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Bashir Mahmud Ellias' s Blog 1/26
Diabetes and its permanent cure with homeopathic medicines
Self treatment scheme for Diabetes
Dear all,
Take these eleven homeopathic medicines (as a cure for diabetes
mellitus) according to my direction. I am optimistic that my formula will give
a full cure for 95% of diabetic patients. Although few cases will not get full
cure ; still they will get ten fold better result than any other healing systems.
You should take each of these medicines every time for one week only.
Take these medicines repeatedly in a cyclical way (i.e. after no.- 11 start
again from no.- 1). You can double the dose (i.e. 20 drops) if your sugar
level is much higher. All the rules and regulations are same for the kids and
teens but you can reduce their dose to 5 drops if their sugar level is not
much higher. . Yea, it is better to take all homeopathic medicines in empty
stomach ; but you can take them after meal if you forget. You can take
these homeopathic medicines along with other allopathic or herbal
medicines (whether they may be tablet, capsule or injection). It will not
cause any trouble. But it is better to take all homeopathic medicines half an
hour before or after other medicines. You should reduce the dose of other
diabetic medicines to half when your diabetic condition has sufficiently
improved and totally stop all those rubbish medicines when the sugar level
comes to normal. Try to buy Germany or U.S.A. made medicines.
You can exclude any of these eleven medicines if it seems dont helping or
causing undesirable side-effects (like acidity, allergy, pain, sexual over
excitement etc) or is not available in the local market. Continue rest of the
medicines according to their suggested order or serial. Do not change my
recommendation on potency and dose, but you can take the nearest (and
the lowest) potency if the recommended potency is not available in the
local market. In homeopathic potencies, Q means mother tincture, that
means the lowest potency (that means one or zero). As we all know, the
lowest potencies (like Q, 3X, 6X, 12X, 30X, 200X, 3C, 6C, 12C, 3, 6, 12
etc) usually causes less side-effects. If any of these medicines are
available in pill or pellet form, you should take them in double dose ; that
Diabetes and its permanent cure with homeopathic medicines
January 9, 2011 by bashirmahmudellias| Leave a comment
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means take 20 pills or pellets in lieu of 10 drops. You should know that the
names of the homeopathic medicines are universal (that means they could
be found with the same name in every country). Always try to buy liquid
medicines and take them mixing with water ; because homeopathic
medicines are more effective in liquid form. In some rare cases, you may
need to consult a homeopathic specialist to be able to use more precisely
selected medicines (which best suit with your physical and mental make-
up). You will need to take these medicines at least one to two years (or little
longer) for a full cure. Inshallah, My FORMULA will reverse your biological
system to its previous good condition (and consequently you will need not
to take any diabetic medicines till death). When you are free from diabetes
(and other related complications), then dont stop these medicines
suddenly. Rather you should gradually decrease the dose (from 10 drops
to 5 drops and then 2 drops) and in this way take three to six months to
stop them totally. (N.B.- Must obey the diet rules & exercise for rest of your
{Removing the causes of diabetes :- At the same time we need to remove
the underlying cause of diabetes. (1) If you got diabetes after a mental
shock, you should take one dose (i.e. one drop or 10 pills) of Natrum
muriaticum 1M, then after one month of interval take one dose (i.e. one
drop or 10 pills) of Natrum muriaticum 10M and then after one month of
interval take one dose (i.e. one drop or 10 pills) of Natrum muriaticum 50M.
(2) If you got diabetes after vaccines, you should take one dose (i.e. one
drop or 10 pills) of Thuja occidentalis 1M, then again after one month of
interval take one dose (i.e. one drop or 10 pills) of Thuja occidentalis 10M
and then after one month of interval take one dose (i.e. one drop or 10 pills)
of Thuja occidentalis 50M. (3) If you have a family history of diabetes, you
should take one dose (i.e. one drop) of Syphilinum 1M, then after one
month of interval take one dose (i.e. one drop) of Syphilinum 10M and then
again after one month of interval take one dose (i.e. one drop) of
Syphilinum 50M. (4) If you have a family history of tuberculosis or Asthma
or in the habit of catching cold frequently, you should take one dose (i.e.
one drop) of Bacillinum 1M, then after two months of interval take one dose
(i.e. one drop) of Bacillinum 10M and then again after three months of
interval take one dose (i.e. one drop) of Bacillinum 50M. All these 4
causative medicines must not be taken more than 3 doses. You can start
taking these causative medicines any time you wish. But you should not
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take them together with other medicine. Rather you should take them one
hour before or after other medicines.}
[ It is a fact that none but a homeopathic specialist can offer a real cure for
diabetes. But the proportion of the number of homeopathic specialist in the
whole world in comparison with the billions of diabetic patients is very tiny.
That's why I have developed such a ''SELF TREATMENT FORMULA''
which will help these vast number of suffering people and will not harm
them. At first I have to select such medicines which has very positive effect
on diabetes and on the contrary less side-effects. Then I have to serialize
them in such a way that one will not interact with other and one will not
damage the effect of it's previous medicine. Actually diabetes is not a
single disease, rather its a group of diseases (I mean, many troubles jointly
promotes diabetes). And that's why, a homeopathic physician needs to
apply all available weapons to fight this virulent enemy of mankind. Don't be
surprised if these eleven medicines at the same time also cure your other
associated terrible diseases (like high blood pressure, asthma, obesity,
kidney diseases, heart diseases etc) along with diabetes ! Because most
of these eleven medicines also have very positive effects on our heart,
lungs, kidney, liver, brain, stomach, nerve, hormonal glands, blood, sexual
organs, eyes, bones etc.). God bless us all.]
