient
// Begin using Hazen-Williams formula
Hazen 120
Command Alias Parameters
Darcy c-factor/roughness
Stop using Hazen-Williams friction loss formula. See Hazen command
c-factor /
Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient or absolute roughness,
in pipe size units, when using Darcy-Weisbach friction loss
formula with Colebrook or Serghide friction factor equations.
// Stop using Hazen-Williams formula
Darcy 0.004 // ~C=120
Page 50 of 86
Standard Commands
BS EN 12845
The following standard commands are only available when BS EN 12845 mode is
enabled in the file's properties.
Command Alias Parameters
Density D minDensity [ minPressure ]
Specify the minimum required density. The unit of density may be selected
in the file properties dialog.
Minimum required density. SHC uses this value with the
sprinkler head area value in Head and Flow commands to
determine required discharge from sprinkler heads.
minPressure Minimum required pressure on discharging sprinkler heads.
// Density of 5.0 mm/min with a 0.35 bar minimum pressure
Density 5.0 0.35
Command Alias Parameters
FourHeads FH head1 [head2] [head3] [head4]
Specify the one to four most unfavourable adjacent sprinkler heads. This
command is only needed when SHC fails to find adjacent heads correctly.
head1 ..
Discharging sprinkler head name/label.
// Manually selecting 4 most remote adjacent heads
FourHeads L10-5 L10-6 L11-5 L11-6
Page 51 of 86
Standard Commands
Command Alias Parameters
Head H name elevation headArea k-factor
BS EN 12845 mode modifies the standard Head command to require a
sprinkler head area parameter in lieu of a minimum required discharge
parameter. SHC will automatically calculate the minimum required
discharge based upon the head area given and the parameters of the closest
preceding Density command.
Requires: Density
See Also: HC, Water, Node, Pipe
A unique identifier for the sprinkler head node. Names up to
eight alphanumeric characters long are permitted.
elevation Elevation of the sprinkler head node.
Area of sprinkler head coverage. SHC will use this value and
the specified density to determine the minimum required
sprinkler head discharge rate.
k-factor The sprinkler head's k-factor.
// standard sprinkler covering 9.05 sq. meters
Head h7 3.1 9.05 80
Page 52 of 86
System Helper Commands
System Helper Commands
Command Alias Parameters
Main M size lines spacing [ [ extraNode offset ] ]
Define pipes and nodes for an entire crossmain. Crossmain pipe and node
naming may be controlled in the file properties dialog on the naming page.
Multiple extraNode/offset pairs may be entered. The crossmain may be
extended with the MainCont command.
Requires: MainElev and at least one of TreeLeft, TreeRight, or Line
See Also: MainCont, MainV, RN
size Nominal pipe size of the cross main.
Number of branchlines connected to the cross main. There
must be at least two branchlines.
spacing Distance between branchlines along the cross main.
Name for an extra node to insert at offset distance from the
start of the cross main.
offset Distance from the start of the cross main to the extraNode.
// 6 main with 12'6 spacing and 8 branchlines
Main 6.0 8 12'6
// 4 main with 15 lines and two extra nodes inserted
Main 4.0 15 12'6 TieIn 30'8 Hose 165'
Page 53 of 86
System Helper Commands
Command Alias Parameters
MainCont MC size lines spacing [ spacing ... ]
Continue the definition of a crossmain defined with a previous Main or
MainV command. Multiple MainCont commands may be used.
See Also: Main, MainV, MainElev, RN, Line, TreeLeft, TreeRight
size Nominal pipe size of the cross main addition.
Number of additional branchlines connected to connect to the
cross main. There must be at least one additional branchline.
Distance between additional branchlines along the cross main.
Specifying more than one spacing parameter defines a
repeating spacing pattern.
// Define a 6 crossmain feeding 3 branchlines and ...
Main 6.0 3 12'0
MainCont 4.0 6 12'0 // 4 feeding 6 more branchlines and ...
MainCont 3.0 2 12'0 // 3 feeding 2 more branchlines
Page 54 of 86
System Helper Commands
Command Alias Parameters
MainV MV size lines spacing [ spacing ... ]
Define pipes and nodes for an entire crossmain. Crossmain pipe and node
naming may be controlled in the file properties dialog on the naming page.
The crossmain may be extended with the MainCont command.
Requires: MainElev and at least one of TreeLeft, TreeRight, or Line
See Also: Main, MainCont, RN
size Nominal pipe size of the cross main.
Number of branchlines connected to the cross main. There
must be at least two branchlines.
Distance between branchlines along the cross main.
Specifying more than one spacing parameter defines a
repeating spacing pattern.
// Crossmain with branchline spacing of 12',13',12',13'...
