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Unlockable How to Unlock

Elephant Battle of Nan Zhong-Nanman forces: Do not allow the enemy into the
Harness main camp. Rescue Wu Tugu, King Duosi, and King Mulu.
Hex Mark Battle of Cheng Du-Liu Bei's forces: Defeat Zhang Ren within 1 minute
Harness after he appears with his ambush troops.
Red Hare Battle of Chang Shan-Yuan Shao's forces: After defeating Lui Bei, Guan
Harness Yu, or Zhang Fei, defeat the remaining 2 within 1 minute.
Battle of Guan Du- Cao Cao's forces: Defeat Yan Liang and Wen Chou
Storm Harness
within 5 minutes after the stage starts.
Battle of Liang Province- Allied Forces: Defeat Zhang Ji and Hu Zhen
Shadow Harness
within 45 seconds from when they appear.


Unlockable How to Unlock

Battle of Si Shui Gate-Dong Zhuo's forces: Defeat Sun Jian before Cao
Arms Guards
Cao arrives with reinforcements
Battle of Xi Liang-Yellow Turban forces: Defeat Ma Chao within 3
Demon Band
minutes after he apper
Battle of Chi Bi-Cao Cao Forces: Defect Zhuge Liang once his unit
Art of War
begins to retreat
Guan Yu's Escape-Guan Yu's Forces: Defeat Zhang Liao and Xu Huang
Wind Scroll On Battle of He Fei Castle, Wu side. Kill Cao Ren in 5 minutes.
Select the level, Conquest for Nan Zhong as the Nanman forces and
Musou Armor
defeat one juggernaut unit, then the ones left in less than five minutes.
Serpent Select Wu forces in the battle of He Fei and defeat Xu Huang and Xiahou
Earrings Dun in less than one minute from when they appear.
Select Dong Zhuo's forces in the battle of Hu Lao Gate and defeat Cao
Survival Guide
Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian, and Gongsun Zan.
Select the level, Struggle for Nan Zhong and pick Meng Huo's forces,
Tiger Collar
then defeat three units that hold beastmasters in one minute or less.
Select Wei forces in the battle of He Fei Castle, then defeat Jiang Qin,
Tribal Remedy
Pan Zhong, Sun Shao, and then destroy the rams.
Select Shu forces in the battle of Mt. Ding Jun, then defeat Xiahou Yuan
Way of Musou
before Cao Cao arrives.
Battle of Ji Province-Yuan Shao's Forces: after defeating Zhang Bao and
Fire Arrow
Zhang Liang, go and defeat Pei Yuan Shao
Battle of Jie Ting- Shu forces- Defeat Xu Zhu and Sima Yi in less than
Green Scroll
three minutes from when Xu Zhu appears.