Many people are writing to me enquiring how to collect these homeopathic
medicines. These eleven homeopathic medicines are actually the most
common homeo medicines. You can buy them from any homeopathic
pharmacy. As far as I know, homeopathic medicines are available in most
of the major cities in the world. If these are not available in your area, then
you can collect them by ordering to many companies over e-mail. In this
regards, these following three links may greatly help you :-
(1) Acidum Phosphoricum Q
(Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in first week.
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Mixing with half of a glass of water)
(2) Gymnema sylvestra Q
(Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in second week.
Mixing with half of a glass of water)
(3) Magnesia sulphurica Q
(Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in third week.
Mixing with half of a glass of water)
(4) Sanicula Q
(Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in fourth week.
Mixing with half of a glass of water)
(5) Murex purpurea Q
(Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in fifth week.
Mixing with half of a glass of water)
(6) Acidum Picricum Q
(Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops morning and afternoon in sixth
week. Mixing with half of a glass of water)
(7) Calcarea Phosphorica Q
(Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in seventh week.
Mixing with half of a glass of water)
(8) Syzygium Jambos Q
(Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in eighth week.
Mixing with half of a glass of water)
(9) Argentum metallicum Q
(Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in ninth week.
Mixing with half of a glass of water)
(10) Arsenicum Bromatum Q
(Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in tenth week.
Mixing with half of a glass of water)
(11) Iodium Q
(Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in eleventh week.
Mixing with half of a glass of water)
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
Author, Design specialist, Islamic researcher, Homeo consultant chamber
: Jagarani homeo hall
47/4 Toyenabi circular road,
(near ittefaq crossing & studio 27)
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Motijheel, Dhaka,
Mob : +880-01916038527
E-mail :
Website :
h Y
3 7,
h * ( ) h
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h h 5
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d G 3h 3
8 G 5
( * h * d
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5 7 (
^) 5 5
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V (Q) - h, ^ 5
5 , ^5 (like Q, 3X, 6X, 12X, 30X,
200X, 3C, 6C, 12C, 3, 6, 12 ) -35
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, , 7G

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) 3 ;
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( 5 d h
) ( h * )
5 , G 7
) 7 ( 5- 5d
{h - h
h 5d G
() (- 3 ,
, , ) h 5d ,
J h 5 (Natrum muriaticum 1M) (
h ) , J h
, 5 (Natrum muriaticum 10M) ( h
) J h ,
5 (Natrum muriaticum 50M) ( h )
() h (vaccine) (
h ) h 5d , VT
5 (Thuja occidentalis 1M) ( h )
, VT , 5 (Thuja
occidentalis 10M) ( h )
VT , 5 (Thuja occidentalis 50M)
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( h ) () h
/ (
h 5d ), 5 (Syphilinum 1M)
( h ) ,
, 5 (Syphilinum 10M) ( h
) , 5
(Syphilinum 50M) ( h ) ()
V / (
- ), 5 (Bacillinum 1M)
( h ) ,
, 5 (Bacillinum 10M) ( h
) , 5
(Bacillinum 50M) ( h )
h 5 h -h
G - d ;
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+ }
[ h 3 , 3