MainV 6.0 8 12'0 13'0
Page 55 of 86
System Helper Commands
Command Alias Parameters
MainElev ME startElev [ endElev [ offfset offsetElev ] ]
Set the elevation of a crossmain. One MainElev command is required for
each crossmain created with a Main or MainV command.
Requires: Main or MainV
See Also: MainCont, LineElev, LineElev2
Elevation at the beginning (bottom) of the crossmain. This
elevation is used for the entire crossmain when a value for
endElev is not given.
endElev Elevation at the end (top) of the crossmain.
Distance from the beginning of the crossmain to a point on the
crossmain at a height of offsetElev.
Elevation of the crossmain at the offset distance from the
beginning of the crossmain.
MainElev 18'3 // level elevation at 18'3
// 18'3 at ends with 22'5 peak
MainElev 18'3 18'3 50'0 22'5
Page 56 of 86
System Helper Commands
Command Alias Parameters
Line L heads size start end spacing [spacing ...]
Define the gridded branchlines between adjacent cross mains. Branchline
pipe and node naming may be controlled in the file properties dialog on the
naming page.
There should be exactly one less Line command then Main/MainV
Requires: LineElev or LineElev2 and at least two Main and/or MainV
See Also: TreeLeft, TreeRight
heads Number of sprinkler heads on a branchline.
size Nominal pipe size of branchline piping.
start Length of a branchline starter (left-most) pipe.
end End (right-most) pipe length on a branchline.
Distance between sprinkler heads along the branchlines.
Specifying more than one spacing value defines a repeating
spacing pattern.
// 1.5 branchlines with 10 heads per line
Line 10 1.5 3'4 5'8 10'6
Page 57 of 86
System Helper Commands
Command Alias Parameters
TreeLeft TL heads start size [ spacing size ... ]
Create dead-end tree branchlines connected to the first crossmain defined. If
fewer spacing/size pairs are given then number of pipe created, the last
spacing/size pair is repeated.
Requires: LineElev or LineElev2 and at least one Main and/or MainV
See Also: TreeRight, Line
heads Number of sprinkler heads on a branchline.
start Length of branchline starter pipe.
size Nominal pipe size of branchline piping.
spacing Distance between sprinkler heads along the branchlines.
// 3 head outrigger line off first main
TreeLeft 3 2'6 1.25 10'0 1.25 10'0 1.00
// Same as above but feeding 2 heads with 1 instead of 1 head
TL 3 2'6 1.25 10'0 1.00
Page 58 of 86
System Helper Commands
Command Alias Parameters
TreeRight TR heads start size [ spacing size ... ]
Creates dead-end tree branchlines connected to the last crossmain defined. If
fewer spacing/size pairs are given then number of pipe created, the last
spacing/size pair is repeated.
Requires: LineElev or LineElev2 and at least one Main and/or MainV
See Also: TreeLeft, Line
heads Number of sprinkler heads on a branchline.
start Length of a branchline starter piece.
size Nominal pipe size of branchline piping.
spacing Distance between sprinkler heads along the branchlines.
// 4 head outrigger line off last main
TreeRight 4 2'6 1.25 9'8 1.25
Page 59 of 86
System Helper Commands
Command Alias Parameters
LineElev LE startElev [ endElev [ offset offsetElev ...] ]
Sets the elevation of all branchlines in relation to branchline direction. When
a sign symbol (+ or ) is used with any one elevation, all elevations will be
relative (to the first crossmain's elevation) instead of absolute. Only one
LineElev or LineElev2 command is required and allowed.
Requires: at least one of Line, TreeLeft, or TreeRight
See Also: LineElev2, MainElev
Elevation of branchlines at the left-most point of the
branchlines. Use a sign symbol (+/-) to specify a relative
elevation above or below the first cross main.
Elevation of branchlines at the right-most point of the
branchlines. Use a sign symbol (+/-) to specify a relative
elevation above or below the first cross main.
Length from left-most point of the branchlines to the point at
height offsetElev. Multiple offset / offsetElev pairs are
Elevation of the branchlines at the offset distance from the
left-most point of the branchlines. Use a sign symbol (+/-) to
specify a relative elevation above or below the first cross
main. Multiple offset / offsetElev pairs are allowed.
LineElev 12'4 // all branchlines level at 12'4
// branchlines 12' to 18'6 peak down to 14'
LE 12' 14' 25'6 18'6
Page 60 of 86
System Helper Commands
Command Alias Parameters
LineElev2 LE2 startElev [ endElev [ offset offsetElev ...] ]
Sets the elevation of all branchlines in relation to crossmain direction. When
a sign symbol (+ or -) is used with any one elevation, all elevations will be
relative (to the first crossmain's elevation) instead of absolute. Only one
LineElev or LineElev2 command is required and allowed.
Requires: at least one of Line, TreeLeft, or TreeRight
See Also: LineElev, MainElev
Elevation of the first branchline. Use the optional sign
symbol to specify a relative elevation above or below the first
cross main.
