English Identity Essay

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Lute 1 Jordan Lute Ms.

Gardner English 10 period 0 1 September 2013 Fall of the Trident Project It happened in my small house in Petaluma, California. I had come home from school, exhausted, and fell asleep on the couch in my living room. After about an hour or so, I woke up with a strange feeling that I should go to my room. I slowly dragged myself up the stairs and walked into my room. I must have still been very tired, because I wasnt paying attention to where I was walking. I tripped over something, and fell. My head harshly hit the ground, and my vision went black. I awoke in to the sound of one of my favorite songs, Lucid Truth by Blackmill. This was strange, for I had not turned on my music before I fell. I looked at my watch to see how long I was unconscious, and it had been about ten minutes. I felt the back of my head, but strangely enough I felt no pain. I began to feel a strange feeling on my wrist, and I looked at my watch again, and to my surprise it was blank. Suddenly everything grew progressively brighter and brighter, until my vision was assaulted with piercing colorful patterns, and I saw a tall man holding a trident, and he was pointing at me. I felt a strange sensation in my hands, and I noticed that my skin was turning into a metallic color. My ears detected a piercing ringing noise, and I closed my eyes in horror. I opened my eyes and discovered that I was standing on a sandy beach. The sun was setting over the water, casting glorious rays of orange, yellow and pink across the fading sky. There was a calm breeze that glided gently over the tall sand dunes. The gentle sound of the waves washing up onto the shore calmed my racing mind. I noticed a small wooden building off in the distance, and I started to slowly tread towards it. Once I reached it, I realized that it was a small house. I knocked on the door, and waited for a minute, but no one answered. I turned around and took a step,

Lute 2 but I felt like there was something in that house that I had to see. Without thinking, I instinctively swung around and opened the door. To my surprise, the house appeared empty. It looked like somebody lived there, and whoever did live there was very neat. There was a very clean but small kitchen. Next to the kitchen was a small wooden table with a chair. I noticed that there was a closed wooden door that possibly led to another room, so I cautiously stepped towards it, uncertain of what I was going to find. I reached for the doorknob and slowly turned it and pulled open the door. It appeared to be a bedroom that had a small bed, as well as a desk. On the desk, there were drawings and pictures of mechanical blueprints, as well as tridents. As I examined the drawings further, I heard the front door open and someone enter. Not sure what to do, I frantically looked for a place to hide, but I heard a strangely familiar voice call, I know you are hear, and there is no reason to be alarmed. Now, please come out so that we can talk. Still nervous, I slowly stepped out of the bedroom and into the entrance room to find an elderly gentleman standing there with a grim look on his face. Something about this man confused me. It was as if I had known him my entire life, but I had never seen him before. I stared at him for a long time, and he stared back. He finally spoke again in a quiet and somewhat shaky voice: Hello. I know that you are confused right now, and so am I, however I know one thing: Your name is Jordan Lute, and mine is too. I was skeptical at first, but now I know what I must do. I didnt believe him at first, but he tried to convince me. He told me what my house looks like, who my family is, and things that we did when we were young. This scared me further; this only proved that he is some random strange stalker. However, I began to feel strange, and I knew deep down that this man was telling the truth, and I knew that I couldnt ignore the fact that this man is me.

Lute 3 Why am I here? I inquired. You are here because I need to tell you about your future. He replied. It is a long story, but you must pay attention. About twenty years in the future from your present day, project Trident will be launched. At first, it only offered crippled people the chance to get new limbs that looked human, only they were very strong and durable. They had the capacity to operate tenfold the amount of human limbs. Soon, regular people had surgeries to replace their human limbs for mechanical body parts. Wait, I interrupted, Why is it called project Trident? They called it that because it adapted to three steps of surgical evolution. The first step was to replace your limbs with mechanical ones. However, that wasnt good enough; people craved perfection, so then the option to replace your internal organs with mechanical ones was offered. However, people craved more, so the third step was evolved; digital brain implants. Only a few people were brave enough to try it, but once they did, they became robots. These few men and women (now complete robots) rose to political power. They forced the implants onto people, and soon it became the law to get the ultimate upgrade. He then pulled out a small bracelet that had a depiction of a trident on it. This was something I made to fool the robots into thinking I had the implant. It sends out electromagnetic pulses similar to that of the brain implants. Before I could gather enough resources to mass produce these, the world was consumed by implants, and became a digital wasteland. I took shelter on this beach to hide from the robots, but I am afraid that I am the last human alive, and I am getting old. You can change this. Fate has given us a chance to right what has been wronged. Take this bracelet and the blueprints for it, and make as many as you can. Save those that are important to you, and give humankind another chance. Good luck. He handed me the bracelet and rolls of blueprints, and my vision flashed many colors, and I saw a depiction of the same tall, god-like man holding a trident.

Lute 4 Before I could make sense of who he was and what he wanted, He flung the huge trident towards me, and I closed my eyes right as it was about to pierce my chest. I heard the song Human After All by Daft Punk and I slowly opened my eyes and saw my room. I felt the back of my head, and felt a horrible pain. I looked at the ground to see what I had tripped over, and what I saw sent chills down my spine. I had tripped over a rolled up piece of paper that was stamped with a small trident. I realized I had something grasped in my hand, and I opened it to find the trident bracelet. I knew what I had to do.

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