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- ,
G 3 3 V h
/ 7 3 -
G 3 , - 7
T P 3Q
* 3
h -
() (Acidum Phosphoricum Q)
( h 3 8
7 )
() J (Gymnema sylvestra Q)
( h 7 8
7 )
() (Magnesia sulphurica Q)
( h 8
7 )
() (Sanicula Q)
( h 8
7 )
() V (Murex purpurea Q)
( h + 8
7 )
() 5 (Acidum Picricum Q)
( h B
8 7 )
() (Calcarea Phosphorica Q)
( h 8 8
7 )
() (Syzygium Jambos Q)
( h B 8
7 )
() T (Argentum metallicum Q)
( h 8
7 )
() (Arsenicum Bromatum Q)
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( h 8
7 )
() (Iodium Q)
( h 8
7 *

3, *B, , T
* / - . . ( ),
E-mail :
Website :
Website :
V 7 : :
WvqvewUmi weqKi Jla
WvqvewUmi wbR wbR wPwKmv cwZ
wcq eyMY,
WvqvewUm mY wbgj Kivi Rb (Avgvi wb`kbv gZv) wbP Dj
wLZ GMviwU nvwgIcvw_K Jla meb Kiyb| Avgvi cYxZ GB digjvwU
Abymib Kij kZKiv 95 fvM WvqvewUm ivMx cyivcywi WvqvewUm gy
neb ej Avwg Avkvev`x| hw`I wKQy ivMx cyivcywi WvqvewUmgy
neb bv ; ZviciI Zviv Ab h-Kvb wPwKmv cwZi PvBZ AZ `kMyY
fvjv iRv cveb| cwZwU Jla Avcwb cwZevi gv GK mvn Ki Lveb|
GBfve JlaMywj PKvKvi Nywiq wdwiq evi evi Lveb (A_v 11 bv
^vi JlawU LvIqvi ci Avevi 1 bv^vi _K GKB wbqg LvIqv kyiy Kieb)|
Avcbvi myMvi jfj hw` AbK ekx nq, Ze w`MyY gvvq Jla LZ cvib
(A_v 20 dvUv Ki)| Abw`K wk-wKkvi`i L 5 dvUv Ki LvIqvZ
cvib, hw` Zv`i myMvi jfj AbK Kg _vK ; Ze Abvb wbqg-Kvbybi
Kvb cwieZb cqvRb bvB| nvu, mKj nvwgIcvw_K JlaB Lvwj cU
LvIqv fvjv ; Ze Lvwj cU LZ fyj Mj fiv cUI LZ cvib| GB
nvwgIcvw_K JlaMyjv Ab h-Kvb Jlai mv_ GK LZ cvieb (nvK
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Zv UvejU, Kvcmyj ev BbRKkvb) ; ZvZ Kvb mgmv ne bv| Ze AekB
WvqvewUmi Ab JlaMyjvi Avav Nv AvM A_ev Avav Nv ci Lveb|
WvqvewUmi h_ DbwZ nj Ab JlaMyjvi gvv Kwgq AaK Ki w`b
Ges myMvi jfj bigvj Pj Avmj mB JlaMywj cyivcywi e Ki w`b|
Rvgvbx ev AvgwiKvi Zix nvwgIcvw_K Jla Kbvi Pv Kieb|
GB GMviwU Jlai h-KvbwUK Avcwb ev` w`q w`Z cvib, hw` gb Kib
h, mwU Kvb KvR (DcKvi) KiQ bv A_ev AbvKvwOLZ mgmvi (hgb-
eyKRvjv, PzjKvwb, e_v, hbkw ew BZvw`) mw KiQ A_ev vbxq
gvKU cvIqv hvQ bv| Aewk Jlawj Zv`i c` wmwiqvj ev avivg
Abyhvqx LZ _vKzb| Jlai kw Ges gvv mcK Avgvi wb`kbv
cwieZb Kieb bv| Ze Avgvi wb`wkZ kw vbxq gvKU cvIqv bv
Mj Avcwb Zvi KvQvKvwQ (Ges evRvi cvIqv mePq wbZg) kwi Jla
LZ cvib| nvwgIcvw_K Jlai kwKiY wKD (Q) -K ejv nq gv`vi
wUsPvi, A_vr mePq wbZg kw A_vr GK ev kY| Avgiv mevB Rvwb
h, wbkwi (like Q, 3X, 6X, 12X, 30X, 200X, 3C, 6C, 12C, 3, 6, 12 etc)
nvwgIcvw_K Jlai cvk-cwZwqv LyeB Kg, bvB ejjB Pj| Gme Jlai
KvbwU hw` Zij AvKvi cvIqv bv hvq, eis Zvi cwieZ ewo AvKvi cvIqv,
Ze Zv wY gvvq Lvb A_vr `k dvUvi cwieZ wekwU ewo Ki Lvb| Jla
me mgq Zij AvKvi Kbvi Pv Kieb Ges wKQy cvwbi mv_ wgwkq
Lveb| Kbbv nvwgIcvw_K Jla Zij AvKvi Lj fvjv dj cvIqv hvq|
A wKQ ivMxi cyivcywi ivMgywi Rb (Avgvi digyjv Abyhvqx Jla
mebi cvkvcvwk) Kvb GKRb nvwgIcvw_K wekli civgk wbZ nZ
cvi ; whwb ivMxi kvixwiK I gvbwmK MVb weklY ceK Aviv DrK I
gvbvbmB Jla wbevPb Ki cqvM Kieb| cyivcywi ivMgywi Rb GB
Jlawj AvcbvK Kgc GK _K `yB eQi A_ev AviI ekx wKQy mgq LZ
nZ cvi| Bbkvqvjjvn& Avgvi digyjv Avcbvi kixiK welgy Ki Zvi AvMKvi fvj
Aenvq wdwiq wbq hve (Ges djmwZZ gZzi ce chZ AvcbvK
Avi WvqvewUmi Jla LZ ne bv)| Avcwb hLb WvqvewUm (Ges
WvqvewUmi mv_ mcwKZ Abvb ivM) _K gy nq hveb, ZLb
nVvr Ki GB Jlajv LvIqv e Ki w`eb bv| eis axi axi Jlai gvv Kwgq
Kwgq (hgb- 10 dvUvi ci 5 dvUv Zvici 2 dvUv) Zvici cyivcywi e Ki
w`b| (wet `t- Lv` Ges evqvg msvZ wbqgKvbyb AekB gb Pjeb|)
{WvqvewUmi KviY `i Kiv t- Jla Lq WvqvewUm `i Kivi cvkvcvwk
AvcbvK WvqvewUm AvvZ nIqvi gyj KviYjv `i Kivi RbI wKQ Jla
LZ ne| (1) Avcwb hw` eo aibi Kvb gvbwmK AvNvZi (hgb- cg