Elevation of the last branchline. Use the optional sign symbol
to specify a relative elevation above or below the first cross
Length from the first branchline, in the direction of the main,
to the point at height offsetElev. Multiple offset / offsetElev
pairs are allowed.
Elevation of branchlines at the offset distance from the first
branchline. Use the optional sign symbol to specify a relative
elevation above or below the first cross main. Multiple
offset / offsetElev pairs are allowed.
// all branchlines level at 12'4
LineElev2 12'4 // same result as LineElev command
// first bl 12' to 18'6 peak down to 14' at last bl
LE2 12' 14' 25'6 18'6 // very different than LE command!
Page 61 of 86
System Helper Commands
Command Alias Parameters
Drop ceiling size [offset]
DEPRECATED: will not be in future version 3 of SHC. Use the
equivalent k-factor calculator instead.
Creates a pipe drop (or sprig) for each discharging sprinkler head
defined by a Flow command. The length of the drop will be the
difference between ceiling and branchline elevations plus the offset.
Drop pipe naming may be controlled in the file properties dialog on
the naming page.
Requires: Flow
ceiling Ceiling height
size Nominal pipe size of drop
Length of armover from branchline to drop. Default value is
// 1 pipe drops on 6 armovers down to a 12'6 clg
Drop 12'6 1.0 0'6
Command Alias Parameters
RN size [ size ... ]
Sets the riser nipple pipe size for a crossmain. If no RN command is used,
riser nipple size will be same as the largest branchline connecting to it. Note
that the first size entered will apply to the first Main/MainV command
entered, the second size to the second Main/MainV command, and so on.
Riser nipple pipe and node naming may be controlled in the file properties
dialog on the naming page.
Requires: Main or MainV
size Nominal pipe size for the riser nipples.
// First crossmain has 2 riser nipples
// Second crossmain has 1.5 riser nipples
RN 2.0 1.5
Page 62 of 86
System Helper Commands
Remote Area
Command Alias Parameters
Flow left bottom right top discharge k-factor
Defines a rectangular area of flowing heads. Multiple flow commands may
be used to define irregularly shaped remote areas.
The first main defined is the left-most main and the first branchline is the
bottom branchline. The last heads on the tree line off the first main (
TreeLeft command ) will be column one. If no outrigger lines are used, then
the first head on the grid lines between the first two mains will be column
Requires: Main or MainV with Line or TreeLeft or TreeRight
See Also: Autopeak, Drop
left Left-most flowing sprinkler head on a branchline
bottom First branchline with flowing heads
right Right-most flowing sprinkler head on a branchline
top Last branchline with flowing heads
Minimum flow required from each sprinkler head (demand
k-factor K-factor of sprinkler head
// 2nd-4th heads per line on the 8th-10th lines discharging
Flow 2 8 4 10 25.0 8.0
Page 63 of 86
System Helper Commands
Command Alias Parameters
Autopeak AP none
Autopeak finds the hydraulically most remote area by shifting the flowing
sprinkler heads defined with Flow commands through every possible
When the Reduce command is used, autopeak does not shift the flowing
heads to different branchlines. Flowing heads are still shifted along the
original branchlines used in the Flow command(s).
Requires: Flow
Autopeak // Automatically peak the remote area
Command Alias Parameters
Reduce R none
Eliminate non-flowing outrigger lines and use a single pipe to span between
crossmains when possible. When reduce is used with Autopeak , the remote
area is shifted right and left along the branchlines but not up and down to
different branchlines.
Use this command to shorten printed reports on large systems and speed up
automatic peaking of calculations when the extra remote area checking is not
Reduce // reduce number of pipe
Page 64 of 86
System Helper Commands
BS EN 12845
The following system helper commands are only available when BS EN 12845 mode is
enabled in the file's properties.
Command Alias Parameters
Flow left bottom right top headArea k-factor
BS EN 12845 mode modifies the standard Flow command to require a
sprinkler head area parameter in lieu of a minimum required discharge
parameter. SHC will automatically calculate the minimum required
discharge based upon the head area given and the parameters of the closest
preceding Density command.
Requires: Density and Main or MainV with Line or TreeLeft or TreeRight
See Also: Autopeak, Drop
left Left-most flowing sprinkler head on a branchline
bottom First branchline with flowing heads
right Right-most flowing sprinkler head on a branchline
top Last branchline with flowing heads
Area of sprinkler head coverage. SHC will use this value and
the specified density to determine the minimum required
sprinkler head discharge rate.
k-factor K-factor of sprinkler head
// 2nd-4th heads per line on the 8th-10th lines discharging
Flow 2 8 4 10 9.05 80
Command Alias Parameters
Favourable Fav none
Modifies the Autopeak command to find the most favourable remote area.