Unlockable How to Unlock
Battle of Xia Pi, Wei Side: Defeat Gao Shun before you get the message
Cao Cao
that he's guarding the dam then defeat Zhang Liao.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Zuo Ci Hu Lao Gate, Allied forces: Kill Lu Bu on hard mode.
Hei Fei, Wei forces: Freely kill many generals and sub-generals till 3
Zhang Liao
messages apprear with Wu soldiers admiring Zhang Liao
Ling Tong Hei Fei, Wu forces: Defeat Zhang Liao each time he appears
Wan Castle, Cao Cao side: Meet with Cao Cao, Take him to escape gates,
Dian Wei
Don't let no one get past you until u get the message that Cao cao escaped
Xia Kou, Wu forces: Defeat Cai Mao and Gan Ning before Ling Tong is
Da Qiao
Lu Bu Battle of Chang Shan kill 1000 enemy troops
Wu Zhang Plains, Wei Forces; Kill any three officers, Zhuge Liang dies,
Cao Pi
Destroy all arbalests when they appear
Yellow Turban Rebellion, Han Forces; Kill all subgenerals and officers
Huang Gai
outside of Zhang Jiao's fort
Tian Shui, Wei Forces; Do nothing until your commander starts to run
Jiang Wei
away, then defeat Gao Xiong in northeast
Tong Gate, Allied Forces; Knock Cao Cao off his horse before he crosses
Ma Chao
the first river
Sun Jian Si Shui Gate, Allied Forces; Defeat Lu Bu within 5 minutes of appearance
Wu Territory, Allied Forces; Sun Quan gets ambushed, Defeat Sun Quan
Taishi Ci
before rendezvous with Zhou Tai, then defeat Zhou Tai
Xiahou Dun Fan Castle, Wei Forces; Stop water attack by defeating Guan Ping
Jing Province, Sun Jian's Forces; Defeat Cai Mao and Lu Gong before Sun
Xiao Qiao
Jian gets ambushed
Chang Ban, Cao Cao's Forces; Defeat Guan Yu and Zhang Fei after Liu Qi
Xu Huang
shows up
Tong Gate, Cao Cao's Forces; Defeat Ma Chao and Pang De before Han
Xu Zhu
Sui has a chance to defect
Wu Zhang Plains, Shu Forces; Defeat Deng Ai before he sets up the
Yue Ying
Battle of Bai Di Castle; Defeat Ma Chao and Jiang Wei before entering the
Lu Xun
The Invasion of Nan Zhong, Shu Forces. Follow Zhuge Liang's orders.
Pang Tong
After that, defeat Wu Tugu before the tactics squad is defeated.
Escape from Chi Bi, Wei Forces. Kill all the enemy reinforements and
Cao Ren
defeat Sun Quan last.
Battle of Xia Pi, Lu Bu's Forces. Defeat all generals and subgenerals
Diao Chan before Cao Cao arrives and do not let any of your own generals from
Battle of Xia Kou, Huang Zu's Forces. Defeat Ling Cao and Ling Tong
Gan Ning
within 2 minutes of the stage.
Escape from Chi Bi, Shu's Forces. Defeat all enemy generals and sub
Guan Ping
Guan Yu Battle of Fan Castle, Shu Forces. Defeat Niu Jin and Yue Jin before the
Unlockable How to Unlock
water attack is triggered.
Battle of Mt. Ding Jun, Shu Forces. Defeat Xiahou Yuan and Zhang He
Huang Zhong
within 5 minutes before Cao Cao appears.
Battle of Yi Ling, Shu Forces. Defeat Ling Tong, Gan Ning, Lu Xun, and
Liu Bei
Sun Shang Xiang.
Battle of Mt. Ding Jun, Wu Forces. Defeat Zhao Yun, Guan Ping, Wei Yan,
Pang De
and Huang Zhong before Cao Cao arrives.
Battle of Chen Cang, Wei Forces. Capture all enemy bases producing siege
Sima Yi
weapons before they do any damage to the castle.
The Trials of Sun Ce, Sun Ce's Forces. Defeat all phantom Yu Ji's and
Sun Ce
defeat Sun Jian and Da Qiao in less than 10 minutes.
Battle of Chi Bi, Allied Forces. Successfully make all 3 parts of the fire
Sun Quan
attack succeed.
Sun Shang Invasion of Nan Zhong, Wu Forces. Rescue Sun Quan after the ambush
Xiang event and defeat all officers except for Meng Huo.
Wei Yan Battle of Chen Cang, Shu Forces. Defeat all 4 Defense Captains.
Xiahou Yuan Battle of Chi Bi, Wei Forces. Prevent all parts of the fire attack.
Battle of Jie Ting, Wei Forces. Surround Ma Su. Then, Defeat Gao Xiong
Zhang He and Wang Ping and take their gates. Capture Supply Base and kill off Ma
Zhao Yun Battle of Cheng Du, Shu Forces. Completely take over the South Fort.
Battle of He Fei Castle, Wei Forces. Kill at least 300 troops and go by Cao
Zhen Ji
Pi to get a scene of her killing enemy troops.
Battle of Yi Ling, Wu Forces. Defeat Zhao Yun before the fire attack and
Zhou Tai
successfully complete the fire attack.
The Battle of the Wu Territory, Sun Ce's Forces. Kill Yan Baihu and Wang
Zhou Yu
The Invasion of Nan Zhong, Nanman Forces. Defeat Jiang Qin and Gan
Zhu Rong
Ning without having the bridge destoryed
Battle of Tian Shui, Shu Forces. Defeat Xiahou Mao and Cui Liang and
Zhuge Liang capture the castles. Then, defeat Jiang Wei before he gets to Tian Shui
Yellow Turban Rebellion, Yellow Turban Forces; Kill Gongsun Yue and let
Zhang Jiao
the falling stone event happen. Go to Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao's alters.
Battle Of Bai Dai, Shu Forces; Get Xing Cai health in orange to get Liu
Xing Cai
Chan message. Go to Liu Chan and rescue peasant militia.
Liang Province, Dong Zhuo's Forces; Take all 5 bases and defeat Ma Chao
Dong Zhuo
and Pang De
Fan Castle, Wu Forces; Make sure Xu Huang appears, Mi Fang and Fu Shi
Lu Meng
Ren defect (must keep alive), defeat Zhang Bao and Zhang Fei
Guan Du, Yuan Shao's Forces; Keep Yan Liang and Wen Chou alive (kill
Yuan Shao
Guan Yu ASAP), demoralize Cao Cao's troops into opening the side gates
Zhang Fei Chang Ban, Liu Bei's Forces; Defeat Wen Pin, Xiahou Dun and Xiahou En
Unlockable How to Unlock
without anyone crossing the bridge
Conquest of Nan Zhong-Nanman Side- Defeat Huang Zhong, Wei Yan,
Meng Huo
and Yue Ying without losing any allied officers
Blink(Jiang Battle of Tian Shui-Hard-Go to Northeast empty passage, when ambush
Wei) beat ambush leader. Get item from box.
Cao Ren(Roc) defeat all generals and sub-generals and kill Liu Bei last

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