28/08/13 Diabetes and its permanent cure with homeopathic medicines | Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias' s Blog 11/26
e_Zv, AvcbRbi gZz, ZvjvK, PvKwi nvivbv BZvw`) KviY
WvqvewUm AvvZ nb, Ze bUvg wgDwiqwUKvg 1000 kwZ
(Natrum muriaticum 1M) GK gvv (A_vr GK dvUv ev `kwU ewo) Jla Lvb,
Zvi GKgvm weiwZi ci bUvg wgDwiqwUKvg 10,000 kwZ (Natrum
muriaticum 10M) GK gvv (A_vr GK dvUv ev `kwU ewo) Jla Lvb Ges ZviI
GKgvm weiwZi ci bUvg wgDwiqwUKvg 50,000 kwZ (Natrum
muriaticum 50M) GK gvv (A_vr GK dvUv ev `kwU ewo) Jla Lvb| (2)
Avcwb hw` wUKv (vaccine) bIqvi KviY (A_vr Avcbvi hw` ekx ekx
wUKv bIqvi Afvm _vK) KviY WvqvewUm AvvZ nb, Ze _yRv
AwWUvwjm 1000 kwZ (Thuja occidentalis 1M) GK gvv (A_vr GK
dvUv ev `kwU ewo) Jla Lvb, Zvi GKgvm weiwZi ci _yRv AwWUvwjm
10,000 kwZ (Thuja occidentalis 10M) GK gvv (A_vr GK dvUv ev `kwU
ewo) Jla Lvb Ges ZviI GKgvm weiwZi ci _yRv AwWUvwjm 50,000
kwZ (Thuja occidentalis 50M) GK gvv (A_vr GK dvUv ev `kwU ewo)
Jla Lvb| (3) hw` Avcbvi WvqvewUmi cvwievwiK / eskMZ BwZnvm _vK
(A_vr Avcbvi cwievii AbK m`m hw` WvqvewUm AvvZ nq _vK),
Ze wmwdwjbvg 1000 kwZ (Syphilinum 1M) GK gvv (A_vr GK dvUv
ev `kwU ewo) Jla Lvb, Zvi GKgvm weiwZi ci wmwdwjbvg 10,000 kwZ
(Syphilinum 10M) GK gvv (A_vr GK dvUv ev `kwU ewo) Jla Lvb Ges ZviI
GKgvm weiwZi ci wmwdwjbvg 50,000 kwZ (Syphilinum 50M) GK gvv
(A_vr GK dvUv ev `kwU ewo) Jla Lvb| (4) hw` Avcbvi hv ev nvucvwb
ivMi cvwievwiK / eskMZ BwZnvm _vK (A_ev NbNb mw`-Kvwk nIqvi
Afvm _vK), Ze evwmwjbvg 1000 kwZ (Bacillinum 1M) GK gvv (A_vr
GK dvUv ev `kwU ewo) Jla Lvb, Zvi wZb gvm weiwZi ci evwmwjbvg
10,000 kwZ (Bacillinum 10M) GK gvv (A_vr GK dvUv ev `kwU ewo)
Jla Lvb Ges ZviI wZb gvm weiwZi ci evwmwjbvg 50,000 kwZ
(Bacillinum 50M) GK gvv (A_vr GK dvUv ev `kwU ewo) Jla Lvb|
WvqvewUmi KviY `i Kivi Dciv PviwU Jlai h-KvbwU AekB wZb
gvvi ekx Lveb bv| GB Jlajv Avcwb h-Kvb mgq LvIqv i KiZ cvib ;
Ze AekB Ab Kvb Jlai mv_ GK Lveb bv ; eis Ab Jlai GK Nv
AvM A_ev GK Nv ci Lveb| }
[Bnv GKwU cgvwYZ mZ h, GKRb nvwgIcvw_K wekl wPwKrmKB
Kej WvqvewUm cyivcywi wbg~j Kivi LgZv ivL| wK mviv cw_exZ
h-cwigvY WvqvewUm ivMx AvQ, mB Zzjbvq nvwgIcvw_K
kvwji msLv LyeB bMY| GB KviY Avwg nvwgIcvw_K gZ wbR
wbR WvqvewUmi wPwKrmv-Gi GKwU digyjv Zix KiwQ, hv GB
wecyj msLK WvqvewUmi fzfvMx`iK h_ mnvqZv Kie Ges Kvb
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LwZ Kie bv| GRb c_g AvgvK nvRvi nvRvi nvwgIcvw_K Jlai ga
Ggb wKQz Jla LyRu ei KiZ nqQ, hv`i WvqvewUm wbivgq cej
KvhLgZv AvQ Ges Abw`K cvk-cwZwqv LyeB Kg| Zvici Zv`iK
Ggbfve wmwiqvj Abyhvqx avivevwnKfve mvRvZ nqQ, hvZ GKwU Jla
AbwUi mv_ wiqKkvb bv Ki Ges GKwU Jla Zvi c~ei Jlai GKkvbK
b Kie bv| mwZ ejZ wK, WvqvewUm Kvb GKwU GKK ivM bq, eis ejv
hvq GwU AbKjv ivMi mgw (A_vr Avwg ejZ PvwQ h, AbKjv
ivM/wU/weKwZ mwwjZfve WvqvewUmi mw Ki _vK)| GB
KviY, GKRb nvwgIcvw_K Wvvii cqvRb gvbeZvi GB fqi `ykgbi
wei hyi mgq Zvi nvZ _vKv mKj cKvi A cqvM Kiv| Avgvi GB
digyjv AbymiY Kivi KviY hw` WvqvewUmi mv_ mv_ Avcbvi Abvb
ivMI (hgb- DP iPvc, nvcuvwb, g`fwo, evZi mgmv, wKWbx ivM,
`ivM, vqweK ivM BZvw`) mi hvq, Ze wewZ neb bv| Kbbv
Avgv`i rwc, dzmdzm, wjfvi, wKWbx, gwZ, cvKjx, vqy, nigvb
Mw, i, hbv, PvL, nvo BZvw` A-cZi Ici GB GMviwU Jlai
AbK BwZevPK cfve AvQ| Avjjvn&&i KiYv Avgv`i mKji Ici ewlZ
nDK |
AbKB Avgvi wbKU B-gBj A_ev dvb Ki RvbZ Pvb h, GB
nvwgIcvw_K Jlajv wKfve msMn Kiv hve| cKZcL&L GB
GMviwU nvwgIcvw_K Jla njv GKevi mvaviY / ej cPwjZ nvwgI Jla|
h-Kvb nvwgIcvw_K dvgmx _KB Avcwb Gjv msMn KiZ cvib|
Avgvi Rvbv gZ, cw_exi QvU-eo mgZ kniB nvwgIcvw_K Jla cvIqv
hvq| hw` Avcbvi GjvKvq cvIqv bv hvq, Ze BUvibUi gvag AWvi w`qI