Requires: Autopeak
Page 65 of 86
Default Fitting Codes
The following fitting codes are supplied with SHC. Additional fitting codes and material
specific fitting codes may be defined using the Fitting Equivalent Length Editor. On
SHC's menu bar select Tools Materials Fittings . See the Getting Started Guide
for an example of creating a material specific fitting.
Code Description Code Description
A Alarm valve HE Standard 45 elbow
B Butterfly valve LE Long radius 90

C Check valve LV Globe valve
D Dry pipe valve NV Angle valve
Globe dry pipe valve: 3 (80mm)
Model D; 4 (100mm) and 6
(150mm) Model F-3/G-3
SR strainer
Reliable dry pipe valve: 2.5
(65mm) Model A; 4 (100mm)
and 6 (150mm) Model D
T Tee, flow turn 90
Tyco dry pipe valve: 2-3
(50mm-80mm) Model AF; 4
(100mm) and 6 (150mm) Model
TN Tee, straight thru path
Viking model F1 dry pipe valve
3-6 (80mm-150mm)
Reducing tee, straight thru path,
50% size reduction
Victaulic Firelock NXT dry pipe
valve 2.5-8 (65mm-200mm)
Adjust flow at the pipe's start node
for velocity pressure.
E Standard 90

elbow VE
Adjust flow at the pipe's end node
for velocity pressure.
G Gate valve
Page 66 of 86
Fitting Equivalent Lengths
The following equivalent lengths are used by SHC when fitting codes are entered. These
lengths are based upon schedule 40 steel pipe with a c-factor of 120. SHC follows these
rules for selecting and adjusting fitting equivalent length.
Equivalent lengths may be changed using the Fitting Equivalent Length Editor (on the
menu bar select Tools Materials Fittings ).
Clean installations (non-upgrades) of SHC version 2.2 or later also include fitting codes
predefined for the BSM, BSH, ENM, and ENH materials using equivalent lengths from
Table 23 of BS EN 12845:2004+A2:2009. These values may also be modified with the
Fitting Equivalent Length Editor.
Equivalent fitting length in feet. Based upon schedule 40 steel with C=120
Nominal Pipe Size (inches)
CODE 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
E 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
HE 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3
LE 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5
T 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17
TN 2 2 2 3 4 5 5
TR 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
LV 16 20 25 34 41 53 61 80 90
NV 8 11 13 18 21 27 32 40 47
C 5 7 9 11 14 16 19
B 6 7 10 11
A 1 1 1 2 3 8 10
D 1 1 1 2 4 10 12
DG 12.61
DR 9.5
DT 23 23 29
DV 3
DVN 11.21 23.82
SR 1 1 1 3 6 17 20
Based upon schedule 40 steel with C=120
Page 67 of 86
Nominal Pipe Size (inches)
CODE 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
E 10 12 14 18 22 27 30 32 38
HE 4 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 20
LE 6 8 9 13 16 18
T 20 25 30 35 50 60 65 70 80
TN 6 8 9 13 16 18
TR 10 12 14 18 22 27 30 32 38
G 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8
LV 101 120 160 210 290 340
NV 55 60 82 105 145 170
C 22 27 32 45 55 65 70 75 85
B 12 9 10 12 19 21
A 12 15 20 32
D 18 20 30
DG 27.33 43.44
DR 28 47
DT 12.47 30.83
DV 5 49
DVN 29.43 30.83 70.06
SR 30 35 40 70
Based upon schedule 40 steel with C=120
Page 68 of 86
Equivalent fitting length in meters. Based upon schedule 40 steel with C=120
Nominal Pipe Size (meters)
Code 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 90
E 0.31 0.61 0.61 0.92 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.13 2.44
HE 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.61 0.61 0.92 0.92 0.92
LE 0.31 0.31 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.92 1.22 1.52 1.52
T 0.92 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.44 3.05 3.66 4.57 5.18
TN 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.92 1.22 1.52 1.52
TR 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.92 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.13 2.44
G 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31
LV 4.88 6.1 7.62 10.4 12.5 16.2 18.6 24.4 27.4
NV 2.44 3.35 3.96 5.49 6.4 8.23 9.75 12.2 14.3
C 1.52 2.13 2.74 3.35 4.27 4.88 5.8
B 1.83 2.13 3.05 3.35
A 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.61 0.92 2.44 3.05
D 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.61 1.22 3.05 3.66
DG 3.85
DR 2.9
DT 7.01 7.01 8.84
DV 0.92
DVN 3.416 7.261
SR 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.92 1.83 5.18 6.1
Based upon schedule 40 steel with C=120
Page 69 of 86
Nominal Pipe Size (meters)
Code 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
E 3.05 3.66 4.27 5.49 6.7 8.3 9.2 9.8 11.6
HE 1.22 1.52 2.13 2.74 3.4 4 4.6 5.2 6.1
LE 1.83 2.44 2.74 3.96 4.9 5.49
T 6.1 7.6 9.1 10.7 15.2 18.3 19.8 21.3 24.4
TN 1.83 2.44 2.74 3.96 4.88 5.49
TR 3.05 3.66 4.27 5.49 6.71 8.23 9.14 9.75 11.6
G 0.61 0.61 0.92 1.22 1.52 1.83 1.83 2.13 2.44
LV 30.8 36.6 48.8 64 88.4 103.6
NV 16.8 18.3 25 32 44.2 51.8
C 6.71 8.23 9.75 13.7 16.8 19.8 21.3 22.9 25.9
B 3.66 2.74 3.05 3.66 5.79 6.4
A 3.66 4.57 6.1 9.75
D 5.49 6.1 9.14
DG 8.33 13.24
DR 8.54 14.33
DT 3.80 9.40
DV 1.53 14.94
DVN 8.969 9.396 21.36
SR 9.14 10.7 12.2 21.3
Based upon schedule 40 steel with C=120
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Pipe Material
The following piping materials are included with SHC. Use the Pipe Material Editor
(menu item Tools Materials Pipe ) to view, edit, and create new piping materials.
