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2 theSun | THURSDAY JUNE 18 2009

news without borders

Good judges don’t delay decisions, says CJ

PUTRAJAYA: A judge who has difficulty
making a decision as soon as possible is not a
a case, calling for defence, making the decision
at the end of trial or writing grounds of judg-
oughly. On the other hand, extreme delay can
be damaging to all concerned, whether to the
convictions and death sentences after ruling
that based on the facts of the case, the delay by
good judge, Chief Justice Tun Zaki Tun Azmi ment, may cause injustice. prosecution or the defence,” he said. the trial judge in calling them for the defence
said in the Federal Court yesterday. Zaki made these remarks over the delay of Zaki said in the case before the court yester- had not caused any injustice.
He said one of the factors in considering the five years and five months by a High Court judge day, the Court of Appeal, in upholding the three The appeal was dismissed, he said.
ability of a good judge is how up-to-date he is to decide to call for the defence of Ghazalee men’s convictions and death sentences for drug Ghazalee, 39, Mohamad Junaidi, 38, and
with his grounds of judgment, and trial judges Kassim and Mohamad Junaidi Hussin, both trafficking, had correctly analysed the grounds of Mohd Salleh, 38, were jointly charged under
should make their decisions as early as possible unemployed, and Mohd Salleh Yunos, a taxi judgment of the trial judge and rightly concluded section 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act
and thereafter write their grounds of judgment. driver, who were charged with trafficking 50kg that the delay had not caused injustice to them. 1952 with trafficking in 50,650gm of cannabis at
“In fact, in cases involving death penalties, of cannabis nine years ago. He reminded trial judges that this case was the Merlin Inn parking lot on Jalan Tenteram,
where every conviction will definitely be ap- He said, however, a reasonable time must not to be taken as precedent for an excuse to Johor Baru, at 11.45am on April 29, 2000.
pealed against by the convicted person right be allowed to enable a judge to weigh the take too much time to decide and write their They took the case to the Federal Court
up to the apex court, there is no reason why the evidence, and check and read the law. grounds of judgment. after the Court of Appeal last year upheld their
trial judges should not write their grounds even “A decision made in a rush is also not a Zaki, who sat with Federal Court justices convictions and death sentences imposed by
before delivering their decisions,” he said. good decision lest the judge has not properly Datuk Hashim Yusoff and Datuk Wira Mohd High Court judge Datuk Abdul Wahab Patail
He said any delay, whether in commencing considered the factual and legal issues thor- Ghazali Mohd Yusoff, then upheld the trio’s on Jan 9, 2007. – Bernama

Nizar: Where’s the

written judgment?
KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat (PR)’s Perak
Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar
Jamaluddin lamented that “PR is forced to
submit an appeal to the Federal Court on the
status of the Perak mentri besar based on the
Court of Appeal’s five-minute oral judgment”.
“The Court of Appeal had made a quick
decision to reverse the High Court’s ruling which
found me to be the legitimate mentri besar. We
will appreciate if the written grounds of judgment
from the Court of Appeal is produced fast.
“The Court of Appeal had promised to
produce the written judgment in seven days
after the hearing on May 22 and my lawyers Penang
had also sent three letters to get the written
judgment so that we can file our appeal.
has lost
“Until today, we have not received anything many of
and we have to submit our application latest its talents
tomorrow as the 30-day deadline for appealing
to the Federal Court expires on Monday.
pg 7
“How are we going to frame our questions
without the written grounds of judgment? I
have difficulty reading what was in the minds
of the (Court of Appeal) judges when they
gave me a five-minute oral judgment,” he told
reporters in Parliament lobby yesterday.
On accusations that his show of protest Policing coastal
during his swearing-in ceremony as MP on
Monday was an act of hooliganism, Nizar said:
“There are more Barisan Nasional MPs who
waters ... Police
demonstrate the use of
Open balloting system for
acted rowdy, including insulting their female
the Watercat M14 boats
at Kuantan yesterday.
Six additional boats
waste disposal contracts
“I had only chanted hidup rakyat (long live by Tim Leonard of the total expenditure of local councils.
were handed over to the
the people) and bubar DUN (dissolve the state He said the contracts will be awarded based
Marine Operations Force
assembly). Was that an act of hooliganism?” on the 24 zones under each local council and each
for crime prevention.
SHAH ALAM: The Selangor government has contractor could receive jobs valued at between
agreed on an open balloting system for the ap- RM20,000 and RM30,000. The contracts will be
pointment of solid waste disposal contractors awarded within a month after the state executive
under various local councils. council works out the contract details with an
Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim audit committee that will be set up soon.
said yesterday the open system would ensure On another matter, Abdul Khalid said he
more transparency and accountability in the way wished Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul
contracts are awarded. Razak understood that public interest must take
“We want contractors who can really do the priority in the water concession issue.
job and this open system will ensure that only The state is locked in a tussle with the federal
companies which are capable get the job.” government over the water concession issue.
He said previously, many of the contractors “We are still having discussions with the
and companies that were awarded contracts (federal) government and I hope the issue can
were linked to politicians and political parties. be solved fast. We are not making a profit as
“Our aim is to have a clear and proper claimed by some parties. We are just doing what
mechanism as we are committed to promoting is best for the people of Selangor,” he said.
accountability and transparency.” The Selangor government wants to take over
Abdul Khalid said the state would also seek the water assets from four concessionaires and
the help of Transparency International of Malaysia fulfil its pledge to the people that water tariffs will
to implement the open system. be lowered by up to 25% in coming years, whilst
He said the value of the solid waste disposal maintaining free first 20 cubic metres of water to
contracts is estimated to account for about 30% households in the state.

Strong support to make SPM English pass a must

» From Front Page When questioned later about plans to
make English a compulsory pass subject in
notion that Malaysia practises an exam-ori- the SPM exam, Muhyiddin said: “God willing
ented system,” Muhyiddin said. we will make a decision on this matter by the
Students and teachers will now have more end of the year.
time to concentrate on co-curricular activi- “So far, about 80% of the feedback we
ties that promotes mind development, critical have received support our stand to make it
thinking, spiritual growth and the develop- compulsory for students to pass the English
ment of human capital, he said, adding that paper in the SPM exam,” he said.
this was in line with the national education Muhyiddin said the government will
philosophy and education policies. conduct a comprehensive study and take
Muhyiddin said the six core subjects of into account the concerns of various parties
Bahasa Malaysia, English, History, Maths, including on the lack of qualified teachers to
Science and Agama/Moral as per the Educa- teach English and the plight of rural students
tion Act would remain compulsory subjects. who are usually weak in the subject.

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