cw_exi wewfb nvwgIcvw_K Jla cZKvix Kvvbxi KvQ _K
msMn KiZ cvib|
GMviwU Jlai ZvwjKv t-
(1) GwmWvg dmdwiKvg wKD (Acidum Phosphoricum Q)
(GB nvwgIcvw_K JlawU 10 dvUv Ki ivR wZb ejv Ki c_g mvn
Lvb| Avav Mvm cvwbi mv_ wgwkq)
(2) wRgbgv wmjfmUv wKD (Gymnema sylvestra Q)
(GB nvwgIcvw_K JlawU 10 dvUv Ki ivR wZb ejv Ki wZxq mvn
Lvb| Avav Mvm cvwbi mv_ wgwkq)
(3) gvMbwkqv mvjwdDwiKv wKD (Magnesia sulphurica Q)
(GB nvwgIcvw_K JlawU 10 dvUv Ki ivR wZb ejv Ki ZZxq mvn
Lvb| Avav Mvm cvwbi mv_ wgwkq)
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(4) mvwbwKDjv wKD (Sanicula Q)
(GB nvwgIcvw_K JlawU 10 dvUv Ki ivR wZb ejv Ki PZz_ mvn
Lvb| Avav Mvm cvwbi mv_ wgwkq)
(5) wgDi cviwcDwiqv wKD (Murex purpurea Q)
(GB nvwgIcvw_K JlawU 10 dvUv Ki ivR wZb ejv Ki cg mvn Lvb|
Avav Mvm cvwbi mv_ wgwkq)
(6) GwmWvg wcwKvg wKD (Acidum Picricum Q)
(GB nvwgIcvw_K JlawU 10 dvUv Ki ivR mKvj Ges `ycyi `yB ejv
Ki l mvn Lvb| Avav Mvm cvwbi mv_ wgwkq)
(7) KvjKwiqv dmdwiKv wKD (Calcarea Phosphorica Q)
(GB nvwgIcvw_K JlawU 10 dvUv Ki ivR wZb ejv Ki mg mvn Lvb|
Avav Mvm cvwbi mv_ wgwkq)
(8) wmwRwRqvg Rgevm wKD (Syzygium Jambos Q)
(GB nvwgIcvw_K JlawU 10 dvUv Ki ivR wZb ejv Ki Ag mvn Lvb|
Avav Mvm cvwbi mv_ wgwkq)
(9) AvRUvg gUvwjKvg wKD (Argentum metallicum Q)
(GB nvwgIcvw_K JlawU 10 dvUv Ki ivR wZb ejv Ki beg mvn Lvb|
Avav Mvm cvwbi mv_ wgwkq)
(10) AvmwbKvg evgUvg wKD (Arsenicum Bromatum Q)
(GB nvwgIcvw_K JlawU 10 dvUv Ki ivR wZb ejv Ki `kg mvn Lvb|
Avav Mvm cvwbi mv_ wgwkq)
(11) AvqvwWqvg wKD (Iodium Q)
(GB nvwgIcvw_K JlawU 10 dvUv Ki ivR wZb ejv Ki GMviZg mvn
Lvb| Avav Mvm cvwbi mv_ wgwkq| Gici c~Yivq GK bv^vi Jla _K GKB
wbqg LvIqv Avif Kib|)

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Re:Dr Udaya & diabetes type I By: udaya kumar
August 10 2010
All the medicines and process mentioned by the Homeopath are good
enough. I have been explaining the same thing differently. I will explain you
once again. The Sycotic is one of the major three miasms espounded by
Dr. Hahnemann which is nothing but a Vata Constitution. that is a
predisposition to receiving ailments which are indurative or tumorous. A
tumor is manifested and seen by us when it surfaces on the skin which is
matured form of tumor. Whereas a tumor can be lying hidden in the body
as a predisposition i..e. a suscieptibility to have indurations or tumors within
the cells of the body which in turn would be lying dorment or activated or in
damaged form in the genetic code itself as a genetic mutation or as a
simple prdisposition. This is further damaged or aggravated or disturbed by
foreign agents which are artificially induced into the body by way of
medicines containing chemicals in crude form or medicines containing
toxins which have not adequately processed for assimilation into the
system or Vaccinations which directly damage the very genetic structure
which cater for the endocrine glands. The net result is modern ailments in
various intensity. For the past few centuries these were happening at a
milder pace and with the addition of more and more ailments more and
more medicines of toxic and side effect value are used as life savers
further deteriorating the condition from generation to generation. The last
few generations these damages to the genes had manifested as blood
pressure, diabetis and fall outs of the pressure as heart ailments,
pancreatic ailments, liver ailments etc. which gradually developed to kill the
person at an age around more than 70 years or so suffering Tumors or
Cancers etc.