See the Getting Started Guide for an example.
Code Description
S40 Schedule 40 steel ( 12 and under from NFPA 13, 2007 Edition, Table A.6.3.2)
S10 Schedule 10 steel (from NFPA 13, 2007 Edition, Table A.6.3.2)
S5 Schedule 5 steel (from NFPA 13, 2007 Edition, Table A.6.3.2)
CPVC CPVC SDR 13.5 to ASTM F442 Harvel Blazemaster, Victaulic Firelock,
Spears Flameguard (from average i.d. Specifications from
Nov. 2006)
PVC 4 and greater C900 150psi (from approximate i.d. data in PW Eagle Submittal
Sheet MKT-W-701 dated August 2004)
3 and smaller Blazemaster CPVC. Kept for backwards compatibility use
CPVC code instead. (from Nov. 2006)
PVC200 C900 pressure class 200psi (from approximate i.d. Data in PW Eagle Submittal
Sheet MKT-W-701 dated August 2004)
PVC905 C905 pressure class 165psi (from approximate i.d. Data in PW Eagle Submittal
Sheet MKT-W-701 dated August 2004)
CDI Standard Single Layer Thickness Cement Lined Ductile Iron Wall Thickness
Class 50 at lowest pressure grade commonly available (from NFPA 13, 2007
Edition, Table A.10.1.6)
CDI51 Standard Single Layer Thickness Cement Lined Ductile Iron Wall Thickness
Class 51 at lowest pressure grade commonly available (from NFPA 13, 2007
Edition, Table A.10.1.6)
CDI52 Standard Single Layer Thickness Cement Lined Ductile Iron Wall Thickness
Class 52 at lowest pressure grade commonly available (from NFPA 13, 2007
Edition, Table A.10.1.6)
BSM BS 1387 Medium Steel (from Corus Tube data sheet CT07:30000:UK:07/2001)
BSH BS 1387 Heavy Steel (from Corus Tube data sheet CT07:30000:UK:07/2001)
ENL2 EN 10255 Type L2 Steel (from technical bulletin TB227)
ENM EN 10255 Medium Steel (from technical bulletin TB227)
ENH EN 10255 Heavy Steel (from technical bulletin TB227)
CA Type A Copper Tube AS1432 (from Crane Copper Tube data sheet
Page 71 of 86
Code Description
CK Type K Copper Tube (from NFPA 13, 2007 Edition, Table A.6.3.5)
CL Type L Copper Tube (from NFPA 13, 2007 Edition, Table A.6.3.5)
CM Type M Copper Tube (from NFPA 13, 2007 Edition, Table A.6.3.5)
CX Type X Copper Tube BSEN1057 (from Crane Copper Tube data sheet
CY Type Y Copper Tube BSEN1057 (from Crane Copper Tube data sheet
AXL Allied XL and BLT threadable steel (from
ATHREAD Allied Dyna-Thread steel
AFLO Allied Dyna-Flo steel
BULTRA Bull Moose Tube Company Ultra Eddy Steel (from bmt-eddypipe-brochure.pdf
available from
BFLO Bull Moose Tube Company Eddy Flow Steel (from bmt-eddypipe-brochure.pdf
available from
BLITE Bull Moose Tube Company Eddylite Steel (from bmt-eddypipe-brochure.pdf
available from
BTHREAD Bull Moose Tube Company Eddythread 40 Steel (from bmt-eddypipe-
brochure.pdf available from
WTHREAD Wheatland Tube Company Mega-Thread Steel (from technical data chart
available at
WFLO Wheatland Tube Company Mega-Flow Steel (from technical data chart available
WWLS Wheatland Tube Company WLS Steel (from technical data chart available at
YTHREAD Youngstown Tube Company EZ-Thread Steel (from
YFLO Youngstown Tube Company Fire-Flow
Steel (from
TS30 Threadable schedule 30 steel (Based upon a manufacturer's brand no longer in
Page 72 of 86
Internal Diameters
For each corresponding pipe material type code and nominal pipe size, the following
internal diameters are used by SHC (default at original installation). All internal
diameters are editable except for schedule 40 steel pipe (s40 code). Open the pipe
material editor by selecting the menu item Tools Materials Pipe to view, edit, or
create new piping materials.
