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6œ theSun | THURSDAY JUNE 18 2009

news without borders

A life of service with a loving touch by Karen Arukesamy MRCS national headquarters International Red Cross and Red deputy director Misnan Kasan, Crescent movement – the Henry
55, recalled how, under Lee’s Dunant Medal – last March.
KUALA LUMPUR: More than guidance, care and coaching, he Lee’s old friend and retired
300 people from all walks of life learnt to do voluntary service for minister, Tan Sri Chong Hon
filled St Mary’s Anglican Cathe- the betterment of society. Nyan, said of Lee: “Ruby was a
dral yesterday to pay their last “I have served under the first person who was very conscious
respects to the first Malaysian secretary-general till the cur- of helping the sick, poor and
Red Crescent Society (MRCS) rent seventh one but I have not the needy. Her husband Datuk
secretary-general Datin Paduka seen anyone like her, the way Douglas K.K. Lee, is the same.”
Ruby Lee, who died on Sunday. she dealt with situations and He said in the years that he
Lee, 82, who was diagnosed her loving touch in guiding the had known her since the 1970s,
with breast and melanoma can- members and caring for others,” Lee would not wait for anyone
cer in 2002, worked relentlessly he said. to complete a task but would,
in the organisation for 43 years. “She showed leadership undertake it herself and never
She devoted her life to social through example. This is a great blamed anyone for work un-
service and was hailed for her loss to us and to society. Her done.
leadership qualities as well, memories will remain in our Lee, a daughter-in-law of the
Malaysian Red Crescent Society personnel having been the first secretary- hearts,” Misnan said. late Tun Sir Henry H. S. Lee, Ma-
pay their last respects to the late Ruby Lee general of the society for 31 In appreciation of her serv- laysia’s first finance minister, left
outside the St. Mary’s Anglican Cathedral at years (1965-1996). She joined the ice, Lee was awarded one of behind her husband, three chil-
Jalan Raja yesterday. MRCS in 1953. the highest distinctions in the dren and four grandchildren.

‘Fight crime according

to rule of law’
PETALING JAYA: Gerakan has ment yesterday.
called on the government to pay Citing deaths in police custody
heed to the recommendations as an example, Chang said more
of the Malaysian Human Rights should be done not only to take
Commission (Suhakam) in its action against those who commit
2008 annual report and ensure acts of abuse and torture, but to
that all laws and policies are make sure that such acts are also
adhered to and correctly imple- prevented.
mented. Chang said that in February
Gerakan deputy president and 2005, the then prime minister,
central bureau head of human Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,
rights and law Datuk Chang Ko revealed in Parliament that be-
Youn said efforts to combat crime tween 1990 and 2004, there were
must be in accordance with the 159 deaths in custody.
rule of law. He said even now, we still ap-
He said Suhakam, in its proach the issue in a clandestine
latest annual report tabled in manner.
the Dewan Rakyat on Monday, “In this sense, there has to be
proposed that the police strictly strict conformity to the relevant
adhere to the statutory rights of provisions in the Criminal Pro-
an arrested person under the cedure Code so that the rule of
Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) law is upheld at all times and
and that police personnel must that room for abuse is lessened,”
attend training programmes to he said.
have a better understanding In addition, Chang said police
of how to combat crime but at officers must be educated on the
the same time respect human importance of human rights and
rights. how crime and punishment and
“This is a pressing matter rights can be reconciled.
as there have been many cases Only through this way can
of human rights violation and the police force be effective in
abuse,” said Chang in a state- combating crime, he said.

He said the grants were avail-

able to interested applicants from
briefs non-profit organisations, civil soci-
ety, higher education institutions
from Malaysia, EU member states
or a member state of the European
EU grants for Economic Area. – Bernama
democracy, Police officers
human rights to check
KUALA LUMPUR: The European
Union (EU) has unveiled its latest crime in schools
grants for civil society in the area KUALA LUMPUR: Police offic-
of democracy and human rights ers will be assigned as liaison
worth €300,000 (RM1.47 million). officers for 14 secondary and 36
The grant programme, imple- primary schools here to check
mented in partnership with the criminal activities in schools.
Malaysian Human Rights Com- Dang Wangi police chief ACP
mission (Suhakam), is to help Mohamad Zulkarnain Abdul
strengthen the role of civil society Rahman said the officers would
in promoting human rights and monitor the school compound
democracy with key focus on the and ensure security of areas in
development and training for hu- the vicinity.
man rights professionals, advocacy “The liaison officers will not
and raising awareness in children’s only monitor criminal activities
rights and the rights of indigenous but also participate in social
people. activities organised by schools,”
“We hope these grants will he said after presenting appoint-
serve civil society organisations ment letters to liaison officers
in Malaysia. Our key focus is on for Dang Wangi yesterday.
women, children and indigenous Zulkarnain said the liaison of-
people,” ambassador and head of ficers will visit schools at least
delegation of the European Com- once a week and that schools
mission to Malaysia, Vincent Piket, could contact them directly to
said in a statement yesterday. share information. – Bernama

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