But now the intensity of the ailment has shifted to the Juvenile days itself
and the child not able to withstand thease onslaughts start suffering from
various kinds of brain diseases, various damages to sense organs like ear
and eyes, autism, aspergers, dystonia, dylexia, gluten, lactose and many
other kinds of assimilation problems which are grossely named as
allergies and further chemicals ingested in the name of curing them.
Further these damages to the seed perculates into the whole human tree
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i.,e. the complete system and the fall outs would be many many kinds of
infections, iaddisons, ulcerative colitis, krohn's, multiple fibroids, cysts,
ovary syndromes, interference with hormones, pheochromocytomas,
angiomas, lipomas, carsinomas, schwannometosis, fibrosis,
nerofibrometosis, epilepsy,Hypo and Hyper thyroidisms, atrophes and
dystrophes, myoclonic and myalgias, sclerosis of various kinds (mercury
is the cause) restless syndromes, panic attacks, and innumerable other
modern diseases.
In order to correct this what we need is to arrest the progress of the
deterioration in the genes itself and to reverse the damages from
vaccination. Thuja 30 is sufficient to do this 1M and 10M and 50M may not
be necessary. Thereafter reverse the adrinal damage by using Natrum Mur
30 is sufficient here also, and the diabetis will not set in , in people who
have not reached that stage and for those who have reached that stage
where the damage has descended from the adrinals to the pacrease,
diabetis would have started and for them also the natrum mur used for a
period of time after Thuja will arrest the progress of the ailment.
You belong to the third stage where the ailment has descended to the
pancrease where specific medicine for pancrease is necessary to the
correct the problem and reverse the damages. Here all those medicines
which have been mentioned in series by the homeopath are of value and
has to be used according to symptoms prveailing in each person or as
uniform medicine for all. Like Syzegium Jambolanum for e.g. is effective in
most of the case of Diabetis. In many cases of diabetis Arsenic Album has
been found very effective. ALL OF THE MEDICINES CERTAINLY ARE
NOT NECESSARY. The method used by the homeopath is that he uses all
medicines strongly indicated against Diabetis after the clean slate after
Thuja and Natrum Mur are obtained for treating diabetis further. Out of this
all the medicines some are surely going to cure and some may give some
mild adverse symptoms and some others will go to the toilet without
showing any signs however long they are used. In fact, it is only a short
cut, one medicine for all in combination used separately. Which is an
allopathic technique of hit and trial. But it will work. Using medicines at high
potency needs a proper evaluation of the depth of the ailment and the
strength of the patient to endure.
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You may experiment with those medicines. Most of them are not harmful.
But then it depends from individual to individual how they respond to each
medicine and that is where individual day to day evaluation is required or a
doctors presence and supervision or consultation on regular basis is
required. With best wishes.
Over and above this there is always the Diabetis, Blood Pressure factor as
the Adrinal Gland is the first casuality.
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Re: [Minutus] Diabetes and its miraculous medicines [1 Attachment]
I like to know similar notes on Tachycardia (Sinus tachycardia)

Actually tachycardia still has not broken out like a super epidemic (like
diabetes) !!! in that case i will also spend some of my time for tachycardia
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
Forwarded Message -
Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Mon, January 3, 2011 11:06:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Dahuk]: Diabetes and its miraculous medicines
28/08/13 Diabetes and its permanent cure with homeopathic medicines | Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias' s Blog 17/26
Dear Dr Ellias,
How did you come up with this prescription plan and what makes you think
that it works the way you have described?
What is your academic/educational qualification?
If your claim is verifiably true with enough research, studies, trials and data,
it can be a remarkable achievement in treating diabetes.
90% cure rate raises question in my mind. Do you extensive trials and data
to substantiate your claim?
Sent from my iPhone
Dear Rezaul vai,
Homeopathic physicians are curing diabetes for last two centuries. But
people are not aware of this fact because the homeopathic physicians and
homeopathic pharmaceutical companies are unable to spend billion dollars
to propagate this truth (money is the problem !!). As the proportion of the
number of homeopathic specialist in the whole world in comparison with
the number of diabetic patients is very tiny, Thats why I have developed a
which will help these vast number of suffering people and will not harm
them. I have just stated in simple language the policy of the homeopathic
physicians usualy adopted in curing diabetes (their mostly used medicines,
their prescribing style, their favorite potencies, their recommended dose
etc etc). If you enquire a homeo specialist with sufficient practicing
experience, you will get the report of many diabetic cure. 100% diabetic
patients are fully curable if they remain under homeo expert from very
begining. But those diabetic patients who have damaged their system a
great deal have 99% possibilty of a full cure and certainly will need
homeopathic care for longer time.