Internal diameter in inches.
Nominal Pipe Size (inches)
Code 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4
S40 0.622 0.824 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 3.548 4.026
S10 0.674 0.884 1.097 1.442 1.682 2.157 2.635 3.260 3.760 4.260
S5 1.185 1.530 1.770 2.245 2.709 3.334 3.834 4.334
CPVC 0.874 1.101 1.394 1.598 2.003 2.423 2.950
PVC 0.874 1.101 1.394 1.598 2.003 2.423 2.950 4.22
PVC200 4.06
CDI 3.34 4.16
CDI51 3.34 4.16
CDI52 3.28 4.10
BSM 0.634 0.854 1.075 1.417 1.649 2.090 2.712 3.185 4.145
BSH 0.586 0.807 1.012 1.354 1.586 2.019 2.641 3.106 4.075
ENL2 0.868 1.090 1.433 1.665 2.106 2.724 3.193 4.151
ENM 0.854 1.076 1.419 1.651 2.088 2.706 3.179 4.136
ENH 0.807 1.013 1.356 1.588 2.017 2.636 3.100 4.065
CA 0.421 0.637 0.870 1.122 1.37 1.87 2.37 2.838 3.838
CK 0.745 0.995 1.245 1.481 1.959 2.435 2.907 3.385 3.857
CL 0.785 1.025 1.265 1.505 1.985 2.465 2.945 3.425 3.905
CM 0.811 1.055 1.291 1.527 2.009 2.495 2.981 3.459 3.935
CX 0.535 0.795 1.031 1.283 1.559 2.031 2.531 2.878 4.133
CY 0.511 0.771 1.007 1.259 1.535 1.968 2.468 2.838 4.055
AXL 1.104 1.452 1.687 2.154 2.581 3.200
ATHREAD 1.080 1.408 1.639 2.104
AFLO 1.191 1.536 1.728 2.203 2.703 3.314 4.310
Page 73 of 86
Nominal Pipe Size (inches)
Code 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4
BULTRA 1.201 1.546 1.786 2.261
BFLO 1.754 2.229 2.729 3.342 4.316
BLITE 1.093 1.438 1.672 2.147
BTHREAD 1.090 1.425 1.655 2.124
WTHREAD 1.087 1.416 1.650 2.117
WMLT 1.103 1.448 1.688 2.153
WFLO 1.530 1.740 2.215 2.707 3.316 4.316
WWLS 1.087 1.426 1.650 2.125
YTHREAD 1.095 1.420 1.653 2.116
YFLO 1.732 2.207 2.703 3.314 4.314
TS30 1.083 1.417 1.650 2.114
Page 74 of 86
Nominal Pipe Size (inches)
Code 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24
S40 5.047 6.065 7.981 10.02
13.25 15.25 17.25 19.25
S10 5.295 6.357 8.249 10.37 12.09
S5 6.407
PVC 6.08 7.97 9.78 11.63
PVC200 5.84 7.66 9.40 11.18
PVC905 13.99 15.91 17.83 19.75 23.59
CDI 6.28 8.39 10.4 12.46 14.45 16.53 18.61 20.69 24.85
CDI51 6.22 8.33 10.34 12.40 14.39 16.47 18.55 20.63 24.79
CDI52 6.16 8.27 10.28 12.34 14.33 16.41 15.49 20.57 24.73
BSM 5.106 6.106
BSH 5.075 6.075
ENM 6.110
ENH 6.078
CA 4.838 5.791
CK 4.805 5.741 7.583 9.449
CL 4.875 5.845 7.725 9.625
CM 4.907 5.881 7.785 9.701
CX 5.118 6.102
Internal diameter in millimeters.