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warm regards
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
Homoeopathic Doctor
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Re: Diabetes and its miraculous medicines [1 Attachment]
LOLLOLand I would like similar notes for every pathological condition
keeping out emotional builtupwink!!!
thanks for your winking !! as far as i know, many homeopathic physicians
(and undoubtedly all allopathic physicians) believe that diabetes is largely a
biological/ physiological disease. so at least for a certain time period, we
can neglect the mental make-up of a diabetic patient. Look docs ! we need
to save the body first and then we will try for the soul.
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
Re: Diabetes and its miraculous medicines
Alaswhat I had thought of Bengali doctors and what they are!!!
I remember back in 1965, we had a bengali health minister in the
then West Pakistan. He alongwith, Dr. Masood of Masood Pharma of
and Mureed Hussain Shah of Sialkot, gave us the Practitioners Act of 1965,
is still in force, though it requires a little overhauling. But Bashir Bhai,
what you are advocating it does not seem to be homoeopathy, but it is
more akin
to Fortune Telling. How can you decide that the second dose of Natrum
Mur would
be needed, besides so manny other queries which I leave to the rest of the
worthy members.
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From:Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias (
Sent:Wed 9/29/10 12:12 PM
Re: [Minutus] Diabetes and its miraculous medicines
Dear Zaidee,
Homeopathy follows so precisely developed theories that a real
homeopathic specialist can foretell many things about diseases and
patients with perfect accuracy. Many a times a homeo specialist can
guess the real disease and the real cause of that disease from a single
stare at the patient, what will be the result of a diseases homeopathic and
allopathic treatment, what diseases a patients parents have and what
diseases will his kids have by birth, what the effects and side-effects of a
given medicine would be seen, in which age a certain guy will be affected
with which diseases, he knows how diseases are produced and travel
through different routes and transforms to other dieases and go to other
organs (body to mind and mind to body), he knows and uses human
psychology better than a psychiatrist, he could produce any disease on
someones body if he wish etc etc. And such a knowledgeable guy is
certainly like fortune teller !!! There are many theories in homeopathy
which apparently seem very peculiar and absurd but in clinical practice
they proved to be 100% true. Few years ago, I heard the story of a great
homeopathic physician (of kolkata, india) that everyday before entering his
chamber he try to understand the weather & humidity of the air. After that
he prescribes same medicine to his hundreds of patients of all diseases
for whole day. He gives NATRUM SULPH in wet weather and NUX VOMICA
in dry weather and surprisingly 95% of his patients are reported to be cured
of their respective diseases ! I read in the books of Dr. Kent (american
homeopathic scientist) that one of his patient, at the age of his 48 years,
has become a robust guy after taking three doses homeopathic medicine
who was like a skeleton in his entire life ! I also read in the books of Dr.
Nilmomi Ghatak (of kolkata, india) that one of his patients, a 80 years old
lady, had regained her all 32 teeth after taking a rightly selected homeo
medicine (all of which were fallen many decades ago) ! I believe every
physician who have learned and practiced homeopathy extensively have
many many amazing experiences. I have never meet a single example
from our great homeopathic scientists case studies that chronic
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symptomatology (or inveterate underlying causes or predispositions) has
been fully cured from a single dose. In most of the cases, they need at
least three doses with gradual higher potency.
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
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Re: [Minutus] Diabetes and its miraculous medicines [1 Attachment]
I wouldnt rule out trying this protocol. Certainly cheaper than seeing Dr.
Ramakirshnan at $300 US and possibly yields better results.
After 2 months on Sulphur 200C weekly, I can vouch that repeating same
potencies can be disasterous ! I thought it was the end of the road when
the last dose became an overdose. Havent had that violent a reaction
since my first LM overdose. My poor vital force, I felt it was damaged
irreparably ! Anyone who thinks homeopathy is safe better think again !
Its fortunate I have some idea what to do and took my constitutional to stop
the Sulphur action, after a few doses finally got back to some sembliance
of normal. Plus Ive taken it 5th Organnon style, water dosing and
succussing each dose vs Dr Ramakrishnans dry repeat.
As for potencies, Ive found 200C works on the physical level much better
than 1M. Diabetes would seem to be a physical plane illness and I havent
felt my constitutional at 1M do much while 200C does work great, Ive been
taking once/week and not sure what may happen taking 200C weekly in
water vs. LMs but Ill soon find out ! Still no diabetes cure, though brief
relief, but you never know !
Repeating same potencies can never be disasterous ! Our great
homeopathic scientists were divided into two groups :- one group always
used high potencies with one month to two years interval and other group
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always used lower/lowest potencies with ten minutes to several hours
interval. You can read their case history books. Even Hahnemann (the
inventor of homeopathic medical science) had spent his whole life
practicing with the lowest potencies like Q, 3, 6, 12 etc.
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
Veronique BOUAN
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Re: [Minutus] Diabetes and its miraculous medicines [1 Attachment]
Does Q means LM potencies ?
In homeopathic potencies, Q means mother tincture, that means the
lowest potency (that means one or zero).
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
Shannon Nelson
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Re: [Minutus] Diabetes and its miraculous medicines
Technical questionthe last mentioned is Argentum metallicum (silver) Q.