Page 75 of 86
Nominal Pipe Size (mm)
Code 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 90 100
S40 15.8 21.0 26.6 35.1 40.9 52.5 62.7 77.9 90.1 102.3
S10 17.0 22.4 27.9 36.6 42.7 54.8 66.9 82.8 95.5 108.2
S5 30.1 38.9 45.0 57.0 68.8 84.7 97.4 110.1
CPVC 22.2 27.9 35.4 40.58 50.87 61.5 74.9
PVC 22.2 27.9 35.4 40.58 50.87 61.5 74.9 107.1
PVC200 103.1
CDI 84.8 105.6
CDI51 84.8 105.6
CDI52 83.3 104.1
BSM 16.1 21.7 27.3 36.0 41.9 53.1 68.9 80.9 105.3
BSH 14.9 20.5 25.7 34.4 40.3 51.3 67.1 78.9 103.5
ENL2 22.05 27.7 36.4 42.3 53.5 69.2 81.1 105.45
ENM 21.7 27.35 36.05 41.95 53.05 68.75 80.75 105.05
ENH 20.5 25.75 34.45 40.35 51.25 66.95 78.75 103.25
CA 10.7 16.2 22.1 28.5 34.8 47.5 60.2 72.1 97.5
CK 18.9 25.3 31.6 37.6 49.8 61.8 73.8 86.0 98.0
CL 19.9 26.0 32.1 38.2 50.4 62.6 74.8 87.0 99.2
CM 20.6 26.8 32.8 38.8 51.0 63.4 75.7 87.9 99.9
CX 13.6 20.2 26.2 32.6 39.6 51.6 64.3 73.1 105.0
CY 13.0 19.6 25.6 32.0 39.0 50.0 62.7 72.1 103.0
AXL 28.0 36.9 42.8 54.7 65.5 81.2
ATHREAD 27.4 35.8 41.6 53.4
AFLO 30.3 39.0 43.9 56.0 68.7 84.2 109.5
BULTRA 30.51 39.27 45.36 57.43
BFLO 44.55 56.62 69.32 84.89 109.63
BLITE 27.76 36.53 42.47 54.53
BTHREAD 27.69 36.20 42.04 53.95
WTHREAD 27.60 35.96 41.91 53.77
WMLT 28.01 36.77 42.87 54.68
WFLO 38.86 44.19 56.26 68.75 84.22 109.62
WWLS 27.6 36.22 41.91 53.97
Page 76 of 86
Nominal Pipe Size (mm)
Code 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 90 100
YTHREAD 27.81 36.06 41.98 53.74
YFLO 43.99 56.05 68.65 84.17 109.57
TS30 27.5 36.0 41.9 53.7
Nominal Pipe Size (mm)
Code 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600
S40 128.2 154.1 202.7 254.5 303.2 336.5 387.3 438.1 488.9
S10 134.5 161.5 209.5 263.4 307.0
S5 162.7
PVC 154.4 202.4 248.4 295.4
PVC200 148.3 194.5 238.7 283.9
PVC905 355.3 404.1 452.8 501.6 599.1
CDI 159.5 213.1 264.1 316.4 367.0 419.8 472.7 525.5 631.2
CDI51 158.0 211.5 262.6 314.9 365.5 418.3 471.1 524.0 629.6
CDI52 156.4 210.0 261.1 313.4 364.0 416.8 469.6 522.4 628.1
BSM 129.7 155.1
BSH 128.9 154.3
ENM 155.2
ENH 154.4
CA 122.9 147.1
CK 122.0 145.8 192.6 240.0
CL 123.8 148.5 196.2 244.5
CM 124.6 149.4 197.7 246.4
CX 130.0 155.0
Page 77 of 86
Absolute Roughness
SHC's proposal system recommends the following absolute roughness values when the
Darcy-Weisbach equation is being used with the Colebrook or Serghide friction factor
These are only suggestions. Your AHJ may require different values.
inch mm ~ Equivalent C-factor Source
0.015 0.381 100 1
0.004 0.1016 120 1
0.002 0.05 140 2
0.000 084 0.0021 150 1
0.000 036 0.0009 160 3
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. 2007 edition.
Table A.
Idelchik, I. E. Handbook of Hydraulic Resistance. 3
Page 109.
NFPA 750, Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems. 2006 edition.
Table 9.2.2(a). Text indicates this is manufacturer's data for stainless steel tubing.
Page 78 of 86
The following formulas are used by the Simple Hydraulic Calculator.