What exactly would Q potency of silver (a metal) be? Id have thought it
needed to go thru at least a few titrations to become soluble?
From:sattar uzzaman samim (
Sent:Fri 9/17/10 5:23 AM
To: Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias (
28/08/13 Diabetes and its permanent cure with homeopathic medicines | Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias' s Blog 22/26
dear bashir vai..
i cunt remember that where we introduce past..whatever i absolutely salute
your great humanitycause u use information technology to helping
people, this type of example is rare in our surrounding society(when we
see the doctor cut patient nick, in our poor country) so i respect u..from the
angle of doctor..also as human. if you feel that i can help you any how..pls
dont wait to call or mail me..i should inform or suggest it to my surrounding
people who is suffered a longpls keep it continue to this type of
information allah apner ihojagotik ebong parojagotik jiban sundor o
sukher korun
thanks again
mr. samim
rampura dhaka..

From:Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias (

Sent:Sat 09/18/10 7:21 AM
To: sattar uzzaman samim (
Samim vai,
thanks for your appreciation. really its a very hard job for me to reach this
nice treatise to all suffering people. if we could do this, inshallah
innumerable people would have derived great benefit from this protocol.
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
From:Julekha Begum (
Sent:Fri 9/19/10 8:23 AM
To: Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias (
dear dr. Bashir,
Thanks for mailing me a good thing. would u please tell me that whether i
have to stop allopathic or herbal medicines if i take these homeopathic
medicines ?
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Julekha Begum

From:Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias (

Sent:Sat 09/20/10 4:21 PM
To: Julekha Begum (
Dear Julekha,
You can take these homeopathic medicines along with other allopathic or
herbal medicines (whether they may be tablet, capsule or injection). It will
not cause any trouble. But it is better to take all homeopathic medicines
half an hour before or after other medicines. You should reduce the dose of
other diabetic medicines to half when your diabetic condition has
sufficiently improved and totally stop all those rubbish medicines when the
sugar level comes to normal.
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
From: Dr. DHMS
Sent: Tue, September 14, 2010 10:21:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Minutus] Diabetes and its miraculous medicines
Why the protocol is changed today? earlier you advocated 9 remedies for 9
weeks with a different way, to treat the disease. Would you like to change it
at every interval of one or two months? which one protocol is right in your
From:Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias (
Sent:Wed 9/29/10 12:12 PM
Re: [Minutus] Diabetes and its miraculous medicines
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I have upgraded my FORMULA. So you can follow the old version or the
latest upgraded version. Their results will vary very little. But I think
upgraded version (i.e. 11 medicines) will give little better result. This
protocol would become more perfect if I could have spent more time on it.
But certainly I will not be able to do that. Because there are millions of
topics to think and research. I know, Some homeopathic doctors will
disdain my FORMULA (for their shallow knowledge) regarding it
unhomeopathic. (At first I must agree that my was FORMULA made for the
patients and not for the doctors.) I do agree that my protocol is MORE
brother of homeopathy. Many homeopathic scientists have extensively
practised organopathy. When we fail to collect the total symptoms, we got
no options except following organopathic principles. I will request all
homeopathic doctors to read and follow british homeopathic scientist Dr. J.
C. Burnett (M.D.) and thus we will be free from our narrow-sightedness
about homeopathic medical science. I am sure, no homeopathic doctor
would dare to claim that he/she understood homeopathy more than
Burnett. Well, peoples have accepted my FORMULA and are appreciating
it and Im pleased.
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
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Re: [Minutus] Diabetes and its miraculous medicines
OKAY! then what to do with Ars Brom which is available in 4ch=Q and Arg
met, the mother tincture of which is perhaps never prepared ?
Thanks for your answer but you didnt say anything for the chnage in
protocol as regards to the weekly shcdule of medicine. e.g. in your first
protocol at third week Senecio was prescribed and now Mag Sul and so on
for Sanicula which was at 9th week whereas it is in 4th week now. Does it
have any significant value by changing their week wise routine ?
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From:Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias (
Sent:Wed 9/29/10 12:12 PM
Re: [Minutus] Diabetes and its miraculous medicines
Serialization of some homeopathic medicines are really a very tough job
according to homeopathic principles ; because we need to think about
many options in this regards. As for example, are these (nearest two)
medicines complementary to each other or inimical ? will this medicine
antidote others action ? which medicine will follow which medicine well ?
what is the prime action of a specific homeopathic medicine on our body ?
which medicines will cover which side of diabetes and how ? etc etc. yea, i
may make further change in the serial of these medicines until i am not
fully satisfied. you can collect the latest version of this protocol from my
website (
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
Subject: diabetes question
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 08:50:28 -0400
Dear Dr. Ellias, Thank you for your information about diabetes. I have two
children that are diabetic one was diagnosed at 2 years old. He is now 15
years old. The other was diagnosed at 16. He is now 19 years old. I believe
that vaccines triggered the diabetes, but it is also in our family, as my
brother and cousin have it. What high potency remedy do you suggest, or
both for vaccine and genetics? Thank you so much for trying to help us
with this disorder. We are very hopeful. Mary Coyle
Do the kids take ALL 11 remedies each day (once a day) for one week, and
then stop?
All the rules and regulations are same for the kids and teens but you can
reduce the dose to 5 drops. Potency need not to be changed.
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Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias

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