Hazen-Williams Friction Loss Formula (U.S. units)
NFPA 13 (2007)
p = friction resistance in psi/ft
Q = flow in gpm
C = friction loss coefficient
d = internal diameter of pipe in inches
Hazen-Williams Friction Loss Formula (SI units)
NFPA 13 (2007)
p = friction resistance in bar/m
Q = flow in lpm
C = friction loss coefficient
d = internal diameter of pipe in mm
Darcy-Weisbach Friction Loss (U.S. Units)
NFPA 13 (2007)
A p=0.000216
p = friction loss in psi
f = darcy friction factor (see formulae)
L = length of pipe in feet
= weight density of liquid in lbs/ft

Q = flow in gpm
d = internal diameter in inches
Page 79 of 86
Darcy-Weisbach Friction Loss (SI Units)
NFPA 750 (2006) Table 9.2.1
A p=2.252
p = friction loss in bar
f = darcy friction factor (see formulas)
L = length of pipe in meters
= weight density of liquid in kg/m

Q = flow in lpm
d = internal diameter in millimeters
Reynold's Number (U.S. Units)
NFPA 750 (2006) Table 9.2.1
= Reynold's Number
Q = flow in gpm
= weight density of liquid in lbs/ft

d = internal diameter in inches
= absolute viscosity of liquid in centipoise
Reynold's Number (SI Units)
NFPA 750 (2006) Table 9.2.1
= Reynold's Number
Q = flow in lpm
= weight density of liquid in kg/m

d = internal diameter in millimeters
= absolute viscosity of liquid in centipoise
Page 80 of 86
Darcy Friction Factor (f) Colebrook Equation
when Re < 2000
f =
when 2000 <= Re < 3500: cubic spline interpolation (see below)
when Re >= 3500
. f
. f
f = Darcy friction factor
= absolute roughness in feet [meter]
D = internal diameter of pipe in feet [meter]
= Reynold's Number
Darcy Friction Factor (f) Serghide's Solution
when Re < 2000
f =
when 2000 <= Re < 3500: cubic spline interpolation (see below)
when Re >= 3500



f =
( BA)
f = Darcy friction factor
= absolute roughness in feet [meter]
D = internal diameter of pipe in feet [meter]
= Reynold's Number
Page 81 of 86
Cubic Spline Interpolation
for determination of Darcy fiction factor (f) in the critical zone
when 2000 <= Re < 3500
f =(1t )0.032 +t f
+t (1t )(a(1t )+bt )
t =
a=0.008 f
b=1500 f '
+ f
f = Darcy friction factor
= Darcy friction factor when R
= 3500
= derivative of f
= Reynold's Number
Darcy Friction Factor (f) NFPA 750 Equation
NFPA 750 (2006) A.9.2.2
f =
f = Darcy friction factor
C = Hazen-Williams C factor
D = internal diameter of pipe in feet
= Reynold's Number
Nozzle Discharge
NFPA 15 (2007)
Q=K .P
Q = flow from nozzle in gpm [lpm]
K = nozzle K-factor in gpm/psi
P = pressure at nozzle in psi [bar]
Page 82 of 86
Velocity (U.S. Units)
V =
V = velocity of flow in ft/s
Q = flow in gpm
d = internal diameter of pipe in inches
Velocity (SI Units)
V =
V = velocity of flow in m/s
Q = flow in lpm
d = internal diameter of pipe in mm
Velocity Pressure (Hazen - U.S. units)
NFPA 13 (2007)
= velocity pressure in psi
Q = flow in gpm
d = internal diameter of pipe in inches
Velocity Pressure (Hazen - SI units)
NFPA 13 (2007) (converted)
= velocity pressure in bar
Q = flow in lpm
d = internal diameter of pipe in mm
Page 83 of 86
Velocity Pressure (Darcy U.S. units)
= velocity pressure in psi
= weight density of liquid in lbs/ft

Q = flow in gpm
d = internal diameter of pipe in inches
Velocity Pressure (Darcy - SI units)
= velocity pressure in bar
= weight density of liquid in kg/m

Q = flow in lpm
d = internal diameter of pipe in mm
Normal Pressure
NFPA 13 (2007)
= normal pressure
= total pressure
= velocity pressure
Page 84 of 86
Fitting Equivalent Length Internal Diameter Modifier
NFPA 13 (2007)
Actual inside diameter
Schedule 40 steel pipeinside diameter
Fitting K Internal Diameter Modifier
Actual inside diameter
Schedule 40 steel pipeinside diameter
The above two internal diameter fitting modifiers are only used when schedule 40 steel
pipe, s40, has the corresponding nominal size defined ( through 24).
Fitting Equivalent Length C-Factor Modifier
material ' s default wet pipe C factor
Note that fitting equivalent length adjustments for C-factor are solely based upon the
specified pipe material's wet pipe C factor when a friction factor formula is used that
requires an absolute roughness coefficient in the data file's Use commands instead of a
C factor. For this reason, care must be taken when an absolute roughness coefficient is
used that does not correspond to the wet pipe hazen-williams C factor of the piping
material used.
Friction Loss for Fitting Coefficient K
= friction loss due to fitting
= velocity pressure
K = fitting loss constant
Page 85 of 86
K-Factor Adjustment for Liquid Density
NFPA 13 (2010)
=7.94 K
= K-factor adjusted for fluid properties
= K-factor used when calculating with water

= specific weight of the fluid (density in lb/ft
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